H4350 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 15, 2015 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ons in our Nation’s airports. The Air- Export-Import Bank. Let’s vote this The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the port Security Act is a commonsense week to reauthorize the Export-Import gentlewoman from California (Ms. bill, and I urge my colleagues to join Bank. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ) come forward and me in keeping the traveling public f safe. lead the House in the Pledge of Alle- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f giance. PRO TEMPORE Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- DACA ANNIVERSARY The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- fornia led the Pledge of Allegiance as (Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- follows: ant to clause 4 of rule I, the following fornia asked and was given permission enrolled bill was signed by Speaker pro I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the to address the House for 1 minute.) of America, and to the Repub- ´ tempore THORNBERRY on Friday, June Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of Cali- 12, 2015: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, fornia. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. S. 1568, to extend the authorization commemorate the 3-year anniversary to carry out the replacement of the ex- f of the Deferred Action for Childhood isting medical center of the Depart- Arrivals program, also known as KING V. BURWELL ment of Veterans Affairs in Denver, DACA. Colorado, to authorize transfers of (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given Over the past 3 years, DACA has permission to address the House for 1 changed the lives of more than 640,000 amounts to carry out the replacement minute and to revise and extend his re- young undocumented immigrants who of such medical center, and for other marks.) were brought to the United States as purposes. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, it seems children, including an impressive in- f like the whole of Washington is await- tern in my office named Maria. Maria RECESS ing the result of a Supreme Court deci- moved to the United States when she sion in reference to King v. Burwell. was only 6 years old. Now, as a college The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, let me give you the sim- student with a 4.0 GPA, Maria tutors ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair ple truth. As I see it, the President children and is giving back to the declares the House in recess until ap- broke the law. He broke the law, and country that has helped her reach her proximately 4 p.m. today. people are hurting as a consequence. goals. Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 8 min- Once this ruling comes down, Con- As we mark DACA’s 3-year anniver- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. gress will be required to put in place sary and all that it has accomplished f mechanisms to keep people from being to support students like Maria, thou- b 1600 hurt any further, but the fact of the sands more DREAMers are waiting for matter remains that premiums have their opportunity to come out of the AFTER RECESS gone up, deductibles are completely shadows. Sadly, the court battle over The recess having expired, the House out of sight, leaving many families DACA continues. was called to order by the Speaker pro functionally uninsured. We need to ad- We must rededicate ourselves to fix- tempore (Mr. LOUDERMILK) at 4 o’clock dress these problems. ing our broken immigration system. and 3 minutes p.m. Furthermore, power needs to be de- Students like Maria deserve the chance f volved back to the States. States can to live free of fear and contribute their do a better job of running their talents to keep our country vibrant ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER healthcare systems because they are and the envy of the world. PRO TEMPORE closer to the people that they rep- f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- resent. REAUTHORIZE THE EXPORT- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair The fact of the matter is this IMPORT BANK will postpone further proceedings healthcare law was a big mistake. It is (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given today on motions to suspend the rules time that it be fixed, and this will be a on which a recorded vote or the yeas first step in the road to do so. permission to address the House for 1 minute.) and nays are ordered, or on which the f Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, House Re- vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule XX. AIRPORT SECURITY ACT publican leadership is, once again, threatening to bring us to the edge of Record votes on postponed questions (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and yet another deadline that threatens will be taken later. was given permission to address the American jobs and our very economy. f House for 1 minute and to revise and There are just 7 days left for Con- J. WATIES WARING JUDICIAL extend his remarks.) gress to reauthorize the Export-Import CENTER Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Bank, a critical agency that gives er, our Nation’s airports are economic American manufacturers and small Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, I and cultural engines that drive our businesses the tools and access to cap- move to suspend the rules and pass the local, State, and national economy. ital that they need to sell American- bill (H.R. 2131) to designate the Federal They are the front door for many of made goods overseas. It is how we grow building and United States courthouse our communities. Unfortunately, they our economy. Letting the Export-Im- located at 83 Meeting Street in are also a known target for those seek- port Bank expire endangers hundreds Charleston, , as the ‘‘J. ing to incite fear. of thousands of good-paying jobs in the Waties Waring Judicial Center’’. Two weeks ago, a man entered the United States. The Clerk read the title of the bill. world’s busiest airport in Atlanta, In my home State of Michigan alone, The text of the bill is as follows: Georgia, carrying a loaded AR–15 auto- 228 exporters with $11 billion in export H.R. 2131 matic weapon with an extended capac- value are at risk if Congress fails to re- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ity 100-round magazine. He did so only authorize the Ex-Im Bank. That will resentatives of the United States of America in to make a point, and that was to show all end on June 30—no new support, no Congress assembled, that he was legally able to carry his new loan guarantees, no new loans to SECTION 1. J. WATIES WARING FEDERAL BUILD- firearm in the airport. help exporters sell goods across the ING AND UNITED STATES COURT- Mr. Speaker, actions like this, which country and keep Americans at work. HOUSE. follow shootings at airports in Los An- It is reckless and it is irresponsible (a) DESIGNATION.—The Federal building geles and Houston, undermine public and United States courthouse located at 83 that we are facing another fiscal cliff. Meeting Street in Charleston, South Caro- security in the same way as yelling This is a cliff for our own manufactur- lina, shall be known and designated as the ‘‘fire’’ in a crowded theater. ers and our own economy. ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judicial Center’’. Today, I will introduce legislation to Mr. Speaker, a majority of this (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, prohibit the carrying of loaded weap- House of Representatives supports the map, regulation, document, paper, or other

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:38 Jun 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15JN7.006 H15JNPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE June 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4351 record of the United States to the Federal Before Judge Waring was named to stage for one of the most significant court building and United States courthouse re- the Federal bench, he served as assist- cases in our nation’s history. In the 1940’s, ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to ant U.S. attorney and as corporation Judge Waring heard and ruled on cases that be a reference to the ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judi- counsel for the City of Charleston. cial Center’’. opened South Carolina’s ‘‘white only’’ Demo- He is most famously remembered for cratic primary and forcing equal pay for black The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- a 1951 landmark school segregation and white school teachers. By 1948, TIME ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- case. Judge Waring wrote in his dissent Magazine declared him as ‘‘The Man They kansas (Mr. CRAWFORD) and the gentle- on a three-judge panel that racial seg- Love to Hate’’ in South Carolina. In fact, in woman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE regation in public schools was ‘‘per se 1950, the South Carolina House of Represent- JOHNSON) each will control 20 minutes. inequality.’’ He became the first Fed- atives debated a resolution asking Judge The Chair recognizes the gentleman eral judge to take that position since Waring and his wife to leave and from Arkansas. Plessy v. Ferguson ruled for separate even offered to pay for the one-way tickets. GENERAL LEAVE but equal. In his dissent, he went fur- This all came before his dissenting vote in the Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask ther to denounce segregation as an 1951 Briggs v. Elliott case involving seg- unanimous consent that all Members ‘‘evil that must be eradicated.’’ His dis- regated busing in Clarendon County in South may have 5 legislative days in which to sent is commonly understood to pro- Carolina. In that case, ar- revise and extend their remarks and in- vide the intellectual underpinning of gued that black students were being treated clude extraneous material on H.R. 2131. the Supreme Court outlawing school unfairly because although there were three The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there segregation in Brown v. Board of Edu- times as many black students, funding for objection to the request of the gen- cation. transportation was only half. As a result, black tleman from Arkansas? Because Judge Waring’s decisions students were walking up to nine miles to There was no objection. were considered controversial at the school. The case was decided against the Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, I time, he endured threats of violence plaintiff by a 2-1 vote, with Judge Waring vot- yield myself such time as I may con- and was alienated from most of ing in dissent. In his opinion, Waring argued sume. Charleston. Soon after Judge Waring’s that segregation was ‘‘an evil that must be Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2131 designates the momentous decision, he retired from eradicated’’ and a result of ‘‘unreasonable, un- Federal building and the United States the Federal bench and moved to New scientific and . . . unadulterated prejudice.’’ courthouse located at 83 Meeting York, where he later died. His dissent would travel with the case all the Street in Charleston, South Carolina, Fifty years after his death, this legis- way to the Supreme Court, where the Briggs as the J. Waties Waring Judicial Cen- lation naming the Federal courthouse case became one of five cases decided with ter. in Charleston in his honor is appro- Brown v. Board of Education, which recog- Judge Waring was born in Charles- priate because of Judge Waring’s cou- nized segregation as a violation of the 14th ton, South Carolina, in 1880. After be- rageous judicial service in the face of Amendment. coming a lawyer, he was in the private fierce opposition to the bedrock Amer- Although Judge Waring left the bench not practice of law and eventually served ican value of ‘‘justice for all.’’ long after the Briggs case, the impact of his as corporation counsel for Charleston, I urge my colleagues to support this leadership still resides today. I think naming South Carolina. bill. this building after Judge Waring is a particu- In 1942, after serving as assistant U.S. I yield back the balance of my time. larly fitting commemoration of his bold leader- Attorney, Judge Waring was appointed Mr. CRAWFORD. Mr. Speaker, again, ship, his willingness to take a stand, and the by President Franklin Delano Roo- I would just urge my colleagues to sup- human kindness that’s being extended by sevelt to serve as a judge for the port H.R. 2131. Senator Hollings back to Judge Waring. United States District Court for the I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- Eastern District of South Carolina. Mr. SANFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in port of H.R. 2131, a bill to rename the federal During his tenure on the bench, support of H.R. 2131, a bill to designate the courthouse in Charleston, South Carolina in Judge Waring’s opinions had a signifi- Federal building and United States courthouse honor of Judge J. Waties Waring. This bill is cant impact on civil rights. For exam- located at 83 Meeting Street in Charleston, a tribute to two men, two outstanding South ple, in the case of Duvall v. School South Carolina, as the ‘‘J. Waties Waring Judi- Carolinians. The first, Judge Waring, for whom Board, he ruled that equal pay must be cial Center’’ and urge my colleagues to sup- the bill will name the courthouse, was a fed- guaranteed for equally qualified port this bill. I thank Representative JIM CLY- eral judge in South Carolina during the 1940s schoolteachers, regardless of race, and BURN for introducing the bill, which has the full and 50s who made landmark and courageous his dissent in Briggs v. Elliott stating support of our state’s congressional delega- rulings on civil rights. that ‘‘separate educational facilities tion. The second is known to many in the Con- are inherently unequal’’ formed the This bill is a reflection of two things: human gress, Senator Ernest F. ‘‘Fritz’’ Hollings legal foundation for the Supreme kindness and bold leadership. There is a say- whose name is currently on this courthouse, Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of ing that, ‘‘One of the most difficult things to and who has requested it be changed as a Education. give away is kindness; it usually comes back long overdue honor to Judge Waring. This bill is supported by the entire to you.’’ This bill is, in some ways, a reflection The son of a confederate soldier, Julius South Carolina delegation. Given of that notion. Under the category of human Waties Waring, was born July 27, 1880 in Judge Waring’s dedication to the law, kindness, this bill came as a result of a phone Charleston, and graduated from the College of it is fitting to name this Federal build- call from Senator asking that the Charleston in 1900. He became an attorney ing and courthouse after him. name on the courthouse in Charleston named and after practicing in Charleston for several I reserve the balance of my time. after him be changed to honor the memory of decades was nominated by President Franklin Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of the late Judge . Although Roosevelt to the U.S. District Court in 1941. Texas. I yield myself such time as I Judge Waring has a remarkable legal legacy, While there was little in his background that may consume. in the case of Senator Hollings, it all began foretold an evolution on the issue, soon after Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this with human kindness. In the 1940’s, Fritz Hol- ascending to the bench, Waring would be- legislation. This bill is, of course, to lings was a young attorney in Charleston and come an iconoclast and an outcast in his name the U.S. courthouse in Charles- practiced in front of Judge Waring. What im- hometown because of his rulings on civil rights ton, South Carolina, after Judge Julius pressed him was that Judge Waring was, cases. Waties Waring. ‘‘damned nice to me. He made sure young In the 1944 Duvall v. School Board decision, During Judge Waring’s time as a Fed- lawyers weren’t bumfuzzled or run over by Judge Waring ordered equal pay for teachers, eral judge in the Eastern District of senior lawyers.’’ If the story stopped there, we regardless of race. South Carolina, he was a trailblazer in probably would not be discussing this bill In 1947, in Elmore v. Rice, Judge Waring pursuit of justice for African Ameri- today. struck down South Carolina’s all-white Demo- cans. Judge Waring consistently ruled Instead, it is Judge Waring’s bold leadership cratic primary. for African American plaintiffs in cases that makes this commemoration particularly fit- In 1952, in his most famous opinion, Judge involving voting rights, unequal pay, ting. As a federal district court judge, J. Waties Waring dissented from the ruling in Briggs v. and civil rights. Waring ruled on several key cases that set the Elliott, arguing that ‘‘separate but equal’’ was

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:38 Jun 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15JN7.005 H15JNPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 15, 2015 unconstitutional. While a dissenting opinion at The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I urge my colleagues to support H.R. the time, on appeal to the U.S. Supreme question is on the motion offered by 2559. Court, his opinion would form the basis of the the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. I reserve the balance of my time. unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Edu- CRAWFORD) that the House suspend the Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of cation, which struck down racial segregation in rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2131. Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of all public schools in America. The question was taken; and (two- H.R. 2559, and I yield myself such time For my entire tenure in Congress, these thirds being in the affirmative) the as I may consume. words from Judge Waring’s dissent have been rules were suspended and the bill was This bill designates a 10-mile seg- on the wall of my Congressional Office: ‘‘They passed. ment of Interstate 10 between milepost showed beyond a doubt that the evils of seg- A motion to reconsider was laid on 535 and milepost 545 in Kendall County, regation and color prejudice come from early the table. Texas, as the PFC Milton A. Lee Medal training . . . and that is an evil that must be f of Honor Memorial Highway. I am pleased to be a cosponsor of this bill eradicated.’’ PFC MILTON A. LEE MEDAL OF Taking these stands in the 1940s and 50s along with my colleagues from Texas. HONOR MEMORIAL HIGHWAY was not without consequence. His experi- Private Lee was a hero who trag- ences gave currency to the biblical admonition Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- ically lost his life at the age of 19 while that ‘‘a prophet is not without honor save in er, I move to suspend the rules and fighting for his country in Vietnam. his own homeland.’’ Waring was ostracized in pass the bill (H.R. 2559) to designate Milton A. Lee was born February 28, Charleston and endured harassment and at- the ‘‘PFC Milton A. Lee Medal of 1949, in Shreveport, Louisiana. He later tacks on his home. He retired from the bench Honor Memorial Highway’’ in the State moved to Texas and attended in 1952, left his hometown and moved to New of Texas. Harlandale High School in San Antonio York. The Clerk read the title of the bill. before enlisting in the Army. He had made his mark, however, and his The text of the bill is as follows: The actions preceding his death were legacy endures. I recall attending his grave- H.R. 2559 nothing short of heroic. While serving side services in 1968, which was sparsely at- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- as a radio operator with the 3rd Pla- tended except for several of Charleston’s Afri- resentatives of the United States of America in toon, Company B, the platoon was sur- can American community and a few whites Congress assembled, prised by hostile fire by the North Vi- who stood off at a distance. SECTION 1. DESIGNATION. etnamese Army. Private Lee moved Thankfully, history has given Judge Waring The segment of Interstate Route 10 be- through the heavy enemy fire to give the favorable recognition denied to him during tween milepost 535 and milepost 545 at Ken- lifesaving first aid to his wounded fel- dall County, Texas, shall be known and des- his life, and passage of his bill will rightfully ignated as the ‘‘PFC Milton A. Lee Medal of low soldiers. add to this acclaim. Honor Memorial Highway’’. As the platoon was advancing to re- It is often stated that ‘‘the difference be- SEC. 2. REFERENCES. organize, Private Lee noticed four hid- tween a moment and a movement is sac- Any reference in a law, map, regulation, den North Vietnamese soldiers with rifice.’’ Judge Waring’s sacrifices put him at document, paper, or other record of the automatic weapons and a rocket the forefront of a movement. His courage in United States to the segment of Interstate launcher ready to attack the lead ele- standing up for what was right, will endure in Route 10 referred to in section 1 shall be ment of the platoon. He selflessly our nation’s memory as a powerful example of deemed to be a reference to the ‘‘PFC Milton charged through the enemy fire and statesmanship that must continually be A. Lee Medal of Honor Memorial Highway’’. overran their position, killing the sought, regardless of the issues of the day. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- attackers and capturing their weapons. Of course, none of this today would be pos- ant to the rule, the gentleman from His actions saved the lives of his fellow sible were it not for Senator Ernest Fitzgerald Missouri (Mr. GRAVES) and the gentle- soldiers and were instrumental in the Hollings. Fritz Hollings’ record is familiar to all woman from Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE destruction of the key position of the of us here. JOHNSON) each will control 20 minutes. enemy defense. Throughout his career, as Governor of The Chair recognizes the gentleman Private Lee died April 26, 1968. He South Carolina when was from Missouri. was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1970 integrated and in the , GENERAL LEAVE for his gallantry at the risk of his life when Fritz saw a problem he set about to Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- above and beyond the call of duty. solve it. When the plight of the poor was ex- er, I ask unanimous consent that all Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that we posed to him in the late 1960s, he authored Members have 5 legislative days in can come to the floor of the House the book, The Case Against Hunger. which to revise and extend their re- today and celebrate this young man’s He led hunger tours to highlight the prob- marks and include extraneous mate- courage and conviction by naming a lem, and ultimately championed the successful rials on H.R. 2559. portion of Interstate 10 in his honor. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there This bill is a fitting tribute. Women, Infants and Children or WIC. As objection to the request of the gen- Before I close, I would like to remind Chairman of the Senate Commerce Com- tleman from Missouri? my colleagues that there are only 23 mittee, he helped usher in a generation of There was no objection. legislative days left before highway landmark social policy, providing aid of the Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. I yield my- and transit program authorizations ex- needy and protecting our environment. self such time as I may consume. pire. Here we are again on the brink of He was never afraid to make difficult Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. yet another extension in the middle of choices, or to change positions when he 2559, which names a segment of Inter- the summer construction season. I thought it warranted. state 10 between mile markers 535 and strongly urge my colleagues to take up In the 1980s, Fritz helped secure funding to 545 in Kendall County, Texas, after Pri- the charge to restore our Nation’s in- build the annex to the Courthouse that is the vate First Class Milton A. Lee. frastructure. If we do not act quickly, subject of this legislation, and the entire facility PFC Milton A. Lee joined the Army we will soon not have any miles of road was subsequently named in his honor. in San Antonio in 1967 as a member of left worthy of naming after any great Never content to allow past injustices to go the 101st Army Airborne Division and American. I support this bill. unaddressed, however, he has publicly called served in Vietnam as a radio telephone I reserve the balance of my time. on Congress to replace his name on the build- operator. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speak- ing, with that of the highly deserving, long PFC Lee was killed in action at the er, I yield such time as he may con- unheralded, J. Waties Waring. This selfless age of 19 and is buried at Fort Sam sume to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. act of statesmanship is just the most recent Houston in San Antonio. He was award- SMITH), my good friend. example of Fritz’s visionary leadership. ed the Medal of Honor for conspicuous Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I I thank my colleagues in the South Carolina gallantry in action at the risk of his would like to thank my friend and col- delegation for their unanimous support of this life above and beyond the call of duty. league from Missouri, Representative bill. I urge its passage by the House to honor H.R. 2559 is supported by all the local GRAVES, for yielding me time. this outstanding South Carolinian and great elected officials, community leaders, Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to rec- American. and veterans organizations. ognize veteran, patriot, and Medal of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:05 Jun 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15JN7.006 H15JNPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE