Encapsulation JDRF is turning Type One into Type None Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an and advocacy, we’re driving the significant progress on each. This extraordinarily complex disease. discovery, development, and paper focuses on the progress we Finding the cure—a short-term delivery of therapies and are making on replacement of clinical intervention, with minimal technologies that will progressively beta cells through encapsulation side effects, after which all reduce the day-to-day challenges therapy. Beta cell encapsulation aspects of T1D are gone forever— of managing T1D, improve involves putting insulin producing requires restoring beta cell glucose control, and ensure that beta cells in a protective barrier function to provide insulin, patients are as healthy as possible and implanting them beneath and blocking or reversing the until we reach our ultimate goals the skin. These encapsulated beta autoimmune attack so the newly of a cure and universal prevention cells will sense a person’s glucose restored beta cell function is of T1D. levels and produce insulin as protected. This will take time. As the world’s leading private needed, while the barrier We know there will not likely be funder of research to cure T1D, shields them from the body’s a single “eureka” moment that JDRF is pursuing multiple autoimmune attack that initially magically eradicates T1D. So strategies to restore beta cell triggered the onset of T1D. meanwhile, through research function, and we are making 800-533-CURE I
[email protected] I jdrf.org I 2 WHAT IT IS foundation funded in part by JDRF the acknowledged leader in the is moving ahead with yet a third space.