Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise North Sea 2018 – 2020 Standard for Terminology WP 3 Deliverable/Task: 3.1 Authors: L. Wang, S Robinson Affiliations: NPL Version 2.0 Date: March 2020 INTERREG North Sea Region Jomopans Project Full Title Joint Monitoring Programme for Ambient Noise North Sea Project Acronym Jomopans Programme Interreg North Region Programme Programme Priority Priority 3 Sustainable North Sea Region Colophon Name Niels Kinneging (Project Manager) Organization Name Rijkswaterstaat Email
[email protected] Phone +31 6 5321 5242 This report should be cited: JOMOPANS standard: Terminology for ambient ocean noise monitoring Cover picture: UK Crown copyright 2 INTERREG North Sea Region Jomopans Table of contents 1 General acoustic terms ......................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Definitions of basic quantities and metrics ............................................................................ 5 1.2 Levels used in underwater acoustics ...................................................................................11 2 Metrics for ambient noise monitoring in JOMOPANS ..........................................................14 2.1 Metrics for use in JOMOPANS ............................................................................................14 2.2 Other common metrics not used in JOMOPANS .................................................................14 3 Terminology used in acoustic modelling ..............................................................................15