PRAYER DIARY OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2020 Launde Abbey is a retreat house in the heart of the country with God at its centre Oct - Dec 2020 Retreats at Launde Abbey For more information and to book Please note that due to ongoing restrictions, please call or see our website these retreats may not go ahead or may require reduced numbers – please contact Launde Launde Abbey, East Norton, Abbey for more information. , LE7 9XB CREATIVE BIBLE JOURNALLING LED BY JACKIE THACKRAY AND KAREN HERRICK 6th-9th Oct

BEGINNERS RETREAT Led by Helen Newman 9th-11th Oct

GARDENING WEEK 26th-30th October





STILL BEFORE CHRISTMAS LED BY 7th-10th December © Matt Musgrave

Serving the Dioceses of and Peterborough • 01572 717254 • [email protected] • Charity No: 1140918 FOREWORD FROM THE OF LEICESTER

The COVID19 We now move into a period within pandemic the diocese of deep listening to God - has affected listening to what he has been saying to different us and the wider church throughout the people in pandemic, and listening for the Spirit’s different guidance on how to shape the Church ways - for the future to serve the world and to physically, bring in the kingdom. Here in the diocese, mentally and, we are doing this under the umbrella of of course, “Shaped by God Together”. Crucially, as spiritually. the basis of all our discernment, we need Some have to pray - in whatever ways work best for found it us, and both individually and corporately. a challenge to their faith - physically We will all need to wait on God in the separated from their worshipping silence. community, and perhaps struggling to find any words in prayer that can Whatever the future holds, God is comprehend the vast scale and impact faithful and will never leave us. God of the virus. “How can we sing the Lord’s always gives us more than we desire or song in a strange land?” (Psalm 137:4). deserve. Pray too in thanksgiving for Others will have found it a special time to that. focus on their discipleship, giving them more time to read the Bible, reflect, and meet with God in prayer. They would say their faith has deepened. And of course many others will find themselves on the spectrum in between. • 01572 717254 • [email protected] • Charity No: 1140918


Welcome to the new edition of the diocesan calendar of prayer, which takes us through the autumn and into winter – from harvest to All Saints, Remembrance, Advent and Christmas. If you know of anyone else who would like to receive a paper copy of this document, then please contact the Bishop’s Chaplain as below. It can also be downloaded from www.

Every day we pray for and our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world using the Anglican Cycle of Prayer and the Porvoo prayer calendar ( – these are included in italics at the bottom of each day. You will also find one of our own partner dioceses featured every week. The Anglican Communion have changed their practice and now only include the name of the , asking us to pray for the people, clergy and bishops of the named dioceses.

The key to the parish entries is as follows: C = Clergy; R = Reader; PA = Pastoral Assistant; Pio = Pioneer Minister; Evng = Evangelist; PTO = Permission to Officiate.

Do let the Bishop’s Chaplain know if you’ve got a story to feature on a Sunday in a future edition – with as much notice as possible please! Email Revd Rosie Woodall at [email protected] or phone 0116 270 3390 or send it c/o Bishop’s Lodge.

We are very grateful to Revd Brian Davis for his work on gathering parish prayer requests. SUNDAY 4 OCTOBER TRINITY 17

Today is Homeless Sunday. Our Social trying not to return to the pre-lockdown Responsibility Enabler, Canon Alison situation. There is energy, vision and Adams, writes: determination from both Councils and agencies to create a different future. Homelessness is an issue which tugs at There are many challenges – lack of our conscience and causes us to question affordable quality accommodation, or societal values. It is very complex, support and appropriate healthcare both in scope and in how we address it. for people attempting to rebuild their For example, not all those begging are lives. When you are homeless absolutely homeless, nor is it solely an urban issue. everything is far more difficult than most Homelessness in Leicester is far less in of us could ever imagine. scale than in other cities. However, no homeless person is merely a statistic: All this requires partnership. Leicester is each has a unique story, hopes and fears. proud of its Homelessness Charter, which draws in the voluntary sector, Council, During lockdown virtually all were police, NHS, Lieutenancy and business, accommodated and there are some real with the diocese playing a key role. Please success stories of moving long term rough support the Give Leicester Campaign sleepers into permanent accommodation. which, through its ‘TAP’ giving points in But that’s not the whole solution. People the city, provides a trusted way of directly don’t choose to be homeless, so behind supporting homeless people, and helps this lie issues which need addressing – the public better understand the issues. mental health or addictions, for example. Being homeless makes these issues harder to resolve, but they don’t go away Please pray for: when accommodation is provided. People coming out of prison or the armed forces • the homeless and vulnerable people are particularly vulnerable, and there is you meet concern that as the economic effects of • the agencies working with them, the pandemic really begin to bite, many including those particularly known to us such as One Roof Leicester, Sound Café and The Bridge • Councils and their officers, seeking to effect real change in this area • those who manage and drive Leicester’s Homelessness Charter

The Anglican Church of Tanzania: Archbishop Maimbo Mndolwa - Archbishop of Tanzania & Bishop of Tanga more will find themselves homeless. In our City and County, agencies are MON 5 OCTOBER Diocese of Trichy Bishop D Chandrasekaran Please pray for the ministry of our partner Diocese of Trichy in India, as the Covid pandemic continues to cause much suffering; and give thanks for those who serve in healthcare. Peterborough: Bishop ; Christ the King (Southern Africa): Bishop William Mostert

TUES 6 OCTOBER Bishop’s Leadership Team residential Please pray for the Bishop’s Leadership Team residential meeting at Launde Abbey. Phulbani (North India):Bishop Bijay Nayak; Christchurch (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia): Bishop Peter Carrell; Kolhapur (North India):Bishop Sandeep Vibhute WED 7 OCTOBER Bishop’s Leadership Team meeting Please pray for the Bishop’s Leadership Team residential meeting at Launde Abbey.

Pittsburgh (USA):Bishop Dorsey McConnell; Chubu (Japan): Bishop Peter Ichiro Shibusawa

THURS 8 OCTOBER Bishop’s Leadership Team residential Please pray for the Bishop’s Leadership Team residential meeting at Launde Abbey. Polynesia (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia): Archbishop Fereimi Cama; Clogher (Ireland):Bishop John McDowell; Cochin (South India): Bishop Baker Fenn

FRI 9 OCTOBER The Woodfield Team & Mission Partnership

Vivien Elphick, Rick Tett (C); Debbie Kent (R); David Harrison, Glennys Kerr, Norma Morris- Chapman, Derek Tomlin (R-PTO); Elisabeth Harrison (Evng); Judy Selby (PA); Joan Smith (PA-PTO) St John Moore CE Primary School, Appleby Magna; Snarestone, Measham & Packington CE Primary Schools Please pray for all involved in mission and ministry in our team and with our local communities. Popondota (Papua New Guinea): Bishop Lindsley Ihove; Coimbatore (South India): Bishop Timothy Ravinder

SAT 10 OCTOBER Lay ministers study day Pray for those gathering for today’s study day as we are Shaped by God Together. Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea): Bishop Denny Guka; Colombia (The Episcopal Church): Bishop Francisco Duque; Kollam-Kottarakkara (South India): Bishop Oommen George SUNDAY 11 OCTOBER TRINITY 18

Prisons Week aims to encourage prayer and awareness of the needs of prisoners and their families, victims of offenders, prisons staff, those working in the justice system, and all those who care, reflected in the Prisons Week Prayer offered throughout the week: Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends,prison staff and all who care. Heal those who have been wounded by the activities of others, especially the victims of crime. Help us to forgive one another. To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in His strength and in His Spirit, now and every day. Amen. including volunteers. The COVID pandemic Each day of the week, a new prayer brings preventedany visitors to any prisons so this into focus a different group affected has been a particularly challenging time for by prison or criminal justice. Churches the inmates, leading to increased mental and individuals are also asked to reflect health issues for the staff and chaplains to on what they might do or offer as part respond to. of their response, through the range of Christian agencies and charities involved Please pray for: in supporting Prisons Week, which is an • all those in prison, especially the ecumenical initiative. innocent

Go to to download • prison staff and all who work in the resources for this week, which runs from justice system 11-17 October 2020. • prison chaplains of all faiths, especially Within Leicester Diocese we have two those working in Leicestershire men’s prisons – HMP Leicester on Welford Road in the city, and HMP Gartree near The Church of the Province of Uganda:The Market Harborough. Each prison is Most Revd Stephen Kaziimba - Archbishop of served by a multi-faith chaplaincy team, Uganda & and Bishop of Kampala MON 12 OCTOBER Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro BishopStanley Hotay Give thanks that people are now beginning to return to the churches however, due to the effects of COVID 19, the giving continues to be a real challenge. Please pray that the Lord will provide. Port Sudan (Sudan): Bishop Abdu Kodi; Colombo (Ceylon): Bishop Dhiloraj Canagasabey; Kondoa (Tanzania): Bishop Given Gaula TUES 13 OCTOBER Ashby de la Zouch & Breedon on the Hill

Mary Gregory, Tim Phillips, Stewart Betts (C); Stephen Clowes, Carol Eyley, Judith Lewis, Andy Smith (R); Sue Brown, David Watson (R-PTO); Kathy Hart (PA) Viscount Beaumont’s School, Coleorton; St Hardulph’s School, Breedon on the Hill; Newbold CE Primary School Give thanks for our growing sense of community through shared online worship during the pandemic. Please pray for the churches which are opening for public worship and those unable to do so; and for Liz Smith, beginning Reader training. Portsmouth: Bishop Christopher Foster; Colorado (USA): Bishop Robert O’Neill; Kongor (South Sudan): Bishop Gabriel Thuch Agot

WED 14 OCTOBER Clergy study day Pray for those gathering for today’s study day as we are Shaped by God Together. Pretoria (Southern Africa): Bishop Allan Kannemeyer; Concepcion (Chile): Bishop Enrique Zugadi THURS 15 OCTOBER Blackfordby and Woodville

Michael Fish (C); Peter Hillyar-Russ (R-PTO & P-Evng), Blossom Thompson (PA) Blackfordby & Woodville CE Primary Schools Thanks to all who support our mission: for Tess Summers running our Messy Church and those connected to the food bank. Please pray for St Margaret’s, recently badly damaged by the storms and in need of major restoration work. Puerto Rico (The Episcopal Church): The Revd Rafael Maldonado; Connecticut (USA): Bishop Ian Douglas; Connor (Ireland): Bishop Alan Abernethy FRI 16 OCTOBER Clergy with PTO in NW Leicestershire Please pray for Lesley Birtwhistle, Stephen Brook, Brenda Campbell, Jennie Drew, Barry Dryden,Paul Harris and Julie-Ann Heath with Permission to Officiate. Pune (North India): Bishop Sharad Gaikwad; Cork, Cloyne & Ross (Ireland): Bishop William Colton

SAT 17 OCTOBER Living Stones Mission Partnership Convenor: Carole Baker All of our churches are in Vacancy. Please pray for Church Wardens and that the selection and recruitment process will take place soon. Qu’Appelle (Canada): Bishop Robert Hardwick;Costa Rica (Central America): The Revd Orlando Gomez;Kontagora (Nigeria): Bishop Jonah Ibrahim SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER TRINITY 19

cafes, restaurant kitchens, in nail bars and beauticians, car washes and care homes. They work on farms and building sites. Most employers do not know that they are victims because they have legal papers. They do ordinary jobs but their wages are paid into bank accounts which they cannot use, and they go home to squalid, inadequate accommodation where they live in fear. They are vulnerable people who have been recruited by criminals. Some were targeted outside Job Centres or in hostels. 47% answered advertisements, 7% were recruited in places of worship. They come from all over the world, including the UK.

Today is Anti-Slavery Day. Margaret We may be free when lockdown is lifted. But Rouse, who leads on this work for the they will not be free. Hebrews 13 tells us to diocese, writes: remember those who are ill treated as if we ourselves were suffering. Victims of slavery We have heard a lot about freedom this are men, women and children who are being year. The restrictions designed to protect us exploited for the financial gain of other from the Covid-19 have deprived us of the people. They are being ill-treated. freedom to worship in our churches, meet *2019 estimate of the number of victims) with friends and family or even shop for non- Points for prayer: essentials in our towns and cities. People are • Leicestershire Police would like to talking about what they want to do when the set up a ‘safe house’ as the one they restrictions are eased. We hope, that, one used previously has closed. Pray that day, a vaccine will be developed which will somewhere suitable may be available. free us from the virus and allow us to live and work, just as we did before lock-down. That • Fashion companies will take more care is what freedom means to most people in when placing orders and will be more 2020. stringent in their enquiries about

manufacturing chains However, there are more than 136,000 people in the UK* who will not live normal lives. They are the victims of Modern Day • More public awareness of the problem, Slavery. Recently, concerns have been raised and willingness to do something about it. about the situation in local factories, but victims are everywhere. They are working in The Episcopal Church: The Most Revd Michael Curry - Presiding Bishop MON 19 OCTOBER Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro Bishop John Smylie Pray for a good transition for the new Bishop of Wyoming (to be consecrated in February) and for Bishop John and Jill as they prepare for retirement. Pray for the USA in the run-up to the presidential elections on 3rd November. Quebec (Canada): Bishop Bruce Myers;Coventry: Bishop Christopher Cocksworth; Krishna-Godavari (South India): Bishop George Tantepudi TUES 20 OCTOBER Clergy with PTO in NW Leicestershire

Please pray for Trevor Jordan, Trevor Parkerson, Rhona Passey, Terri Skinner, Edwina Wallace, Richard White, Geoffrey Willett and Haydn Williams with Permission to Officiate. Raiwind (Pakistan): Bishop Azad Marshall;Cuba (The Episcopal Church): Bishop Griselda Del Carpio;Kubwa (Nigeria): Bishop Duke Akamisoko

WED 21 OCTOBER Guthlaxton Deanery Area Dean: Sharon Constable; Lay Chair: David Beeson We give thanks for our diverse Deanery, in the diversity there is a unity of supporting each other! We have lots of vacancies! Please pray for our Deanery as we look to the future of ministry in a changing world. Rajasthan (North India): Bishop Darbara Singh;Cueibet (South Sudan): Bishop Elijah Awet THURS 22 OCTOBER Four Saints Jo Benner (Interim C); June Ainge (R/Pio); Lindsey Jelves, Mike Oates, Helen Stokes (R), John Frakes (R-PTO); Michael Turton (Evng); Gail Mackley (PA) Give thanks and pray for all who have attended our online Sunday Services and prayer meetings and monthly Messy Church. Pray for whoever will be our next incumbent; and for those in our community missing their normal regular contact. Rayalaseema (South India): Bishop B D Prasada Rao; Cuernavaca (Mexico): Bishop Enrique Cruz; Curitiba (Brazil:) Archbishop Naudal Alves Gomes FRI 23 OCTOBER Hexagon Benefice Liz Bickley, Angela Tarry (C); Carol Higson (R); Roy Oldham (R-PTO) Arnesby & Husbands Bosworth CE Primary Schools Please pray for our six parishes: for a sense of family through this difficult year; that we may still have a sense of mission to our communities; for Arnesby School changing Headteacher at year end. Recife (Brazil): Bishop João Peixoto; Cuttack (North India): Bishop Surendra Nanda

SAT 24 OCTOBER Blaby Jane Micklethwaite (C) Blaby Stokes CE Primary School Give thanks for growth in discipleship through learning to worship differently. Pray for developing partnerships within the community and for our Pioneer ordinand Sharon Plant. Pray for staff and pupils at our School and Pre-School. Rejaf (South Sudan): Bishop Edward Tombe;Cyangugu (Rwanda): Bishop Francis Karenera; Kuching (South East Asia): Bishop Danald Jute SUNDAY 25 OCTOBER LAST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY/BIBLE SUNDAY In the Common Worship calendar, the Last Sunday after Trinity may be observed as Bible Sunday. When this is also the last Sunday in October, this coincides with Reformation Sunday, commonly observed in the Lutheran tradition.

The Bible, named from the Greek word for ‘book’. The Bible appears in the form of an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms that are all linked by the belief that they collectively contain the word of God. In total it contains sixty- six books (excluding the apocrypha): the thirty-nine books of the Hebrew Scriptures, called by many the Old Testament, and the twenty-seven books of the Christian Truth that feeds us on our journey of faith. Greek Scriptures, often called the New Testament. Bible Sunday is a day on which churches celebrate the continuing impact the Attitudes towards the Bible differ among Bible has on individuals and communities Christian traditions. Some Protestant throughout the world. The Bible Society churches focus on the idea of sola provides resources to use, including scriptura, or ‘scripture alone’ as the only suggestions of prayers, a sermon based on infallible source of Christian teaching. Psalm 119: 129-136; and activities for church This concept rose to prominence during children’s and youth groups. https://www. the Reformation. Other churches follow the concept of prima scriptura – while sunday/ not denying the primary importance of scripture, they also stress the harmony and Please pray: importance of the Bible with, for example, • for those who translate and distribute sacred tradition. the Scriptures • for those whose learning interprets the The Bible has had a massive influence on Scriptures, including Biblical scholars literature and history, especially in the and theologians Western world, where the Gutenberg Bible • for all preachers and teachers who was the first book printed using movable proclaim and share the word type. But for Christians it is more than that - God still speaks to us through the pages The : Archbishop John Davies of the Bible where we hear the Word, the - Archbishop of Wales & Bishop of Swansea & Brecon MON 26 OCTOBER Diocese of Kiteto Bishop Isaiah Chambala Thank God for peoples’ generosity in giving to the Eye Clinic work over the summer, despite COVID. Please pray that the full amount will be raised to support this aspect of the diocese’s work, including the means of transport. Remo (Nigeria): Archbishop Michael Fape; Cyprus and the Gulf (Jerusalem & Middle East) Bishop Michael Lewis; Kumasi (West Africa): Archbishop Daniel Sarfo TUES 27 OCTOBER Broughton Astley & Croft with Stoney Stanton Sharon Constable, Laura Jackson (C); Lester Halling, Lynne Vernon (R), Peter Yates (R-PTO); John Bass (PA) Orchard Croft School, Broughton Astley; Manorfield School, Stoney Stanton; Croft CE Primary School Your prayers for discernment of a way we can foster community in all three of our villages. We give thanks for our building projects in each church offering space to community. Our ministry team continues to change and develop with vocations. Renk (South Sudan): Bishop Joseph Garang Atem; Daejeon (Korea): Archbishop Moses Nagjun Yoo; Kumi (Uganda): Bishop Edison Irigei WED 28 OCTOBER Simon and Jude, Apostles We pray for the zeal and courage of the apostles to return to the Church today, and for those who turn to God in prayer as a last resort. Rhode Island (USA): Bishop Nicholas Knisely; Dallas (USA): Bishop George R Sumner Jr THURS 29 OCTOBER Upper Soar Sr Liz Heaton (C); Ann Ling (R-PTO) Ullesthorpe CE Primary School Give thanks that the Benefice has worked together during these challenging times, particularly through online worship. Give thanks for those who have enabled our churches to be open. Pray for discernment and wisdom for the way forward together. Rift Valley (Tanzania): Bishop John Daudi Lupaa;Damaturu (Nigeria): Bishop Yohannah Audu; Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania): Bishop Jackson Sosthenes FRI 30 OCTOBER Cosby & Whetstone in vacancy; Eric Leese (R), Martin Stevenson (R-PTO) St Peter’s CE Primary School, Whetstone Pray for the success of the Parish Centre Renovation Project; for those working on re-opening our facilities so that users can begin to use them again safely. Give thanks for those who have enabled worship to recommence. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil): Bishop Eduardo Grillo; Davao (Philippines): Bishop Jonathan Casimina Boga (Congo): Bishop Mugenyi Bahemuka; Port Elizabeth (Southern Africa): Bishop Edward Daniels SAT 31 OCTOBER Enderby & Thurlaston Mission Partnership Convenor: Jerry Taylor The churches ran a Christianity Explored course online in conjunction with Thurlaston Chapel. Engagement was excellent - praise God! Please pray for the Spirit’s work in hearts and minds and wholehearted disciples of Jesus. Rio Grande (USA): Bishop Michael Vono; Delaware (USA): Bishop Kevin S Brown; Kurunegala (Ceylon): Bishop Keerthisiri Fernando SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER ALL SAINTS’ DAY St Catherine’s Monastery, Mount Sinai

Today is All Saints’ Day, when we celebrate the Men’s College which at one point was educating men and women in whose lives the Church has 2300 working class men. Or William Wyggeston, seen the grace of God powerfully at work. We whose estate funded an alms-house and are encouraged by the example of the saints as grammar school. we see that holiness can grow in the ordinary Then there are those quiet saints who just got circumstances, as well as the extraordinary on with it, like the 18th century of Stoney crises, of life. Stanton John Bold who is remembered as a man Here in Leicestershire, we celebrate today our of great sanctity who devoted his ministry to mutual belonging to those ‘saints’ with local their good of local people. There are even those connections. There are Anglo-Saxon figures about whom we know nothing but their name, like Guthlac or his sister Pega, or Wistan, who like St Hardulph of Breedon. turned down kingship to follow his religious vocation and was martyred for his faith (perhaps at Wistow, hence the name of ). There is Please pray that: John Wycliffe - forerunner of the Reformation, • the Church may be built on the foundation scholar and translator of the Scriptures, who of those holy men and women that have died while Rector of Lutterworth. Others were gone before us martyred during the Reformation, including Laurence Saunders, at one time Rector of • we may be empowered by the Spirit to Church Langton, who was martyred in 1555 witness to Christ through our words and and is recorded in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs; and actions especially in our care of the poor Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester but born and needy, the sick and the dying at Thurcaston. The Bernard Moore and Vivian Redlich, both from Leicestershire, were The Church of the Province of West Africa: martyred during WWII in Papua New Guinea. Archbishop Jonathan Bau-Bau Bonaparte Hart - We could think of those engaged in social Primate & Metropolitan action – David James Vaughan, son of the Vicar of St Martin’s who in 1862 founded the Working SUNDAY 1 NOVEMBER ALL SAINTS’ DAY MON 2 NOV A All Souls’ Day We give thanks for all those who we love and see no longer, and pray both for those who mourn and for those who will die today. Rochester: Bishop James Langstaff;Rochester (USA) Bishop Prince Singh; Kushtia (Bangladesh): Bishop Samuel Mankhin TUES 3 NOV Diocese of Trichy Bishop D Chandrasekaran Pray for St Mary’s Church in the village of Puddukkottai, which is twinned with St Mary’s Nanpantan, and particularly for the Rainbow Home for children there. Rockhampton (Australia): in vacancy; Delhi (North India): Bishop Warris K. Masih; Kutigi (Nigeria): Bishop Jeremiah Kolo WED 4 NOV Enderby with Lubbesthorpe & Thurlaston Jerry Taylor, Richard Balmer (C); Mark Brown (R), Cynthia Webb (PA-PTO) Thurlaston CE Primary School & Brockington College Give thanks for the pastoral networks that have sprung up during the pandemic and the engagement in the wider community with online services. Please pray for those who recently attended our Discipleship Explored course online - for growth in maturity. Rokon (South Sudan): Bishop Francis Loyo Mori;Derby: Bishop Libby Lane THURS 5 NOV Avon Swift Benefice Sharon Constable (Interim C); Sharon March, Stephen March (Pio); Keith Wilding (R) Gilmorton Chandler CE Primary School, St Andrew’s CE Primary School, North Kilworth, South Kilworth CE Primary School, Swinford CE Primary School Avon Swift Benefice of eleven churches is looking at new ways of working more usefully together whilst recognising the individuality of each parish in the Benefice. Prayers for discerning the way forward. Prayers for our vacancy and our future. Rorya (Tanzania): Bishop John Adiema;Derry & Raphoe (Ireland): Bishop Kenneth Good; Dhaka (Bangladesh): Archbishop Paul Shishir Sarker FRI 6 NOV Lutterworth with Cotesbach and Bitteswell Charlie Styles, Tom Brown (C); Ruth Bilton, Peter Kent, Martin Lowdon, Rosemary Lowdon, Lesley Turner (R); Ruth Wagstaff (Evng) Bitteswell CE Primary School, Sherrier CE Primary School, Lutterworth College Praise God and rejoice that our benefice churches are now open for gathered worship on Sundays and for private prayer during the week. It is wonderful to see one another again and to meet new worshippers. Ruaha (Tanzania): Bishop Joseph Mgomi;Europe: Bishop Robert Innes; Europe (The Episcopal Church): Bishop Mark D W Edington SAT 7 NOV Narborough in vacancy; Trevor Matthews (R-PTO) Pray for the Church officers carrying extra responsibilities during the vacancy and that the congregation may continue faithful. Give thanks for all clergy taking services. . Rumbek (South Sudan): Archbishop Alapayo Kuctiel;The Bahamas and The Turks and Caicos Islands (West Indies): Bishop Laish Boyd;Kwara (Nigeria): Archbishop Olusegun Adeyemi SUNDAY 8 NOV THIRD SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT This year has seen the seventy-fifth anniversary of both VE Day and VJ Day, marking the end of the Second World War. With the number of veterans from WWII dwindling due to their age and all being in the more vulnerable category, it remains unclear how we will be able to mark Remembrance Sunday this year.

We sometimes have the romantic idea that WWII in particular was won by Britain alone (with support from the USA). It is important that we acknowledge the vital contribution made by servicemen (and women) from across the Commonwealth and beyond as this These servicemen fought in all campaigns in is our shared history. which British troops were engaged on land, sea and in the air. Others also volunteered In WWI, three million men volunteered (or to serve in their own versions of the “Home were conscripted) from across what was then Guard”. Service personnel who had fled from still the British Empire. About half of these countries occupied by the Nazis also joined were from India, with the remainder coming the Allies, including from France, Belgium, from parts of Africa, the West Indies, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, Norway and Australia and New Zealand. Their contribution Poland. was vital to the war effort – for example, Indian troops were vital in the successful holding of the lines at Ypres in October 1914. Indian Maharajahs sent money, doctors and As we give thanks for the lives sacrificed in nurses, and ambulances to the front line. The war, we pray for: British Prime Minister Lloyd George said of these international troops, “Had they stayed • those serving in our armed forces today at home, the history of the world would have and for their families taken a different course”. • an end to the world’s conflicts and hatred • all peace-makers and peace-keepers In WWII around three and a half million service personnel from the Empire served with the Allies. Again, a large proportion was Indian, but there were also many thousands from Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, The Church in the Province of the West Indies: and other British colonies. Archbishop Howard Gregory - Primate and Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands MON 9 NOV Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro Bishop Stanley Hotay Give thanks that the schools have now reopened and pupils are returning to their education. Pray for the parents who are struggling to pay the fees due to the effects of the pandemic. The Free State (Southern Africa): Bishop Dintoe Letloenyane TUES 10 NOV Clergy with PTO in Guthlaxton deanery Please pray for clergy ministering with Permission to Officiate – for Rod Allard, Terry Colling, Myrtle Cook, Vic Goodman and David Hebblewhite. Rumonge (Burundi): Bishop Pedaculi Birakengana; Diocese on the Coast (Nigeria): Bishop Ebunoluwa Ogunele; Kwoi (Nigeria): Bishop Paul Zamani

WED 11 NOV Martin of Tours, bishop / Bishop's Leadership Team We thank God for the example of those like Martin of Tours, who chose to follow their vocation and Christian faith when it conflicted with worldly expectations, and pray for those who lead the diocese today. Rupert’s Land (Canada): Bishop Geoffrey Woodcroft; Dogura (Papua New Guinea): Bishop Tennyson Bogar

THURS 12 NOV Clergy with PTO in Guthlaxton deanery Please pray for clergy ministering with Permission to Officiate – Bob Hutchings, Jane Kennedy, Andrew Micklethwaite and Andy Rhoades. Rutana (Burundi): Bishop Pontien Ribakare; Doko (Nigeria): Bishop Uriah Kolo; Dominican Republic (The Episcopal Church): Bishop Moisés Mota FRI 13 NOV Deanery of West Area Dean: Mark Poskitt; Lay Chair: Pat Lockwood Please give thanks for all those who have worked hard to share the love of God through these difficult times. May all our words and actions bring blessing to the communities we serve. Ruwenzori (Uganda): Bishop Reuben Kisembo; Dornakal (South India): Bishop Vadapalli Prasada Rao SAT 15 NOV The Blessed Virgin Mary

Newbold de Verdun, Barlestone, Kirkby Mallory, Peckleton Sue Ives-Smith, John Downs, Hazel Aucken (C); Alyn De Casembroot (R), Roger Dunster, Dorothy Fox (R-PTO) Barlestone CE Primary School We give thanks for the way that our Lord has brought growth to our communities. Please pray as we open the churches and continue the online services, that we would have wisdom, direction and guidance. Sabah (South East Asia): Bishop Melter Jiki Tais ; Down & Dromore (Ireland): in vacancy SUNDAY 15 NOV SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT

Night Prayer, also know as Compline (from the Latin completorium – “complete”), is the final service of the day in the Christian tradition. It is a contemplative Office that emphasizes spiritual peace. In many monasteries it is the custom to begin the “Great Silence” after compline, during which the whole community, including guests, observes silence throughout the night until the morning service the next day.

The in Charge of High and South Framland, The Revd to slowly draw a few others who are quietly David Cowie, has introduced this as an online supportive of the Church but who I don’t see service to his benefices during lockdown. at services. It’s a very gentle service that He writes: doesn’t intrude into people’s lives, and so it appeals to those whose spirituality is more “I’ve been thinking for a while about starting introspective—but it also works for anyone services that could deepen people’s spiritual who just wants a bit of calm at the end of the lives, and with lockdown I felt Night Prayer was day”. the next step.

We keep it simple. We start by listening to Please pray for: music as we light candles together; we follow the words from a simple booklet and listen • those exploring old and new ways to to the Gospel reading for the day; and we deepen their prayer lives spend time in silence as we offer to God the • those seeking peace and stillness in the day that is past and the time ahead of us in busyness of life sleep. Everyone except the leader is muted throughout, to keep the service easy on the ear.

I’ve been surprised how much folk appreciate the service. While it’s much more food for the The Church of Ceylon: Bishop Dhiloraj Ranjit; faithful, what folk have to say has started Canagasabey; Bishop Keerthisiri Fernando MON 16 NOV Diocese of Wyoming Bishop John Smylie Pray for those most affected by the pandemic and for the diocese as they seek to love and support their communities. Give thanks for those training for ministry through the Iona Programme and for the richness of vocations being grown in the diocese. Sabongidda-Ora (Nigeria): Bishop Augustine Ohilebo; Dublin & Glendalough (Ireland): Archbishop Michael Jackson TUES 17 NOV Barwell cum Stapleton and Potters Marston Philip Watson (C); Lynda Plumpton, Debra Watson (R) Barwell CE Primary School Give thanks for the re-ordering work at St Mary’s, for the careful work by contractors, and for a safe re-opening in due course. Pray too for Stapleton and Potters Marston as decisions are made on when to re-open. Saldanha Bay (Southern Africa): Bishop Raphael Hess; Duk (South Sudan): Bishop Daniel Deng Abot WED 18 NOV Burbage with Aston Flamville Andrew Hall, Ros Harper (C); Mary Tynan (R); Don Peacock (PA), Louise Brown (Children and Family Worker) Burbage CE Infants School We give thanks to God for our Curate and Children’s family worker as they seek to lead us as we explore ways of engaging with our community and helping those on the margins, especially through our Blossom project. Salisbury: Bishop Nicholas Holtam; Dunedin (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia): Bishop Steven Benford THURS 19 NOV Earl Shilton cum Elmesthorpe Martin Castle (C) Townlands & Weavers Close CE Primary Schools, Earl Shilton Please pray for all involved in mission and ministry in our team and with our local communities. Sambalpur (North India): Bishop Pinuel Dip; Dunkwa-on-Offin (West Africa): Bishop Edmund Ahmoah; Durgapur (North India): Bishop Sameer Khimla

FRI 20 NOV St Mary Vince Jupp (Interim C) St Mary’s CE Primary School We give thanks for our return to worship, for a renewal of energy and enthusiastic lay leadership. We are grateful for the team, their resilience, their hard work and their focus on Christ as we look to our new missional goals. San Diego (USA): Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori; Durham: Bishop Paul Butler

SAT 21 NOV Diocesan Synod Please pray for the members of the Diocesan Synod, meeting this morning. San Joaquin (USA): Bishop David Rice; Dutse (Nigeria): Bishop Markus Danbinta; Kyoto (Japan): Bishop Stephen Takashi Kochi SUNDAY 22 NOVEMBER CHRIST THE KING

In 1925, at a time in Europe when fascism and Worship of Christ on his throne leads onto the dictatorships posed a serious threat, Pope message of Christ as Judge. Pius XI inaugurated a new festival in honour of the Kingship of Christ. This was primarily The writer Henri Nouwen (in his Sabbatical intended to counter the claims of secularism Journey) wrote of this festival: “on the by holding up the model of Christ as King of last Sunday of the liturgical year, Christ is creation, whose just and gentle rule presented to us as the mocked King on the is supreme. Cross as well as of the King of the universe. The greatest humiliation and the greatest In 1970, the Roman Catholic Church moved victory are both shown to us in today’s liturgy. the festival from late October to the last It is important to look at this humiliated and Sunday in the church year. As the festival victorious Christ before we start the new gained more importance, it was gradually liturgical year with the celebration of Advent. adopted by other denominations, including All through the year, we have to stay close the Anglican Communion. It was made a to the humiliation as well as to the victory of mandatory celebration in Common Worship Christ, because we are called to live both in for the Sunday before Advent. our own daily lives”.

Several theological and liturgical We pray considerations account for this prominence of its observance. It concludes the Christian • for the coming of God’s Kingdom, on earth year with a climactic celebration that as in heaven focusses on Christ as glorified Lord and • that the Church may truly reflect the life King. In addition, this festival also deepens of the Kingdom awareness of the final end of all things in the • that those with earthly power may govern triumph of Christ - it brings the cycle of the with integrity, wisdom and humility liturgical year to an end, but looks forward to its turning again on Advent Sunday. The Church of Bermuda: Bishop Nicholas Dill

MON 23 NOV General Synod Please pray for the General Synod, meeting for the next three days. Santiago (Chile): Bishop Tito Zavala; Santiago (Philippines): Bishop Frenzel Piluden TUES 24 NOV General Synod Please pray for the General Synod. Sapele (Nigeria): Bishop Blessing Erifeta; East Kerala (South India): Bishop V S Francis

WED 25 NOV General Synod Please pray for the General Synod. Sapele (Nigeria): Bishop Blessing Erifeta; East Kerala (South India): Bishop V S Francis THURS 26 NOV Holy Trinity Hinckley Simon Wearn, Mark Cooper (C); Diane McCartney (R), Philip Thompson (R-PTO) Battling Brook Community Primary School Praise God that we have maintained online fellowship during the pandemic, and for the care and support shown across the church family. Please pray for the Lord to open the hearts of many in Hinckley to him. Saskatchewan (Canada): Bishop Michael Hawkins; East Ruwenzori (Uganda): Bishop George Turyasingura; East Tennessee (USA): Bishop Brian Cole

FRI 28 NOV St John Hinckley

Gary Weston, Jon Berry, Dawn Matthew (C); David Rollett (Evng); Christopher Beckett (R); Susan Beckett, Susan Hicklin (PA); Keith Ellis, Judith Ellis (Pio) We give thanks for the opportunities God has given us to support people, practically and spiritually over the past few months. We pray that we will be able to continue to build on these opportunities to share Jesus with those in our communities as we move forward. Saskatoon (Canada): Bishop Christopher Harper; Eastern Himalayas (North India):in vacancy

SAT 28 NOV Diocese of Kiteto Bishop Isaiah Chambala Praise God for the growth in the diocese this year. Bishop Isaiah has ordained 34 Masaai in Simanjiro and 9 from other tribes and has opened 119 new churches! Pray for the pastors and the growing responsibilities for the diocese. Sebei (Uganda): Bishop Paul Kiptoo Masaba; Eastern Kowloon (Hong Kong): Bishop Timothy Kwok; Kyushu (Japan): Bishop Luke Ken-ichi Muto SUNDAY 29 NOV ADVENT SUNDAY

This year’s national Advent ‘Comfort and Joy’ will enable us to reconnect and Christmas campaign is entitled ‘Comfort with the rich and joyous traditions of the and Joy’ and is planned to build on the success past and to offer God’s consoling love in the of the last two years of #FollowTheStar. present.

‘Comfort and Joy’ holds together the hope The resources will include: that Christmas will bring joy and celebration after a uniquely difficult year with an •freely available short reflections from a acknowledgement that – for those who have number of public figures exploring the theme , lost loved ones or livelihoods, or who are which will mirror the structure of a traditional potentially still not able to be together with carol service, focussing on both biblical texts loved ones – it may be the Church’s role, both and the words of much-loved Christmas carols. nationally and locally, to provide consolation, •national online services for each Sunday of rather than assume everyone will be ready to Advent, a Christingle, nine lessons and carols join in jubilation. and midnight services. Local churches are also This Christmas the Church will need, in the encouraged to share their own pre-recorded words of St Paul in Romans 12.15, to ‘Rejoice or live services if possible. with those who rejoice; weep with those who •music for churches to use as part of weep’. We will aim to celebrate where we can online and physical services and events, in together in one place – but also embrace a partnership with St Martin-in-the-Fields and wider community that wants to join in the the RSCM. celebration but may not be physically able – or emotionally ready – to do so. We hope that

Please pray

• that it will bring the Christian message of hope and peace at a very challenging and difficult time

• for all those planning Advent and Christmas services in the current uncertainty

Pray for the Lusitanian Church (Extra- Provincial): Bishop Jorge Pina Cabral MON 30 NOV Andrew the Apostle We give thanks for the example of those like St Andrew who did not hesitate when they heard the call of Christ to ‘follow him’. We pray too for the government and people of Scotland. Sekondi (West Africa): Bishop Alexander Asmah; Eastern Michigan (USA): Bishop Todd Ousley TUES 1 DEC Bosworth Mark Poskitt, Ann Hall (C); Colleen Annan, Pat Lockwood (R) St Peter’s CE Primary School Pray for us as lockdown restrictions are lifted that people will feel confident to reengage together both socially and in worship and that we may begin to rebuild that strength of unity we share as a large, rural Benefice. Seoul (Korea): Bishop Peter Lee;Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador (Canada): Bishop Geoffrey Peddle WED 2 DEC Sheepy Julia Hargreaves (C); Colleen Annan (R) Sheepy Magna CE Primary School Words from Neil Jones, Warden echoed across the benefice: “Our ’new’ church is a community project and so we are planning to return to a ’normal’ operation as soon as we can; continuing with our weekly on-line service.” Seychelles (Indian Ocean): Archbishop James Wong Yin Song; Eastern Oregon (USA): Bishop Patrick Bell THURS 3 DEC Fenn Lanes Group Linda Blay (C); Keith Cornford (PA); Jan Harding , Wendy O’Brien, Carolyn Patullo, Michelle Nelson (R)Higham on the Hill; St Margaret’s, Stoke Golding; Witherley CE Primary Schools We give thanks for our communities who have pulled together in sharing the love of God to those around them in this difficult year. We pray for wisdom as we discern the way forward for our churches post-lockdown and for our work with our schools. Sheffield: Bishop Pete Wilcox; Eastern Zambia (Central Africa): Bishop William Mchombo; Easton (USA): Bishop Santosh Marray FRI 4 DEC Clergy with PTO in Sparkenhoe West deanery Give thanks for those ministering with Permission to Officiate in the deanery: Patty Bailey, Paul Bromiley, Caroline Burnett, Jane Close, Alan Davis and James Jasper. Shinyanga (Tanzania): Bishop Johnson Chinyong’ole; Eau Claire (USA): The Revd William Lambert SAT 5 DEC Diocese of Trichy Bishop D Chandrasekaran As we enter the season of Advent, remember the women evangelists in Trichy Diocese, bringing the good news of our Saviour to rural communities. Gasabo (Rwanda): Archbishop Laurent Mbanda; Edinburgh: Bishop John Armes SUNDAY 6 DEC ADVENT 2

The Dean writes:

Advent and Christmas are likely to be far from ‘normal’. We still yearn for togetherness. As Christians we normally work against ‘social distancing’. God’s dream for the world is to come close; first through the gift of creation and life and secondly through the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth. Many famous paintings picture this gathering at the crib. The great and the good gather alongside the ordinary and the scruffy and all with the animals – remarkably like many Cathedral occasions! Usually the artist then leaves space for us to join in the to gather outside with larger numbers). picture too. So we become part of God’s Through a shared experience of ‘comfort and story. We’re going to have to work out all of joy’ we will perhaps be helped to experience this afresh this December. God once again coming close. God comes into every part of our lives including our virtual worlds. 87% of the Please pray for: adult population are online, including 65% of those aged 65+. We probably will not be able • the many societies, organisations and to sing together but watching online, we will communities with whom we normally be able to join in another way. Many, if not all, have contact with in December say that this gives a sense of connectedness • our local shops, restaurants, and places reducing the distance. We then also need to of entertainment struggling to recover connect with the other 13% firmly far from their businesses ‘the cloud’. • musicians and worship planners offering ‘Comfort and joy’ are words from the 16th afresh the hope of Advent and the joy of century carol ‘God rest ye merry gentlemen’. Christmas They will be used as a way to advertise Advent and Christmas. This year at the • those who will feel even more excluded Cathedral, we are very unlikely to be able and isolated for whatever reason to host many carol services, concerts or activities for children. However, what we do offer will be shaped by trying to find ways to offer ‘comfort and joy’ through online The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain: worship and through small gatherings in and Bishop Carlos López-Lozano around the building (it may well be easier MON 7 DEC Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro Bishop Stanley Hotay Give thanks that despite the pressures that DMK are facing the Diocese are still focused on Mission and Evangelism and continue to open and plant new worshipping communities. Shyira (Rwanda): Bishop Samuel M Mugisha; Edmonton (Canada): in vacancy TUES 8 DEC Clergy with PTO in Sparkenhoe West deanery Give thanks for those ministering with Permission to Officiate in the deanery: David Jennings, Frances Knight, John Plant, Edward Pogmore, Alison Thorp and Graham Wilson. Shyogwe (Rwanda): Bishop Jered Kalimba;Egba (Nigeria): Bishop Emmanuel Adekunle; Lafia (Nigeria): Bishop Godwin Robinson

WED 9 DEC Bishop’s Leadership Team Please pray for the meeting of the Bishop’s Leadership Team today. Sialkot (Pakistan) Bishop Alwin Samuel ; Egba West (Nigeria): Bishop Samuel Oludele Ogundeji

THURS 10 DEC Deanery of Sparkenhoe East

Area Dean: Richard Trethewey; Lay Chair: Claire Bampton In the past five years, nearly all the incumbents in the deanery have changed. Pray we may forge new patterns of teamwork; for Gareth and Andrew, appointed during lockdown, joining the deanery at such a challenging time. Singapore (South East Asia): Bishop Titus Chung; Egbu (Nigeria): Bishop Geoffrey Okoroafor; Egypt (Jerusalem & Middle East): Bishop Mouneer Anis

FRI 11 DEC Groby and Ratby Ed Bampton, Noel Colley (C); Keith Wignall (R-PTO); Joan Hawkins (PA-PTO); Ruth Scott (R in training) Give thanks for all who have contributed to our online worship and our re-opening for private prayer and worship. Please pray for our new Churches Together Community Support team, giving support throughout the continuing effects of the pandemic and beyond. Sittwe (Myanmar): Bishop James Min Dein; Eha - Amufu (Nigeria): Bishop Daniel Olinya SAT 12 DEC Glenfield & Newtown Linford Richard Trethewey, Sharon Andrews (C); Brian Hughes (R); Geoff Stokes (R-PTO) Give thanks for the numbers taking part in an online Alpha and Bible Course during lockdown; and for completion of the renovation project at All Saints’. Pray for wisdom in knowing how to restart in- person ministry, including which groups not to re-start. Ekiti (Nigeria): Bishop Christopher Omotunde; Ekiti Kwara: Bishop Andrew Ajayi; Ekiti Oke: Bishop Isaac Olubowale;Ekiti West: Bishop Rufus Adepoju SUNDAY 13 DECEMBER ADVENT 3

Our hospital chaplains, Sonya Wratten, Sarah we spend much time waiting…waiting for Wright and Hilary Lomax, reflect for us: results, waiting for life to be ‘normal’ again, waiting to know what the future holds for us. As the first peak of Covid-19 recedes we face May we know you God in our waiting, still and its impact on Mental Health. Self-isolation, sure in the depth of our being and looking financial insecurity, bereavement and towards a light and hope that beckons us increases in substance abuse and domestic forward. violence have affected people with pre- existing mental health conditions, the general Please pray for: public and health and care workers who cared for patients with Covid-19, witnessed their • all health and care workers that they would deaths, coped with rapid changes in working be supported in their mental health routines and worried for their own families. • the generosity of those alongside people Emotional Labour is the term given to the who are struggling, and resources for our costly stress of supressing your own emotions health & social security services in order to support patients professionally. • support for those navigating through the As we face new challenges, give us the courage shock of a very different way of being to invest in our own health & take time to • patients in the three acute Leicester process what we have already been through. hospitals, community hospitals and mental To articulate, express and celebrate how far health services throughout Christmas we have come and what we have survived. Help season us to recognise God at work in our lives and to be filled afresh with hope that Jesus will • hospital staff working over the Christmas continue to guide us through, our creator God period and those not able to see family and will uphold & refresh us and that God’s Spirit friends due to travel restrictions. will liberate us to sing a new song. • Christmas services and celebrations across As we prepare for the birth of Jesus and enter our hospitals a period of waiting in Advent time, may we be open to the wonder, mystery and infinite The Falkland Islands: Bishop Tim Thornton presence of God’s love in our midst. In illness MON 14 DEC Please pray for the House of Bishops meeting. Sodor & Man: Bishop Peter Eagles; El Camino Real (USA): Bishop Lucinda Ashby

TUES 15 DEC House of Bishops Please pray for the House of Bishops meeting. Sokoto (Nigeria): Bishop Augustine Omole; El Salvador (Central America): Bishop Juan Melgar

WED 16 DEC Leicester Forest East & Braunstone Town with Thorpe Astley David Hover (C); Rosemary Meredith (R); Peter Kitchen (Pio) Please pray for our discernment of God’s will for who we are called to be as missional church families, as we emerge from lockdown to explore new ways of being church alongside returning to much- missed gatherings and community action. South Ankole (Uganda): Bishop Nathan Ahimbisibwe; Eldoret (Kenya): Bishop Christopher Ruto THURS 17 DEC Anstey & Thurcaston with Cropston David McDonough (C); Ian Dutton, Denis Malone (R-PTO) Richard Hill CE Primary School, Thurcaston Give thanks for the resilience of our churches in the face of the pandemic. We pray for church and school as we continue to reach out and serve our communities and develop ministry and mission in our villages. South Dakota (USA): Bishop John Tarrant;El-Obeid (Sudan): Bishop Ismail Abudigin FRI 18 DEC Desford & Kirby Muxloe Gareth Hutchinson, Rob Marsh (C); Tony Stokes, Carolyn Winkless (R), Jeffrey Kirkham (R-PTO) Please pray for all involved in mission and ministry in our team and with our local communities. South Kerala (South India): Bishop Dharmaraj Rasalam; Ely: Bishop Stephen Conway; Embu (Kenya): Bishop David Ireri

SAT 19 DEC Diocese of Wyoming Bishop John Smylie Pray for continued fruitfulness of the Fresh Expressions of Faith emerging in the diocese and for its established churches as they reach out to their communities. South Rwenzori (Uganda): Bishop Jackson Nzerebende; Enugu (Nigeria): Archbishop Emmanuel Chukwuma; Enugu North: Bishop Sosthenes Eze SUNDAY 20 DECEMBER ADVENT 4

At the time of publishing, we have no idea Christmas on the Edge, Malcolm Guite what Christmas will look like in 2020, including Christmas sets the centre on the edge; whether services will be able to take place in churches or whether we will be able to gather The edge of town, the outhouse of the inn, with friends and family. It’s certainly unlikely The fringe of empire, far from privilege to be an entirely ‘normal’ Christmas for many And power, on the edge and outer spin of us. Of turning worlds, a margin of small stars However we end up celebrating this great That edge a galaxy itself light years festival, Christmas is one of the two poles From some unguessed at cosmic origin. of the Christian year (with Easter). It is much Christmas sets the centre at the edge. more than just the celebration of Jesus’ birth, as our readings and liturgy recall us, amidst the joy, to the central truth of the Word made flesh And from this day our world is re-aligned for our salvation. Here we kneel in awe at the A tiny seed unfolding in the womb wonderful mystery of God’s dwelling among Becomes the source from which we all unfold us in the fullness of humanity, as Emmanuel, foretold by the prophets and born of Mary. And flower into being. We are healed, The end begins, the tomb becomes a womb, Perhaps all we can do this year is refocus our For now in him all things are re-aligned. attention on that greatest of all truths, rather than on everything else connected to the season which, however wonderful, sometimes Please pray for: obscures it from view. • a rediscovery of the heart of the message of Christmas

• those who have not yet heard the good news

• those for whom this Christmas will be especially challenging

Pray for mission agencies and their ministry throughout the Anglican Communion, including the Mothers’ Union around the world. MON 21 DEC Diocese of Kiteto Bishop Isaiah Chambala Pray for the church run schools and the ongoing support needed for the children of pastors to attend. Pray for the Covid situation as it affects Tanzania, particularly as officially it's ‘not a problem’... South West Tanganyika (Tanzania): Bishop Matthew Mhagama; Esan (Nigeria): Archbishop Friday Imaekhai

TUES 22 DEC Markfield, Thornton, Bagworth, Stanton under Bardon & Copt Oak Andrew Smith, Pauline Ashby (C); Peter Maynard (R). We are thankful that, after a year in vacancy, we have welcomed Andrew Smith as our new Rector. We pray for relationships, old and new, that will enable us to move forward into this new phase in our mission and discipleship. Etche (Nigeria): Bishop Precious Nwala; Etsako (Nigeria): Bishop Jacob Bada

WED 23 DEC Clergy with PTO in Sparkenhoe East Please pray for clergy ministering with Permission to Officiate who live in the deanery: Peter Folks, Pam Harvey, Barry Naylor, Mike Rowberry and John Woolmer. Evo (Nigeria): Bishop Innocent Ordu; Exeter: Bishop Robert Atwell

THURS 24 DEC Christmas Eve We pray for those joining worship across our diocese and around the world today. Ezo (South Sudan): Bishop John Zawo; Faisalabad (Pakistan): Bishop John Samuel; Falkland Islands: Bishop Tim Thornton FRI 25 DEC Christmas Day

As we celebrate with joy the birth of the Christ Child, we pray for those for whom today will be difficult or filled with sadness.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the People of Bethlehem

SAT 26 DEC Stephen, , First Martyr

As we give thanks for the life and witness of St Stephen, we pray for those still persecuted and martyred for their faith in our own generation.

Fianarantsoa (Indian Ocean): Bishop Gilbert Rakotondravelo; Florida (USA): Bishop John Howard; False Bay (Southern Africa): Bishop Margaret Vertue SUNDAY 27 DECEMBER JOHN, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST

was John the Apostle. Traditionally he was believed to have been exiled to the island of Patmos in AD95 where he wrote down Revelation. Some scholars argue that the gospel and the epistles at least originated in the same Christian community, if not from the same person.

John’s gospel finishes “This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true. But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose the world Today the Church honours St John as itself could not contain the books that would Apostle and Evangelist, the one who be written” (John 21: 24-25). What a wonderful proclaims Jesus as the Word made flesh thought! and ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’. John was one of the sons of Zebedee. Along with We pray: his brother James and Peter, he formed the • for all evangelists and teachers, that they inner circle of the apostles who followed may feed others with the Bread of Life Jesus. He was there at the Transfiguration • that the light of the world may shine in of Jesus on the holy mountain; he was there our darkness at the last supper; with Jesus in his agony • for those who have lost their way, that in the garden; he was there with Mary his they might find it in Christ, who is truth mother at the foot of the cross; he was there and life as a witness of Jesus’ resurrection and he ‘saw and believed’. John was a witness to Pray for Christians in other denominations and the Word, he proclaimed the Word, and he the work of the ecumenical movement: lived and died witnessing to the Word made His Holiness Pope Francis; flesh, who loved him and whom he loved. He His All Holiness Archbishop Bartholomew of is believed to be the only one of the apostles Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical not martyred for his faith. Patriarch; Debate as to whether John the apostle and The General Secretary of the World Council of John the writer of a gospel, three epistles Churches; and the book of Revelation are the same Bishop Ivan M Abrahams, General Secretary person began as early as the second century World Methodist Council; AD. The gospel writer seems intent on preserving the anonymity of the author, The Reverend Chris Ferguson, General Secretary although many have concluded the writer of the World Communion of Reformed Churches MON 28 DEC The Holy Innocents We pray for all those who suffer today, especially the children of our world, and for those who have lost a child. Fond du Lac (USA): Bishop Matthew Gunter; Fort Worth (USA): Bishop Scott Mayer TUES 29 DEC Thomas Becket,

We pray for Archbishop Justin; and for all those who follow Thomas today on the road to martyrdom. Fredericton (Canada): Bishop David Edwards;Freetown (Sierra Leone): Bishop

WED 30 DEC Diocese of Trichy Bishop D Chandrasekaran Pray for the children and staff at the Church of South India school, Woraiyur, who now have a new assembly hall thanks to the support of Leicestershire Christians. Gahini (Rwanda): Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo; Gambia (West Africa): Bishop James Odico

THURS 31 DEC New Year’s Eve

At the turning of the year, we pray for those for whom 2020 has been particularly difficult and pray for our life together in 2021. Gasabo (Rwanda): Bishop Onesphore Rwaje; Gboko (Nigeria): Bishop Emmanuel Nyitsse

FRI 1 JANUARY The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus

We thank God for the gift of being called by name and loved for who we truly are.

SAT 2 JANUARY Basil and Gregory, Bishops, Teachers of the Faith

We pray for those who lead the Church and teach the faith today.

George (Southern Africa): Bishop Brian Marajh; Georgia (USA): Bishop Scott Benhase