Metro Highlights
METRO HIGHLIGHTS METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY 713.635.4000 | RIDEMETRO.ORG OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS METRO Wants Your Input METRO is serious about wanting to know what you think. — visit METRO VISION Through collaborative relations and innovative approaches, METRO will be an industry leader in delivering timely, efficient and accessible service that is transformative by providing multi-modal interactions for communities to connect to everyday work and life opportunities. METRO MISSION METRO’s mission is to provide safe, clean, reliable, accessible and friendly public transportation services to our region. September 2018 Edition ABOUT METRO LOCAL BUS SERVICE PARK & RIDE AND HOV/HOT LANES More than 80 regular local bus routes in the 27 Park & Ride facilities allow suburban commuters Find out who we are, what we do, how we are METRO service area, as well as bus service tailored to enjoy express service to employment centers on funded, and our plans for the future of to specific communities, make it easy to get High Occupancy Vehicle lanes. Houston-area transportation. (Pages 5-17) around town or connect with other METRO (Pages 28-31) transportation services. (Pages 18-27) METRO SERVICES METRORAIL METRO STAR VANPOOL ACCESSIBILITY & METROLIFT AT A GLANCE Three light-rail lines provide a fun and convenient Vanpools of five to 15 riders safely and comfortably All METRO vehicles are 100 percent accessible. For way to visit many of Houston’s major attractions, transport members to and from workplaces disabled riders who cannot access regular service workplaces, medical facilities, and universities. in an eight-county area. stops or vehicles, METROLift provides (Pages 32-35) (Pages 36-37) curb-to-curb service.
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