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Santa Cruz Orchid Society Newsletter

March 2018

Next Meeting March 2, 2018 Live Oak Grange Hall, 1900 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA

March Program Patricia Rain will be our guest speaker. She will be presenting a slide show on the primary regions of the world where the orchid ( and Vanilla tahitensis) are predominantly grown. A synopsis of her presentation follows.

I begin in Papantla, Veracruz, which is the region known as Totonocapan, or the place of the Totonacas. The Totonacas are credited with being the first to "domesticate" vanilla, which involved planting vanilla vines closer together than they naturally grow in the forest. We go through the entire process of vanilla growing from pollination to shipping the beans, observing how it is done in different cultures. I will also talk a bit about the issues facing vanilla currently, why the industry is so unstable and the concerns faced by the three big luxury crops -- coffee, chocolate and vanilla -- due to the changing climate. There will be a tasting of sodas made with vanilla extract that is lightly sweetened and mixed with soda water so that guests can taste the flavor difference between Vanilla planifolia and Vanilla tahitensis. In addition, I will bring samples of vanilla powder, tattooed beans, natural vanilla flavor, as well as some interesting vanilla ornaments and books for members to look at.

Patricia will bring copies of her book, Vanilla: The Cultural History of the World's Favorite Flavor and Fragrance (Tarcher; 2004).


Refreshments for this month to be provided by: Robert Benevides, Linda Locatelli, Bruce Hill, Lillian Derrigan. Thank you! Just a reminder that anyone bringing in refreshments will get a free raffle ticket!

Dinner With the Speaker Dinner will be at Chinese Village on Capitola Rd., Capitola at 5:30. If possible email Vicky Smith by Thursday, March 1, if you plan to attend at [email protected]. Please put “Dinner with the Speaker” as the subject or just show up.

Important Information included in this newsletter: Our By-Laws have been revised to bring us into compliance with requirements for a 501 (c)(3) organization. The membership must approve the by-laws to move forward to the next step. We will conduct a vote at the March meeting. We need a 2/3 vote of members in attendance at the meeting to approve. Bruce Hill will keep track of those who voted. A copy of the by-laws can be found at the end of the newsletter. In addition, a hard copy of the by-laws will be available at the March meeting for anyone wishing to review then. If you have any questions or concerns about the content of the by-laws please contact Bruce Hill (email: [email protected] ) or Vicky Smith (email: [email protected]) before the March meeting.

Vanilla planifolia ABOUT OUR SPEAKER

Patricia Rain is an author, educator, culinary historian, and owner of The Vanilla Company, a socially conscious, product-driven information and education site dedicated to the promotion of pure, natural vanilla, and the support of vanilla farmers worldwide. The Vanilla Cookbook (Celestial Arts, 1986) established her as an authority on this exotic rainforest product. She has continued to do research on the uses of vanilla in a diverse variety of applications: as a flavor in both sweet and savory foods; as a medicinal; as a fragrance; and in aromatherapy. The Vanilla Chef (Vanilla Queen Press, 2002) is a companion book to the Internet business. Vanilla: The Cultural History of The World’s Favorite Flavor and Fragrance (Tarcher, a member of the US Penguin Group, 2004) is her most recent book.

Upcoming Events

March 9-11: 73rd Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. Hours: Open 9am – 5pm each day...Earl Warren Show Grounds: Highway 101 and Las Positas Road. Contact information https://sborchidshow.com/ e-mail: mailto:[email protected]. P.O. Box 62154, Santa Barbara, CA93160.

March 31 - April 1: Sonoma County Orchid Society - Show and Sale “Rainbow of Orchids”. Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm; Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm. Santa Rosa Veterans Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA.

April 14-15: Sacaramento Orchid Society Annual Orchid Show and Exotic Sale “The World Of Orchids”. Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm; Sunday 10 am – 4 pm. Scottish Rite Masonic Center, 6151 H Street, Sacramento.

April 22-23: Gold Coast Cymbidium Growers Show & Sale. 1400 Roosevelt Avenue, Redwood City, CA. Set-Up and Plant entry Friday 10AM – 6PM; CSA and AOS judging at 7PM. Show and Sale open to the public Saturday and Sunday 10AM to 4PM. For information contact Sylvia Darr, Show Chair mailto:[email protected]

Orchid Education

This month's article is "Transporting Orchids" by Susan Jones. This is a very informative article for anyone who takes blooming orchids to meetings, shows, or anywhere in any kind of weather. Just click the link to view the article. (used by permission of AOS)

AOS corner

Visit this link to view prerecorded webinars available to everyone (including nonmembers) at http://www.aos.org/orchids/webinars.aspx

Show and Tell Photo Gallery

Phrag. Cardinale Vicky Smith

Rhy. Gigantea 'Cartoon' Vicky Smith

Phrag. schlimii Terry Whettam Paph. Emma Decker Scott Collins

Paph. gratrixianum Cheri Wagner Pot. Hawaiian Prominence 'America' Francisco Baptista

SANTA CRUZ ORCHID SOCIETY BY-LAWS Adopted December 11, 2003; Revised February 13, 2018

ARTICLE I The name of this society shall be Santa Cruz Orchid Society.

ARTICLE II The objectives of this society are to stimulate interest in orchid and hybrids and to provide educational information regarding their culture and conservation to the Community.


Section 1: Any person interested in the objectives of the Society shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2: There shall be the following classes of membership:

2.1 Single membership 2.2 Household membership

The annual dues will be determined by the Board of Directors. Household membership entitles each adult member to one vote.

Section 3: A paid membership will be valid for the calendar year. New members admitted after September shall pay one-half of the yearly dues. No dues shall be refunded. Current membership is required to sell at the regular meetings and at the annual show. Monthly speakers are excluded from this requirement.

Section 4: A membership may be terminated by the affirmative vote of a majority of directors, present at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum of directors is present. When the conduct of any member is deemed prejudicial to the good of the society, the person involved in a termination of membership shall be notified in writing of the intended action and a complete hearing shall be held by the Board of Directors before a vote is taken.

ARTICLE IV MEETINGS Section 1: Regular meetings of the society shall be monthly unless the Board of Directors designates otherwise by a vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 1: The Board of Directors may consist of the following officers: a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of all officers shall be two years. The officers will not be eligible for election to the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. However, this rule may be suspended by a majority vote of the Directors.


Section 1: The Board of Directors may consist of a minimum of six (6) members. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) elective members from the society at large. Each of the two (2) elective members shall serve for a period of two (2) years and one (1) shall be elected annually. (I.E. the two (2) elective members will serve staggered terms.)

Section 2: The Board shall transact all business of the society. A capital expenditure exceeding $3000 shall be voted on by the membership of the society at a regular meeting. Notice of such intended action shall be given in the newsletter preceding the monthly meeting of the society. A majority vote by the attending members in favor of the proposed expenditure is required to approve the expenditure.

Section 3: Board members are expected to attend and participate in both the Board and regular meetings of the society. Non-participation or malfeasance of any Board member is cause for review and/or termination by the Board. A quorum of Directors must be present, and the challenged member shall not participate in the vote. Resulting vacancies shall be filled by the Board at the next election.

Section 4 Three (3) members of the Board of Directors must reside in Santa Cruz County.


Section 1: Regular meeting. The Board shall meet at least once a year as determined by the Board. The Board of Directors shall meet to conduct business, schedule board meetings, plan events and approve Secretary’s minutes and Treasurer’s reports.

Section 2: Special Meeting. The Board may be called to a special meeting at any time or place by the President of the Board, or any three (3) Board Members. The business transacted shall be limited to the purpose for which it was called and at least three (3) days notice shall be given each Director. A quorum of a majority of Directors must be present to legalize the transaction. Should such an emergency arise as to make it impossible to obtain a quorum, then such action as was taken must be ratified by a majority vote at the next regular meeting of the Board.

ARTICLE VIII ELECTIONS Section 1: All active members in good standing are entitled to one (1) vote at the election of officers and members of the Board.

Section 2: The Board shall present one (1) candidate for each open office and one (1) or more for the Board Directors positions at a regular meeting of the society in the fourth quarter of the calendar year. The month prior to the election, as appropriate, members will be notified in the newsletter of the nominations and given an opportunity to nominate additional candidates before the election. All candidates will then be voted on.

Section 3: Election of officers shall be by a show of hands by the members present at the election. In case of a tie for a particular office, a special ballot will be provided at the following meeting of the society.

Section 4: The candidates receiving the most votes will be installed at the regular society meeting following the election.


Section 1: President: The President shall preside at all regular meetings of the society and the Board of Directors, and shall determine the order of business. The President shall enforce the provisions of the articles and bylaws of the society. The President shall appoint the chairpersons of standing committees, subject to the approval of the Board and shall see that all such committees perform their duties. All chairpersons may appoint additional committee members if needed.

Section 2: Vice President: The Vice President shall assume all duties of the President during the absence of the President. The Vice President shall also serve as program chairperson for the society.

Section 3: Secretary: The Secretary of the society shall record the minutes of the Board meetings and record attendance of the Board members at both the regular society and Board meetings. Within thirty (30) days after the acceptance of any amendment to the bylaws, the Secretary shall furnish to the Board of Directors a copy of said amendment as recorded in the minutes. The Secretary will also be responsible for the preparation of any correspondence as needed.

Section 5: Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect all monies paid to the society, keep an accurate record of all the receipts and disbursements of the society, and shall deposit all receipts accruing to the society by check and signed by the Treasurer in a timely manner. The Treasurer shall render reports of the financial status of the society to the Board, and, upon expiration of their term, deliver to their successor all records, monies, and personal property of the society.


Section 1: Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws committee shall present to the Board for approval all proposed amendments before submitting them to the society for a vote. The Board shall keep a copy of the bylaws up to date in which all revisions are recorded in red ink. This copy shall remain in the custody of the Secretary of the society. All Board members of the society will have custody of an up to date copy of the bylaws.

Section 2: Finance Committee. The Finance committee shall ensure the books of the society are audited annually and provide a written report of the audit. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS

Section 1: Changes to the bylaws must be signed and dated by two members of the Board and proposed and presented at a regular society meeting. The changes will be voted on the following meeting. A two-thirds vote of current members present at the meeting is required for any change to be adopted.


Section 1: One-Third of the paid membership of the society at any regular meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the society.

Section 2: Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business designated to the Board.


Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority for the Santa Cruz Orchid Society.


Section 1: In the event of dissolution of the Society, all Society monies shall be donated to one or more non-profit orchid societies or conservation organizations sanctioned by the American Orchid Society, as directed by the Board.

Signature and Title:______Date:______Robert Bruce Hill, Recording Secretary Signature and Title:______Date:______Lillian Derrigan, Treasurer

Copyright © 2018 Santa Cruz Orchid Society, All rights reserved.

Our email address is: [email protected]

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