EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE CAMPUS-ft^NEWS Volume XU, Issue 3 Monterey Park, California September 26,1985 Bal esteros baffled by administration BY SEAN VAN LEEUWEN When asked if he thought this was the case Ballesteros said that Actions taken by the administration Alderete had not been enthused about this week have left Dean of Student the proposals submitted by the ASO. Services Ernesto Ballestetos unsure of He also said Jim Chavez's placement in his status in the adminislration. the Student Center was a demonstration According to Ballesteros it started on of Alderete's disregard for the ASO's Thursday when student center assistant, proposals, since Ballesteros had been Les Perry's ( Perry is out on sick leave) given control of the Student Center. office was cleared out and volunteer Ballesteros said "I get the feeling that I worker Jim Chavez was moved into his was stirring up too much student's office. unrest. I see my position as making Ballesteros said he asked Acting them aware of the student's financial Vice-President of Administration Frank resources." Students were led to believe Alderete why Chavez had occupied that they had no money." He also said Perry's office and Alderete said that "he that he wanted ASO to take a more (Chavez) had every right to do it." "assertive"role but that many students Friday moming, Ballesteros cleared he talked to felt intimadated by the Chavez's things out of the office and administation. told Chavez he could no longer use the Ballesteros also said that before he office, Chavez responded by pointing to came Ihe aditude towards the students in the Administration Building and saying ASO " is that they were children and that they had assigned him that office. that the advisors job was to babysit Chavez has been unavailable for them. " I feel that they're college comments. students and they are adults and should The same day while Ballesteros was be treated that way". at lunch his secretary was reassigned to On Monday ASO President Linda another office. That afternoon Escajeda met with Avila, V.P. Don Ballesteros went to Alderete's office to Saguchi and Alverette and gave Avila a ask why his secretary had been taken signed letter from the ASO Board of ACCUSATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS- The In addition to President Avila representatives of many other from him. Alderete said it was because Directors who ununamously voted to impromtu debate between spectators and President Avila carrpuses and cx>mniunity organizations spoiwered the budget. have been laid off and there will be a everyone aware of Ihe budget cuU. around." he said. is that it will fade away along with tht Women. parking fee for classified employees as a Among the speakers at the rally were Scheduled to speak at the rally was present incumbent in Sacramento." Afler the rally, coordinators were aasked how they thought tbe rally wenL Lucero said, "The percenUge of result of the low budget; and various two representatives of the Mexican Assemblyman Richard Alatorre. Avila had just reiterated that Elac will Escajeda said "I'm impressed." adding enrolled students decides the amount of district properties are being sold, American Political Association, However, Alatorre never showed up. not close iu doors when some of the that she thought rally reinforced a money given to the college from the according to Lucero. Geronimo Ortega and Virginia Reade. Instead, unannounced speaker Renny people in the crowd began shouting out questions. conunitment to education. She also tUte." "Elac has a recruitment program where Reade spoke only long enough to Mcndez-Martin, one of the coordinators. introduce Ortega whose speech, in bf the rally and president of the United Sandoval then approached the said she wu disappointed that .Alatorre From 1981 through 1985 registration the counselors visit high schools in the which he stated that the main issue Hispanic College Fund, called on the microphone and uked Avila about the did not show up particulariy u she had has been dropping rapidly. area and explain the courses the college involved was "incarceration versus •ssemblymans' aide to explain why rumor that some campuses may be sold checked with his office earlier in the day has to offer, Lucero said," However, no to confirm his presence at the rally. education", was greeted mostly with Alatorre had not shown up. The aide by tiie district to pay off iu $5 million "This fall 91,000 studenU registered, additional plans have been made u far Escajeda's oommenu were reflected by laughter. Ortega responded by saying it said that Alatorre had meant to t>e at the loan and about the 350 classes to be 44,000 less with those who registered as recruiting students for Elac." most of UK organizers behind the rally was sad to see so few studenU present rally and as evidence ofthis he held out cut. Avila responded saying "Let me who seemed happy with the outcome. at the rally and ended by telling the a prepared speech that he was holding in say that no campus is being sold...there Mcndez-Martin, however.felt the rally crowd, "The future is in your haixls." expectation of the assemblymans' arc campuses which have valuable could ahve been better. Saying that the arrival. property that can be sold." As for the Gilbert Sanchez, vice president of ASO had "copped out" under preuure One of Uie most vocal groups at the 350 cluses that may be dropped, Avila News Briefs MECHA,an on campus student from Avila, Mendez-Maitin said "The rally was the United Farm Workers. said that figure is off by about half. organization, and a student at Else , next Save Elac rally will be sponsored Representing the UFW was Bobby caused the crowd to cheer when he Oor student then rose and uked why by the community." Cars will be towed Senator seeks volunteers

As of last Thursday all cars parked in Senator Art Torres is seeking itudent Campus Accredidation Task the Prado Mall illegally will start volunteen to work as intemt in his Loi recieving citations and be towed. The Angeles office. Hii office will be policy of towing illegally parked cars interviewing young people currently was implemented again after numerous attending or who will be attending Force faces problems complaints from business owners who college this year. said their customers had no place to Interns will be expected to work in the Senator's ofTice at least eight hours a park. BY HECTOR CASTRO The self study committee has a project wu not started until early this own goals rather than have the week and will have to provide their own Elac will be facing the accrediution number of obstacles however. One of year. Many of the projecU necessary accrediution team do it for Elac. transportation. At first Odonna Security who patrol process u it does every ten years and in the main problems is faculty support for a thorough study take up to two According to Moore, the goal is to the mall were issuing warning notices For more information contact Audrey preparation a self-study committee hu for the project. According to Barbara years, said Moore. Dave Fisher, chair get a true picture of the school. For to cars parked too long but Prado Mall Noda at (213) 627-5333. been formed. Accreditation is a proceu Moore, co-chair of the committee of the student services committee and this reason she and Lurelean Gaines, Management insisted the policy of Computer workshop by which Uie school is designated u covering the goals and objectives of the coordinating officer of the committe, chair of the goals and objectives towing be re-instated. having met certain requiremenU set by school, some faculty members are plans to uk for a postpnement of the committee, sent an open letter out offered the Westem Association of Schools and resigning from the committee, others accreditation visit adtkesaed to sstudents, staff and faculty. According to Lieutenant M. Zabala of This Friday and Saturday Ihe Office Colleges. The study is not designed to sign up but don't show up for the The difference with this study group The letter uks those groups to Odonna Security "We wanted to be fair Administration Department will be meet these requirements but only to meetings and others don't appear is that Uie administration is taking a participate in Uiis study project. about this and give the students some sponsoring a workshop using the new identify the strengths and weaknesses interested in the project. backseat to the faculty. All the "My concera was how few studenU notice before we started towingcars. " DEC lab. It's being offered as an of the school and report them to the Leon Albert, chair of the committees are headed by and co-chaired and clusiHed workers were involved." opportunity for staff members to visiting accrediting team The leam is Anthropology, Geogrq>hy and Geok>gy by faculty members. Each coimnittee said Moore. The letter asks people who become acquainted with the school's scheduled to visit Elac in April of Petition to hault cutbacks department, is one ¥rho resigned from does have an adminisutive member u a woukl like to serve on a committe or oew equipment. 1986. his committee which wu supposed to co-chair u well. give their opinions to contact Dr. It will be offered from 6-10 p.m. The self study committee, designated study the institutional sUff. In his Part of accrediution requires a five Roberto AlmMU at (213) 365-r742 Friday and from 6-5 p.m. on Saturday letter of resignation to Vice President ASO is circulating petitions on the Accreditation Task Force, is year folkiw-up. In the last follow-up, in the Computer Lab in El-103. For Donald Saguchi, dated September 19, campus this week. The petition is actually made up of ten committees. more information call 265-8723. Albert sUted that the reuon for his the accrediting team visited the campus addressed to the govemor. Senator The coinmittees cover various parU of resignation wu to protest the policies twice. According to Moore, this was Free movie Roberti and the LACCD Board of Homecoming committee Elac and are divided into the folk>wing: adopted by the office of academic affairs because the report made at the time, Trustees. joals and objectives, educational Monday meets programs, institutional staff, student at Elac. In particular his letter of which was written mostly by the The petitions :am is to put a halt to Students are invited to participate in services, community services,leaming resignation referred to the decision by administration, did not give a true Noon Ihe homecoming committee's meeting picture of the school. "It was too proposed cutback at Elac which many resources, physical resources, financial the district administration to lower Library people feel if allowed to go through in the student center. The committee resources, governance and allotment of instructional hours offered good." said Moore. Hence, the leam will force Ihe closure of the college. meets every Wednesday afiemoon at 3 administration and district or system at Elac. found the faculty disagreeing with the p.m. report AVRoom relationship. The ten committees are to AnoUier obstacle is time. AlUiough For further information, interested Students who wish to circulate study these upecU of the coUege and the accrediting team is scheduled to With UK new report Moore hopes to studenu should contact the ASO office petitions can call ASO at 264-7711 submit a report to the accrediting team. visit Elac in April, the self study do a good job and have Elac set iU at 264-7711. Sept9fTt)ef26.1985 Page 2 Editorial Budget cuts are a drastic mistake The future of Elac is at stake Uianks to Uic drastic budget cuts Uiat have taken We all must remember we voted for these people and it's our responsibility to place. And il's up to us, Uic students, to keep Elac alive. lel Uiem know Uiat we are not going to stand for Uie elimination of Elac or any Th««* ar* soma of tli* governmant Under the LACCD budget Elac stands to lose teachers, non-teaching olher educational institution. rapratantatlvas you could writa to ragarding tha employees and other componenU that are a part of Elac. As we look to the future of Elac with uncertainly we must lake pride in our budgat euta. The dislrict has only allocated funds for 231. 4 equivalent full-time teachers, past accomplishments because that is what is ultimately going lo save Elac Governor Speaker that compared to Uie allocation of funds for approximately 300 full time from being destroyed. George Deukmejian Willie Brown Jr. teachers last spring. During Uic past 39 years Elac has been one of Uie few community colleges Sute Capitol Sute Capitol, Rm. 219 One effect of this will be Uie firing of many part time teachers and the where all eUtnic groups have been educated. (916) 445-2842 (916) 445-8077 reduction of teaching hours for full time instructors. Elac has produced thousands of succcssfiil alumni who have gone on to make The Board of Trustees also voted to lay off 53 non-certified employees, a mark on the world. Lieutenant Govemor Assemblyman Richard Alalorre increase student parking fees to $15 and to impose for the first time a cost of They have included lawyers, engineers, professional aUieleles, an emmy award Leo T. McCarthy 5200 York Blvd. $20 for employee parking. wiiming actor, nurses, doctors joumalisis and ironically administrators, to name State Capitol Los Angeles, CA 90042 Unfortunately, the out come of these drastic cuU will be devastating. a few. (916) 445-8994 (213)255-7111 The students who were planning to graduate next semester might have to go These are just a few reasons why it's important for this college to remain an elsewhere to complete requirements. The same goes for students who werc instiluion. Superintendent of Public Instiuction planning to transfer. It is probable that the most important Uiing is that education is the most BiU Honig Assemblyman Charles Calderon Another reason why the culs are so damaging is the fact Uiat enrollment will valuable tool a person can receive. 721 Capitol Mall Room 524 1712 W. Beverly Blvd decrease because Elac won't have anything to offer. And, unless Elac is saved our communily and our society will suffer (916) 445-4338 Montebello, CA 90640 Student who came lo Elacc to specialize in a certain discipline won'l be able immensely. (213) 721-2904 to receive a certificate of achievement This due to the fact that advanced classes won't be affordable. Assemblywoman Gloria Molina Probably the most dangerous aspect of the cuts is that this could wipe out 5261 E. Beverly Blvd. Elac as an educational institution. Montebello, CA 90640 What's even worse is that the slate goverament, the board of trustees and Elac (213)721-5557 Presideni Arthur Aviia refused lo lake steps to alleviate the situation. Governor George Deukmejian has vetoed an increase in the budget for State Senator David Roberti community colleges statewide, even though the cost of living has increased since the lasl budget. 6671 Sunset Blvd. The Board of Trustees is continually making the foolish decision of cutting Hollywood, CA 90028 classes before cuUing olher areas that are less important. (213)464-1178 They also are continuing lo distribute the funds unequally lo the colleges in Uie disirici making it doubtful that all the colleges will remain open. Senator Art Torres Elac Presideni Arthur Avila will say notiiing on Uie subject excepl,"The board 548 Spring St. of trustees are doing all Uiey can." Los Angeles, CA 90013 What Avila should realize is that if he doesn't come lo Uie defense of Elac (213) 627-5333 there will be no school for him to be president Board of Trustees Members He must start perfonning as the presideni of this school and stop acting like a Marguerite Archie Hudson, puppet for the district. Wallace Albertson, Harold Gavin, Believe it Avila, the board of trustees will not fire you for doing your job. Richman, M.D., Rick Tuttle Ph.d Since these cuts have been taking place since the implementation of 617 West SevenUi Street propostion 13 and few people have taken the iniatives to fight back. It's time Los Angeles, CA 90017 for the board of trustees to get off Uieir farmies and join the studenU in Uie fight to serve Elac. District Administraiion We must realize that it's our school and we arc the ones who hold the key to Dr. KenneUi Washington the future of Elac. Dr. Virginia Mulrooney As members of Uic school and community we must take a stand and we must Thomas Fallo do it immediately. ^^^^a^-^i-^ Mary L. Dowell One way to do this is to phone or wrile letter of support to your govemment 617 Wesl SevenUi Sti-cet representatives. Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 628-7788 We all must remember we voted for these people and il's our rcsponsiblily to let them know were nol going lo stand for the elimination of Elac or any other Quick anci e^^cciwt vvay^ to prev^ervT your t^^n\\OK\... educalional institution. cont bottom of paga Opinion Grassroots movement needed to fight budget cuts BY JESSE AMEZQUITA Dukemejian and President Ronald teachers will vanish or be fazed out. system must get involved now, to govemments across Califoraia must go about lobbying legislators, forming The recent slashes in the budget and Reagan. The policies of these two On the other haiid, according to Omni insure that they, along with future coordinate a plan of action to put protest rallies, planning sanctions and classes available for the spring semester "leaders" have absolutely no sympathy Magazines Future Almanac, skills such generations, have Uiis avenue of higher pressure on our legislature to stop Uiis /or boycotts, or whatever actions are are either slowly leading to the for the struggling masses. The current as those in the telecommunications, education open. fazing out trend. The ASO's must be' necessary to save the community communily college system becoming a sUte and federal administrations are bent robotics, computers and office network Some suggestions may be: sensitive to the studenU and not be yes coUeges as we know \hem. vocational institution, or the the total on staying in power, and they will technologies will be in great demand. 1. All community college students men to the local districts and 5. StudenU, faculty and .«aff must oppress any group which threatens that administrations. fazing out of it. This means a great deal of high must register to vote. If UK candidates act u one. All three are interdependent, power. At this point in history, this tech/academic education will be for upcoming state elections see the 3. The student body , faculty and sUff and therefore, there should be no What this in lum could mean to the includes women, minorities and the necessary to enter and compete in the college as a powerful voting block, must be well informed on all issues, distinction between the three. studeni in a lower socio-economic level worlung class, which has been displaced future job market, and if community they will have to contend wilh the legislative proposals and current budget It should be kept in mind that the aim is the education of the elite, that is, Uie by progress and is seeking new avenues colleges are closed and/or are teaching issues seriously, and not just put them cuU. of Uiis plan of action is the preservation working and middle classes may be to pursue Uie illusive American dream. outdated skills, the student wiUiout in the back bumer as they have in the 4. Student action groups, independent of academics in the community deprived of a higher education, and Uius these opportunities will be locked out put. of campus bued organizations must be colleges, which most definitely includes will have less power and influence in According to The Monthly Labor of any chance to pursue an above 2. The associated studeni body formed to discuss strategies on how to the fine arU. the running ofthe govemment Bulletin (August '81), occupations such as machinisU, farmers, skilled laborers, sUndard lifestyle. This is a right step with the college teachers, dressmakers, postal In order to prevent this, studenU Machiavellian altitude of Gov. George clerks, clergy and secondary school enrolled in the community college No matter the view, apartheid is racism BY JOHN GERLACH That's the way it goes. All nations develop unevenly, Carter Sims, in his letter to the editor I'm sure thst the Campus News sometimes painfullly sometimes less of the Elac Campus News, states printed Mr. Sims' letter on the basis of so, depending on their climate, general emphatically Uiat," 'Those in Uie U.S. the rationale that all sides must be geography and their particular make up. and Europe who are demanding an end heard. I agree. The world is urging upon AfrikaiKrs, to apartheid are either hypocrites or We must bear in mind that the admittedly a minority, an fools." provocative technique used in a accomodration with iU black majority Mr. Sims does concede that "No clusroom to elicit thinking and debates That would be, it seems to me, a govemment official in this country or in search for truth and to enhance the sensible, practical and a fair way. It'll Europe has a simple supportive word learning process is one thing. come. Of course, there is another way: for South Africa." Bravely he steps However, when one goes public, it's with machette and machine gun in the forward to fill the void. We must another matter. We must bear in mind hands of the black majority and then the certainly admire Mr. Sims' brave, Uial Uiis newspaper and instructors arc a very lives and property of the white although quixotic, sUnd. The sheer part of the educational process, have an majority for which Mr. Sims fears and drama of it overwhelms me - man obligation and responsibility to leach seems to shed tears, would be lost... against odd and lead, not confuse and mislead. our forefaUiers did it wiUi muskeU. That's the way it goes. Mr. Sims, in a playful mood invites Black Africa shall find its way From the above, we must also us to play the intellectual game of without asking Reagan or Gorbachev or conclude that the demand for an end to "What ifyou had a magic wand... what Sims. apartheid is not simply a "liberal would you doT' This technique is fun crusade" but raUier universal... to use in the classroom. We all do it History zigzags. Nations have Uieir Mr. Sims continues, "On a purely in real Ufe: what if! ups and downs, but like a mighty river, abstract level, apartheid is wrong." I flowing to Uie sea, UKy find Uieir way. am happy at this juncture to leam that 1 must point out to the leamed T'hat's the way it goes. instructor that hislory is nol judged in the "abstract" his heart is in the right He's convinced me. I yield. Racism is place and that he views the issues not thusly. Rather, it is judged on specifics, on what happened and what racism and by any other name would from u subjective narrow racist point smell just u bad. "Hey Coach, what color and number next?" of view but rather a broad moral sweep was. Anything else is sheer specualtion. Some would be philosophers think of history. that what they think is terribly Of course, the issue is not an abstract For centuries, Africa was raped, important or a hypothetical question. South savaged and ravaged by European Life is a joy yet full of Addr cont. African blacks are oppnixd, dying and imperialisu and no less by native disqjpointmenU jailed by a white minority. So, the chieftains, pharoahs, sultans and amins. Fluh: As we go to press, the L.A. fir problem is specific - now. District Chancellor Leslie Koltai Elac Arthur Avila Yet Africa showed signs of advanced Times carries a dispatch from Then Mr. Sims exhibiU additional 617 West SevenUi Street 1301 Brooklyn Avenue civilization while Europe sugnated and Johannesburg on formation of alliance, acumen of history, life and current Los Angeles, CA 90017 Montery Park, CA 91754 almost drowned in iu own excrement composed of blacks and whites, affairs and sUtcs, "Black majority rule (213) 628-7788 (213) 265-8662 and refuse resulting in black plague, including members of the governing in the rest of Africa have (sic) not done (£B®^ 1985 wars, pestilance, crusades and party, to lay the ground work for a so well." Mr. Sims insists, until holocaust national constituional convention, evidence is provided that Uiese same based on common citizenship. Member things would not happen in South That's the way it went As Uie good citizens of South Africa When writing a letter remember to add how unfair it is for students to have Africa, blacks ought not be given CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER Today, Africa is not uking us what tc bury apartheid, out of humble to pay $50, for tuition wiUiout being given Uie opportunities that they deserve. political power." For this alone, PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION do. It chooses iU own way. South compassion, we'U offer our condolences Also nKntion how difficult these are making il for sludents who don't come observed someone, Mr. Sims should be Africa, likewise, will choose iu own to fuzzy minds in our midst. from a wealthy family to get an education. up for Uie Martin Luther King Award. way. Cest La Vie. Septerriber 26,1985 Entertainment Pagaa Album review Prince loses crown BY JOANNE DAVIDSON The record is not all bad,there are a This songs guitar work sounds like few tunes worth dancing to. it wu used in few Hendrix hiU. Besides Prince's latest album "Around The One such song is "Rascbcrry Beret" a the great guitar and violin work the World In a Day" is just one reason why fast pace tune which has a few of Uie song is nothing to wrile about the reign of the crown prince is over. perverted lyrics Prince is famous for. Trashy lyrics can be heard in Uie Although the album has iu creative This song hu already reached number tune "Tamborine". momenU it's just not good enough to one on the pop charts and is worth eam the royal badness the recognition listening to. Some of the lyrics include " Oh my he earned with the smash album god here you are , Prettiest thing in life Another tune on the album worth a "Purple Rain". I"ve ever seen, close my eyes and dream listen is "Ladder" a tune similiar to an In the album "Purple Rain" the tunes whaU il like in your Umborine." earlier Prince hit "Purple Rain". left something to the listeners Just like Cheech and Chong and Bruce imagination. In his latest venture On this tune Prince is at his creative Springsteen, Prince also has a Prince combines so-so lusty lyrics and best belting out lyrics with significance hometown song. No its not called instrumental solos to create a royal and imagination. bumout. "Born in Minneapolis" its called Musical imagination is also prevelant The albums titie song "Around The "America" in the tune "Condition Of The World In a Day " is a brief tune, which This songs disco beat makes it very Heart"which also hu some meaningful is fortunante for the listeners because enjoyable and easy to dance to. lyrics. However the song tends to drag the lyrics arejust plain boring. on a bit much. The lyrics on the song are also This song is one trip that will Prince hu been called (by some) the interesting. An example of this LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION- Studenis show acting abilities in "Long Day Journey into definitely pul the listener to sleep. Jimi Hendrix of the '80s and some is"Show me a boy who's still in school the Night." Opening night was last Saturday at Ihe Littie Theatre. PhotobvJbeHewee- Another song on the album that could people also believe Uiat Prince pattems and I '11 show you a boy who is aware. put the listener to sleep is 'Temptation". his stage act after Hendrix. The famous Prince screams and The last tunc on the album is "Pop The similarity between Prince and shouU of sex, tempution and lust are Life", which is curentiy in Uie top so annoying il might be wise to put Uie Hendrix is quite noticeable in the tune The drums on Uiis record are provided Prime time soaps bubble up volume at zero "Paisley Park". by the talented Sheila E.

Biography, book falls short and quite original shot-gun wedding of allowed UK characters to grow without BY ELYSHIA JOHNSON eventually it becomes embarassing and Amanda Carrington and Prince Michael BY JOHN GERLACH doubtful if he loved any one of Uiem. Writers of prime-time soap-operas are being stereotyped as nice guys or bad a bore. guys. He was known as a brave one, bringing pizazz back to the screen This cliff-hanger is simlar to UK Who Ernest Hemingway: A life Story by If you can stand all the toreros and alUiough, many suspected he suffered allowing Uie old expression to say, Shot J.R.? scandal of Dallas; however, Like UK 60'S, actors are now able to Carlos Baker - Published by Avon bullfights, the lion hunts, marlin from the self-destruct syndrome. "television is the way it use to be". Dynasty's writers chose to be less utilize UKir art u professionals and not Books - Paperback caught and various birds shot, self In the 70's evening soap-operu were discreet and more dramatic by prostitute it for rigid scripU, hoping the Hemingway's life story is a well promotedand imposed upon friends Old Man and Uie Sea got boUi Uie boring viewers with poor story-lines. presenting Uie unexpected; a style of audience will be taken by their researched and wel! written book by a boxing matches, drunk sprees, Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes u his best appearance not driven away by their former Princeton Professor, Carlos escapades with prostitutes and ups and Shows such as Cell-Block H and writing used in the early 60's when short piece. For Whom The Bell Tolls television writers began taking stiff lines. Baker. downs with wives, it's interesting wu considered by many as his deepest Dark Shadows cried out for chances. Believe it or not Falcon Crest and We all read his book For Whom Uie reading. book. His Farewell to Armsand The imagenUtive scripU but unfortunately Knou Landing writen are emphuizing Bell Tolls which was praised a "great Uie cries were ignored and those series While we fought and know why, Sun also Rises which caUpulted him In 1964, creator Paul Monash revealed less on sex and brainless women and and true book..." by Hans Kahlee, were canceled. Hemingway had a far better overview into the post first World War scene, malicious secreU of the middle class morc on adventurous scenes. Gustavo Duran, Mirko Markovich, and of both Spain and personalities. were considered shallow with surface Today, writers are taking notice, and folks who reside in the most talked Isn't it a relief to know writers are Steve Nelson as against Alvah Bessie, He wu known to all his friends and characterizations. Uie cries are being answered. about town that era Peyton Place. getting paid to be thinkers; instead of Mike Gold and aU oUiers who criticized wives u a bully, yet capable of great printers of foolish gossip Uiat even the it compassion and geiKrosity. He spent a lifetime proving his macho ABC's Dynasty is steadily riding Enquirer would loathe. I bought the book because of many If you criticized him, you would have image, getting even with his mother, towards the top of the charU and iU Sure, adultry and hot teenage romance Finally, the newer generation of references to personalities, here and had it out with him or he would have and redeeming his father's supposed Writers are steering the wheel. were the prime-factors of this series yet prime-time soap writers have realized it abroad, we all knew. knocked you down. cowardice only to blow his brains out Last season, Dynasty fans were left iu clever writers managed to balance takes morc Uian sex, vixens and villans While the book is interesting, He )inew many women. It is with a double barreled shotgun. wondering who survived UK shocking the negatives wiUi the positives . This to mainuin public interest 'Irrational' cuts topic of meeting Admissions bugged

BY JOANNE DAVIDSON lut spring. Chancellor Leslie Koltai, Vice Faculty members then discussed An emergency faculty meeting was Rey called Uie cuU "Irrational" and Chancellor of Personnel Virginia possible ways to help the situation. held to discuss the latest district budget said that other school's cuU were not u Mulrooney and AFT College Guild One faculty member presented the idea BY ELYSHIA JOHNSON "I haven't been personally bitten by cuu and the course of action the faculty severe u the ones at Elac. President Dr. HaroW Fox. of a conference call between the district The Office of Admissions was Uie fleu but the fruitflieesar e annoying membera at Elac wiU take. According to Rey approximately 250 During Uiat meeting Mulrooney and and Saguchi which would help bring a temporarily shut down August 21 due me." Lemos said. The meeting wu held Monday and cluses will be cut and 50 full-time Koltai said UKy were in agreement with better undersUnding to the situation. to fleas, according to employees. Admissions clerks Celia Flores, Eve was conducted by President of the teachers will no longer have jobs UK clus cuu, but UKy said Uiey did not That same faculty member said that if McAUen and Prima Reyes have insect Academic Senate Phyllis Woodworth because there will be no cluses for direct Vice President of Academic UK back was passed it probably wun't Principal Clerk Keilh Erickson bites on Uieir arms and legs, u well u and AFT chapter representative them to teach. Affairs, Donald Saguchi to implement Saguchi. sprayed the Admissions facility with an anonymous employee who developed Consuelo Rey. Rey also informed the faculty them, Rey said. It wu also announced at Uie meeting bug repellent causing the workers to a ruh from the bites and iKcded to seek Approximately 35 faculty members members of a motion adopted by the However, Saguchi told Campus News that there wiU be aa district wide leave their office for a half hour and medical attentionn. were present as Rey discussed the faculty chaiperson at UKir lut meeting. he was given guidelines and demonstration at the district office in assist StudenU in the hallway. budget cuU and what took place at a In that motion the faculty members suggestions by the district and simply downtown L.A. tommorrow at 1: 30 Another employee sUted a woricer meeting held on the district level uked UK LACCD to do Ihe following. followed Uiem. p.m. from plant facilitiess brought can of 1. To be cost conscious about iu bug spray to Uieir office for Uiem to regarding them. According to Rey, Muirooney and The faculty all agreed that if cluses own operation. use. The cuU in question were those made Koltai commended Saguchi for the must be cut they must be cut afler the According to Secretary to by the district that have caused major 2. To divide funds among action. semester begins. Admisssions, Elizabeth Lemos, "The Unaware of the infesUtion of fleu campuses on a more rational buis. changes in the class schedule for 1986 Rey then told Uie faculty that she fleu and fniitflies have been a problem within the admisions office during the 3. To allow campus admin- This would allow teachers the is being reduced drastically because of thought the situation between the for week. 1 phoned plant facilities a lut week Head Gardener Ron Reid, who isb-ation some discretion in UK use of opportunity to see what cluses could those cuu. dislrict and Saguchi was one of month ago and they sprayed that handles Uie spraying procedures, asutts iu college. remain open. It woukl also mean that Because of the decrease in allocated "passing Uie buck." weekend; however, there were still that plant facilitiies are doing their job 4. To encourage and reward eff­ students wouldn't shy away from complainU about boUi, "she said funds there will be only 231.4 Rey wenl on to explain that Elac wu as far u the flea probleia icient and sound management on the registration at Elac because there equivalent fiiU-time teachers. severly cut. The college was asked to campuses. weren't any cluses available. This compared to the decreue in make second cuU from the already Rey then proceeded to report on the In defense of his actions. Saguchi allocations that made it possible for decreased schedules, which did not occur meeting that was held between said he wu trying to create a realistic approximately 300 full-time teachers al any oUier school in the district schedule. Industry gears films Some def>artment charipersons told the Saguchi said, it's better to cut cluses EAST LOS ANGELES COLLESE faculty members that they will not comply with cuts which were suggested before they are printed in the schedule tKcause there won't be enough allocated toward teens by Saguchi. They wenl on to say Uiat if Saguchi wanU more classes cut he funds to continue wiUi those classes. BY JEROME ZERAH see the parallel between being popular CAMPUS^NEWS will have to do Uiem himself Saguchi also says he respecU and Michael J. Fox stars u a werewolf and yourself. That is self acceptance. underatands UK faculty's positions, but trying to gain accepunce in a simple For fans of Michael J. Fox you will Editor -In-Chief Adrians Guzman Uiat Uiere is a lack of understanding fUm with a simple message. see that he carries the story through. Managing Editor Jesse Amezquita about the budget cuU. "Teen wolf is about a high school For olhersthe movie may appeal to the City Editor Sean Van Leeuwen teens and could become the second box The process that took place to buketball player who wanU to become Editorial Director Hector Castro I HONDA MH^^ office success for Fox. determiiK how many cluses wUI be cut ,more popular in school and in the eyes News Editor Joanne Davidson "Teen Wolf' is Fox's second film this Present Student I.D. For 4 wu a difficult one, said Saguchi. of a blond theater arU student who Entertainment Editor Robert Flores summer and hu opened to a three day "There are no alleroatives to UK CUU," doen't give a darn aboul him Feature Editor Monica Rodriguez SPECIAL I (weekend) box office of $6.1 millioo, sakl Saguchi. "It's a money sitiiation, I a orK wolf buketball winning streak. Sports Editor Jim Marquez making it the number two movie of the DISCOUNTS! • When it comes down to choosing Chief Photographers Henry Yue don't mean to be simplistic, but that's week, just behind "Back to UK Future". between werewolf and human, you can Photographers Chris Delgado, the way it is." •••••••• Michael Ochoa, Agnes, Uie childlike novice who gives Joe Reyes birth to a baby, professes oo memory Staff Writers John Geriach, of UK birth or impregnation. The oouit Elyshia Johnson, appoints forensic psychiatrist Dr. Karen Johnson, Martha Livingston to determine Jerome Zerah whetiKr Uie girl is mentally fit to staad Cartoonists Joe Cepeda, A,ATLANTI C trial for murder. The convent's mother /1-\ STATIONERS superior insists upon Agaci' John Estrada, innocence, finding herself in direct opposition to Dr. Livingston. Advertising Manager Sylvia Trujillo 30% to 50% "Agnes of God," the story of the mysterious circumstances surrounding Advisers Jean Stapleton, the discovery of a strangled newbora ia Sylvia Rico a convent. Winner: AII-AmeHcan Rating: Fall '84, Spring '83, Fall '82, Spring '82, off on all As UK many-layered mystery unfoUs, Fall '81, Spring '81, Fall '80, Spring '80, Fall '79, Spring '79, Fall '78, the conflict between faith and reason Spring 78, Fall '77, Spring '77, Fall '78, Spring '76, Fall '75, Spring '75, escalates. Dr. Livingston is intent Fall '74, Spring '74, Fall 73, Spring 73, Art Supplies upon uncovering the truth. Th* coll*s* n«wip«p«r la publlihad •• • laarnlng aiparlanea, oflarad undar tha collaga lournaSam In itrucllonal program. Tha adilorlal and advartlalr>g matariala pulillahad haraln. Including any oplnlona ax xaaaad. ara tha raaponallillllir of tha atudant nawapapar ataff. Undar approprlata atata and fadaral court In Prado Center Jaclalona, Ihaaa matariala ara fraa from prior raatraint by vlrtua of tha FIrat Amar>dmant to tha Unllad Bill ROBEinSON t SONS INC Typing available Stataa Conatllutlon. Accordingly, matariala pulillahad fiarain, Including any oplnlona axpraaaad, ahould 21190 S. Atlantic Blvd. Monterey Park lot ba intarpratad aa tha poaltlon of tha Loa Angalaa Community Collaga Olatrlct, tlw coliaga, or any of' Term papers, resumes, reports, near or amployaa tharaof. j![iJ!l"!:fnrli|HVffl«]ik! (213) 266-1416 Eaat Loa Angalaa Collaga la localad at 1301 Brooklyn Avanua, Monlaray Parli. California S1754. Tata- etc. Contact this phone number phona 265-0619. Advartiaing talaphona 265-6621. Producad by lournallam atudanta of Ih* collaga. 6525 SANTA MONICA BLVD. • Lattara to th* *dltor ahould ba no mora than 200 worda in langth. Ttiay muat ba algnad by tlw writar and PHONE (2131466-7191 • (213) 726-8788 ahould tw In by Thuraday oracading put>llcallon. •••••••^ September 26.1985 Page 4 Sports Stadium gets M. D. Clinic

BY JIM MARQUEZ commission of athletics has made it conceming medical problems that arise mandatory for all intercollegiate athletic from their sporU. Elac Stadium now has a professional events lo have a doctor in case of Ladd and Kathie Kingett, a womens doctors clinic in full operation for the emergency, according to Marilyn Ladd, physical educational instructor 1985 college football season. athletic director. interviewed Zapanta and Saucedo afler a call was put out to hire a new team doctors. "I think they're excelleni Doctors Richard Zapanta and Tom TTiese doctors have worked with Dr. doctors and it's pretty good that they're L. Saucedo have been working the home Jobe, a noted orthopedic physician for willing to help out they're community. football games for the Huskies as professional sporU. Dr. Jobe, a noted We should have a very nice working orthopedic doctors to offer medical orthopedic physician for professional relationship," Ladd commented. advice and treat any medical problems sporis. Dr. Jobe is the leam doctor for the athletes aquire. Uie Los Angeles Dodgers. Aside from physicians, the state The doctors are on staff at Monlerey Although the doctors are for the commission will require Uiat sporting Park Hospilal and now will be paid football team, the coaches of the other evenU have an ambulance in attendance team physicians for the resl of the year. athletics are encouraging their aUiletes for immediate service, but this will not Regulations set down by the state to visit these doctors if Uiey feel a need J)e pul inlo effect until next year. Campus News computerizes

BY KAREN JOHNSON really designed for newspapering." a positive asset to the Campus News, A CLOSE PLAY-Simon Cantero (#11) gets off a kick during a Huskie victory over Santa Have you been noticing any spelling Other things such as paste-up said Stapleton. She went on to say that Barbara, 17-5. errors in your "Campus News" lately? inexperience and less staff members on the computer offers the staff members PhcJtobyHeniyYue If you have detected them, it is due tc the paper this semester also add toth e the chance to learn about computers as our unfamiliarity of our new computer paper being under an extreme deadline weU as being the main reason why the says Jean Stapleton ,chairperson of Uie every issue. Stapleton went on to say Campus News is still putting out a Joumalism Department that she expccU each issue to improve paper on the Elac campus. 'The first issue of the Campus News drastically as student staff members wu put out a liule laie and suictiy on leant the tecniques for putting out the After Stapleton sat down and went through the budget recordB,ahe noticed student staff labor," said Stapleton. paper, and more staff members master that the Journalism Department was Uie computer individually. "The work that a print shop usually working with a budget similar to the one does for $400 dollars an issue with set in 1970. That was when she made proper equipment, has been being done 11 still lacks a spellchecker, special the decision to purchased the computer an a home Apple computer Uiat is not software and a second terminal but il is through advertising from the paper.

Engineering instructor dies

BY KAREN JOHNSON experience to yet anothe direction in children, many coworkers and students life according to his son Chris George Kazarian an alum and part that came to know him, said his son. Kazarian. time engineering inslruclor at Elac died September 5,1985. Soon later he started leaching here on Kazarian was born on January 16, a part time basis offering engineering 1925 and wu 60 years old when he died courses two nighU per week He was of cancer. He had been a part of the well known by many studenis and faculty on campus since 1953 after brought his knowledge and love to graduating from Elac in 1950. leaching for over 30 years, said Kazarian's son. He then attended the University of Santa Barbara as an industrial arU His son Chris Kazarian sad that even major, after deciding on a teaching while ballleing cancer Uiat he was still career. He started teaching industrial concemed wiUi the well being of olher, arts during the day at Edison Jr. High feven joking wilh the doctor and nurses School. at the hospital and asking them how, After retiring from the L.A. Schools Uieir day was going. he didn't stay idle long and started His love of people, teaching and vital working al Hugh Corporalion as a talenU was virtually never ending and George Kazarian senior dessign engineer, carrying his he will be soley missd by his wife, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC- Friday was the grand opening of the new Montebello Town Center. Residents had awaited the center's constructfon for about six years. It's located on Montebello Boulevard next to the Ponx)na freeway. Three major depariment stores ( Mervyns, JC Penny and May Company) and numerous other shops are currently accepting applicatfons. Pholo by Joe Rayes KEEP ON LOOKING %#^#ft#ft I l The sun and the fun is almost over, but Jack LaLanne's is ready for you to l

'^•^^•^i'^'-i^ -^-1 tm' Hemandez and Marcus Winzer along As for the guards, the Huskies appear earily January. Jack LaLanne's got it all for gou...including pricei Athletics help Elan's education •CO-ED FACIUTIES-NAUTILUS "Before Hiatt came along I always • AEROBICS FOR MEN AND WOMEN BY JOANNE DAVIDSON When the fall semester ends Beauvias thought football was just head banging, plans lo transfer to either Oregon Slate • STEAM • SAUNA • WHIRLPOOLS • NUTRITION It is not to often that a twenty year now I realize there's more to it ,"say8 or San Diego State on a full paid • FREE WEIGHTS • WORLD S FINEST EQUIPMENT old man decieds to start playing football Beauvias. scholarship. ' CHILD CARE CENTERS • JOGGING • RACQUETBALL for the first time. Fortunatley for Julius Beauvias he attempted it and it Althought he's built more like a The reason why he plans to transfer in (at nominal charge) in key locations. paid off. football player it was baskelball that the middle of the year is because he was his sport in high school. He would like to play spring football. Jack LaLanne's European Health Spas "Football has kept me in school and •BURBANK—846'IS9S •INGLEWOOD- 673 26SS •ROSEMEAD 28S 4600 •WEST COVINA - 960-3888 has helped pay for my education ," says played on the vanity team for three "I have a better chance al making the i4?4 Victory Blurt 4 ; 16 Cenlury Blvd VJOI \lest M.'rt Avenue 1026 Weil Cuvin.i Prkwy years. Beauvias said the reason why he first team if I play spring football • COSTA MESA/SANTA ANA •LAKEWOOO- 634-42 72 • SAN BERNARDINO -889 lOII • WEST COVINA - 966-4441 Beauvias. 979 4800 44 4 I C.uirtlew()(jrt Avenue 100 WeM Hnspil.llily Line Health & Racquet played baskelball instead of football because I need to work on my J3il S BrislDl •LONGBEACH—433-0431 •THOUSANDOAKS 497 9324 1211 E G.irvey Ave A graduate from Huntington Park •DOWNEY—861-8274 4 764 P.ICIIK COAW Hwy 593 Nu Munip.uk Rrt •WEST GARDEN GROVE/ was because he thoought he was too footwork," Beauvias said. H3I1 F lufpnce Avenue •MIRACLEMILE—938 38SI •TORRANCE- 378-0226 WESTMINSTER 898 0947 High School Beauvias is entering his •ELTORO —951 3S05 5364 WrllhiieBlvd .'33^5 H.iwtliorne Blvrt I2S/2 V.*lley View Street second season as the leader on the small. Another sport Beauvias Even though it is a dream to be drafted .?J6II El loluRo.lrt •MONTEBELLO 7289111 •UPLAND 981 8651 CLAIREMONT—276 6070 competed in while in high school was • GARDEN GROVE - 638-9900 2W\ Weil ViHCimiio ISI Mount.un Avenue 3040Cl.»ireniorit Dnve Huskie offensive line. by the Miami Dolfins , Beauvias 1^8.^1 HMrboi Blvrt •PASADENA-796 0444 •VANNUYS- 781-1213 •ELCAJON-579-8123 track, and the shot put, infact he was •GLENDALE—246 S666 l/'/OE.istCdIoi.idoBlvrt 7132 V.inNl/ys Blvrt 733 Bro.irtway "We're going to do good this year," realizes that it is education which .•00 S BMiid Blvrt •RIVERSIDE -359-0711 • EAST SAN DIEGO -S83-7622 named Eastern League Champion. comes first. "I know where I'm headed 'j/UOArlirKjf'in Avenue 'iSS'.riC.rjdn Blvrt said Beauvias. We are an experienced team and were worked hard said After he graduated Beauvias attended and I know what I have to do to get Jack LaLanne's American Health & Fitness Spas Beauvias. Beauvias has a completely Harbor College where he also won there," said Beauvias. • ANAHEIM HEALTH S *FULLERTON- |7I4| 879 6611 • POMONA |7I4|620 037I • CHULA VISTA- |6I9| 420-3666 different attitude about football and awards for his shot put performance. Beauvias is currently working toward RACQUET J^h E.tit Or.tngettK;r()e Avenue 1460 E.til Unit Averiue In At Ilie Vill.uje 3rdAveMue |7I4|537 0580 *GLENDALE —|8I8| 244-5969 *NEWPORTrCOSTA MESA —|7I4| 650-3600 what it takes lo win which he credits One such award was tthe Southera a degree in sociology and business."! 1620 Weit K.iIelU Avenue 556 GlertOiiks Boulevard 1877 Harbor Boulevard •Ottier prtcei prevail at Ihese spas head coach Roddy Hiatt for helping Califomia Relay Champion in the shol would like to be a social worker with. put event. someday," said Beauvias. Last year's team was lacking the It was at Harbor College that Another reason why he feels getting YOU MUST BRING IN COUPON TO QUALIFY FOR SPECIAL. proper discipline needed to win said Beauvias heard that the Elac football an education is his son Julius Beauvias, Beauvias. Other reasons why the team leam was undergoing changes. So with' III. "I have a responsibility lo give finished the season with a loosing the advice of friends he decieded to put him the opportunity that I have had said Jack LaLanne's Health Spas. SHS his weightlifting into use and transfer Beauuvias. Beauvias says his son STUDENT DISCOUNT. record was because the team started late M.Ike thei ki |)dy,ible to Jack due to the Olympics says Beauvias. to Elac to play football. is one of his biggest fans and goes to FILL OUT THIS COUPON TODAY LiiLdnnes Enclosed find Beauvias says that playing foolbaU at all off his games. TAKE IT TO THE SPA OF YOUR CHOICE. t heck/money Of derlor S99 fof one full yeaf This year will be much different Elac has been fun and it gives him a Not only docs he listen to Jazz music because of Hiatt, says Beauvias. good feeling inside when he helps his he alio plays it. In fact while at Date "He's the greatest, he knows hii team members. Huntington Park High School he won Home Phone business and he knows how to get the Even though the leam had a losing awards for his ability to play the drums. job done," said Beauvias. season last year Beauvias was awarded Described by himself as a nice easy State Zip Beauvias also crediU Hiatt with honorable mention for his abilily to going guy Beauviu says he's mean on Forspousfinfoffnation, contaci the spa neatesl you Fof furthei information call 213/861-0708 In San Dieqo call 619/276-9233 helping to understand more about spring the tailback and protect the thhe field and nice off the field and football itself. quarterback. that's the way it's supposed to t>e.