September 25
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) /• O ,^v ') NEW YORK'S OLDEST GAY NEV/SPAPER ISSUE tlO. 97 SEPT. 1979 Houston arks March BYVERNHALLSMrm session.' We-idso declared October 15 as Denver, Orforade. The national logistics "lesbian/gay" did sndnde aU of us. We Constittsency Day, in which a ddegation office is in WaAington, D.C. Over the did a^ree on a Hseing in the separate On Jtdy 6 thrtm^ 8, history was from each congressional district caU on same weekend ^ as the march, the Uterature for aU of our mitvorities' The written. The first national conference their respective.xepreftentMive- and pre National Conference oi Third World' reUgious caucus addressed die homo- widi sexual parity and over twenty sent our demands. It was adopted diat Gays/Lesbians is bctn^ held. There wiU l^iobia of the org«iised dnarches and percent diird world representation was ten percem of aU trani^iortation be be a national gay lesbian sports event resolved to intensify the education htdd in Houston. Texas, to make die final provided free to die economicafly de diat weekend also, fdus many other process to accelerate change in attitudes plans fbr die Mardi on WasCungaon For prived. spedficaOy ddrd worid lesbians celclnratoty eVQits. As these become by the churches. The most effective fiyer Lesbian/Gay Rights. In hia welmndng and lesbian mothers. This can be known to tw they wffl be passed on to that I saw was a sheet folded in hdf. widi addreaa. Rjqr HiU. gay activist and extended to mean gay men who are tn you. The Houston conference had die words on the outside. "What Jeans delegate from Texas, reminded ns of low-income groups. The income figure been planned by the eariier Philadel^diia Christ said about homoseamality." When what we were doing and vdiat we were was set at diose earning under $5000 per conferetace which had decided to hold yon opened it. it was blank. On the bad^ trying ^o accomphsh* year. the mardl— a march wliidi had been it said,"That's ri|^, J.C. said nodiing What aU did we agree on? Hiat the A new national overview oonnmca^ requested in the witt of HARVEY MU^ abotit homosexuality." mardl be non-violent. Hiat a third worid composed of two co-sexual represen There had been mai^ doidics as to My personal reflections: I came lesbian oontiagettt lend the match in tatives from eadi of the seven regions to whether or not te hold the mardi diis away fr^m Houston a dianged person. I recognition of the long held and de^ review acticms of the standing commit year; that there would not be enough came away proud of my gayness, and oppresaion whidi they have gone tees and implement policy > A gay youth time for planning. In Houston we never proud ofmy brothers and stxters who are questioned whether the march would be through. That we wiU march in regional advisory committee was set tip to review alao in the straggle. I came away with an hdd this year or the next, it wffl be sections with a banner identifying where aU policy conceming gay yonth, with a emotional At exhilarating high that even October 14. We addressed oursdves to we are frcmi. That ^Mtakers wtU only gay youth defined as any perana under now sustains me. It is very easy to the wording of the central demand address lesbian/gay tssueSr and diat twenty'-one years sAd college persons recapture that feeling every time I think adopted at PhUadelphia, and co the five furthermore diey have to be approved by tmder twenty^five. The national co- of what we wrought i^ Houston; we are spedfic detnands. Afrer a great deal of the areas from which they come. That ortiinating committee to consist of two national, we are not goitig to hide in our debate, not always harmonious, we diild-care fadUties be provided. That persons from each of the standing dosets any more. The revoltition con moved and accepted the detnands atMl there be signers for the hearing-«m- commtrrees. wich gender parity and tinues. Make no mistake about ic. it is a the ^aefiCk^al demand as they came «nr ef refidnthm, and ikothing less. We are paircd aDQ" nut spnusn "^nHonsBoni np termas^ peaamnx cnira wortn Tmpaaamta* Phaadelphta» widi the revised wording provided. Tliat aU materials mad media tadon. 'Hie standing oomouttees to be— rovolting ogaiill w oppresaioa. I know cfaac of number five, whidi deah with youth. we wffl succeed. It is now only a matter releases be non-sexist, non-radst. and fund-raising, media, logistics, outreach, There was a request from the trans- non-ageiat. Hiat one speaker, at least, oanstituent lobby, aad ensure. AU of when. We now know how. In order for i. persons that we change the wording of it to hsqppen, it wU take the effints of as must address the ptoUem of die positioiu are fiUed. widi upstate New the central demand. However in light of homophobic immigration lavrs. Logisti York being representated on the media many of ua as wffl do it. We know that die fact diat we constitute aU aspects of not everyone wffl participate or even cal proUems, if any, be handled by committee. We have a national ofifice in the greater cidture. Amt the term agree with us. We are family. committee rather than by the plenary New York City and a Western office in Global Conference Third World BBRGBN—Sixty-five men and women necessary infbrmation is gathered. representing lesbian and gay organiza Several intematiMial organizations Gays Speak out tions from seventeen countries met at wiU be targeted during 1979. The World die first annual conferencre of the Health Organizatioa wiU be tadded on hitemational Gay Asaociation in diis its continuing official categorization of Washington— Twdve representative northern Dutdi dty Aprd 13 to 16. homosexuality as a disease. The Cotmdl third world gay men and women met As a result of the conference die of Europe wUl, be |»ressed to recommend June 5 in ^e White House with IGA, iriiitii was founded in Coventry, tbe decriminalization of homosexuality members of President Carter's staff and England, in 1978, wiU seek consultative in member countries. The International mid them that minorities within minori status widi the United Nations as an Labour Organisation wiU be contacted ties face proUems unique to themselves international body speaking on gay about the rights of gay people at work. that are easily buried by larger group rights. The IGA wiU be woriting with Amnesty concerns. One of the first questions to be hitemational to n»ppiy^ mfbrmation The ineeting, arranged laat March tackled by the tweeting was the under* about gay prisoners and a network wiU by the Naticmal Coalition of Black Gays, representation of lesbians in the IGA. be aat np tosmooth the passage of gay was a ooncinuation of die White Hotise Ihe prindpk of "gender parity"— refugees. gay conference in 1977 whan the representation of lesbians and gay Representatives wiU be sent to National Gay Task Force met widi then was adopted as mt isltin>a£» goet. Must4i'n on the opening day of the Presidential Assistant Wd^ Costanza. S^nielmnicwh to lesbian and women's QHyvapacs in 1980 so peotest the oppres* The group - consisted of Black, gmupa, tcmm fermatMn or a women's sion oif gays in the USSR. DemonsMiers Hispanic and Oriental gays. They met I rsncut and work on proposals to make will picker Soviet owibsssict throu^Mmt with Whhe House aides Jane Wales and die IGA program more relevant to die worid at the same time. Spanish laws Abigail Havens to deal with siMrh issues lesbians wiU take place during 1979 againat gays wffl alao be.ataigled otit'lbr aa affirmative action programs; job the women's caucus wffl be oMMfdinated attack* . ptocection of gays in federal employ- by Gtei7 Vida of die NGIWISAK IVuva A weeti aRer the n^sttattpspl maat; the Btptel Rlfhto van BnrcB of the OOOCMedwrfsads) and oottfbrenon* we in Amssetd^ia fliiMihl Carter's I a glew absnt what was gonw donia ^mA KB(Weat Germany). the wiQr it was fatten done," said Rob hy Am U.S, WiB PIssor of dMB ooe, one ef the ooniereMe organiser. **There is tooin CM inpfnee* riy il^ dbn nMin worid to detefnitne the position meat and wienwains af wotk tn be dene -^^i^II^ \^^ oflssbisns and giys in Aaaa ... bnt Am eaaaaaktaamma sa-Wabag gmy A apodal wnfkshap on the will ngnrs mnsfnacsDnai nas naan cannsmen. ! ^M tal We can aB be qaima mmekmd abent this." Bflflsnd. A ft a ^TlbeBMiyPelMc wfll he pnUiahMl the 2 Thm Bn^ty Cloamt Sept. 1979 Sept, 1979 Thm Empty 0oa^t 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR AND YOU COLLECTIVE THINKING cast decided those close races and Why Vote? ultimately decided politicd control of a Is a Gotxl Man Hard to Find? r county of over 700,000 citizens. More Staff s Pact Two; Mail registratitm fortns are The red feet is that those vdio do by M.L. WELLS found this to be a very woricaUe solution. On August 4 and 5, twelve the managemem of harrassmem very otHtilable. You can find, them in vote decide who governs us. and each May 17.1979 hi 1977 Pat Cdlins and Michad prospective peer cottnselors took caUs. Group members also had dmost every bank, library'or govem- one of those votes does count. And that Try a little test, bl 19761 refused to take on the job Robertson filled die same positions that part in a marathon weekend train <^yportunities to rde-play being, mentd office in the County.