What's Become of the Great Recordings of 1951-61? \Lost of Them Fortunate)Are Still with Us in One Form Or Another
What's Become of the Great Recordings of 1951-61? \lost of them fortunate)are still with us in one form or another. From our 1961 list of thirty-nine recordings, twenty-three still remain in the catalogue as they were originally issued, five have been reissued on budget labels, and eleven have been deleted. BACH: Aria with 30 Variations,in G Choir;LondonSymphonyOrchestra, SCHUMANN: Waldszenen, Op. 82; Fan- ("Goldberg Variations"), S. 988. Glenn Hermann Scherchen,cond.Westmin- tasiestUcke,Op.12;March Op.76, Gould, piano. Columbia MS 7096 (re - ster WAL 308 (deleted). No. 2. Sviatoslav Richter, piano. Decca channeled stereo). DL 9921 (deleted). HANDEL: Semele. Vyvyan, Pollack, BACH: St. Matthew Passion,S.244. Herbert,etal.;St. Anthony Singers; SIBELIUS: Concerto for Violin and Or- Laszlo, Rossl-Majdan, Munteanu, Cue - New Symphony Orchestra of London, chestra,in D minor, Op. 47. Jascha nod, Waechter, Standen, Rehfuss; Anthony Lewis, cond. Oiseau-Lyre Heifetz, violin; Chicago Symphony Or- Chorus and Orchestra, Hermann Scher- 50098/100. chestra, Walter Hendl, cond. RCA Red chen, cond. Westminster 4402. Seal LSC 2435. HAYDN: "Salomon" Symphonies, Nos. BACH: Organ Works. Helmut Walcha, 93-104. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, STRAUSS, R.: Ariadne aufNaxos. organ. Archive ARC 3013/30 (deleted). Sir Thomas Beecham, cond. Angel S Schwarzkopf, Seefried, Streich, Schock, 36242/4, S 36254/6 (deleteo). et al ; Philharmonia Orchestra, Herbert BACH: The Well -Tempered Clavier,S. von Karajan, cond. Angel 3532. 846/93 (complete). Wanda Landowska, IVES: Symphony No. 2. New York Phil- harpsichord. RCA Red Seal LM 6801. harmonic, Leonard Bernstein, cond. Co- STRAUSS, R.: Der Rosenkavalier.
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