Towards Flexiformal Mathematics By
Towards Flexiformal Mathematics by Mihnea Iancu A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science Approved Dissertation Committee Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase Jacobs University Bremen, Germany Prof. Dr. Herbert Jaeger Jacobs University Bremen, Germany Prof. Dr. William M. Farmer McMaster University, Canada Priv.-Doz. Dr. Florian Rabe Jacobs University Bremen, Germany Date of defense: Jan 5, 2017 Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Statutory Declaration (Declaration on Authorship of a Dissertation) I, Mihnea Iancu, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am aware of the consequences of a deliberately or negligently wrongly submitted affidavit, in particular the punitive provisions of x156 and x161 of the Criminal Code (up to 1 year imprisonment or a fine at delivering a negligent or 3 years or a fine at a knowingly false affidavit). Furthermore I declare that I have written this PhD thesis independently, unless where clearly stated otherwise. I have used only the sources, the data and the support that I have clearly mentioned. This PhD thesis has not been submitted for the conferral of a degree elsewhere. Place Date Signature ii Parts of this thesis are based on or closely related to previously published material or material that is prepared for publication at the time of this writing. These are [IKR], [IK15b], [IK15a], [KI14], [IKP14], [IJKW14], [GIJ+16], [IKRU13] and [IKR11]. Parts of this work are collaborations with other researchers: For Part I with Michael Kohlhase, for Part II with Michael Kohlhase and Florian Rabe and for Part III with Constantin Jucovschi, Michael Kohlhase, Enxhell Luzhnica, Akbar Oripov, Corneliu Prodescu, Florian Rabe and Tom Wiesing.
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