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Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the

Christoph Lange fully integrated with RDF representations in order to con- tribute existing mathematical knowledge to the Web of Data. Computer Science, Jacobs University , We conclude with a roadmap for getting the mathematical Web of Data started: what datasets to publish, how to inter- Germany link them, and how to take advantage of these new connec- E-mail: [email protected] tions. Keywords: mathematics, mathematical knowledge manage- ment, ontologies, knowledge representation, formalization, linked data, XML Abstract. Mathematics is a ubiquitous foundation of sci- ence, technology, and engineering. Specific areas, such as numeric and symbolic computation or logics, enjoy consid- erable software support. Working mathematicians have re- 1. Introduction: Mathematics on the Web – State cently started to adopt Web 2.0 environment, such as blogs of the Art and Challenges and wikis, but these systems lack machine support for knowl- edge organization and reuse, and they are disconnected from tools such as computer algebra systems or interactive proof A review of the state of the art of mathematics assistants. We argue that such scenarios will benefit from Se- on the Web has to acknowledge Web 1.0 sites that mantic Web technology. are in day to day use: review and abstract services Conversely, mathematics is still underrepresented on the Web of [Linked] Data. There are mathematics-related such as Zentralblatt MATH [30] and MathSciNet [35], Linked Data, for example statistical government data or sci- the arχiv pre-print server [39], libraries of formalized entific publication databases, but their mathematical seman- and machine-verified mathematical content such as the tics has not yet been modeled. We argue that the services for Mizar Mathematical Library (MML [9]), and refer- the Web of Data will benefit from a deeper representation of ence works such as the Digital Library of Mathemati- mathematical knowledge. Mathematical knowledge comprises logical and func- cal Functions (DLMF [3]) or Wolfram MathWorld [8]. tional structures – formulæ, statements, and theories –, a These sites have facilitated the access to mathemati- mixture of rigorous natural language and symbolic nota- cal knowledge. However, (i) they offer a limited degree tion in documents, application-specific metadata, and dis- of interaction and do not facilitate collaboration, and cussions about conceptualizations, formalizations, proofs, (ii) the means of automatically retrieving, using, and and (counter-)examples. Our review of approaches to rep- resenting these structures covers ontologies for mathemat- adaptively presenting knowledge through automated ical problems, proofs, interlinked scientific publications, agents are restricted. Concerning the Web in general, scientific discourse, as well as mathematical metadata vo- problem (i) has been addressed by Web 2.0 applica- cabularies and domain knowledge from pure and applied tions, and problem (ii) by the Semantic Web. This sec- mathematics. tion reviews to what extent these developments have Many fields of mathematics have not yet been imple- mented as proper Semantic Web ontologies; however, we been adopted for mathematical applications and sug- show that MathML and OpenMath, the standard XML-based gests a new combination of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web exchange languages for mathematical knowledge, can be to overcome the remaining problems.

0000-0000/0-1900/$00.00 c 0 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 2 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

1.1. How Working Mathematicians have Embraced ers mathematics [187]. Targeting a general audience, it Web 2.0 Technology omits most formal proofs but embeds the pure math- ematical knowledge into a wider context, including, An increasing number of working mathematicians e.g., the history of mathematics, biographies of math- has recently started to use Web 2.0 technology for col- ematicians, and information about application areas. laboratively developing new ideas, but also as a new The lack of proofs is sometimes compensated by link- publication channel for established knowledge. Re- ing to the technically similar ProofWiki [17], contain- search blogs and wiki encyclopedias are typical repre- ing over 2,500 proofs, or to PlanetMath. Finally, Con- sentatives. nexions [72], technically driven by a more traditional Content Management System, is an open web reposi- 1.1.1. Research Blogs and Wiki Encyclopedias tory specialized on courseware. Connexions promotes Researchers have found blogs useful to gather feed- the contribution of small, reusable course modules – back about preliminary findings before the traditional more than 17,000, about 4,000 from mathematics and peer review. Successful collaborations among mathe- statistics, and about 6,000 from science and technol- maticians not knowing each other before have started ogy – to its content commons, so that the original au- in blogs and converged into conventional articles [47]. thor, but also others can flexibly combine them into GOWERS, an active blogger, initiated the successful collections, such as the notes for a particular course. Polymath series, where blogs are the exclusive com- The wikis mentioned so far have been set up from munication medium for proving theorems in a mas- scratch, hardly reusing content from existing knowl- sive collaborative effort [14,100,50], including the re- edge bases, but maintainers of established knowl- cent collaborative review of a claimed proof of P 6= edge bases are also starting to employ Web 2.0 fron- NP [15]. Compared to research blogs, the MathOver- tends – for example the recently developed proto- flow forum [7], where users can post their problems typical wiki frontend for the Mizar Mathematical Li- and solutions to others’ problems, offers more instant brary (MML) [178], a large library of formalized and help with smaller problems. By its reputation mecha- machine-verified mathematical content. The wiki in- nism, it acts as an agile simulation of the traditional tends to support common workflows in enhancing and scientific publication and peer review processes. maintaining the MML and thus to disburden the human For evolving ideas emerged from a blog discus- library committee. sion, or for creating permanent, short, interlinked de- scriptions of topics, wikis have been found more ap- 1.1.2. Critique – Little Reuse, Lack of Services propriate. The nLab wiki [28], a companion to the Web 2.0 sites facilitate collaboration but still require n-Category Café blog [27], is a prominent example a massive investment of manpower for compiling a for that, and also for the emerging practice of Open knowledge collection. Machine-supported intelligent Notebook Science, i.e. “making the entire primary knowledge reuse, e.g. from other knowledge collec- record of a research project public”, including “failed, tions on the Web, does not take place. Different knowl- less significant, and otherwise unpublished experi- edge bases are technically separated from each other ments” [188]. The Polymath maintainers have also set by using document formats that are merely suitable up a companion wiki for “collect[ing] pertinent back- for knowledge presentation but not for representation, ground information which was no longer part of the such as XHTML with LATEX formulæ. The only way of active ‘foreground’ of exchanges on the [. . . ] blog en- referring to other knowledge bases is an untyped hy- tries” [50]. Finally, where MathOverflow focuses on perlink. The proof techniques collected in the Tricki concrete problems and solution, the Tricki [21], also cannot be automatically applied to a problem devel- initiated by GOWERS, is a wiki repository of general oped in a research blog, as neither of them are suffi- mathematical techniques – reminiscent of a Web 2.0 ciently formalized. remake of PÓLYA’s classic “How to Solve It” [161]. Intelligent information retrieval, a prerequisite for Wikis that collect existing mathematical knowledge, finding knowledge to reuse and to apply, is poorly sup- for educational and general purposes, are more widely ported. For example, states the Pythagorean known. PlanetMath [159], counting more than 8,000 theorem as a2 + b2 = c2 and files it into the cate- entries at the time of this writing, is a mathemati- gories “Articles containing proofs” and “Mathematical cal encyclopedia. The general-purpose Wikipedia with theorems” [189]. The LATEX representation of the for- 15 million articles in over 250 languages also cov- mulæ does not support search by functional structure. Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 3

Putting the fact aside that Wikipedia cannot search for- ematical textbooks and disseminate new mathemati- mulæ at all, a search for equivalent√ expressions such cal results; and (iv) librarians and mathematicians who as x2 + y2 = z2 or c = a2 + b2 would not yield catalog and organize mathematical knowledge” [93]1. the theorem, unless they explicitly occur in the article. They hoped that Semantic Web technologies would From the categorization it is neither clear for a ma- help to address their challenges. This seemed techni- chine (albeit very likely for a human) whether the ar- cally feasible, particularly due to the common founda- ticle contains a proof of that theorem, nor whether it tion of XML and URIs [140]. is correct. Similarly, the Polymath collaborators had to The two main lines of applying Semantic Web tech- search previous publications of refutations of P 6= NP nologies to MKM focused on digital libraries – im- “proofs” by keyword. proving information retrieval and giving readers ac- Formalized repositories such as the MML use spe- cess to and computation services cialized search engines [48]. They do support inter- –, and web services – providing self-describing inter- nal knowledge reuse by formalizing new mathematical faces to automated reasoning and computation on the concepts of existing ones and proving new theorems by Web, so that they could solve problems sent to them by applying ones that have already been proven, but they humans or other agents. do not support links to external repositories. Thus, the maintainers of each knowledge collection, informal or 1.2.1. Digital Libraries – MathNet, HELM, and their formalized, hope to receive a critical mass of contri- Spin-Offs butions that makes it sufficiently self-contained for the Mathematical institutes participating in MathNet [6], desired application. an early effort to build “a distributed, efficient and Finally, the integration of mathematical Web 2.0 user-driven information and communication system sites with automated reasoning and computation ser- for mathematics” [76], were advised to put up uni- vices is scarce. Interactive computation is available formly structured homepages and publishing preprints in mathematical e-learning systems, such as Active- and annotate both with RDF. Some of the 180 Math- Math [32] or MathDox [142] – where document au- Net homepages that existed in 2002 [171] are still on- thors have sufficiently formalized the underlying math- line; however, the central services, including a preprint 2 ematics in separate editing tools before publishing –, and a browser for MathNet pages, have but less so in general-purpose digital libraries and col- been out of order since 2007. laboration environments. Mashups, which have other- Independently, HELM, the Hypertextual Electronic wise been a driving force of Web 2.0 development, Library of Mathematics [5,41], aimed at “integrat[ing] scarcely exist for mathematical tasks.1 the current tools for the automation of formal rea- soning and the mechanization of mathematics [. . . ] 1.2. Early Adoption of the Semantic Web in with the most recent technologies for the develop- Mathematical on the ment of web applications and electronic publishing” Semantic Web [5]. In contrast to MathNet and other traditional digi- tal libraries, HELM intended to explicitly represent the In the early 2000s, when XML was increasingly fine-grained structures of mathematical expressions to used for mathematics, particularly formulæ (cf. sec- expose them to, e.g., automated reasoners, but also tion 3.2.1), the first building blocks of the Seman- to enrich their publication on the Web. For exam- tic Web vision, such as RDFS, approached standard- ple, mathematical formulæ were rendered in Math- ization. These developments sparked interest in the ML in such a way that actions could be performed on emerging interdisciplinary mathematical knowledge them, e.g. simplifying a selected (sub)expression us- management (MKM) community, consisting of com- ing an automated reasoning backend attached to the li- puter scientists, computer-savvy mathematicians, and brary. HELM completely relied on XML and RDF not digital library researchers, whose objective is “to de- only for publishing, but also for its internal knowledge velop new and better ways of managing mathematical representation. Formalizations of mathematical state- knowledge using sophisticated software tools” [93]2, ments and proofs were encoded in one XML dialect or, more specifically, “to serve (i) mathematicians, sci- entists, and engineers who produce and use mathemat- 1enumeration added by the author ical knowledge; (ii) educators and students who teach 2. . . which actually featured the first working implementation of and learn mathematics; (iii) publishers who offer math- Dublin Core [160]! 4 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web per underlying logical system; primarily, the library of 1.2.3. Critique – Frustration and Discontinuation the Coq higher-order proof (cf. section 3.3) Semantic Web approaches to MKM have so far was used in HELM. Relevant structural properties, in- failed to fulfill the hopes set in them, the aftermath terrelations, and metadata were represented as RDF of HELM and MONET being an instructive exam- (cf. section 3.4). ple. Both groups of researchers were initially enthu- The HELM developers had to make a lot of founda- siastic about the possibilities of the emerging Seman- tional research and development, as suitable reusable tic Web, but then it turned out that few stable and implementations were not available for many of the reusable implementations existed, and hence a consid- planned features. As none of the prototypical RDF erable amount of resources had to be invested into de- query engines available in 2003 satisfied the HELM veloping fundamental building blocks.4 requirements3, a new one was developed [110,108]. After 2004, when the HELM and MONET activi- As browsers did not sufficiently support MathML, a ties had ended, the MKM community has given up us- MathML rendering widget suitable for embedding into ing Semantic Web technologies on a large scale, and desktop applications was developed [156]. the Semantic Web community has focused on different application areas. It has been suggested that, after the 1.2.2. Web Services – MONET and Related pioneering phase, it was hard to obtain research fund- Architectures ing for applications of Semantic Web technologies to The MONET project pioneered an architecture for MKM.3 mathematical web services built on Semantic Web From the MKM perspective, the further develop- technologies [146,68]. MONET services give access to ment was as follows: Parts of the HELM technology numeric and symbolic computation systems; access to have survived in an interactive desktop proof assis- proof assistants or digital libraries was envisaged but tant [42], whereas the web frontend and the RDF- not pursued. MONET services come with a machine- based components have been discontinued. Contempo- comprehensible description and can be registered with a central broker. Mathematical expressions in queries rary mathematical web services work without Seman- or computation requests to the broker were represented tic Web technology. While large parts of the influen- by their functional structure using OpenMath (cf. sec- tial OpenMath community had been involved into MO- tion 3.4). MONET also required foundational work to NET, which heavily relied on Semantic Web technolo- be done. OWL and the RACER reasoner were already gies, the current driving force of research symbolic found suitable for the internal description of services computation web services, the SCIEnce project (Sym- and problems and computing matches. However, the bolic Computation Infrastructure for Europe [169]), frontend XML languages for service descriptions and does not use “standard” Semantic Web service tech- queries (which the broker then translated to OWL) had nologies at all: SCSCP (Symbolic Computation Soft- to be designed from scratch. Furthermore, the OWL ware Composability Protocol [112]) is a lightweight reasoners of that time could not efficiently deal with XML protocol using TCP sockets, or alternatively a large number of instances (here: concrete problems SOAP, whose communication semantics heavily relies instantiating problem descriptions), which required a on a custom OpenMath vocabulary. specific database/reasoner hybrid to be developed, but then, again, the separate treatment of classes and in- 1.3. Mathematics on the Semantic Web – Why Retry stances constrained the design of the MONET on- Now? tologies in that they had to model every object as a class [69]. Part of MONET’s query language are Web 2.0 applications are attracting an increasing still used in the MathDox e-learning system [142,73]. number of working mathematicians. The usage of Se- More importantly, MONET and the competing Math- mantic Web technologies to improve MKM has been Broker architecture for symbolic computation web ser- investigated, albeit without becoming mainstream yet. vices [49] influenced each other. The latter, however, This section argues why a new combination of Web 2.0 made less use of Semantic Web service technologies. and Semantic Web technologies is needed to address The MathServe architecture, influenced by both of the them, and why such a solution is now feasible. former but focusing on automated reasoning, made ex- tensive use of more recent Semantic Web service tech- 3personal communication with MICHAEL KOHLHASE on 2010- nologies, such as OWL-S service profiles [191]. 11-12 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 5

1.3.1. Combining Sem. Web and Web 2.0 for MKM 3. they exist and can be found but they are of The combination of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web poor quality, not complying with standards or technology has already proven successful in some best practices; fields, including semantic wikis and Linked Data 4. they exist and can be found but there are too mashups [37]; however, it has hardly been applied to many, of mixed quality, and it is difficult to MKM yet. ZACCHIROLI gave two reasons why a hy- assess which ones are appropriate for a spe- pothetical retry of the above-mentioned HELM would cific use case. benefit from Web 2.0 technology [190]: Mathematical High-quality machine-readable vocabularies for math- content would become editable directly on the Web, ematics do exist: The official OpenMath 2.0 Content and projects like PlanetMath have proven that there is Dictionaries (CDs), for example, defining 260 mathe- “a community of people interested in collaboratively matical symbols – operators, functions, sets, constants 5 authoring rigorous mathematics on the web” [190]. –, have undergone a strict human-driven review pro- Furthermore, HELM or MONET would now bene- cess (cf. section 3.2.2), and there are large machine- fit from a much wider availability of stable libraries verified libraries of formalized mathematics (cf. sec- and tools. With SPARQL, for example, there is now a tion 3.3). Large parts of the MKM community accept standardized and widely supported query language for them as standard vocabularies for representing math- RDF. ematical expressions, but for the rest of the world – 1.3.2. What MKM can Contribute to the Sem. Web including the publishers and ultimately the consumers of linked data – ZIMMERMANN’s criterion (2) applies. Conversely, there are now also opportunities for Besides a technical mismatch – they are not available MKM to give back to the Semantic Web. Mathematical as RDF4 – there is a cultural mismatch. Mathematics, semantics is needed to improve, or even enable, cer- due to its practice of rigorously reasoning about ab- tain applications of Linked (Open) Data. Mathemat- stract concepts in a self-contained way using a sym- ics is an ubiquitous foundation of science, technology, bolic notation, is generally perceived as hard and in- and engineering; a concrete example on the Web of accessible (see, e.g., [91]). The average computer sci- Data is given by statistical datasets. OMITOLA et al. entist, whose work builds on a very restricted area of have, for example, used datasets published by the UK applied discrete mathematics, is not immune to such government to answer queries for public sector infor- stereotypes. By integrating mathematics into the Web mation in the user’s home region by aggregating data of Data, using the techniques explained in this article, about, e.g., political representatives of the local con- we can take it out of the Ivory Tower. stituencies, crime statistics for the local county, and waiting list statistics of local hospitals [153]. In sta- 1.3.3. Structure of this Article tistical datasets, there are values that have been de- This article reviews ontologies and languages that rived from ground values or from other derived val- are suitable for contributing mathematics to the Se- ues using mathematical functions. Planning data col- mantic Web, particularly the Web of [Linked] Data. lection and interpreting collected data requires math- The remaining sections are structured as follows: Sec- ematical models. Therefore, statistical datasets need a tion 2 provides an abstract overview of the structures notion of mathematical semantics.6 That means, pub- of mathematical knowledge and thus the background lishers of statistical datasets need a mathematical vo- knowledge about the domain that is needed to assess cabulary. The quality of linked data vocabularies – of- the aptitude of existing ontologies and languages for ten designed in an ad hoc mapping of existing database representing mathematical knowledge adequately to structures to RDF – and hence of the linked datasets the applications described above. Section 3 provides a comprehensive review and concludes with recom- is often low, as has been observed, e.g., by JAIN et mendations on what ontologies and languages should al. [119]. ZIMMERMANN has observed the following be used on the Web of Data. Section 4 explains tech- reasons for vocabularies being of low quality [192]: niques for integrating non-RDF representations, which 1. ontologies defining the domain of interest do are still ubiquitous in the MKM domain, into the Web not exist; of Data, using the ontologies reviewed. Section 5 tries 2. they exist but are difficult to find because de- veloped by small groups for experimentation, 4That can be accommodated for, as will be explained in sec- lacking advertisement; tion 4.1. 6 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web to predict the benefits of that and points out further re- distinguishes symbol declarations and axioms, defini- search directions. tions7, assertions (theorems, lemmas, corollaries, etc.), proofs (which prove assertions by applying inference rules to axioms and previously proven theorems), and 2. Background: Structures of Mathematical examples. Not all assertions in a realistic mathemat- Knowledge ical have to be true: There can be conjectures whose truth is not yet known, as well as Before we can represent mathematical knowledge wrong assertions that have been refuted by counter- on the Semantic Web, we have to understand its struc- examples but are kept for instructive purposes. Groups tures. Realistic applications, even in pure mathematics, of closely related symbols and their properties form do not only operate on logical and functional structures theories. When reusing mathematical symbols, their but also require information about non-mathematical names are often qualified by their theory for disam- aspects of the respective application scenario, about biguation, i.e. theories act as namespaces for symbols; project organization and management, about discus- this is also reflected by speaking of the “home theory” sions that authors and users hold about the mathe- of a statement. For example, both the theory of real matical knowledge, etc. There is little literature about numbers and the theory of functions on real numbers these structures. Working mathematicians often use have an “addition” operator. The latter can be defined them without reflecting them. Computer scientists and pointwise in terms of the former, but both remain dif- knowledge engineers have to reflect them but often do ferent; for example, one cannot use either of them to so from the point of view of a system specialized for a add a number to a function. particular task – e.g. checking first-order logic proofs – In the context of theories, statements can be dis- and its particular conceptual model and representation tinguished more precisely into constitutive statements language. Thus, the review given here is influenced by (axioms and definitions), which determine the mean- literature on concrete systems, models, languages, and ing of a theory, and non-constitutive ones, such as the- ontologies, but tries to abstract from that. orems or proofs, which “only illustrate the mathemati- cal objects in the theory by explicitly stating the prop- 2.1. Logical and Functional Structures erties that are implicitly determined by the constitutive statements” [124, chapter 15.1]. Moreover, the logical Mathematical knowledge has a three-layered log- language used to express the statements in a theory can ical structure of objects – composed of symbols –, itself be modeled as a theory, then called meta-theory. statements, and theories5. Symbols comprise opera- For example, the theory of commutative groups can be tors, functions, sets, and constants. New mathematical formalized with FOL as a meta-theory. FOL provides concepts (i.e. symbols) can be defined, possibly based the universal quantifier that is needed for stating the on concepts defined previously. A mathematical object axiom of commutativity as ∀a, b ∈ G.a ◦ b = b ◦ a. can be a single symbol, or a compound, such as a com- For knowledge management tasks, which involve, plex number, an application of a function to arguments, e.g., reuse of theories or management of theory changes, or a . Some of their properties are specified it has been found useful to build theories on a minimal as axioms. Axioms are expressed as formulæ in a log- set of axioms and model a whole field of mathemat- ical language, e.g. first-order logic (FOL). By apply- ics as a strongly interconnected graph of “little theo- ing rules of that logic, other properties of the mathe- ries” reusing each other (cf. [92]). The connections are matical concepts can be inferred. In a usual mathemat- called theory morphisms or views. Some of them are ical document, such properties are first asserted and given by definition – then called imports –, others are then proven – or refuted. Often, the choice of what postulated and then have to be proven. This use of the- properties of a concept to model as axioms is arbitrary ories extends beyond mere namespacing and has par- and merely follows established conventions. All kinds ticularly been adopted for the structured specification of properties of concepts are sometimes subsumed un- and verification of software (see, e.g., [45]). der the term statements. This is the case in the OM- Logical/functional structures can be expressed at Doc representation language (cf. section 3.2.3), which different levels of formality: Often, an author starts a document by sketching a few formulæ and some tex-

5reusing the terminology introduced by KOHLHASE in [124, tual notes. Later, the content is elaborated both into the chapters 2.3 and 3.2] and refined in [122] formal and into the informal direction: A sloppy for- Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 7 mula is written more rigorously, rigorous text is for- markup [107]. A typical document in one of these malized, taking previously formalized knowledge into models starts with an abstract and a motivation and account, and natural language explanations are added ends with a conclusion and a list of references, and to formalized knowledge (see, e.g., [124, chapter 4]). has some sections in between that provide background Both directions can, in principle, be automated: Natu- knowledge, explain the actual contribution of the pa- ral language processing techniques can aid formaliza- per, demonstrate practical applications, summarize the tion (see, e.g., [96]), whereas proof explanation helps results of experiments or evaluations, review the state to generate natural language from formalized knowl- of the art and related work, etc. edge (see, e.g., [94]). These solutions, however, can Mathematical formulæ employ a two-dimensional not yet cope with the full complexity of mathematical notation, whose complexity is owed to the possibil- knowledge as it occurs in practice. Particularly the au- ity to define new symbols at will. Choosing an intu- tomated disambiguation of symbolic notation (see be- itive notation for the concepts dealt with is of great low) is hard, as the surrounding text often has to be importance to understanding and communication (see, taken into account for disambiguation [96]. e.g., [161]). The notation of a symbol is usually intro- One aspect that is not restricted to logical/func- duced with its first declaration, typical phrases being tional structures but has been investigated most deeply “We will denote by Z the set . . . ”, “The notation aRb for them is dependency. For the purpose of manag- means that . . . ”, etc. [177]. Notation can be conceived ing mathematical knowledge, dependency can be de- as a one-to-many mapping of structures of mathemati- fined such that B depends on A in the way dp iff cal knowledge – primarily logical/functional structures a change to A may have an impact on the property – to an arrangement of glyphs on paper. The notation p of B. To make this definition precise, one has to chosen for a particular object in a particular document fix the property p. Different conceptual models and is determined by a number of presentation context di- representation languages have done that in different mensions (examples taken from [144] and [149]): ways. The formal language MMT, which constitutes a subset of the above-mentioned OMDoc, considers language and culture: the French/Russian notation k dependency w.r.t. logical well-formedness [162, chap- of the binomial coefficient Cn vs. the German/En- n ter 8.4]; examples for that will be given in 3.4.2. The glish notation k ; see [138] for details MathLang language (cf. section 3.2.4) considers de- level of expertise: the explicit notation of multiplica- pendency w.r.t. the reader’s ability to understand a tion as a · b, which is common in primary school, knowledge item [165,120]. vs. the more advanced omission of the operator symbol in the notation ab 2.2. Rigorous Language and Symbolic Notation area of application: The square root of −1 is written as i in most fields, whereas electrical engineers Mathematics has developed its own style of natural write it as j to distinguish it from the current I. language (cf. figure 1 and [193,177]). General models community of practice: People with a set theory for representing the discourse structure of a text, such background tend to include 0 in the set of natural as Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST [139]) can also be numbers N, whereas people with a number theory applied. RST divides a text into spans, often down to background tend to start with 1.8 the level of subordinate clauses. RST has a rich vocab- individual preference: Some mathematicians, who ulary of relations between nuclei (essential text spans) prefer completely idiosyncratic notations when and their satellites (spans that provide additional in- working on their own, translate other articles into formation); for example, a satellite can give evidence their own notation and translate their own articles to a nucleus, provide background information to facil- to a more conventional notation before publica- itate understanding, or define the context in which the tion [116, pp. 166–167]. nucleus is to be interpreted. Figure 1 models a phrase from figure 2 according to RST. The greatest notational variety has been observed For sections and chapters on the upper levels of for mathematical symbols. From the level of state- a document, several models of discourse in scientific ments upwards, notation – such as the font chosen for publications have introduced more convenient coarse- keywords like “Definition” – is more standardized and grained blocks that correspond to the usual sections therefore usually not a subject of research. However, of a publication, and reserve RST for fine-grained which definition of the same concept, which proof for 8 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

Suppose that ...... provided tag">m 6= 1.

Let M be ...... Assume that ...... Then ...... , unless m = 1.

Write ...... with g a constant satisfying ......

Fig. 1. Typical phrase patterns for theorems [177]

with g a constant Let m be . . . Suppose that . . . Then . . . Elaboration Condition Elaboration satisfying . . .

Fig. 2. RST markup of a theorem (nuclei with thick outline) the same theorem, which example for the same thing, modern DCMI Metadata Terms vocabulary extends i.e. which representation of a thing to present to a user in a backwards-compatible way [83]. Dublin Core – these questions do depend on context (see, e.g., [123] can be complemented by domain-specific classifica- on the context-sensitivity of examples, and [149] on tion schemes, whose entries are usually alphanumeric generating documents from snippets using contextual codes. For mathematical publications, the MSC (Math- information). ematics Subject Classification [31]) prevails; this ar- ticle would be classified as 68T30, where 68 is com- 2.3. Mathematics-Specific Metadata puter science, 68T is artificial intelligence, and 68T30 is “knowledge representation”. GAMS, the Guide to In an expressive representation of mathematical Available Mathematical Software [4], classifies more knowledge, it is hard to draw a line between data and fine-grained things, namely mathematical problems, metadata. This article, in line with prior work on meta- for example, H2a1 = “one-dimensional finite interval data in MKM [98], considers all of the previously quadrature”. mentioned structures data of primary interest, whereas Further metadata vocabularies cover the settings in the remaining, mainly administrative and application- which mathematical knowledge is applied. For exam- specific information will be considered metadata. ple, the Learning Object Metadata (LOM [117]) de- Metadata can be embedded into the data they de- scribe educational properties of resources, such as their scribe, or point to the data from outside (“standoff level of difficulty or interactivity, their coverage of top- markup”). This section focuses on metadata that are ics (e.g. in terms of classification systems), and their so closely related to the data that embedding them intended audience. A vocabulary inspired by LOM makes most sense in the interest of uniform manage- has been used in the mathematical e-learning system ment workflows. In mathematical practice, subjects ActiveMath [144]. annotated with metadata can be very fine-grained, as Again, the application environment can be modeled the following blackboard-style example shows: as data rather than metadata, given an appropriate con- ceptual model of the application domain. Two notable examples are SWEET and GeoSkills. The SWEET b−1(( a−1a )b) = b−1(eb) = ... OWL ontology (Semantic Web Earth and Environmen- - tal [19]) describes 4600 concepts in 150 modules from We learned that last week fields related to mathematics, such as physics, chem- istry, biology, geology, and astronomy. These modules Administrative metadata describe the lifecycle and build on a foundation of general concepts of mathe- revision history of a resource, the data format and the matics (e.g. functions), natural science (e.g. units), and usage requirements, copyright information, as well as space (e.g. coordinates). SWEET’s model of mathe- other general-purpose information. The most widely matics does not intend to be as elaborate as the struc- used metadata vocabulary is Dublin Core [22], which tural ontologies reviewed here, but SWEET provides covers general bibliographical information, but also el- a good showcase of how to integrate knowledge about ementary licensing and versioning information. Its se- mathematics with knowledge about its scientific ap- mantics is rather weak, but it is widely supported, e.g. plication domains. One example of how SWEET in- by search engines. The Dublin Core Metadata Element tegrates mathematics and science is the concept of a Set [89] provides a basic vocabulary, which the more gravity field, defined as a vector field whose force is Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 9 gravity. A vector field is a subconcept of a function priate, misleading, or hard to read and write. Then, if whose result is a vector is defined as an array of scalar some knowledge item is wrong, it could be deleted, or elements. GeoSkills is an OWL ontology describing fixed in place, or kept as an instructive bad example, topics, competencies and educational contexts related whereas splitting it into two parts would not solve that to interactive geometry [137], albeit without a connec- problem. tion to a structural model. Combining both perspectives on discourse remains to be done for mathematics but would allow for cap- 2.4. Discussions in Mathematical Collaboration turing further important mathematical practices. In his work on “Proofs and Refutations” [127], LAKATOS Previous research has produced ontologies for two has studied how discussions about mathematical knowl- kinds of scientific discourse: One kind is embedded edge items materialize into new mathematical knowl- into scientific publications, which, e.g., make claims edge. Consider a discussion thread in which a problem and argue about claims made in other, cited publica- with a proof is pointed out, e.g. that it only covers a tions. This has often been studied in combination with specific case and should be generalized. This discus- rhetorical structures; see [107] for an overview. sion provides the rationale for a later, generalized re- The other kind of scientific discourse is held exter- statement of the respective theorem and its new proof nally of the representations of its subjects, e.g. in dis- and therefore could be integrated into the text that en- cussion forums. This perspective has been studied in closes the theorem and its proof. the context of collaborative problem solving; the most common models employed in 3. Review of Languages and Ontologies have been derived from IBIS (Issue-Based Information System [126]). The DILIGENT argumentation model This section reviews existing languages and ontolo- has been developed in the context of the namesake gies for representing mathematical knowledge. Be- collaborative ontology engineering methodology with sides Semantic Web ontologies in the narrow sense, the design goal of making arguments more focused other machine-comprehensible representation languages than in plain IBIS in order to make design decisions are taken into account. This is because they are widely more traceable [175,176]. A DILIGENT argumenta- used in science, technology, engineering, and math- tive thread starts with raising an issue, e.g. verbalizing ematics, even preferred over ontologies in certain a requirement for the ontology to be designed or point- settings, and most existing machine-comprehensible ing out a problem with its current state. An issue can mathematical knowledge is available in these lan- be resolved by implementing a proposed and approved guages rather than RDF. We do, however, pay atten- solution idea. About issues and ideas, the participants tion to the possibility to translate such representations can state objective arguments or their subjective posi- to RDF. tion. The generic notion of issues and ideas can be refined 3.1. Requirements for Representing Mathematical to capture domain-specific problem and solution types. Knowledge on the Semantic Web The most common problem with items of mathemat- ical knowledge in knowledge collections, as reported From the review of the state of the art of mathe- by the 25 participants of a survey that we have con- matics on the Web, we can infer as design goals for ducted among domain experts, is that they are wrong, Semantic Web applications for MKM the ability to followed by being incomprehensible, their truth being reuse knowledge across knowledge bases, information uncertain, being underspecified, or redundant [135]. retrieval adequate to the structures of the knowledge, Further cases include knowledge items of which it integration with mathematical services, such as auto- was not clear whether they were useful, and knowl- mated reasoning and computation, without compro- edge items expressed in an uncommon style. Prob- mising comprehensibility for human end-users. Hav- lems are most commonly solved by directly improv- ing reviewed the structures of mathematical knowl- ing the affected knowledge item, by splitting it into edge in section 2, we are now ready to specify more more than one, or by deleting it altogether. Knowledge precise requirements for representation languages6: items, issues, and ideas cannot be combined arbitrar- ily. For example assertions, proofs, and examples can 6Capitalized keywords are used in accordance with RFC be wrong, whereas a notation can rather be inappro- 2119 [64]. 10 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

S: All of the previously reviewed structures of mathe- C.H: to human users – therefore, published human- matical knowledge SHOULD be supported; where comprehensible documents generated from this is impossible, missing dimensions MUST be representations in the given language SHOULD compensated for by language extensions along retain semantic annotations, so that assistive the criteria L.E and L.→ below. We subdivide this services can retrace the original knowledge criterion as follows: and make it available to the user on request, S.L.{O,S,T}: logical/functional structures: math- e.g. integrated into a user interface. ematical objects, statements, theories Tables 1 and 2 at the end of this section summarize S.R: rigorous language or rhetorical structures how well the languages and ontologies reviewed sat- S.N: notation isfy the requirements listed in the previous section. S.M: metadata S.D: discussions 3.2. XML-based Semantic Markup Languages F: Mathematical knowledge occurs in different de- grees of formality; applications targeting human XML languages share the URI foundation with users and automated agents require both formal RDF. All semantic XML languages allow for assign- and informal representations. Therefore, ing IDs for the inner nodes of their tree-structured rep- F.R: the language SHOULD be able to represent resentation (i.e. for the elements), via XML ID [141]. knowledge in a wide range from informally Together with the URI of the XML document, that to fully formalized, and allows for global identification and linking and thus F.C: many degrees of formality SHOULD be able satisfies requirement L.←. XPointer [101] allows for to coexist in one document, interlinked with identifying more complex subsets of an XML repre- each other. sentation, such as node or text ranges, but is rarely sup- L: In real-world applications, mathematical knowl- ported. Note, however, that additional work is required edge is combined with multiple dimensions of to integrate semantic XML markup with RDF-based non-mathematical knowledge. Therefore, a lan- Linked Data; this will be discussed in section 4.1. guage SHOULD support interlinking of these di- mensions by rich annotation facilities, but also 3.2.1. Content MathML 3 and OpenMath 2 Objects give authors the freedom to represent some knowl- MathML (Mathematical Markup Language [44]) is edge by external means and link it to representa- an XML language that was originally conceived for tions in the given language. In detail, embedding mathematical formulæ into HTML web L.A: the language MUST allow for attaching non- pages. It features a presentation-oriented sublanguage mathematical metadata and annotations to (Presentation MathML) but also a semantics-oriented mathematical knowledge items, regardless one (Content MathML); the latter will be covered of their granularity, and here. MathML allows for mixing semantic and pre- L.→7: for linking mathematical knowledge items sentation markup, even including embedded or linked to external mathematical or non-mathemat- non-mathematical information. However, the task of ical resources, and defining notation, i.e. mapping semantic structures to L.←8: it MUST be possible to address all math- a human-readable presentation, is left to other, non- ematical knowledge items expressed in the mathematical languages such as XSLT. given language from outside, in order to link The related OpenMath [67] language has originally external representations to them, for exam- been invented in the mid-1990s to facilitate data ex- ple standoff markup or existing representa- change between computer algebra systems (CAS) but tions in different languages. has then been aligned closely with Content MathML, C: Knowledge represented in a language SHOULD be leaving only syntactic differences in the latest versions comprehensible of both languages [79]. C.A: to arbitrary automated agents – therefore, Both languages are limited to representing the func- the knowledge SHOULD be self-describing tional tree structure of mathematical objects but are in a machine-comprehensible way. often integrated into host languages that cover fur- ther structures. Many XML languages already embed 7read “L out[going]” MathML or OpenMath officially (see below), whereas 8read “L in[coming]” others allow for extending their vocabularies accord- Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 11 ingly. Listing 1 shows a document that contains Math- ports a wide range of degrees of formality, from un- ML and OpenMath objects. structured text to a full formalization – thus eliminat- Mathematical objects consist of numbers, variables, ing the need for phrasebooks at least on object level symbols, and applications of objects to other objects. –, which can coexist in a literate programming style to Content MathML comes with a default supply of sym- serve the needs of human- and machine-oriented ap- bols that cover high school and introductory univer- plications. sity education. Mathematical objects reference these Listing 1 gives an example of the syntax of OM- symbols by URI. Their semantics is defined in exter- Doc 1.3, whose specification is currently being final- nal vocabularies called OpenMath content dictionar- ized. An OWL ontology covering a large subset of ies (CDs); authors can create and use additional CDs OMDoc will be reviewed in section 3.4.2. as needed. The machine-comprehensibility of Math- OMDoc has been used for exchanging knowledge ML/OpenMath representations depends on the degree between systems doing structured specification, au- of formality of the CDs. Suggested alternative RDF tomated verification, and interactive theorem prov- representations of MathML will be discussed in sec- ing, for documenting Semantic Web ontologies [133], tion 3.4.2. for publishing human-readable documents for inter- 3.2.2. Extensible Mathematical Vocabularies: active browsing [81] and adapted to different audi- OpenMath 2 Content Dictionaries ences [149], and for e-learning in the ActiveMath sys- An OpenMath CD is a collection of (usually closely tem mentioned before. related) definitions of symbols. The abstract model of 3.2.4. Narrative Documents: MathLang a CD covers mathematical objects – used to formally MathLang [121] is similar to OMDoc but puts an represent properties of a symbol, as opposed to plain even higher emphasis on formalization of informal, but text descriptions –, a weak variant of axioms/defini- highly conventionalized mathematical text. From its tions and examples on the statement level, and a ba- structural annotations, “proof skeletons” can be gener- sic notion of theories, plus a limited metadata vocab- ated, i.e. templates in languages for formalized math- ulary [67, section 4]. The reference encoding of that ematics [121]. MathLang compares to OMDoc in its model is a lightweight XML language, roughly com- coverage of object- and statement-level logical/func- parable to RDFS in expressivity; the OMDoc language tional structures, narrative document structures, and (cf. section 3.2.3) offers a more expressive alternative. literate-programming-style combinations of text and Alternatively, the model has been implemented by on- formalizations. However, there are no theory level and tologies (cf. section 3.4.2). The official CD collection reviewed by the Open- no rhetorical structures, the metadata vocabulary is re- Math Society (cf. [67, section 4.5]) defines 260 sym- stricted, and links to non-mathematical knowledge are bols from arithmetics, set theory, FOL, algebra, cal- not supported. MathLang has an XML encoding that culus, as well as transcendental and statistical func- is used for most processing tasks except authoring and tions [23]. These CDs do not provide a full formal- presentation. ization; instead, developers of, e.g., CAS are supposed MathLang’s “Document Rhetorical aspect” (DRa), to use the CDs as specification manuals when imple- which, despite the name, does not cover rhetorical menting phrasebooks, which translate OpenMath ob- structures but rather statement-level logical structures jects into the native languages of such systems. and narrative document structures, has also been im- plemented as an OWL ontology (cf. section 3.4.2). 3.2.3. More Expressive CDs and Documents: OMDoc 1.3 3.2.5. Languages for Books and Manuals OMDoc (Open Mathematical Documents [12,124]) A formal view on technical specifications reveals is an XML language for representing mathematical structural similarities to mathematical theories. While knowledge that has a particularly rich vocabulary for fully formalized specifications can be written in the logical/functional structures. It supports MathML and same languages as general formalized mathematics OpenMath objects and adds vocabulary for formal and (cf. section 3.3) and then be verified automatically, informal statements, modular theories, narratively or- there are different XML languages targeting human dered documents, rhetorical structures, notation defini- audiences, such as engineers implementing a specifi- tions, and hosts RDFa [33] for arbitrary metadata and cation, or developers using an API; DocBook, TEI, links [132,133]. On each structural level, OMDoc sup- and DITA will be reviewed here. Similar languages ex- 12 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

Listing 1: An OMDoc theory with a declaration (type given in OpenMath) and implicit definition of the exponential function (given in Content MathML) the exponential function The exponential function equals its derivative and evaluates to 1 for an argument of 0. exp exp exp 0 1 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 13 ist for e-books and courseware; we review EPUB/DT- a document, or provided as standoff markup point- Book and CNXML/CollXML. ing into the original document, whereas linking to ex- None of these languages is directly suitable for ternal resources is restricted in that no link types are representing mathematical knowledge other than ob- supported. Certain sub-vocabularies of TEI have been jects. All of them support MathML either natively given a formal semantics by mapping them to relevant or as an extension, some have limited built-in sup- domain ontologies [20,155]. port for statement-level logical structures, none sup- DITA 1.1: DITA (Darwin Information Typing Archi- ports theories. We first review the individual lan- tecture [86]) does not support any particular applica- guages, then discuss further extension possibilities. tion scenario by default but is rather intended to of- Generally, these languages do not have a machine- comprehensible semantics, and the publication tools fer a framework for developing languages for topic- based technical documentation that are specialized to a available for them do not support generating semanti- 9 cally annotated human-comprehensible documents. particular domain of application. The topic paradigm is in contrast to DocBook’s focus on contiguous, nar- DocBook 5: DocBook, the most widely used XML ratively ordered manuals. DITA can be extended by language for technical manuals [181,182], focuses on MathML and supports [definitions of] concepts and representing structures pertinent to its main applica- examples. DITA’s built-in metadata vocabulary pri- tion area of software documentation. Besides Math- marily focuses on the context in which an object can be ML objects, titled equations, and examples, DocBook (re)used, such as the intended audience or keywords. does not support mathematical structures, and it has a DITA performs as badly as DocBook w.r.t. the S and fixed idiosyncratic metadata vocabulary with a cover- F requirements, except that topics can be interlinked. age similar to Dublin Core. It hardly has native markup However, DITA offers stronger support for adding ar- for representing knowledge in different degrees of for- bitrary metadata and links. mality and interlinking such representations. Embed- ding arbitrary literal-valued metadata into a document EPUB 2.0.1 and DTBook 3: EPUB is a standard is not supported. for general-purpose e-books, not primarily technical A notable application of DocBook in MKM is the manuals. A complete e-book is a bundle of content MathDox e-learning system [142,75], whose com- files with a Dublin Core metadata record [11,13]. Be- pound document format combines DocBook with sides XHTML – which could carry RDFa –, DTBook 10 OpenMath objects and further XML vocabularies (DAISY Digital Talking Book [1]) is the recom- for programming constructs, requesting user input, mended format for them. DTBook is a semantically queries to MONET services (cf. section 1.2.2), and ex- structured format inspired by DocBook but simpler ercises. and with less support for customization. RDFa support is planned for the next versions of EPUB and DTBook. TEI P5: TEI (Text Encoding Initiative [65]) is, due to its focus on digitalization and edition of paper-born CNXML 0.7 and CollXML: CNXML, the language documents from the humanities, social sciences, and of the course modules of Connexions (cf. section 1.1.1) [25], linguistics, obviously not suited for representing math- is comparable to a subset of DocBook in expressiv- ematical knowledge. Nevertheless, it is a prime exam- ity. CNXML recommends using Content MathML for ple of an expressive semantic markup language. The mathematical objects and supports definitions, “rules” TEI guidelines recommend using any available repre- – comprising, e.g., axioms and theorems – and exam- sentation language for mathematics, according to the ples; thanks to its educational focus, it also supports requirements, and explicitly mentions MathML, Open- exercises [164]. Math, even OMDoc [65, chapter 14.2]; a combined Course modules written in CNXML are combined TEI+MathML XML schema is available. In its own into collections represented in the CollXML container domain of literature, TEI can express knowledge in a format [25]. CollXML was preceded by a partial rep- wide range of degrees of formality. It supports fine- resentation of a collection’s structure in RDF [18]. grained interlinking of different representations of the A CollXML document models dependencies between same knowledge. TEI has an elaborate but finite meta- modules – so-called “featured links”, which can be data vocabulary for representing the provenance of documents and even smallest fragments of text. Ar- 9That is where the reference to CHARLES DARWIN comes from. bitrary additional information can be embedded into 10Digital Accessible Information Systems 14 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web of type “prerequisite”, “supplemental”, or “example”, such information into comment lines, which are post- in three degrees of strength. There is an idiosyncratic processed by a specialized tool. Isabelle and Coq for- metadata vocabulary with a coverage similar to Dublin malizations can be interspersed with informal text, and Core. certain parts of the formalized content can be marked as hidden for human-readable output. In Isabelle, in- Extensibility Towards Further Mathematical Struc- formal text can contain formalized expressions as an- tures: There are two principal approaches to intro- tiquotations, which the proof assistant evaluates when ducing further mathematical structures: (i) literally exporting the document [183, chapter 4]. reusing elements of sufficiently expressive mathemati- These languages do not support links out of or into cal markup languages, such as OMDoc, or, (ii) reusing formalizations. Each language comes with its own an appropriate ontology for mathematical structures set of services that understand formalizations in the (cf. section 3.4) – provided that the host language respective language, which have a strong model- or supports referencing arbitrary metadata vocabularies proof-theoretic semantics for logical and functional on any relevant structural level without first introduc- structures. These languages are usually committed to ing new container elements for them via approach (i), a particular first- or higher-order logical foundation i.e. if there is an RDFa-like infrastructure (cf. sec- and therefore generally hard to translate into other tion 3.4.1). languages for reuse. Existing translations have usu- Approach (i) works in DocBook, TEI, and DITA; ally been hard-coded for a pair of two specific lan- via that extension path, DUCHARME has proposed in- guages (cf. [162, chapter] and the Hets sys- tegrating RDFa into DocBook and DITA [90]. Doc- tem [147,148]). Book, TEI, and DITA offer varying degrees of support Each of the libraries that ship with the above- for approach (ii). There is a workaround for adding mentioned systems comprises several hundreds of the- RDF-compatible annotations to DocBook: Any Doc- ory files (cf. [184] for exact figures) of a very high Book element can carry XLink attributes, which can quality: Firstly, it has been estimated that fully for- have a role (= predicate), and from which RDF can malizing something takes an author about ten times be harvested [77]. TEI documents can reference exter- as long as writing it down in rigorous textbook style; nal objects by XPointers, but without any possibility secondly, these formalizations have been machine- to specify a predicate type; thus, is does not allow for verified. These libraries usually have a good coverage harvesting RDF. DITA offers the othermeta element of discrete mathematics; for example, Isabelle’s library for arbitrary key–value pairs, for which URIs could covers elementary number theory, algebra, set theory, be used to emulate RDF, or, even more appropriately, but also analysis. In the Flyspeck project for devel- the data element, which allows for constructing nested oping a machine-verified proof of the Kepler Conjec- data structures and supports RDF’s distinction of URI- ture9, which employed several proof assistants, most and literal-typed object, as well as datatypes. Similarly, of the required formalizations of trigonometry, geom- DITA supports links with arbitrary roles from topics to etry, topology, measure theory, etc., first had to be de- related topics. veloped by the members of the project [111]. After HELM, no serious effort has been undertaken to fully 3.3. Languages for Formalized Mathematics integrate such libraries into the Semantic Web.

Languages for formalized mathematics, such as 3.4. Structural Ontologies for Representing those of the proof assistants Mizar [10], Isabelle [183], Mathematical Knowledge in RDF or Coq [26], are of interest for us insofar as they also support informal content. They obviously support log- While the languages reviewed so far are machine- ical/functional structures of mathematical knowledge comprehensible in their own ways, they do not in- on the object and statement levels, but less so on the tegrate into the Semantic Web without translation theory level (cf. [162, chapter 1.3]). Symbols and state- to RDF (cf. section 4). Representing mathemati- ments have identifiers, which are not compatible with cal knowledge in RDF not only makes it accessi- URIs; however, for exchange purposes, the systems of- ble to Semantic Web agents, but also offers pow- ten offer an XML export (cf. [162]). Except for nota- erful ways of interlinking mathematical and non- tion definitions, there is little support for other struc- mathematical knowledge, formal and informal rep- tures; the “lowest common denominator” is to put resentations, etc. RDF, when published in compli- Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 15 ance with the Linked Data principles [56], is always RDF tools. The Virtuoso triple store [154] allows for machine-comprehensible in the sense that a machine filtering XML literals matched by a SPARQL graph can simply retrieve information about resources by pattern by XPath node tests [53]. The Corese RDF en- dereferencing URIs. However, the informative value gine can additionally reuse variables from the proper of the latter information, and the power of RDF in gen- SPARQL part of a query in XPath expressions [74]. eral, stands and falls by the availability of appropriate None of these extensions has made it into the SPARQL vocabularies, i.e. ontologies. standard yet. This section reviews ontologies that allow for repre- Embedding RDFa into XML: RDFa is a set of XML senting mathematical knowledge natively in RDF, or attributes for embedding RDF graphs into X(HT)ML that offer themselves as translation targets for knowl- documents [33]. That allows for focusing on those edge originally represented in non-RDF languages. structures that can easily be represented in RDF, while The review includes obsolete ontologies insofar as as- leaving the representation of n-ary and ordered struc- pects of their design are still instructive today. tures to XML. However, queries that need both kinds 3.4.1. Different Approaches to Representing of information have to be implemented separately. Mathematical Knowledge in RDF The upcoming RDFa 1.1 API [172], which remains Usually, when representing knowledge in RDF, to be implemented by browsers, will at least give in- one finds or develops an appropriate vocabulary and browser scripts similar means of accessing embedded chooses a suitable RDF serialization, e.g. RDF/XML RDF as the Document Object Model (DOM) offers for or XHTML+RDFa. In the presence of mathematical XML. The XSPARQL [34] query language combines objects, this decision becomes harder due to their in- SPARQL and XQuery; however, such a query would herent complexity. Therefore, we will briefly discuss still rely on a separate service that makes the RDFa possible representations before reviewing concrete on- annotations available as queryable RDF. tologies. The first languages that officially hosted RDFa were the presentation-oriented XHTML and SVG Complete RDF Representations: Due to their n-ary languages [36], which allow human-comprehensible ordered tree structure, mathematical objects are not documents to carry as much semantic annotation as amenable to a straightforward representation as RDF needed by agents, such as assistive services. RDFa can triples. With the narrative order of (not only) math- also be embedded into semantic markup languages; ematical text, one faces a similar challenge. The use that has been done for OMDoc [132,133]. MathML of linked lists or ordered sets, either the collections or has supported fine-grained annotation of presenta- sequences built into RDF [52] or self-made remakes, tional or semantic markup long before RDFa, with a is unavoidable. However, such data structures are not similar expressivity (e.g. ). OpenMath go well along with DL reasoning10 and querying11. has a similar annotation syntax, albeit without URI The N3 Vocabularies reviewed below demonstrate this support. Neither the MathML nor the OpenMath de- approach for mathematical objects, the SALT ontology velopers are currently planning to support the RDFa for rhetorical structures. syntax. When using RDFa in semantic markup, one has to take care that the RDFa annotations do not inter- Mathematical Objects as XML Literals: Compared 12 to RDF triples, XML offers a much more intuitive rep- fere with the native semantics of the host language. resentation of n-ary ordered trees. With Content Math- Standoff Markup: Finally, one can maintain parallel ML and OpenMath, there are standardized semantic representations of the same concepts both in RDF and XML representations of mathematical objects, which in one of the specialized languages reviewed above. In are widely understood by mathematical software (e.g. such a setting, the RDF graph acts as standoff markup CAS phrasebooks). Therefore, reusing them as XML pointing to fragments of the other representation and literals of rdf:XMLLiteral datatype while representing adding information to them, such as additional meta- other structures of mathematical knowledge as RDF data, links, or semantic abstractions not supported by triples suggests itself (cf. the OpenMath CD ontol- the original language. Conversely, information about ogy in section 3.4.2 for an example). From a Seman- n-ary structures and order would only be represented tic Web perspective, this has, however, the drawback in the latter language. Most of the knowledge is usu- that XML literals are largely opaque to contemporary ally represented redundantly in RDF and the other lan- 16 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

laries is determined by the needs of a FOL reasoner Listing 2: The Pythagorean Theorem in N3 and thus not suitable for representing arbitrary math- ematical knowledge. The semantics of mathematical :ABC :side1 3 ; :side2 4 . functions is not fully specified in N3; cwm and Euler merely have built-in support for evaluating them. {?triangle :side1 ?a ; :side2 ?b . ?c is math:exponentiation of Two RDF encodings of Content MathML have been (((?a 2)!math:exponentiation suggested independently from N3. These representa- (?b 2)!math:exponentiation) tions look similar to N3, except that the application of !math:sum 0.5) . } a function is usually modeled with the [reified] appli- => { ?triangle :side3 ?c } . cation being the subject and the function symbol and the arguments being the object(s). That makes nested expressions easier to write without the additional syn- guage – one of them possibly generated by automatic tactic sugar of N3. An encoding proposed by MAR- translation from the other one – to provide a maximum CHIORI [140]13 has obvious design flaws – such as amount of information to agents that only understand an inconsistent way of modeling applications and ref- one representation. This has so far been the most com- erencing symbols in CDs –, which another, similar mon approach in MKM (cf. section 3.4.2). representation independently developed by ROBBINS avoids [166]. Both suggestions have neither been im- 3.4.2. Logical and Functional Structures plemented nor been taken up by the MKM commu- Few approaches to completely representing logi- nity.14 cal/functional structures of mathematical knowledge As an advantage of representing formulæ in RDF, in RDF have been made so far. A larger number of MARCHIORI points out that it allows for making ref- ontologies exists for representing mathematical state- erences to bound variables more explicit: Indeed, a ments, whereas the theory level has rarely been cov- bound variable is always represented as a unique RDF ered so far. The ontologies reviewed in this section resource, be it on declaration or on usage. Content have most commonly been used in standoff markup for MathML, however, optionally supports a similar ex- XML representations. plication by making occurrences of the bound variable N3 Vocabularies and RDF Encodings of Content refer to the place where it is declared via @xref and MathML: The cwm [54] and Euler [84] reasoners @id attributes. MARCHIORI developed an ad hoc vo- natively use the N3 [55] superset of RDF. The stan- cabulary from the Content MathML element and at- dard N3 vocabularies cover a limited subset of object- tribute names, which has little value from a Linked and statement level structures, constrained to FOL as a Data perspective. ROBBINS only uses a special vocab- meta-theory. Beyond domain knowledge, i.e. a library ulary for the object constructors of Content MathML of basic mathematical functions (cf. section 3.4.6 for but the canonical OpenMath CD URIs (e.g. http: details), the N3 “math” vocabulary provides weak for- //www.openmath.org/cd/arith1#plus) for malizations of general structural concepts such as the symbols. The latter are compatible with Linked Data, concept of a function. When a concrete function f is as will be explained in section 4.2. used as the predicate of an RDF triple, whose subject Ontologies for OpenMath CDs: In an early phase of is a collection (x1 ... xn) holding the arguments, the above-mentioned MONET project, an RDFS vo- the reasoner infers f(x1, . . . , xn) as the value of the cabulary for representing OpenMath Content Dictio- object. When the object is identified by a URI or blank naries (CDs) was developed [66]. The RDFS vocabu- node ID, it can be reused in the subject of another lary covered logical/functional structures on the theory mathematical expression. Listing 2 shows a sample set and statement levels, as well as metadata, by classes of facts and rules yielding :ABC :side3 5. Few RDF and properties, and represented mathematical objects processors support the full N3 syntax. When an N3- as XML literals. aware processor is not available, the n-ary ordered tree More recently, we have developed a more expressive structure or mathematical formulæ has to be broken OWL ontology [129], which covers more of the the- down into explicit RDF triples. Combining RDF reifi- ory and statement levels. However, its representation cation and N3’s “reason” vocabulary, which models of mathematical objects only covers flat occurrences the structure of proofs, allows for partially capturing of symbols, following the approach of the OMDoc on- the statement level. The coverage of the N3 vocabu- tology that will be explained below. Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 17

MONET Problem Ontology: Rather than original ciently abstract from the native knowledge representa- structures of mathematical knowledge, the MONET tion of the Coq library (cf. section 3.3). Examples are OWL ontologies (cf. section 1.2.2 for MONET) de- the implicit relation between theories and their state- scribe mathematical problems and the software used to ments and the idiosyncratic mechanism for identifying solve them. It is, however, instructive to study how the theory items. MONET problem ontology represents mathematical MoWGLI: An RDFS ontology with a wide cover- objects. It focuses on the operator or constructor sym- age of logical/functional structures, including informal bol at the root of the functional tree representation of representations, educational content, and a rich set of a mathematical objects as a tree. Suppose the MONET metadata, was developed in the MoWGLI project [99]. broker knows a web service for computing definite MoWGLI reused vocabulary from the HELM ontolo- integrals constructed with the oms:calculus1#defint gies, existing general and educational metadata ontolo- symbol [68]. The type of problem that that service gies, the XML schema of the OMDoc markup lan- solves can be modeled as follows: guage (cf. section 3.2.3), and the metadata vocabular- ies of the ActiveMath e-learning system. For the lat- p:definite_integration v p:Problem u g:GamsH2a ter two, an RDFS model was newly developed. The u =1p:openmath_head.oms:calculus1 #defint MoWGLI ontology (merely called “metadata model” due to its standoff usage) does not make further as- The deeper structure is only represented in OpenMath; sumptions about the format in which the full knowl- it is not used for service matching, but sent to a match- edge is represented. ing service for computation. Summarizing, MoWGLI serves as an instructive ex- ample of a comprehensive integrated mathematical on- HELM: The HELM system (cf. section 1.2.1) gen- tology. However, various shortcomings15 make it tech- erates from an original formalized representation in nically unusable. It is not clear whether it has ever been a non-XML language both a full XML representa- used; except for its specification, no trace in the form tion and a standoff RDF graph containing a struc- of annotated documents is left. tural outline of properties relevant for searching. HELM’s OWL ontologies distinguish terms (corre- OMDoc 1.3: The OMDoc OWL ontology [131, sponding to mathematical objects in our terminol- 132] has been modeled after the conceptual model ogy), objects (roughly corresponding to statements), and XML schema of the OMDoc language (cf. sec- and theories. There is a notion of dependency, such tion 3.2.3). While not yet as comprehensive as the OM- as a corollary being a consequence of a theorem (hth: Doc language16, the ontology has a richer statement- isConsequenceOf ), or a lemma being a prerequisite of and theory-level vocabulary and more notions of de- a theorem (hth:isPremiseOf ). Terms can have occur- pendency than the other ontologies reviewed. rences of other HELM objects, i.e. symbols. Such an Figure 3 shows the core classes and properties. occurrence is reified as a resource, which has an h: Some of the depicted classes have subclasses. Defi- position and an integer h:depth counting the number nitions can, e.g., be pattern-based, implicit, or recur- of premises, including universal quantifiers. Among sive, and types can be declared or asserted. Assertions the positions that have been found relevant for answer- comprise theorems, lemmas, and corollaries, and they ing queries, e.g. for finding applicable theorems for can have different truth values. Moreover, the ontology proving something (cf. [168,109]), there are the fol- covers sub-statement structures such as proof steps. lowing, explained using the example of the theorem Different degrees of formality are distinguished by a ∀a : N.∀b : N.∀c : N.a ≤ b ∧ b ≤ c ⇒ a ≤ c: property. The definition in listing 1 is formal but not fully computerized to a degree an automated theorem h:MainHypothesis: the head symbol of a hypothesis; prover would understand; actually, it consists of a for- here: ∧ (depth 3) mal and an informal part.17 h:InHypothesis: any other symbol anywhere else in a There are three orthogonal properties that relate hypothesis; here, either of the two ≤ mathematical knowledge items to each other, each h:MainConclusion: the head symbol of the conclu- with a hierarchy of subproperties. Whole-part proper- sion; here: ≤ (depth 4) ties link, e.g., theories to their statements and proofs to From the point of view of representing general mathe- their steps. The two parts of the definition in listing 1 matical knowledge, the HELM ontologies do not suffi- are related by a verbalizes/formalizes relation; simi- 18 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

dependsOn, MathKnowledgeItem hasPart, subClassOf verbalizes Type other properties Theory Statement homeTheory

imports imports, From metaTheory NonConstitutive

hasType Import Statement Notation Definition Constitutive Statement Proof Example Assertion proves

Symbol hasDefinition exemplifies Axiom Definition rendersSymbol

Fig. 3. The core of the OMDoc ontology (slightly simplified) [132] lar relations can occur on all structural levels. Thirdly, The OMDoc ontology also covers notation definitions there is dependency w.r.t. logical well-formedness, va- for symbols; for example, the exp symbol from our ex- lidity, and presentation. If, for example, one symbol ample could be defined to render as ex. When an OM- is defined in terms of other symbols, such as the ex- Doc document is published, the presentation of any ponential function in terms of differentiation, its well- formula using that symbol possibly depends on that formedness depends on them. This is reflected by the notation definition: following property hierarchy: o:usesSymbol ◦ o:hasNotationDefinition o:hasDefinition ◦ o:usesSymbol v o:possiblyUsesNotationDefinition v o:hasOccurrenceOfInDefinition v o:presentationDependsOn v o:dependsOn v o:wellFormedNessDependsOn v o:dependsOn By means of the ontology, this cannot be decided definitely, as the knowledge base might have alterna- The o:usesSymbol property flattens the functional tive notations for different presentation contexts. Static structure of a mathematical object by treating all oc- context matching exceeds the expressivity of a DL on- currences of symbols equally, regardless of the depth tology, and in a dynamic setting, where the presenta- of the expression tree in which they occur. For depen- tion context depends on the profile of the user view- dency w.r.t. validity, there is so far merely a proof of ing the published document, its notational dependen- concept, namely the dependency of a proof on an infer- cies can only be determined at runtime. ence rule or any other axiom or proven assertion used to justify a proof step: MathLang DRa: The “Document Rhetorical aspect” (DRa)18 of the MathLang representation language cov- o:hasStep ◦ o:stepJustifiedBy ers larger chunks of mathematical text – document sections as well as mathematical statements – and v o:validityDependsOn v o:dependsOn their interrelations, such as a proof justifying a the- Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 19 orem [165,121]. A generic dependency relation has – Both allow for an arbitrarily fine-grained anno- been defined, which is used for validating whether the tation of phrases. SALT additionally focuses on narrative order of a document respects the logical de- cross-document links for justifying statements by pendencies. Conceptually, this is similar to the state- citing the claims made [and justified] in external ment level of the OMDoc ontology. The OWL imple- publications [106]. mentation of the DRa vocabulary merely serves as a – Both are, in principle, open for integration with formal specification of the DRa semantics, whereas arbitrary domain knowledge – which would be the validator processes an XML representation of the mathematical knowledge in our case. DRa [165]. A drawback of the DRa ontology is that it cannot easily be extended by, e.g., additional statement Both approaches comprise three ontologies; here, types and additional dependency relations. we explain the model of SALT: PML: PML (Proof Markup Language), an “inter- The Document Ontology models the outline of the lingua for sharing explanations generated by various document – sections, paragraphs, sentences, and automated systems such as hybrid web-based ques- text chunks (in OntoReST: “spans”) below sen- tion answering systems, text analytics, theorem prov- tence level [103]. The latter remain in the orig- ing, task processing, web services execution, rule en- inal representation of the document; SALT pro- gines, and machine learning components” [143], has vides standoff markup via start and end pointers been implemented as an OWL ontology consisting of to their positions in the full text. Additionally, one modules for provenance, information manipulation or can represent the linear order of document units justification, and trust. PML assumes that facts and by numbering them. proofs have been written in some other language and The Annotation Ontology connects instances of the merely adds standoff markup. Resources annotated document ontology with annotations of their that way can be referenced by URI or, in the case rhetorical structure and with background domain of text-based languages such as KIF, by byte off- knowledge, such as the topic of a section [102]. set. The justification module supports unproven con- While rhetorical structures are the primary focus clusions or goals, assumptions, direct assertions, and of SALT, the mechanism is sufficiently general to antecedent→consequent justifications backed by infer- also permit annotation of other structural dimen- ence rules. The provenance module has a vocabulary sions. for describing inference rules – again, not down to the The Rhetorical Ontology covers RST-style rhetori- object level. So far, this is similar to the OMDoc on- cal relations [104]. Their nuclei and satellites, tology. Finally, the trust module allows for expressing subsumed as “rhetorical elements”, are linked to degrees of belief in informations and trust in agents. text spans in the document via the annotation on- 3.4.3. Scientific Documents tology. Coarse-grained rhetorical blocks that can While logical/functional structures of mathematical be applied on top level of a document are offered knowledge may occur on their own, e.g. in formal- as an alternative. OntoReST provides a stronger ized knowledge bases, rhetorical structures are usually OWL formalization of RST that supports consis- studied in the context of documents written in, e.g., tency checking [150]. LATEX or an XML language. Two very similar families 3.4.4. Scientific Discourse Ontologies of ontologies suitable for modeling rhetorical struc- Ontologies formalizing discourse inside scientific tures in mathematical documents are SALT [105,106] publications are closely related to the above-mentioned and OntoReST [150]; further related models and on- ontologies for rhetorical structures; in fact, SALT sup- tologies have been reviewed in [107]. SALT and Onto- ports both. GROZA et al. provide an overview of fur- ReST are relevant for the following reasons: ther related document formats and ontologies [107]. – Both have a good coverage of RST-style rhetori- The DILIGENT argumentation model introduced cal structures. in section 2.4 has been implemented in several vari- – Either use case is related to mathematical collab- ants [175,176,85]. The SIOC (Semantically Inter- oration: SALT focuses on annotating and linking linked Online Communities [62,59,61]) ontology, which scientific publications on the Web. OntoReST fo- models user-generated content on the Web and is cuses on consistency checking in concurrent col- widely supported by Web 2.0 applications, has a laborative writing. DILIGENT-inspired argumentation module that al- 20 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

Fig. 4. The three-layered architecture of the SALT ontologies (simplified) [106] lows for a slightly more flexible thread structure sification scheme, into an ontology [87], drawing on than the original DILIGENT implementations, which the “classification” vocabulary of LOM. Similarly, the makes it applicable in a wider range of Web 2.0 set- MSC 2010 is currently being translated to a taxonomy tings [134]. An ontology of mathematical problems based on the SKOS ontology11 [29]. and solutions has been provided as an extension of the 3.4.6. Pure and Applied Mathematical Domain SIOC argumentation module [135]. Ontologies Combining both models of scientific discourse Any instance document of the XML languages and in one ontology has been pioneered by the align- formalized languages and any ABox of the structural ment of SWAN (Semantic Web Applications for Neu- ontologies reviewed in this section can be considered romedicine [107]) with SIOC [158]. SWAN models a mathematical domain ontology. In particular, the scientific discourse, not exactly in publications, but following knowledge collections have been designed in a distributed knowledge base by pointers to biblio- for reuse, reviewed or machine-verified to ensure a graphic records and entities from domain ontologies. high quality, and published with stable identifiers – Its primary target is neuromedicine, but, as SALT, it however, usually neither satisfying the Linked Data supports arbitrary domain ontologies in principle. criteria nor linked to other collections: The official 3.4.5. Mathematical Metadata Vocabularies OpenMath CDs have been mentioned in section 3.2.2. Most of the metadata vocabularies mentioned in sec- Reusable OMDoc implementations of a large num- tion 2.3 have been implemented as ontologies. This is ber of logics and translations between them have been the case with Dublin Core [151], LOM [118,152]. The published in a “Logic Atlas”, including various vari- mathematics-specific metadata vocabulary of Open- ants of first-order, higher-order, modal, and descrip- Math CDs (cf. section 3.2.2) has been implemented as tion logic [125]. The collection of mathematical, sci- an extension to Dublin Core [129]. Their review status entific and technological courseware in the Connex- is documented by metadata fields such as status (of- ions repository has been mentioned in section 1.1.1, ficial, experimental, private, or obsolete), version, and libraries of formalized mathematics in section 3.3; the date of the next review. however, the latter do not use URIs, as discussed in When a classification scheme is not available as an section 1.1.2. The N3 “math” vocabulary (cf. sec- ontology, one can use the identifiers of its categories tion 3.4.2) defines a fixed set of basic mathematical as literal values of metadata fields such as dc:subject. functions, roughly corresponding to the arith1, rela- A proper ontology implementation, where each cate- tion1, and transc1 OpenMath CDs. gory is a resource of its own, has further advantages: Finally, we mention domain ontologies from fields The hierarchy of categories can be made explicit, and related to mathematics: GAMS (cf. section 3.4.2) fea- URIs can be used more flexibly in queries. In MO- tures a directory of software that solves mathemati- NET project, a simple class hierarchy of the GAMS cal problems [4], but only a subset has been made problems has been implemented [145]. DOLOG et al. have turned the ACM CCS, a computer science clas- 11personal communication with PATRICK ION, 2010-07-30 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 21 available within MONET. The SWEET domain ontol- section explains techniques for integrating both. While ogy for science and GeoSkills for interactive geometry the concrete examples are taken from representations have already been reviewed in section 2.3. for mathematical knowledge, the results apply to any domain where semantic XML markup is in use, such 3.5. Conclusion as the humanities with TEI.

Table 1 shows at a first glance that no single lan- 4.1. Bridging Mathematical XML Markup and guage satisfies all requirements for representing math- Ontologies by Translation ematical knowledge on the Semantic Web, but that ex- pressive XML languages and RDF complement each Why not Combined XML and RDF Queries? One other. The XML languages, headed by OMDoc (in- possibility to utilize knowledge that has been repre- cluding MathML or OpenMath objects), lead the way sented partly in XML and partly in RDF is to em- w.r.t. coverage of mathematical structures and com- ploy a query language, such as XSPARQL, that sup- bining formal and informal representations. Moreover, ports both representations (cf. section 3.4.1). The other they are reasonably well accepted by the MKM com- possibility is translating from one representation to the munity, as opposed to RDF, and most of today’s math- other one. Pure XML or RDF representations enjoy ematical domain knowledge is available in these XML wide tool support and allow developers to focus on one languages, or in formalized languages that have XML query language and one object model, whereas, with a translations. RDF, above all, has superior linking ca- combined query language, one would always have to pabilities. Table 2 show that RDF is capable of cover- consider two variants in the worst case that some con- ing all structural aspects of mathematical knowledge, tributors to a knowledge base choose to represent a fact given a combination of suitable ontologies. in XML, whereas others would represent the same in In MKM practice, RDF standoff markup pointing to RDF. full XML representations has so far proven most use- Rationale for Translating RDF to XML: In this sec- ful. Particularly in the case of mathematical objects, tion, we consider XML→RDF translations. The re- only selected information relevant for, e.g., informa- verse translation has the drawback that XML-based tion retrieval, is represented in RDF, as opposed to querying approaches handle abstraction and links less representing full n-ary ordered trees using RDF col- well. Most triple stores offer at least RDFS entail- lections. RDFa embedded into XML has so far only ment in queries. Assuming, for example, the two OM- been used in a few OMDoc documents but also seems Doc+RDFa fragments . . . a promising way to satisfy the given representation re- quirements. Besides these considerations, the availability of tools also advises a division of responsibilities between XML and RDF.19 Editors and publishing tools for se- and mantic representations of mathematical knowledge are almost exclusively available for XML or formalized languages. For most XML languages, translations to the native languages of computer algebra systems or ¬> = ⊥ proof assistants have been implemented. Conversely, RDF is preferable for information retrieval, except on the object level. Both representations are good to have . . . it would require a considerable effort of declar- for a thorough validation; browsers also exist for both. ing, e.g., XML Schema datatypes and implementing XQuery functions to determine that both #t depends on #u and #p on #axiom1, whereas an OMDoc→RDF 4. Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the translation would generate the triples . . . Semantic Web <#t> o:hasImport <#i> . The previous section has concluded with the finding <#i> o:importsFrom <#u> . that both XML and RDF representations of mathemat- <#p> o:hasStep <#step> . ical knowledge are needed on the Semantic Web. This <#step> o:stepExternallyJustifiedBy <#axiom1> . 22 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

Table 1

How the languages reviewed satisfy the knowledge representation requirements Requirement Structures Formality Linking Compr. S.L.* S.R S.N S.M S.D F.R F.C L.A L.→ L.← C.A C.H OST MathML ++ – – – – – – ++ + + + + – + OpenMath Objects ++ – – – – – – + – + – OpenMath CDs ++a –– – ##–––– # a c OMDoc ++ ++## ++ ++ + ++# – ++## + – + –# – MathLang ++ ++ – – – – – ++ +# – – – DocBook ++a – – – – +d – – – – +## + – – TEI ++b –––– – ++ + + – + – – b d DITA ++ – – – – +# – – – + + + – – EPUB/DTBook ++b ––––+–––––+–– CNXML/CollXML/mdml ++a + – – – – – – – – + – – Formalized languages ++ ++ – +# – – – – – + – RDF(a) 1.0/1.1 (depends on# vocabulary, see table 2) ##+ ++ ++ ++ + a built-in support for MathML/OpenMath objects # # b via MathML extension c Dublin Core and similar vocabularies built in, others available via built-in RDFa d Dublin Core and similar vocabularies built in, others available via non-RDFa extensions

Table 2 Structural coverage of vocabularies/ontologies Structures Logical/functional Rhetorical Notation Metadata Discussion Objects Statements Theories N3 Vocabularies + ––––– OpenMath CD # –– – HELM ###+ + ––––# MoWGLI + ++ # – – + – b OMDoc ++# + – + – – MathLang DRa #– + – – – – – PML – ++a ––––– SALT – – – ++ – – + OntoReST – – – ++ – – – DILIGENT – – – – – – + SIOC Argumentation – – – – – – ++ Dublin Core – – – – – ++ – a proofs only b intentionally delegated to SALT Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 23

. . . from which a query engine with DL entailment of the representation format – semantic markup, RDF, support would infer . . . or even a human-comprehensible presentation –, and if its different representations are published according to <#t> o:dependsOn <#u> . the “cool URI” best practices [167], all of them can be <#p> o:dependsOn <#axiom1> . made available under the same URI. A client – agent or browser – would select the desired representation via Requirements for Translating Mathematical XML Markup HTTP content negotiation. to RDF: In our previous work on translating OM- The complexity of semantic XML markup lan- Doc documents and OpenMath CDs to RDF, we have guages for mathematical knowledge entails a number identified the following general requirements for trans- of challenges to the declaration and implementation of lating semantic XML markup to RDF, independently an XML→RDF mapping, for example20: from the XML language and the ontology [132]: All structural entities that correspond to concepts URI Format Differences: OpenMath specifies a canon- covered by the given ontologies MUST be given an ical URI syntax for symbols. The “namespace identifier by applying the first of the following rules base URI”, called CDBase, may – and, in prac- that matches: tice, usually is – omitted and defaults to http: //www.openmath.org/. However, when Open- 1. If the XML language hosts RDFa, the identifier Math objects occur inside OMDoc theories, the – URI or blank node ID – MUST be determined default base URI of a symbol is determined from according to the RDFa processing rules for iden- the theory from which the symbol has been im- tifying a new subject [33, section 7.5]. ported. 2. If the XML language specifies how to generate a Mapping Elements to Classes: Generally, OMDoc URI for an entity represented by an XML frag- XML elements correspond to classes from the ment, that URI MUST be used. 3. If the XML language specifies how to generate an OMDoc ontology. However, the ontology has ID for an entity, e.g. via XML ID [141], that ID been designed with its utility for RDF-based ap- MUST be used as a fragment ID if possible w.r.t. plications in mind, not necessarily to represent the syntax of URIs [57]; appending it to the doc- the OMDoc XML markup literally. Therefore, in- ument’s URI yields the URI. stances of some subclasses are represented by the 4. If the XML language specifies how to generate an same element, only differing in the value of a cer- ID for an entity, which does not qualify as a frag- tain attribute, or even by elements with different ment ID, the translator MUST generate a fragment names. ID, which SHOULD reflect the original ID. Markup Choices for Representing Relations: Relations 5. Otherwise, the translator MUST mint an URI; this between two entities can be represented as a MAY be a URI or a blank node IDs. Minted URIs parent-child relation in XML markup, as a sib- MUSTNOT conflict with URIs generated for other ling relation, or by URI- or ID-valued attributes. entities in the XML document. As stated for classes above, the exact type of a In practice, most semantic XML markup languages relation is sometimes influenced by additional at- support IDs on all elements, but authors only use them tributes on the same element. when an element is a target of an explicit link in the Markup Choices for Representing Literal-valued Properties: markup. Many RDF properties, such as whole-part re- Literal-valued properties can be represented by lations, are, however, not represented by explicit XML text-valued immediate child elements, by de- links but by a parent-child relation, but triples using scendant elements nested more deeply, or by at- these properties require identifiable subjects and ob- tributes. jects. Implicit Structures: The target ontologies reify cer- For authors and developers, reusing the identifiers tain concepts that do not have an explicit repre- from the XML markup in the RDF representation em- sentation in the semantic markup. This is, e.g., the phasizes the correspondence of both representations. case with informal/formal property pairs in Open- For agents, it improves retrievability, e.g., of RDF Math CDs, and with document units, annotations, standoff markup for an XML representation: If a struc- and rhetorical relations in the mapping of OM- tural entity always has the same identifier, regardless Doc’s rhetorical markup to SALT. 24 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web

Alternative Representations of Classification Schemes: mulæ have previously been realized for Presentation Where a classification scheme has been imple- MathML with Content MathML or OpenMath annota- mented as an ontology, its categories are repre- tions [95,157]. With HTML 5 becoming mainstream, sented as classes or individuals. Otherwise, they more browsers can soon be expected to support Math- are represented as literals. Similarly, metadata ML.21 We have implemented a library that publishes with a finite value space can be represented as OMDoc as XHTML+MathML+RDFa [81]. RDF literals or as instances of an enumerated Challenges: In our previous work on publishing and class. consuming OMDoc documents and OpenMath CDs In our previous work, we have found existing declara- as Linked Data [81,130], we have identified three tive XML→RDF mappings too restricted and instead challenges to publishing mathematical knowledge as chose to implement a library of XSLT convenience Linked Data: specifying MIME types for XML lan- functions and templates, which facilitates the imple- guages, bad practices of authors, and restrictions in the mentation of frequently occurring translation patterns URI formats of XML languages. but gives access to the full power of XSLT if neces- The HTTP Content Negotiation mechanism out- sary [136,128]. lined in section 4.1 distinguishes representation for- mats by MIME type. MathML 3, for example, has of- 4.2. Contributing Mathematics to the Web of Data ficially registered MIME types [44], OMDoc speci- fies an unofficial one [124], whereas MIME types for Benefits . . . of publishing knowledge as Linked Data OpenMath objects and CDs have merely been pro- include easier development of interactive mashups posed so far [130]. (see, e.g., [114,174]) and the possibility to detect pre- Authoring practices that are bad from a Linked Data viously unknown links (see, e.g., [115]). Given that point of view result from the fact that, where semantic mathematical knowledge is likely to be available partly XML languages for representing mathematical knowl- in XML and partly in RDF, as explained in section 3.5, edge support URIs, authors use them wrongly or not data providers should publish both representations – at all. For example, hardly any OpenMath CD that which is possible, as outlined in section 4.1. has been contributed to openmath.org specifies a CDBase URI or references symbols by full URIs, . . . for agents . . . In [180,130], we describe a sce- which indicates a lack of awareness. The fallback nario where an agent accesses both RDF datasets and value http://www.openmath.org/ is not suit- OpenMath CDs by dereferencing URIs: The rules for able for non-official CDs mainly used by one research computing derived values in statistical datasets are rep- group, even independently from Linked Data consider- resented as RDF annotations pointing to a function – ations, as they do not control the openmath.org do- a symbol from an OpenMath CD – and other values main. Finally, if authors are aware of the fact that CDs from the dataset that should be passed as arguments to and symbols have URIs, they usually merely consider the function, using the SCOVOLink vocabulary [180]. it a globally unique name, but not a means of retrieving When an agent wants to verify the derived value, it has information about these resources [130]. to construct an OpenMath object from this RDF rep- Thirdly, while RDF publishers can freely choose resentation and send it to an OpenMath-aware compu- URIs (see, e.g., [58]), the URI formats of non-RDF tation service (cf. sections 1.2.2 and 1.2.3). When the languages often impose restrictions that complicate function is not called using positional arguments or an Linked Data publishing and have to be worked around. argument list, but using named arguments, the agent For example, OpenMath’s schema of cdbase/cd#name has to consult the XML representation of the CD to get symbol URIs, which has also been adopted by Strict their order right. Content MathML, complies well with linked data prac- . . . and humans: The semantic representations for tices – unless CDs grow large. As resolving frag- mathematical knowledge reviewed in this article allow ments after the # (hash) in a URI is up to the client, for preserving the full semantics in documents pub- the consequent use of hash URIs for OpenMath sym- lished for human readers, so that, e.g., assistive ser- bols forces clients to always download a complete CD vices can utilize it. For anything except mathemati- from the server, in which could then locate the sym- cal objects, i.e. formulæ, XHTML+RDFa is a suit- bol with the desired name. Publishers of large CDs able publication format. Assistive services for for- would have to set up a redirect, where an initial re- Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 25 quest for a hash URI would result in an RDF graph mantic representation, should also be semantically an- that merely redirects, via rdfs:seeAlso links, hash URIs notated – not necessarily as deeply as, e.g., OMDoc to slash URIs, from which the client could be able documents, but at least with mathematical metadata to retrieve the desired fine-grained information. The and links to relevant OpenMath CDs. For example, the URIs of the upcoming OMDoc 1.6 have a slash-like DLMF [3] could benefit from access to computation format [163], but, again, without alternatives. Another services via OpenMath, whereas the benefit for Planet- problem of OMDoc 1.3 and its hash URI format is Math, which is currently being overhauled to make that symbols and theories have to be declared as frag- it more interactive and more semantic [80], would be ments of the same document, which is not compatible similar as for DBpedia. with OpenMath’s cdbase/theory#symbolname schema, The availability of true mathematical knowledge as even though OMDoc uses OpenMath objects. Com- Linked Data would also allow for taking a serious bined with the possibility of having multiple theories view on the April fool’s joke “Linked Open Num- in a document, redirect workarounds may not be pos- bers”, a huge dataset describing billions of natural sible.22 A final problem with old languages such as the numbers [179]. It provided descriptions as trivial as the OpenMath CD language, is that certain entities cannot name of each number in natural language, its predeces- be given IDs. An XML→RDF translator might gen- sor and its successor. But how about a dataset of non- erate some, but an agent interested in retrieving XML trivial properties of numbers? Accessing, for exam- representations would also need them. As a use case ple, prime factor decompositions of large numbers – that would require such fine-grained links, consider an information relevant for cryptography – in a linked the DLMF [3]. It contains a large number of equa- dataset, could be much faster than computing it once tions describing or defining mathematical functions, more, provided a supercomputer has already done the which could be linked to the corresponding mathemat- computation once and published the results. Another ical properties in OpenMath CDs. source of non-trivial knowledge about numbers, which deserves being published as Linked Data, is the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [170]. 5. Research Directions Towards a Mathematical An issue related to the combination of information Web of Data retrieval and computation is the development of suit- able query languages and reasoners. N3 reasoners al- Large collections of mathematical knowledge exist ready support a basic set of mathematical functions in non-RDF representations. The ontologies reviewed (cf. section 3.4.2). The upcoming SPARQL 1.1 sup- in section 3.4 and the translation techniques outlined in ports basic arithmetics. Additionally, many query pro- section 4 now enable us to contribute them to the Web cessors allow for defining extension functions; a path of Data and fill a gap that existing Linked Datasets for supplying arbitrary functions to query processors about, e.g., statistical government data or scientific via OpenMath should be investigated. Taking a formal publications, have left. semantics and computational complexity into account, The probably most foundational dataset that has to such an extension could even be specified as an en- be published as Linked Data in order to get mathemat- tailment regime [97], which makes a query return a ics on the Web of Data started is the official OpenMath well-defined set of additional, entailed results beyond CDs. An initial publication is feasible with the tech- the information that is explicitly encoded in the RDF nology available and planned for spring 2011. This is, graph being queried. however, only the first step in making the knowledge A possible gateway into annotating the mathe- contained in the CDs accessible; the second step is cre- matical semantics of scientific publications is the ating links from mathematics-related existing datasets arχiv [39]. Its documents are mostly available as into the OpenMath CDs, so that services for these ex- presentation-oriented LATEX; however, a long-term ef- isting datasets can be extended by mathematical func- fort to automatically annotate their mathematical struc- tionality. We have sketched one use case for statistical ture is in progress [96], the translation of 300,000 of datasets in section 4.2. The inevitable DBpedia [82] is the 500,000 publications to XHTML+MathML, which a further candidate, as that would offer its users a more has at least more semantic structure than LATEX, be- formal perspective on mathematics. ing a first success [173]. Publishing a basic metadata Mathematical knowledge collections that are al- record for each arχiv publication as Linked Data is ready available on the Web, but not currently in a se- feasible, as the metadata are available as XML, and 26 Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web the publications have stable URIs. Next, much harder 11At least support for querying RDF collections, which some steps would be interlinking with publication databases query processors already support by non-standard extensions, will already existing as Linked Data, such as DBLP [2], be standardized in the upcoming SPARQL 1.1 [113]. 12See [132] for a discussion of concrete examples from OMDoc. and identifying mathematical symbols that could be 13His encoding differs from the N3 encoding in that order is repre- linked to the OpenMath CDs. With an identification sented using RDF’s built-in container membership properties rdf:_n of statement- and theory-level logical/functional struc- (n = 1, 2,... ) instead of RDF collections, but that is a secondary tures, this would ultimately enable powerful machine issue. 14A possible explanation in MARCHIORI’s case is that his pro- support for looking up information relevant for the posal did not originate out of the MKM community but that he was next collaborative Web-based review of a P 6= NP an external (Semantic Web) expert invited to give a keynote. proof, or the next collaborative effort to formalize a 15ambiguities and errors in its own modeling, tampering with the proof of a theorem like the Kepler Conjecture. semantics of reused vocabularies (such as DCMES), limited docu- mentation, and use of bad RDFS modeling practices (cf. [132] for detailed examples) 16The ontology does not cover complex theory morphisms, ab- stract datatypes, and presentation contexts. Notes 17The names CMP = Commented Mathematical Property and FMP = Formal Mathematical Property are for historical reasons and 1ProgrammableWeb [16], a directory of mashups, lists 3 mashups OpenMath compatibility. tagged with “math”, out of nearly 5,000 mashups overall. The re- 18Despite the name, this is not related to rhetorical structures in cently released “widgets” for the Wolfram Alpha “computational the sense of RST. knowledge engine” [24] are a first step towards more mashups, albeit 19[132, chapter 6] provides a comprehensive overview. limited to acting as frontends to Wolfram Alpha. 20see [132] for details 2This notion of the term “knowledge management” is wider than 21At the moment, only Mozilla/Firefox supports MathML well that of its traditional definition as “a range of practices used in an or- enough to allow for interactive manipulation via scripts. ganisation to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adop- 22See [132] for a detailed discussion. tion of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences com- prise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in or- ganisational processes or practice.” [186] 3independence of a concrete RDF syntax (such as RDF/XML), References disjunction, data source identification, and a well-defined formal se- mantics [108] [1] Specifications for the Digital Talking Book. Technical re- 4The HELM developers made no secret out of their frustration: port, DAISY Consortium. URL http://www.daisy. “It is a pity that [. . . ] most of the expectations about XML technolo- org/z3986/2005/Z3986-2005.html. ANSI/NISO gies [including RDF] have not been fulfilled due to intrinsic defi- Z39.86-2005. ciencies in their design and implementation. MathML failed to be [2] D2r server publishing the bibliography database. URL adopted by major browsers; [. . . ] and RDF never really went beyond http://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/. the project phase.” [43] Personal communication with ASPERTI on [3] Digital Library of Mathematical Functions. URL http:// 2010-07-09 confirmed that that statement referred to the immaturity dlmf.nist.gov. of these technologies at the time of developing HELM. [4] GAMS: Guide to Available Mathematical Software. URL 5 Similarly, BAEZ suggests that the release of a TEX formula edi- http://gams.nist.gov. tor plugin for the popular WordPress blog engine was a major incen- [5] HELM. URL http://helm.cs.unibo.it. tive for mathematicians to start blogging [47]. [6] Math-Net, . URL http://www.math-net.org. 6We provide concrete examples and a proof-of-concept imple- [7] MathOverflow, . URL http://mathoverflow.net. mentation in [180,130]. [8] Wolfram , . URL http://mathworld. 7Definitions typically occur in textbook-style mathematics. From wolfram.com. a formal point of view they are merely a variant of axioms. [9] Mizar mathematical library, . URL http://www.mizar. 8This can also be considered a difference w.r.t. the area of appli- org/library. cation. For example, in theoretical computer science it is advanta- [10] Mizar system, . URL http://mizar.org/system/. geous to include 0, as many of the required induction proofs start at [11] OEBPS Container Format (OCF). Recommended spec- 0, whereas negative integers are rarely needed. ification, International Digital Publishing Forum. URL 9 This conjecture, posed in 1611, states that the density√ of a pack- http://www.idpf.org/ocf/ocf1.0/download/ ing of unit spheres in 3 dimensions is at most π/(3 2). This re- ocf10.htm. flects the intuitive observation that the way, in which, e.g., oranges [12] OMDoc. project page at http://omdoc.org. in a market booth are stacked, is optimal. However, it turned out [13] Open Packaging Format (OPF). Recommended speci- exceedingly complex to prove. fication, International Digital Publishing Forum. URL 10In an OWL setting, one has to avoid RDF collections, as the http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf/OPF_2.0_ RDF encoding of OWL uses them internally for representing n- final_spec.html. ary DL expressions. Instead, one has to create one’s own linked [14] The polymath blog, . URL http:// lists [88]. polymathprojects.org/. Lange / Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web 27

Table 3 Namespace prefix7→URI bindings used in this article Prefix URI Language/Vocabulary dc http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ Dublin Core Metadata Element Set g http://gams.nist.gov# GAMS h http://www.cs.unibo.it/~schena/schema-h.rdf# HELM objects hth http://www.cs.unibo.it/~schena/schema-hth.rdf# HELM theories math http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/math# N3 math functions o http://omdoc.org/ontology# OMDoc ontology oms http://www.openmath.org/cd/ OpenMath symbols p http://monet.nag.co.uk/problems/ MONET problems

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