Non-Return Information Packet Assisting families on their lifelong journey Parenting Children Who Have Been Exposed to Methamphetamine A Brief Guide for Adoptive, Guardianship, and Foster Parents Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center 2950 SE Stark Street, Suite 130 Portland, Oregon 97214 503-241-0799 800-764-8367 503-241-0925 Fax
[email protected] ORPARC is a contracted service of the Oregon Department of Human Services. Please do not reproduce without permission. PARENTING CHILDREN WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO METHAMPHETAMINE A BRIEF GUIDE FOR ADOPTIVE, GUARDIANSHIP AND FOSTER PARENTS Table of Contents Introduction: ............................................................................................................. 1 Part I: Methamphetamine: An Overview ........................................................... 2 What is meth? What are its effects on the user? How prevalent is meth use? How is meth addiction treated? Part II: Meth’s Effects on Children ...................................................................... 7 What are the prenatal effects of exposure? What are the postnatal effects of prenatal exposure? What are the environmental effects on children? Part III: Parenting Meth-Exposed Children ....................................................... 11 Guiding principles Age-specific suggestions Part IV: Reprinted Articles .................................................................................. 20 Appendix A: Recommended Resources Appendix B: Sources Page i PARENTING CHILDREN WHO HAVE