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Safety Harbor $M WEEKLY Friday, October is> g Page Four THE SOUTHERN JEWISH 194 “IF IT WASN’T, IT WOULD BE NIGHTIME FOR THE REST • • • • Schlefstein Returns from Camp Musing* OF THE WORLD.” Yosel v by Ethel “Teddy” Moscovitz An answer to “TWILIGHT Several weeks ago I told you ious morsel with which to begin IN GERMANY” as?; that I knew the plans of the any dinner . By Kenneth C. Levin Daughters of Israel for a novel Assisting Hattie in arranging Yes, there is twilight in Germany; “study group”, and that I would the course are Sylvia Wasserman And the hungry stare, \ pass the idea on to our readers so (Mrs. M.) and Kathryn Hackel Yes, there is misery in Germany, ¦/ that Sisterhoods of Ladies Groups ((Mrs. Carl) . As the nation is torn, B it" H in this region, needing stimuli * * * And its morals die. WmMm® for study might benefit from the The official opening of the Riv- There are those that bemoan this m plan ... Now that the chairman, er Garden Home Sunday was a state of affairs, Mrs. Abe (Hattie) Newman has very impressive event with Gov- They see Nazis suffer, had the privilege of announcing it ernor-elect Fuller Warren praising They shed many tears, herself locally I feel free to tell the institution and the Jewish peo- They write of that suffering, you about it . The Center Sister- ple of Jacksonville for sponsoring in prose, had . was so hood has its initial study ft . The governor-elect In verse, group meeting and it has proven a impressed with the structure that Forgetting the victims, huge success ... I am sure other he donated SIOO himself to the Who suffered much.worse. Sisterhoods will find the Center’s funds needed to satisfy the $40,- methods most pleasing . 000 mortgage still held on the Yes, I see them suffer, .. The study course is centered place . Everything was lovely Just as Europe has done, around instructions in Jewish but to me the most exciting part And I wonder who’d suffer, cooking, and is just what the new of the ceremony was the ribbon- Had the sweet Nazis won? and old housewife has been look- cutting which is so characteristic I see their gaunt children, kind . After Buchenwald, Germany After Camp Tranquillity, N. Y. ing for these many years . .The of opening events of this But more do I see, first meeting featured the 'Friday To see Mrs. G. Stein, from a wheel Than just the misery, Yotel Schiefstein was one of the youngest inmates of the infamou brought to . had camp. He was the night observance in the home . chair and with fingers which Os Gerfhany: Buchenwald concentration U. S. by (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), and is shown in the picture Ted Gross, educational director of to be guided, snap the ribbon with HIAS at right on the day he ended his. stay at Camp Tranquillity, near the Center religious school, spoke a pair of scissors was indeed a LOOK CLOSE: Earlville, N. Y. Camp Tranquillity, operated for 30 years by Eli« on the meaning of the Sabbath thrill to those who have seen her See that German child in filthy A. Cohen, a member of the HIAS Board of Directors, specializes n providing summer for underprivileged Every and the manner in which it should work untiringly these many years rags, vacations children. yesr HIAS sends a group of DP children to Camp Tranquillity, where they . project. be hallowed in the home Mrs. for the’ completion of the He’s standing on piles of soap- reap the benefits of an existence in the country, and learn America O. Magezis then instructed the Certainly it must have been a filled bags, ways and customs from competent counselors. HIAS, the giobd migration agency, is currently seeking $4,520,000 group in the making of gefilite source of satisfaction to her child- SOAP made from PEOPLE, from for the conduct of its worldwide mission of rescue. fish, the traditional dish, and di- ren, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stein and Poles, from Russians, rected its preparation in the Cen- Mrs. Sam Witten to know that SOAP made by Germans, sweet they so ter kitchen . After the fish was had worked hard and had Germans, the Prussians; duly cooked it was consumed by been instrumental in seeing their LOOK CLOSE: Greetings and Best Wishes the students who have been “ooh- parent’s dream made a reality in See that German worker so thin ing” and “ahing” about it ever her lifetime . That is a simcha and weak, given few, ROOFING CO. since ... In fact, one of the co- to very and I sincerely He’s unfed, he pleads, so sadly, SMOAK chairman called me this morning wish all of them the blessings of so meek, ALL TYPES OF ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK many more years to see the River and said she had made it for her His son was a colonel, the 16th 433 East 21st Street Phone 5-5335 yontif dinner and it was wonder- Garden’s Home serve the commun- S. S., .. ful .. ity The soil of France did this Ger- According to Mrs. Magezis, the man bless, fish (it is better if two kind are U. J. A. Radio Show A million Frenchmen he left unfed, Greetings and Best Wishes . father, mixed) is bought fileted . Be- They can’t plead, like his fore it is chopped with onion and October 16th THEY’RE DEAD! O. B. JACKSON CONTRACTOR carrot in a wooden bowl it is run Van Heflin, noted motion picture PLASTERING, CEMENT WORK, BLOCK LAYING . LOOK CLOSE: through the grinder once After ALSO FILL DIRT HAULING star, will have the leading role in woman, it is chopped, an egg is added. A a bony sad girl, she Jacksonville, Florida an original drama entitled, “ADay 1416 W. 16th Street Phone 4-1668 No cracker or matzah meal or once was a lady, a real Nazi To Remember”, to be presented water is used . The mixture is “pearl”, by the United Jewish Appeal on then moulded into tiny balls and Thanks to “arrogant Conquer- Saturday evening, October 16th, is dropped into boiling water flav- ers”, she’s now not so fine, BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS from 10:30 to 11:00 P. M. (E.S.T.) ored with salt and pepper and Reduced to the “pearl” that they Shop over the American Broadcasting Pierce Prescription cooked until tender . Served cast before swine, Hamming Park __ Company network. 315 Laura Street at . chilled it makes a light and delic- “Tell me, sad freulein, reflect TELEPHONE 5-1146 JACKSONVILLE L FLA. “A Day To Remember” presents * through the years, E. Pierce • Neely in dramatic form the urgent needs J. R. Do you remember when you led in of refugees arriving in Israel after cheers ? years of wandering and persecu- SPECIAL! For Hitler, for Fuehrer, for tion. It shows the sympathetic BLOODBATHS, for GORE! and careful medical assistance It Is Time For Your Fall and Winter Vacation CARS PAINTED As you heiled, and you riled, and that they receive, and offers a re- you shouted for WAR? vealing insight into the state of at And do you remember, your so mind of those who have recently *25 recent pride, The Carlsbad of Florida Also Body exchanged life in a DP camp for a and Fender Work When Goebbels announced 40 mil- Call us for free future of freedom in the Jewish estimates lion had died?” Standard Body Co. State.” Famous Santo Mineral Springs 757 PARK STREET Oh Germans, you shouted. MORE, (In rear of Sun There are people who want a Oil Station) MORE, GIVES US MORE, The ideal spot for much needed rest PHONE 7-4822 new world while they themselves that You got it, IT’S over, the end of go on living in the same old way. A luxurious hotel and surroundings, swimming in beau- the war, land- And as twilight now settles and tiful all-tile mineral-waters pool. Twenty acres of Germany bleeds, scaped grounds. MINOR and MAJOR I see through her sorrow to yes- terday’s deeds, "SANTOS SPRINGS CONCERT PRODUCTIONS I hear not German whimpering, Presents I only hear instead, MINERAL BATHS" The anguished, miserable, ALL CONCERT SERIES 1948-49 horrible FOR cries, For physical disorders—Massage steam rooms—^ Osteo- Os millions and millions of dead! pathic treatments Scientific corrective exercises NOV. 17th RHYTHMS OF SPAIN 111!!’ “Dashing, Brilliant, the Greatest Spanish Dancers” Compatible diets for reducing and health build KENNETH C. LEVIN Expert dietitian. DEC. 10th MARIMI DEL POZO Son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. “Spanish Coloratura —First American Tour—Metropolitan Opera” Levin. 1739 Hubbard St. RECREATION REST REJUVENATION JAN sth LAURITZ MELCHOIR “World’s Greatest Heroic Tenor”—Star of “Luxury Liner” All this and more APRIL 6th VLADIMIR HOROWITZ Best Wishes To All My AT THE “The World’s Most Famous Living Pianist” Jewish Friends DO NOT DELAY SEASON TICKETS CALL TODAY Orchestra and Balcony SIO.BO inc. tax 2-0838o-nnaa Safety Orchestra $M Terrace JUDGE Harbor 2-0373 $9.00 inc. tax SAFETY HARBOR. FLA. Mail Checks to SARAH BRYAN “City of Healing Waters” MINOR and MAJOR Salem H. Baranoff, Director CONCERT PRODUCTIONS Justice • > 2655 Park Street Jacksonville of the Peace Telephone Clearwater—2s94.
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