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Click here to download a raw *.mp4 version of this video CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | JUL. 28, 2020, UPDATED AUG. 09, 2020 | PDF | https://tinyurl.com/yap2umng DEEP STATE Member SHADOW MEET THE PILGRIMS MARSHALL PLAN GOVERNMENT POSTER CHIEFS WHO FUNDED THE U.N. Harvard | Yale | Stanford | Oxbridge (Cambridge, Oxford) | Sycophants (BRITISH) TAKEOVER OF AMERICA WITH LEGEND: Some corruptocrat photos in this blog contain NAZI & JAPANESE STOLEN GOLD a stylized Christian Celtic Wheel Cross in the background alongside the text "Corruption Central" meaning we have put the person's conduct Henry L. Stimson, Marshall Plan under the microscope and discovered that he or she is at the center of global corruption. Judge Amy Berman Jackson asserts that Committee; Pilgrims Society it is unambiguously (to her anyway) a rifle cross hair. This shows her woeful ignorance of theology, history, symbology and engineering. It could be many things, but she clearly wanted to see a rifle sight (ask her about her role in Fast and Furious gun running). Others assert equally ignorantly that it is a pagan or white supremacist symbol. This stylized Christian Chi- Rho Cross dates to 312 A.D. when Emperor Constantine adopted the symbol after his history-changing "By this sign, you shall conquer" vision on the Milvian Bridge. A similar Wheel Cross form was widely used in Ireland by the eighth century. The triple entendre indicates that the person's corrupt life, when studied under a microscope, has been found wanting, but that there is hope in Christ if the person repents from his or her wicked ways. It triples as a reticle or graticule built into all sorts of eyepieces in microscopes, oscilloscopes, surveying instruments, astronomy optics, precision pointers, binoculars, etching equipment, and yes, gun sights, but also computer mouse pointers! Therefore, to claim that it could only mean a gun sight, as Judge Jackson did, is truly ignorant. As shown, it is a call to prayer and repentance based upon microscopic observation of the corruptcrat's conduct. For Judge Fig. 1—Henry L. Stimson (b. 1867-d. 1950). Yale Skull & Bones (1885-88); Harvard Law (1889-90); Jackson to use her ignorance of this symbol as the excuse Elihu Root and Clark Law (1891, partner from 1893, Andrew Carnegie lawyer); US Attorney, South to gag Roger Stone's FREE SPEECH right to defend himself is heinous abuse of authority. Chief Justice John https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 1/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

District of New York (1906); Naval Conference (1930-1931); Pilgrims Society (1930-50); New Roberts should censor her immediately. Patriots must York City Bar Association (1937-1938); Secretary of War (1911-13); Secretary of State (1929-1933); demand it. Council on Foreign Relations (1938-1952); Secretary of War (1940-45); The Manhattan Project Bookmark: #stand-with-roger-stone (1940-45); Internment of Japanese Americans (1942-46); Marshall Plan Committee national chairman (1947-48). Photo: Getty Images. For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. ROGER STONE SPEAKS: On Nov. Bookmark: #robert-patterson | https://tinyurl.com/yy7q6trg 18, 2017, Twitter censored New York Times best- selling author Roger Stone completely. Every red-blooded American should be outraged, Republican, Democrat and Independent alike. If Roger's voice is silenced today, yours is next. We Robert P. Patterson, Marshall Plan must break this embargo. Click here to read and share Roger's latest perspectives on the Battle for our Republic, including his responses to his Committee, Pilgrims Society critics (who have not been censored).


PAY-to-PLAY NEW WORLD ORDER This timeline shows how insiders sell access & manipulate politicians, police, intelligence, judges and media to keep their secrets Clintons, Obamas, Summers were paid in cash for outlandish speaking fees and Foundation donations. Sycophant judges, politicians, academics, bureaucrats and media were fed tips to mutual funds tied to insider stocks like Facebook. Risk of public exposure, blackmail, pedophilia, “snuff parties” (ritual child sexual Fig. 2—Robert P. Patterson (b. 1891-d. 1952): Harvard Law (1915); Patterson Belknap Webb & abuse and murder) and Satanism have ensured silence Tyler (1915-1916); Judge, South District of New York (1930-39); Judge, 2nd Circuit (1939-1940); among pay-to-play beneficiaries. The U.S. Patent Office Under Secretary of War (1940-45); The Manhattan Project (1940-45); Secretary of War (1945-47); is their toy box from which to steal new ideas. Marshall Plan Committee chairman (1947-48); New York Bar Association president (1952-); Council on Foreign Relations, president (1952-). Photo: Unknown. For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Bookmark: #edward-lansdale | https://tinyurl.com/y5sceaya Edward G. Lansdale, chief gold thug for Allen W. Dulles, Pilgrims Society/OSS/C.I.A./likely JFK hit-man

Fig. 3—Edward Geary Lansdale. Stimson's and Acheson's go-to plumber used to consolidate the stolen German and Japanese gold, silver, platinum, jewels, gems, paintings and other valuable treasurers. Landsdale arranged the transfers to the Bank of International Settlements (Bern). Allen W. Dulles was the Office of Strategic Sercices (OSS) Bern station chief at Herrengasse No. 23, Bern, Switzerland (ca. 1943-45).

In 1951, Allen W. Dulles, Landsdale's crime boss, was appointed director of the C.I.A. (1951-53) by Harry Truman. The C.I.A. was the successor to the OSS (and therefore British Pilgrims Society / MI6 founded and led). Among its over 30,000 people were many "stay behind" racketeers who were actually working for the Pilgrims Society / MI6 secretly. These stay behinds included many who were notriously known for running private gold smuggling and money-laundering operations. These https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 2/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… criminal operations did not stop when the OSS was formerly disbanned on Sep. 20, 1945 by President Truman by Executive Order 9621. They continue to this day. For example, the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita Brands). Updated Mar. 19, 2014

Lansdale's was attached to the U.S. Army during his OSS work for Donovan and Dulles during WWII. This placed him in the middle of the OSS seizure and transfer of the stolen Nazi and Japanese gold, silver, platinum, art, jewels, diamonds and other treasure, including gold ingots smelted from victims' teeth in the death camps. CONGRESS CONTACT LOOKUP From 1945-1948, after the end of the war, Lansdale was reassigned by the OSS to Air Force intelligence in South East Asia, most especially the Philippines. This was where the Japanese had hidden their stolen gold and other treasures from China and other captured countries in specially constructed caves. According to the Japanese general who oversaw construction of the caves, the engineers and laborers were all murdered to preserve the secrecy of the gold stores. = Universal Toxic Substance Symbol & Warning In 1953, Lansdale started "advising" the French forces in Indo-China, then was transfered to Saigon in 1954-56, during which time he "advised" the South Vietnamese forces, including in psychological FINANCIAL HOLDINGS OF OBAMA POLITICAL Bookmark: #archive operations. His primary role to create Pilgrims Society conflicts in "communist" hot spots in Cuba APPOINTEES, BY AGENCY and Southeast Asia is evident in hindsight. (Remember: Communism was a creation of the British Pilgrims Society in London (PDF) as a way to enslave the masses inside their imperial corporatist new world order) He and Secretary of State Dean Rusk, also a Pilgrim, are materially responsible FOLLOW BY EMAIL for pressing the Vietname War through the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Lyndon B. Johnson was a Pilgrim, Kennedy was not. Email address... Submit Bay of Pigs (Cuba) / JFK assassination. After helping Pilgrims Dulles and Donovan to consolidate the transfer of German and Japanese gold to the Bank for International Settlements in Bern, Lansdale worked as a clandestine officer for the Defense Department (1957-1963) rising to the rank of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations. He was responsible for Operation Mongoose to topple Fidel Castro in Cuba by assassination, invasion (the Bay of Pigs) or other means. BLOG ARCHIVE

The Bay of Pigs failure is said to have inspired President Kennedy to tell a close aide that he was ▼▼ 2020 (7) prepared "to splinter the C.I.A. in thousand pieces and scatter to the winds." Inconclusive, but ▼ July (1) credible, accounts from three Lansdale colleagues put Lansdale in Dealey Plaza, Dallas TX on Nov. ▼ 22, 1963, the day of the assassination of President Kennedy. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & IT... Some of Lansdale's colleagues believe that Lansdale was the C.I.A. agent who coordinated the ► June (1) assasination, perhaps to preserve the Pilgrims Society's Nazi gold secrets at the Bank of ► International Settlements (which would have been destroyed by the break up of the C.I.A.). ►► April (1) ►► March (1) The Bank of International Settlements was the heart of the Stimson-Dulles-Donovan Marshall Plan that used the hoards of stolen gold to help finance their 200-year Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims ►► February (1) Society agenda by enriching their insider group of banks, companies and organizations through ►► January (2) secret Swiss bank accounts. Many of our "blue chip" organizations today were among those 1948 beneficiaries of the secret International Bank of Settlements "loans," including: ►► 2019 (13)

20th Century Fox, ADL, AFL-CIO, AT&T, Bankers Trust, B'nai B'rith, Bristol-Myers, ►► 2018 (21) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Foundation, Carnegie Trust, ►► 2017 (27) CBS, Chamber of Commerce, Chase National Bank, Coca-Cola, Columbia, 2016 (39) Combustion Engineering, Crocker Bank, Federal Reserve, Fidelity, First National, ►► Ford Foundation, GE, General Foods, Gillette, H.J. Heinz, Harvard, IBM, Indiana, ►► 2015 (34) Iowa Grain Growers, J.P. Morgan & Co., Jeep, John Deere, Johns Hopkins, Mallory ► 2014 (26) (now Duracell), Mellon Bank, MIT, Monroe, Motion Picture Association, NAACP, ► National City, NBC, NCR, New York Times, Newsweek, Owens-Corning, Pepsodent, ►► 2013 (28) Pratt and Whitney, Raytheon, RCA, Red Cross, Rhodes Scholars, Russell Sage ►► 2012 (6) Foundation, Rutgers, San Francisco Chronicle, Seagrams, Squibb, Standard Oil, State Street, Sylvania, Teamsters, Temple, Time, Twentieth Century Fund, Universal Pictures, UPenn, USC, Wachovia, Washington Post, Wellseley, Wesson Oil and Snowdrift, Westinghouse, WGBH, Wiremold, Yale. UPDATE MAR. 25, 2014

See DEAN ACHESON Statement. (Dec. 17, 1947). H.R. 480, H.R. 4579, Pt. 1, Dec. 17, 1947 to Feb. 12, 1948, US Foreign Policy For A Post-War Recovery. Marshall Plan funding. U.S. House, 80th FIVE CRITICAL AFI POSTS ON JUDICIAL Cong., 1st and 2nd Sess, pp. 689-694. GPO. COMPROMISE

Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations that were assigned by the Fully updated Mar. 25, 2014 in the wake of Pilgrims Society to the Marshall Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. the Scribd censorship: Marshall.

1. HOW PATENT JUDGES GROW Photo: The Octavian Report. For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. RICH ON THE BACKS OF AMERICAN INVENTORS Patent Office filings are Bookmark: #marshall-plan-scam-audio | https://tinyurl.com/y2borp2l shuffled out the USPTO backdoor to crony lawyers, banks and deep-pocket clients.

American Intelligence Media " Gabriel & 2. WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLACKMAILED into McKibben" Show Audio Interview, Jul. 28, 2020. supporting Obamacare by his ethical Listen to powerful investigative journalism about compromises in Leader v. Facebook? The Marshall Plan: Scam of the Millennia. 3. JUSTICE ROBERTS MENTORED Facebook Gibson Dunn LLP attorneys. 0:00 / 56:54 4. JUSTICE ROBERTS HOLDS substantial Facebook financial interests. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 3/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

Bookmark: #self-anointed-world-masters-scam-audio | https://tinyurl.com/y3g2o87k 5. JUDGE LEONARD STARK FAILED to disclose his Facebook financial interests and American Intelligence Media " Gabriel & his reliance on Facebook's Cooley McKibben" Show Audio Interview, Jul. 30, 2020. Godward LLP attorneys for his appointment. Listen to powerful investigative journalism about The Self-Anointed Masters of Planet Earth: The Pilgrims Society.




WILL HUMANKIND EVER LEARN? Facebook's Orwellian doublespeak about property and privacy (theft) merely repeats the eventual dehumanization of the individual under MAO's Red Star, Stalin's SOVIET Hammer & Cycle and Hitler's NAZI Swastika. Respect for the inalienable rights of each individual is a bedrock value of democracy. The members of Fig. 4—THE ROTHSCHILD PIRBRIGHT VACCINE BIOWEAPON FOOTPRINT. This is only a sampling of the Facebook Cabal abuse this principle at every opportunity. the interlocking relationships among these people and organizations. Sources: Reuters, controlled They evidently believe that they deserve special privileges by the Rothschild bankers, co-founders of the Pilgrims Society (1902); the Rothschilds are the and are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to treat founders of the modern biotech industry. See Nathaniel Mayer (“N.M.”) Victor Rothschild, 3rd themselves to these privileges. GBE GM FRS, The Rothschild Report (UK, 1971); Rothschild’s Biotechnology Investment Limited (BIL), Guernsey Reg. No. 9767, formed Apr. 16, 1981; successor INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC, UK Co. No. 02892872, formed Jan. 31, 1994; Financial Times, 9/9/83, “Blue chip genes promise high returns,” “offshoot of N.M. Rothschild ASK CONGRESS: PASS THE Asset Management,” “high hopes” for AIDS treatment, p. 12; Sydney Brenner Collection, Cold INVENTOR PROTECTION ACT! Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives; U.K. Parliament Hansard; Moderna, Inc. S-1/A, Dec. 04, 2018, SEC; See also Rothschilds Lord Rosebery and Henry de Worms (ROTHSCHILD) (1st Lord/BARON Pirbright), financed Guglielmo Marconi (Pilgrims created Marconi Wireless) and Henry S. Wellcome, Burroughs Wellcome (Wellcome Trust); ~60,000 2nd Boer War Concentration Camp vaccine experiment deaths, First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (Pilgrims organized, London); Empire Press Union (Pilgrims organized, 1909) (now CPU Media Trust); MI6, MI5, GC&CS (now GCHQ) (Pilgrims organized, 1909); "Research released by Britain’s Pirbright Institute," Reuters (Rothschild- controlled), Jun. 23, 2020. May contain opinion. Do your own research before relying on this information. For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon for all content.

Moderna Interlocking Relationships. (Compiled Aug. 05, 2020). Moderna, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca Disqualifying INTERLOCKING RELATIONSHIPS. Anonymous Patriots.


BREAKING HISTORICAL NEWS! https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 4/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Identities discovered of the current Pilgrims Society "ACELA MAFIA" shadow government interlocking relationships

The 1947 Congressional Record provides hard proof of a massive Marshall Plan conspiracy by the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society and its Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) offspring

Today, the “Acela Mafia” is the U.S. insider’s name for the Pilgrims Society's organized crime syndicate*

* The Acela bullet train operates between Washington, D.C. and Boston with stops in New Haven, Wilmington, Philadelphia and New York.

The “Acela Mafia” moniker was Click image above to download a poster-quality PDF confirmed by a high-ranking optimized for a 11in. x 17in. (ledger-size) poster. Democratic Party donor in the Midwest America should not be in the business of cheating its who said he was never invited to join entrepreneurial investors simply because the cheaters Fig. 5—Acela Amtrak Train buy off judges with the money gained from their theft. this East Coast corridor group that is Such permissiveness is obscene. dominated by corporations, NGOs and foundations in league with Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Georgetown, UPenn, George Washington University, Skull & Bones, LEADER V. FACEBOOK Rhodes and Schwarzman Scholar gangsters, among others from University of California and Stanford. The Acela Express train runs BACKGROUND between Boston – New Haven – New York – Philadelphia – Wilmington – Washington, D.C. Jul. 23, 2013 NOTICE: DonnaKlineNow! has gone offline. All her posts are available as a PDF collection here (now updated, post- The Acela Mafia's massive 1947 lies and fraud to Congress Scribd censorship). Mar. 20, 2014 READER NOTICE: On Mar. 7, (as we shall show below) have just been discovered and 2014, all of our documents linked to Scribd should be legal grounds to unwind it all were deleted by that "cloud" service using the flimsiest of arguments . Some of our documents have been there for two years and Newly-discovered Marshall Plan council member lists some had almost 20,000 reads. prove that in 1948, the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims George Orwell wrote in 1984 that one knows one is in a totalitarian state when telling the Society seized control of the Marshall Plan’s $15 billion truth becomes an act of courage.

($165 billion today), and funded the post-war rogue All the links below were updated Mar. 20, C.I.A. with Marshall Plan funds via secret Swiss accounts 2014 (many thanks to our volunteers!)

based on the gold stolen by Nazis and Japanese deposits 1. Summary of Motions, Appeal, Petition, (even they called it the "Gold Pot")—the criminal basis of Evidence, Analysis, Briefings (FULL CITATIONS) in Leader Technologies, secret Swiss bank accounts is now revealed Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 08-cv-862-JJF- LPS (D. Del. 2008), published as Leader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., The Acela Mafia talks peace, freedom, anti-fascism, 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D. Del. 2001)

anti-communism, anti-racism and democracy to fool 2. Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam's Censored unsuspecting citizens into attacking truth-tellers whom Federal Circuit Filings (Archive) 3. Brief Summary of Leader v. Facebook they accuse of the very sins they are committing 4. Backgrounder 5. Fenwick & West LLP Duplicity The approximately 300-person Marshall Plan Committee 6. Instagram-scam was led by the British-American imperial Pilgrims Society 7. USPTO-reexam Sham 8. Zynga-gate and its Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) offspring 9. James W. Breyer / Accel Partners LLP Insider Trading At least four members were British knights, including: 10. Federal Circuit Disciplinary Complaints 11. Federal Circuit Cover-up William J. Donovan, chief British-American spy running 12. Congressional Briefings re. Leader v. the "Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII, and Facebook judicial corruption https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 5/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Winthrop W. Aldrich, the Rockefeller chairman of Chase 13. Prominent Americans Speak Out 14. Petition for Writ of Certiorari National Bank and then president of the International 15. Two Proposed Judicial Reforms Chamber of Commerce (and later U.S. Ambassador to the 16. S. Crt. for Schemers or Inventors? UK), his nephew Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller later became 17. Attorney Patronage Hijacked DC? U.S. Vice President

A current Pilgrims Society U.S. officer, John R. Drexel, IV, is a Life Governor of the Knights of Malta English Priory 18. Justice Denied | Battle Continues along with chief justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and very 19. FB Robber Barons Affirmed by S. Crt. likely Henry Kissinger, Larry Summers, the Clintons, and 20. Judicial Misconduct WALL OF SHAME John Podesta 21. Corruption Watch - "Oh what webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive" Bookmark: #tavistock-rockefeller-1946 | https://tinyurl.com/y2xlrkxa 22. Facebook | A Portrait of Corruption 23. White House Meddling In 1946 (363 pgs.), The Rockefeller Foundation was 24. Georgia! AM 1080 McKibben Interview simultaneously funding the Tavistock Institute (the new 25. Constitutional Crisis Exposed 26. Abuse of Judicial Immunity since name given to the Tavistock Clinic after this grant) in Stump "fake news" media propaganda. See also 1941 Rockefeller 27. Obamacare Scandal Principals are intertwined in the Leader v. Facebook Fndn Annual Report (434 pgs.). scandal 28. S.E.C. duplicity re. Facebook

Bookmark: #gibson-dunn

GIBSON DUNN LLP exposed as one Since as early as 1912, Congressional hounds were hot on the Pilgrims' Carnegie, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, of the most corrupt law rms in Rothschild "new world order" continuous wars criminality America

Investigative Reporter Julia N.M. Rothschild, Andrew Carnegie and their protégés at Davis investigates Facebook's Leader v. J.P. Morgan and Chase (Rockefeller) have been financing Facebook attorney Gibson Dunn LLP. She credits this British attacks on America since before the War of 1812 firm with the reason why not a single Wall Street banker has gone to jail since 2008. Click here to read her article In 1912, J.P. Morgan, at his mentor Lord Rothschild's "Everybody hates whistleblowers." Examiner.com, Apr. 10, 2012. Here's an urging (who controlled Reuters, Daily Telegraph, Daily excerpt:

Mail, London Times, etc.) bought editorial control of all "Skillful manipulation of the firm’s extensive media of America's leading newspapers (e.g., New York Times, connections allows Gibson Dunn to promote their causes, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune) to push pro-British while simultaneously smearing their opponents and silencing propaganda to support war with embarrassing news coverage."

This statement followed right after Davis WWI destroyed the Pilgrims' German trade competition; cited Facebook's chief inside counsel in the Leader v. Facebook case, Theodore Ullyot, at the same time, Andrew Carnegie funded U.S. libraries who appears to have helped lead the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption. Interesting and education textbooks to rewrite American colonial word choices associated with Gibson Dunn history to be more pro-British LLP: manipulation, smear. Attorneys swear a solemn oath to act morally, ethically, and in support of democratic principles. They Simultaneously, the Pilgrims bankers created the Federal promise to conduct themselves in a manner than instills confidence among the citizenry in Reserve to enable the Rothschilds (Bank of ) and the rule of law and the judicial system. These promises appear to be meaningless. Click the Pilgrim bankers to control the American money here for a PDF version of Julie Davis' article. supply—America's Pilgrim President Woodrow Wilson facilitated this from the White House POPULAR POSTS

CORONAVIRUS TRACED TO THE BRITISH CROWN https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 6/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… The Pirbright Institute (UK) Human devastations initiated and financed by the Anglo- has been awarded 11 U.S. Patents, including American (British) Pilgrims Society: WWI, WWII, Korea, Coronavirus U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701 The Pirbright Vietnam, Northern Ireland, FARC, Cambodia, Kosovo, Institute...

Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechyna, Syria, OBAMA HIRED THEM. TRUMP CANNOT FIRE THEM. SO Coronavirus, etc. appear to have all been faked by the THEY SAY. Senior Executive Service Pilgrims Society to consolidate new world order power, (SES) is ~10,000 Deep State shadow government restrict privacy and free speech, enrich co-conspirators employees who are sabotaging the American Republic for the globalis... and kill off populations with explosives, drugs, abortion, MUELLER’S JUDGE AND human trafficking, vaccines, pathogens, propagandize PROSECUTOR TAKE THEIR ORDERS FROM HILLARY fake threats, weather warfare, wireless radiation, etc. Congressional disclosures prove the Mueller probe is "the fruit of the poisonous The Marshall Plan organizations of labor, rights tree" Nardone v. U.S. Judge Amy B. Jackson... movements, churches, synagogoues, universities, ROBERT MUELLER – THE educators and media were all sucked in to their ORGANIZER OF 9/11 – IS MUSCLING HILLARY TO BE tyranical, godless orbit THE MOB BOSS OF AN EMPIRE WITHOUT BORDERS OR MORALITY Yes, Mueller organized 9/11, and then . . . in the name of love, peace and freedom, of course. (See. pts. 12 and investigated himself ! Mueller placed his patsy Joseph E. Sullivan at Cloudflare to 13 of the 24-steps to take over America below, adjacent to Fig. 5, fix the 2018... Lillian Scott Troy.) LEADER TECHNOLOGIES FILES TRILLION DOLLAR Bookmark: #history-warning | https://tinyurl.com/y5beq5jw BOND LIEN ON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT President Trump is asked to compensate Leader for the theft of their inventions by the Deep State HISTORY WARNING NOTICE shadow government Leader’s social net... THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT USES SES, SERCO AND OPIC The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society generally AS PORTALS INTO HORRIFIC CORRUPTION triggers a war to supress this kind of exposure of their These lawyers, bankers, academics, journalists, evil underbelly. bureaucrats and self-styled elitists sponge off the actual wealth-creation of hard working ... Unless we stop them, their next wars will evidently be fake PROOF: ROBERT MUELLER pandemics, poison-laden nanoparticles to attack our blood and CANNOT BE IMPARTIAL IN immune systems via vaccines, Taviscok-inspired mass mind control, THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION Mueller's Deep State and 5G wireless irradiation. relationships will politicize the FBI yet again Contributing Writers | Opinion | Spread this information as the antidote. AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | ...

The Pilgrims Society was founded in London on Jul. 16, 1902 (The CORONAVIRUS SOURCE DISCOVERED! ALSO Pilgrims of Great Britain), and in New York on Jan. 13, 1903 (The UNCOVERS LORD PIRBRIGHT, A ROTHSCHILD, AS KEY TO Pilgrims of the United States). THE 140-YR. PILGRIMS SOCIETY MONOPOLY OVER Each time since then when an investigation into their criminality got WORLD SOCIETY, COMMERCE & WAR The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed too close to revealing their organized crime, investigators were up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch Lord Pirbright deported, people died mysteriously, or wars started that sidetracked (Rothschild) a... the efforts at truth telling. MEET THE PERSON WHO CAN REMOTELY CRASH Bookmark: #lillian-scott-troy | https://tinyurl.com/yxpvw8fyg PLANES AND CAN READ YOUR MIND For example, on Nov. 13, 1919, Lillian Scott Troy, a courageous Monstrous Patent calls people “wet ware” American suffragette and investigative journalist living in London, was Implanted devices deliver electric shock, poisons, dopamine, adrenaline, emit mind kicked out of Britain because she focused her investigations on control freq... Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan and the Pilgrims Society. She smelled a WEAPONIZED CORONAVIRUS rat and said so, in newsprint. The British tolerated her during World IS AN ANGLO-AMERICAN War I, but two days after the peace treaty was signed, they deported PILGRIMS SOCIETY ATTACK ON NON-GLOBALIST her from Britain on fake grounds. Here is just one of her many hard- AMERICA WHILE BLAMING hitting exposés of Andrew Carnegie and the Pilgrims Society. CHINA Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | Mar. 16, Bookmark: #pilgrims-24-step-1912-takeover-strategy | https://tinyurl.com/yyz93yb5 2020, Apr. 10, 2020 | PDF | https://tinyurl.com/rt7q8sy Fig.... https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 7/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Pilgrims 24-step Takeover Strategy Exposed in 1912

In 1912, Ms. Troy had uncovered EDITORIALS and published the Pilgrims' 24-

step plan to take over America 1. DC Bar refuses to investigate attorney in The San Francisco Leader on misconduct in Leader v. Facebook - Unwillingness of DC attorneys to self- Feb. 24, 1912. police may explain why Washington is broken, Dec. 30, 2012 She discovered that Carnegie, an American, was registered on the 2. Will the U.S. Supreme court support voting roles in Scotland (as a schemers or real American inventors? Facebook's case dangles on a doctored British subject). She also interrogatory. Eighteen (18) areas of discovered that he had been question shout for attention, Dec. 27, 2012 awarded a "dukedom" in 1902 by the newly-crowed King Edward 3. Two Policy Changes That Will Make VII. This dukedom was most America More Democratic (and less contentious), Dec. 21, 2012 likely a title in the Knights of Malta over which Edward had just assumed control at the death of his mother Queen OUR MISSION Victoria. American citizens must fight abuse of the constitutional right for authors and inventors Here is a summary of the to enjoy the fruits of their inventions, as a Pilgrim's 24-steps to retaking matter of matter of basic property rights and sound public policy. Otherwise, instead of America in 1912 that Ms. Troy innovation, creativity, genius, ideas, vision, first revealed. [Editor's note: courage, entrepreneurship, respect, property, rejuvenation, morals, ethics, values, renewal, The original Troy article is truth, facts, rights, privacy, solutions and missing from the Hearst judicial faithfulness, archives. However, on Aug. 06, . . . our society and economy will be dragged 1940, Rep. Thorkelson (MN 1st) down (and eventually destroyed) by copying, preserved them in the infringement, thievery, counterfeiting, hacking, greed, misinformation, exploitation, Congressional Record. abuse, waste, disrespect, falsity, corruption, bribery, coercion, intimidation, doublespeak, 1. Diminsh the power of misconduct, lies, deception, attorney "dark Congress, arts," destruction, confusion, dishonesty, judicial chicanery and lawlessness. 2. only permit pro-British Justices on the Supreme If we do not speak up, impeach derelict judges and imprison corrupt attorneys, we Court [remember John G. cannot possibly hope to start fixing the Roberts, Jr. is a Knight of current ills in our society. Without justice and respect for private property, democracy has Malta; so is the current Fig. 6—Lillian Scott Troy was a courageous no sure foundation. president of the U.S. American suffragette and investigative journalist living in London ca. 1900-1918. On Pilgrims Society, John R. Nov. 13, 1919, Ms. Troy was deported from Drexel, IV—Kidder Peabody, the United Kingdom—two days after WWI CURRENT EDITORIAL FOCUS now UBS AG (Swiss)], ended—because she dug too deeply into the corruption of British and American Pilgrims We are an opinion blog that advocates for 3. only anti-Senate court Society. Ms. Troy was the perennial target of strong intellectual property rights. We rulings, Pilgrim propaganda attacks and smeaars in welcome commenters and contributors. The both the U.S. and British press. She focused Leader v. Facebook patent infringement case 4. marginalize or compromise her investigations on the evident corruption first came to our attention after learning that all Congressmen and and treason of Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan the trial judge, Leonard P. Stark, U.S. District and the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Senators hostile to Britain, Court of Delaware, ignored his jury’s Society, which she (and many at the time) admission that they had no evidence to 5. allow some appearance of saw as undermining the sovereignty of the support their on-sale bar verdict, but the American Republic. Their voice have largely judge supported it anyway. autonomy for show, been silenced by the mockingbird Pilgrims 6. entangle the U.S. in Society-controlled world press, until now. The judicial misconduct has deteriorated treaties, from there, replete with two of the three judges on the Federal Circuit appeal panel, 7. exchange Naval officers and pretend to defer to American officers, Judges Alan D. Lourie and Kimberly A. Moore, holding Facebook stock that they did not 8. exchange British and American soldiers and missions, disclose to the litigants, and later tried to 9. send English royalty stationed in Canada to the U.S. regularly, excuse through a quick motion slipped in at the last minute by the Clerk of Court, Jan 10. be lavish with social invitations for American wifes and daughters Horbaly, and his close friends at The Federal to rub shoulders with titled Brits, Circuit Bar Association. (The DC Bar subsequently revealed that Mr. Horbaly is not 11. liberally distribute royal honours to Americans, licensed to practice law in Washington D.C.) 12. honour all Americans who promote "peace" (meaning war) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 8/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… 13. ostracize woman of men hostile to "peace," The judges ignored shocking new evidence that Mark Zuckerberg withheld 28 hard drives 14. when the above is done, the King and Queen may visit Washington, of 2003-2004 evidence from Leader 15. only British troops will quell disturbences triggered by a royal visit, Technologies that could prove actual theft (and therefore claims even more serious than 16. distribute titles to the very wealthy, their wives love it, infringement). In addition, Facebook's appeal attorney, Thomas G. Hungar of Gibson Dunn 17. buy the newspaper editorials or start a new one next door, LLP, has close personal ties to just about 18. flatter educators in the press; oppose (Fourth of July) fireworks on every judicial player in this story. The misconduct appears to reach into the U.S. public safety grounds, Patent Office through abuse of the 19. celebrate British-American milestones using "peace" themes, reexamination process by Facebook. We will stay focused on Leader v. Facebook until 20. discourage education among the masses, help them love their lowly justice is served, but we also welcome news existence, and analysis of intellectual property abuse in other cases as well. 21. discourage Irish immigration by denagrating the Irish chacter and hygene, 22. annex the U.S. in quartered sections overseen by the Duke of WELCOME TO DONNA KLINE NOW! Connaught in Canada, READERS! 23. persistently create bad blood with Germany, and AFI has been supporting 24. keep France off balance with treaties and arbitrations. Donna and is now picking up the main Leader v. Facebook Bookmark: #1917-rep-callaway-jpmorgan-news-takeover | coverage (she will continue https://tinyurl.com/y6yz2d8w coverage as well).

On Feb. 09, 1917 (82 pgs, 33.5 MB), Rep. Oscar Callaway (TX 12th) Anonymous Posts Are Welcomed! Blogger has more exposed that "J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship-building, and posting constraints than Donna's WordPress, power interests (explosives Brunner Mond (UK), including Nobel but we will continue to welcome anonymous posts. Simply send us an email at NEW Explosives, and Du Pont), got together 12 men high up in the Leader® Private Email: [email protected] with newspaper world" and agreed upon "25 papers... to purchase the your post. Once the moderator verifies that your email address is real, your comment will policy, national and international, of these papers." be posted using your real name or handle, whatever you wish, like John Smith or Tex. Bookmark: #1921-rep-michaelson-wwi-newspaper-conspiracy | https://tinyurl.com/y2amdjlp Click here to view a On May 26, 1921, Rep. M. Alfred Michaelson (IL 7th) exposed the complete Donna Kline cooperation of British and American newspaper in the spread of pro- British propaganda before World War. He said "if true [it was], that Now! posts archive. there was a definite and widespread conspiracy operating inside the United States to plunge the people of the United States into war."

Bookmark: #1938-monopolies-interlock-economic-power | https://tinyurl.com/y2ancgqn

Starting in 1938 (509 pgs, 33.3 MB), a joint committee of House and Senate began hearings titled "Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power" spanning the 76th and 77th Congresses (Res. 113, S. J. Res. 300).

Fig. 7—Jerome N. Frank, Committee Chairman; SEC, Chairman. (Dec. 12, 1939 to Dec. 14, 1939). Joint HEARINGS, Investment Banking, Reports 22-24, Dec. 12, 1939, Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power, Res. No. 113, Temporary National Economic Committee, 75th Congress, 509 pgs. GPO. (33.3 MB).

Every segment of American economic life was put under the microscope in exquisitely fine investigative work. They started wth patents, life insurance, beryllium, liquor, poultry, savings, etc. At https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 9/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… hearing numbers 22-23 they published meticulously detailed and overwhelming evidence of conspiracy to monopolized the investment banking sector by certain banks and investments houses—all members of the Pilgrims Society and aligned with N.M. Rothschild in the UK. Investment Banking, Rept. 22-24, Dec. 12, 1939 (509 pgs, 33.3 MB).

Curiously, while the Fall 1939 Congressional research for their report on banking was occuring, on Sep. 01, 1939, Adolf Hitler, armed with IBM-generated data, rolled his GM-manufactured tanks into Poland to start World War II.

Notably, Hitler was being financed by many of the "interlocking" banks under investigation, like J.P. Morgan, Chase National Bank, Morgan Stanely, Goldman Sachs, Brown Brothers Harriman (with Prescott T. Bush, George H.W. Bush's father). CODE OF CONDUCT FOR U.S. JUDGES



Bookmark: #rep-thorkelson-1940-pilgrims-society-conspiracy-exposed | https://tinyurl.com/y69dluo9

Rep. Dr. Thorkelson (1940): "Pilgrims . . . represent the leadership Judge Leonard P. Stark, U.S. of America in many important fields" District Court of Delaware, trial judge in Leader Techs, Inc. v. A year later, between Aug. 6 and Sep. 27, 1940, Rep. Jacob Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D.Del. 2011). Judge Stark heard Thorkelson (MN 1st) introduced a series of investigations on the inner his jury foreman admit that the workings of the Pilgrims Society: jury made the on-sale bar decision without any evidence other than speculation, and yet he supported "The present membership in the American Pilgrims, and that verdict anyway. Just months those who have passed away, represent the leadership of before trial, Judge Stark allowed America in many important fields." Facebook to add the on-sale bar claim after the "The Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Twentieth Century Funds close of all fact have through subsidies control over our press, churches, discovery and blocked Leader schools, the stage, cinema, colleges, and our Government, from preparing its defenses to this and America has not had a President entirely free from this new claim. Judge Stark allowed the claims despite Leader's prophetic control, particularly since the war." argument that the action would confuse the jury and prejudice Bookmark: #ftc-1950-report-on-interlocking-directorates | Leader. He also permitted the jury https://tinyurl.com/y5mudqoo to ignore the Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale On Jun. 30, 1950 (539 pgs, 39.8 MB) the Federal Trade Commission bar, even after instructing the jury to use it. (See that issued a scathing 538-page "Report on Interlocking Directorates." Jury Instruction No. 4.7 here.) He also contradicted his own instruction to Leader to answer Interrogatory No. 9 in the present tense (2009), then permitted the jury to interpret it as a 2002 admission as well. Facebook's entire on-sale bar case is based upon this interrogatory. (Editorial: Hardly sufficient to meet the "heavy burden" of the clear and convincing evidence standard.) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 10/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

Judge Alan D. Lourie, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Lourie stood to benefit financially from undisclosed holdings in Facebook. See analysis of Judge Lourie's T. Rowe Price Fig. 8— James M. Mead, Chairman. (Jun. 30, 1950). Report on Interlocking Directorates, 539 pgs. holdings re. the Facebook IPO. U.S Federal Trade Commission. (39.8 MB). Judge Lourie also failed to apply his Remarkably, this FTC report had been written and was being prepared own law-test in for publication by the Government Printing Office when the Korean Group One v. Hallmark Cards to War was started by the United Nations. the evidence. After debunking all of Facebook's evidence on appeal, Judge Lourie created new argument in the secrecy of chambers to support FTC ON THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY'S Facebook and prevent the on-sale bar verdict from being overturned— a clear breach of constitutional due ORGANIZED CRIME (1950): process. "MONOPOLIES AND CONSPIRACIES IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE"

To repeat, on Jun. 25, 1950—five days before the release of the Judge Kimberly A. Moore, U.S. report on Interlocking "monopolies and conspiracies in restraint of Court of Appeals for the Federal trade"—the Korean War was triggered by the United Nations, dragging Circuit, panel judge in Leader the U.S. into a "police action" that was never declared officially as a Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Moore war, yet approximately 3 million souls died, including 128,000 dead stood to benefit financially from and wounded Americans. undisclosed holdings in Facebook. See disclosure of substantial holdings in Facebook and Facebook- The FTC very clearly said, as you will read, that this activity by the related stocks. Pilgrims Society and their CFR minions was an evident violation of the Judge Moore failed to follow the long- Clayton Act of 1914, the U.N. with the U.S. in tow started the Korean held precedent for War. testing on-sale bar evidence in Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc.—an evident and intentional omission coming from a former patent law professor. After debunking all of Facebook's evidence on appeal, Judge Moore created new argument in the secrecy of chambers to support Facebook and prevent the on-sale bar verdict from being overturned—a clear breach of constitutional due process.

Judge Evan J. Wallach, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, member of the three-judge panel in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Wallach is not a patent Bookmark: #rep-rarick-1970-pilgrims-mass-media-control | attorney. This begs the question as https://tinyurl.com/y4hz5xlf to why a judge with no knowledge of patent law was assigned to the case. Would anyone ask a dentist to https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 11/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… On Sep. 22, 1970, Hon. John R. Rarick (LA 6th) "Television and the perform brain surgery? The Federal Circuit was specially formed to Mass Slicks" exposed the domination of American mass media by appoint patent-knowledgeable Pilgrims Society and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) ideology: judges to patent cases. There is no evidence so far in the judicial disclosures that Judge Wallach "David Sarnoff [founder of RCA and NBC] is also a member holds stock in Facebook, although of the super-secret Pilgrim Society, whose official logo is when he was asked on a motion to disclose potential Facebook entwined American and British flags. This group, which is holdings and other conflicts of dedicated to merging Britain and America, has a number of interest, he refused along with the internationalist members like Paley, Sarnoff, and John other judges. See Motion to Disclose Conflicts of Interest. Judge Schiff whose ancestors were not British. Cousin Eugene Wallach continued [Lyons] (editor of Soviet Tass News Service) forgot to in silence even after Clerk of mention Cousin David's C.F.R. and Pilgrim activities." Court Horbaly failed to provide You have been put on notice. him with Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam’s motions (according to his Federal Circuit staffer Valeri White), and yet the Clerk signed an order regarding that motion on Judge Wallach’s START OF THIS POST behalf. See a full analysis of these events at Donna Kline Now! Judge Wallach also failed to police his court’s violation of Leader’s Fifth Jul. 28, 2020—In morality, ethics and and 14th Amendment constitutional right to due process when he common decency, if a public figure fails to participated in the fabrication of new arguments and evidence for disclose a “material” relationship—meaning a Facebook in the secrecy of judge's chambers after he had just relationship that does or might affect his or invalidated Facebook’s sole remaining item of evidence (using disbelieved testimony as ostensible her impartiality in carrying out the public’s evidence of an opposite). Judge Wallach also failed to police his business—then that person commits a crime. court when he failed to apply the Supreme Court's Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale bar evidence, which included even In government, the ethics requirement is the Federal Circuit’s own Group One v. Hallmark Cards, Inc. test—a even broader. Even a relationship that might test which Judge Lourie should have advised Judge Wallach to give the appearance of impropriety must be follow since Judge Lourie helped write that opinion. Group One test disclosed. omission analysis.

Therefore, when a Congressional committee is formed (like the Marshall Plan kick off hearings), the public interest and nature of its activities are assumed, and therefore, the disclosure rules require disclosure of potential conflicting relationships so the public can assess the impartiality of the Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal participants. Circuit, clerk who signed all the opinions in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. For example, an ethical chairperson would not allow an Cir. 2012). Clerk Horbaly and his staff obfuscated when the court's AT&T stockholder to investigate AT&T securities violations. ruling was challenged by an amicus In today's courts and Congress, our public figures are hiding curiae brief revealing clear mistakes of law and new evidence. these relationships and holdings inside mutual funds with See analysis of the misconduct and misrepresentations within the and an ethical shell game called the "safe harbor concept" Federal Circuit Clerk of Court in (its not a law, rule or even a policy. where one can hold Leader v. Facebook. Mr. Horbaly failed to disclose his conflicts of stocks in these companies as long as they are buried inside interest and close associations with numerous Facebook attorneys and their mutual funds. And yet, our judges almost across the law firms, as well as his close board are claiming the safe harbor concept makes them association with exempt from disclosure. See U.S. Judicial Conference on one of Facebook's largest Mar. 14, 2001. shareholders, Microsoft, who is a Director of The Federal Circuit Bar Association Members of Congress are now claiming "safe harbor" as well where Mr. Horbaly is an ex officio officer. Additionally, the DC Bar to hide investments in their insider crony companies to revealed in a written statement https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 12/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… that Clerk Horbaly is not licensed whom they are shoveling contracts. "Safe harbor" mocks to practice law in the District of ethical duties. It is the American equivalent of the Queen's Columbia. [Editorial: What does that make the Federal Circuit with Court that hides manifest Pilgrims Society criminality. Not its location within in a stone's throw of the White House? A self- surprisingly, since our legistlators claim the same safe harbor governing state?] "concept-not-a-rule-or-even-policy," they are silent about this total moral lapse in our government.

For example, just look at attorney Robert S. Mueller, III's financial holdings and tell us you don't smell the Pilgrims Society insider traders. His holdings even include two Judge Randall R. Rader, U.S. Cayman Island offshore funds Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fd Court of Appeals for the Federal LLC and Defenders Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund LLC (PDF). Circuit, chief judge responsible for the (mis)conduct of his judges and Clerk of Court in Leader Techs v. It destroys the public's expectation of fair dealing. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Rader failed to manage his court resulting in a likely situation where his judges never even received briefs that they allegedly ruled on in favor of THE FOX GUARDS OUR GOVERNMENT'S Facebook. Judge Rader also failed to disclose his ETHICAL HEN HOUSE conflicting relationships with a Leader principle with whom he may have had deep In short, the public has a material need to know if the fox is professional differences during his the one proposing security policy for hen house. time at the Senate Judiciary Committee—his former professor of law at George Washington Or, said another way, the public needs to know that a University Law Center, former Leader director Professor James P. Senator holds stock in Facebook's interlocking cronies before Chandler. See analysis of Judge Rader's undisclosed conflicts of allowing that Senator to participate in subjects regarding interest in Leader v. Facebook. Facebook and its interlocks. Judge Rader also did not stop his judges from Bookmark: #jpmorgan-bought-free-press-1915 | https://tinyurl.com/y2lx7smw creating new arguments and evidence for Facebook in the secrecy of chambers—after they had debunked IN 1915, J.P. MORGAN (A PROTEGE OF all of Facebook's evidence on appeal, which is a clear breach of LORD ROTHSCHILD) BOUGHT AMERICA'S constitutional due process. Updated May 22, 2015 Click here to view a Federal Circuit FREE PRESS Leader v. Facebook Conflicts of Interest Map.

A Free Press was supposed to be our “Fourth Estate” to hold public officials accountable to these ethics principles. But, as we have discovered, J.P. Morgan obliterated America’s freedom of the press in 1912 when he seized control of See "Cover-up In Process At The Federal Circuit?" Donna Kline Now! editorial policy in America’s Sep. 17, 2012.

25 top newsrooms. Leader v. Facebook Legal Research Links

NOTICE: Opinion Fig. 9—J.P. Morgan. Pilgrims Society co- founder (1902) with Cecil Rhodes, Henry de This is an opinion blog. Any information Worms, Lord Rosebery, Andrew Carnegie, contained or linked herein should be https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 13/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Elihu Root, Henry Wellcome, Sir Harry independently verified and should be Brittain, Lord Burnham, Lord General considered the sole opinion of the writer. Roberts, Viscount Milner, Lord Northcliffe, Free Speech and Freedom of the Press are Winston Churchill, Guglielmo Marconi, Lord protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Rothschild, and MP Philip Whitwell Wilson Constitution and other local, state, national (Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin handler) et and international laws. Therefore, as with all al. opinion, such opinion should not be relied upon without independent verification.

This site is a not-for-profit effort focused on education, news, investigation of issues in the * * * public interest, and research, and relies on fair use copyright exemptions under 17 U.S.C. 106(a)-117 of the United States Copyright Act, in addition to any and all other related Bookmark: #cecil-rhodes-seize-resources-1877 | https://tinyurl.com/y3dk2k8e and relevant privileges to which a fair and reasonable person would attribute to this grassroots effort to root out corruption and Cecil Rhodes said in 1877: promote justice. No rights whatsoever to third party content are claimed or implied. Seize the wealth necessary (to take control over Britain, the Commonwealth, and America) AFI LOGO (with text)

Cecil Rhodes, British Privy Councillor, chairman of Consolidated Mines (diamonds, gold) and founder of the Rhodes Scholarship, told the Pilgrims Society founders that they should AFI LOGO (no text) seize the wealth necessary to Fig. 10—Cecil John Rhodes. See AFI. (Jan. achive their 200 year dream of 24, 2019). So you thought Rhodes Scholarships Were Good? Americans for a neo-imperial corporatist, Innovation. socialist new world order run by the British Privy Council.

Rhodes' co-conspirators were all Rothschilds, namely Lord Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Lord Rosebery (major N.M. Rothschild stock inheritor), Henry de Worms (1st Lord Pirbright, inheritor of his CORRUPTION WATCH LIST mother's Rothschild fortune), J.P. Morgan (coached in banking by Lord Rothschild, Faces of the Facebook Corruption (PDF) formerly Peabody Riggs Bank) (currently being updated and Andrew Carnegie, co- after the Fri. Mar. 7, 2014 founder of the Pilgrims Society Scribd censorship of this document: with Lord Rothschild. See Fig. 11—Henry (Rothschild) de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright (Coronavirus weaponization Here is the cast of characters in Leader v. previous post (PDF). land, Pirbright, UK). Facebook. We encourage you to report their corrupt activities to this site and others, like This secret Pilgrims Society order they created would Lawless America. Feel free to communicate anonymously in any way in which you are operate like a Masonic secret society, use Jesuit tactics of most comfortable. The attempt of these people and their organizations to corrupt deception, and be run by banks and their insider American justice and commerce cannot be tolerated. Vigilance. We will expose them. corporations. They would dispense British titles and See Congressional Briefings (currently being titillation liberally. updated after Scribd censored the documents on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014). To this very moment, the Pilgrims have concealed their A. Facebook's law firms:

criminality behind the Crown's legal and banking protection 1. Fenwick & West LLP (Facebook securities and patent law firm; https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 14/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… former Leader Technologies counsel; using a tactic they coined attempted an appearance in Leader v. Facebook; did not seek conflicts called “incrementalism.” It waiver from Leader prior to means to implement sedition representing Facebook) 2. Cooley Godward LLP (Facebook slowly, imperceptibly. In other law firm in Leader v. Facebook; McBee Strategic energy stimulus words, they stuck us frogs in partner; Obama Justice Dept. advisor; former employer to patent the water, and have been judges) slowly, incrementally turning 3. Blank & Rome LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; former up the heat ever since. employer to patent judges) 4. White & Case LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; undisclosed former employer to Patent Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer involved in Leader v. Facebook) * * * 5. Gibson Dunn LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook; undisclosed counsel to the Federal Circuit; undisclosed protégé of Chief Fig. 12—Lord Rosebery (Archibald Primrose) Justice John Roberts, Jr.; Bookmark: #acheson-1947-marshall-plan- (Rothschild). undisclosed former employer to proposal | https://tinyurl.com/yyhkmcjl Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara, U.S. Attorney currently persecuting Paul Ceglia in U.S. v. Ceglia (Ceglia v. Zuckerberg)) 6. Orrick Herrington LLP (longtime Facebook law firm and ON DEC. 17, 1947, THE TAKEOVER OF destroyer of evidence for the cabal in Winklevoss v. Zuckerberg and ConnectU v. Facebook) AMERICA TOOK A BIG STEP FORWARD 7. Weil Gotshal LLP (Federal Circuit counsel in Leader v. Facebook; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's undisclosed former client) On Dec. 17, 1947, the Pilgrims Society and their Council on 8. Latham & Watkins LLP (Facebook Director James W. Foreign Relations offspring revealed their soft underbelly Breyer's counsel; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's husband, Matthew J. that is only now being discovered in 2020—73 year later Moore's new law firm) 9. Federal Circuit Bar Association ("FCBA") (Federal Circuit's bar On this day, Dean Acheson, the recent under secretary of association; second largest in the U.S.; Facebook's law firms extert state (August 16, 1945 – June 30, 1947), came before the much influence in its policy and activity, incl. Fenwick & West LLP, House on Foreign Affairs to ask for Congress to approve and Gibson Dunn LLP, Orrick Herrington LLP, Weil Gotschal LLP; fund his newly minted COMMITTEE FOR THE MARSHALL PLAN Facebook's large shareholder, Microsoft, is a director; Federal TO AID EUROPEAN RECOVERY that had just been initiated a Circuit Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly is an officer; FCBA made an month earlier on Nov. 17, 1947. appearance in Leader v. Facebook to oppose the amicus curiae (friend of the court) motion of Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam, former Director of Click here for a detailed spreadsheet breaking down the ~300 Network Architecture at Sun Microsystems, in favor of Leader members of Acheson's newly hatched Marshall Plan Committee. Technologies and objecting to the evident conflicts of interest within the court itself, her motion was denied, the judges refused to The Pilgrims lemmings gathered for Acheson's big reveal: disclose their conflicts which we now know include Facebook and Microsoft stocks) 10. DC Bar Association 11. Perkins Coie LLP (Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team;" law firm for Obama's chief counsels, the husband and wife team of Robert F. Bauer and Anita B. Dunn; Bauer was identified on Aug. 1, 2013 as having directed the IRS targeting of the Tea Party) 12. Stroz Friedberg (Facebook’s "forensic expert" who manipulated the data in Paul Ceglia v. Mark Zuckerberg, and who first revealed the existence of 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard emails that they told Leader Technologies in 2009 were "lost") 13. Chandler Law Firm Chartered (Professor James P. Chandler, III, principal; Leader Technologies patent counsel; adviser to IBM and David J. Kappos; adviser to Eric H. Holder, Jr. and the U.S. Department of Justice; author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 15/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Federal Trade Secrets Act) B. Facebook attorneys & ACHESON'S SCARE-MONGERING WAS cooperating judges: 14. Gordon K. Davidson (Fenwick; Facebook's securities and patent FINE-TUNED TAVISTOCK PILGRIMS attorney; Leader Technologies' former attorney) 15. Christopher P. King ( aka Christopher-Charles King aka SOCIETY PROPAGANDA Christopher King aka Christopher- Charles P. King, Fenwick & West LLP) 16. Theodore B. Olson (Gibson Acheson described the newly-organized Committee as if it Dunn) had arisen from the ashes like a phoenix in the heartland by 17. Thomas G. Hungar (Gibson Dunn) those “waiting anxiously for someone to express their deep 18. Eric H. Holder, Jr. (Attorney desire for action.” General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 19. James Cole (Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) He painted the image of a veritable groundswell for this 20. Tony West (Associate Attorney General, U.S. Dept. of Justice; 2008 action by “leaders in our Government, in business, labor, and Obama California Campaign Manager) farm groups, in our colleges, churches and other 21. Robert F. Bauer (Obama Attorney; White House Chief professional” who wished to “play a larger role in helping Counsel; directed IRS targeting of the countries of restore their war-shattered the Tea Party; formerly and currently employed by Perkins Coie industries and farms and homes.” LLP, Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team;" spouse is Anita B. Dunn) He climaxed his soliloquy by claiming that “Henry L. Stimson 22. Anita B. Dunn (Obama Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; provided the voice in his now famous article The Challenge husband Robert F. Bauer directed IRS targeting of the Tea Party, of Americans” in Foreign Affairs of October 1947” (itallics formerly employed by Perkins Coie LLP, Facebook's "rapid response added). enforcement team") 23. Mary L. Schapiro (former Bookmark: #stimson-foreign-affairs-oct-1947 | https://tinyurl.com/y374cptw Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission (S.E.C.); holds investments in 51 Facebook Club This 11-page Stimson article in basket funds) 24. James "Jamie" Brigagliano Foreign Affairs (CFR) sets up (former Deputy Director of the Division of Trading and Markets at Soviet Russia as America’s the Securities and Exchange Commission; Mary L. Schapiro's brutish but wiley and chief lieutenant on "dark pool" rule making) pragmatic new enemy against 25. Joseph P. Cutler (Perkins Coie) whom the Marshall Plan must 26. David P. Chiappetta (Perkins Coie) defend. Never mind that 27. James R. McCullagh (Perkins Russia had just been our Ally Coie) 28. Ramsey M. Al-Salam (Perkins two years earlier. Oh how Coie) quickly the Pilgrims Society 29. Grant E. Kinsel (Perkins Coie) 30. Reeve T. Bull (Gibson Dunn) morphed their communist 31. Heidi Keefe (Cooley) Russia creation from two-war 32. Michael G. Rhodes (Cooley; Tesla Motors) ally to "Cold War" enemy. Fig. 13—COULD THIS WARMONGER WHO 33. Elizabeth Stameshkin (Cooley) JAILED JAPANESE AMERICANS INSPIRE 34. Donald K. Stern (Cooley; Justice ANYONE? Henry L. Stimson. J.D. Harvard Dept. advisor) The telltale Pilgrims Society Law (ca. 1890); U.S. Attorney (1901-05); 35. Mark R. Weinstein (Cooley) Tavistock Institute mind Judge of the NY Southern District (1906- 1909); Secretary of War (1911-13, Taft); 36. Jeffrey Norberg (Cooley) control scare tactic trigger Governor-General of the Phillipines (1927- 37. Ronald Lemieux (Cooley) 1929); Secretary of State (1929-1933, 38. Craig W. Clark (Blank Rome) words were all dragged out for Hoover); Secretary of War (1940-45, 39. Tom Amis (Cooley / McBee this day-long Acheson Roosevelt, Hoover); directed Japanese Strategic) internment (1942-1944); director of the 40. Erich Veitenheimer (Cooley / Manhattan Project (1942-46); national testimony, including: McBee Strategic) chariman of the Marshall Plan (1947-48). 41. Roel Campos (Cooley; former Commissioner of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at the time "gravely prejudice our security" of the infamous Facebook 12(g) exemption) "immeasurably weakened" 42. Lisa T. Simpson (Orrick) "may prevent recovery" 43. Indra Neel Chatterjee (Orrick) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 16/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

44. Samuel O'Rourke (Facebook; "delay and obstruction" Cooley-directed) "exhaustion" 45. Theodore W. Ullyot (Facebook; Cooley-directed) "possiblity of [new] war" 46. Amber H. Rover, aka Amber L. Hagy aka Amber Hatfield (Weil Gotshal LLP; Judge Kimberly A. "internal instability" Moore's former client) "hazard" 47. Edward R. Reines (Weil Gotschal) 48. Trish Harris (DC Bar Association) "impairment of American 49. Elizabeth A. Herman (DC Bar security" Association) 50. Elizabeth J. Branda (DC Bar "weakness" Association) 51. David J. Kappos (former Patent "unemployment" Office Director; former IBM chief intellectual property counsel; Fig. 14—Acheson's Tavistock Institute ordered unprecedented 3rd reexam "break-up of employer- (Pilgrims/Rockefeller) propaganda scare of Leader Technologies' patent; employee relations" tactics. Obama political appointee) 52. Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara "collapse of the financial (U.S. Attorney Ceglia v. Zuckerberg; formerly of Gibson & Dunn LLP; system" protects Zuckerberg) 53. Thomas J. Kim (SEC Chief "disappearance of middle class" Counsel) 54. Anne Krauskopf (SEC Special Sr. "process of dissolution" Counsel) 55. John G. Roberts, Jr. (Chief "internal coup d'etat" Justice, U.S. Supreme Court) 56. Jan Horbaly (Federal Circuit, "Communist threat" Clerk of Court) 57. Kimberly A. Moore (Judge, "climatactic disasters" Federal Circuit) 58. Matthew J. Moore (Latham & "flood" Watkins LLP; husband of Judge "freeze" Kimberly A. Moore) 59. Kathryn "Kathy" Ruemmler (Latham & Watkins LLP; White "worst drought" House counsel) 60. Evan J. Wallach (Judge, Federal "catostrophic decline" Circuit) "instability" 61. Alan D. Lourie (Judge, Federal Circuit) "loss of freedom" 62. Randall R. Rader (Chief Judge, Federal Circuit) "constant flux" 63. Terence P. Stewart (Federal Circuit Bar Association) 64. Leonard P. Stark (Judge, [.... unless of course, Congress approves Acehson's $6.8 Delaware U.S. District Court) billion Marshall Plan request, then all will be well.] 65. Richard J. Arcara (Judge, N.Y. Western District, Ceglia v. Holder et al) Our first clue that Acheson 66. Allen R. MacDonald (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent and Stimson were deceiving Office) 67. Stephen C. Siu (Administrative the American public was the Judge, U.S. Patent Office) source of the alleged anxious 68. Meredith C. Petravick (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent groundswell: a Stimson article Office) 69. James T. Moore (Administratie in Foreign Affairs quarterly Judge, U.S. Patent Office) published by the Council on 70. Pinchus M. Laufer (Sr. Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Foreign Relations (CFR, PTAB) 71. Kimberly Jordan (Counsel, founded in 1922 by Pilgrim Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Elihu Root, also attorney to PTAB) 72. Daniel J. Ryman (Counsel, Patent Andrew Carnegie). This is so Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) 73. William J. Stoffel (Counsel, clearly a self-serving argument Patent Trial and Appeal Board, since Stimson and Acheson are PTAB) 74. James C. Payne (Counsel, Patent promoting their own inspiring Fig. 15—Elihu Root. Attorney for Andrew Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) Carnegie (ca. 1890-); Co-founder of the 75. Deandra M. Hughes (Examiner, words as the rationale for Pilgrims Society (1902); Secretary of State Leader v. Facebook reexamination) (1905-1909); Secretary of War (1899-1904); their alleged spontaneous 76. Kathryn Walsh Siehndel (FOIA U.S. Senator (NY, 1909-1915); President of Counsel, U.S. Patent Office - bio and organization of the the Carnegie Foundation for International conflicts log concealed) Peace (1910); President of the Council on Committee. 77. Dennis C. Blair (Director, U.S. Foreign Relations (1921) National Intelligence) 78. Dennis F. Saylor, IV (Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 17/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… The article was reprinted right across the J.P. Morgan- Court, FISA) 79. James E. Boasberg (Judge, Rothschild-Rueters-AP mockingbird press. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, FISA) 80. James P. Chandler, III Stimson wrote: “Lasting peace and freedom cannot be (President, National Intellectual Property Law Institute, NIPLI; The achieved until the world finds a way toward the necessary Chandler Law Firm Chartered; advisor to Asst. Att'y Gen. Eric H. government of the whole [one world]” (p. 8). Holder, Jr., Dept. of Justice; Member, National Infrastructure Assurance Commission, NIAC; Stimson had been Secretary of War both before World War I advisor to Federal Circuit Chief Judge Randall R. Rader; advisor to (1911–1913) and during all of World War II (1940–1945). Sen. Orrin Hatch; author, The Federal Trade Secrets Act and the Between the world wars he had been Secretary of State Economic Espionage Act of 1996; Leader Technologies' legal counsel, (1929-1933). along with Fenwick & West LLP) C. Facebook puppet Over 125 million souls perished on Stimson's watch. masters:

Let’s get this right. Acheson, 81. President Barack Obama (appointed Leonard P. Stark to the Stimson’s successor as judge's seat in Delaware Federal District Court eight days after Stark's Secretary of State, and two- court allowed Facebook to get away with jury and court manipulation of time Secretary of War, claimed an on-sale bar verdict which was attained without a single piece of that warmonger Stimson hard evidence; Barack and Michelle Obama were evidently protecting suddenly gave voice to an their 47 million "likes" on Facebook) 82. Lawrence "Larry" Summers anxious grassroots cry for (Harvard President who aided lasting peace and freedom in a Zuckerberg's light-speed rise to prominence with unprecedented single 11-page Foreign Affairs Harvard Crimson coverage; Obama bailout chief; Clinton Treasury magazine article, with maybe Fig. 16—Stimson cried crocodile tears of Secretary; World Bank Chief Economist; "Special Advisor" to fear about a communist resurgence (a 2,000 readers?! Marc Andreessen in Instagram; co- Pilgrims fabrication to begin with) in creator of the current Russian Europe to get Congress to approve an initial robber baron economy; close 20- $6.8 billion for the Marshall Plan. The final year relationships with protégés More insipid tripe cannot be number received was $15 billion. Sheryl Sandberg & Yuri Milner; aided in recommendations that imagined. created the Russian robber baron economy—and Yuri Milner/DST/Asmanov's money used The proverbial ink was not even dry on Stimson’s Foreign to purchase Facebook stock) Affairs article two months earlier before its contents were 83. James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP; Facebook director; alleged by Stimson to have generated a groundswell of client of Fenwick & West LLP since the 1990's; apparently received American public sentiment to fund the rebuilding of Europe technology from other Fenwick clients that was shuffled to to allegedly stave off the spread of the new global threat— Zuckerberg, incl. Leader Technologies' inventions) Soviet Russian communism. 84. David Plouffe; directed Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns; a self- described "statistics nerd;" likely So fake, yet so insidious. directed the activities of the Facebook Club; employed Robert F. Bauer, Perkins Coii LLP in 2000 at Acheson's Testimony is the Scene of the Crime of the the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Marshall Plan 85. McBee Strategic (one of the main "private" arms responsible for dolling out the billions in Obama The CFR’s first president was "green energy" stimulus funds; partnered with Cooley Godward Elihu Root. Root had earlier LLP) 86. Mike Sheehy (Cooley-McBee been Stimson’s and Acheson’s Strategic principal; former National Security Adviser to House Speaker counterpart as Secretary of Nancy Pelosi) War (1899-1904), Secretary of 87. Nancy Pelosi (U.S. Congresswoman; appears to be State (1905-1909) and New running political cover in the House for Facebook, McBee Strategic, York Senator (1909-1915). Cooley Godward, Fenwick & West, Breyers, etc.) 88. Harry Reid (U.S. Senator; Judge Root was also president of the Evan J. Wallach patron) Carnegie Endowment for 89. Thomas J. Kim (SEC, Chief Counsel & Assoc. Director) approved International Peace (1910- Facebook's 500-shareholder exemption on Oct. 14, 2007, one day 1925) and was Carnegie’s after it was submitted by Fenwick & West LLP; Facebook used this personal estate attorney, exemption to sell $3 billion insider stock to the Russians Alisher https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 18/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, Digital Fig. 17—Andrew Carnegie. along with James P. Patterson, Sky, Mail.ru which pumped Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to who we will highlight below. $100 billion; another Harvard grad, Kim worked at Latham & Watkins Bookmark: #dec-17-1947-marshall-plan-crime-scene | https://tinyurl.com/y228dyqs LLP which was the chief lobbyist for the National Venture Capital Association in 2002-2004 whose Chairman was . . . James W. Beyer, Accel Partners LLP; in other words Breyer and Kim, both Harvard THE SCENE OF THE MARSHALL PLAN grads, were associated at the time of the Zuckerberg hacking and theft of Leader Technologies' software code) 90. Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberg CRIME (DEC. 17, 1947) handler) 91. Jim Swartz (Accel Partners; Zuckerberg handler) On Dec. 17, 1947, Dean Acheson, former under secretary of 92. Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook, Summers protégé; Facebook state during WWII, started his long-winded testimony by director) 93. Yuri Milner (DST aka Digital Sky, entering into the Congressional record a Marshall Plan Summers protégé; former Bank Menatep executive; Facebook Committee pamphlet. director) 94. Alisher Asmanov (DST aka Digital Sky; Goldman Sachs Moscow The pamphlet described the Committee’s purpose and listed partner; Russian oligarch; Friend of the Kremlin; Became the Richest the members that were allegedly inspired by the warmonger Man in Russia after the Facebook Stimson to drop everyting to help Europe recover. IPO) 95. Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg coach; client of Fenwick & West LLP and Christopher P. King aka Christopher-Charles King aka Christopher King aka Christopher- Charles P. King; Summers' sponsor during Instagram-scam; Facebook director) 96. Peter Thiel (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; Facebook director; CEO, Clarion Capital) 97. Clarion Capital (Peter Thiel) 98. Reid G. Hoffman (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn; Facebook director) 99. Richard Wolpert (Accel Partners) 100. Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ventures; Fidelity Equity Partners; Fidelity Ventures Telecommunications & Technology) 101. David Kilpatrick (Business Insider; "The Facebook Effect"; PR cleanse-meister re. Facebook origins) 102. Zynga/Groupon/LinkedIn/Squ are/Instagram ("Facebook Money/Credits/Bitcoin" feeder companies) 103. Tesla Motors (received $465 million in Obama stimulus funds Fig. 18—DEAN ACHESON Statement. (Dec. 17, 1947). H.R. 480, H.R. 4579, Pt. 1, Dec. 17, 1947 to and hired Cooley's Michael Rhodes Feb. 12, 1948, US Foreign Policy For A Post-War Recovery. Marshall Plan funding. U.S. House, 80th in the seven months before the Cong., 1st and 2nd Sess, pp. 689-694. GPO. Leader v. Facebook trial, just before veteran Judge Joseph Farnan made Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations that were assigned by the Pilgrims the surprise announcement of his Society to the Marshall Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. Marshall. retirement, just six days after Facebook's disasterous Markman Hearing) 104. Solyndra (received $535 million in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley- McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance) 105. BrightSource (received $1.6 billion in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley- McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance) 106. John P. Breyer (father of James W. Breyer; founder of IDG Capital Partners - China; coached his son on exploiting Western markets while he quietly built a venture capital business in China for the last 20 years; the real brain behind the Breyer exploitations 107. IDG Capital Partners (China) (founded by John P. Breyer, the father of James W. Breyer, Accel Partners; the current launderer of the tens of billions James W has https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 19/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… fleeced from the U.S. market from the bailout, stimulus and the "pump & dump" Facebook IPO schemes) 108. Goldman Sachs (received US bailout funds; then invested with DST in Facebook private stock via Moscow; took Facebook public; locked out American investors from investing) 109. Morgan Stanley (received US bailout funds; took Facebook public; probably participated in oversees purchases of Facebook private stock before IPO) 110. State Street Corporation (received U.S. taxpayer bailout monies along with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley; consolodating control of ATM banking networks internationally 111. JP Morgan Chase (received U.S. taxpayer bailout monies along with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and State Street Corporation) 112. Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs, CEO) 113. Jamie Dimon (JP MorganChase, CEO) 114. Steve Cutler (JP MorganChase, With the benefit of hindsight, the article was unremarkable General Counsel) 115. Rodgin Cohen (JP MorganChase, anti-Soviet propaganda and saber rattling, evidently Outside Counsel; Sullivan Cromwell, LLP) intended to frighten Americans into agreeing to provide $8.5 116. U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (granted Fenwick & billion to fund the Marshall Plan Committee’s hidden agenda West's application on behalf of Facebook for an unpredented ($93.5 billion in today's dollars). The ultimate amount exemption to the 500 shareholder rule; opened the floodgated for provided was $15 billion, or $165 billion in today's dollars. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to make a private market in Facebook pre-IPO insider stock; For context, the term “Cold War” as a socio-political facilitated the influx of billions of dollars from "dubious" sources expression of tension between the West and the Soviet Bloc associated with Russian oligarchs, Alisher Asmanov and Yuri Milner, was first used eight months earlier, on April 16, 1947, by and the Kremlin; Goldman Sachs is a partner with this Moscow Herbert Bayard Swope. company, Digital Sky Technologies, aka DST, aka Mail.ru) 117. Jeff Markey (McBee Strategic LLC; Stimson had appointed Swope to his executive committee a allied with Facebook's Cooley Godward Kronish LLP to arrange month earlier. Keep in mind, Congress did not create this Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed Committee, the Pilgrims Society did, then pushed it on BrightSource and $535 million for Congress to approve. failed Solyndra) 118. Steve McBee (McBee Strategic LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley Bookmark: #american-soviet-link-up-apr-25-1945 | https://tinyurl.com/y228dyqs Godward Kronish LLP to arrange Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed For further BrightSource and $535 million for failed Solyndra) context, the 119. Michael F. McGowan (Stroz Friedberg; Facebook forensic expert American 69th who lied about his knowledge of the Infantry Division contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard Email accounts) and the Soviet 58th 120. Bryan J. Rose (Stroz Friedberg; Facebook forensic expert who lied Guards Division had about his knowledge of the contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and broken the back of Harvard Email accounts) the Nazi Army at 121. Dr. Saul Greenberg (Facebook's Fig. 19—Historic East Meets West—The American-Soviet expert witness from the University “The Meeting at Linkup The American 69th Infantry Division the Soviet 58th of Calgary; disingenuously waived Guards on Apr. 25, 1945. his hands and said he would be "wild the Elbe” river, guessing" about the purpose of a Java "sessionstate" import statement also called “The Link-Up,” on Apr. 25, 1945, just two years (even Java newbies know it is used for tracking a user while in a web earlier. session); in short, Dr. Greeberg lied to the jury, thus discrediting his testimony) The Link-Up is celebrated annually to this day in Torgau, 122. Toni Townes-Whitley (CGI Federal; Michelle Obama's 1985 Germany by those Soviet and American verterans, family, Princeton classmate; CGI "donated" $47 million to the Obama campaign; friends with full honor guards from Washington and Moscow. CGI won the no-bid contract to build the www.healthcare.gov Obamacare website; CGI shut off the security https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 20/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… features on Obama's reelection Evidently, the new Soviet donation sites to increase donations) menace being spouted by 123. CGI Federal (US division of a Canadian company; Donated $47 Acheson, Stimson and the million to Obama's reelection, then received the no-bid contract to build Pilgrims Society was merely the ill-fated Obamacare website; Michelle Obama's Princeton recycling their long-nurtured classmate, Toni Townes-Whitely, is a Senior Vice President of CGI; the Tavistock mind control website is replete with social propaganda fabricated in features and links to Facebook) 124. Kathleen Sebelius (Obama's London starting with Lenin in Secretary of Health & Human Services since 2009 responsible for 1902. The objective was to $678 million Obamacare implementation; made the decision frighten Americans with the to hire CGI Federal on a no-bid contract despite the evident conflict Red Communist Terror in order of interest with Michelle Obama and $47 million in Obama campaign to get them to agree to fund donations by CGI; the website is replete with social features and links the Marshall Plan (which will to Facebook)

Fig. 20—Vladimir I. Lenin was a fabrication 125. Todd Y. Park (White House Chief eventully implement Technology Officer (CTO); former of the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims communism as one of the end CTO for Health & Human Services; Society. Here's the proof (PDF). chief architect of HealthCare.gov; products of the Pilgrims founder, director, CEO, Athenahealth, Inc.; founder, Society neo-imperial takeover). director, CEO, Castlight Health, Inc.) 126. Frank M. Sands, Sr. / Frank M. We have proven in a previous post (PDF) that Soviet Sands, Jr. (Founder and CEO, respectively, of Sands Capital Bolshevism was fabricated in London by the Pilgrims Society. Management LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 13G acquisition Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin all took their brutal marching orders reports for Athenahealth, Inc., Baidu, Inc. (ADR) and Facebook from the British Pilgrims Society. A seeminly belligerent stock during 2012; masked the association of Todd Y. Park with Russia has been a useful propaganda foe for centuries, and Athenahealth, Inc. and Baidu, Inc., and the association of both of those given the fake Steel dossier and the Trump-Russia hoax, it companies with the Facebook IPO still is. fraud) 127. Robin "Handsome Reward" Yangong Li (CEO, Baidu, Inc. Bookmark: #acheson-first-big-lie | https://tinyurl.com/y4ql2w4n (ADR); appointed Jan. 2004, the same month that Mark Zuckerberg obtained Leader Technologies' social networking source code to start Facebook; Robin Y. Li is very likely associated with John P. and James ACHESON’S FIRST BIG LIE: OUR W. Breyer through their Chinese entities, including IDG Capital Partners, IDG-Accel and other variants; Li appointed a junior MARSHALL PLAN COMMITTEE IS attorney from Fenwick & West LLP, Palo Alto/Mountain View, namely Parker Zhang, to be his "Head of "BROADLY REPRESENTATIVE OF . . . ALL Patents;" Fenwick & West LLP represented both Leader Technologies, Inc. and Accel Partners LLC in 2002-2003 and had SECTIONS OF THE COUNTRY" Leader's source code in their files.) 128. Parker Zhang ("Head of Patents" at Baidu, Inc. (ADR), appointed in approx. May 2012; formerly a junior Acheson’s first big lie was his Associate attorney at Fenwick & West LLP; graduate from Michigan statement that the Law in 2005) membership of the council “is 129. Penny S. Pritzker (Secretary, Department of Commerce; replaced broadly representative of all Rebecca M. Blank; holds over $24 million in Facebook "dark pools" parts of our national life and stock, most notably in Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and all sections of the country.” JPMorgan) 130. Rebecca M. Blank (Secretary, Department of Commerce; oversaw According to our best the dubious Leader v. Facebook activities of the Patent Office assessment, the 300-person Director, David J. Kappos, who held over one million dollars in Facebook Marshall Plan Committee was "dark pools" during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; Kappos exclusively liberals, purchased this stock within weeks of his surprise recess appointment by democrats, socialists, closet President Obama; Kappos also was formerly employed by IBM, who sold communists and left-leaning Facebook 750 patents during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; internationalists. If any reader Fig. 21—Dean G. Acheson. Introduced the right before leaving the Patent Marshall Plan Committee to Congress on OFfice, Kappos also ordered an discovers and exception that unprecedented 3rd reexamination of https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 21/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Dec. 17, 1948—the scene of the Pilgrims Leader's patent without even that we missed, please let us Society crime against humanity. identifying claims) know. 131. Mary L. Schapiro (Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission; holds 51 Facebook "dark pools" stocks which held stock in Facebook, Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations Baidu and more than a dozen Facebook crony companies; failed to that were assigned by the Pilgrims Society to the Marshall regulate the "dark pools;" failed to Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. disclose her substantial conflict of interest in regulating the run up to Marshall. the Facebook IPO) 132. Robert C. Hancock (Chief Compliance Officer, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athenahealth, ACHESON'S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WAS Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; this conduct masked the conflicts of interest of Todd Y. Park, who was THE FIRST "ACELA MAFIA" appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director Acheson claimed to represent “all sections of the country,” and CEO of both Athenahealth and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park but of the 19 people on his Executive Committee, only four deeply embedded the software from Athenahealth and Castlight Health state entities were represented: into HealthCare.gov when he was CTO at Health & Human Services; none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics pledges and reports are missing from the Office of Government Ethics) 133. Jonathan Goodman (Chief Counsel, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athenahealth, Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; this conduct masked the conflicts of interest of Todd Y. Park, who was appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director and CEO of both Athenahealth and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park deeply embedded the software from Athenahealth and Castlight Health into HealthCare.gov when he was CTO at Health & Human Services; none of these conflicts of interest Fig. 22—GEOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ON THE MARSHALL PLAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - DEAN were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics ACHESON Statement. (Dec. 17, 1947). H.R. 480, H.R. 4579, Pt. 1, Dec. 17, 1947 to Feb. 12, 1948, US pledges and reports are missing Foreign Policy For A Post-War Recovery. Marshall Plan funding. U.S. House, 80th Cong., 1st and 2nd from the Office of Government Sess, pp. 689-694, p. 84 of ANALYSIS. GPO. Ethics; Goodman was formerly employed by Gibson Dunn LLP, Facebook appeals counsel in Leader Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations that were assigned by the Pilgrims v. Facebook) Society to the Marshall Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. Marshall. 134. Trip Adler ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of 1. Washington, D.C. 10 (53%) Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; 2. New York 7 (37%) Scribd held AFI documents for two 3. Massachusetts 1 (5%) years, then summarily deleted the entire library without warning on 4. Pennsylvania 1 (5%) Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library contained only public documents and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial This geography is identical to that of the Acela Mafia corruption) northeast corridor. This evidence is pretty convincing that 135. Jared Friedman ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of we are seeing here the genesis of the modern day Acela Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Mafia, the actual "Deep State" in America. Scribd held AFI documents for two years, then summarily deleted the entire library without warning on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library contained only public documents and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption) 136. Jeffrey Wadsworth (CEO, Battelle Memorial Institute; President, Ohio State University Board of Trustees; former Deputy Director of Science & Technologies, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California Board of Trustees) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 22/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

137. Michael V. Drake (President, The Ohio State University; former Chancellor, University of California, Irvine) 138. Woodrow A. Myers (Chief Medical Officer, Wellpoint, Inc.; formerly Corporate Operations Officer, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana) 139. Alex R. Fischer (aka Alexander Ross Fischer; Trustee, The Ohio State University; former Sr. Vice President, Battelle Memorial Institute; Chairman, OmniViz; married to Lori Barreras) 140. Chris Glaros (author of the discredited Waters Report re. The Ohio State University Marching Band; protege of Eric H. Holder, Jr., Professor James P. Chandler, III, and Algernon L. Marbley) 141. Lori Barreras (Commissioner, Ohio Civil Rights Commission; former Vice President of Human Fig. 23—U.S. STATES REPRESENTED ON THE MARSHALL PLAN COUNCIL - DEAN ACHESON Statement. Resources, The Ohio State (Dec. 17, 1947). H.R. 480, H.R. 4579, Pt. 1, Dec. 17, 1947 to Feb. 12, 1948, US Foreign Policy For A University; former Vice President, Post-War Recovery. Marshall Plan funding. U.S. House, 80th Cong., 1st and 2nd Sess, pp. 689-694, p. Battelle Memorial Institute; married 85 of ANALYSIS. GPO. to Alex R. Fischer) 142. David Vaughn (Criminal Attorney, Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations that were assigned by the Pilgrims David Vaughn Consulting Group; Society to the Marshall Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. Marshall. former Assistant U.S. Attorney; appointed to the discredited Waters Commission at Ohio State) 143. Betty Montgomery (former Ohio The Council Members geography among its 270 members Attorney General; appointed to the discredited Waters Commission at revealed that 206 (76%) of them were from just ten states Ohio State; accepted campaign contributions from Woodrow A. with 13 states not even represented: Myers, Wellpoint, Inc. and friend of Michael V. Drake) 1. New York 87 (32%) 144. Joseph A. Steinmetz (Provost, The Ohio State University; author of 2. Massachusetts 26 (9%) Psychological Science article on MOOC (Massive Open Online 3. California 20 (7%) Course) that triggered the discovery 4. Pennsylvania 19 (7%) of massive double-dealing and fraud within the Ohio State trustees) 5. Ohio 15 (6%) 6. Washington, D.C. 13 (5%) D. Facebook boy- puppets: 7. Illinois 10 (4%)

8. Missouri 8 (3%) 145. Mark E. Zuckerberg 9. Connecticut 7 (3%) 146. Chris Hughes 10. Kentucky 5 (2%) 147. Dustin Moskowitz 148. Eduardo Saverin TOTAL: 206 (79%) 149. Matthew R. Cohler 150. Elon Musk If we add the executive committee and council together, the E. Corruption Watch geographic representation is even more skewed to the —Patent Office “Acela Corridor” (Northeast) (64%): Judges:

151. Anderson, Gregg 1. New York 94 (32%) 152. Best, George 3. Washington, D.C. 30 (10%) 153. Bonilla, Jackie W. 2. Massachusetts 27 (9%) 154. Boucher, Patrick TOTAL: 151 (64%) 155. Braden, Georgianna W. 156. Branch, Gene Did the Marshall Plan create the Acela Corridor? 157. Bisk, Jennifer Bresson 158. Bui, Hung H. 159. Busch, Justin Bookmark: #acheson-second-big-lie | https://tinyurl.com/y6peuw5x 160. Clements, Matt 161. Crumbley, Kit 162. Droesch, Kristen 163. Elluru, Rama ACHESON’S SECOND BIG LIE: “BROADLY 164. Fitzpatrick, Michael 165. Gerstenblith, Bart A. REPRESENTATIVE OF . . . ALL PARTS OF 166. Giannetti, Thomas L. 167. Guest, Rae Lynn 168. Hastings, Karen M. OUR NATIONAL LIFE” 169. Hoff, Marc 170. Horner, Linda https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 23/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Acheson’s second big lie was that the industries in his 171. Hughes, James R. 172. Hume, Larry Committee were broadly representative of America's 173. James, Housel national life. Here is a breakdown of the Top 10 industries 174. Jung, Hung J. represented: 175. Kamholz, Scott 176. Katz, Deborah 177. Lucas, Jay 178. MacDonald, Allen R. (bio unavailable) – Leader 3rd reexam judge (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) 179. Mahaney, Alexandra 180. Martin, Brett 181. McKone, Dave 182. McNamara, Brian 183. Medley, Sally 184. Moore, Bryan 185. Moore, James T – Leader 3rd reexam judge (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) 186. Morgan, Jason V. 187. Morrison, John 188. Pak, Chung K. 189. Perry, Glenn J. 190. Petravick, Meredith C. (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) – Leader 3rd reexam judge 191. Pettigrew, Lynne 192. Praiss, Donna 193. Quinn, Miriam 194. Reimers, Annette 195. Saindon, William 196. Scanlon, Patrick Fig. 24—U.S. STATES REPRESENTED ON THE MARSHALL PLAN COUNCIL - DEAN ACHESON Statement. 197. Siu, Stephen C. – Leader 3rd (Dec. 17, 1947). H.R. 480, H.R. 4579, Pt. 1, Dec. 17, 1947 to Feb. 12, 1948, US Foreign Policy For A reexam judge (bio and conflicts log Post-War Recovery. Marshall Plan funding. U.S. House, 80th Cong., 1st and 2nd Sess, pp. 689-694, p. concealed by FOIA) 85 of ANALYSIS. GPO. 198. Smith, James Donald 199. Smith, Neil Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations that were assigned by the Pilgrims 200. Snedden, Sheridan Society to the Marshall Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. Marshall. 201. Song, Daniel 1. Banking and Finance 44 (13%) 202. Spahn, Gay Ann 203. Strauss, Mike 2. Manufacturing 30 (9%) 204. Timm, Catherine 3. Law and Courts 27 (8%) 205. White, Stacey 4. Education 24 (7%) 206. Zecher, Michael 5. Media, Information and Telecom 24 (7%) Research Tip: 6. Government 22 (6%) Type any name or subject in the Google search at the top of this webpage. That will 7. Service Organizations 19 (5%) show you any relevant links within the sites 8. Labor Relations 17 (5%) that we have been following and investigating in the Leader v. Facebook 9. Spy 14 (4%) case. Vigilance everyone! Our American 10. Faith 9 (3%) Republic is at risk. TOTAL: 230 (66%)

The Top 10 industries represent 66% of the members of the HOW TO FILE A FRAUD council. This means the council members are NOT COMPLAINT AGAINST A representative at all. UNIVERSITY

Banking and Financial Service tops the Marshall Plan The following universities were announced as participants in Ohio State Provost Joseph A. council list with 44 representatives, or 13% of the Steinmetz's corrupt MOOC education initiative interlocking bankers and underwriters who helped develop named "University Innovation Alliance" (UIA). We have identified the instructions and online policy for the Marshall Plan. forms you need to file a complaint with the participants. MOOC stands for "Massive Open Online Course." Here are their companies. In almost all cases, the banking You should complain about: institution still exists, but often under a new name. (1) the intellectual property theft of social networking source code from Leader For example, Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Co. is now merged Technologies, Columbus, Ohio that is the software engine running the UIA; into Wells Fargo Bank. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 24/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… (2) the corruption at Ohio State University Here's the list of banks and finance companies disclosed by and OSU's collusion with Battelle Memorial Acheson: Institute which helped steal the software being used by UIA; and

Boatmen's National Bank; Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co.; Chase (3) the mistreatement of OSU Marching Band National Bank; Columbus National Bank; Crocker First National Director Jon Waters regarding fabricated Title IX charges that were used to pave the way for Bank; Democrat for New York Senate; Federal Reserve Bank of Steinmetz to announce UIA. St. Louis; Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Co; Carnegie Endowment for Universities pride themselves on protection of International Peace trustee; Marshall Foundation chair; Export- intellectual property. Import Bank chair; National City Bank in Buenos Aires; Rosenwald Therefore, these universities cannot Fund; Sears chair (1932-39); First National Bank of Boston; participate in this abuse of inventor Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis (1945); First National Bank of copyrights, patents and trade secrets by The Ohio State Trustees and Administration. If Portland; International Manhattan Bank president (1929-1931); these universities participate knowingly with Special Assistant to Coord. Of Information, William J. Donovan Ohio State in its theft of intellectual (1941); J. M. Forbes & Čo.; Carnegie Corporation Washington property, then they are aiding and abetting the theft of intellectual property on a trustee; J.P. Morgan, Bankers Trust; Standard Oil; Federal "massive" scale... Massive Open Online Course Reserve Jekyll Island; Lazard Frères; Mellon Natl. Bank & Trust (MOOC) also known as The Eclipse Co.; Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Co.; Merchants Foundation. National Bank of Mobile; National City Bank of Cleveland; Old 1. ARIZONA Colony Trust Co.; Parsons Investment Co.; Phelps Stokes Fund;; Arizona State University https://www.azag.gov/consumer/procedure Russell Sage Foundation; Schwabacher Co.; State Street Trust https://www.azag.gov/complaints/consumer Co.; Twentieth Century Fund; Carnegie Corporation; Wachovia 2. CALIFORNIA Bank and Trust Co.; World Bank—International Bank for University of California Riverside Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) California State System (observer) http://www.oig.ca.gov/ http://www.oig.ca.gov/pages/about-us/how- Media, Information and Telecom represented 24 to-file-a-complaint.php http://www.oig.ca.gov/pages/about- participants or 7% of the entire Committee. It was a us/complaint-form.php

veritable Who's Who of interlocking propaganda forces in 3. FLORIDA University of Central Florida Britain and America: http://www.floridaoig.com/ http://www.fldoe.org/ig/complaint.asp American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (AT&T); Carnegie http://app1.fldoe.org/IGComplaint/Complain Corporation NY trustee; Associated Press (AP); Brown Instrument tForm.aspx Co.; CBS Radio; New York Herald; Foreign Affairs; Denver Post; 4. GEORGIA The Oregonian, UPI, Colorado Springs Free Press; Collier's Oregon State University http://oig.georgia.gov/ Weekly; CBS TV, American Heritage, Domestic Branch, FDR Office http://oig.georgia.gov/file-complaint of War Information; General Electric Co. (GE); Carnegie 5. INDIANA Corporation; General Electric Corp. (GE); Carnegie Corporation; Purdue University Harris-Seybold Co.; International Business Machines Corp. (IBM); http://www.in.gov/ig/2330.htm

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Religious 6. IOWA Education Foundation; International Tel. & Tel. Co. (ITT); Iowa State University http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/file_ Western Electric International; C. Lorenz AG Berlin; Focke-Wulf complaint/online_2.html (Luftwaffe fighter aircraft) ; Café HAG; Gestapo Circle of Friends 7. MICHIGAN (Wilhelm Keppler, I.G. Farben); Lord & Thomas Advertising; Michigan State University Chicago Cubs owner; U.S. Shipping Board (1921); Louisville http://www.mfia.state.mi.us/OIG/SubmitCo Courier-Journal; National Broadcasting Co. (NBC); National Cash mplaint.aspx?ComplaintMode=client Register Co. (NCR); New York Evening News London Bureau 8. OHIO (1930); Council for Democracy (1940) funded by Pilgrim Henry The Ohio State University http://watchdog.ohio.gov/FileaComplaint.as Luce (Time); ABC, BBC, Blue Network; New York Times; px Newsweek (1937-59); Business Week, Washington Post chair; 9. ORGEON Radio Corporation of America (RCA); San Francisco Chronicle; Oregon State University Wichita Beacon; Young & Rubicam https://justice.oregon.gov/forms/consumer_ complaint.asp https://justice.oregon.gov/consumercomplai The evident conclusion from Acheson’s list is that the nts/

Pilgrims/CFR banks were making their move while 10. KANSAS The University of Kansas congregrated in New York, Boston and Washington, D.C. to http://www.fraudguides.com/report/kansas. take control of the American and European post-war asp https://ag.ks.gov/about-the-office/contact- economies using their control over manufacturing, judiciary, us/email-us https://ag.ks.gov/about-the-office/contact- education, media and government. us/file-a-complaint/koma-kora-investigation- request

The analysis is based on what Acheson told us about the 11. TEXAS The University of Texas Committee. http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/oig/oi https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 25/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Bookmark: #achesons-criminal-marshall-plan-omissions | https://tinyurl.com/y3ygzqnp g_fraud.html https://sao.fraud.state.tx.us/Hotline.aspx

Let's make sure that the "University Innovation Alliance (UIA)" and "Massive Open Online Course" MOOC never get off the ground NOW HERE IS WHAT ACHESON DID NOT due to their corrupt foundations.

RESOURCE: TELL US—THESE OMISSIONS ARE http://inspectorsgeneral.org/directory-of- state-and-local-government-oversight- EVIDENCE OF A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY agencies/

REAL NEWS LINKS Acheson did not tell us that: Bookmark: #real-news

1. 12160.info - Resisting the New World 1. at least 102 members Order were members of the Pilgrims Society, and were therefore aligned with the 2. 1791L 3. Abby Martin (The Empire Files) Empire Press Union, British MI6, MI5 and GCHQ; 4. Abel Danger GPO-CRECB, 1940, Pts. I-IX, Vol. 86-1. (Aug. 06, 1940). Steps Toward British Union, a 5. Aim4Truth.org World State, and International Strife, by Rep. Dr. Lt. Gen. Joseph Thorkelson (MT, 6. Alex Jones, InfoWars 1st), p.11. GPO. 7. America Talks (David Zublick) 8. American Intelligence Media (AIM) GPO-CRECB, 1970, Pt. 24-5-3. (Sep. 22, 1970). Television and the Mass Slicks, Extension of Remarks by Rep. John R. Rarick (LA 6th), pp. 33239-33244, U.S. 9. Americans for Innovation (AFI) Congress. GPO. 10. American Thinker 11. Ann Coulter Joel van der Reijden. (Updated 2017). PILGRIMS SOCIETY US British Historical 12. Anthony Gucciardi Membership List, includes Biographies and Sources, 2548 pgs. ISGP Studies. (8.7 MB). 13. Before It's News Joel van der Reijden. (Jul. 17, 2008). THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY: A Study of the Anglo- 14. Bill Still American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the 15. Bob Dylan's Plagarism of James Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and so much more. ISGP Studies. (4.9 MB). Damiano 16. Breitbart Pilgrims Society. (Accessed Jul. 09, 2019). Overview, founded by Sir Harry Brittain. 17. Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari.com) Wikipedia. 18. Center for Public Integrity Anne Pimlott Baker. (2003). The Pilgrims of the United States - A Centennial History, 19. Cernovich, Mike (Danger & Play) 184 pgs. Profile Books, London UK. 20. Center for Self Governance 21. Charles Benninghoff / Pray For Us Arlene, compiler. (Accessed Sep. 19, 2019). Pilgrims Society Membership List (1902- 22. Conservative Daily Post ca. 2012) with extensive source citations. FreeLists.org. 23. Conservative Patriot Blog Francis Richards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). (Jan. 08, 1981). Prime 24. Conservative Tribune Minister Margaret Thatcher's Visit to the United States: Georgetown University, U.S. 25. Counterpunch Pilgrims Society, including Donovan Award. 10 Downing Street (UK). 26. Culture Shock News

Proof the American Pilgrims Society was engaged at the highest level in sedition and 27. Daily Caller treason by being a vehicle for British foreign policy and propaganda: 28. Daily Wire 29. Danger & Play (Mike Cernovich) 30. David Horowitz Freedom Center 31. Dark Journalist 32. David Knight (Libertytarian) 33. David Seaman 34. David Vose 35. David Zublick (America Talks) 36. Deeper Than Drudge 37. Diplopundit 38. Discover The Networks / David Horowitz Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - 39. Doomsday Doug The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of 40. Drudge Report Rosebery, K.G. London: Horace Marshall & Son (150 MB). 41. Ed Magedson 42. Empire Files (Abby Martin) 43. En-Volve Conservative News 2. at least 104 members 44. ExposeFacts.org (William Binney) were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and were therefore 45. Faith Happens politically aligned with the United Nations new world order agenda of the 46. FEDERICO InspoNews (Frederico British-American Pilgrims Society; and Cardella) 47. Free Our Internet https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 26/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. (Jan. 01, 1938). By-Laws with a List of Officers & 48. Free Thought Project (The) Members. CFR. 49. FreedomWatch / Larry Klayman 50. Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson Suzanne E. Helms. (Sep. 01, 2011). Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Donor List (2010-2011). CFR. 51. Gateway Pundit (The) 52. GeoEngineering Watch 53. Georgia! KSCO 3. at least 20 members 54. Gerald Celente / Trends Research were Spies working for the British-American Pilgrims Society via MI6, MI5, GCHQ, 55. Global Freedom Movement OSS, the newly forming C.I.A., NSA and FBI, and the newly-formed "Five Eyes" 56. Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich intelligence sharing treason authorized by Gen. Marshall during WWII. 57. Government Gone Wild 58. Glomar Disclosure 59. H.A. Goodman THE MARSHALL PLAN COMMITTEE'S 60. Hagmann Report 61. HANG THE BANKERS ABJECT FRAUD, JUST DISCOVERED 62. HORN NEWS 63. Horowitz (David) Freedom Center 64. Howard Nema (Truth Talk News) 65. InfoWars, Alex Jones 66. Intrepid Report THE WORLD ECONOMY TO THIS DAY IS 67. Intercept (The) 68. International Consortium of BASED UPON IT Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) 69. Innovation Alliance 70. Jack Posobiec 71. James Wesley Rawles (SurvivalBlog) During the span of 1st Principle: 72. Joel M. Skousen / World Affairs Brief time that the Marshall Love God. 73. Judicial Watch Plan funds were being 74. Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) disbursed in reliance 75. Kaya Jones 2nd Principle: on Acheson's statement 76. Larry Elder Thou shalt not lie to the 77. Larry C. Johnson (No Quarter) (to be true, honest and American people, who are 78. Laura Ingraham not deceptive or full of 79. Lawless America wonderfully made in the image material omissions), 80. LawNewz and likeness of God. Congress passed a 81. Lee Stranahan 82. Lew Rockwell series of laws on lying 83. Liberty Headlines and deceiving Congress (the American People). 84. Liberty Writers News 85. Libertytarian) (David Knight 18 USC § 1001 to 1115 (Jun. 25, 1948). 86. LifeZette (Laura Ingraham) 87. Lionel Nation / Media The language was strong and direct. Section 1001 said: 88. Lisa Haven News 89. Mark Dice Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of 90. Marshall Report (The) any department or agency of the United States 91. Matt Drudge / Drudge Report 92. Middle East Eye knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers 93. Mike Cernovich (Danger & Play) up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, 94. Millennium Report (The) or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent 95. Milo Yiannopoulos statements or representations, or makes or uses any 96. Muckrock 97. Newsbud (Sibel Edmonds) false writing or document knowing the same to 98. Newswars.com contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement 99. No More Games (Morgan Reynolds) or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or 100. No Quarter (Larry C. Johnson) imprisoned not more than five years, or both. 101. Occupy Peace 102. Open Mind The Marshall Plan Committee willfully falsified, concealed 103. Pat Dollard - The War Starts Here! 104. Paul Joseph Watson and covered up their seditious Pilgrims Society tricks, 105. Peter Schiff schemes and frauds—and massively so. 106. PJ Media 107. PoliZette Bookmark: #marshall-plan-sedition | https://tinyurl.com/y4qb2tzm 108. PragerU 109. Charles Benninghoff / Pray For Us 110. Prison Planet Live https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 27/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

111. Public Intelligence Blog (Robert David ACHESON AND THE MARSHALL PLAN Steele) 112. Real News with David Knight 113. Rebel Media COMMITTEE ENGAGED IN SEDITION 114. Right Side Broadcasting 115. Right Wing News (John Hawkins) 116. Ripoff Report THEY FAILED TO DISCLOSE THEIR 117. Robert David Steele 118. Roger Stone, Stone Cold Truth 119. ROOT for America (Wayne Allyn Root) MEMBERSHIPS IN THREE INTERLOCKED 120. Sargon of Akkad 121. Save The American Inventor GROUPS: (1) PILGRIMS, (2) CFR, AND 122. SGTReport 123. Sharyl Attkisson (3) BRITISH KNIGHTHOODS 124. Sibel Edmonds (Newsbud) 125. Solari.com (Catherine Austin Fitts) 126. State of The Nation (SOTN) 127. Stefan Molyneux 128. StevenCrowder FINDING: "CONSPIRACY THEORY" 129. Steve Pieczenik 130. Stone Cold Truth, Roger Stone PROPAGANDA HIDES CONSPIRACY FACTS 131. SurvivalBlog (James Wesley Rawles) 132. The Daily Caller 133. The Free Thought Project Acheson's statement made false, fictitious and fraudulent 134. The Gateway Pundit representations, by statement, testimony and in writing. See 135. The HORN NEWS 136. The Intercept (Note: Most writers are "Report on Interlocking Directorates" above. fair; but some are unalloyed fake news leftists) 137. The Larry Elder Show 138. The Marshall Report WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON WITH THE 139. The Millennium Report 140. The Stone Zone MARSHALL PLAN COMMITTEE? 141. The Watchman's Report 142. Trends Research / Gerald Celente 143. Val Stillwell The Anglo-American (British) 144. Veterans Today (VT) Pilgrims Society evidently saw 145. Vets For Child Rescue 146. Vidme their opportunity, in the fog 147. Washington Examiner and exhaustion of war, to 148. Wayne Madsen Report takeover both the American 149. WND (WorldNetDaily) and European economies in 150. Whatever Happened to Common Sense 151. WikiLeaks (Julian Assange) one bold move, through the 152. William Binney (ExposeFacts.org) banks, communications, media 153. We Are Change propaganda, education and 154. West New Jersey Tea Party key industries. 155. Western Journalism 156. World Affairs Brief / Joel M. Skousen William ("Wild Bill") J. 157. Your Voice Radio 158. ZeroHedge Donovan was a member of the

committee. He even identified Fig. 25—William Jacob Donovan. Mafia boss his title as "former director, of the OSS, CIA and the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society. Office of Strategic Services (OSS)."

Fig. 26—DEAN ACHESON TESTIMONY. (Dec. 17, 1947). H.R. 480, H.R. 4579, Pt. 1, U.S. Foreign Policy For A Post-War Recovery Program, or The first step being consideration of proposals for a European Recovery Program, Hearings, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Dec. 17, 1947 to Feb. 12, 1948, 1268 pgs, https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 28/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… pp. 687-744, p. 4. U.S. House, 80th Congress, 1st and 2nd Sessions. GPO.

Click here for a *.xlsx spreadsheet of the people and organizations that were assigned by the Pilgrims Society to the Marshall Committee by Dean G. Acheson, Henry L. Stimson and George C. Marshall.

This was less than a year after Donovan had failed to convince President Truman to pick him to form the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) out of his globally-deployed OSS organization.

Truman knew that Donovan had a global "stay behind" network of over 30,000 people that he wanted to re purpose. Truman did not think it wise to put that kind of peacetime power in Donovan's hands.

Bookmark: #bank-for-international-settlements-gold-scam | https://tinyurl.com/yy8sa2p6


Not to be thwarted, Donovan brought his Nazi and Japanese gold secrets into the Pilgrims Society Marshall Plan financing agenda. He included his former Swiss (Bern) Station Chief Allen W. Dulles on the council. No wonder the banks piled on. Donovan was setting up a secret global financing system and they wanted in on it.

Donovan, as OSS director from his office in Bern, Switzerland where Allen W. Dulles worked for him, had taken possession of all of the gold and silver that had been stolen during the war by the Germans and Japanese.

We believe Donovan had the gold and silver moved from its hiding places around the world to the Bank for International Settlements in Bern, Switzerland.

Following Cecil Rhodes' advice to sieze the resources needed to implement their neo- Imperial corporatist new world order, the Pilgrims Society confiscated most of the stolen

Nazi and Japanese gold, silver, Fig. 27—Allen Welsh Dulles. "A RESUME platinum, gems, jewelry and TOO LONG TO BE REAL without being a groomed member of the Pilgrims Society." art and transfered it to fund Staff at U.S. Embassy in Vienna (ca. 1914); their Bank of International graduated from Princeton (1916); law Settlements in Bern, degree from GWU (1926); notorious adulterer throughout his career; adviser to Switzerland during World War League of Nations (ca. 1920-30s); director of Council on Foreign Relations (1927); II. associate at Sullivan Cromwell LLP (1926-); secretary of Council on Foreign Relations (1933-1944); Swiss (Bern) station chief of Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (1943- 1945); stealth director of the Bank for https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 29/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… International Settlements (Basel, Bern, Zurich) (1942-45); Berlin station chief of "GOLD POT" OSS (1945); deputy director of plans of the CIA (1951-1953); director of the CIA (1953- 1961); director of United Fruit Company (ca. 1954-); planner of CIA Bay of Pigs The exact amount that passed debacle (1961); orchestrator of Kennedy assassination (1963); commissioner of through Donovan and Dulles' Warren Commission (1963-64). hands in Basel and Bern, Switzerland is shrouded in classical bureaucratic misdirection.

See Stuart E. Eizenstat. (May 01, 1997). Nazi Swiss Gold Claims, Doc. No. 05, U.S. and Allied Efforts To Recover and Restore Gold and Other Assets Stolen or Hidden by Germany During World War II - Preliminary Study. U.S. State Department.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 30/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

Eizenstat's report is not void of bureacratic obsequiousness. For example, he describes the Marshall Plan as a "magnanimous effort to rebuild post-war Europe." Hindsight shows these were tips of the hat to the censors sitting over his shoulders. Almost laughably, he describes the OSS as being shorthanded on other matters, and not able to devote the resources necessary to audit the stolen booty, except by the "personalities" of the OSS Chiefs of Station. Since when did "personalities" do work and take assignments. These and similar comments appear to be a cry for mercy by historian Eizenstat as part of the price he had to pay to get his research past the Pilgrims Society censors.

Dulles' OSS boss Bill Donovan and Dulles were both Pilgrims as we have proven.

Dulles was on the Marshall Plan Executive Committee. Donovan was a member also, along with other OSS operatives.

These Pilgrims were evidently dedicted to Cecil Rhodes' admonition to acquire the resources necessary to achive their imperial corporatist new world order.

In fact, to this day both the Pilgrims Society in New York and the OSS Society gives competing William J. Donovan Awards® https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 31/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… every year. This fact was probably inadvertently revealed by a strange lawsuit filed, then quickly withdrawn without a first pre-trial hearing, in the Southern District of New York in 2009 by The OSS Society. See The OSS Society v. The Pilgrims Foundation, Case No. 1:09-cv-03278 (SDNY 2009).

Evidently, the New York and London Pilgrims Society bankers know who buttered their bread in the Marshall Plan with a "Gold Pot" handled through "numbered accounts and cloaked assets" in Switzerland at the Bank for International Settlements, the bankers' bank (read: Pilgrims Society Honey Pot).

Bookmark: #action-items | https://tinyurl.com/y2ssm38l


1. Demand that the U.S. Treasury immediately seize J.P. Morgan Chase (read: Rothschild/Rockefeller) assets (including gold and silver) worldwide since these holdings were generated by the Marshall Plan frauds and the earlier Pilgrims Society frauds from the Boer Wars and World War I, among others;

2. Demand that the Piligrms Society's Hegelian 2008 Bank "Bailout" be unwound, and new financial structures created across the board. (See the Hold the Presses! discovery below);

3. Demand that the Marshall Plan corporate and organizational syndicate that benefited from the Marshall Plan (to the current time) immediately disgorges their ill gotten gains, including universities and service organizations with all their fake endowments and fake philanthropy;

4. Cancel all U.S. federal, state and local contracts with British corporations and institutions controlled by the Pilgrims Society that are hiding behind U.S. subsidiary fronts, esp. massive military, defense and technology contracts with the likes of the Privy Council, TheCityofLondonUK, SERCO, QinetiQ, BBC, Daily Telegraph, Reuters, CPU Media Trust, URENCO, , Lockheed Martin, Crown Agents, Senior Executive Service (SES), AstraZeneca, Wellcome Fund, Merial, Sanofi, Boehringer Mannheim, Roche, Pfizer, UKRI, Pirbright Institute, Imperial Chemical Industries, De Beers, Du Pont, , N.M. Rothschild & Sons etc., Investec, Open Society Foundation etc., Oxford,

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 32/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Cambridge and the London School of Economics;

5. Demand that the Pilgrims Society and its Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and their feeder institutions, disclose full lists of their past and present members (as compared to the shamefully incomplete lists shown on Wikipedia and their websites). This should include such sham fronts as the American Academy of Achievement Awards and other such fake awards ceremonies;

6. Dismiss from any contact with U.S. federal and state contracts any American who was, or is, a Rhodes Scholar (Pilgrims recruit), a Schwarzman Scholar (Pilgrims recruit), a Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth recruit (Pilgrims recruit), Knight of Malta (Pilgrims recruit), British peer (Pilgrims award), Council on Foreign Relations (Pilgrims feeder); and

7. Write to the Pilgrims Society headquarters in the UK and the U.S. directly and demand that they repent of their considerable sins and disgorge their ill-gotten gain, for the sake of their immortal souls.

8. Demand that all awards and honours given to Americans historically and to the current time by the Knights of Malta, any Priory, including the English Priory, and the British Crown be full disclosed, including when they were awarded and the name(s) of the title(s).

Bookmark: #cease-and-desist-demands | https://tinyurl.com/y4lrp8gb


The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society

The Pilgrims of Great Britain Mrs. A. Thompson Executive Secretary 7 Beeches Close Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4BU United Kingdom (UK)

Telephone: 01799 732281 (tel. in the UK) From the U.S.A: 011-44-1799-732281 Email: [email protected]

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 33/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Website: www.pilgrimsociety.org

The Pilgrims of the United States The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc. EIN 13-3095744 Formerly The William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation John R. Drexel IV, President 271 Madison Ave No. 1408 New York, NY 10016 United States (U.S.)

Telephone: (212) 991-9944 Website: http://www.pilgrimsociety.org/pigrimsOfTheUS.php

The primary historical associations among the Pilgrims Society, Bill Donovan, Allen W. Dulles, OSS / CIA / MI6 / NSA / GCHQ / FBI / MI5 / Naval Research / Admiralty / Office of Net Assessment / Crown Agents / SES and stolen Nazi and Japanese gold and the formation of the Marshall Plan is unmistakable

This long, deep association between Wild Bill Donovan— one of the most notorious spies of all time—and the Pilgrims Society is prima facie evidence that the Pilgrims Society is a subversive, seditious organization.

These findings only scratch the surface of the information that has been hidden from the American people by Marshall Plan-complicit communications, publishing, media, education, labor, church and service organizations.

Stay tuned.


Bookmark: #pilgrims-fabricated-2008-bank-crisis | https://tinyurl.com/y5ochf25


On the Pilgrims' 2007 IRS Form 990, Henry Kissinger; Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve; https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 34/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… international settlements banker Miner Warner; and the Anglican (Church of England) bishop of New York Mark Sisk, were officers in the Pilgrims Society in

2008; along with Fig. 28—Paul Adolph Fig. 29—Henry Alfred Rockefeller crony John Volcker, Jr. Kissinger. C. Whitehead.

This was the year before the 2008 banking "crisis." (a Pilgrims Society false flag event).

These men remained Pilgrims officers according to their 2008 IRS Form 990.


Remarkably, according to the U.S. Pilgrims 2001 IRS Form 990, through 2001, the current U.S. Pilgrims operation had relied upon the The William J. ["Wild Bill"] Donovan Memorial Foundation for its tax-exempt status

Curiously, Kissinger and Volcker had jumped off the board of the U.S. Pilgrims as shown in the 2009 IRS Form 990.


Surely Kissinger and Volcker did not need more dinners to attend. As the former warmongering U.S. Secretary of State and equally warmongering Rothschild Chairman of the Federal Reserve, respectively, they did not need the influence of the Pilgrims Society politically.

So why did they join? We believe that it was a British Pilgrims Society loyalty test. Most certainly, without their https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 35/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… support of the 2008 banking "crisis" false flag, these men could have easily joined some opposing political force, or even exposed the fraud, if they were sitting on the sidelines.

Also, from a Luciferian perspective (which the Pilgrims all appear to be), their demons require their hosts to expose themselves publicly to gain more power.

Both Kissinger and Volcker, while certainly proponents of the new world order, had always been coy, never openly acknowledging their direct association with the Anglo- American (British) Pilgrims Society in any biographies that we have been able to find. Perhaps their demons required them to openly confess their dedication to the neo-imperial corporatist new world order of the Pilgrims Society in order to give them more power.

Bookmark: #pilgrim-paul-volcker-directed-2008-bank-fake-crisis | https://tinyurl.com/y4av7mhl


We have just discovered that Paul ADOLPH Volcker chaired the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (Feb. 06, 2009 to Feb. 06, 2011).

This means the Pilgrims Society's U.S. vice president in the U.S.—Paul A. Volcker —was driving the reconfiguration of U.S. banking, with help from fellow Pilgrim Henry Kissinger, as the main Fig. 30—Paul Adolph Volcker, Jr. Princeton undergraduate (1949); M.A. Harvard (1950); objective of the "2008 Bank Rotary Scholar at the London School of Economics (1951-52); Member of the Bailout 'Crisis'" Pilgrims Society (ca. 1951); Under Secretary for International Affairs (1969-1974); President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1975-79); Member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (1979-1987); Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979- 1987); Vice President of the Pilgrims Society of the United States, aka William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation (2007-2008); Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (2009-2011).


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 36/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… This move is pure Hegelian Dialoectic that Volcker no doubt learned well during his time at the London School of Economics, which is a notoriously communist university. Volcker orchestrated the very crisis he was then asked by Obama to fix. Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) echoed philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) when Lenin said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Bookmark: #john-podesta-co-conspiring-with-pilgrims | https://tinyurl.com/y2twmusy

Fig. 31—President Barack Obama, flanked by Vice President Joe Biden, Bailout Director Larry Summers (background), and White House adviser Paul Volcker—served as vice president of the U.S. Pilgrims Society with Henry Kissinger (2007-2008), speaks during a meeting of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board in 2010. Source: Center for American Progress (PDF, founded by John Podesta).

Seditious Pilgrims Society partners in the 2008 bank "bailout" syndicate

Paul A. Volcker Larry H. Summers John F. Podesta Joseph R. Biden Barack H. Obama

Note: Attorney John Podesta was Bill Clinton's White House secretary and chief of staff (1993-2001), then Barak Obama's counsellor (2014-2015).

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Fig. 32—Secret White House Encryption Theft Agenda (discovered by Judicial Watch in Hillary Clinton's private email server) for the Jun. 07, 1993 so-called "Cryptography and Privacy Conference" organized by the newly appointed Clinton security advisor James P. Chandler, III and White House chief of staff John D. Podesta, bankrolled by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The objective was political window dressing for activity already long underway since Apr. 13, 1978 from Operation Echelon within the NSA, C.I.A. and FBI to break in to the private communications of American citizens without a warrant.

The clearly fascist "public-private" participants in this event were listed as:

ABC, ACLU, Apple, AT&T, BNA, BNA Legal Report, Boulder Software Engineering, CBEMA, C.I.A., CNSS/ACLU, Communications Daily, Computer Research Association, Computer Sciences Corp, Congressioal Research Service, CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility), CRA, CUA Law School (Catholic University of America), Cygnus Support, Deloitte & Touche, U.S. State Dept., U.S. Treasury Dept., DigiCash, Digital Equipment Corp., Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), FBI, FCW (Federal Technology), Fischer International, GAO, GAO/OSI, George Washington Univ., Georgetown Univ., House Committee on Intelligence, House Government Operations Committee, House Judiciary Committee, House Telecomm, HP, IBM, IEEE, IEEE Spectrum, Inter*Pak, Intercon Systems, ITAA, John T. Brennan NSA Cyber, Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence, MacWeek, MacWorld, McKenney, Thomsen & Burke, MIT, Mitre Corp, National Academy of Sciences, National Security Archive, Network World, New York Times, Newsbytes, Newsday, NIST, NPR, NSA, NSA (National Security Agency), NSA, ABC World News Tonight, NSF, Oracle, OSTP (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy), Privacy Journal, Privacy Times, Qualcomm, REDACTED, RSA, SecurTech, Senate Judiciary Committee, Software Publishers Association, Sun Microsystems, TIS (Trusted Information Systems now McAfee), TRAC, Univ. of Penn., US Privacy Council, US West, Washington Post, White House, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, now Wilmer Hale (Robert S. Mueller, III, Deval L. Patrick), Wilson Center.

Previous to these positions Podesta had been Counselor to Democratic Leader Senator Thomas Daschle (1995–96—while he worked for Clinton); Chief Counsel for the Senate Agriculture Committee (1987–88); Chief Minority Counsel for the United States Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks; Security and Terrorism; and Regulatory Reform; and Counsel on the Majority Staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee (1979–81).

On Jun. 07, 1993, Podesta and White House security advisor James P. Chandler, III organized a program to approve an FBI backdoor key to all encryption on the Internet. The program was bankrolled by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. That "Clipper Chip" proposal was not approved by Congress, so Clinton, Podesta and Chandler cajoled the Department of Commerce to require hardware, software and firmware vendors to include the "DUAL_EC_DRBG" (managed for the NSA by NIST) decryption algorithm in all software sold or use for export (which was everyone). So, they did an end run around Congress (We the People). https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 38/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

Special Note: The Podesta-Chandler-Carnegie agenda in the sidebar was discovered on Hillary Clinton's private server during FOIA discovery by Judicial Watch.

Given the length of time that Podesta ruled the White House since the early 1990's, a major responsibilty was selecting Senior Executive Service (SES) for the seditious Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society.

Volcker attended the London School of Economics (1951-52) which is a notoriously known training ground for British communists. He also worked in various positions up to vice president and director of Chase Manhattan Bank (Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, Rothschild) from 1957-62, 65. His roles in gold manipulation are legion. Now we know who was pulling his strings—The [seditious] Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society.

Notably, replacing Kissinger and Volcker in 2009 were The Hon. William J. Van Heuvel who became secretary, John R. Drexel IV who became president and Thomas L. Pulling who became vice president.

Heuvel was a protégé of William J. Donovan in the OSS, U.S. Ambassador to the UN European office, chairman, director or member of Time Warner, Roosevelt Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, UN Association, OSS Society. He had been a Pilgrims director off and on, mostly on, for many years. He stepped aside in 2007 and 2008 so Volcker and Kissinger could watch over the 2008 banking "crisis" for the Queen.

Drexel was appointed by the Queen to be a Knight of Malta, English Priory in the U.S. as well as its Prior Emeritus and Life Governor as well as a Baliff Grand Cross. He was managing director of Kidder Peabody and its international subsidiary, among others. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. was also appointed by the Queen to be a Knight of Malta.

Pulling was managing director of Citigroup, assistant treasurer of J.P. Morgan & Co. He is a director of the Henry Luce Foundation (Time), and member of the CFR and Bohemian Club.

These U.S. Pilgrims Society officers, including our former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, were evidently watching over the Queen's business, not America's.

These are all hard proofs of sedition

More study into the interlocking relationships of these men shows that they are intimately tied with all the world's major post-Marshall Plan banking houses in the U.S. and Europe.

Bookmark: #pilgrims-society-forms-990 | https://tinyurl.com/y33epssb

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 39/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, IRS FORM 990 (2001- CURRENT)

IRS Form 990 Reports 2001-2018, EIN (Employee Identification No.) 13-3095744 for:

The Pilgrims Society of the United States, operating through 2001 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as: The William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation, then from 2002-current as: The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc.

2001 | 2002 (missing) | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 missing | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 ("Assisting the Pilgrims of the United States in promoting the understanding between the United States, United Kingdom, and the Commonwealth") | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018

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Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | http's://tinyurl.com/ycqdswew

Footnote 1

REMINDER RE. THE MILLER ACT NOTICE— THE PERPETRATORS OF THIS EPIC FRAUD MUST DISGORGE THEIR ILL-GOTTEN GAIN Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE FEDERAL BRITISH-AMERICAN PATENT to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay WEAPONIZATION THIEVES them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall enrichment of fascist insider military- industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 41/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to [email protected] and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.

Posted by K. Craine at 11:55 AM


John Barnwell July 30, 2020 at 2:44 PM "I seek to trace the novel features under which despotism may appear in the world. The first thing that strikes the observation is an innumerable multitude of men all equal and alike, incessantly endeavouring to procure the petty and paltry pleasures with which they glut their lives. Each of them, living apart, is as a stranger to the fate of all the rest,—his children and his private friends constitute to him the whole of mankind; as for the rest of his fellow-citizens, he is close to them, but he sees them not;—he touches them, but he feels them not; he exists but in himself and for himself alone; and if his kindred still remain to him, he may be said at any rate to have lost his country. “Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living? Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men for these things; it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on them as benefits. After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.” Alexis de Tocqueville

in: “Democracy in America: the social influence of democracy, Vol. IV,” by Alexis de Tocqueville, transl. by Henry Reeve, Esq., Publ. J. & H.G. Langley: New York, 1840 (pgs. 319-322) Alexis-Charles-Henri Cléral de Tocqueville, Member of the Institute of France, & of the Chamber of Deputies, &c. (b. July 29th 1805 – d. April 16th 1859) Reply Delete

K. Craine August 1, 2020 at 9:11 AM Email comment by Anon:

You may find this information useful...

[EDITOR: Oh yes! Thank you! Here is a caption for this bombshell finding:]

Breaking News: Just leaked Jan. 08, 1981 PM Margaret Thatcher 10 Downing Street letter shows seditious use of the American Pilgrims Society and Georgetown as instruments of British foreign policy and propaganda

Francis Richards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). (Jan. 08, 1981). Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Visit to the United States: Georgetown University, U.S. Pilgrims Society, including Donovan Award. 10 Downing Street.

https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/1981-01-08-Prime-Minister-Margaret-Thatcher-s- Visit-to-the-United-States-Georgetown-Pilgrims-Society-including-Donovan-Award-by- Francis-Richards-Foreign-and-Commonwealth-Office-(FCO)-10-Downing-Street-Jan-08- 1981.pdf https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 42/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

This is yet more proof that the U.S. members of the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society are all traitors to the United States and its sovereignty. Remember, Pilgrims vice presidents Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker (2007-2008) were chief orchestrators of the 2008 bank “bailout” scam to enable Pilgrims banks to further consolidate their global power for the takeover of the American Republic.

See this post above for the information that triggered this leak.

AFI. (Jul. 28, 2020). The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society and its CFR minions used the Marshall Plan, shrouded in anti-communism, to seize control of global banking using Nazi & Japanese stolen gold. Americans for Innovation.


Reply Delete


K. Craine August 1, 2020 at 9:12 AM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.



K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:11 PM Email comment by TG:

Moderna’s totally disqualifying RED FLAG “strategic” relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust and Bill Gates

Massive Insider Trading at Vaccine Company Moderna

https://aim4truth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Massive-Insider-Trading-at-Moderna- Inc.-.mp3

Reply Delete


K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:12 PM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.


K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:14 PM Email comment by BR:

MODERNA’S TOTALLY DISQUALIFYING RED FLAG “STRATEGIC” RELATIONSHIPS TO THE QUEEN, WELLCOME TRUST AND BILL GATES Moderna Inc is a pharmaceutical insider trading group with relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust, and Bill Gates.

Insiders are “Sell Sell Sell”. Insiders are not buying.

Are you the sucker holding Moderna stock as the insiders get out?

Can someone tell Bill Barr to do his friggin job and bust up these insider traders who want to exterminate humanity?!

Who are these directors and officers that are intent on exterminating humanity while pushing their vaccine snake oil?

Bancel, Stephane Zaks ,Tal Zvi Hoge, Stephen https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 43/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… NABEL, ELIZABETH G Tallett, Elizabeth E HENDERSON, LORI M. Meline, David W Kim, Lorence H. AFEYAN, NOUBAR Flagship Ventures Fund IV, L.P. Andres, Juan SAGAN, PAUL LANGER, ROBERT Nader, Francois Horning, Sandra Slaoui, Moncef Berenson, Stephen LEE, JENNIFER LING

Full stories:

https://aim4truth.org/2020/08/04/modernas-totally-disqualifying-red-flag- strategic-relationships-to-the-queen-wellcome-trust-and-bill-gates/


K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:16 PM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.


K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:18 PM Here is Moderna's S-1/A public offering prospectus:

Moderna, Inc. CIK#: 0001682852. (Accessed Aug. 04, 2020 am). NASDAQ. Dec. 04, 2018). S-1/A, Initial Public Offering. SEC Edgar.

https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000119312518341958/0001 193125-18-341958-index.htm


K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:21 PM Here is Moderna CEO STEPHANE BANCEL'S Form 4 Insider Trading Report:

THE THEME: SELL, SELL, SELL. (I don't believe in my company or my part in it. I'm here to fleece the public. Got a problem with that? Goldman Sachs, SEC, Morgan Stanley and J.P. Morgan love me.)



K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 3:03 PM Moderna's intitial public offering documents discloses MONCEF SLAOUI, PHD. as a director. He also shows your NIH suspicions true

https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2018-12-04-Moderna-Inc-MRNA-CIK- 0001682852-S-1A-Initial-Public-Offering-SEC-Edgar-Filed-Dec-04- 2018.pdf#page=307

Moncef had been with GlaxoSmithKline (Wellcome Fund) since 1988. He then led worldwide business development then led Glaxo/Wellcome’s R&D in 2006. He then led the Oncology Business from 2010.

GSK/Wellcome Fund jointly own Moncef's company Galvani Bioelectronics, launched in 2016, with Verily Life Sciences.

Verily Life Sciences is the new name of what was Google Life Sciences (renamed in 2015). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verily

Enter warmonger Eric Schmidt directly into the Board of Moderna through the back door.

Moncef Slaoui, Ph.D., has served as a member of our board of directors since https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 44/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P… July 2017. Dr. Slaoui joined GlaxoSmithKline Plc (NYSE: GSK) (“GSK”) in 1988, where he engineered the development of a robust vaccines pipeline. He then led worldwide business development for pharmaceutical products before his appointment to lead research and development in 2006. He assumed overall responsibility for GSK’s Oncology Business in 2010, for GSK Vaccines in 2011, and for all Global Franchises in 2012. Dr. Slaoui is Chairman of the board of directors of Galvani Bioelectronics, a company launched in November 2016 that GSK jointly owns with Verily Life Sciences. Dr. Slaoui has advised the U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, was a member of the Board of the Agency for Science, Technology, & Research until January 2011, the PhRMA Foundation Board from 2008 to 2016, and the Advisory Committee to the Director of the National Institutes of Health from 2011 to 2016. Dr. Slaoui previously served on the board of directors of Intellia Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: NTLA). Dr. Slaoui is also a former Professor of Immunology at the University of Mons, Belgium. Dr. Slaoui received a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Immunology from Université Libre de Bruxelles. We believe that Dr. Slaoui is qualified to serve on our board of directors because of his vast experience in the pharmaceutical industry and various leadership positions.



K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:23 PM Email comment by DG:

CAT REPORT Bill Gates Says Everyone Has To Get His Vaccination

George Floyd arrest recording released

Solihin Millin: Wake Up Australia COVID-19 is a Total Hoax

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Adverse Reactions In “More Than Half” Of Trial Participants

Mockingbird financial media broadcast list just leaked by whistleblower

Moderna (NASDAQ: MRNA) insider trading reports (Form 4)

Trump fires Tennessee Valley Authority chair, citing hiring of foreign workers

UPenn struggles to explain $3M donation from Hong Kong shell company: report

More free homeschool curriculum materials

Full stories:


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K. Craine August 4, 2020 at 2:24 PM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.



K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 5:34 AM Email comment by TG:

CAT REPORT President Trump: “So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I’m doing. But I figure we have one chance to do it, and no other President is going to do what I do.”

Full story:

https://aim4truth.org/2020/08/07/cat-report-497/ https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 45/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

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K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 5:35 AM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.



K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 5:36 AM Email comment by DG:

CAT REPORT Donald Trump to Suspend Payroll Tax Until End of 2020

Trump to take executive action after coronavirus talks collapse

Explosion in Panama City – Details just coming in

Chuck Schumer agrees with President Trump that we should open schools!

“Secret button” at “bottom” of Troll World Tour toy.

Which Fever-Tree should I drink?

The Truth About Endocannabinoids

Hemp, Hemp Horray

Shungite, C60, Buckyballs, Ormus, and Superconnectivity

The Trump Effect Casts Attackers’ Demonic Reflections

Full story:


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K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 5:37 AM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.



K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 6:12 AM Email comment by Millenial Millie:

TEASER: ShadowGate - Coming Soon!

The material presented in this documentary should concern people of all political affiliations given elected officials are not the shadow government. This is about real players who’s names never come up but should. Corrupt carrier politicians are definitely part of the beltway swamp, even aspects of the deep state, but they are not the shadow government. Two whistleblowers, who worked extensively within the Shadow Government as contractors have come forward with revelations that may be the biggest whistleblowing event to date.

Full story [VIDEO]: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 46/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…


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K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 6:13 AM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.



K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 6:17 AM Email comment by B. Wyatt:

Subject: Whistleblower Complaint Filed


DATE: 15 JULY 2019

https://www.victimoftheswamp.com/2019/07/15/facebooks-unsanctioned-use-of- classified-defense-department-social-media-psychological-warfare-tools/

Wikistrats ShadowNet iPsy ClearForce Dynology Atlantic Council

I have discovered compelling evidence that social media warfare tools I helped in pioneering for the U.S. Department of Defense contract during the Obama administration, was unlawfully procured by Obama’s then National Security Adviser, Gen. James Jones. I have provided a copy of my sworn record to my Congressman, Gus Bilirakis, and I am providing Senator Rick Scott with a copy tomorrow. My attorney is reaching our to the others listed in the memorandum’s CC.

Even more troubling is the multiple partnerships forged between Gen. Jones and Facebook. The most current was the partnership between Facebook and Atlantic Council to, “restore election integrity worldwide” and “combat social media fake news.” Jones was the Chairman of the Board at that time, giving him unlimited access and knowledge of any partnership agreements or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU’s). This is extremely troubling, as another famous partnership with Facebook, Cambridge Analytica / Psy-Group, had Gen. Jones on the board of Wikistrat / Psy-Group.

https://clearforce.com/about-us/board-of-directors/ General James L. Jones Jr., James Jones III, General Michael Hayden

https://www.army.mil/article/225043/91st_cyber_brigade_completes_rollout_of_shadown et_enterprise_solution

91st Cyber Brigade completes rollout of ShadowNet enterprise solution | Article | The United States Army

FAIRFAX, Va. -The Virginia National Guard's Bowling Green-based 91st Cyber Brigade completed the nationwide rollout of its ShadowNet enterprise solution July 19, 2019, with the integration of the ... www.army.mil

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K. Craine August 9, 2020 at 6:18 AM Previous comment:


Spread the truth.



https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-anglo-american-british-pilgrims_30.html#pilgrims-society-forms-990 47/48 8/9/2020 Americans for Innovation: THE ANGLO-AMERICAN (BRITISH) PILGRIMS SOCIETY & ITS CFR OFFSPRING USED THE MARSHALL P…

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