rfOp'47 01 illardJ.Houghtont.1646,1, n,NewYark 1474 Volume 90.3A

Students interested Trustees Meet, in running for Lanthorn editor or business manager Implement Change should submit Jennifer Watson written statements The Board of Trustees were nalized by theboard, with tu- towards laptop computers for requesting oncampuslastweekendfortheir ition set at $11,700, fees set at all incoming first-year students candidacy to the secondmeetingoftheacademic $360, average room prices at during the fallof'97. The $500 Campus Activities year. Three major issues con- $1,998,andfullboardat$2,000; fee in the tuition will provide thefinal costtostudents will be for the renovation of both com- Committee. cerningstudents weredealt with t the brudiy 15®ef at these meetings: the state- around $16,058. Of this final puter labs and the addition of Eligibility g the 44 worked to ment of community responsi- figure,a$500computerfeewas one more lab. The Internet con- mokley in both the requirements bilities, theHoughtoncomputer built into tuition. The trustees nectionwillbeupgradedtoaTI Resource Fund and include a cumulative labs, and the budget forthe aca- designated $50,000 for the reno- which will provide for faster grade point average demic year of 1996-97. vation of a computer lab to be interfacing and enhanced dial- jectsfund. Themoney of at least 2.25 for The board spent part of the completedoverthis years' Eas- inaccesswithfullscreengraphic to help various campus ter break. The lab will be interface. The Buffalo campus v. h odo not receive the editor and 2.0 for Friday session discussing the pledge. After two years of re- stocked with a full complement will be networked to the Hough- .e student ac- the business view. a new statement has been of 100mhz Pentium Processors ton campus. and the technology manager and that drafted and approved; an anno- with36mbofRAM,asopposed infrastructure for the campus t. meeting. 2*/ they be of junior or tated copy of this statement, in- tothecurrentPC's with360mhz will be upgraded: gone are the was namcdto de daysofcollapsingnetworks and senior status during cludingthechangesinthedanc- processors and 8mb of RAM. Harrassment Inves:k The computer plan adopted crashing computers. n Committee. The Sai- the term of office. ing policy, will be printed in the next issue of the Star. by the Trustees was the Transi- t Senate sponsored a ban- The 1996-97 budget was fi- tionYearplanintendedtomove -quet on February 16th. 'rh*4 theme was 'A Midsummer Night'sDream: Allproceeds Phonathon Raises Over from this event will go to the renovationofthecampuscen- ,. ter basement. The nextmeet- ing of the Student Senate will $250,000 be on Thursday. March 7th at 8pm. A. J. Bunk Phonathon has been a real turns calling and raising funds. dents who receive a scholarship Quote of the t helpto 2.650studentswhohave Barbara Bates says thar to help defray the costs ofgoing received scholarships averag- they are doing more than fund to Houghton. Week ing at $750.00 over a span of raising, they are engaged in Barbara Bates is very im- pressed with the many people the past sixteen years. 400 "friend raising.- Alumni enjoy "Ethics are what scholarships are awarded annu- talking to current students and who have given of their time to publishers say they be no longer than 510 ally. These scholarships are keepingintouch*iththeevents work in the Phonathon this year. are." and is due by Mardi awarded to first-year students that are a part of the campus. In She says the students are "am- and are renewable through their fact. by giving money the bassadors for the college" and ·envelopeentries are on theto be pla senior year. alumni are participating in a that the effort they have given is -Art Nauman very important campus activ- "remarkable." in the Campus Center The whole purpose behind journalist entaccrossfromWJSL the Phonathon is to raise money ity. This makes everyone in- The calls completed for the varoiuus Phonathon 1996 Call- 1994 kes are as:f.. forthese scholarships. The volved feel a little better. espe- lace:aw*dis for 1996 was to raise $250.000. cially the new first-year stu- ing Groups are as follows: At the third week of the Contents: Phonathon $227,500 was al- Student Government Association 775 386. or 6 ready raised. Barbara Bates, Youth for Christ 675 Trustees...... 1 the head of the Phonathon this Music Ed. Club 614 year, was positive that the goal Freshman Class 591 Fundraisers ...... 1 would be met. Sophomore Class 546 Phonathon runs for four WMF 495 Phonathon...... 1 weeks. In the first week fac- Psych. Club 404 ulty, staff, and "friends of Junior Class 372 Letter . Houghton" call Alumni and Ski Club/WMF 326 other people who would most ACO 300 .3-4 184 Sports . Editor likely be willing to give money Senior Class to the college for the scholar- needed!! ships. In the last three weeks Top student callers: Kevin Delp. Joy Stockwell. and Dean students from each class take Wittwer.

As of this issue, no interest has been shown in The "HotAir Club" Sponsors Exhibit

taking over the position of Adria Willet editor for next years STAR. Pulitzer Prize. "Buechner is the soul and hub The "Hot Air Club" will be said Professor Ted Murphy, The position of editor of the group," said Professor exhibiting their oil paintings in whohaspaintedwithBuechner. The painters include: Mary requires a 2.5 GPA, and Murphy. Wesley Chapel's Art Gallery Buechner is best known for his Hickey, Jack Gavin. Colin business manager requires a "It will be a wide gamut of starting March 8th. The Club of portraits and expertise in glass Callahan, Tom Gardner, Jim GPA of 2.25. If interested, subjects." saidRosalyn Danner. ten painters is led by Tom art, for which he wrote a sec- Pryslak, Bob Ivers, Martin The paintings will include por- please have a petition in to Buechner. head curator of the tion in the Encyclopedia Poole, Marc Rubin, and J. Allen the Campus Activities traits. stilllife, and landscapes. Brooklyn Museum of Art. Britannica. Heisalsothecousin Fitzpatrick. Most of them are Committee. The gallery talk will be 7pm. "Buechner is an exceptional of author Frederick Buechner, professional artists from the area. March 8th. artist and nationally known," one-time nominee for the Corning-Elmira NEVS

Letter to the Editor....

Dear Editor. Everyone knows how it class. If mistakes are made the Response is a valid teaching of such a problem. No student My question is, why is it feels to struggle in a class. -ftiend" has to do push-ups in strategy in some classrooms from this class has spoken to necessary to have intermediate Sometimesweevenfeelintimi- frontofthe room. A numberof but this professor takes it out him about the professor's new language students do push-ups dated by our professor. But students in this class are hu- of context. As I was told, "I teaching strategies. Why is it in the first place? Does that imagine how you would feel if miliated to be forced to engage could have them get out of that these students are too afraid really motivate them to do their your professor forced you to do in a physical excersise in front their seats and write on the to come forward? I don't know assignments? Arethey learning push-ups in front of the class of a whole class full of their board because that is physi- forsure, but I'dbe a little intimi- thelanguageanybetterby look-

for every mistake your study- peers. cal. Butpush-upsarelesstime dated by the "boot-camp ser- ing atthe floor and flexing their arms? I could understand if this partner made? I am not a student in this consuming. Push-ups wake geant." It'stheonlyreason Ican A certain professor at this class, but I was so upset by the the students up. If they see think of since I know that most wereaphysicaleducationclass, but I don't see how this ties in college, who I will leave un- things I heard about this teacher that their friends are having of the students leave class hu- named, has turned to this (and this is not the first shock- todopush-upsthey'llbemore miliated or in tears. with second-language learning. method in an attempt to "moti- ing thing I have heard) that I motivated to do well them- After my meeting with the And whyis itthat we Houghton vate- students. Students are went immediately to the teacher selves." Yeah, so motivated professor. I was givenapromise students let the professor get paired up with study-partners for an explaination. This pro- that now they skip classes or thatonly students who feltcom- this far before someone com- or 'friends" who go over the fessorisveryenthusiasticabout have studentim the majordo fortable with theexercise would plained? As an Education ma- assignments together before usingpush-ups or'TotalPhysi- their assignments for them. be forced to do the push-ups. I jor I am appalled by such be- class. Then each student reads cal Response" to second-lan- I also spoke to the depart- plan to follow up on this to be havior. I don't think it should over the assignment during guage learning. Total Physical ment head who was unaware sure it happens. be allowed tocontinue in such a setting. Sincerely, A. J. Bunk

SGA NoOrdinary C)pportunity Fundraiser

Exceeds Expectations

Jennifer Watson

The Student Government

Association raised almost $1400. $400 over their goal, toward renovating the Campus Centerbasement. JenniferLytle and Ajyson Clarkheadedateam ofvolunteers whosoldover800 carnations and organized the MidsummersNightDreamban- quetoverWinterWeekend. The renovations to the basement are Houghtm College is gramful for the following individuals 10 be completed over the sum- who gme oftheir time and energy to help mise $250,000 for mer. and the final cost is esti- mated to be around $200.000. studentscholarships through Phonathon 1996. SGA was asked to help in the Rotp MM,s Kty Domes fundraising efforts to show siu- Mip Nuy nia N'"011 Coly Moher dent interest which is neces- SI'll.,8,00'.1 Reda Rormdi san' for receiving the grants Ary,/lee Schukz Marc Normn Bob Binin Beer,Spmr M=aIRM Deb MeiSer needed tocomplete the project 8,uoe C=npbel Dmid Fat Beth Paer The tentative plansforreno- Lum=ane Aa®nprm# vation include expanding Big Tobil:ro« Mit mwile Ars to twice its' current size, Tim Fdju DidAldemim So=Odo Dium NIq D.10 Rabili adding a gameroom and creat- Dem Liddia RD=*m *uu MmyGee *n Rabom ing a 24 hour study lounge with Rachel Cmb,i Dm Rall':on Internet connections at all of Tm,Mgib Im- la Nbdian the booths. SGAPresidentCori jmPp M"1"=Rainblu Roltsch is working with the Stu- Geo//W**da,//u Nom Su HolyG,11:nm C//4/'Roy dent Development Office, Yo,le Green

Rebecca Basingerofthedevel- S..di"/ La=Sdi,/ar opmentoffice and Ken Neilsen Da/M= 11*,cod JemSdm, to finalize the plans. Kide Hab U.S¢heler Bob Her,11.1 Other SGA fundraisers in- Joel Biber Im Hen,1.1 clude the conducting of a poll- SueaMer layne allillill Alst Hmm ingserviceduringtheNew York Danial= Si,In Hk2 WHoloomb State primaries, and will be Di,I ki/d0 1////MB//d, *m Hollp organized by Mark McClelland lin Bom 14*eS=mon The polls will becalled into the Elen 1#edgmm Voters News Service, and pro- 9* Bid'= DoWN*en M= Bo':'ll,""I' ceeds will sponsor one Ciwl"Taber MOme Hekl Ima

HOUGHTON STAR MARCH 3. 1996 Science Awards


Richard Jacobson The Science and Math faculty would like to announce the annual awards given to outstanding students in several catego- ries. These students receive certificates for their achievements and participate in a special recognition social in their honor. The award winners in each category for the 1995-96 year are: 'WSH )u Wfff /lkkis,.. Outstanding First Year Students: General Biology: Bethany Cooke General Chemistry: Bethany Cooke Calculus: Laura Judge General Physics: Christopher Downs

Outstanding Biology Students: Sophomore: Rick Newell Junior: Monica Hughes Senior: Karen Davidson U

Outstanding Chemistry Students: Rebekah Randall Sophomore: ..1 Junior: Brian Kinnear Seniors: Amy (Kolb) Riggs Kathy Whitehead

Outstanding Mathematics Students: \\\ m Sophomore: Sharon Meiners Juniors: Kris Farwell Seniors: Anne Ingraham 8- I .1 + Jon Sheldon AUGosT 1941 : WoabSTDO< Outstanding Physics & Earth Science Students: 77Er Fl fis r REPotrED (ACE OP Sophomore: Matthew Hale Junior-

Seniors: Holly Sawyer Kim Nichols

The Houghton STAR would like to congratulate Micheal Brundige and April Batt on their nominations to the first team of all stars for the

The Houghton Keystone Congerence, and 4 Tomas Kersis for his STAR * nomination for freshman player of the year for the Keystone CP.O. BOX 378 Conference t- . HOUGHTON COLLEGE HOUGHTON, N.Y. 14744 (716) 567-9210

THE HOUGHTON STAR is a bi-weekly student publication; its focus is on events, issues, and ideas which significantly affect April baa the Houghton College community. Letters (signed) are encour- aged and accepted for publication; however, they must not constitute a personal attack, they must be submitted by 5:00 p.rn. Friday, and they should be no longer than one double spaced page. The editors reserve the nght to edit all contribu- tions. The views expressed by the reporters and essayists of this publication are not necessarily in agreement with those of Houghton College.

Matthew J. Essery

Eric A. Jeffords...... Business Manager 25 Joshua Daniels ...... -...... Sports Editors Mark Mashiotta

Contributing Writers: A.J. Bunk, Adria Willet, Rebecca Saxer, Thad Krikorian, Rich ard Jacobson Photographer: William Greenway Cartoonist: Erich Asperschlager Tomas Kersis Michael Brundige



Meet Jason Weyforth ANNUAL Joshua Daniels SOCCER

When you speak of the Jason did not quite succeed in brought to the game an excite- TOURNAMENT Houghton men's basketball certain areas that he would have ment of awe and astonishment. i team you cannot help but think liked to, and Houghton was still More times than once he has Joshua Daniels of Jason Weyforth. His efforts requesting his presence when it brought his team from behind On the 16th of March, the as the team's leading scorer was all over. "I am happy I came to take the lead and carry them Houghton men's soccer team have carried them to many ex- here though, and I am happy to victory. Besides his tremen- will host their annual tourna- citing victories. with my results in basketball," dous ball handling skills and ment. With a young, talented A native of Baltimore, Jason replies modestly. His re- his terrific ability to produce coach in their corner, the men Maryland, Jason first heard of sults can only be admired. He amazing passes, Jason has av- are looking forward to another Houghton College when his passed the 1.000 point mark, erages 14 points per game, fol- successful indoor season. The high school team played scoring over 1200 points in his lowed by 5 assists. Overall, men are on a vigorous training Houghton's junior varsity. college career. Jason possesses Jason is proud of his accom- Jason Wwolth schedule, lifting and conduct- Coach Brook (former Hough- an uncanny ability to find his plishments to overcome diffi- ward to a business internship in ing practices in the early mom- ton basketball coach) pro- teammates on the court. When culties, such as a career with Buffalo, and them going back ing hours, sometimes as early ceeded torecruit Jason afterhe you think Jason is in a bind and threecoaches. Jasonwashappy to Baltimore. This quiet na- as six a.m. Thecoach isprepar- saw the talent he possessed. theotherteamhasdoubleteamed with Coach Berry and got used tured athlete of amazing ath- inghardfornextseason, condi- -This was actually my last re- him, he will whip out of his bag to the coaches' style of play. letic ability will be dearly tioning his players to be in tip- son," commented Jason on of tricks a pass that we can only Now that Jason's basketball missed; notonlyasabasketball top shape. He is looking for why he came to Houghton. imagine. Many times he has career is over he is looking for- player. but as a friend of many. younger players and recruits to fill seven spots that will be dearly missed next year. With Sabres on the Rise the loss of players like Robert Mark Hashiotta Schwaner, Scott Reitenour. and Character/ goaltending/ Sunday night finished the three like , Rob Ray, and The class-act leader of the Steve Clapper, the soccer team leadership: three of the most Act set having Buffalo pound Bob Boughner fight along the Sabers is captain Pat will have to make some serious important keys to successful the Panthers ofFlorida into sub- boards to win loose pucks. LaFontaine. He leads by ex- transitions. The coach is wast- team sports. The Buffalo Sa- mission 6-1. LaFontaine, the 's role, as the ample on and offthe ice, which ing no time though. With the bres have found all three and player of the week. added three pest/rat ofthe National League, is a huge asset for his younger invitation of thirty recruits last thensomeinthepasttengames. more tallies, scoring 7 goals in is to get under the skin of op- teammates. Pattyspendscount- week, he is doing all that he can Last week alone. Buffalo the three games. posing players like a dirty old lesshoursatRoswell ParkCan- to bring the very best to this knocked off three of the best Character,goaltending, lead- rash. And scrappers, Randy cerInstitutevisitingyoungcan- program. "We are looking for- teams in the National Hockey ership. The are BurridgeandDerekPlante,chip cerpatients. Offseasoncontin- wardtothetournament;theboys L£ague. led by Dominic Hasek and Pat in timely goals at crucial mo- ues as LaFontaine sponsors an have been practicing hard," re- Act I started Wednesday LaFontaine. Virtually every ments. camp for the youth sponded Coach Hornibrook night as the high-octane Pitts- other player is a youngster or Goaltending? Two words. of Western New York. about the team. "The competi- burgh Penguins skated into journeyman. These character Dominic Hasek. 'The Domi- Through character, solid tion will be difficult, so we will town. Mario, Jagr, and com- players help mold the Sabres nator" is the best goaltender in goaltending, andleadership, the be up for a challenge." So far pany were outhustled as Buf- into their NHL identity; a the League. Already great. he Buffalo Sabres can only im- there are four other teams be- falo finished the Pens 6-3. Fri- hardworking, blue-collar work is starting to play better this prove. New Team,New Coach, sides the two Houghton squads. day night led the Philadelphia ethic taught by first year Native season, after struggling through New Attitude." Finally, the Roberts Wesleyan and St. Flyers to the Memorial Audi- AmericancoachTedNolan. The the injury bug. Holding Pitts- saying is illustrated on the ice Bonaventure have accepted. torium for Act II. In front ofa preseason sales pitch, "New burgh, Philadelphia,and Florida by its players. A new arena on There will be an alumni team as sell out crowd of 16,230, the Team. New Coach, New Atti- to six goals is example enough. the horizon as well, has the well as a team made up of all Sabresoutscored Philly 7-2led tude." wasn't evident until a Jaromir Jagr, Mario Lemieux. Buffalo Sabres sitting pretty for seniors. This tournament will by Pat LaFontaine's second month ago. Now the character and Eric Lindros were all held years to come. be worth watching and I en- consecutive two goal night. is shining through and players without a goal last week. courage everyone to take ad- vantage of this event and show Until Next Year support for our team.

Joshua Daniels "The Interview"

-We are much stronger tal- have the ability to be a tremen- Thad Krikorian ent-wisethan last year. w e just dously successful team, Coach Houghton senior Judson past two years, I've grown to write. and entertain the notions couldn't come together in the Berry and Coach Tackett have David Odell. a native of Sen- appreciate coaches Greg Barry, of either becoming a professor second half of the semester. done a terrific job in bringing ecaFalls. N.Y.. plans togradu- and Greg Tackett: I especially of philosophy. or a pastor. He replied Coach Greg Berry on theirmentotheirpotential. Now ate this May. A member of the appreciate their commitment plays percussion and piano. his teams disappointing 12-14 the men have to put it togetheras Houghton Hightanders basket- and leadership both athletically along with composing music record at the end of the season. ateam. Now allihey candoisto ball team, he played four years and spiritually. Now as my and writing literature. he hopes At the semester break the look to a new successful season. at the positions of forward and basketball career is completed. to provide meaningful and rel- Houghton men's basketball With their disappointing 12-14 center. amassing 600rebounds despite all of its frustrations, I evant artisitc expressions for team were a surprising 8-3. finish, they will not proceed to and a total of 775 points. In believe it has been a positive humanity. Immediately after They were confident and sure playoffs. The coach is happy response to queries about his aspect of my life." graduation, Judson hopes to of themselves tha[ their team with his team despite their un- basketball career, Judd claims A philosophy major with spend time in England before was finally coming together. profitable efforts. The team is that. "basketball provided me English and psychology minors, entering graduate school. The upperclassmen and the losing two tremendous athletes withanopportunityforanedu- Judson eventually plans to younger players were working in point guard Jason Weyforth, cation through scholarships... well in the transitional game. and Judson Odell. Monte Fitch Because ofmy mutant size, the Their defense was much bet- is a senior, but still has one more community has always called ter, and their shooting ability year of eligibility. The Boach is upon metoentertain them with was improving. So what hap- extremely proud of his rising my basketball capacity... pened the second semester? stars though. consisting of Tho- Through the years, I've grown What happened to the team mas Kursis and Dwayne Wash- to appreciate and occasionally that was working so weil to- ington. Dwayne helped Jason enjoy this role, especially in gether? "It was overall a very Weyforth run the point with providing viewing pleasure for frustrating year; we never Thomas playing small forward. certain fans, like my personal achievedourpotentialasateam In the men's last game Thomas favorite, Matthew Fred or individuals," a discouraged led the team in a valiant effort Waldman. I realize that some Bill Price admits. "It takes scoring 31 points. If they work individuals in the communtiy more than just talent, it takes hard over the offseason jump- enjoy watching basketball, and teamwork which we didn't ing, shooting, working on their Iwasabletoprovideahealthy. 1C have. It is like acar. You need quickness, ball handling, and entertaining atmosphere for to have every part of the car defense. we should see great re- them. Also, through my par- functioning well forthe whole suits next season," commented ticipation in basketball and the car to run, somewhere our car Coach Berry. The coach has team, I developed several broke down." This is a harsh great confidence in his players, meaningful friendships. It's statement, but the truth hurts. and it is a learning process for unfortunate that I had to play them all. Our Houghton Highlanders under three coaches, but these

Judson Odell