Providing in the Lord's
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A L E A D E R ’ S G U I D E T O W E L F A R E PROVIDING IN THE LORD’S WAY Wilt thou be made whole?. Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. John 5:6, 8 A L E A D E R ’ S G U I D E T O W E L F A R E PROVIDING IN THE LORD’S WAY The real long term objective of the Welfare Plan is the building of character in the members of the Church, givers and receivers, rescuing all that is finest down deep inside of them, and bringing to flower and fruitage the latent richness of the spirit, which after all is the mission and purpose and reason for being of this Church. J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Special meeting of stake presidents, 2 Oct. 1936 Cover painting: Infirm Man at the Pool of Bethesda, by Carl Bloch (see John 5:1-9) Painting on page 2: All the City Was Gathered Together, by James J. Tissot Painting on page 4: The Widow’s Mite, by Alexandre Bida Painting on page 10: Christ and the Rich Young Man, by Heinrich Hofmann Copyright © 1990 by Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PART 1: PROVIDING IN THE LORD’S WAY 3 PART 2: INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES 5 Becoming Self-reliant 5 Education Home Storage Health Resource Management Employment Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Strength Caring for the Poor and Needy 7 Fasting and Contributing Fast Offerings Other Ways to Care for the Needy PART 3: PROVIDING CHURCH WELFARE ASSISTANCE 11 The Lord’s Storehouse 11 The Scope of Church Welfare Assistance 11 Duties of the Bishop 12 Provide Welfare Assistance in the Proper Spirit Administer the Lord's Storehouse Duties of the Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums and Relief Society 15 Duties of the Ward Welfare Committee 16 Duties of the Stake President 16 Teach Welfare Principles to Stake Members and Leaders Train and Counsel Bishops Duties of the Stake Welfare Committee 17 Duties of the Stake Bishops’ Welfare Council 18 Duties of the Area Presidency 19 Duties of the Regional Welfare Committee 20 1 INTRODUCTION his leader’s guide is for the use of all Part 3 explains the responsibilities Tmembers of stake and ward welfare that Church leaders have in providing committees, area welfare directors (in Church welfare assistance. The infor- the United States and Canada), direc- mation in part 3 should be discussed tors for temporal affairs (in other and used as training in ward, stake, areas), Regional Representatives, and and regional committee meetings and Area Presidencies. area meetings. Part 1 explains the way the Lord has Leaders should study the scriptures revealed for his Saints to care for quoted and referred to in this guide themselves and the poor and needy. and use these scriptures and others Part 2 discusses principles of the gospel related to welfare in their teaching and that apply to welfare and the welfare training. responsibilities of each member of the Providing in the Lord’s way for Church. ourselves and others is a sign of the The leaders who read this guide true Church and evidence that we are should teach the principles and disciples of Christ. Church leaders responsibilities discussed in parts 1 and should teach and testify of the princi- 2 to the leaders and members under ples contained in this leader’s guide by their jurisdiction. They should encour- precept, by personal example, and by age the members to fulfill their welfare ensuring that the cries of the poor and responsibilities and suggest ways in needy do not go unheeded. which they can do so. They should encourage parents to teach welfare principles to their families. One of the primary responsibilities of ward and stake welfare committees is to see that members understand and apply welfare principles. 1 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:35–36, 40 2 P A R T 1: PROVIDING IN THE LORD’S WAY he responsibility to provide for our- and needy in the Lord’s way means Tselves, our families, and the poor that the giver helps those who are less and needy has been part of the gospel fortunate by giving according to what since the beginning of time. As disciples he has received from God. He gives of Christ, we should give of ourselves— freely and with a true spirit of love, our time, talents, and resources—to care recognizing that his Heavenly Father is for those in need. We are better able to the source of all his blessings and that fulfill this responsibility if we are he is responsible to use those blessings striving to become self-reliant, for we in the service of others. cannot give what we do not have. The receiver accepts the offered help When we wisely use those things that with gratitude. He uses it to release the Lord gives us, we become more himself from the bondage and limita- Isn’t the plan beautiful? able to give to the Lord’s work and tions of his need and become more able Don’t you thrill to this provide for others. to rise to his full potential, both tempo- part of the gospel that When Jesus Christ came to earth, he rally and spiritually. He then reaches spent much of his ministry caring for out to help others. causes Zion to put on her the poor and needy. He commanded his Providing in the Lord’s way humbles beautiful garments? When disciples to do the same. He explained the rich, exalts the poor, and sanctifies viewed in this light, we that when we care for others, we are both (see D&C 104:15–18). Both are serving him: blessed as they keep the Lord’s can see that [welfare] is not “For I was an hungred, and ye gave commandments (see D&C 130:20–21). a program, but the essence me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me Both become more able to give as of the gospel. It is the drink: I was a stranger, and ye took Christ gives. me in: The Church is organized to help gospel in action. It is the “Naked, and ye clothed me: I was all members become more self-reliant crowning principle of a sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and provide for the poor and needy in Christian life. and ye came unto me. the Lord’s way. The Lord’s way “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto embraces welfare. Welfare means Spencer W. Kimball, in one of the least of these my brethren, ye temporal and spiritual well-being. As have done it unto me” (Matthew we apply welfare principles in our Conference Report, Oct. 25:35–36, 40). lives, we become more like God the 1977, pp. 123–24 In our day, the gospel has been Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, and restored to the earth in its fulness we prepare ourselves to live with through the Prophet Joseph Smith. The them eternally. Lord has once again commanded his people to care for the poor and needy. He said, “And remember in all things the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted, for he that doeth not these things, the same is not my disciple” (D&C 52:40). The Lord has established a way for his Saints to care for the poor and needy and thereby bring blessings into their own lives. Providing for the poor 3 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. Mark 12:41–44 4 P A R T 2: INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Each member of the Church has Report, Oct. 1977, p. 124; or Ensign, welfare responsibilities. These are to Nov. 1977, pp. 77–78). become self-reliant and to care for the When we accept the responsibility poor and needy. for our own and our family’s well- being, we are better able to sustain ourselves in our everyday lives. We are BECOMING SELF-RELIANT better prepared to endure times of adversity without becoming dependent e are children of a Heavenly upon others. We also honor the sacred W Father, and we rely upon him to relationships that the Lord has estab- sustain us in all that we do. All things lished between husbands and wives, on earth and in heaven belong to him, parents and children (see Mosiah and he has given us everything we 4:14–15; 13:20; D&C 83:2, 4).