Resource Analysis of Normal Human Mammary Epigenomes Reveals Cell-Specific Active Enhancer States and Associated Transcription Factor Networks Graphical Abstract Authors Davide Pellacani, Misha Bilenky, Nagarajan Kannan, ..., Samuel Aparicio, Martin Hirst, Connie J. Eaves Correspondence
[email protected] (M.H.),
[email protected] (C.J.E.) In Brief Pellacani et al. present comprehensive histone and DNA modification profiles for four cell types in normal human breast tissue and three immortalized human mammary epithelial cell lines. Analysis of activated enhancers place luminal progenitors in between bipotent progenitor-containing basal cells and nonproliferative luminal cells. Explore consortium data at the Cell Press IHEC webportal at consortium/IHEC. Highlights d Epigenomes of four normal human breast cell fractions and three cell lines are reported d Luminal progenitor and mature luminal cell epigenomes differ greatly d Enhancers define luminal progenitors as intermediate between basal and luminal cells d Transcription factor binding sites in active enhancers point to distinct regulators Pellacani et al., 2016, Cell Reports 17, 2060–2074 November 15, 2016 ª 2016 The Author(s). Cell Reports Resource Analysis of Normal Human Mammary Epigenomes Reveals Cell-Specific Active Enhancer States and Associated Transcription Factor Networks Davide Pellacani,1 Misha Bilenky,2 Nagarajan Kannan,1 Alireza Heravi-Moussavi,2 David J.H.F. Knapp,1 Sitanshu Gakkhar,2 Michelle Moksa,3 Annaick Carles,3 Richard Moore,2 Andrew J. Mungall,2 Marco A. Marra,2 Steven J.M. Jones,2 Samuel Aparicio,4,5 Martin Hirst,2,3,* and Connie J.