Index to CAML Review /Revue De L'acbm, Volume 3 1
Index to CAML Review /Revue de l'ACBM, Volume 3 1 Compiled by Kathleen McMorrow Faculty of Music Library, University of Toronto This index includes personal and corporate names, titles, and subjects of articles, reports and reviews in one main alphabet, plus an added title list of reviews. Names are identified as author (a), composer (c), editor (e), performer (pr-, or reviewer (r); names not so identified are subject entries; titles of articles are contained in quotation marks; titles of reviewed works are italicized, titles in square brackets have been supplied by the indexer. Citations are in the form: volume/issue:inclusive pages. Adaskin, Murray, 3 1/2:49-5 1 droit d'auteu, 3 1/25 voir aussi copyright acquisitions, 3 1/2:9-11;14-15 Advertisers Fazekas, Monica, "Information literacy for music Haworth Journals, 3 11252 librarians: pre-conference workshop at MLA aesthetics of music, 3 1/5:43-45 2003," 3 1/1:6-8 Applebaum, Louis, 3 1/1:28-30 Foliage, 3 113 :19-20 Archer, Violet, 3 111 :34-36,3 113 :24-25 "Le Fonds Paul Bley de la Division de la The audiovisual cataloging current, 3 l/1 :23 -25 musique, Bibliothhue et Archives du Canada," 3 112.33-37 Bailey, James, a 3 113: 17-18 Forsyth, Malcolm, 3 1/1:37-3 8,3 1/3:24-25 Bain, Jennifer, r 3 111 :34-36 Fraser, David, "The Paul Bley fonds at the Music Barris, Alex, a 3 1/1:3 1-33 division of the Library and Archives of Beckwith, John, r 3 1/2:40-42, 3 113 :2 1-23 Canada," 3 1/2:30-32, "Le fonds Paul Bley de Begins with the oboe: a history of the Toronto la Division de la musique, BibliothQue
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