West Linton St Andrew’s Parish Church May 2021 Scottish Charity No SC003938 Interim Moderator: Rev Calum Macdougall Locum Minister: Rev Nancy Norman

Thoughts from the Locum ... Above the spacious entrance hall of the East Wing of Washington DC’s National Gallery of Art, the mobile sculpture moves as lightly asa feather. Suspended by a single cable its long and gracefully curving arms support, along their thirty-metre lengths, huge triangular black and red panels, each individually mobile. From the floor of the hall below, visitors crane their necks in awe to watch the sculpture’s motion, barely perceptible, effortless and noiseless as it glides, revolves and rotates, responsive to the tiniest current of air. Poetry in motion, precision, balance and counter-balance and an impression of weightlessness mask the fact that the whole structure, constructed of steel and aluminium, weighs more than half a ton. There is a garden gate in , wrought iron, twice my height and three times my width, and yet at the touch of a hand upon its latch, the gate swings open silently and effortlessly despite its weight. Perfect balance and counter-balance. Somehow a weight is borne. But the effort does not show. The communities that make up , & Newlands and St Andrew’s West Linton move and revolve, responsive to the things that happen within them and beyond them -- joyful things, sad things, big things, little things, worrying things, comforting things, fun things and serious things. Rarely does anything happen that does not touch most

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(Continued from page 1) everyone in the community in some way or other. But that, I believe, is a strength. Every weight is borne, dispersed and shared, instinctively, naturally, though the effort does not necessarily show. But no weight or burden is carried by one alone. The resilience and strength of any community lie in the fact that the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals that make it up balance and counter-balance each other. Every individual’s character traits, abilities, interests, gifts, talents, skills, capacities are needed at some time and in some way, though not all at the same time nor in the same way. Where one individual might show strength in a particular way, another who may not have that same strength has other strengths which others need but do not have. Sometimes a particular circumstance calls forth a strength that otherwise might have remained hidden had that circumstance not arisen. What is certain is that each individual has a crucial part to play within the life of the community, and as that happens every weight is borne by the community together. That dynamic may not always be visible, but it happens. And the community, rather than being weakened, grows in strength. Balance and counter-balance. That is the value of life lived in community. As higher authorities in the church consider the viability of ministry in small, rural parishes, may it be the privilege and responsibility of communities such as this one, and its new linking into West , to show a resilience and a strength far beyond its size, a stubbornness of purpose that is not easily defeated, and a centrality of Christ-like living that supports not only the people who live within the boundaries of the parish but also people everywhere. And let us thank God for who we are, and offer what we have and are, to balance and counter- balance, uphold, support and bear every weighty part of life, here and throughout all the wide earth. Nancy Norman, Locum


Message from Session Clerk – Our Vacancy … April saw the first full month in our new linking which we now refer to as West Tweeddale and there has already been a welcome meeting of the General Kirk Session from across the six churches. There is now full agreement to proceed with the process of attracting and selecting a new Minister for the new linking. The draft basis of linking specifically includes the provision of the West Linton manse for the minister. The six Kirk Sessions have also now been introduced to the Vacancy Advisory Committee, selected by Presbytery who will, as the name suggests, provide guidance as we go through the process of attracting a leader for this newly established charge. The first step in this process requires the six churches to agree on whether to take an open approach when considering potential applicants. This is specifically with regard to the ‘Church’s Practice in relation to human sexuality’. Prior to 2015 no openly homosexual person could be ordained and inducted into a parish. However in 2015 the General Assembly passed permissive legislation which specifically states ‘As from the date of this Act a Kirk Session may decide to depart in order to permit the ordination, induction or appointment of a minister or a deacon who is in a civil partnership or same sex marriage’. The Kirk Sessions are required to intimate their intention to consider and vote on this matter. A decision to depart from the church’s traditional practice means that is will consider applicants from, among others, those who are in a civil partnership or same sex marriage. The process is such that if there is agreement to depart, the Kirk Session needs to vote again to ratify the decision. Alternatively if the vote is not to depart, then the matter in concluded and there is no second vote. The process also requires that all six Kirk Sessions must agree to depart and if one Kirk Session decides not to depart, that becomes the decision for West Tweeddale. (Continued on page4 )


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The Parishes of our new friends in Upper Tweeddale voted on this some time ago and all three voted to depart. Following Kirk Session Meetings held in Carlops, Kirkurd and Newland and West Linton St Andrews the remining three churches have all now voted to depart and therefore to be inclusive in the applicants they will consider. The next step in the process is that the Kirk Sessions will be open to any feedback from their congregation members before the second vote is taken. When the Kirk Sessions vote for a second time, if that is again affirmative then the Nominating Committee may include for consideration applicants from ministers in a civil partnership or same- sex marriage. This does not bind the congregation to make such an appointment but offers clarity and openness to all that it will consider the possibility. We would expect the next stages to progress in the month of May and start the process of selecting a Nominating Committee who will oversee the selection process. Two members of each church will serve on the nominating committee and three from West Linton in the light of its larger membership roll. We certainly are all really looking forward to having meaningful conversations with potential applicants about the communities that we serve, discussing our collective Parish Profile and offering a strong, exciting and engaging vision for the future in this wonderful part of the world. If any one has any concerns or questions relating to the matters raised here, please simply get in touch with your elder or myself by email or phone. Tony Hoskins Session Clerk


Nominations for the Nominating Committee A Nominating Committee from across our linking will shortly be formed for the purpose of attracting a minister for our vacancy. St Andrew’s has been allocated three places on the committee. The process involves an approach to our congregation to identify those members who may be interested, followed by a vote to select the final three. Nominees will need to be seconded, confirm they are willing to serve and they are available for Zoom Meetings. Nominations will close on 31st May 2021.

A form is provided overleaf for members of the congregation to nominate members for the committee.

Anyone who receives this as an electronic copy and who has difficulty printing the form, please contact Colin who will send the form as a Microsoft Word document.


Nomination Form

I wish to nominate ______for the Nominating Committee.

Nominated by ______

Seconded by ______

I confirm that I have spoken with this nominee and that they are willing to be considered for this Nominating Committee and have given explicit permission for their contact details to be provided here:

Nominee’s Email address ______

Nominee’s Phone number ______

Nominee’s Address ______


Postcode ______

Nominator’s Signature ______

Please detatch, complete and return to Tony Hoskins, Session Clerk by post to Kier House, 4 Peggie’s Knowe, , West Linton, EH46 7AL to be received by 31st May 2021


CHRISTIAN AID WEEK Monday 10th-Sunday 16th MAY 2021 Normally our church linkage would be actively preparing for CA Week. Alas, these are not normal times! The traditional local fundraising events which we took for granted are still banned under Government covid regulations. No Saturday coffee morning in the Graham Institute, no door to door envelope based collection and no united Sunday service at St. Andrew’s church. Despite restrictions on movement and activities during the first drastic lockdown, almost £4 million was raised digitally during CA Week 2020. Although this was half the total for 2019, it was still a great achievement, showing the adaptability of CA in connecting with its loyal supporters. Responding to emergencies is how CA started 75 years ago. It was founded by British and Irish churches to help refugees searching for food, shelter and kindness in the aftermath of WW2. Being there for people in crisis is still a key part of its work today. Your generosity allows CA to respond quickly, using locally based partner agents who best understand the needs of disadvantaged communities, ensuring your donations go further. This year CA will focus on those whose lives are adversely affected by climate change. Read online Rose and Florence’s stories about living in Kenya where unpredictable rainfall now creates chaos when severe drought can suddenly change to extensive flooding. How to Donate … Ideally please donate online at www.christianaid.org.uk. Your donation goes directly to CA with no hidden deductions reducing its value. If you do not have access to a computer, you could post a personal cheque direct to CA head office at the following address: CHRISTIAN AID 41 George IV Bridge EH1 1EL


Other Events around Christian Aid Week … 1. QUIZTIAN AID Saturday 8th May, 7pm. The return of the popular virtual general knowledge quiz hosted by celebrity guests, suitable for all the family. Register your team in advance at caweek.org/quiztianaid. 2. “Guess the Song” Quiz sheet. Paper copies will be available from your CA committee church representative (optional small donation). Robert Higgins, CA Chair, contact tel. 01968 660629 or [email protected]

Zoom Services May West Linton 11.30 am Carlops 10.00 am Newlands 10.00 am 9th Steven Whalley Steven Whalley Rev Nancy Norman

16th Kevin Scott Kevin Scott Mary McElroy

23rd Rev Nancy Norman —— — Joint Communion — —— at 11.00 am

30th Rev Nancy Norman Rev Chris Levison David Henderson-Howat 6th Colin Herd Colin Herd Rev Nancy Norman

Readers Readers May 2nd Helen Dry June 6th Pat Graham 9th Robert Higgins 13th Pat Graham 16th Robert Higgins 20th Matthew Whalley 23rd John Dykes 27th Matthew Whalley 30th John Dykes

Material for the June Newsletter should be submitted to the editor by Monday 24th May 2021. The June issue will be available by 30th May. Copy to Colin Herd: email: newsletter@standrews-.org. Please in- clude ‘Newsletter’ in the subject of your email. To stop receiving the Newsletter by email please send an email to : [email protected] with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.