The Implementation of French Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia through the Institut Français d’Indonésie (2016-2018)


ANANDA HACIPERI 016201400013

A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree In International Relations Major in Diplomacy Studies



This thesis entitled “The Implementation of French Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia through the Institut Français d’Indonésie (2016-2018)” prepared and submitted by Ananda Haciperi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Jakarta, Indonesia, May 10th 2019

Recommended and Acknowledged by,

Witri Elvianti, S.IP., MA.



I declare that this thesis, entitled “The Implementation of French Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia through the Institut Français d’Indonésie (2016- 2018)” is to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Jakarta, Indonesia, May 10th 2019

( ) Ananda Haciperi



The panel of examiners declare that the thesis entitled “The Implementation of French Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia through the Institut Français d’Indonésie (2016-2018)” that was submitted by Ananda Haciperi majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the oral examination of May 27th, 2019

Witri Elvianti, S.IP., MA. Chair – Panel of Examiner Thesis Adviser

Isyana Adriani, BA., M.Si. Examiner I

Natasya Kusumawardani, S.IP., MProfStuds(Hons) Examiner II



Institut Français is French public industrial and commercial organization (EPIC) that focuses on the spread and promotion of French culture and language abroad. In carrying out its duties the Institut Français must be in accordance with the objectives set by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. Overall, the cultural activities carried out by the Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI) are efforts of French’s soft power in Indonesia through cultural diplomacy. Therefore, the focus of work organized by the IFI in Indonesia is divided into culture, linguistics, and education. Given the importance of the role of the IFI in bringing the soft power mission of in Indonesia through cultural diplomacy, this study will therefore discuss the programs implemented by IFI in Indonesia during 2016 – 2018. In order to support the research, this study will be using qualitative research methodology and will be based on secondary resources. This study uses descriptive analysis by using the theory of Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy to understand how IFI contributes to French cultural diplomacy in Indonesia. The program implementation by IFI will not only affect the promotion of French culture but also realizing shared interest as implied in strategic partnership between France and Indonesia.

Keywords: France, Institut Français d'Indonésie, Cultural Diplomacy, Soft Power



Institut Français adalah organisasi industri dan komersial publik Perancis (EPIC) yang berfokus pada penyebaran dan promosi budaya dan bahasa Prancis di luar negeri. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, Institut Français harus sesuai dengan tujuan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Eropa dan Luar Negeri. Secara keseluruhan, kegiatan budaya yang dilakukan oleh Institut Français d'Indonésie (IFI) adalah upaya kekuatan lunak Prancis di Indonesia melalui diplomasi budaya. Oleh karena itu, fokus pekerjaan yang diselenggarakan oleh IFI di Indonesia dibagi menjadi budaya, linguistik, dan pendidikan. Mengingat pentingnya peran IFI dalam membawa misi soft power Prancis di Indonesia melalui diplomasi budaya, maka studi ini akan membahas program- program yang dilaksanakan oleh IFI di Indonesia selama 2016 - 2018. Untuk mendukung penelitian, penelitian ini akan menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dan akan didasarkan pada sumber daya sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan teori Soft Power dan Diplomasi Budaya untuk memahami bagaimana IFI berkontribusi pada diplomasi budaya Prancis di Indonesia. Implementasi program oleh IFI tidak hanya akan mempengaruhi promosi budaya Prancis tetapi juga mewujudkan kepentingan bersama seperti yang tersirat dalam kemitraan strategis antara Perancis dan Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Perancis, Institut Français d'Indonésie, Diplomasi Budaya, Soft Power



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim! Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin…. All praise to Allah SWT for all grace and guidance during the hard times and Good times. I am very blessed for the entire thing You gave to me and for the answer to all the prayers. Thank you for teaching me the lesson not to surrender. Then You give me more than I desired. Surely, I am nothing without |Your Greatness. Other than that, this thesis would not be completed without the help, support, prayer, and love from other people around. Therefore, the writer would like to express gratitude for:

1. To my parents, who always support me and motivate me. I also would like to thank my beloved sister. Their presence is my biggest strength to barely face the world and pass through my hardest time in life. Thank you for always believing in me.

2. Special gratitude to my thesis advisor Mrs. Witri Elvianti. This thesis will never be done without the guidance and suggestion from you. Thank you very much for all the patience in guiding me in my thesis writing process. I am very grateful to be under your supervision.

3. Another special thanks to International Relations Lecturers of President University; Mr. Riski Baskoro, Mr. Teuku Rezasyah, Mr. Hendra Manurung,Mr. Bustanul Arifin, Mr. Haris R Pratama, Ms. Natasya Ms. Isyana and others that I cannot mention one by one for all the knowledge and experience you have given to me for these past three years.

4. To my closest friends, the Borneo Boys, my family since the day one, Aldi, Aden Imanullah, Riyadh Bawazir. Thank you for your presence who always remind me whenever I do wrong and the laughs also knowledges we share together.


5. To Intan Faradila, and Wilma Sukarna Putri who has supported and always believed in me even in instances where I do not even believe on myself. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone in finishing this thesis. Thank you for the priceless counsel and support in this thesis-making proccess. Thank you for the joys and share knowledges.

6. To my International Relations family whom I cannot mention one by one, thank you for the joys, support, knowledge-sharing, and lesson learned. It is great to meet with you all and shape me to the who I am now.

Finally, I would like to thank everybody who has become an important part of my journey. I always pray for our success, health, and happiness. May Allah bless us all! Aamiin

Jakarta, May 8th 2019

Ananda Haciperi



THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER ...... i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...... ii PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS...... viii LIST OF FIGURES AND DIAGRAMS ...... x LIST OF ACRONYMS ...... xi CHAPTER I ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 I.1 Background of Study ...... 1 I.2 Problem Identification ...... 5 I.3 Statement of Problem ...... 6 I.4 Research Objectives ...... 6 I.5 Significance of Study ...... 6 I.6 Literature Review ...... 6 I.7 Theoretical Framework ...... 14 I.7.1 Soft Power...... 14 I.7.2 Cultural Diplomacy ...... 16 I.8 Scope and Limitation of the Study ...... 17 1.9 Research Methodology ...... 17 1.10 Thesis Structure ...... 18 CHAPTER II ...... 20 France’s Bilateral Relations with Indonesia ...... 20 II.1 French Country Profile ...... 20 II.2 France’s Bilateral Relations with Indonesia ...... 21 II.2.1 Relations in the economic field (2012 – 2016)...... 23


II.2.2 Relations in socio culture field (2011 – Present) ...... 24 II.2.3 Relations in education field (2014 – Present) ...... 25 II.3 France’s National Interest towards Indonesia ...... 26 CHAPTER III ...... 33 The Overview of France Cultural Diplomacy and Institut Français ...... 33 III.1 French Cultural Policy ...... 34 III.2 French’s Overseas Cultural Networks ...... 37 III.3 Field of Action for French Cultural Diplomacy ...... 39 III.4 Institut Français ...... 41 III.4.1 Missions of Institut Francais ...... 43 III.4.2 Funding of Institut Francais...... 44 III.4.3 Program of Institut Français ...... 45 CHAPTER IV ...... 46 Programs Implemented by the Institut Français d’Indonésie as Cultural Diplomacy Effort of France towards Indonesia (2016 - 2018)...... 46 IV.1 Institut Français d’Indonésie ...... 47 IV.2 Programs Implementation (2016-2018) ...... 51 IV.2.1 Cultural Programs ...... 51 IV.2.2 Language Programs ...... 58 IV.2.3 Scientific and Universities (Education) Programs ...... 61 IV.3 Analysis on IFI as French Cultural Diplomacy Tool ...... 70 CHAPTER V ...... 75 CONCLUSION ...... 75 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 78 APPENDICES ...... 86



Diagram 1- The logical scheme of theoretical framework ...... 14 Diagram 2- Field of Action for French Cultural Diplomacy by author ...... 40 Diagram 3-Illustration linkage between the Alliance Francaise, the CCF and the Institut Francais by Author...... 42 Figure 1-List of Institut Francais D’Indonésie (IFI) in Indonesia ...... 48 Diagram 4-Total of cultural activities ...... 52 Figure 3-List of Cultural activities ...... 57 Figure 4 Increased number of IFI programs in 2016 - 2018 ...... 57 Diagram 5- Total of Language activities ...... 60 Diagram 6- Total of Education activities ...... 62 Figure 5- List of IFI Education activities ...... 66 Figure 6-List of Universities that have Warung Prancis...... 68 Figure 7- Warung Prancis Expansion during 2016 – 2018 ...... 69



ASEAN : Association of Southeast Asian Nations

AF : Alliance Française

CCF : Centre Culturel Francais

EPIC : Établissement Public à caractère Industriel et Commercial

GDP : Gross Domestic Product

IF : Institut Français

IFI : Institut Français d'Indonésie

JWG : Joint Working Group

MEFA : Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

MoU : Memorandum of Understanding

SCAC : Service de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle

UNESCO : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization




I.1 Background of Study Foreign cultural policy’s power becomes increasingly important following the fact that states all around the world grow much closer economically.1 Establishing mutual understanding among cultures from different nations remained crucial, and states started and continuously put effort to do such thing. States are trying to project their soft power to grow influence in international realm, utilizing culture at its best to support on achieving their goals. Soft power itself, is a term popularized by Joseph S. Nye, an American political scientist, as the ability of shaping the preferences of others to wants what one wants with the use of attraction rather than coercion and inducement.2 One of the resource of soft power is culture, when a country’s culture contains universal values and seen to be attractive by others. As a resource of soft power, culture is carried out as a weapon for a country to the practice of diplomacy and growing influence.

Cultural diplomacy then, becomes one of the practice done by states regarding such purpose. According Milton C. Cummings, an American political scientist, cultural diplomacy refers to:

1 K. Johansson, E. (2014). The Realms of Power in Cultural Diplomacy from France·s Perspective. Japanese Culture – Enigma Or Soft Power?. Retrieved from content/uploads/2012/10/201403JapanSpotlight_BertrandFort.pdf 2 S. Nye Jr., J. (2004). Soft Power: The Means To Success In World Politics (p. 2). New York: Public Affairs. 1

“The exchange of ideas, information, art and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding’ which ‘can also be more of a one-way street than a two-way exchange, as when one nation concentrates its efforts on promoting the national language, explaining its policies and point of view, or “telling its story” to the rest of the world.”3 The practice of cultural diplomacy is currently on its rise, not only conducted by the first world countries, but also all who are on the rise as a way for them to project their soft power. According to Soft Power 30, a soft power report by Portland, in 2017 France positioned itself on the 1st rank, drastically changed from the 5th rank on the previous year, as world’s strongest soft power country.4 Such achievement would not be gained without the existence of culture, as a country’s weapon to project its soft power. For France, even since its early days of monarchy, culture remained a privilege tools of diplomacy and influence. Kings would sat with artist and thinkers to discuss about the country’s foreign policy.5 For France, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs is responsible for the country’s foreign cultural policy and the conduct of cultural diplomacy. The Ministry operates French cultural departments abroad, working together to achieve desired objectives which are:6

• To bring the and the work of French artist to a wider international audience. (France’s cultural network abroad conduct 50,000 cultural events annually) • To build lasting networks, not only between creative artists but also between managers of cultural policy, responding the demand of from overseas artist and professionals.

France has international-level artistic policy that is governed by three priorities, which are disseminating contemporary creation in all its forms, promoting French culture and

3 C. Cummings, M. (2003). Cultural Diplomacy and the United States Government: A Survey. Center for arts and culture. 4 France. (2018). Retrieved from 5 North, X. (2016). The Four Goals of French Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 6 Cultural Diplomacy. (2018). Retrieved from policy/cultural-diplomacy/ 2 implementing cultural diversity, and building the professional capacity of different artistic sectors.7 These priorities and France’s foreign cultural policy then become a guide on how the country conduct its cultural diplomacy. As a country, French has used the practice of cultural diplomacy to develop harmonious relations with other countries.

French cultural diplomacy targeted almost all countries all around the world, including Indonesia. Both countries have established bilateral relations since September 1950 which continued to be stronger from time to time based on the cooperation both countries have done.8 Both are having strategic partnership which was concluded during French Prime Minister François Fillon’s visit to Indonesia in 2011 that outlined bilateral cooperation in several areas, namely political and security, economic, development, education and cultural fields, also to expand exchanges between civil societies.9 Both of France and Indonesia has signed “Cultural Cooperation Agreement” on 18 August 1973 as a sign that both countries will foster cooperation in the field of culture.10

In case of Indonesia, the conduct of cultural diplomacy by French government towards the country has a long history. The French Cultural Center (CCF) in Jakarta has been established since 40 years ago, which then changed the name into Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI) after merging with Section and Cultural Cooperation of the French Embassy in Indonesia. Institut Francais itself is French public industrial and commercial organization (state-controlled entity) which was firstly established in 1907 by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote and culture all around the world, which then in 2011 becomes an umbrella of all French cultural

7 ibid 8 Bilateral relations between France and Indonesia . (2018). Retrieved from 9 France and Indonesia. (2018). Retrieved from files/indonesia/france-and-indonesia/ 10 Bilateral Agreements for Cooperation on Culture. (2018). Retrieved from 3 outreach projects.11 The French government trusted Institute Francais to promote the culture of French all around the world through various artistic exchanges, such as performing and visual arts, architecture, and diffusion of worldwide French movies, books, technology, and ideas. Francais institute also developed a new scientific program culture dissemination.

Marc Piton, the Director of IFI and Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action of the Embassy of France to Indonesia stated that:

”As a language and cultural center, our mission is to promote and teach French language to local people (Indonesians). IFI serves as a cultural bridge between the two countries (France and Indonesia) where arts and cultures are celebrated through various collaborations”.12 Being the extension and cooperation tool of French Government, IFI is focusing on three particular areas. Those are culture, linguistic, and science collaborations that make the institution works to support freedom and expression and diversity.13 Also, IFI is not only exist in Jakarta, but also several cities known as cultural hubs, such as Bandung, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta.

IFI offered some facilities and programs that is very helpful in supporting the cultural activities and exchange in Indonesia. Such as full-equipped modern classroom for French language education, auditoriums to screen French and Indonesian movies, as well as café that becomes a place where Indonesians can indulge in delectable French parties.14 IFI is gladly welcoming Indonesians to become a member in Club IFI that offers exciting and exclusive promotions. Every year, more than 5000 students are learning French at IFI and taking DELF and DALF examinations.15 The cultural

11 Forster, S. (2010). CulturesFrance devient « L’Institut français » et la culture s’élargit - RFI. Retrieved from elargit 12 Mulia, K. (2016). A French Love Affair. Retrieved from 13 Ibid., 14 Ibid., 15 Institut Français d'Indonésie > Indonésie. (2018). Retrieved from 4 activities and programs conducted by IFI also welcomed enthusiastically by Indonesians.

I.2 Problem Identification Cultural diplomacy has become an integral part of French foreign policy as the country has practiced such diplomatic effort even since the time of Renaissance King until this current time.16 The country’s soft power has consistently grow together with its economic, political, and military power which successfully has made France as one of the strongest country in the world. One of the cultural diplomacy initiative by France is the Institut Francais which now has sole responsibility for France’s cultural diplomacy.17 As a state-controlled entity under auspices of French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the institute has a crucial role in projecting the country’s soft power and enhancing French influence to the world, including in Indonesia. Signing an official cultural cooperation with Indonesia in 1973, French and Indonesia are committed in fostering their cultural exchange and cooperation. One of the France’s attempt in doing its cultural diplomacy in Indonesia is through the establishment of Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI). Since 2011, IFI has become the official representative of French government in doing cultural diplomacy in Indonesia. Not only through French language education that accept thousands of students every year, IFI also building various programs in all specs of culture including French contemporary culture.18 This research attempt to analyze the implementation of French cultural diplomacy through IFI, how the institution has carried out varies of program that cultivate Indonesians enthusiasm towards France.

16 V. Mulcahy, K. (2017). Exporting Civilization: French Cultural Diplomacy. Public Culture, Cultural Identity, Cultural Policy. doi: 17 France's overseas cultural network. (2018). Retrieved from cultural-network/ 18 Institut Français d'Indonésie > Indonésie. (2018). Retrieved from 5

I.3 Statement of Problem How did Institut Français d’Indonésie contributes to French cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia from the period of 2016 – 2018?

I.4 Research Objectives The research objectives of this research are:

• To have understanding about French cultural diplomacy • To know and understand about Institut Français d’Indonésie and its contribution to French cultural diplomacy in Indonesia from the period of 2016 – 2018

I.5 Significance of Study The significance of study of this thesis are:

• Information about the conduct French cultural diplomacy, including an understanding about the role of cultural institutions on the practice of cultural diplomacy • Explanation and analysis of the implementation of French cultural diplomacy through Institut Français d’Indonésie in Indonesia from the period of 2016 – 2018

I.6 Literature Review In order to finish providing strong arguments for this research, in this part of the thesis, author will review and summarize some reliable sources or publications like books, journal articles, reports, and online sources that related to the topic of this thesis.


Through this chapter it is believed that both author and readers will have a deeper understanding in regards the issue related to the topic of this thesis which eventually useful to finish this thesis.

I.6.1 Soft Power the Means to Success in World Politics, Joseph Nye (2009)19

At the beginning of his book, Joseph Nye discussed about the changing nature of power. In general, power means the ability to get the outcomes one wants, specifically ability to influence the behavior of others to get certain outcomes. In this book, it is mentioned that it was important to be feared rather than loved long time ago. However, in today’s world it is important to be both feared and loved, because winning hearts and minds is also necessary. Joseph Nye believes that there are several ways to affect the behavior of others. First, we can coerce them with threats, induce them with payments, or attract and co-opt them.

Nowadays, everyone is very familiar with the term of hard power. According to Nye, hard power often relies on the military and economic capability to affect others. In other word, hard power rests on the idea of using threats (“sticks”) and inducements (“carrots”). As previously mentioned about fear and love, hard power tends to lead to fear. Nye assumed that sometimes one can get the outcomes wanted without using coercion and inducement. It was explained that there is another way to achieve what one wants, the term “the second face of power” came up. The second face of power refers to the soft power, where it rests on the ability on shaping others’ preference, which can be done through attraction and seduction. It is the same for international relations, a country might be able to obtain the outcomes wanted because other countries admiring its values, emulating its example, aspired by its prosperity, and openness.

Nye argued that soft power is not only about the ability to influence or moving others by arguments, but it also the ability to attract, where it is often lead to acquiescence.

19 Joseph S. Nye, J. (2009). Soft Power: The Means To Success In World Politics. New York, NY: PublicAffairs. 7

According to Nye, resources of soft power itself rests on the things that produce attraction. There are at least three resources of a country’s soft power; the first one is culture, political values, and policies or foreign policies of the country. When it comes to country’s foreign policy, the policy of the country can be used as the source of soft power as long as the policy itself found attractive by others. The attraction can be formed when the policy of the country contains universal values, and interest of other countries. Therefore, it is a job for a country to formulate a good policy or foreign policy that benefits the national interest while also could be found interesting by others.

The book by Joseph Nye has provided clear explanation regards the soft power, which then helps the author to understand with this particular concept. This book has elaborated another way to attract others or shape others’ preferences without using any hard power way like through coercion or inducements. It was found that it is important today to manage the softer way in creating power. As mentioned in the book that winning hearts and minds has always been important, moreover in this era. Another information that also provided by this book is that one of the source for soft power is policy or foreign policy. This will be important to support author as this thing is related to the topic of this research. Through this book, author gain more knowledge of how a specific foreign policy of a country can be source of attraction for other countries. A foreign policy is the face of country’s diplomacy, therefore it is important to formulate a policy that can be considered as soft power which will benefits the country and also others.

I.6.2 Main Approaches to the Study of Foreign Policy: A Review, M. Fatih Tayfur (1994) 20

In the journal written by M. Fatih Tayfur, it is discussed about how is the nature of foreign policy along with its main and middle range theories. Tayfur also concern to

20 Tayfur, M. F. (1994). Main Approaches to the Study of Foreign Policy: A Review. METU Studies in Development 21, 20(1), 113-141. 8 elaborate historical background of foreign policy studies. This journal then tries to understand some approaches in order to find explanation in regards of foreign policy. This journal also seeks to understand internal and external factors which can affect a foreign policy of a country.

Tayfur pointed that foreign policy can be compared with domestic policy. Domestic policy is formulated and directed within the countries, while foreign policy is designed to be implemented outside the country’s boundary. This journal also argued about the conceptualization of term foreign policy. Referring to James N. Rosenau, there are three conceptualizations of foreign policy discuessed, which are foreign policy as orientations, plans, and activities (behavior). These three elements are highly related to each other, firstly, orientations considered as the highest guides of the actions of countries in international affairs. Meanwhile, plans described as strategy and decisions designed towards specific goals. Lastly, activities translated as concrete implementation or actions in accordance with the orientations and plans. Tayfur elaborated that, foreign policy as an official activity that can only be designed and implemented by the state. Foreign policy also should refer to the orientations, plans, and action that should be pointed towards the outside of the countries.

There are some arguments that believe that external factor like the behavior of international system (politically and economically) can affect the foreign policy of a certain country. This journal also found that internal factor plays quite significant role in shaping foreign policy of a country. There are some factors like geographical location, size of area, demography, economic and military capability can become consideration in determining the foreign policy. Therefore there are many factors that can define a country’s foreign policy, as a face of a country abroad, foreign policy must be formulated carefully in order to maintain national interest and to play a role in international system.

Through this journal, author is pleased to gain more knowledge in regards of foreign policy. As in this research, author will analyze and explore the foreign policy of


Indonesia as variable, and also the instrument to achieve it. Tayfur had elaborated that the nature of foreign policy is linked to domestic policy but it’s directed and implemented outside the country. There are also three conceptualizations that provide more understanding on how foreign policy supposed to concern on orientation, plans, and actions. This information is certainly important to support this thesis, as author will discuss about how to expand Indonesia’s engagement to Pacific countries.

I.6.3 Cultural Diplomacy and the National Interest: In Search of a 21st-Century Perspective (2016)21

Another book is “Cultural Diplomacy and The National Interest: In Search of a 21st- Century Perspective” which was written by Bill Ivey and Paula Cleggett (2016). This book presents a clear picture, especially in describing the situation of the development of cultural diplomacy in the 21st century. The interest of a country in approaching through the way of cultural diplomacy began to diminish after the cold war, but in recent years, especially in the 21st century began to experience rapid development again. In general, looking at this book, it is said that cultural diplomacy is an activity related to the government of a country in supporting its culture, such as cultural programs, educational exchanges, cultural exhibitions. Not only that, this book also describes the current efforts of a country in distributing its culture abroad, namely through the private sector or non-governmental organizations, where this method is considered more effective in spreading the influence of a country to another country.

This book also describes various explanations which begin with defining "cultural diplomacy" in accordance with the development of the current era. Then the development of state efforts in conducting cultural diplomacy from the past to the present. After that, this book also explains about the existence of important actors ranging from government and non-government related to cultural diplomacy. In

21 Ivey, B., & Cleggett, P. (2016). Cultural Diplomacy and The National Interest: In Search of a 21st- Century Perspective. The Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy. 10 addition, it also explains the challenges faced, and the efforts made to achieve the country's goals.

The most important thing in this book is to show how a country can carry out its diplomatic mission through cultural diplomacy in the 21st century, especially with the challenges of increasing influence of globalization, the efforts of a country in carrying out its cultural mission must be accompanied by innovation that is able to attract public participation. Large countries will have potential values to attract and embrace people in other countries who are also supported by good reputation, but small or developing countries can also compete if cultural strength can be a high sales force to attract attention public in other countries. Therefore, culture has an important role and is only about how the government tries to develop it into an effective tool.

I.6.4 The Role of Governmental Institution in the Context of French Cultural Diplomacy, Giedrė Pranaitytė (2014)22

A journal titled “the Role of Governmental Institution in the Context of French Cultural Diplomacy” which was written by Giedrė Pranaitytė in 2014. This journal discuss about French cultural diplomacy and its attachment to the smooth functioning of government institutions that carry it out. This is done by France with the aim of how the cultural diplomacy they do can be very important in spreading cultural values and gaining more political influence both globally and locally. In this discussion, it was mentioned that the French cultural diplomacy model was quite interesting in particular after the institutional reforms they carried out and how this brought about change by helping to improve international relations with representatives of other countries.

France's efforts to gain additional influence through the promotion of language sometimes have difficulties because language barriers and cultural differences still play

22 Pranaitytė, G. (2014). The role of governmental institutions in the context of French cultural diplomacy. Politikos Mokslų Almanachas, 14(14), 137-172. doi:10.7220/2335-7185.15.6 11 a significant part in this matter. It is important to be aware that changes made by the French government in a cultural diplomacy attempt to promote attractive national values and culture outside the French border. Therefore French government create strong cultural institution that can actively promote their cultural value. French embassies and institutions such as the Institut Français are cultural branches operating throughout the world must be considered an integral part of the system of institutional actors who are actively involved in implementing French cultural diplomacy.

It can be noted that the establishment of the Institut Français branch network operating throughout the world has greatly increased the effectiveness of French cultural diplomacy because of the ability to act flexibly, create innovative programs, organize festivals or thematic discussions and ensure greater visibility abroad. In this regard foreign public can be easier to know and understand the value of France. Therefore, it is very important for the French government to have a strong cultural network and be directly supervised like the Institut Francais. This institution not only operates as a cultural entity placed under the supervision of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs but at the same time can use diplomatic networks abroad to maintain closeness and friendly relations with the country it is located in.

I.6.5 A Brief Outlook of French Cultural Diplomacy, Richard Bonfatto (2012)23

In this journal written by Bonfatto, it is discussed about the general characteristic of French cultural diplomacy. It was stated that one of the reasons for how intense France was in carrying out cultural diplomacy was to contribute to the promotion of cultural diversity as defined by the UNESCO Convention. The act of cultural collaboration has as its main goal to improve the existence of French culture and spread it outside the borders of France.

23 Bonfatto, R. (2012). A brief outlook of the French cultural Diplomacy. 12

To optimize the spread of its culture, France is quite dependent on the cultural network that they already have, such as the Institut Francais and Alliance Francaise. Thus, the network of French culture abroad has several objectives to support the expansion of French culture. These goals range from promoting high-level artistic dialogue and exchange and contemporary creation in both visual arts, performing arts and in music. Then up to cooperation with various cultural and educational institutions in their place.

Not only that, France is also a country that is very proud of their national language. The reason is they also have certain missions related to their language or commonly called Francophonie. French policy regarding Francophonie is based on priorities to strengthen the status of French as an international language, to judge France as a development tool in southern francophone (French-speaking) countries, support French language teaching in the foreign education system and eventually participate in training foreign academic and professional elite. Besides through cultural networks, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also actively involved in collaborating with local education systems or institutions (schools and universities). It also supports the development of teaching French abroad which creates the label "Franc Education", which is intended for foreign educational institutions to be able to offer high-quality French-language programs and content inspired by the French education model.


I.7 Theoretical Framework

Diagram 1- The logical scheme of theoretical framework

In this research, the writer will use several theories that will give a clear perspective towards the topic and issues of this thesis in order to help the writer answering the research question of this thesis comprehensively. The theories that will be used are:

I.7.1 Soft Power According to Joseph S. Nye, soft power is “the ability to influence the behavior of others to get the outcomes one wants.” The term of soft power would rather go through attraction rather than coercion and payment, and this term is commonly known as ‘the second face of power’ and a country’s soft power rests on its resources of culture, values, and policies.24 In his book titled “Soft Power: The Means to Success in World

24 Nye, J. S. (2009). The Changing Nature of Power. In Soft Power: The Means To Success In World Politics (p. 5). New York: PublicAffairs. 14

Politics” (2009) Nye pointed that the concept of soft power is contradict with the concept of hard power that depends on military and economic means. Hard power is well-known with the approach of ‘sticks and carrots’, where the sticks are defined as threats and carrots defined as payments or inducements. Some would use hard power as threats and payments to spread their influences and obtain their goals to shape the preferences of others.

Soft power rests also with the ability to shape the preferences of others however, it rather use the power of attraction and persuasion. In order to get what one wants from other, soft power co-opts people rather than coerces them. Hence, soft power become very interesting as it would maximize all the resources that might have the element of supporting a country’s achievement of its national interest.

France is one of the strongest countries in terms of soft power. According to a report made by Portland in 2017, France is positioned on the 1st rank for world’s top 30 soft power countries.25 For France, soft power is aimed at promoting the country’s image and thus, defending its economic, linguistic and its cultural interest.26 The fact that France becomes the strongest soft power country could not be separated from its culture. For centuries, France and its culture has been admired by people in different parts of the world. Even Thomas Jefferson, an American founding father, has its famous quote that sounds “every man has two countries, his own and France”, showing how much the country is loved.27 France itself is the best-networked state in the world, and the number one country with the highest number of membership in multilateral organizations.28 The influence that France spread today in the world, and its positive image cannot happened without the presence and the involvement of its

25 France. (2018). Retrieved from 26 Digital and soft diplomacy. (2018). Retrieved from foreign-policy/digital-diplomacy/digital-soft-diplomacy/ 27 Americans in France | Embassy of the United States Paris, France. (2018). Retrieved from 28 France. (2018). Retrieved from 15 culture on its practice of diplomacy and global outreach. Thus, the government continuously conduct the practice of cultural diplomacy.

I.7.2 Cultural Diplomacy Public diplomacy is about communication with foreign publics and where it has a wide range of aspects to explore, while cultural diplomacy concentrates only on culture. Simon Mark stated “cultural diplomacy is a form of the deployment of state's culture to support its foreign policy goals or diplomacy.”29 This definition is simply relevant to the explanation Milton Cummings, which defines cultural diplomacy as:

“The exchange of ideas, information, art and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding’ which ‘can also be more of a one-way street than a two-way exchange, as when one nation concentrates its efforts on promoting the national language, explaining its policies and point of view, or “telling its story” to the rest of the world.”30 The word cultural in cultural diplomacy is not only includes the traditional ‘high culture’ like visual arts, literature, theatre, dance (ballet and contemporary), and music; over the years, this perception has changed, cultural diplomacy now frequently includes ‘popular culture’, cultural activities that attract mass audiences.31

Same as public diplomacy, Cultural diplomacy also focuses on the public as its main target. Culture is a non-threatening, inclusive way of communicating with people. Culture is universal and is shared by all the peoples of the world. This universality makes cultural diplomacy as a good platform to promote and foster mutual understanding. Good understanding through culture can lead to any beneficial things like cooperation, trade, and possibly conflict prevention. In addition, Cultural

29 Mark, S. (2009). A Greater Role for Cultural Diplomacy (p. 1). Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’. Retrieved from 30 C. Cummings, M. (2003). Cultural Diplomacy and the United States Government: A Survey. Center for arts and culture. 31 Mark, S. (2009). A Greater Role for Cultural Diplomacy (p. 1). Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’. Retrieved from 16 diplomacy is one of the examples of ‘soft power’, that perceived culture as one of its resources.32

French is one of the country whose cultural diplomacy practice can be followed and admired. The has been very committed practicing cultural diplomacy as a part of the country’s foreign policy. French government through its Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

I.8 Scope and Limitation of the Study The scope and limitation of the study in this thesis is the French cultural diplomacy conducted Indonesia, precisely through the Institut Français d’Indonésie that has been established since 2011 in Indonesia. This research will only analyze the implementation of French cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia through Institut Français d’Indonésie only on the period of 2016 to 2018. The reason behind choosing of the period is to get more up-to-date information in support of this research. This research will explore about the activities and programs conducted in Indonesia, and analyze how it contributes to French cultural interest and soft power in Indonesia.

1.9 Research Methodology To provide systematic way in answering the research question, the method adopted in this thesis is qualitative methodology. According to Denzin and Lincoln, The word qualitative implies an emphasis on the qualities of entities and on processes and meanings that are not experimentally examined or measured in terms of quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency.33 In order to make a strong analytical and descriptive research, qualitative method will present various data obtained from primary and

32 Joseph S. Nye. (2002). The Paradox of America Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.87 33 Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2000). The handbook of qualitative research. 17 secondary resources. Hence, to analyze the collection of qualitative data to complement the need of the research, author will use secondary resources which cover various publications, such as books, journal articles, reports, etc.

1.10 Thesis Structure Chapter I – Introduction

This chapter will contain the background of study of this thesis that will explain about the topic of this research, such as France as one of the strongest soft power country, how the country utilized culture as its soft power resource for achieving its national interest and growing influence, and how the country carried out the practice of cultural diplomacy. The background of study will also contain explanation about the background of France cultural diplomacy in Indonesia with through Institut Français d’Indonésie. The problem identification, statement of problem, research objective, and scope and limitation of study will also be written in this chapter followed by theoretical framework that explains theories that will be utilized to help the author in finishing this research. This chapter will also contain literature review of all the sources that related to the topic of this thesis.

Chapter II – France’s Bilateral Relations with Indonesia

In this chapter, the writer will discuss about the bilateral relations between France and Indonesia. In this chapter also provides the information about the cooperation between the two countries, starting from economic, social, development and others. In addition, author also discuss how France manage the good relations with Indonesia and see the general description of France’s interest towards Indonesia.

Chapter III – The Overview of France Cultural Diplomacy and Institut Français

The author will also discuss about France’s soft power and its conduct of cultural diplomacy in general. Such thing contains the discussion of France as one of the

18 strongest soft power country and how the country manage to do so, as well as France various cultural diplomacy initiatives and its foreign cultural policy. Moreover, the overview of Institut Français, its background and development until it become the official entity trusted by the government to carry out French cultural diplomacy abroad. The writer will also discuss about how Institut Français works and its presence all over the world in general.

Chapter IV – French Cultural Diplomacy towards Indonesia through Institut Français d’Indonésie (2016 – 2018)

In this chapter, the writer will firstly discuss about the relations between France and Indonesia, how both country engages in various cooperation and partnership that urge both countries to always maintain their relations through the establishment of mutual understanding. Then, the writer will start to explain all the data the writer has regarding this research which later on will be analyze. The end of this chapter will be the analysis of the implementation of France cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia through Institut Français d’Indonésie in the period of 2016 to 2018. The writer answer the research question based on the data the writer has gained and the theories that has been written on the theoretical framework.

Chapter V – Conclusion

In this chapter the writer will conclude all the finding of this research by firstly explaining about the topic in brief, and summarize the analysis the writer has done in the previous chapter.



France’s Bilateral Relations with Indonesia

II.1 French Country Profile Various historical reasons make France become what is known today. France is one of the important actors globally and plays an important role in Europe. France is not only known for its economic and military strength, but it also known for its infamous culture that covered the authentic national cuisine, literature, architecture, art and even film.34 In addition, the capital city of France, Paris, is even famous as the city of light and the most romantic city in the world.35 The wealth of French culture is one of the attractions for other countries to connect. Even the word "culture" is believed comes from France.36 ‘Culture’ derives from the same French term, which in turn derives from the Latin colere, meaning to tend to the earth and grow, cultivation and nurture.37 This wealth of culture certainly makes France special and of course this will be an attraction that will increase French tourism.

As part of its culture, the French language is also become one of the worldly spoken language. French is one of the very few languages spoken all over the world, ranked the sixth most widely spoken language.38 At present there are more than 220 million

34 French Culture - Core Concepts. (n.d.). Retrieved from culture/core-concepts-df9e8f12-5585-42e6-9110-cce22fc67b47 35 Cuttle, J. (n.d.). The Real Reason Paris Is Called "The City of Lights". Retrieved from 36 French Culture: Customs & Traditions. (2017, July 21). Retrieved from 37 ibid 38 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). The status of French in the world. Retrieved from language/the-status-of-french-in-the-world/ 20 speakers of French throughout the world, in Europe only, French is second most widely spoken mother tongue with over 77 million speakers.39 The promotion of France language also become one of the agenda uphold by the French government on its international affairs activities and programs.

II.2 France’s Bilateral Relations with Indonesia Indonesia is one of the countries that has good relations with France. The bilateral relations between Indonesia and France are part of France's broader political policy framework in Asia and Southeast Asia. France has special attention to ASEAN which is an important actor in building regional architecture and Indonesia is an important actor in ASEAN.40 Regionally, Indonesia itself has a quite influential voice. As France sees Indonesia as a driver in the ASEAN and in regional diplomacy. Quoting statement from former French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, stated that "Indonesia plays an important strategic role in the Asia Pacific region, and even outside the region. As a founding country of ASEAN which actively promotes stability and peace. I want to congratulate on the role played by Indonesia as a mediator in resolving tensions between ASEAN countries.”41 Economically, Indonesia have a growth stability after being able to rise from the Asian economic crisis in the late 1990s.42 According to the data from World Bank, Indonesia’s GDP per capita continues to increase, from 857 USD in 2000 to 3,847 USD in 2017.43 In addition, Indonesia is also the 10th largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, and of course Indonesia's economic growth capability makes it a G20 member.44 At present, Indonesia is the

39 ibid 40 Pujayanti, A., & Badan Keahlian DPR RI. (2017). Terpilihnya Macron Sebagai Presiden dan Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Perancis. Majalah Info Singkat Hubungan Internasional, 9(10), 6. 41 Indonesia Penting Bagi Prancis. (2013, August 2). Retrieved from bagi-prancis 42 Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from 43 ibid 44 ibid 21 fourth most populous country in the world. In addition, Indonesia is an archipelago rich in abundant natural resources.45 Surely this makes Indonesia rich in human and natural resources. France itself is one of the countries that is interested in cooperating with Indonesia. Bilateral relations between France and Indonesia have been well established since September 1950, and are now increasing as seen in the cooperation in various sectors.46

The two countries are also very active in collaborating in various fields, one of which is proven in the field of education and culture that has been started since the signing of the Agreement on Cultural and Technical Cooperation on September 20, 1969 through ratification of the Indonesian Presidential Decree No. 29 of 1970.47 This agreement is certainly still held firmly by both countries until now and will keep developing. In 2009, Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had the opportunity to visit the Elysée Palace, in France. Here he was welcomed by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France at the time, the talks revolved around increasing bilateral relations between the two countries.48

Entering the 60th year of friendship in 2011, France and Indonesia took another step forward. The strategic partnership was agreed during the visit of Prime Minister François Fillon to Jakarta, Indonesia in 2011, focusing on the consolidation of bilateral cooperation in politics and security, economy, development, education and culture, and expand exchanges between civil societies.49 Then one of the important moments in relations between the two countries was when President François Hollande visited Indonesia in March 2017, this was the first visit by the President of France since

45 World Resources Institute. (n.d.). Indonesia. Retrieved from work/topics/indonesia 46 Ambassade d'Indonésie - KBRI Paris - Hubungan bilateral Prancis - Indonesia. (n.d.). Retrieved from 47 Ministry of Foreign Affairs -. (n.d.). Retrieved from kerjasama-bilateral.aspx?id=64 48 Kunjungan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ke Perancis, (14 Desember 2009). Retrieved from 49 Kesepakatan bilateral. (n.d.). Retrieved from 22

François Mitterrand in 1986. In this regard there were around 30 agreements and the announcement of two partnerships: in the maritime field and in the creative and digital fields of economics signed.50

II.2.1 Relations in the economic field (2012 – 2016) In general, the economic relations of France and Indonesia have increased from year to year both in trade, financial assistance, food, and engineering. Both France and Indonesia are members of the Group of Twenty (G20), the 20th group of the world's major economies. With good economic relations between the two will bring various benefits for both parties. In trade relations both are quite active, France imports from Indonesia in the form of coffee, tea and spices, machinery and electrical equipment, oil and fat, shoes, rubber and rubber products, furniture, musical instruments, clothing products and accessories, essential oils, and products of fishery.51 Whereas for the contrary, France also exports to Indonesia, in the form of machinery, dairy products, automobiles, aircraft and components of spare parts, medicines, electrical machinery and components, optics, organic chemicals, plastics, retinoid extracts for perfumes and cosmetics, animal feed, chemical, pulp wood and processed food products.52 Based on export-import activities from 2012 to 2015, the two countries managed to record above 1 billion USD per year with a surplus to France.53

Meanwhile in terms of investment, France is the third largest European country investor in Indonesia after Britain and Switzerland. According to data from the

50 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). France and Indonesia. Retrieved from 51 Ambassade d'IndonésieKBRI Paris. (n.d.). Hubungan bilateral Prancis-Indonesia. Retrieved from 52 ibid 53 ibid 23

Indonesian Ministry of Industry, the total value of French investment in Indonesia from 2014-2016 was USD 352 million with 671 projects.54

II.2.2 Relations in socio culture field (2011 – Present) Looking at the field of education and culture, and the people-to-people contacts which is related to this thesis. French and Indonesian relations in this field can be said to have developed quite well, where France is very active in promoting its presence in Indonesia. It was proven through the establishment of the Alliance Française (AF) of Bali in 1989, and now it has also been established in other countries in Indonesia such as Semarang, Balikpapan and Medan.55 Then in 2011 strategic partnership agreement between France and Indonesia was signed and one of its points is focusing on socio- culture aspect.56

France established a cultural and French language teaching center in Indonesia called the Institut Français, aiming to foster more understanding of Indonesian public towards French culture and language. The Institute Français Indonesia (IFI) replaced the Center Culturel Français (CCF) Jakarta which has been established for more than 40 years.57 This establishment certainly act as result of the cooperation in the field of culture.

Today, Institute Français is spreading across Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Yogyakarta, to give more exposure on the promotion of French language and culture in Indonesia. In its implementation, IFI spreads of French, from conducting language teaching courses to French language certification examinations. In addition, they also carried out various activities related to the promotion of French culture.58 Starting from

54 Kemenperin: Menperin Ajak 50 Pengusaha Perancis Investasi di Sektor Industri. (n.d.). Retrieved from Sektor-Industri 55 Tentang Alliance Francise Bali. (2018, June 29). Retrieved from 56 Kesepakatan bilateral. (n.d.). Retrieved from 57 Institut Français d'Indonésie > Indonésie. (n.d.). Retrieved from 58 ibid 24 things like cultural exhibitions, inviting painters or musicians to perform in Indonesia.59 Of course all this is done by involving and aimed at Indonesian people to understand French culture.

II.2.3 Relations in education field (2014 – Present) In the field of education, as part of education or academic cooperation, France also presented CampusFrance in Indonesia. CampusFrance is an organization and national body that operates under the auspices of IF. In Indonesia, CampusFrance was firstly established in 2014 and has been active until present day.60 CampusFrance aims to promote French higher education abroad and offers foreign students a guidance for success when accessing higher education in France, that in particular precisely targeting Indonesian youth.61 In addition, Indonesia and France have worked together in a Joint Working Group (JWG), focuses on the Double Degree program at Master's level (S2), a Joint Supervision program at the Doctorate level (S3) between two countries' jointly funded by both countries.62

To increase efforts in promoting studies in France, some actions have been taken regularly, for example, CampusFrance usually joins educational exhibitions in Indonesia and to be more specific they also visit universities to be closer to students and increase their awareness towards French education.63 Variety programs are offered, starting from short-term education, arranged for two or three academic years for various fields such as business, engineering or services.64 Then they also offers long- term education, organized by universities to specialization schools that carry out a lot

59 ibid 60 Tentang Campus France > Indonésie. (n.d.). Retrieved from 61 ibid 62 Ambassade d'Indonésie - KBRI Paris - Bilateral relations between France and Indonesia. (n.d.). Retrieved from 63 ibid 64 Pendidikan jangka pendek > Indonésie. (n.d.). Retrieved from 25 of education according to the type of institution, starting from bachelor to doctoral level.65

II.3 France’s National Interest towards Indonesia To see the interests of a country in carrying out relations with other countries, it can be seen from its foreign policy points. As foreign policy can be described as strategy for a country to achieve its national interest, and also to specified focuses that will be useful for allocating efforts and gaining significant outcomes.66 In general, France through its Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) determines and implements France’s foreign policy in several priorities:

• Take action in the world for peace, security and human rights; • Promote French businesses abroad in foreign markets and France’s attractiveness abroad; • Help organize globalization which ensures balanced and sustainable development in the world; • Ensure the presence of France’s ideas, language and culture while advocating cultural diversity; • Provide security and administrative services for French nationals abroad.67

These priorities are described as important interest to be achieved by France in its foreign policy. These can be the core interest of their foreign policy, however with the dynamics and differences in the characteristics of each country that establish relationship with France, France may have different interest between one country and another.

65 Pendidikan jangka panjang > Indonésie. (n.d.). Retrieved from 66Erbaş, İ. (2013). The Role of Foreign Policy and its Purpose in World Politics.Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 43. doi:10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n11p40 67 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). Missions and Structure. Retrieved from 26

In general, relations among countries are based on various kinds of interests, ranging from the very simple one to the complex one. As well as the relations between France and Indonesia are based on various interests. One of the simplest yet important interests are to maintain good relationship between the two countries. With the existence of a good relationship between the two countries, it can bring positive impacts. Mutual understanding can be achieved which then lead to the opportunities for various cooperation between the two.

France itself has various interests in Indonesia, one of them is interests related to stability and security issues. In general France sees Southeast Asia as one of the important regions. 68 Southeast Asian waters have become very important for the affairs of world oil transit, especially the Malacca Strait, which is currently traversed by more than 15 million barrels of oil per day.69 In the context of the Southeast Asia region, Indonesia itself is located around this strait.70 Therefore, it is important for France to establish good relations with Indonesia to ensure the security on the water area in Southeast Asia.

Indonesia is one of the most prominent democracies in the Asia Pacific and emerge as a confident middle-income country.71 Demographically Indonesia provides huge number of human resources, Currently, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.72 As previously mentioned, Indonesia has been maintaining good political and economic stability, this climate will be found attractive by investors to come including those from France. Currently there are around 140 French companies operating in Indonesia, this numbers could be increasing in years to come.73

68 Kiprah Perancis di Asia Tenggara. (n.d.). Retrieved from di-Asia-Tenggara 69 ibid 70 ibid 71 Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from 72 East Asia/Southeast Asia :: Indonesia — The World Factbook. (n.d.). Retrieved from 73 Kemenperin: Prancis Minati Sektor Energi dan Dirgantara. (n.d.). Retrieved from 27

As one of its foreign policy’s missions which to promote French business abroad, Indonesia will be very strategic partner. The status of Indonesia as a world emerging economy country is very strong especially with the membership of Indonesia in the G20, besides that Indonesia also the world’s 10th largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity.74 This makes Indonesia as an interesting partner for economic and trade. At the same time, this also makes Indonesia as potential market for French businesses and products. Currently, France exports to Indonesia, in the form of machinery, dairy products, automobiles, aircraft and components of spare parts, medicines, optics, plastics, electrical machinery and components, organic chemicals, retinoid extracts for perfumes and cosmetics, animal feed, chemical, pulp wood and processed food products.75 More products can be potentially exported by France to Indonesia in the future, looking at the fact Indonesians have relatively high purchasing power.

Geographically, Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. Indonesia is strategically positioned among the world's major markets and also blessed with the wealth of natural resources.76 Indonesia is one of the countries in the Southeast Asia region which has large oil and natural gas content. This natural resources wealth is certainly an attraction between the Government of Indonesia and the French Government in improving relations between the two countries to be one of the important factors in increasing the value of French investment in Indonesia.77 As a more advanced country, this is where French interests arise, where France can bring in their companies and technology to enter Indonesia. With the abundance of natural resources owned by Indonesia, there are also many that have not been explored. This is due to the limited technology that Indonesia has, therefore, this is where the opportunity for

74 Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from 75 Ambassade d'IndonésieKBRI Paris. (n.d.). Hubungan bilateral Prancis-Indonesia. Retrieved from 76 Indonesia Business & Political Environment | GBG. (n.d.). Retrieved from 77 Haranda, B. (2015). Kepentingan Indonesia Menjalin Kerjasama Energi Minyak Bumi dan Gas dengan Perancis Tahun 2011-2013. JOM FISIP, 2(5), 2. 28

France to bring investment and its more advanced technology.78 As matter of fact, TOTAL and Eramet are two large French companies that invest and cooperate with the Indonesian government in the field of developing energy resources, especially crude oil and coal.79 These large companies are interested in investing in Indonesia due to the rich nature of the eastern part of Indonesia which has a lot of crude oil and coal deposits.80

This reputation makes Indonesia one of the important partners for France, especially in the Southeast Asia Region. Quoting a statement from former French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who stated "We have chosen Indonesia to be the first country in the Southeast Asia region to connect with us within the framework of a strategic partnership."81 France and Indonesia signed the ‘strategic partnership’ in 2011, in this partnership the two countries are focusing on five areas. Starting from political, defense and security, economic and development, environmental, and education, culture and civil society. In the areas of education, culture, and civil society, based on the strategic partnership, France and Indonesia have shared common goals and interests outlined in the following points:82

1. To strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of science, technology and innovation including project research and development,

2. To enhance cooperation in education and research, including through scholarships for postgraduate degrees, postdoctoral programs, and exchanges of students, teachers and researchers between higher education institutions in Indonesia and France,

3. To intensify community contact through cooperation in the field of tourism and sports, in fields such as performing arts, architecture, cultural heritage, museums,

78 ibid 79 ibid 80 ibid 81 Indonesia Penting Bagi Prancis. (2013, August 2). Retrieved from bagi-prancis 82 Deklarasi Bersama tentang Kemitraan Strategis antara Indonesia dan Perancis. (2011). 29 media and films including through the exchange of experts and artists as well as the teaching of their respective languages.

One of France's interests in establishing relations with a country is promoting France's attractiveness. France is currently one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The appeal of France is because of various things offered by France in various fields ranging from its culture, tangible and intangible inheritance, artistic creations, food, to the beauty of the country.83 Although it has been known as a world popular destination, France will still try to increase its tourism. As stated by Edouard Philippe, France’s Prime Minister:

"France is the world’s most popular tourist destination. But we want to, we must, do even better. The whole world is jumping on the tourism bandwagon, and France plans to maintain its number one position."84

Indonesia is the country with the fourth largest population in the world with a population of 261 million.85 This means that the huge number of Indonesians is a good target for increasing French tourism, especially in terms of increasing the number of tourists. Therefore, establishing good relations with Indonesia is very important. France must be able to attract Indonesian tourists to visit France. One effort that needs to be done is to introduce values to French culture. With this, the Indonesian citizens will know better and may be interested in the values and culture that France has, so that they are interested in visiting France.

In education sector, France also has an interest in increasing the number of foreign students studying in France. European countries are now the destination for

83 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). Tourism Roadmap: France's plan to improve tourists' experience (26.07.17). Retrieved from policy/tourism/events/article/tourism-france-is-working-to-improve-tourists-experience 84 ibid 85 Indonesia country profile. (2018, October 2). Retrieved from pacific-14921238 30 international students, Europe currently attracts 45% of all international students.86 More and more days, the choice for learning is increasingly diverse, so European universities must compete tighter to attract foreign students from all over the world, this is a challenge including for French universities.87 In this regard, Indonesia besides can provide potential tourist for France, with enormous number of its citizens, Indonesian citizen can be targeted to learn in French universities. Until 2015, it is recorded that there are 1,500 active Indonesian students that studied in France, this number is expected to be increased.88 Since the number of population in Indonesia is very large, therefore more students from Indonesia is expected.

To achieve interest in promoting culture, language, education, tourism and increasing the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people towards France, as mandated in strategic partnerships between the two countries. Therefore, France needs an approach that can directly target the Indonesian people. This can be supported by the existence of cultural networks such as the Institut Francais which can stand directly in the middle of the Indonesian community. Quoting Marc Piton, the Director of IFI and Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action of the Embassy of France to Indonesia stated that:

”As a language and cultural center, our mission is to promote and teach French language to local people (Indonesians). IFI serves as a cultural bridge between the two countries (France and Indonesia) where arts and cultures are celebrated through various collaborations”.89 This cultural institution that located in Indonesia which aims to spread the influence of French culture and implement cultural diversity.90 Through this cultural network, it is

86 Making the EU more attractive for foreign students. (2019, February 22). Retrieved from students_en 87 ibid 88 Kompas Cyber Media. (2015, March 10). Jumlah Mahasiswa Indonesia di Perancis Tercatat Sekitar 1.500 Orang. Retrieved from atat.Sekitar.1.500.Orang 89 Mulia, K. (2016). A French Love Affair. Retrieved from 90 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). France's overseas cultural network. Retrieved from cultural-network/ 31 expected that it will carry out its objectives and can convey the values and culture of France in Indonesia. Eventually, through understanding French culture, it certainly can have an impact on Indonesian people's interest in France, and will affect in attracting them to visit and study in France.



The Overview of France Cultural Diplomacy and Institut Français

The world is growing rapidly, the fact that states around the world became much closer economically. Foreign cultural policy’s power becomes significantly crucial to create understanding among cultures from different nations.91 The field of culture has become one of the important resources for soft power, when a state’s culture contains universal value and seen attractive by others. Culture then can be carried out as a weapon for state to conduct diplomacy and grow their influences in international realm.

The practice of cultural diplomacy is currently famous among states around the world, where they use it as their soft power. Cultural diplomacy itself, referring to American political scientist, Milton C. Cummings, is

“The exchange of ideas, information, art and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding’ which ‘can also be more of a one-way street than a two-way exchange, as when one nation concentrates its efforts on promoting the national language, explaining its policies and point of view, or “telling its story” to the rest of the world.”92 The practice of cultural diplomacy, even though initiated by the government, also let the involvement of non-state actors from artists, dancers, cultural performer, academicians, non-governmental organization, and others. 93 According to Simon

91 K. Johansson, E. (2014). The Realms of Power in Cultural Diplomacy from France·s Perspective. Japanese Culture – Enigma or Soft Power? Retrieved from content/uploads/2012/10/201403JapanSpotlight_BertrandFort.pdf 92 C. Cummings, M. (2003). Cultural Diplomacy and the United States Government: A Survey. Center for arts and culture. 93 Mark, S. (2009). A Greater Role for Cultural Diplomacy (p. 1). Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’. Retrieved from 33

Mark, cultural diplomacy is done as “the deployment of state’s culture in support of its foreign policy goals or diplomacy.”94

France was one of the country with the initiation of using culture to support its achievement of national interest. Back then in the sixth century, it was King Louis XIV of France, putting French cultural diffusion at the center of his policy, considering the utilization of the country’s culture for the mission of being the guardian of Europe’s cultural heritage.95 Thus, there was no surprise when some might said France is the pioneer of cultural diplomacy. Voltaire, one of French infamous historian and philosopher, not only referred King Louis XIV as the greatest king ever, but also the King whose reign let the French reason and culture flourished.96

France as a country believed that culture, has the potential and ability to be the country’s source of soft power, thus, practicing cultural diplomacy will also contributes not only for the achievement of national interest, but also for the country’s overall soft power. This can be seen from the reputation of France, which in 2017 has drastically climbed up to the 1st Soft Power Rank on the Soft Power 30 by Portland, which was on the 5th rank in 2016.97 France is not only stand out as the best-networked country, but also seen as a new leader with a positive global outlook.98

III.1 French Cultural Policy Cultural diplomacy has always included in the French foreign policy. French cultural policy has begun even during the renaissance even since its early days of monarchy, as the country’s culture is seen as culture a privilege tool of diplomacy and influence.99

94 ibid 95 Meren, D. (2012). With Friends Like These: Entangled Nationalisms and the Canada-Quebec- France Triangle, 1944-1970. UBC Press. 96 Ibid., 97 2018 Overview - France. (2019). Retrieved from 98 Ibid., 99 ibid 34

Even since the past, leaders would discussed with artist and thinkers to discuss about the country’s foreign policy.100 Up to this date, the country still utilize culture as a form of state promotion.101 Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs is responsible for France’s foreign cultural policy and the conduct of cultural diplomacy itself. 102

Basically, the basic objectives of French cultural diplomacy conduct have been discussed in several or series of political documents, namely “Report for the President of the Republic on France and Globalization” by Hubert Vedrine in 2007, “France and Europe in the World: White Paper on the Foreign and European Policy of France, 2008-2020” by Alain Juppe and Louis Schweitzer, and the Act 2010-873 of 27 July 2010 relating to the external action of the State.103 Those documents outline four important principles that are typical for the practice of French cultural diplomacy and have a great contribution to the positive perception of the country abroad. Those four principles are:104

1. Increasing the efficiency of French Cultural and diplomatic activities with the assistance of government institutions, NGOs and private actors. 2. Arousing a strong interest in French political and cultural values in order to maintain their appeal to foreign audiences on global scale. 3. Transforming the movement of the Francophonie into a more effective instrument to acquire influence on the international arena due to the promotion of the French language and educational initiatives. 4. Facilitating the access to information about France and its stance on important political and cultural issues on the internet via other possible channels.

100 North, X. (2016). The Four Goals of French Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 101 Meren, D. (2012). With Friends Like These: Entangled Nationalisms and the Canada-Quebec- France Triangle, 1944-1970 (p. 70). Vancouver: UBC Press. 102 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 103 Pranaitytė, G. (2014). The Role of Governmental Institutions in The Context of French Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 104 ibid 35

These four principles are the basic of the creation of French cultural policy direction. A British Scholar named Phillipe Lane, stated that the current law is not only supporting the establishment of new institution such as Institut Francais, but it also encourage the ambition of strengthening ‘the foundation of strategy or influence of France’.105

In the implementation of cultural policy, France believe that cooperation and cultural actions are important instruments to support their diplomacy.106 Through cooperation and cultural actions combined can be means for solidarity and influence which is very crucial as soft power tools.107 The basic idea behind this is that the world is changing, the battle is not only won by military force, but fought and won in people's hearts, minds, and opinions. Diplomacy without the ability to influence public opinion and decision-makers is nothing. Without solidarity, mutual understanding and global sustainable development is impossible.108

As for achieving the goals of maximizing the cultural sector in strengthening French influence in the international world, France even has international-level artistic policy. This policy is governed by three priorities, which are (i) Disseminating contemporary creation in all its forms, this includes contemporary music, dances, films, paintings, and many others. (ii) Promoting French culture and implementing cultural diversity, this means while promoting France culture beyond its border, France also welcoming the cultural richness of other countries, this is believed to create mutual understanding and harmony. (iii) Building the professional capacity of different artistic sectors, through this France pursues a policy of cooperation and development targeting

105 Pranaitytė, G. (2014). The Role of Governmental Institutions in The Context of French Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 106 North, X. (2016). The Four Goals of French Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 107 ibid 108 ibid 36 countries to enabling the countries concerned to benefit from the richness of their cultural output professionally.109

III.2 French’s Overseas Cultural Networks On the practice of cultural diplomacy, French government also rely on its overseas cultural networks, which contributed as the extended arms of the government to promote the country’s culture and support its achievement of national interest. For France, there are Alliances Françaises (NGO) and Institut Français, which are also act as the actor for French cultural diplomacy and operated and supervised by the state.110 The Institut Francais was active on the 1st January 2011, and currently have the sole responsibility of France’s cultural diplomacy.111 It works under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and tasked with the ambitions of France’s projection of soft power, helping to enhance the country’s influence abroad through greater dialogue with other countries, by establishing a process of listening and partnership.112 Aside of Institut Francais, founded in 1883, the Alliance Francaise up to this date has become world’s leading cultural network, having around 800 establishments in 137 all over the world, with 500,000 people from all ages attended to learn French, and 6 million people taking part on its cultural activities.113

The Ministry of Europe and foreign affairs has become the leading body responsible for French foreign cultural policies and the implementation of cultural diplomacy. The Ministry of Europe and foreign affairs with its cultural networks abroad have clear defined objectives.

109 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from 110 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). France's overseas cultural network. Retrieved from overseas-cultural-network/ 111 Ibid., 112 Ibid., 113 Ibid., 37

• To bring the culture of France and the work of French artist to a wider international audience. (France’s cultural network abroad conduct 50,000 cultural events annually) • To build lasting networks, not only between creative artists but also between managers of cultural policy, responding the demand of from overseas artist and professionals.114

France's seriousness in empowering cultural diplomacy is very strong. In addition to having a policy to channel French values and culture abroad, France also uphold the promotion of its language, thus having a policy about the spread of its language. Therefore, to increase the popularity and the spread of French language, French government created global movement namely La Francophonie.115 In its multilateral policy, France aims to bring French-speaking (Francophone) countries together as a political community.116 Regarding La Francophonie, the policy is organized in some priorities: strengthen the status of the French language as an international language, to value French as a development tool in southern francophone countries, support the teaching of French in foreign education systems and finally participate in the training of academic elites and foreign professional.117

To embrace the sustainability of French language and Francophone countries, France supported the creation of the International Agency of La Francophonie. The International Organisation of La Francophonie was created in 1970. Its mission is to embody the active solidarity between its current 88 member states and governments

114 Cultural Diplomacy. (2018). Retrieved from policy/cultural-diplomacy/ 115 Pranaitytė, G. (2014). The role of governmental institutions in the context of French cultural diplomacy. Politikos Mokslų Almanachas, 14(14), 137-172. doi:10.7220/2335-7185.15.6 116 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). Francophony and the French Language. Retrieved from language/ 117 Bonfatto, R. (n.d.). A brief outlook of the French cultural diplomacy. Paper presented at Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, ICD December 2012. 38

(61 members and 27 observers).118 This organization regulates political activities and multilateral cooperation actions that benefit the French-speaking population. Its actions respect cultural and linguistic diversity and serve to promote the French language, peace and sustainable development.119 While at the same time, for the non-Francophone countries, France still implements and supports programs of La Francophonie to strengthen the position of the French language in the world. As it pursues the promotion, dissemination and teaching of the French language through its cultural network around the world such as Alliances Françaises and Institut Francais.120

III.3 Field of Action for French Cultural Diplomacy The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, is responsible for the overall planning and execution of French cultural diplomacy. The work of MEFA in cultural diplomacy is directed towards disseminations of French contemporary cultural creations in all forms, helping to extend the influence of French culture as well as implementing cultural diplomacy in several field of actions. Those fields can be seen on the figure below.121

118 Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. (n.d.). Welcome to the International Organisation of La Francophonie’s official website. Retrieved from International.html 119 Ibid., 120 Bonfatto, R. (n.d.). A brief outlook of the French cultural diplomacy. Paper presented at Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy, ICD December 2012. 121 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). The fields of action for cultural diplomacy. Retrieved from fields-of-action-for-cultural-diplomacy/ 39

Internet and ICT

Cultrual Exchange

Cultural and Industries

Keep up with French Media Abroad

Books and the Written Word Field of Acrion in French Cultural Diplomacy Media and Broadcasting


Visual Art


Performing Arts

(Source: Website of France Diplomatie)

Diagram 2- Field of Action for French Cultural Diplomacy by author122

122 ibid 40

III.4 Institut Français Institut Francais was firstly announced on July 12, 2010, this institution is expected to be the new unique brand of France to promote French culture in the world.123 Under the auspices of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Institute was assigned to drive a new ambition for the projection of French soft power, help increase French influence abroad through a broader dialogue with other cultures through the process of listening and partnerships.124 Institut Francais is a non-profit organization founded by the French republic government to replace CulturesFrance (CCF). CCF was an association governed by the law of 1901, while Institut Francais act as public institution.125 Basically it looks like only the name changed by the law of July 12, 2010 where the CCF became "Institute Francais or The French Institute." Essentially, Institut Francais replaced the CCF project in 2011 by expanding the scope of work and increasing resources (Decree No. 2010-1695 of 30 December 2010 in response to the law relating to the external scope of the State adopted on July 12, 2010).126

The Institut Français is a French public industrial and commercial organization/ Etablissement Public a Caractere Industriel et Commercial (EPIC) which is a category of public institutions in France which includes, among others; research institutions and infrastructure operators.127 Apart from being a substitute for CCF, France actually has one other institution which aims to spread French values, namely Alliance Francaise. Alliance Française was initiated in 1883, stands as independent and non-profit, and private associations of local law.128 Basically, the mission of Alliances Françaises, is to

123 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). France's overseas cultural network. Retrieved from overseas-cultural-network/ 124 ibid 125 CulturesFrance devient « L’Institut français » et la culture s’élargit - RFI. (2010, July 21). Retrieved from 126 Institut Français (IF). (2017, February 13). Retrieved from 127 ibid 128 Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. (n.d.). France's overseas cultural network. Retrieved from overseas-cultural-network/ 41 promote and disseminate the French language and Francophone cultures throughout the world.129

Looking at the characteristics of each of the cultural entities that France has, we can make the Institut Francais the most complete. While the Alliance Francaise focuses on spreading French language, the CCF has focus on arranging cultural activities and promoting French culture in various countries.130 However, with the change of the CCF to become the Institut Francais, it did not necessarily make the Institut Francais bring the same goal as its predecessor. Instead it adopts a more complete goal, which combines the Alliance Francaise and CCF, which makes the Institut Francais obliged to spread and teach French language while also acting as a cultural center that organizes cultural activities and related matters.131

Cultures Alliance Institut France Francaise Francais (CCF)

Diagram 3-Illustration linkage between the Alliance Francaise, the CCF and the Institut Francais by Author

This change in French cultural policy abroad was carried out so that French cultural networks throughout the world, running in a unique system under the same umbrella

129 The Alliance française, Paris Ile-de-France | Drupal. (n.d.). Retrieved from 130 CulturesFrance devient « L’Institut français » et la culture s’élargit - RFI. (2010, July 21). Retrieved from 131 Institut Français d'Indonésie - Institut Prancis di Indonesia. (2019, 7). Retrieved from 42 which is the Institut Français.132 The presence of the Institute Francais also goes hand in hand with the Alliance Française, which is around 100 years old.133

Today there are 98 establishments of Institut Francais all over the world.134 Based on the quote statement from Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign Affairs at that time. It can be concluded that, in the spread of the Institut Francais, there were geographical priorities. The spread of this institution will be focused on the European region, G20 countries, African and Francophone countries, and the Mediterranean.135

III.4.1 Missions of Institut Francais Institut Francais is contributing, by making use of the French cultural network. Foreign policy, to the foreign cultural policy defined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in close consultation with the ministers concerned, in particular the Minister of Culture. The Institut Francais’ missions include:136

1. Promotion and accompaniment abroad of French culture; 2. The development of exchanges with European cultures, French and foreign; 3. Support for the creation, development and dissemination of artistic expressions from the South, as well as their promotion and dissemination in France and abroad; 4. The dissemination of cinematographic and audiovisual heritage, in close consultation with the competent bodies in these fields;

132 Institut Français d'Indonésie. (2019, April 13). Retrieved from id/ifi/public/id/presentasi 133 ibid 134 Institut Francais. (n.d.). Worldwide. Retrieved from 135 CulturesFrance devient « L’Institut français » et la culture s’élargit - RFI. (2010, July 21). Retrieved from 136 LOI n° 2010-873 du 27 juillet 2010 relative à l'action extérieure de l'Etat | Legifrance. (n.d.). Retrieved from 22522646 43

5. Promotion and accompaniment abroad of ideas, knowledge and French scientific culture; 6. Support for a wide circulation of writings, works and authors, especially Francophones; 7. The promotion, distribution and teaching abroad of the French language; 8. Information of the French cultural network abroad, institutions and foreign professionals on the French cultural offer; 9. The professional advice and training of French and foreign personnel contributing to these missions, including staff of the French cultural network abroad, in liaison with the relevant bodies. As such, the institute is associated with the recruitment, assignment and career management policy of these personnel.

III.4.2 Funding of Institut Francais The important role of the Institut Francais in pushing forward French culture globally is crucial. To carry out the missions specified above, of course the Institu Francais requires an injection of funds. Therefore, France allocates a budget for the cultural sector of 350 million euros. 137 This budget turns out to be more than the Spanish Cervantes Institute or the German’s Goethe Institute.138 However, the funding will increase again, the institution will benefit from an additional budget allocation of 100 million euros over five years, obtained by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.139 Moreover, the status as EPIC will only make it easier to get contribution of funding from private parties. This institution can be financially independent, where they can be fully or

137 CulturesFrance devient « L’Institut français » et la culture s’élargit - RFI. (2010, July 21). Retrieved from 138 ibid 139 ibid 44 partially financed by their own income raised by teaching French as a foreign language and not only that, they can also get support from sponsors.140

III.4.3 Program of Institut Français Institut Français supports freedom of expression and diversity in the context of globalization while demonstrating its competence and expertise in promoting French culture throughout the world. Institut Français is an extension and tool for French cooperation, as well as a forum for experts and consultants. Therefore, the Institute Francais in optimizing the mission that has been mandated, focuses the program into three fields.141

• Culture: Diverse cultural activities and collaborative art projects; • Linguistics: French language courses, language certification, training for French teachers and vocational education; • Scientific and Universities Cooperation: Promotion of French higher education, scholarship programs, university cooperation, research cooperation, thematic seminars.

140 Patrons. (n.d.). Retrieved from 141 Institut Français d'Indonésie. (2019, April 13). Retrieved from id/ifi/public/id/presentasi 45


Programs Implemented by the Institut Français d’Indonésie as Cultural Diplomacy Effort of France towards Indonesia (2016 - 2018)

Cultural diplomacy is not only includes the traditional culture such as arts, literature, theatre, dance, and music. It also includes popular culture in which activities to attract mass audiences.142 This kind of diplomacy serves to promote cooperation and mutual understanding between actors. By this idea, Institut Francais, a non-profit organization founded by the French republic government to replace Cultures Centers France (CCF) expected to be the new unique brand of France to promote French culture in the world.143 Under the auspices of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Institute was assigned to drive a new ambition for the projection of French soft power, and help increase French influence abroad through a broader dialogue with other cultures through the process of listening and partnerships, especially in Indonesia.144

In this chapter, writer will analyze about the implementation of France cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia through Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI) in the period of 2016 to 2018, in which will discuss about the IFI, its programme implementation to see how both country engages in various cooperation and partnership.

142Mass Media and Mass Culture, Retrieved from urt_School_and_Cultural_Studies_School 143 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from 144 Ibid 46

IV.1 Institut Français d’Indonésie

Institut Francais D’Indonésie or well known as The French Institute in Indonesia (IFI) is an agency or institution that established on January 1st 2011, as the result of the merger between cooperation and culture section (SCAC) of the French Embassy and French cultural centers (CCF) in Indonesia.145 IFI is an institution under the France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that manages the cultural cooperation between France and Indonesia.146 Together with Alliance Francaises, Institut Francais D’Indonésie is responsible as the representation of French cultures, ideas, and values in where they exist. In collaboration with the Alliance Française which remarkably celebrated its 100th anniversary, walked in a unique system with more visible and under the same umbrella of Institut Français.147 IFI has financial autonomy so that the management of the fields under it programmes (culture, linguistics and universities) can run with

145 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from dindonesie-2/ 146 Ibid 147 Institut Francais D’Indonésie, Retrieved from 47 maximum flexibility.148 In Indonesia, there are several office of IFI located in Bandung, Jakarta, Jogjakarta, and Surabaya.149 These four branches of the Institut Francais in Indonesia have been active simultaneously since 2011, replacing the previous function as CCF.

(Source: Website of Institut Francais Indonesia)

Figure 1-List of Institut Francais D’Indonésie (IFI) in Indonesia

148 The Institut Francais and Alliance Francaise, promoting French Culture Overseas, Retrieved from and-cooperation-network/article/theinstitut-francais-and-the 149 Annuaire du réseau français de coopération. (n.d.). Retrieved from 48

IFI supports freedom of expression and diversity in the context of globalization while demonstrating its competence and expertise in promoting French culture throughout the world.150 Thus, IFI is involved in three fields which are:151

1. Culture: (Diverse cultural activities and collaborative art projects); Introduction to French culture with cultural diversity concept Institut Francais became place to celebrate the French culture. Introduce it to the society especially within the area of IFI. IFI organize many events in order to introduce French culture with specific content that symbolize France such as Spring Poet Festival, Francophonie week, European Day, Photography Month, and Printemps Francais. Printemps Francais is a program where all IFI and Alliance Francais in Indonesia celebrate together within period of time, usually between May and June.

2. Language: (French language courses, language certification, training for French teachers and vocational education); Language Teaching France tries to improve its cooperation with Indonesia, especially in education sector by operating French language course periodically and open for public.

3. Education: (Promotion of French higher education, scholarship programs, university cooperation, research cooperation, thematic seminars). Actively involved in intellectual discussion IFI also held cultural discussion, workshop, and seminar which inviting qualified experts and speakers, intellectuals or scientists from France through collaboration with actors and local organizations in the field of higher education, culture, arts, social, scientific, and also technology.

150 Ibid 151 Institut Français d'Indonésie. (2019, 6). Retrieved from 49

In term of fundings, Institut Francais gave by French government certain amount of funds for one-year program.152 Budget for all year long program will be decide by Institut Francais director which later need approval from Institut Francais Paris. The background why IFI organize cultural event is so that IFI is not only center for French language teaching but also cultural center. IFI tries to collaborate with French artist and local artist for cross culture program.153 As the principle of the Institute of Francais that has the status of EPIC, it makes it easier for IFI to obtain funding and sponsorship contributions from third parties.154 IFIs are also financially independent institutions, where they can be fully or partially financed by their own income by teaching French as a foreign language and other activities.

Furthermore, IFI also supported with several facilities to conduct their related programs under culture, linguistics and universities.155 In all of IFI office in Indonesia are supported with Auditorium with a capacity of 181 seats that equipped with a DCP Player, Full HD Projector, as well as a 7.1 sound system, the IFI Auditorium can function like a professional cinema.156 To provide the best performance needs, IFI’s Auditorium provides the latest audio equipment separate from the cinema audio system, in the form of a digital mixer with calibrated sound for all music concerts, piano recitals, mini orchestral concerts, intimate concerts, conferences, seminars, office celebrations, and product launches with an international standard called Mediatek,157 which is a library facility with various available documents, aim to introduce contemporary French society and French speaking countries to its members, accessing documents in this place is free of charge and borrowing can only be done by members.158

152 IFI (INSTITUT FRANÇAIS D’INDONÉSIE). (n.d.). Retrieved from 153 Ibid 154 Patrons. (n.d.). Retrieved from 155 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from 156 Ibid 157 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from 158 Ibid 50

IV.2 Programs Implementation (2016-2018) France is a country that blessed by outstanding cultural heritage159. “IFIs are small French in Indonesia” is a tagline that being boosted, as IFI branding on their implemented programs in Indonesia160, this values always being included in every program involving Institut Francais in four cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and Jogjakarta). There are three major concern of IFI programs, which are culture, language, and education (science & technology).161

IV.2.1 Cultural Programs IFI is responsible for implementing cultural arts cooperation between Indonesia and France, under of cultural cooperation section held various Indonesian meeting festivals and forums that seek to promote French creation and expertise by organizing various cultural activities,162 remarkably such as presenting works of art and performances, can also provide seminars or workshops in four cities in Indonesia. IFI translates its programs in the form of cultural dialogue between Indonesia and France. IFI pays special attention to contemporary art creations by holding creative residencies and multidisciplinary events, such as theater, dance, visual arts, music, and cinema.

IFI is a meeting and sharing space between Indonesian and French cultural arts players through sharing film screenings, exhibitions, shows and art discussions. One of the main mission of the IFI is to promote and disseminate the exchange of knowledge, expertise and skills between the two countries. This is done through various

159 UNESCO World Heritage: France, Retrieved from 160 The Jakarta Post. (2017, March 29). Good France 2017: A season of good, food, fashion, film & friendship. Retrieved from season-of-good-food-fashion-film-friendship.html 161 Institut Francais D’Indonésie, retrieved from 162 Ibid 51 collaborations with various festivals, the sending of Indonesian artists to France, various collaborative projects, and the creation of creations.

Gastronomy is a cultural element that cannot be separated from French identity, in which internationally recognized in 2010 by UNESCO by a Non-Object Cultural Heritage.163 By this reason, IFI opened a kitchen in Jakarta office in 2017 in order to get Indonesia’s culinary lovers can be acquainted while practicing cooking with the richness of French cultural heritage. It goes by cooking courses, holding masterclasses, or fusion food which combining together French and Indonesian cooks.164 This kitchen is equipped with 11 individual work tables with electric stoves, ovens, refrigerators and other cooking utensils for 11 people.165 IFI targeted to have a variety of intimacy and togetherness, values that are inherent in the tradition of eating.166

Total event = 107

1 Seminar 4 10 Film 12 4 2 2 Visual art 6 2 Cultural Discussion Fashion Cine-Macet Le Petit Marché

65 Art Event Music Concert

Diagram 4-Total of cultural activities167

163 UNESCO World Heritage: France, retrieved from 164 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from 165 Ibid 166 Ibid 167 Ibid 52

As the figures above, the IFI in the time period of 2016-2018 has successfully implemented 107 programs. Those programs consist of 1 Seminar, 10 film screening, 4 visual arts, 2 cultural discussions, 2 fashion event, 65 cine-macet, 2 Le Petit Marche, 2 art event, 12 music concert, 4 culinary event, and 3 Francophonie Week (annual celebration). These various activities remarks IFI effort that translates its programs in the form of cultural dialogue between Indonesia and France.168 The programs that have been carried out illustrate IFI's efforts in contributing to French cultural diplomacy, which aims to promote French culture and create interest in France for the people of Indonesia. According to IFI’s official archive the programs implemented in 2016 – 2018 can be seen on the figure below: 169

Name Type Date LENGGURU, MENEMUKAN ALAM UNIK Art Event Mar-16 Francophonie Week Art Event Mar-17



INDONÉSIENNE 1 Seminar Oct-16 Francophonie Week Art Event Mar-17

LE PÈRE NOËL Film Dec-17






168 Ibid 169Institut Francais D’Indonésie Archive, retrieved from 53



ORIENT AND BEYOND” Visual art Jan-18


Blanquette de veau à l’ancienne & Crème Brûlée Food Jan-18 Canard à l’orange et purée de pommes de terre à l’ail & Tartelette aux fraises Food Jan-18

Quiche au saumon et au fromage & Poulet rôti aux herbes et

pomme de terre à la Lyonnaise Food Jan-18 PAMERAN “PARIS, FASHION – FLOORS, HOPPER

INSPIRED” Fashion Feb-18 Music


INSPIRED” Fashion Feb-18

Francophonie Week Art Event Mar-17

Pemutaran Film Spesial Frankofoni – Open House Film Mar-18

Pemutaran Film Spesial Frankofoni – Universitas dan IFI Wijaya Film Mar-18

Pemutaran Film Spesial Frankofoni IFI Thamrin Film Mar-18 Music

KWAL : LES LIENS EN TRIO Concert Mar-18 Music

XVIII – 21 LE BAROQUE NOMADE Concert Mar-18 Music

SUPERSONIK #26: Tabik! With our New Roster Concert Apr-18




As I Open My Eyes Cine-Macet Apr-18

Polina Cine-Macet Apr-18

Mama Colonel Cine-Macet Apr-18


BPM (Beats per Minute) Cine-Macet Apr-18

Eyes Without a Face Cine-Macet Apr-18

Mia and the Migoo Cine-Macet Apr-18

The Stopover Cine-Macet Apr-18

IF I MOUV’ Cine-Macet Apr-18



THE WAGES OF FEAR Cine-Macet May-18

KANTATA TAKWA Cine-Macet May-18


DJANGO Cine-Macet May-18

BELLEVILLE RENDEZ-VOUS Cine-Macet May-18 THE BIG DAY Cine-Macet May-18

TWO FRIENDS Cine-Macet May-18

LITTLE LION Cine-Macet May-18

KISS AND CRY Cine-Macet May-18 Music

Konser “Do” oleh Rémi Panossian Concert May-18 CHÂTEAU Cine-Macet Jul-18

CORPORATE Cine-Macet Jul-18

RETURN TO ITHACA Cine-Macet Jul-18

5 BROKEN CAMERAS Cine-Macet Jul-18 ARMY OF SHADOWS Cine-Macet Jul-18

AYA OF YOP CITY Cine-Macet Jul-18

THE LITTLE LIEUTENANT Cine-Macet Jul-18 BARBARA Cine-Macet Jul-18 INSULA Cine-Macet Jul-18


U Cine-Macet Jul-18


LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS Cine-Macet Jul-18 OSS 117, LOST IN RIO Cine-Macet Jul-18 GERONIMO Cine-Macet Jul-18 SUMMER OF GIACOMO Cine-Macet Jul-18



OPEN HOUSE Visual art Aug-18








MEMOIR OF WAR Cine-Macet Sep-18

FRENCH CANCAN Cine-Macet Sep-18

CUSTODY Cine-Macet Sep-18

POPCON ASIA Art Event Sep-18

TALES OF THE NIGHT Cine-Macet Sep-18

RESET Cine-Macet Sep-18

MRS. HYDE Cine-Macet Sep-18

JULES AND JIM Cine-Macet Sep-18

WÙLU Cine-Macet Sep-18 Le Petit


VIDEO GAME Art Event Oct-18

French Wingz Art Event Oct-18 SUPERSONIK #31: #SOREBERSAMA GARDIKA GIGIH & Music

KAWAN-KAWAN Concert Nov-18


SWAGGER Cine-Macet Nov-18

THE PARK Cine-Macet Nov-18

THE PARIS OPERA Cine-Macet Nov-18




ARLIADO Art Event Nov-18 Music





PAVILLON NOIR Concert Nov-18

ROSALIE BLUM Cine-Macet Nov-18

THE LAST METRO Cine-Macet Nov-18



ON CALL Cine-Macet Nov-18



LAND LEGS Cine-Macet Dec-18



THE PAINTING Cine-Macet Dec-18 Figure 3-List of Cultural activities

Cultural Program 120






0 2016 2017 2018

Cultural Program

Figure 4 Increased number of IFI programs in 2016 - 2018


From these three years we can see that there is significant improvement in term of numbers of program conducted. In 2016 we can only see four programs conducted, and in 2017 there is a slight improvement where there were seven programs conducted. A significant improvement can be seen in 2018 where IFI conducted 96 programs. One of the big difference was that in 2018, IFI introduced new program called “Cine- Macet” where they conducted it for 65 times in one year. Cine-Macet is a new breakthrough for IFI, which is the screening of French films only at certain hours that they consider to be traffic jams hours.170 Then, the IFI also keeping to conduct an annual program to celebrate French language and culture, named Francophonie Week. This event is held every year during 2016 to 2018. This shows that there is a great effort from IFI to contribute in French soft power. In addition to promoting culture in general, from the number of programs for the past 3 years, IFI also showed a real effort to promote works of French films.

IV.2.2 Language Programs Through its language centers, IFI organizes various French language development and promotion activities in Indonesia in the form of courses, mentoring French teachers, and certification exams171. With an international standard language training, IFI Learning objectives and material are based on the European Joint Language Framework (CECRL) that formulates language competencies for foreign language learning: listening comprehension, speaking skills, reading comprehension and writing skills.172 All of these competencies are studied in six levels (beginners: A1 & A2; intermediate: B1 & B2; Advanced: C1 & C2).173

IFI language center provided with guidebooks released by French publishers, where the instructors apply various learning method and materials. It helps the participants of

170 Cine-Macet. (2018, 10). Retrieved from 171 Institut Francais D’Indonésie Language, retrieved from 172 Ibid 173 Ibid 58 the course to adapt the French language teaching and encouraged to communicate and interact in concrete situations. They provide several class that being conducted in four cities in Indonesia which are regular class, private class, French language for children class, and super intensive class. Moreover, IFI also provide a cooperation program to strengthen community with French language, this cooperation aims to:174

• Promoting French in Indonesia as an intermediary for friendship, cultural exchange and transfer of expertise; • Improve the quality of teaching French language, one of which is by providing training and enriching the capacity of French teachers; • Accompany French learners at IFI centers, Alliance Française, high schools, vocational schools, and colleges (universities, colleges, polytechnics, etc.).

IFI organizes various French language development and promotion activities in Indonesia in the form of courses, mentoring French teachers, and certification exams on 2016 - 2018, in which the total activities can be seen as figure below:

174 Ibid 59

Total Activities = 209

DELF B2 Preparation Class 31 1 9 Francophonie Week

French Language Class

French Language Training for Specific Purposes (FOS): Tourism and Hospitality 195 ProFLE Distance Training + Jeunes Profs

Diagram 5- Total of Language activities175

The French language program (based on IFI official archive) can be seen as below:176

1. French language class IFI held many French language class over 2016-2018 period, in which has a total of 195 French classes in 4 cities that include regular class, semi-intensive class, intensive class, and conversation class177.

2. French Language Training for Specific Purposes (FOS): Tourism and Hospitality This training provided by expert lecturers from the CCIP (Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry). The training is 4 days long in 3 cities (Jakarta, Bandung, Denpasar) on May 2018 and it synergizes with the Education Cooperation Section which also has a French public lecturer at universities, tourism high schools, and Vocational Schools.

175 Institut Francais D’Indonésie Archive, Retrieved from 176 ibid 177 Ibid 60

3. ProFLE Distance Training + Jeunes Profs ProFLE +: participants follow at least one of the four modules. The participants will get a certificate and the best two will have the opportunity to take part in a French summer course in France. This learning only held once in July 16, 2017.

4. DELF B2 Preparation Class The Cooperation Section for French will subsidize 80% of the cost of intensive DELF B2 exam preparation training at IFI Thamrin, Bandung and Yogyakarta. The training lasts five days before each DELF-DALF exam session, and each year it held by 3 sessions on April, August and october, in which constitute 9 sessions of DELF B2 preparation on 2016-2018 period.

5. Francophonie Week In collaboration with the embassies of the Francofon state in Jakarta, together with the IFI Cultural Cooperation Section, cultural activities and the promotion of French, Francophonie week being held once a year on March 17-22 (held 3 times on 2016-2018 periods) at the IFI and at universities with French language teaching.

IV.2.3 Scientific and Universities (Education) Programs Under educational programs, IFI implement its cultural diplomacy by strengthening the quality of vocational education institutions, education in the fields of tourism and sustainable development, transportation, energy, agriculture, and administration.178 IFI participates in the development of the Indonesian education system by encouraging cooperation between the French and Indonesian universities through bilateral agreements, exchange programs, scholarships, etc. further, IFI also cooperates with

178 Institut Francais D’Indonésie Education, Retrieved from 61

Indonesia-France in the scientific and technological fields by entering into agreements with a number of Indonesian institutions, distributing information on research assistance, and holding seminars.179

Total Event = 65


Discussion Education


Diagram 6- Total of Education activities180

As the figures above, IFI in the time-period of 2016-2018 has successfully implemented 64 event under education (Science and Technology) section, in which contains 42 discussion on several issues, and 22 education activities, that mostly include research supports, grants, and scholarship activities. This activities remarks IFI effort in the development of the Indonesian education system and community.181 These programs is very important that can boost French cultural diplomacy with Indonesia Based on their official archives, those programs can be seen on the figure below:182

179 Ibid 180 Ibid 181 Ibid 182 Institut Francais D’Indonésie Archive, Retrieved from 62



MA THÈSE EN 180 SECONDES 2016 Education Apr-16 Kelompok Kerja Bersama Universitas dan Sains Prancis-Indonesia Education Apr-16 2016 "PERDAGANGAN LAUT ASIA TENGGARA PRAMODERN" Discussion Jun-16





Pesta Sains 2016 Education Sep-16 PANGGILAN PENELITIAN ENS (ECOLE NORMALE Education Oct-16









"Petani Madu: Pengumpulan dan Ternak lebah Raksasa di Discussion Mar-17

Indonesia" oleh Nicolas Césard

Program Jean Monnet Education Mar-17





Kelompok Kerja Bersama Universitas dan Sains Prancis-Indonesia Education May-17 2017

MA THÈSES EN 180 SECONDES 2017 Education May-17



TESIS SAYA DI 180 Education Jun-17

S.E.T.I : Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence - Evolution of The Discussion Jul-17

Unknown - What is the universe made of?





Jelajahi Potensi & Risiko Laut bersama Marion Dufresne Education Sep-17
























"Pusaka! Pelbagai Benda Sakti dari Jawa Barat dan Banten" oleh S- Discussion Apr-18

A. Andrieu & G. Facal





Education Jun-18 Tesis Saya dalam 180 detik Indonesia: untuk siapa dan mengapa? "PERHIASAN DAN KECANTIKAN SEJAK ZAMAN Discussion Jun-18

PRASEJARAH HINGGA KINI" OLEH MARIAN VANHAEREN Kelompok Kerja Bersama Universitas dan Sains Prancis-Indonesia Education Jul-18 2018










"Suara yang Terpinggirkan dalam Perdebatan tentang Kelapa Sawit Discussion Oct-18

Berkelanjutan" oleh Emmanuelle Cheyns







"Jakarta banjir: Solusi apa yang dapat diterapkan agar Jakarta Discussion Dec-18

menjadi lebih tangguh?" oleh Olivier Sevin

Figure 5- List of IFI Education activities

Under the education program, IFI has carried out a variety of programs related to enhancing cooperation in education between France and Indonesia. For example, in the period 2016 to 2018, the IFI has succeeded in implementing a joint Working Group each year, which addresses the potential of cooperation between the two countries. In

66 addition, IFI also conducts programs such as the calling of research, as an effort to increase the participation of Indonesian students and researchers to be involved in the research they undertake. Not only that, IFI also conducted the Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes / MT180 (My Thesis in 180 Seconds) program in Indonesia. This is aimed at doctoral students competition which requires participants to present their thesis in French.183 This program shows that IFI strongly supports strengthening the use of French in Indonesia, specifically among academics. Recorded for 3 years, IFI held 4 MT180 programs, each one in 2016 and 2017, then twice in 2018. In addition, to maximize the knowledge transfer between the two countries, IFI conducted 42 thematic discussion. Through a discussion program that has been implemented it becomes a real form of dialogue in the field of science. France and Indonesia can exchange ideas to find new ideas or find solutions in each of the issue raised.

Moreover, to get closer to students in Indonesia, IFI has a collaborative program with several universities in Indonesia. IFI established "Warung Prancis" or “French Corner” which is a place for information about France, its culture and its education, targeting university’s students in Indonesia.184 Warung Prancis shows how IFI really contributes to French Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia, there are several universities in Indonesia that have collaborated with IFI to establish Warung Prancis, namely:185

No University Name Location Year 1 Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta 2013 2 Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar 2013 Institut Informatika dan Bisnis (IBI) 3 Bandar Lampung 2013 Darmajaya 4 Politeknik Negeri Malang Malang 2013

183 Institut Français d'Indonésie. (2018, June 18). Tesis Saya dalam 180 detik Indonesia: Untuk Siapa dan Mengapa? Retrieved from untuk-siapa-dan-mengapa 184 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from 185 Ibid 67

Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 5 Jombang 2013 ‘Ulum 6 Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak 2014 7 Universitas Andalas Padang 2014 8 Akademi Komunitas Pelalawan Pelalawan 2014 9 Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan 2014 10 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto 2014 11 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Yogyakarta 2014 12 Universitas Muria Kudus Kudus 2014 13 Universitas Udayana Denpasar 2014 14 Universitas Negeri Makassar Makassar 2014 Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan 15 Pendidik dan Tenaga Kerja (P4TK) Depok 2015 Bahasa 16 Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor 2015 17 Universitas Tadulako Palu 2015 18 Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta 2015 19 Universitas Khairun Ternate 2015 Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku 20 Ternate 2015 Utara 21 Universitas Pattimura Ambon 2015 22 Universitas Diponegoro Semarang 2015 23 Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Sahid Jakarta 2016 24 Universitas Narotama Surabaya 2016 25 Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung Bandung 2016 26 Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta 2017 27 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IBMT Surabaya 2017 28 Politeknik Caltex Riau Pekanaru 2017 29 Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari 2017 30 Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga 2018 31 Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung 2018 Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera 32 Medan 2018 Utara 33 Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Aceh 2018 Figure 6-List of Universities that have Warung Prancis


Until 2018, IFI has successfully established partnerships with 33 universities in Indonesia. Warung Prancis is not only providing information about French culture, but also about studying in France and scholarships offered by the French Government. It provides books, CDs, DVDs, French magazines and brochures about IFI activities, studies in France and scholarships.186

Warung Prancis Partnership 2016 3 Universities 2017 4 Universities 2018 4 Universities Figure 7- Warung Prancis Expansion during 2016 – 2018

Although the Warung Prancis initiative has been running from 2012, and has already collaborated with several universities in Indonesia, IFI still maintains the continuity of this program. Looking from the period 2016 to 2018, IFI is consistent and stable in expanding its collaboration with universities. Until 2015, IFI has succeeded in establishing Warung Prancis in 22 universities, and during the period of 2016 - 2018 successfully expanded this program to 11 new universities. In 2016 there were 3 new universities that partnered with IFI to build a Warung Warung. Then it increased to 4 universities in 2017 and then in 2018 IFI managed to expand its collaboration with 4 more universities.

IFI acted as overseas cultural institution in the French cultural diplomacy. It means that the implementation of the cultural diplomacy is imposed to Institut Francais.187 The goals of IFI cultural diplomacy are recognition, hegemony, friendship, and adaptation. IFI are dedicated to promoting French arts and the French language. This dense

186 Ibid 187 Promoting French Language, Retrieved from policy/francophony-and-the-french-language/institutions-promoting-the-french-language/ 69 network operated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs enables them to share French culture in partnership with the respective countries’ cultural and educational institutions.188

IV.3 Analysis on IFI as French Cultural Diplomacy Tool Because it has a long history of extraordinary making France as a country that is very proud of its language and culture. Therefore, language and culture have become one of France's priorities in conducting diplomacy, especially through cultural diplomacy in other countries and Indonesia is one of them. When looking at the use of culture in diplomacy it will indirectly reflect the value of soft power.189 Given the principle of soft power, in this case France uses their culture as a tool to spread the influence and value they believe towards other countries.190

France is one of the strongest countries in terms of soft power. According to a report made by Portland in 2017, France is positioned on the 1st rank for world’s top 30 soft power countries.191 For France, soft power is aimed at promoting the country’s image and thus, defending its economic, linguistic and its cultural interest.192 Through cultural diplomacy, France able to spread their values, cultures, ideology and many more, therefore it is expected that others will be understand and learn more about France. Further, a good understanding of culture can lead to any beneficial things like cooperation, trade, and possibly conflict prevention.

To maximize the practice of cultural diplomacy, the French government relies on its foreign cultural network, which contributes as an extension of the government to promote the country's culture and support the achievement of its national interests. As

188 Ibid 189 Joseph S. Nye. (2002). The Paradox of America Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.87 190 ibid 191 France. (2018). Retrieved from 192 Digital and soft diplomacy. (2018). Retrieved from foreign-policy/digital-diplomacy/digital-soft-diplomacy/ 70

France number one cultural network, Institut Franncais has actively workin in over 90 countries worldwide, Including in Indonesia (IFI).193

IFI acted as agents in the French cultural diplomacy. It means that the implementation of the cultural diplomacy is imposed to Institut Francais.194 IFI is a bridge that connects Indonesian people with French culture and values, as an addition this is also a concrete step from people to people contact between the two countries. The goals of IFI cultural diplomacy are recognition, hegemony, friendship, and adaptation. IFI are dedicated to promoting French arts and the French language. This network operated by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs enables them to share French culture in partnership with the respective countries’ cultural and educational institutions.195

As explained in the previous chapter, we can see that the French way of conducting cultural diplomacy is very clear. Through its cultural network, the Ministry of Europe and foreign affairs has designed clear objectives. Those are (i) to bring the culture of France and the work of French artist to a wider international audience; (ii) to build lasting networks, not only between creative artists but also between managers of cultural policy, responding the demand of from overseas artist and professionals.196 Therefore, IFI as a network owned by France must be able to form a program that reflects those objectives.

France through IFI represents a country that is very proud of its language and culture. Therefore language and culture represent two things that are French priorities in conducting cultural diplomacy in other countries outside France, one of them in Indonesia. During 2016 - 2018, IFI has organized various programs and activities in

193 Institut Francais. (n.d.). worldwide. Retrieved from 194 Promoting French Language, Retrieved from policy/francophony-and-the-french-language/institutions-promoting-the-french-language/ 195 Ibid 196 Cultural Diplomacy. (2018). Retrieved from policy/cultural-diplomacy/ 71 various fields including language, culture, and education (science and university cooperation).

In a cultural event held by IFI successfully implemented 107 events as a French cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia under the part of cultural cooperation. Cultural programs that have been carried out by IFI, such as visual art exhibitions, fashion events, film screenings, music concerts, and culinary events. In this 2016 to 2018 period, IFI showed quite surprising statistics, especially related to the number of programs implemented. In 2016 and 2017 there are four and seven programs respectively. While in 2018, it increased dramatically to 96 programs, which is due to the presence of new innovations, namely Cine-Macet. This shows that how IFI actually tries to contribute to the French cultural diplomacy. These programs conducted by IFI always involve artists or experts from France, and prioritize works from French artists. Of course, if we look at the objectives expected from IFI as a network of French culture, we can see that IFI managed to fulfill one of its important points, namely to bring the culture and work of French artists to the international world, in this case Indonesia. However they also uphold the value of cultural diversity, therefore they also include Indonesian culture and artists in some of their programs. Where these programs facilitate artistic dialogue or dialogue between French and Indonesian culture. The program certainly resulting an understanding and transfer of ideas between the two parties, in this case from French artists to Indonesian.

Under its Language and Education, one of the goals of giving awareness to students will be a necessity. With the existence of open mindset, conducted more structured and more effective cooperation, focusing on the four main axis of cooperation woven with the Government of Indonesia, namely sustainable development and living environment, health, engineering and technology, social sciences and humanities. These aspects can be reflected in the programs that have been implemented since 2016 - 2018. In dealing with the spread of French languages, IFI also opened French language classes in collaboration with various parties. Specifically IFI provides various

72 levels (beginners, intermediate, and advanced), this certainly has an impact on the spread of French to be more flexible and easily accepted by various community groups and ages. In addition, IFI also made concrete steps to be more involved with educational institutions in Indonesia. This can be evidenced by how IFI is connected with 33 universities in Indonesia through the French corner "Warung Prancis", this certainly reflects Academic and Technical Cooperation between the two countries.197

The results of the programs implemented by IFI as French cultural diplomacy in Indonesia is able to fulfil the objectives given by the Ministry of Europe and foreign affairs. In all its cultural, language and education programs, IFIs bring French researchers and instructors directly from France to share knowledge with students in Indonesia and participants in French language courses at IFI. Not only that, it is expected that diplomacy of dialogue between cultural artists will result in exchange ideas from artists from Indonesia and France to produce certain works. Of course, France is not only seeking unilateral profits but also trying to provide feedback to the Indonesian side.

Besides being a means of fulfilling cultural interests and French cultural diplomacy in Indonesia. IFI also runs and implements programs in accordance with the shared interests of France and Indonesia as stated in "Strategic Partnerships," especially in the fields of education, culture and cooperation between communities. IFI through its programs succeeded in contributing to French cultural diplomacy, one of which was the spread of French culture and language to the Indonesian people. In addition, according to the interests of the strategic partnership, IFI was able to create innovations to increase cooperation in education and research with Indonesia through various discussion activities, joint work groups, research calls, research funding and much more. Then, IFI also contributes to increasing collaboration with educational

197 Institut Français d’Indonésie, Retrived from 73 institutions such as universities in Indonesia, as evidence, can be seen from the Warung Prancis partnership.

These activities express IFI's ambitions for the projection of French soft power, and also contribution to France cultural diplomacy to help increase French influence abroad through wider dialogue with other cultures through a process of partnership, especially in Indonesia. Through the cultural and language programs conducted by IFI, of course, France expect that there will be further understanding of France by Indonesian citizens. The easier and more understandable French culture and value by Indonesia, the easier it will be to spread its influence in various fields. Then, through their education programs, IFI shows how it contributes to increase cooperation in education, research, and education institution to engage with the students and academics from Indonesia, and also to attract them to France education and culture. This mission is expected to benefit both parties and further strengthen relations between France and Indonesia.




In carrying out its cultural diplomacy in Indonesia, Institut Francais d'Indonesie (IFI) as French cultural network directly works under the auspices of the Cooperation and Culture Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of France in Indonesia. Until now, IFI is spread in four cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya to carry out its mission in the spread of French language and culture in Indonesia. As an agent of cultural diplomacy IFI is a bridge that connects Indonesians with French culture and values, besides that it is also a concrete step from person to person contact between the two countries.

In its efforts to contribute to French cultural diplomacy, IFI designed three fields that were expected to work optimally to achieve the target of the spread of French language and culture. Those field are linguistic, culture, and science and universities cooperation (education). Then not only that, to support the various programs implemented, IFI provides infrastructure such as auditoriums, high-quality mediatek and libraries with French books, magazines, novels, CDs which are all sent directly from France.

Cultural activities conducted by IFI in 2016 - 2018 is an effort of France's soft power. IFI has successfully implemented numerous of programs during this two years period, such as visual art exhibition, fashion events, film screening, music concert, culinary events, until cultural discussion. In almost all the program conducted, IFI always bring French artist or expert to be directly involved and usually also involve local Indonesia artist. This has become the form of cultural dialogue and transfer between France and Indonesia, this will potentially create mutual understanding. The program that has been implemented by IFI during this period also gained an increase in enthusiasm. Evidenced from the increasing number of programs implemented especially in 2018.


In 2016 and 2017 there are four and seven programs respectively. While in 2018, it increased dramatically to 96 programs. The increasing number of cultural programs held shows that France through IFI, is very serious in implementing cultural diplomacy.

Under language and education program, IFI has arranged several French teaching classes and also certification examination. Not only by running courses at IFI centers (Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Yogyakarta). IFI has also collaborated with several universities in Indonesia to create French corner (Warung Prancis). Through French corner, Indonesian students will be able to learn French language and also updated with some information about scholarships, events, and many valuable information about French education. IFI also conducted several programs in each year that can also raise awareness of French language routinely such as Francophonie week. In addition, IFI also regularly holds Joint Working Groups with Indonesian academics from various educational institutions. IFI also conducts various activities and research which of course are a direct example in France's efforts to strengthen cooperation in the fields of science, technology and innovation.

Overall activities that conducted by IFI in 2016 – 2018 have been in line with the objectives designed by France’s Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. One of them is to bring the culture, language, and work of French artist abroad. Through the programs conducted we can see that, there is also involvement from French artist or expert, and most importantly project the cultural value of France. Despite upholding its culture, France also believes in cultural diversity. Because of that, IFI always involves Indonesian local figures and parties in each of its activities. Aims to create harmonization and mutual understanding between the two cultures. In addition, the programs implemented by IFI are also in line with the common interests listed in strategic partnerships specifically in the fields of education, culture, and cooperation between communities.

In the end, it refers back to the principle of soft power. IFIs that play their active part contribute to the soft power of France where cultural activities that have been carried

76 out can effect on creating close relations between the two countries and help the fulfillment of strategic partnership between the two. Through the establishment of IFI, France able to fulfill the need to spread their culture and values to Indonesia, and able to increase the engagement and cooperation in cultural, education, and community area. With Indonesian people who are increasingly understanding about French culture and values and vice versa, surely it will create a better perception of on each other. Where this will indirectly open up various opportunities to produce other strategic cooperation that can be beneficial for both parties.




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