1935-12-20 Pm
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The Plymouth Mail Vol. 50, No. 5 Plymouth, Mich. Friday, December 20,1935 $f.5O Per Year In Advance Cail Shear Wins Decorations Of Santa Claus Is For years and years. Carl Busy Plymouth Stores Fill All Shear, Buick dealer for Plym outh and vicinity, has been bat Streets Due To Ready For Visit tling with the advertising de The Needs of Christmas Shoppers partment of the company over the question of advertising in Plymouth and vicinity. It has Following Gifts To Legion Hall been his contention that the Who Find Real Bargains at Home advertising should be done in Business Men of City When all through the house [Over 300 Boys and Girls the local newspaper. The adver Don't Forget Who Aided In Holiday To Greet Him Sunday tising agency has claimed that Dot a creature was stirring, big metropolitan newspapers Leonard Murphy, manager Good Business Is Beautification Afternoon and magazines cover the field. of the Plymouth branch office Until! of the secretary of state’s of Christmas decorations for the fice, has warned automobile Dot even a mouse! • (Exclusive dispatch to The Mail)., They claimed it until they drivers that he has received no Reported By business streets of Plymouth have j North Pole, Dec. 19—Have just[ made a try and found out dif notice of a possible extension been completed as far. as it is i returned from a visit to the head ferently. They found that the possible for the business men to of time in getting 1936 license quarters of old Santa Claus. His claim Of Mr. Shear was correct, plates. So if you have not al Merchants go this year with the funds that sacks are packed brim full of good I that it was better for the Buick ready secured your plates, you Secretary Leonard T. Murphy of [ things for some 300 boys and 1 dealer in Plymouth to adver had better do so at once—as the Only Four Shopping Days the Chamber of Commerce has girls of Plymouth who will be I tise in The Plymouth Mail as rush is about to begin. been able to raise. The work of i gathered next Sunday afternoon I well as The Northville Record Left - Plymouth Stores Chairman Edson O. Huston and at 2 o'clock at the Myron H. Beals ! than in outside papers. his committee have won general post headquarters at Newburg. ; They found out that Buick Filled With Everything praise for every one. Your correspondent never saw ' prospects can be found quicker You May Desire For While the decoration are not so many nice toys, clothing and I through the local newspaper City Manager Is complete and some sections have 1 candy as Santa has already load- j than ~ through big outside Christmas Gifts. not yet been covered, it is the , ed into his bags for the big Ameri-1 metropolitan papers, so Buick aim of the Chamber of Com I can Legion party next Sunday af- advertising for Plymouth and Named to Similar -Friday. Saturday. Monday and merce. and the decoration com temoon. How he is going to get•. vicinity during 1936 appears for Tuesday—these are the four big mittee that has worked so dili ' them all down to the Legion hall ; this locality exclusively in The shopping days that. arc left be gently to make the decorations a is difficult to understand, but' Plymouth Mail, thanks to the Place in Saginaw fore Christmas. success, to carry the job to com Santa always finds a way and he I everlasting battle of Mr. Shear, And do the shoppers know u> pletion next year. says he will this year, who knew what he was talking “ Plymouth merchants report a t First Santa Claus, he says, Perry Cookingham Has consistent increase in businesi It should be remembered that it about and who has the satis P/xcicrrmrl during the past few weeks. Not was just a few days before Christ through the excellent work that faction of knowing that even a Resigned Position only has business geUing mas last year that the idea to has been done by Mrs. Gladys big advertising agency once in In Plymouth better each day. but most of them arrange a general decoration i Ryder, president of the American a while can be convinced that declare that it far exceeds the plan • for the city that could be I Legion Auxiliary, and Mrs. John maybe it is not always right carried on from year to year with I : Jacobs and Mrs. Harold Anderson, after all. c Announcement was maaemade yesves- [ChristmasFortunately sales .t of was a year that ago. local the idea of adding something to 1 I is going to serve the boys and it each year, was decided upon. • girls with a great big Christmas X h£“T wUh Chnstm„ goo,^ In the brief time and under fi dinner. nancial conditions existing, re i He states that he has told the be purchaid to’pUou^muS markable progress has been | Auxiliary ladies to heap the Cheer Bringers under the newly organized ®om"lcheaDer than in Detroit made. Another year the commit ■ plates so high with good things tee hopes to be able to fill in all 1 to eat that there will not be a EK have the “gaps” so that every one will i vacant space of any kind in the Extend Welcome be satisfied. ' little tummies of the 300 boys and girls who are so frequently for- C°ntr0' °f th;!^ln-‘Snodf Secretary Murphy reports that I gotten during the year. contributions from the following To You Tonight prmptpd the and make can be purchased here merchants and business men I It seems that Santa’s visit to Saginaw recently enacted the i» less than elsewhere made possible the attractive ex ' the American Legion hall at New Keno Party Funds Will Slid ?han^fnciSrm„f°tthatVTto a"? Christmas snpppere should read burg has all been arranged for by “r’an^xtorX and'rtre’ful £ "'“h '.*« care tension of the decorations this i Commander Melvin Guitierie, Fill Christmas every year: 1 Chauncy Evans, William Keefer, ™ nr. advertisement in this issue. Conner Hardware Co. Baskets thP i If u has difficult for you J. W. Blickenstaff, Community Leland Place, John Campbell, [ of applicants engaged the Plym- tQ compiete your Christmas list, Drug Store. Sven Eklund, John Moyer, Don i oath city manager uo accept me readd every adverti;advertisement and as Earl Fluelling. Ryder, Norman Peterson, John Tonight, this Friday evening, at position. you rea(j them jot down the Plymouth Motor Sales. 1 Jaqobs, Ray Laster, Harry Barnes, the Mayflower hotel the Cheer Mayor Blunk stated that city items that can easily be selected Hotel Mayflower. ' Cass J. Kershaw and all the other Bringers committee of the Ex- officials’ of Plymouth have not I as you visit the stores, Sinclair Service Station. Dan ' Legionaires of • Plymouth and Service Men’s Club will hold their yet given consideration to the se- Maybe its a bit of furniture, an Lustig, vicinity. annual Christmas keno party for lection of a successor to Mr. attractive dish or a bit of jewelry. Plymouth Peed Store. No Taxes Over He was more than delighted the benefit of the needy of the Cookingham as notice of his re- possibly silverware. footwear, . Cloverdale Farm Dairy. when he heard how the Legion city. signation had just been received, toilet articles, hardware, toys, kit- Plymouth Purity Market. Cassady Dress- T here Five Have Filed Goodfellows had spent a day on Every penny raised at the party but that the matter will be taken | chen w’are, hosiery, women's wear- the streets, of Plymouth selling up immediately. ing apparel, clothing for father William Simpson. Plymouth papers to make money so they tonight will be used for the pur Hotel. Dear Editor, The Mail:— could pay Santa’s way down to !chase of food and some of the Mwas in 1920 that Mr. Cook- ! or son. cigars.' smokers’ supphes. little dainties that a large number ■ inglgttam began his career ir. dolls, candies, musical toys, books. OK. Shoe Repair Shop. Hosiery Shop_ Is Apropo of the- little rhyme i For Appointment SySS-hnlSdtOT?an?liv?1ttSS °f People who have met mis-, municipal wort being engaged at , groceries, even a glltof meats. Calvin Simons. 'shown in your last copy of the' Kroger Grocery and Meat Mkt. rnnnv WinnPr M*n regarding taxes, I have ap Tvhvh.Srt inn Jr 8 fortune in life do not ordinarily that time as a civil engineer in pop corn, sporting goods, a sav- Woodworth Co. 11 VpilJ WinnerIf 11IX1U1 pended the closing chapter to the t As Postmaster wh? he he had heard thev «et at any time of the year. i the street pavings division of the ings account, perfumery, electric, A. & P. Tea Company. _____ matter, to-wit: _____ onto e^ctol to Sie bto| “We hope to send out baskets , city government of Flint He re- al goods flowers, planto a four,, Abe Goldstein. Department that thev got over S75 And he running over with groceries, and mained in the employ of the city ! tain pen. combs, brushes mani- Store. Another Penniman Ave. t^e evenlng lamp! Present Official To Also hearttnat tney that gotthat over veteran Anafighter, ne meats the kind, ol'food. ‘r.Y’rtt- that .i “wUl ■ “ mint ««mi h«,ho ’trueaa aannnintedP^‘n“d i S£curing‘vn8 sets cnmnact-s kndakR Consumers Power Company. Store Wins Award When you buy a postage stamp Seek Retention In SMS .nrt only go“aiSto manager rt Clawson to livingsets ,i=.