5 The Liberator Zechariah 9:9-12

This Week’s Focus

One of the most famous World War I photographs depicts the British Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby, after defeating the Turks, walking through the Jaffa Gate into a recaptured at noon on Dec. 11, 1917. Allenby was the first Christian in centuries to control Jerusalem. While Allenby’s entry does not even begin to compare to the Messiah’s entry of Jerusalem, this picture leads us to Zechariah’s prophesy that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem, not riding brazenly on a powerful warhorse, but humbly entering in on a donkey. Zechariah (and other ) preached that this Messiah would save people (not just the Hebrews) from every part of the world. Zechariah encouraged his hearers to rejoice greatly at the thought of this promised Messiah.

© LifeWay 2014 28 Explore the | Students Begin by reading through the passage two times. Zechariah 9:9-12 9 Rejoice greatly, Daughter ! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. chariots from Ephraim and the warhorses from10 I Jerusalem,will take away and the the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace u to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. 11 As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit. your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce12 Return that I to will restore twice as much to you.

List the last positive comment or word of encouragement you received that gave you hope.

How did this comment encourage you or motivate you to keep pushing forward?

© LifeWay 2014 Session 5 29 Prophecy of the coming King: - erse In v9, we see that he would ride a donkey, signifying humility. - his T prophecy was recognized by early Christians as signifying ’ triumphal entry; John into 12:15). Jerusalem (Matt. 21:5

Verse 9 What is the reason or cause for the people’s rejoicing?

How is the King described? Who is this referencing?

Verse 10 What does this verse say the Divine Warrior will accomplish?

What is the extent of the coming King’s reign?

© LifeWay 2014 30 Explore the Bible | Students Verse 11 On what basis will the prisoners receive their freedom?

Read Mark 14:24. How does this relate to verse 11? Verse 9 What is the reason or cause for the people’s rejoicing?

Verse 12 How could they be prisoners and still have hope? How is the King described? Who is this referencing?

How is “prisoners who have hope” a fitting description for believers today? Verse 10 What does this verse say the Divine Warrior will accomplish?

What is the extent of the coming King’s reign?

© LifeWay 2014 Session 5 31 Central Truth Jesus is the King who sets the prisoners free.

Now What? When was the last time you shared an encouraging message with someone?

How did the person you shared with respond to your encouragement?

When was the last time you shared the message of Jesus with someone (if ever)?

List the names of 3 people you know who need to hear that Jesus is their Liberator.

© LifeWay 2014 32 Explore the Bible | Students Personal Challenge

Dwell: Much like Zechariah in his day, we have a great message to share in a world that is far from Christ. Zechariah was able to motivate and encourage the Israelites to continue to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed in one of their darkest hours. How did he encourage them? By preaching that the Liberator was coming! He has come and His name is Jesus. Share this good news with someone this week.

Memorize: Zechariah 9:9

Pray: As you pray today, thank the Lord for sending someone Keep on Digging your way with a message of salvation. Pray for that person Read the this today and ask the Lord to week. It is an encouraging story in give you the same boldness a difficult time of ’s history, to share the gospel with the and it will give you a better grasp three people you listed in Now and understanding of the message What? Pray for them by name of Zechariah. and then share the gospel with them.

© LifeWay 2014 Session 5 33