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Lawrence Tibbett to Have Unusual Symphonic Works Dance Director and World-Famous Baritone Coming Here Planned for Next Season Leading Role in New Opera Baritone Will in Work Dr. Kindler's Organization to Present. Among Metropolitan Smg Written Californian—To Be Preaented Many Novelties, “Divine Poem.“ by by Scnabine—An All-Russian Program. in New \ ork Next Winter. tibbett, famous venge taken by a pasha on an un- of the most beautiful and complicated and contrapuntal!/ intri- baritone of the faithful wife. on* of the most heard cate score of the "Divine Poem" rails Metropolitan rarely The composer, who U self-taught In works will be for force used. Opera, who will appear here In symphonic large freely advanced composition and orchestra- wen ted at the It is usual to consider Scrtabtne'* Lawrence openin* OKIpr recital at Constitution Hall tion after early study In Los Angeles, concert of the work u largely the expression of Thursday early In November as the first graduated from the University of Cal- National Symphony Orchestra next theoaophlcal views. Undoubtedly much ifornia to In attraction of Hodgkin Dor- in 1917 and went Europe November i. Scriabin** of his was drawn from the Dorothy namely. inspiration 1922 and again In 193* for critical And the sea- works of and others Some- afternoon recital series, "Divine Poem during Blarstsky sey's Sunday conferences with various composers has an- of s in his later son, Director Hans Kindi*r thing megalomaniac, will have the leading role In a new and for auditions of his operas. He nounced. at least seven other major years Scriabinc dreamed of combin- American opera to be presented by the has written five in addition to the one symphonies will be added to the ing Into an art form a technique call- Metropolitan next Winter. the Metropolitan will do this coming orchestra s repertoire ing on all the organs of sense, and John Lawrence Seymour, an Amer- season. "In the Pasha's Oarden" was The "Divine Poem" is sometimes at the time of his death was working ican virtually unknown outside his particularly praised by Vincent d'Indy, called Scriabin*'* "Third Symphony" on his great "Mystery,” which com- native California, is the composer of Max von Schillings and Rlccardo Zan- and, with the "Poem of Ecstasy'’ or bines music speech, dance, perfume the new opera, which le In one act. donai. For the past eight yean Mr. "Fourth Symphony,’’ ranks as his and odor. This work, never finished, and entitled "In the Pasha's Oarden." 8evmour has been director of the de- greatest and most successful sym- was to have called for 2,000 perform- Tibbett will not only sing the role partment of dramatic art of Sacra- phonic venture ers. of the pasha In the Seymour work but mento Junior College. He has also Scriablne was born at Moscow on Other large symphonic works planned has been highly Instrumental In In- composed chamber music and many Christmas day. 1171, and. despit* hi* for the National Symphony by Ktndler teresting the Metropolitan manage- songs. undoubted genius, to still little known are 8ibelius’ "Second Symphony.” ment in It. It fulfills Tibbett s desire In the meantime. Tlbbett studies to the average concert-goer In Amer- Beethoven's "Seventh." the "Second for an American opera with a libretto hta new role aboard the yacht Rhodos. ica. His father was a lawyer. His Symphony" by Randall Thompson and In English by a real American author on which he and Mrs. Tlbbett are mother was a good musician, a pupil other symphonies by Mozart. Schu- as well as composer. The librettist Is vacationing off the New England of Uwcbettosky. but she died when he mann and Haydn not heretofore Henry Chester Tracy, who has coast. Last year Tlbbett created one Was 1 year old. HU early training played by the orchestra. adapted a story by H. O. Dwight, to of the principal roles In the Metro- Was for a military career, and It was There will be also an all-Russian which Composer Seymour has written politan Opera production of "Merry not until he was II that be entered and an all-Wagner program, and the music. The plot concerns the re- Mount." another new American opera. the Moscow Conservatory to study Ravel's "Mother Goose Suite” and under Taniev. He was materially Deems Taylor's "Circus Days” are aided in his career by that "angel" of also scheduled to be presented. Rimsky-Koraakow. Moussorgsky et al., This gives an Indication that Dr. the publisher Belslev, who brought Klndler will give the music lovers of Foreign Wars Veterans out his earner works and arranged a Washington a well-rounded fare of piano concert tour for him. symphony orchestra music for next Scriablne represents what may be season. There new works, combined I To Hold Council called the classical-romantic school with numbers already In the repertoire Meeting carried to Its most advanced point. of the orchestra, and the list of out- However bewildering his more mature standing soloists who will appear with EPARTMENT COMDR. NA- sonata and symphony compositions the orchestra, offer an enticing picture THAN D. OOLDEN. Vet- may sound on first hearing. familiarity of next year’s season. That it is ap- eran* of Foreign War*, will | At left is Alice Louise Hunter, who is training the dancers for "Alice in Wonderland,” which will be presented Wednesday and Thursday nights with them discloses that they are laid pealing to Washington people Is evi- preside at a meeting of the at the Sylvan Theater, and at right is a new photograph of Lawrence Tib bett, who will sing here in November as the first attraction of Dorothy out an easentlaUy Moaart-Beethoven denced by the already heavy demand Department Council of Ad- Hodgkin Dorsey's Sunday afternoon series. line*, although his piano Idiom is for season tickets, orders for which ministration tomorrow night, board definitely derivative of Chopin. are being taken at the office of the room. District Building. Activities for But he was. for his time, an ex- National Symphony, In the Woodward the organisation planned by Chief of tremely radical harmonist, and the Building. DR. W. L. DARBY Y.W.C.A. GROUPS Staff William Marshall will be con- Widow” Music sidered. TO BE SPECIAL “Merry MEET WITH MRS. Advance Poet has postponed Its “Aim Is Fiddlin’” musical charac- is soloist with the Chicago National meeting, scheduled for August 14. to RITES SPEAKER teristics of three nationali- Broadcasting Co. Orchestra. Some RICHARDSON August 18 at the Thomas Circle Club. ties. an “international or- years ago he directed the famous A birthday party, commemorating the fiddlers from Penn- folk musicians each year from all chestra” was organised for Los Angeles BUtmore Orchestra. post's third snnlversary. will be held, Dr. W. L. will address the COMBINING The Bible study group and the Darby the "Villa" number in “The A group is the gypsy or- followed and refreshment*. sylvania and several other parts of Virginia and surrounding unique W. by dancing Chico de English Literature Class of the Y. are to take States, with musicians, writers, folk open-air religious service on Temple Merry Widow.” This unique musical chestra headed by Verdi, States preparing C. A. at 614 E street will meet today in Polk lore collectors and thousands interest- organization is In keeping with the and known as the International Admiral Robert E. Peary Ship will CHAMPIONpart the White Top Heights today at 4 o’clock, to be held in the garden of the home of Mrs. It is excursion to be held on White ed in the folk music, balladry and idea of filming the story in the set- Gypsy Orchestra. composed hold Its annual moonlight Festival, under the of the Grand Lodge Charles W. 2910 Grant auspices of Instruments and Richardson, down the river on the Steamer Po- Top Mountain, near Marlon, South- traditions, and the magnificent view ting of a mythical kingdom, with bits string cymbalons. of Masons. The music, under the di- road, leaving 614 E street at 1 p.m. West 17-18. into five States from the summit of of many nations blended into the No percussion or brass Is used In tomac next Wednesday. Virginia, August The group Is under the leadership of White Mountain. rection of Past Master J. Walter whole. the orchestra. The various musi- The next regular meeting of Peary The Old Fiddlers’ Association of Top Dr. 8. C. Anderson and the English Winners In various fiddlers’ con- cians were broken up into groups Ship will be held at the home of Pay- Chester and Lancaster Counties, Pa., Humphrey, will be provided by solos by Musically, the orchestra Is unique. Literature Class under the direction will omit its annual convention this ventions or folk festivals come to for the peasant orchestra, the or- master Puller. <15 Fifth street north- James L. Jones, basso, accompanied by It is composed entirely of violins, of Miss Amy Putnam. the attention of its each other at White chestra in Maxim's in Paris, and east, the night of August 14. year and direct compete against H. and he will violas, cellos, wood-wind, harps, Miss Mabel Test, sing and a full concert The last of a series of four "Sum- 800 members to the White Top festi- Top. to "swap yarns” and dance all Russian balaliakas and other sequences, "Lord God, Abraham,” Mendelssohn ; pianos, gypsy mer conducted by the music val instead. 8ome 12 or 15 fiddlers night in traditional figures such as orchestra figured in the recording of sings” At the last bingo party of the Louis- this post who will attend the conven- "Prayer Perfect.” Olney Speaks, and cymbalons.