Serving the State The Weather

University of Iowa lIoat1, ClIoud, with 00. culoD&l rain today. Cold­ Campus and er with auon. northerly wjBdI _SatanSa,.. ..m.b Iowa City &GeIa" 3'7; low. It. JlJ&'h 'lbunda" .0; low, U. ~ ______...... ;. ______,-- ______..:E..:$..:t •..:1..:8:.:6:.:8_-_A:..;.:.P...:l:.:ea.::.Y'_d=-Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Friday, January IS. 195 .. SUI ROTC J.uniors Study u.S. Army Leffingwell Contracts I'ke Asks Pension Boosts~ ', Leukemia Hugh LetfinlMell, sophomOle Farm Co-O R Firemen BaHle Hotel Blaze Would (hange forward on the SUI basketball D . I team, is suffering from the blood Benson disease leukemia, the team phy- Tax Base sician said. Thursday. Confirmation Dr. Wilham D. Paul said the 6-foot, 3-inch 190 pounder's ill- CHICAGO (JP) - The National On Pensions ness was diagnosed In a checkup CouneU of Farmer Co-Operatives WASHINGTON' (IP)-Presldent Wednesday at University hos- repre.R!1!ting 2.6 million farm tam- E1.senhower urged congress Thurs- pitals here. lllet, declined Thursday to "re- day to boost social security bene- Dr. Paul said the checifup wu.s affirm oW' taith" in Secretary of tits quickly for America's older ordered by Coach Frank (Bucky) J\gricul1ure Ezra T. Benson. citizens and give 10 million more people protection from "the tear ' O'Connor who notlced that the For years Benson was a mem- ... of destitution." young reserve forward was not ber of the council and for five Eisenhower also asked that the looking well years he served os its executivc amount of income taxed tor pen- Leffingwell, 19, had nol com- secretary. sion purposes be raised from $3,- plained of an lIIness. He was a . 800 to $4,200, and that retircd starter in Iowa's two opening The resolution was oUered to persons be allowed to earn more games but had been playing on tbe delegates In executive session. at part-time jobs without losing the third string more recently. It would have put the council on social security benefits. Leukemia, tor which there is record as "reaffirming our faith Changing the tlX base would no known cure, is a canceroUS In the couragc Integn·t and abll- mean that workers making more Infection of the blood, causing an 1 , y than $3,600 would find up to $12 Increase of white corpu cles in Ity ot our good friend, Ezra Taft more a year In social security de- the blood stream. Leltingwell's Benson." ductJons coming out ot their pay parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Le!- Frank Hussey ot Prcsque Isle. checks. Their employers would Cing~e\l of Marion, were at his Me. president' oi lne council have to match the amounts. bedSide Thursday when he was " In a special, 2,70(}..word mes- told he had the disease. It was not .took the floor to oppose It. He said sage to the lawmakers, the Presl- ( Oall, Iowon P b olo ~ , 11 .01< .l' lb . b~.1 known how long he wlU remain It should be defeated because dent proposed Increases in both A GROUP OF JUNIORS In SUI's ROTC unU I told the operations 'aDd functlolls of a U.S. In the hOspital. ne~er In the 25 year~ of the coun- the lowest and highest amounts army IIcht tank. The tank is part or the eQuipment or the 34th reconnai anee company of the Iowa O'Connor said the news was "s cH s existence !tas It endorsed a paid to retired persons or thcir National Guard, based In Iowa City. , tremendous blow personally and secretary of agriculture. survivors. He lett it to Secretary as a coach and a shock to the Reae1ution Withdrawn (Ar Wlro, ...'-l ot Wellare Oveta Culp Hobby to r. - . entire basketball squad." An Du thoritatlve source, who FIREMEN IN MONTREAL, QUE., use serial ladders to combat a fill in details lor congressional He expressed sympathy on be- told newsmen ot the Benson ac- pre-dawn lire whicb claimed at leasL three lives In a downtown cO/1llTllttees later on. ROTC Men India To Begin' POW Return hall of the players and himstM tion also disclosed that a resolu- hotel Thursday. Man,. of the I'uest. escaped the blalle by leapln&' Reed SUl'I'etlt. Details to both Leffingwell and his par- tion' asking the council to vote from Ute leeond and Utlrd ftoor windows to t"e lar.e canopy of But Chairman Daniel A. Reed 'eceive Light ents. approval of the flexible price sup- the store at rlrM, visible between the ladders. _ (R-N.Y,) of- the house ways and 1 Days Before UN Deadline Leffingwell, an all-state basket- ports proposed In President Els- means commlttel beat Mrs. Hobby 'ank Training ball sclection while playing lor enhower's new farm program S t r, f , H(h ' to it. PANMUNJOM (Friday) (JP) - ;:::: I~~e ~:tI~~~~e ,;::~~ records was withdrawn after a debate. ' ena or Jugges s • . ange Minimum payments lor retired More than 50 juniors in SUI's India decided Thursday on Its own vilians at 12:01 a.m. J an. 23. In 1951 , he lin 14 of 14 shot The council went on record as Individuals now are $25 a month, favoring a fa ... og a th t the maximum benefits $85 and infantry ROTC unit received to start turning back nearly 23,000 India's decision announced In attempts in one game for both a rm "r r maOT P ·d P St·k P II h 0 practical training In the operation disputed prisoners to their cap- letters to the Co~m u nl s t a nd UN state and national mark Dnd 17 WOUtld hbe

/ , .i.' ,"

P.,e 2-TnE DAlLY IOWAN-Iowa Cib, 1a.-Frida1, Jaa. 15. It54 ¥ " Political Ancient Mariners Tb .. F ikes GENERAL NOTICES ··r~ Irs t ~he Daily Iowan ~ SHOTTHESIRD GENERAL NOTICES Ihould be deposited with the elly editor 0' . Ie I The Dally Iowan 10 lhe newsroom in the CommurueaUou CenW. fght FRlDAY, JANUARY 15, 1954 '{""AT MADE. -mE TRAtE Notices must be submiUeel by 2 p.rn. the day prececlln, flm ~hoo p. Ucatlon; they will NOT be accepled by phone. anel mus' be TYPJtD FOl .j ~~~--~----~~------~~--77----~~~------PublWtrd daill' .. ".,.pl llunda, and ~_ ..,nc. .. ~I,," •• aU 14m" 7re4 ¥- Pownall, PubUaMr by Aubtant 'MNDS BLOW \', or LEGmLY WRITTEN and SIGNED by a responsible peno1l. 1lJ)e1 lIonday .nd l~aJ hollcla,.. Shl4Mt tIM"...." ...... us U ..,.,... CharlO L SamUDI. PublWter PublicaU"" .. lor. . 12e law. A'·.. .. 10"'. .." .... T•• Dally ..... eIr~e1&U •• ~r, I City. low •. Enterrd •• _nd daN ....,Ia •• I . 110 ~. ,u•• 1 Old J ..... MOUNTAINERS WILL HAVE ROGER WILLIAM'S FELLOW. IruIIl maUa .t \he JICIIt oUlce .1 10...... U&a ••Uti." D.h,.. ••• ,.~. ~~. IOWAX &DITOaIAL STAPr open house Friday, Jan. 15 at 8 ship will hear Prof. Nicholas V: .S Cit)'. under \ha acl of coII#eu of .n., ...... ,,...... I. " ...... Dave Pe~rson sor Marcb t. lIn. TUI", ...... ,. lal.... '; ...... U MaNlIinI EdItor . . . . Verdlll Flddellr 5:10. Public invited. veal Jill...... 1------1 Cblltl Pbolo&T.phu ..•. BIU WUUamaon " llubKripUOft rata - '" eatrkr In low. W\rebdlo Technielan .... J.y H,tone 7418. -- ).L lh. I I AtJD1T Il a.Al1 City. 2S .,.,.,\& _Ill)' or .. rer rear In :e. , I or .4yanre; .i>< m'onlha. ".21: three DAILY IOWAN ADVl!aTIS1NG UAFP -- PH.D. FRENCH READlNG<~. • ctacuLATIONI monlha. a .50. Dl' mall In 1.,.,. .• ~! l!~B r::.'.'!!'~ " " CJlmharI" Goeldnllelr PROF. G. KITSON CLARK, amination will be given Thur~9' --::::-:::-:-__ ------1 Tear; alx mOIlIha. P: three mOIl...... ~b Ulu~ IT··· Sommerv e Trin.ity college. Cambridge uni- Jan. 21 from 3 to 5 p.m .. in rddm ", "2151 ~; aU OtMr maU ~u~"oI\s, tlO CluaUlecI Mana&er ...... Max Nebel Garl Call ... If , ...... N...... per ,; oh< monthl, f5.IIII; tbree .AD." IOWAN ClIlCULA'rION STAF' v~rsity, wl1l . s~eak on "R~manti- 221A, Schaeffer hall. Only thOSe laSe, T•• ' 0.11,. I •••• " 1:••.•. MaIL.· manlha • .,.25. cireulatlon MIT ...... Rol>eM Cronic clSm and PilhtlCS: a Study In Syn- who sign the sheet posted ou~e .' ,000; ------~------~------thesis" ·Tuesday. Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. room 307, Schaeffer hall by' 'N•. in, In the senate chamber of Old Cap- day, Jan. 19, will be admittelf to t rei ltol. The sponsors are the graduate the examination. Next exa~­ 5,' college · and Humanities so'ciety. tion the end df the second s~~ [)st I Public invited. ter. "f· Ibe OFFICIAL DAILY BUl.LETIN . i INDEPENDENT TOWN WO- 11. H. NlNINGER, DlREc;!;OIl IVa ( men will hold a mass meeting of the American Meteorite •• FRIDAY, JANlJAJlY 15, 115. Monday. Jan. 18 at 7:3Q p.m. in thc seUm, Sedona, Ariz., will lie ~~ Iowa Memorial Union. Brad on Meteor Crate!' in Arizona, ,Ji. IlW UNJVERSlTY CALENDAn lie.... are "laeduled .. UaelTealdeDt'. olllce, Old Capitol Burns, A4, Muscatine, will speak day. Jan. 15, at. 4: 10 p.m. In lit sci on "Guatemala." 301, Physics building. ,tern Frida" Jan. 15 Theatrc. ing. 11' 8:00 p.m.- Play, "Cradle Song," 8:00 p.m.---MceUni, American 8:00 p.m.-Play, "Cradle Song." FOUR ART FILMS, "SHAPED A CLASSICS DEPARTMENT s llv.ri' TI-o ~ re . Association ot University Protes- Theatre. by Danish Hands," "Medieval coffee hour will be held Tuesda" ,ii, rwo ~:lturda" Jan. 16' sors. hOU6e cha~et, O.C. Frlda:r, Jan. 2Z Dutch Sculpture," "Buma" (Afri- Jan. 19. Orazlo Fumagalll .will ' ~ :sed 8:00 p.m.-Play. "Cradle SOng," Tueada:r, Jan. I. 8:00 p.m.-Play'. "CradIc Song," can sculpture) and "Art in Mo- shOW color sterio slides of Myce. ed Thea~re. 5:00 p.m.-Phi Beia Kappa lnl- Theatre. tion," a color film, will be shown naean art objects from our clall. L ' ~t.~ 8:00 p.m. --- Basketball, Minne- tiation, senate and Muse cliam- Saturday, Jan. 23 ' Friday, Jan. 15 at 8:30 p.m. No sica1 museum at 3:10 p.m., :room iii .:Ila, herc. bers. 0.0. 8 :0 0 p.m. --- Play, ' 'Cradle chargc to membcrs. 110 Schaeffer hall. Coffee _ 3:30 DC the' < 9 :30 p.m. - P os t -gam<' par Iy 8:00 p.m.-Play, "Cradle Song," Song," Theatre. to 4:45. Public invited. ' and dance. Iowa Union. Theatre. SuD4ay, Jan. 24 FOREIGN STUDENTS WHO -- " ' 12 :15 p.m: --- American Associa- WedneMa, JaD. 20 . 2:00-5:00 p.m. _ Tea dancc, Ri- haye n~t c.9mpleted the questio.n- I THE DEADLINE FOR oiDEJt1 ~he ~ tlon of Untversity Women. Prof. . ' . ver r~)Qm. Jowa Union. nalre dIstributed by the commlt- ing the ]954 Hawkeye is Friday. use John Simms. SUI, 'Contemporary 7:30 p.m.-SI,ma Xl PlycbololY tee on world affairs are asked to Jan. 22. Orders may· be made ',I'n Inand y _ So ree room EJ05 Ea t "all 2:00-5:00 p.m. Duplicate 1'a p Music," ",wa Union. I , • s '.. ~rldge, Sunporch, Iowa Union. do so. Returll: by mall In the . en- the treasurer's office, Unl,versiI1 .'. unday, J~d. 11 8:00 p.m. - Universi~y Band Monday. Jan. 25 vclopes pJ;ovlded. The qu!!SlIon- hall' publications business office ~ In Concert, lounge, Iowa UDlon. naire is available at Wallace Ma- East hall. or at the Hawkeye ot: : ubj~ 2:00-5:00 pm. - .TCil dance, Ri- 8:00 p.m.-Play, "Cradle Son,," 8:00 p.m. - Basketball, North- probl vcr room, Iowa Unum. Theat.e. weslerh, here. ner's office, 11 University hall, fice or school of journalism ot!ice - 8ch bridge,2 : 0~5 Sunporch: 00 ~~, Iowa_ UnionD~U9W. Thllnda:r, Jan. U mentlll7:~~~-~cicty~rb~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biology in Medicine, room Easta~ lliehall ~u~tiooand should ~fi~ be returned W-114'~mmun~~~C~~~Pri~ Books should be paid for ' ~ t. M, beroic ketb. 8:00 p.m. _ Iowa MountaineerS 1:30 p.m.-Debate: University ot 179. Medical Laboratories. to one of these. picking up 2d s,mester regfstr~- dis: Travelogue, Robert Friars. "Holl- Chicago vs. SUI, senate chamber, Wednesday, Ja.n. 27 to Co'eds' - tion materials. . '. 3_ ~ I .' Th N '. . day In England and ScotJandt O.C. Ir.OO p.m. - University Sym- nterpretl'ng e ews" . .. THE UNIVERSITY COOPER- . . I I~ itC'C It w Macbride auditorium. 7:30 p.m.-Lecture, Iowa sec- phony orchestra concert, loungc, " "', ative Baby-sitting league book .\ the :e ttl Monday, Jan. 18 tiOD, American Chemical society, IOwa Union. J 'C IIege' :~ will be in charge of Mrs'. Barbara ALL UNDERGRADUATE MJ!~ *11 By J.M. ROBER'IS JR. ," .... ". : oe' o. Jennings from Jan. 4 to 18. Phone who arc members of N.I.C. fra· I !dU11he 7:30 p.m.- University club dc:s- Dr. Kenneth A. Kobe, University TbundilY. Jan. 28 Associated Press News Analysl H G ' . 7693 for a sitter or information ternlties without chapters at, SUI e S sert bridie, Iowa Union. of Texas. "Submerged Combus- 2:$0-4:30 p,m. --- University as · ro wn ··· about joining the group. are asked to register at the ita. I pre ano 8:00 p.m.---Play, "Cradle Song," tion," room 300, Chemistry build- club tea Bpd program, ·Iowa Union. American business men arc be- would bc taking a' cha~ce it it ~__ ternity affairs office, 111 Unlver' r spa !~ (For IDlormatio re,ardlA, dales be,oD4 .1lIa .....ule. lite ruerv.Uons In &he oftlce of the President, ginning to show signs o'f ,compet- went beyop.d lthe token stage. (Ka, Tlsas City Star Editorial) ZOOLOGY SEMINAR WILL sity hail. if they are interested. iii job mct,s Old Capitol) ing with British interests, for non- is basic to a cO\l11try's ability to ' . . meet Friday, Jan. 15 at 4:10 p.m., attending the I.F.C, formal ~ . strategic trade with Russia. conduct a war. A well-fed people The boys are ,grolVlng bigger. I' 0 0 m 204, Zoology building. 22 or in forming a ·'Wanqerlr.r. I. Th :~ mlna I The is reported is lar more likely to accept {he YOUI' college student tOday ' 1S Speaker: Jerome K. Sherman of Greek" organization. ,- • in junlo _,ndus, .ry's Sypporl anxious to buy fats and farm mal leadershlp of its, government. In- quit ~ a h.unk of a man compared the zoology department;' topic: . chr pra( _ chinery, among other things. The' dustrial workers must be fcd to to hiS pappy. "FPeezing and Drying of Human UN D ERG R A D U ATE ME~ ttn Edifol;CI/ , United Stat~ s has the fatS and .keep up their prQductivily., He's taller and heavier, He Spermatozoa." with satisfactory grades whb .. 8te '1 ~~ f '. Britain docs ' not. Both have the. ' But weU-fed 'peoples, ' a~o, do Pilcks enough bone and muscle to interested in learning more ljbollt lperll Needed by Colleges ~h G On Ducats- , machinery. Russia has the money, not put pressures upon their gov. make his parent seelXl scrawny in EDUCATION WIVES WILL the fraternity system are invl1~ bel boar( We had barely finishcd reading ovcr the morning's editorial M_ ~V~~I'ne Reports both in gold and foreign exchaJ;1ge. efnments ,to make War. This may compar1soh. meet to play cards Monday, Jan. to register for second semeSter lb· ...... Who gets the trade, however, is seem a minor matter in Russia, It. long has been accepted that 18 at 7:45 p.m. in th e north lpungc format rushing at the fraternity of' , d f I h db' requesting letters to the editor, an re lecting as a ways on ow a minor matter in itself. Th~re the people have nothing to today's son is appearing in larger of Wesley house, 120 N. Dubuque affairs office, 111 University ha~ Yd' much better editorials SOUJld the night before, when we wete Despite the increasing financial are. political faotors in~olv~d .say about it. ·but the Kremlin has sizes. Just how much larger the 5t. --- .. SUI ~ ized with unoontrollable elation at the sight of ~ genuble lettf)r aid given to colleges by U.S. bus- whIch are of far greater slgnlfl- beep demonstrating recently tbat University of Kansas now at- --_. THE . DISCIPLES STU~E*" ~e~ P • to the editor complete with stamp keing deHvered -at our desk. lness, an estimated 50 per cent of cance. it IS. not cO~Qleteiy , i.mmune to t~~pts to. report in solemn, sci en- S · T S k F.cllowshI . program. for ~unda1 sec ne~ . ' . ' P It the country's private educational . ~ee~ E"~rt Market public opiUlon.,$ why bI1C, stah$iical terms. The profes- pllzer 0 pea Jan: 17 WIll be a dlsc~loil oil «--t.. Leapmg to our fe7t, we grabbed a.t it frenziedly nod ripped plants operate in the red. Bfltalll IS .50 ~n ~eed o~ export wants to buy tood and mcrease its SOl'S have-com~ up with these in- natIOnal D. S. F. ~ollow1Dg :,~, k 10 til it 0s;!Il. Jt said: "Ducats does nqt mean tickets. For som~ str nge. . d ' t · . d !IUl-?l., ,a/' 1 qf .hc ca~n needed )ly colleges to' . . . gulng that the one great hope cf lUeh!!t·tall and we ghs nearly 164 AI SUI . C'on. ference · C3; JI thl "A ducat is an ancient gold coJn. If you call find j'ustification ) d ' . . d' Russ1a could . Just pOSSibly. 10 tb ld t , fr pounds. He is almOst two inches ' electIOn 01. o~fic~rs for next yell. pro, . . . . ., .. elj:pan t~elr fa~llihes an lm- SQme future c11'cumstance affect e wor 0 escape otn war, Everyone IS Inv1ted to attend;' III auy d,ctIonary for calling It Ii ticket, please publish 11'\ the prove their t~ach1Dg, and work her whole attitude toward' Russia the . bu~dens of keeping pr~pared taller that;- the average student of Prof. Herbert F. Spitzer, direc. ___ .. (, , ;s CU g Iowan the source of t~e definition. more closely w1th colleges on bus- just as it affects her policy toward for 1t. 1S. to see. SovIet Russ!a de- a generation a ? and packs 25 ~ tor of elementary education, will ~ . , Ie ~3 .. ' . ' . jness ne~ds, Time reports in the· velopcd m to a prosperous coun- llds mor~ weight. . address the 0 enin sessioll of the UNIVERSITY CHOR ... S 18.11;1' docul j\ CQurse m Scrllbble I~ recommeqdcd for (!dltor alld repor· .iail. 18 Issue. Re~ Ch~n;. tl . d try. Communism, an extreme A g~nerattort or more ago, the Iowa chapte/ ASS!iation for Su- ginning rehearsals of the ,verdt I desl tOrilll'staff." • .' Businessmen and educators I t e . ;bws: :reai ~ cOf~ce~n~ manifestation of desire lor pie Kansas college s~dent was 5 feet pervision and Curriculum Devel Requiem. Students and t~ dcfin Well that was a challenl1e we could not lightly i~nore. Not hllve not al,Y'ays rec~gnized their ~~a~~sa: :u~~ a s~~:tfo e. X~~r~~ the ~kY,. doe.~n't ,flourish . 8% inches tall and weighed 1381h opment conference today. - people wisbing to join c'lio,. ana j • ' • Q , /Y'. "clj!ar mutuallty of mterest . . . 'a' I} a UJ.ere Ii p~e pn the table. Wealthy pO\lnd~ . , His address entitled "Desirable ~ h 0 u 1 d contact Prof. Har_ol« ram, hav1l1g a Scrabble board handy. we headed for 1:1t~ offloo cdpy The rapidly expanding U.S. econ- GdmykO S p~omtment;~ am~ s· ountrles s\lch as the U.S. --- and Over a period of many yearS be- Practices in' Use in Elementary Stark, X2278. :he p of Webster's New International Pict~onary. Second Edition, 1951, omy must depend increasingly on ~~e~t ;~o~: ~nth:~~eld of sfra~ee- ussia would be wealthy if she tween 1900 and 1925 Dr. James Schools." will be deJivel'ed before ' -- n.t' "'. • ron ~ed t( Unabridged. I ' cotporations for contributions, were accept<>rl In Washington as ~ \ver~ d~velo?ed - do not threat- kept measurements on the general session which will PHI BETA KAPrA W .' ~" Wa custo " ...... since hlgh taxes have all but cut definite atte~ t to drive one more en theIr nelgbbors because thl:!Y 510 men students entering the uni- meet at 9 a.m. In the Iowa Center iUate, new JT)e~bers Tuesday. ~~ R,lc It thq Now that IS a dlctlonary to gladden the eye of any senouS'· off the flow of the big individual p . . tio not need to stage holdups. versiiy in those years A latcr for Cont·nuat·o Study 19 at 5 p.m. m the senate. challli' . i wedge betweeh Br~hsh lind Amer· . ' I 1 n . 0 C . I it' t wlJI r ~ tis p~ mtnded seeker after trutn. Although its exilct a mystery contributions that bunt the pri- ican thinking Shjnments of Rus. The whole Russian attitude pel'- group of professors acquired them Dean E. T. Peterson of lhe col- ber of Id ap1to. In 1/\ «!jI ," . • f uld vate schools" .... . 'ts Ii ttl h th.J.. thO d ' tl d I . . . meet at 4:45 p.m. in the hoUII o d by to us, lt s sa e to say vou wo never trust It to a table that was' sian gold to London seem to be a J:11I. e .ope ~. any 109 can a~ . lecen y ma e compar sons lege of education, wJll deliver a h . . A 'b t ,~ I for I . I . ' t ti ' ' $60 Milllon Contributed further attempt by Russia to os. Qrmg her mto .frIendly coopers- WIth another 510 men :;tudents welcome to this se.$ion wh ich will c am.ber fo/ Inshtr~c~l?ns. ill' II() t () f f alf y massIve cons ruc on. . t· 'th f Id 't t·· th ' 't Th 1 tt quet honormg t e Inltlatcs w #ft!!; ducat, , .., '" Few people kpow how much in- tablish her position as a sound IOn Wl a ree wor commUlll y. en ellOg e U11lVerSl y. e a er open the ASCD conference. ." MoO • Jgh j The statistics OU Jts cover are equally nnpresslve, AccordUlg dustry already conttibutes. In customer. But the. balance of P?wer which group was 25 tp 50 years younger. Today's schedule is as follows: held at 6 . ~5 pm. In thc nver r.~ kI,' to the G.&C. Merriam company, Publ~.he~. Springfield, Mass.. 1954, business will donate well ' Sees No Serious Defection the Allies are estabhshlng: a~ ,a Determine 'Mean' Student 8 a.m .• r~sistration ; 9 a.m., gen- of the UllIon. '. y,.~. 4 •• ~t1on. their elephabtlne work contains ,IS 350 ' page~ ' ~ 000' n.~h!s 12. ewer $60 million to ,private col- That does not mean there is qeterent to Russian expanslO11Ism From th.e~e tables the protes- eral sessIOn; 10:40 a.m., group " •• . ~ addiFO~ " . . . ' Y' . . . ~" ~ , 'Ieges, p~us liddlt~o~'al funds for fear ,of a serious British defection. can never be more than a heart- SOl'S arrived at the "mean" stu- meetings; 12:15 p.m., lunch in the HILLEL SCHEDULE, FRIDA!. 'I t II wi 000 Illustrated ~nb'Jes, 1T)agmfJoont. plates in full color and cost research and equi'pment, 'rime Britain and the U.S. are too close~ brealdn~ stopgap. Some other dent. That bfls no reference to his cafeteria 01 the Iowa Memorial Jan. L5 - Sabbath eve serv~ in~ ler a "$1,300;000." , sa)". "But even this ' help is not ly tied together for that. At worst means m~t be found or war dispo$itlon. It's a scientific term Union. conducted 'by Sigma Delta ~ Md t "Th . After a $urprisi'ngly short hUI)t, we located qtlcat. Now the n~arlY enough.'" it .wo~ld be merely another com- cOIl)e eventually. :for "middle.': consider~ more 1:30 p.m., busi~ess meeting'; 2 sororitr ~t 8:15, ~ Hill~l forUm.., rbO 1S we . . ,_ . " . .. At present, much-corporate help gllcation. . accurate llian "average," lo Wh1Ch p.m. , genernl sessIOn; 2:30, group lecture WIll be given DY Prof. il(ah: :adem first fhlng to get straIght about ducat J5 that It IS pronounced OOV~TS only tuiti0l)., about half the There is just a possibility. on ' tl.' I: I a fljl or lean onll may throw the meetings; 6:30 p.m .• dinner in thc William S. Heckscher of the 'Sm, .brll MC hr1st ~orld "ducl{ · ut, ~ wit11 the accent on t~e fjf~t sy\1able - not "duke·ut." cpst of putti"g a student through the other hand, .that revival 01 C ar ~,y S. ,ormu a tigurcs ·off . .SD today's "meRn" River root of the U?ion: . art department .on "Judeo-"':I1' , is: " ~ gold coin of several countries of Europe, first coined by zation. they h~ve been reluctant tors to~ the success of the world attacks the , Republican adminis- aroU)1d his calf. ~l chlld and Impr?--:ement of spell- . ERNST. ~E,?HERT.S !'D.l'!~. I I • · 'JI . ed f ' f to commit the1r firms to large· revolutIon they expect. They nat- fration of t~e Voice of AIlIl!r' . . • "Oaulles t}ncertaln Illg and handrwntmg. sIDe Nomme w111 be dlScU~11J A:ll f S a . Hoger II·o IC y about 1150. ~t IS sti f cqm . or purposes 0 sca~ support of the liberal arts ura!!y expect retaliation and hllW '. . , . lCIi . Th ' b 11 t' . d 't tt t a Prof. Harry A. Greene of the Prof. Fred Fehling at a mee\ilil Mr: foreign tra~in Austria, Czechoslovakia. and the Netherlands,.at partlY . because they have feared been getting it. ' "gnederOvlelrs~!~ IlltftOrm a~lh~Rseri\J'" . e Ust~~ Ofo,~ny th~s 7ifrue SUI college of education, -will be of Delta Phi Alpha, hobo~· t-. , o::"' lth ld "ts II MI ... Aft t R d Thlnkl nay. ...., E\ ac k s ·, e ep . ,_. .~I' 'It t f th 11' d der an f at .ty T esd/iI. ... J'1Oo II' an intrinsic value of $2.2879 or ai>put .nine shilliug, five pence, swe 0 ers SUI over co ege ' g... ee e nr can.admlnlste· d dep rt ' t offers suggestions. It rep-orts consu at;- . 0 . e spe mg an m l' erm , u ~' :., . , . ..' . . .. qon11'lbutlons that did not have A demonstration by the U.S. J:e . , a. men, . t increase in size of handrwl'ltlng Improvement sec· 19, 7:30 p.m., room 122 Sc~a~ff.~r wJlJch was apprO/ornately Its usual value 10 fonner ~mes. crystal-clear benefits to the com- tha~ some channels of trade are . ~~fense for alleged espIOnage university students" bllt tion. Wesloy A. Erbe, principal, hall. Public Invited. ", he On the other, hand, ducat equid mean. "a gold coin of Poland pany," Time continues. open might just affect t.his Krem- 'bMI' onmodut~· ' iHte. .atdtacKst tt d finds 'the "spec.ifi~ · cause" ' wo!lld University high school, is record- .. ':VI' .. ~ ... U-" 14 Glfo ,. th'nkl Ii lib' , pu Ican-a mm s el'~ . s a e e- ' . e fo th s t· . . "1 : • '• • cO/ltaining 25 zloty and worth $2.804. , ,,,,__.,..e. lllg I ng ate It. t t 'th I rttl ' be :'very difficult .to determine." . r. r e ee Ion on currlc~ um A PH.D. GERMAN READlN .1\ 1 Of • ' . • . ' _ Recently New Jersey courts up- A gteater long-range effect par mel\: WI on Y 1i ,.1 ~ . A. '. ' I h . adJustment I lor the cxceptional '11 b . T dh J' '~ Or even: A Silver com of varymg weight, w~ somewhat held 'the rlght of the A. P. Smith might be produced by helping restraint than he attacked Its pre· . 'f"'" pos.s)b ~ ,t eorles to . ac~ount child. \ exam WI e gIven ues . y, lilt "~ b tf h h Id d " J ' b d' ... R . I decessor for allegedly dishonor- for. I<\rger stUdents. the study sug- 19, 3:30 to 5:31) p.m., room '" , . tcus I ess th an a as mllc as t e go l'cat. t s not ar to Imag- _anllfacturing Co. to make a $1,- ussla so ve her food problems. It . th I .. . ' gests "better nutrition in infancy A secollP general scssion will bc Schaeffer hall. Those w\.shlqg It t> ~ iect~ ine a gay blade of the 12th century jesting, "Don't take any silver 5°0 ~ft"Whto Princeton uDlb'versity, WS' UI PROGRAM ';: set~ ~~~~~\/nupfO~:I~ rr;~~lrs. and chlidh,oo. d, les~ communicable held Saturday. take the exam should rellJster lit ~ " " r ultng. at promotes t e gen- 't d' d"n! d hUd I 00 d J 18 om' 101, " I Ea, ducats. I d' bl d the President and asks the radio IScase urmg I ancy an c - 11 n, f:e on ay, an. ,ro • era goo mescapa y a vance d' • ' . nood a lessened mortality rate in D,·rectors Approve Schae fer hall . T The filial deEinition listed by Merriams, ilnd hardly worth the corporate weal." I. 'au lence to support hIS own . . ' . _. __ tionB'l 'IU.s b' . t k' th 'on trade and aid as Infancy. higher standards ot IIv. C ' I·d· PI ~Ollo wasting time over, since it ii obsolete, is: "An old Venetian mon- I 't husmt~T'1S a m~,c e CALENDAR ' the admi .nistratiO~'s wit" a ing, a '1igher degree of health OOSO, atton ani THE BEHAVIORIAL selEN"'· " esson 0 ear, Ime says. or· " " kid I . d' . . f Ih F d F datiCIII (j JIll P ey 0 f account. porate gifts are not regarded top barrage on the Wbite House. nowe ge among peop e III g~n- Of N h H d IVlSlon 0 eoI'. oun :)i~i and We were pre tty discouraged hv this time but hoping merely as a means of spending Frld.y.,y I~. I.N He calls himself the campaign is· eral. anq a greater cr.oss·sechon as, u son announces co~petit.l('n for. '!"'l ' , enlor , 'f' t d II 8:00 Mornlnlr Chapel f 1954- d th II d 1 of the population entering univer- .' ~ . year !ellowshlps. Stlpenda 01 • r 'f, ' P I_Art! against hope we thumbed our l comparat~vely anemic Ameri~n chbea ax , 0 ars, but a~ a blue· n~ ~~:"·k nhd Roman Lllerature s~~ ~ thO /; Is e rewt r p~ sjtles." ~ETR01T (If')-Gonsolidation of 800 are awarded for study .n pI'f. .. ' ;, . ....IN' CUD" be b R d H lQl':l T ~ d be c ip i nvestment that WIll even- 9'20 Kitchen Concert a 0 1S ac IVI y an ex ra pos ;Nash-Kelvinator cOUloration and hI' I d thropoJo II " ntive 0 ege Ictionary. gat. y an om ouse, qv. I--JV an - tually pay heavy dividend. Some 8:45 Worn. II'. Feature on 'the senate rules committee, • ' ~. • H d M t c . c c oogy, SOCIO ogy an an ctII' ., ! gold bold, right there on page 371, we found this definition for ducat: 1,500 companies ha,:,e le~rned thrtt ~g;~ ~~:"BoOklhCU wh~re he. clln. have a ?t.:ect and SOciety of ~Igma XI : p:().v~~n Th~~~a/lby ~ir:C~~rsa~f ~:Itet~nth~: :!~/~ n:~d:~"" . ,-1 1ges II! "Slang-t,icket." the best way to give IS through ~t~ ~!::~~~,arth~a;::~. actlve vOice III determllllO, .bbw To Hear Prof~o~ the two companies subject 10 uates. Appllcation forms anil lA' . :. ! .'~ :&lIe Ho . h h . ' f th I Sc bbl corporate foundations. . . "')5 Fu With S h much money his future inveshgat- . stockholder a proval r t' all ble 8t till .. ' scout wevcr, we agree wit t c wnter 0 at etter, ra e "By Investing ht!avily in periods U:30 Ad~eoturc. I~search ing adventl,lres will receive. Two members ot the SUI pS~' - p'. . orma IOn av a . ~,' . d d I ":.5 HI b to S l t . . ' The resulting corpol'atlon Will graduate office. room 4, Old ,,8r.o," .. ,' lera! l IS a am goo game. of high earnings, .a backlog can 11;58 pr:y:..a~~r Pea~ee y If any ambItious Repu.blicllJ1 cholQgy ~epar~ment and a speech be kn wn as American Motors It I Th d dll I Aprll 1. ' ~ be accu~ulated to insure a steady 12 :00 Rhythm Rambles senator doubts that here IS the pathologISt WIll address the So- \ 0 . e ea ne s ,. MILL stream of funds, thus enable eau- ~n~ ~;;;;.~ Roundtable rQad to advancement, he need on- ciety 'of Sigma Xi Wednesday at c°ti°~a 10::; 1 N h H d LYDIA C. ROBERTS OR""..III L C~ I Il ~ Jcators to plan years ahead. J3ut 1;00 lIfuI'esl Chats ly reflect that this was the W8¥ 7:80 p.m. in East hall. n er . e p an as, u son - ", ~~ l ~ . corporations still contribute far 1:55 glil Tales an4 New Senator McCarthy did it. 'l'hey are Prof. Norman C. and ,KelVlnatojr will operate. as ale feUowshlps of $1,250.~ ij~!!.n · I I . !n' bA.. less tban they are entitled to by ~i~ c~~!:"t~o~:::bfe Music MJ!ler or psycholo'8Y; ' Chester J. separate dlvls ons. of Amenca.n awarded to native !owalUl,~ ,1\ "il/te~hnf __ L. . 'et,jUl!. 'e~~ ,tl e " ,.j ~iJ law as a tax deduction (5 per cent 3:30 mWI W ' , Atkinson, research , associate. in M,otors. The denIm and s~les OJ· have been graduated trom " .\ . '. • _IL___ ;;;;,l; __"i"iiiiiiiiiiiiii~ __iiiiii;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;""",'iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;Jiiiiii;;iiii;ijii;ijiiiii..,.;;.p;;i;;;iiiiiill of net irycome)." I ::~ . ~~rc~I~' c~~';.e;t NDE,ES' :loqI~sAY(!) ,PELJNN:D speech pathology, and Prof. '-eon- ganizationis will retam theIr sepa- Io~a . univer~ity or col1,e'C' ~ \f>. Is~ .. . . :30 Tea Tlm,e ...... "' --- . war. F . ard D. Goodstein, profllSsor ot ratc ident ties. " pilcatlon forms are Bvaila ble .... '. ( Allied and Russia.a lJ!P1ej1elltaiiveli report they II" unabl!e to LAW PHOn.8OIl TO SPEAK ::: ~~~,,!"D. Hour Koch, !'~S, chlel engmeer fo!, psychology., . . T;h~ ann u~cem,ent saId It was tbe Graduate office, room • ~ ~ ale co a,ree on a site for. &lie fqr~I'n rqiniJters' conference after ~7 hour~ 'Prof. 'Frank Kennedy or the S:U iipbrt:. . . ', toe Jowa. state highway com mis- Meier will discuss , "The In. contemplated that A. E. Barlt, Capitol. The deadline Is Feb, ~ IOClet of wrani1ing. II they can" even ~ to a aite on which to ,ait. why SUI college of law will speak on 6:00 Dinner Hour . slon, uid Thursd~y Ohio, the 'Ua- validity of Probability Theory in presicjent Of Hudson Motors, will 't th b d the I ru. '~.05 Newl . , h' . , d on ey s\ay orne an use ,~ e_pne? . separation ot cburch and state at 7:do Cot/cart Cia ....,. , tl.on:s pace sett r on Ighway a Particular Context'" Atkinson serve as a director and consultant DUPLICATE B!lIDO. " • * ." the FirHlde club of the Uriltar· 7:30 ~pular Arts In America progress, is goin, 10 $.165 wi11 describe "Resear~h ' on the and George W. Mason, president be played every Sunday I Ike proposes brinsin, 10 million mQre , Americana under IOclaI Ian ehurch Sunday evenin•. '1'he ::: &h~Y:e ~~~~Jtnn million J)eJ' year to spend for new Hearln, of.Oile·s Own Voice." and and board of Nash-Kel- noon from 2 to 5:30 P''1'' iJ! ' " security and ,alsing benefit!!. There's no "(V'l"t'pin, $odIlJ~m" dYI1inl meellnlt. will begin .at 7 p.m. In 8:.0 New. construCtion ill lhe next five Gnod.·~in will speak on "Recent vinnlor as IJresidl1nl and board Rivet' room of the Iowa Memorl-' th ' . 1 . ' . 1 h 8:153 Sport. HlghlilblJ . r"~ , , IS (' ectlon yonr, , . . ...r . _ • Ihe c urcb, Iowa and Gllbert a.ta. 18iQO .slGtPOfll' •._ • ._ .: I~ _. _ '. 'years, ...• _ . .. ' __ , Re~eBF~ 9P. R.i.liJ!l~y , ot ~ltI!V~Ol·.'.' ehai~' ~an 01 America~ ~otors. UnJon.

r Discuss Careers Conference Publicity Plans Stu8enfts Visa Student Reads Madrid Periodical DAa~ 'OWsuj~::- IS. ''"-1' Arrives Late, i

Cancels Trip NAMES NEW ADVISER musical program and skit w,re B,. AUDREY BELLE Prof. Cleo P. Casady of the of- Jerry Mason, A3, Milwaukee, Wis.; lice management and business Bob Blitz. AI, HiJbland Park, J11..: An SUI foreign student. who be­ education department was named Sheldon Drucker, AI, ROfk 1sland, gal) planning in October for a faculty adviser at a meeting Tues- nl.; Larry Feinberg, AI, Sioux day of the Collegiate Chamber of City, and Gary Caplan, At, Des Christmas holiday in Mexico had Commerce. He succeeds Prof. Moines. to change his plan ,as he did not Wendell Smith, head of the mar- receive permission. 16 leave the keting department, who is leaving. ELECTED HISTORIAN until Jan. 2. A report was giveu on Careers LaDonna Haman, C4, Laurena, Luis Renau Fernandez, a grad­ Conference which will be held was elected bistorian of Phi Gaoa- here Feb. 16 and 17. Plans were , ~... ~~~ uate hydraulic engineering student discussed for the Careers Confer- rna Nu, women s professional :.,r,,~~~a from Madrid, Spain, told ot a ence luncheon at which faculty, commerce sorority, Tuesday. N~ board m mbers and session lead- dltions of the orority by-Jaw. ers will be guests. were distributed and a commiU.. three month delay by Mexican authorities end the Institute of In­ -- was appointed to be In charge ot FRATERNITY the commerce trophy case in ternational EducaUon beCore he ~NTERTAlN8 U~- Alpha Epsilon Pi social trater- verslty hall. Committee memtfn obtained his "vacation visa." nlty entertained members of Delta are Martha Gericke, C4, Cedar "Of course I was disappointed Gamma social sorority Wednesday Rapids; Carla Proehl, C4, Ia9fa that it arrived too late, but I evening at the chapter house. 707 City, and Jane Hannum, C4, AI­ might try to use it before I re­ LUIS RENAU FERNANDEZ, G, Madrid, Spain, Is pictured at the N. Dubuque st. Taking part in a bla. turn to Spain," Fernandez. said. UDlvenlty library reaCUn& ,. copy of "A B C," a periodical pub­ Bold. SeboIanbIp Habed In Madrid. A Fulbright scholarship, under --~------the direetion of the Institute ot Columbus' birthday was another SUI International Education, brought Il/iUonal holiday in his country. the Spanish student ~o thje SUI "We are very proud of his Concert Band mall, 1•• aD Pile'" b, IHb aeHDO ) campus to study englneer Ill. A achievements. He was one of To January Clearancel SHOWN DISCUSSING PUBLICITY PLANS FOR)he Careers Conference to be held at SUI Feb. resident ot Hillcrest dormJtory, Spain's great explorers." Give Program 1& uel 17 are, left to right, Jane Hannum, C4, Albia; Mar), aW)'er. CI, Kawarden; Bill Youll&'Dlan. Fernandez. commented on the lood . Lit ,C,, Winfield; Prof. Cleo Casad)' of the office manal'emen& and bulnesa eclueaUoD department aDd and room service. EnJo,s Campus e The SUI concert band will pr - belllty adviser; Prof. Sldne)' Winter, dean of the colle&e of conuneree, and Duane Clark, .404, \Ved "European universHie. otten do The 25-year-old student enjoys sent a concert Wednesday evening JUlt 53 Llbeny. BWllbess men have been conta~ted 10 address eommeree student. eoncernlng Job opportu­ not have such high standards ot campus li!e at SUI but expressed 8 I th j I f P m n left at ...... ~...... $]450 Dl&feg In the commerce field. A luncheon will be beld honorlnr seaalon leaders, board members and cleanliness" he said. regret for being unable to p~rtici- at I . . M e mll n lounge (j SUITS ooaimerce faculty members. , pate Is the many extra-curricular the owa emorla l Unon. C&lleel OD HoUday act1vities here. The Spanlsb hlgh- The 88 members ot the concert Although Fernandez did not sec er oducational system begins with band will be directed by Prof. Christmas vacation plans ma- a seven year program which Charles B. Righter. John B. Whit- TOPCOATS com~~;e!t~ .~...... 20% /?:,1ans Discuss'ed for .Annual·Campus 1eTlallZ". he was able to talk with stresses arts and sciences. At the . family during SP in's nation- end of each year, tho ~tudent is Jock Is the asslstpnt dLC~ctor. holiday, "Reyes Magos." A tested. Belorc he may receive his The program Includes Overture e ;ommerce Careers Conference caU to Madrid permitted "Bachilletalo" de~ree, tests must to Orlando Palandrlno" by Haydn; to extend and receive IIreet- be taken over all seven years' "Prelude Chorale and Fugue" by SPORl (OATS ,p , The board of directors. session on the "day of the kings" work. Bach an~ Abert· :'SymphOniC Ep- leaders and mcmbers of the fac- charge of include Dale Adolf, C3, tratflc managcment; LaDonna Ha- which is ceJebr~ted In all Spanish "The emphasis is placed on Isode _ A Cha~t from the Great ulty met Thursday afternoon to Cherokee large scale retailing' man, C4, Laurens, advertising de- speaking countnes on Jan. 6. Greek and LaUn and these tests PI i "b Busch ', "Entry of the ' .' partment; James R. Maggert, C4, "Reyes Magos," which means are really comprehensive." a ns y 71 dlsc~ss plans for the annual ca- James R: Agan, ~41 Des Moine~ , Afton, realty and property In- the kin~, refers to the blbl~clll Men and women students are Gods into Valhalla, from Das SPORT SHIRTS ...... $2 \ iI:OOrs conference, Isponsored by commerClal bankmg; Donald M. surance; Donald Martens, C4, three wiSe men who brought gifts divided on this level and though Rheingold" by Wagner; "Over- 1he college ot commerce, which Bye, C4, ~edar Rapids. appllca- Nil s, Ill., I~dustrial accounting; to the Christ child. It is believed they attend the same school, ture _ Hansel and Gretel" by Comp'.'. St«11 *lU· be held Feb 16 and 17 tlons and Interviews; Gordon W. David L. Miller, C4, Davenport, that the three kings did not reach classes are separated H dinc.k "M t f l' Leadin busin~s men ",in be Campbell, C4, Waterloo, market- personnel management (Union); the birth scene until Jan. 6. Ac- "We m t the oppo~lte sex only umpcr ; enne, rom e- Valu.1 to $65 $3950 . g . \ ing research; Daryl L. Carter, C4, Pamela Stevenson, C4, HUmboldt, cording to tradition, chUdren leave when we took our tests," hc tite Suite" by Debussy, and "The STORM COATS present durmg the conference to Storm Lake, advertisin2 medin, secretarial science; John R. Stew- their shoes on window sills the smiled. Marriage Feast, from Hiawatha sPllak to commerce students about I radio and television; Gar.l~nd art, C4, Cedar Rapids, public ac- night before so that tbe "kings" Education II Speelallud Ballet," by Colerldge-Tar-0r. job 6pportunitics in the field

• •••••• e • • • • • • • • . ' . •.. • • • • • • e • ••• CLOCK RADIOS ..• wall & table J • WHI •• TO en' "OU DlTAiLIa models .•. 15% redudions Co ....d your ...... Aviation c.IeI SeIectIen '"m, I . Air Force ROTC Unit CIt' Air Fore. Recrultlng 0... . Or write tOI Aviation Cadet, Heaclquttrterl, U. S. Air Foreo, Washington 25, D. C.

~ Woodburn Sound Senice .. ,. Bound Volume of the,e Bible Scene&, Marled Free vlJOI .. nluen 8 E. College SI, " . ~qm 1'I1B Productioll Departm£fII. D01: 447, Wjnt"r'liI~ C lorm. .. ..-- .. j i, I '------~ ~~ J ~ ' · '1, .. , I" i. i ..1... "'" , .. , ~.~ • Big ,T en ~Flel~ , Go~ Mark The Dall lowa,~n

~:~:~ ~!:soi8~ Hawk-of-the-Week by Peach 4 Contests Slated in 19 54's , , .

In Storing Biggest Hom'e Card lor Hawks .... ·-m.DAlLYIOWAN-_."".... -." .... J ...... lt! ki~~~~·s t:~~°":t~~~~~~:e:r bas~ ;lOWA * * * "* * * ' ."S · * *F * ISC Brave Official Amazecl Big Ten basketball raee, WREsrl../NG- Wrestlers Seek 2d Badgers, Buckeyes wlmmers ace 0 I 'b . . 10 earned Jts undefeated berth C04CH , 5 :-re~~~~p~: I~~~na'~e ~~~(/;l')f~ Win Against Indiana Oppose Fencers In Iowa AAU Meet n y . y uccesses ' ~ :. ;;~ sharpshooUng average of the mE. HAWKS I In Jst Home Meet ' MILWAUKEE (IP) - "Surpris- f " 1 young season. The Hawkeyes MAT FOItTtlNE~ Iowa and Indiana, deadlocked Iowa AAU indoor men's cham~ ing? It's ainazing." the season. On 42 of the 124'b311. hit 43.3 per cent of their field S1AP''Tt;O in dual wrestling meets for the .Iowa, Wiscol1Sin and ~hio State pi?nships for 1~5~ in rune s~im~ Johl\ Quinn, general manager lots cast by sports writers ·a'ffd attempts. ast t wo seasons will t1' to ar- will get together for fet\cmg meets mlng and one dlvmg even"t WIll be . . '" lif • Ohio State, which has won -nl6 uAWt(S p.' .. y. in the Hawkeye field house Sat~ d 'ded I'n t"e Iowa fl' Id h u of the Milwaukee , Braves, was sportscasters ot the natIOn .Ine rIve at a team declslon m the eCI '" e 0 se . ,. . rJt 0% of three games, UPWARD LAST H k fi Id h S t d t urday at 2 p.m. in an affair which pool Saturday talkmg. He d Just been told h Brakes ranked fIrst, receiving •. " aw eye e ouse a ur ay a '11' 1 d Lt' . . f s the scoring pace with an $A'T. wiTH A 5 p.m, • WI InVO ve t wo ua con ests Preliminaries in five events are baseball club, whIch fmished sec~ L49 points on the 3-2~L bas' ~rage oC 81 polntil per game. 23 -3 kilN O~R Holders of tickets for the Min~ for e.ach team. , scheduled for 10 a.m. There are ond in the National league and Chuck Dressen's departur.e sllIan part of the Buckeye PRE V'OU5/.-Y nesota~]owa basketball game wlU . ~t IS the openmg home compe~ two heats each in the 50,100, and set a new attendance record in the Brooklyn managership ~ its tree throw record, ha VIVI9E.ltTEN be admitted to the wrestling meet tltlon. for the Hawkeyes, "aft~r 220-yax'd freestyle ev,ents and in the process last summer, had vote~ second on 91 points. .cashed in on 76 per cent "'15''''''5_'''. without additional char e r~b~ the first meet last week was lo~t the 200~yard back and breast~ . . m the poll went to the free throw chanees. I'V' ~'V _ {y • g, P to Notre Dame 16~11. t . k 'th " t lif f been voted the sports surprise /Jf tlon of the free su I d h t d-' I ably assurmg one of the largest I.' S 10 e, WI ,SIX men 0 qua . y or , . ~ t e con erence ",ens I 11' d I hi t Dr. LUCien Morris Iowa coach the final Finals start at 3 p m 1953 ~n the 23rd annual year ~ end In college football, whIch i t a t th ' owa wres mg crow s n s ory. . .' • , '. . . h t 1 wIth .1 PO n s ,a me 0 elr op~ I ' will plc1t hIS men from a squad Result of the team champion~ Associated Press poll. t e wo p atoon system-44 pofIents. owa won Its opener, 23~3, from whkh has five major lettermen . . .", . b 'n"I,:;======.:=====~ Thn OhIo free throw chart Wisconsin spoiling the Badger . . shIp IS a foregone concluslOn be~ I m not surprised at our el • ~ , and one mmor award-wmner, ..' , eludes a new one-game Indlvi .~ record of two victories Meanwhile F k C . fAt cause Iowa State college, the de~ named the surprJse of the year," ICE SKATING ~ 1\ • ran Talg 0 UI'ora won wo f di h .. d 1 conferenee record as P aul A ..' Indiana has beaten Miami U. of of three matches in the foil la~t en, ng campIOn, IS. oppose o~ Y Quinn added with a grin. "We MELROSE LAkE hit for a new hiah of 13 out ot 11 Me CUSKCY, WHO -rCOI< -xc- Ohio, 22~7, lost a close one to Illi~ week and sophomore Ted Myers by the l?wa Dolphm club, With were as surprjsed as anyone" else AI&emoons Ev'eDi.uI' ~ witb no title at stake. SP,RT SHIRTS expects to wellh about . , 8 Nationally known brands in variety ot fabrics. All S pounds, six over the feather of,tL:e' 2 NOW, ) Tbere is practically no n . washable in plilin colors or patterns. Values to B.95. with Saddler at 3% to 1. ~ • The 10-round match. 0 at 9 p.m. Iowa time will be I d ~ WOOL JERSEY SHIRTS $~" ibe usual Friday net',Vol'k trea!- Wl. . ;Lere yvu'l.fin 0 100% virgin wool, Jong sleeves and placket front. ~nt on racilo AJ3C and '!me-TV. (I j ~ J Many colo rs to choose from. Vlllu~s fo 10,95. N.W ,U , Chicken · .. ' I-M Stores , Amana.. Steak' ~ PULLOVER SIIEATERS IlAIK&nI.UL lAwn " It. lJ.,.. C U Ail wool, and long sleeves. Natlonally known makes ••1 D.11a Til..... ~ a..u.. PI sa Ham ~ Sausage I ~ NitW ROle ...' r ... Bm ..... " • at'real savings. Values to 10.05. $7 IAa 11. 11._ X. • IIm.rut II .1. Hlu....t D ( ...... , %1 PAl a.. lI.. PI .1...... ftI a,..... ,. Xert. T.,...r II, ".... , ..... II \1_ D '1. tI.,. ••• .. Setved family style L~hg Playiilg Recotds ~ VALUES IN BJlEMERS ~OYS ~HOP • ,,1II.rut G 41 , HI ...... aTe II , 1Ie",,,.r n, '''_~ • IIdlcreol B II, aUI.,." & • ...... T ••u . lI. U.... C 16 U,,.. A...... a.., I JI A fine quality 88 .UIe... & D /tI.... ) ." au-.. la, II =::=~ 27S 20cro to. SCo;o 'elf ~ ~!~~~~~!.abi!~~!~!g - life. 10:'" '4 ft::.;.:...... :.: .. Values to 7.88. German Zither MUllc Every TUeI., Thuri., Sat., Eve. ~ I P , WIITER JACIETS and SNOW SUITS iAonjllfd Am ... ~ ....nd ,~. on Dhpl.y 35c ~!. 3~~$1~06'~I~r~:c~~:9'''. ~ &lZt;S 4 to 18 in plain or plaid. J ackets and snow suits. Nylon reinforced for durability. 51c ~'h ~.~.~.~~~~I~r; ~::~:, .. ~ . , ~5 E.P'. PO~ular & ; ClaSsical ~ Open Every 1)dy anCJ Eve~ing .Untn.8 p.m. Blc each SundaYI: 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. ~ ~ 20 MU .. of )owa City in Amana WEST MUSIE ':(0. ~ Quality First with Nationally Known ~~~~~~~~ I ~__ ~~~l4S~.~b=UqU~e~~· ~· ~I~~~

l • 1 f;t· -.r '.1 ~ • ~ f • " '~t ~., i, .•. • • ~ DmT IOWAN-I"" tlH7. J.a,~"', iu. 15. ltM-hA. I ~ ~a" :i:lle''< :S"'ong" T- II 5t f N ' - Symphony To PJay"3d Concert ·· JO R t II 'A ~ H' -d' r h I . ~" . , U """" . e s ~rv o. uns I:~: .\01~!F. ~:~:'~.; ,::";:,';' .;;~,~~.~!,~~ ,~~~::.';.~r ,. " "eal ers '1;0 fie nu ar ware oJC 00 • Love r" a In Their (are PrQf. Phi/Ill Greeley Clapp of the music department will con- The mld-wmter hardware man· - t ' j • " 'fo B by, left t:luct the orchestra, William Gowi!r Is the assistant conductor. Robert agement school Is expected to ware and ma'\,ufacturer's Hardware" under Jean F, Hart, " ' - Elled.;e, A4, :Oeacon, is personnel director and librarian. bring some 40 Iowa retailers to representatives. StaDley Works representative J ~ BJ'; IOHN'SEAY The 9rogram lor the concert incllltles "Pr-elude to the Opera, the Iowa Ccnter for Continua- Monday morning scnool be1Js from New Britain Conn l , tn .. ' 'Khovantchina'" by Modest Mu:ssorgsky (1839-1881); "Concerto Ijon Study next week. will summon Ihp retailP1"'I I" II I I .' . . ~ war 'and tender play. "The for Violin with Orchestra, in D major, opus 77" by Johannes Brahms Growina trends toward home session on "Hardware Retailing COIle of the mtenslve w~k of C~ dIe Song," b~ ri. Martinez Sier- (1833-1897) with Prof. Stu3rt Caoln {If the music department a \'io- owners doing their own repairs Today" knducled by Prof. WII- stUdy and Idea exchange Will oc- iI, marked jbe opening, 01 the Uni- Un soloist, and "Symphony No.4, in G major, opus 88" by Antonin and toward sell-service store lay- LLan A. Knoke ot the department cur FTlday evening with a gradua- versity theatre's third production DVQJ'ak (1841-1904). outs will be among those analyzed of marketing. Tbey wlll reach tion banqu'et in Iowa Memorial he year Thursday nlght. Free tickets for the concert will be available to st.\ldenb and 10- in the' live-day schedule of classes their half-way point early Wed- Union, at which point certUicates "The Cradle Song" is the story cal residents beginning Salurday, Jan. 23, at the Union lobby service led by SpI faculty, Iowa hard- nesday afternoon in "Garage of graduation wLll be awarded. ot a mot~r's .love. Only in this deSK. /' --- case. tllere " are eleven mothers. El~ven ladfcs, who by, their choice Dentist. To Learn to become nUns have denied them­ seIve~ the opportunity of becoming Newest Techniques; • ]WOthers, ate given a chance to acl In X-Ray Process J!I'e {Tlothers when a baby is left in , I Some of the newest techniques ~hC lr care. " in dental X-raying will be cov- The first act ot the two-act play ered by dentists attendlng a post- TAKE THE WORK OUT OF is' centered on the coming of the graduate course in den\.al radi- I ~~;;;:;;;;:::;;:;=;:;;;;;;:::;:::=:;:::;:=;;::::;:;==;;:::;;::=i======::;====T;::====:;:======~ clHld: the second, on ~be departure ology Saturday In the ~UI cOllege,' / WANT AD RATES Autci For Sale _ Used wJth its af~ectli upon all o[ the of dentistry. i.-.:.:.:::....::.:.:-:::::::...... :.:::::..:.=.=--1 II ---.;...-----~-- ____W_o_r_k_W_a_n_te_d ______Se_w_i_n,,;;,g_...;.._...;...~ ~}m8. ' , !" The visiting dentlsts will take WANTED: New ",reeks and Junks. Phone JOB PRINTING. Letw heada. ,tatemen", SEWING. Dial .-42". ')IIThe' a4thor pull a little humor turns operating the three X-rat ODe da, ...... 10 per WlIld '-211&1. . em·elopel. January Spec'-I - tAolter- __~_-,. __-=-_.".... ___ .~, the p~v l'n the persons of a Three cia", lie per W rd 1838 BUICK 4·door. Good condlUon. Call heada. ')0 . 2~ Pfr M, West Branch Timet, Apartment For Rent ... , machines of the dental college, J ...... 0 ,:104 all"r ~. W.. t Branch. P~ne 5. _ sw.l1 and rlroper, Mothe( Vicaress learning the newer techniques Five days ...... 150 per word wASti'iNGs and l.onln-.-•.--= 0:-:1.--='--=I":"545. GRADUATE .tudent and wile wanted to d a beU~jn" ~1ster Inez But th h (. Th ill 1 d d live in lurnl.hed apartment In home • r: . roug prac Ice. ey w a 10 TeD days .... _ ... zOe per word lost (In Faun and tlx muls for home _ Rent and en these 'JIlt moments fail to consider recent developments i~ 0 M tb 390 d Instruction board "REP; __ wonde~lul lacUltles an" raw the audience out of the more the preparation of High IlPl!f!~ De OD ...... per wor LOST - key. on rln, betw""n Oamble. oonclJU0'f,' Call Mrs. MJII" •• I-UI8 lor erious mood set bY , the theme of fil u d I th dJ I oc- MJnlmulII charl'e 50c apd 200 North Dubuque bl""k-Phone BALLROOM DANCE It onl. Mimi Youde hather nlormatlon. ~ " ms se ~ c ra 0 ogy pr 1-0128. W I Dial 9486 ______he play. : ess, and other aspects of X-raY~f~ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY LOST _ Lady', watct> . Vicin ity Field ur u.. Who Doe. It The , (eeliD~ of the Conven~ as a They will meet at th e Iowa I House, Phone 1·0511. exL 2101. Help Wanted ' hole are e:Xemplified in the per- Center for Continuation Study, One Insertlon ...... 98c per inch 01:isto~""k. and manure haullnl. Call ' on dl. one of ' the nuns and her during the morning and in the Five insertions per month Wonted NUDEDI Man 0. WDman at one 10 take ' \J lit' ' f...... d ' I I ' eire ot esubluht!d customen In elly RAnJO AND TV 1 d I PI k q ,a Ie! 0 "V.e, compassion an aCternoon thcy will iet eha rSldel per jnsertion ...... 88c per InCh [LET us Transfer your furniture u fell' " lowl Cily for famous naUonally ad- 'WI' and deuver~ tI~!d~:";: ceRadf ~derstanding for the child. instruction in the X-ray clinic T . t' th with our modern equipment to your verUied Walkln. productJ. Oood arnln .. 1-01$1 • 0 , . , . en lOser Ions per mon , n"w home. Maher Broa. Transf.r. Dial llnmodl.tely. No Investment. Wrlte J. R, . , n plcklnJ' "The Cradle Song" Dean William J. Simon 01 the per Insertlon ...... 80c per Inch 116".. Watkin. Co •• O-~ . Winona, Minn. S-AT.a ~ __ .• _ Hock.1!ye '--n ~ d t· , h th t t ff COMFORTING TERESA, portrayed by Brunhilde Ritter, A!, New ~ .., •• ...... r pro uci lon" t e ea fe s a college will head the start of the Dally Insertions during month , B b S'III MI II ' F 5 I Ut',. S. DubIlQ .... s tblnidng of its merits as a play York: city, Is Vlrrinlll Peters, A3, Webfl\.er Grove, Mo.. who II cast post--graduate course, which is 'be-I j t' 70 I' b 0 Y I ng sce aneoul or a e ------~--- Ii d Il . as Sister Joanna of the Cross In "Cradle Sonl'." The third unIVer_ \. per nser Ion...... c per DC , ELl:C1'ROLUX c'""ner ules and .enlte. qua ty an as exce ent tram- .Ity theatre. production of th~ season, I~ a' panlsh play written by 109 directed by 01'. George S, Brla, A••• rU.. ",enl. I. WILL core for thtld In M)'\ home day •. SIZE' 31 tuxedo, ~ . Lan,. 8-2518. L.}i, Ebel. bonded representative. g lor drama students/but It did Easton, professor and head of theq The OaU, I ..... a B., In. Offill 5%30 . Phone 18~ . brt 1ft appear to consider its audience G. I\ lnez Sierra. ,dcpartment of ornl diagnosis and 8a 01D ..1 1;•• 1 UaU Or rAKE CARE of chJldren In my bom-;;:- PARAKEETS. Dial 8-3057. W- IRI-N-G-,-a-P-p-lla-n-c-e-r-e-pa-l-rtn-,-.-k-le-'·lI-l-on tor thl) most part, college stu- radiodontlcs. 316 S. Johnson. Dial '-le~ &lid radio lIervlce, Jackoon rleelrlc. • nts. F or thIS. play, with all its muc h t h at thc SpcCtll t or has t h e stances did any particular person .' 41 91 JACK and Jill Play chool. Dial 1-38to. 8PJi;ClAL-zlne only STUDENT Ge per copy.Qf'FER or: TimeLife ma,n- _ • .. quall"es WI'II not appeal to i . th t h . . stand Otlt. tine only lie Pflr cop~'. Publisher bitt. :\,ou " ,u, mpresSlon a c IS m one corner JURY TILL OUT CHRISTOPHER Robin lItu"",ry School. ane ..... btJ(~lptton ."'rt.. Call Nick NI~ho- WANTED e IIveraie college .tude!)t. Unless of the convent "peeping" on the Thc play will be givcn every . 20 W. Harrbon. PhQlle 1-1782 day •• .on tas. vet. {SIt ellC'r 6 pm. e student happens to be In a par- evening, except Sunday, througH OMAHA(A")-Jury deUb£tatioil ~tnInIS. ------ular IT)ood, be will come away nuns and the events which take January 231'd. paSied the 24 hour mark Thurs- A.M. baby .llUlIl In my home. Phone BIRDS. DIal 2682, CASHIER, Some typing necessary, m the play Impressed, but not place. The next presentation wfll be day without a verdict In the tlrst Wanted To Rent 8-1707. TWO ,ooel Ulod rcfl'l,erotort "'lUI to-day Good !lalar~. Vacation with pay. ac;tly entertail1ed. The entire casl did an excellent Dr. Faustus or Twelfth Night, degr e murder trial of Joseph QUlllT' 2 t t '8 h - BABY ,ltllnlt, Olnl 4582. Mit lor Arlene. l:'ft7~:~~' ~~~or· . Refrleeratlon Sen'- Othcr benefits. Write Box 14, e Th,e setting was convinCing, so job and only in a very tew in- opening February 25th. Kuykendall. lor ' l~aJu~rc .r::;',tn~pnW':l~ 'Do: li ----:R=-----=F--=R--t--- PARAKl!:ETS. Dial I-02U. care of DAl~Y lOW AN. I !., • ---~-.------______~ Dolly low.n. ooms or en ROOMS wltb board - on bus Une. BoYl, Typing 01111 6203. TYPEWRITERS " ~~ -----0------WANTED ", Ihocral'ic 'Digest Says .Ike l'YPING. 8-24111, ROOMS, 214 N. Capitol. I • Rentals Stephens nU:SIS alld _n,,"rlpt Iyplnll. Experl- DOUBLE ;.;;;;;,- furnished . Men. Verjl SECRETARY • It.pairs encod. accurate, Rnd ta,t .ervlce. ~ia l clo e In , DID I 1-2222. • Sales l-l~32 . ROOM tor undl>rlradunte man. Cl"",, In. Full time, must be accurate and Au.~orlle'" - Royal , ~bIYQsligaling (oRuTlunisls M&nu ~rlpt 8202 . Phone 8-2298. THESIS - Iypln'. rapid tYl>ist. Experience in Dealer JA"NUARY transcrll>tion desired but hot WASHINGTON, D. C.- There ------SP~(IAL TYPING. Theol. .nd mbnuJlCrlpt. Work ROOM for rcnt. 123 N. DubuQlle. 8·U75. It necessary. Group Insurance­ p,rtabiM Standards ' I • 'UaraOlerd. 1!:,, -~ omme",I.1 teacner, ROOMS ,- Phon- no real evidence that President United States government has the ' . 2413. IradUdle ,luden... • Paid Vacations. This is a per­ Fine Cotton Ribbed 4574 . sElhhower' is "soft" on the in- most slIccessful record of any free TYPINO - 1834. manent position. Wikel stigaUon' a~d ,prosecution of country in th.e world in crushi~g / , , . the CommunIst apparatus wlthm Ignition ELDON MILLER, ~NC. n'Imunist~ ,lD government, des- its midst." In support of that claim, CARBURETORS Typewriter Co. . 3 pair for MAN OVER 40 IOWa City, Iowa ~ the ,insinuations of Senator the Digest reviews measures tak­ sox • $1::25 GENERATORS ST ARTERS Dial a.l,051 23 E. Wahslngton' Joseph It McCarthy (R-Wis.) and ~n by the Truman and Ro~.:!ve" Mnke $50.000 anel more In Ule nexl 5 Briggs & Stratton Mo,ors ---.,..-~------._- ---. ~er$, acCotdirtg to a special arti- administrations .to combat the In- ye.,. by rallin. on our customers. PYRAMID SERVICES t\ , the M,a"tett issue at the Dem- ternal C.ommuDist threa!. II you have reachod a celUn, on 220 S. Clinton Dial 5723 , "In fact," the Digest declares, um!n,., and now want 10 make ~, tic Digest . "', "the Communist purty in this lood In the dlr.ct-. 11Ini lleld. loin 'Ill,' def~ndlng the I'lea~ of country bas been wrecked by th~ our or'ahl%Btlo,~ where ou have &1\ SHORT lOAhlS ubllqan , administratton, the inlernal security system lathered oppen-Iunlly to cam up 10. $50.0lI0 ,nd more durlnll Ih. nut 8 yeD". No In­ Digest, says "president by Democratic administrations." on oc~atlc veslment. Mu~t have cor. Write. IYPflwrllera overconts - IUlllO" Rhower, a great soUlier and ;;;;;;;;;.._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ______iiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiii~~;;i;;;i~~iiiiiii.;_~~~~~~~~~;;;~ ___.. 1 Ilvlnll details, to Nor\J'lw".tern Wool· , ull . - rlulI' - wn ... lle. - ~ weal.chl ¢'ilre.. patrlot,. is as dedicated as onmeras - . cwlnll mnchlnes - topeontJ en Co .• 403 Nicollet Ave" Mlnneapoll., mon's shoel. nil .~es Truman ' and F\'anklin D. Minn. Dept. B, ,velt were" t~ the defense of HA WKEYE LOAN &l'lcjllind the dctea\ ot commu­ rh. He-Is now being assailed In • ~'!o,!"n 'party, by the .sa~e forces LAFF·A· DAY ~Ich sought, for narrow partisan r:F====---==tlil ~ ,person;U r~asonsl t9- c;iiscredit ~e Roosevelt and Truman security tl\ea;ut~~." . " ~Tlie ' Demociatic Dige$t pOints ~t that ·. ~ttorl1ey General Her- j 8irit Brownell bas declared that .' I ",m"\.unists·' "are all ollt of gov­ AT- YOUR HY-=VEE · FOOD STORE . lkhment no\'l." That statement by ~e l\.ead of the justice department OELRICH Ited in cohtradic~IQn to Mc~ , ttP,1's charge thl\t ,Presl(lent Ei­ ower has' "batteq zero" in LB. e 'phaSe$ ' ot the anti-Commu­ , , j tlabt, and i~ · answer to the ~ internal security sub~ommit­ OLEO ~t counsel, pi the Jenner sen- t who , ~u,.b1i~y 'Npt~.d , that there TRU VALU _, mill ~e ' (wo spy rinis oper­ ~kIW~· Inside ,'the",',' prest!nt 'govern- ~ . ', . ~ , . TALL CAl ...:L. 'this connedjon, Clayton T!l:,h"ey, ~ditpr ' o( ~ the, Ofmbcl'atic "",est, ~jd: "Since Mr. Brownell's P " E~S s\ilement must be based on FBI Yes, Furniture you no longer WOnl can mean a nice ~rnwti on, ~nd - since McCarthy Ground Fresh While You Shop sum of money to you. It's easy to sell furniture and similar ''is'the spokesman for, the Jenner items, too. One phone coli WIll put selling, result gettjng ~jttee .r . offered no ,evi­ IlMibe .in ,kupport 'ot' their ,conten­ COFFEE Lb. Daily Iowan Clapifieds l,nto action making this money for t p~, ,we : m~st conclu'cle ,that the "01 COllrsc he bas mone}, s:Jvcd! Why do you suppose ".,c·~c yoil. ~ney B~heratds . the mQre re- Fresh Dressed & Drawn Frying . b~cn having parlor dalcs these lasl rwelvc months? • CALL 4191 bli! "\vCtne~~ :In 'this In~tance." .". , ' o1i,n'g the r the EisenhOwer ad­ .u'dri.'t1oni.bas. ,'nQt.lnitJlited' any ..v "~rose~u'loris of alleged Com­ (HIC'KENS ~~ :v~ .., .... ~I!;ts i,n ,'govl!rnment,dUring its t yell" In office, tJ\e Digest in­ Van Camps Cobbler ~rets Brownel\'& statement that munlsts are all out of gov­ Tall e ment now, as acknowledg­ Can POTAJOES ~t that they were eliminated PORK & BEANS ~ .\he previous ,dministratlon. \ . 100 Lbs. ~e Digest contends that "the Mrs. Tucker's , "', ;~, 3 Lb. al Sean Manager SHORTENING Can ., York Position ONE POUND CAN FREE ~, E. Vandecar, 'manager of • local Sears, Roebuck and Co. , 11 store for the past 14 years, ITPJlYS- ZD SHDP liT ~eavJnl tMay for York, Neb., ere he wl\1 become manager th~ Sear. store thet.e. Vandecar. whq was graduated _iii SUJ in" 1933, has been with SUGAR, ~.l"8 for 21 years and .was active lowa City civic lite whlle here. H~ w\l1 be succeeded 10 Pounds , ',J. F. Pomranin, of Mlnneap­ ~It, Minn. ' IOIlBE SAYS VOTE DEMO tAl4.11 .a.(~-Sen, l"Ie ·(lnd.Ol'e) told the Rurs at, rilication Cooperative asso­ c ~t 011 Tnul"Iday/ tliat "the Amerl- ;~oplc to protect \ t~cJr In­ ta stJould elect aDem !n:.!!l.q .1'1 J06t" ' I" __ ~!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=~~~===~~~~-:-:=~==~===~~ " .. , , • . . \ Marilyn,'Joe Wed Events Slated for N\ar~" of Dimes Magazine -X To GC? On Sale Red Cross' A dance and auction will be held Jan. 26 at the Community 1954 drive on polio. building to benefit the March of The tJp celebrity on the n~­ Dimes. The events are sponsored tional committee is Eddie Cantor, Wednesday cit ·Campus Spots Chapter Elects by the Iowa City Federated Labor. who has been named lifetime The junior chamber of com- t:ha irman of the March of Dimes I • • Bailey Head merce will hold a porch Ught col- of the air. He is credited with lection lor the drive on Jan. 28 . naming the March of Dimes In The local committee, under the 1937. W. D. Bailey. Iowa City busi­ direction of Mrs. J. K. Schaaf, has Heading the national armed nessman, has been named chair­ placed collection can t a i n e r s forces committee is comedian Bob man of the Johnson county chan­ throughout the city, and has mail- Hope. Helen Hayes, first lady uf ter of the Aflterican Red Cro;;s. ed 7,500 cards in the county. the American theater, is national He was elected chairman Wed­ Ba~i1 O'ConllOr. president of chairman of women's activities. nesday at a meetiOl~ of the county the National Foundation for 1n- June Allyson, motion picture chapter, He succeeds Otis Walker. [antile Paralysis, has announced star, heads the national enter­ SUl raculty members now serv­ that five governors, aU. 5. ' sena- tainment committee, and John ing the Red Cross chapter include: tor and several leading sports Daly is chairman of the news ~rot. Elmer W. Hills, head Gf and entertainment stars are commentator division. the department of general busi­ among the national and Slate Grantlarfd Rice, dean of Amer:­ ness in the college of commerce, chairmen leading three million can sportswriters, leads the vol­ treasurer; Prof. Walter L. Day­ March 01 Dimes volunteers in the unteers in the field of sports. kin of the department or labor 3nd industrial management in the college of comm~rce; M. L. Huit. counselM to men; Prof. .J. L. Davies of the college of edu­ JANUARY CLEARANCE cation; Prot. J. W. Howe, head of the department of mechank'lt and hydraulics, and Loren Hink­ SLACKS SHIRTS SPORT erson, director ot alumnj service, board members. All Wool Dress COATS Committee chairmen arc Prof. Flannels Styles All Wool Margaret Fox of women's phy, [.. cal education, first aid; Prof. Gladys Scott of women's physical $1211 $2 95 50 education, water safety; Frances $22 Camp, director of the educational Sharp Redudions In Every Department placement office, college actiVIties; Helen Focht, counselor to women; • (AP WI,epll.t.) fac ulty advisor; Sally Rehnberg, JOE DIMAGGIO. former Yankee base~all star, kisses his bride, the former l'farllyu l\lonroe of the movies. At left Is San Francisco AS, CHnton, student chairman; Municipal Jud&'e Charles S. Peery who performed the ceremony. Lee Eitzen, program director of EWERS MEN'S STORE WSU1, publicity, and Daykin, 28 South Clinton ho;oe~:::~ce~03~d chairmen are Marilyn Monroe - Says Daykin; Prof. Harold Saunders, chairman of the department at V eth sociology and anthropology; Dean... 0 WS . WI Emeritus Wilbur J. Teeum: of DiMaggio the college of pharmacy, and Hills. SAN FRANCISCO(IP) - G 0 r g- eaus Marilyn Monroe and Joe He said they plan to make their DiMaggio were married Thurs- home in San Francisco, gOing to One of the Blr Ten Greats o pea day in what Wt;S sUPP9sed to have Hollywood whenever Marilyn has Hecksher T S kbeen a quiet ceremony, but was- a picture to make. n't. On the marriage license. Mari- The Real Life Story Municipal Judge Charles S. lyn's age was given as 25, Joe's WATCWNG GEORGE HEmING, A3, ManhaJUown, complete lome M..... loe X art work are (lett Hillel Program AI Peery, read the civil ceremony 39. of Football's ~ rllh&) Sandra. Armstrolll, A4, Centerville; Geo rlre Kern. A', Iowa City, and Joyce Gcerlln,s, A', Waterloo. Cheneeake, a photo Quiz, stories and cartoons are Included In tile maruine on sale Wed­ Prof. William Hecksher of the on his chambers while "n esti- It was the second marriage for SUI art department, will address mated crowd of 500 each. Miss Monroe was married Yankee Doodl, Jletda7. Mia Annstroq Is editor ot 'be current ISJue, wbJob II produeed In the SUI marazlne lab- Gratory cia... . , a Hillel forum tonight at 8:15 the corridors of City Hall. at 15 to James Dougherty, p.m on the subject "Judea-Chris- The curvaceohs actress and the a poljceman in Van Nuys, wItII Dandy --. - , I " -~-- -. -- tian' Elements in' Early Renais- former Yankee baseball slugger Her studio says it "was ' a short- ELROY ''Cfuylep'' HIRSCH M ,azine X WJt~ a brand new Can You? ~Ight pictures of is a story w.ntten by Melvin Q. sance Painting." didn't even let the judge know Hv('d marriage which she prefers I. ~1m"1f iJection 01 storlcs. gags and campus landmarks are shown Cumber entitled "What Every . their plans until early this after- torget." BOB WATERFIELD rtoons, wlll go on sal~ ~ed. n~- ~ WhiCh the reader ~ to identify. Girl Should 0," Cumber, author Hec~he.r's t~~. Will deal wlt~ noon. They wanted a quiet wed- Joe was divorced by Dorothy y mornlng at 1 L dlStrlbutJon The photo quiz is bemg spoll$oreci r h k "A E k' one pa~tm~, B~rth of fvenus, ding with no fanfare. Arnold, a flln\ actress. T)1ey have TOM FEARS ints around the SUI camp'u! through Magazine X by the Lig- 0 sue wor s as re s lmo by Bothcelll, which he eels S Y t b th t· th one son ,- . d" d . h t . I I th b' th f I ! ·1 eye Imp. ey were mar- . PAUl"TANK" YOUNGER Sandra Armstrong, A'. Center- gelt and Myers Tobacco Co. with Women Col, engage 10 mue yp~ca. o. e re lr .0 c ass c~ ried the crowd was 'so thick Di... Judge Peery was called from lie Is edilor or this issue of cartons or Chesterfield cigarettes research on SUI dating problems ~ndtlquTlthY m. tfhle renalSsafncJe dPer- Mag-gio his bl!st man restaurant a bar association luncheon today DEACON DAN TOWLER o , magazine the second this bite ne presen e d t 0 th e f'Irs t ti ve an d suet di d campus romances t a 10Ch·' t"de 10 uenceth 0 . u eo-'manager Reno Barsocchini, and by Barsocchml,. . whom he has NORMAN VAN BROCKlIN , students sending in correct en- write this piece. rlS Ian I eas on .e rcnalssanc~ I L"ft O'D I ' d t lb known for years. He arrived at ar. . will be brought out 10 the talk C y ou, ~a a e ow a . . Ind tile World', Chl~nplor "Smooth' Sharp' Sexy!" Is the tries. Another feature of MagaZine, . pathway for Marilyn to the ele- CIty Hall about 1 p.m., Just ahead . '1 I I'iss r M3 3- Another story In the magazine X is several pages of "cheese- The . art professoc has m~de an vator. of radiant Miss Monroe and smil- LIs Anatlas Rams d IltofY n ttl S i ue 0 ti g is a mood piece entitled, "Date In cake." These pin-ups, occupying extensIve study of the Ren31ssanc'.! l Joe and Marilyn left on a: Di Maggio. x Th e . e 8 ory sera a sa re on Quaint Hungarian. R es t auran.t" full pages, have been ta k en b Y" at th. e I n stl't u te of A d v ace . n d , h.oneymoon for an ' unannounced lI_-.iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO' at yjounf pledg s The story, which .ls a funny mono- professional photographer espe- StudIes of Prjnceton University destination. "Just delving," Joe ? e~coLlnte "Doors Open 1:15-10:00", hl~ ,! r;~ 'heetint thlth t the logue in the Dorothy Parker tra- cially for this issue of the maga- and SUI. sald. ree s, e era neB ory ditlon, outlines the escapades of 7ine. Aiel) induded in the issue I '--';;:;iiiiii____ iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii"iiiiiiiiiiiliii_ 1 -ENDS perlences m.any weird situations a couple trying to spend a pleas- are a collection ot_cartoons, gags • , n'" I" SATURDA'Y- .d becomes mvol~ed with many urabl evening in a "quaint" res- mct sketches. 6 Incumbents of fraterryty IUe before taurant. Sales will begin at 7:30 a.m. • ~~f~ II fmally makes he grade. A special feature of the issue Wednesday. At the request of readers, ____ Seek ReelectIon - ' _ __-;" ,; _ 'l~• , t r....~ _ gazine X has brought back the ______11111!1______Six incumbent county officers ,STARTS have announced they will seek re- TOP STARS! CAST OF 1~~~lyQ~~~a~~c:~~n ,!C;~i~: :;~! CIT Y RE CO ·R D "ENDS ... -.. , ...... ,.• - ---,...... -...... Iz is called "X Marks the Spot- election in party primaries June, TO·DAY _ _ 7. MONDAY" .H~ ~DRED~ . !. ~. M.~:.~!, . st.rrlrlll ------Three Democrats who plan to ' DEATHS jays in county jail.. . cun for their present posts are:! .. FIR~T RUN HITI GREAT OUTDOOR HIRSCH· LLOYD NOLAN ininger To Speak a --~,.,.~~.,...... --~ "-"''- [lROY,,~~" Thomas H. Peacock, 46. Daven- Edward Pelkey, SIOUX CIty, R. Neilson Miller, Oxford, clerk! COLOR DRAMA! futurln. Meteor Crater port, Tuesday at University hos- aleaded guilty to a charge of car- of court, and supervisors Robert JAMES MILLICAN • JAMES BROWN • pitals. rying concealed weappns Tuesday Mahoney, Oxford, anp Marvin A. JOAN VOHS overles Today .Tohn H. Camp. 68, Moscow, and was sentenced to 90 days in Stahle. who resides near Solon. . Tuesday at University hospitals. county. jail.. . R. J. Jones, recorder. a,nd Sher- - ADDED SHORTS - Recent DJscoverics at Meteor LeWIS C. Smith, 46, CoralVIlle, iff A. J. Murphy, both at Io\ya "The Wee Men" . , . Color Cartoon ter in Arizona" wll1 be de- DISTRICT COURT , Tuesday pleaded guilty to a charge Citv. are I'andidates on the Re:, Sportlite ... Latest News bed by Prof. H. }l. Nininger, Ralph Henry Febrm, 28-year- of driving while intoxicated and pUblican ticket. ctor of the American Meteor- olel Ma~chusetts construction was fined $300 and had his drlv- William L. Kanak, Iowa City, mUlleum, today at 4:10 p.m., worker, pleaded guilty to a charge er's license suspended for 60 days. saia he plans to ~eek the Demo- . Ends "DANGEROUS CROSSING" Plus "BATTLE ZONE" 301, Physics building. 1)1 Cl\rrying concealed weapons Paul A. Embretson, 23, , Tiffin, craUc nomination for the post I TONIlE Jeanne Crain John Hodiak ininger, who began collect- TuesdllY and was sentenced to 90 gullty to a charge of driv- of auditor. Ed Sulek, Iowa City, meteorites in 1923, is a past 1. tng while intoxicated. Hls sentence auditor since 1916, said he would ident of the Kansas Academy N - t D' was continued indefinitely, his Inot seek reelection. Kanak, who cience. He was curator of 11'1~ ewsome 0 !SCUSS ';500 bond was released to him has worked in the ortice thb .A~~TE I [-1 At. ~SATi.DAY (tos at the Colorado museumiAdvertiSin9 Problems 3nd he was released on his ownlsame number of years, has been atursl History trom 1930 to recognizance without bond. assistant auditor for many years. 2 , and the author ot "Our Prof. Ellis H. Newsome of the Wi __iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ______iiiiii _____iiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiliii __.. 1 BIG e Pelted Planet" and "Out SUI school of journalism and de­ HITS he Sky." oartment of marketing in the col­ of. wlll C. C. Wylle of the depart- lege ot commerce. soeak at FIRST SHOWING t ot astronomy, and Nining(!r noon today to the Masonic service 'FROM HERE TO HILARllY' two guest speakers at a club meetin¥ at the Masonic Tem­ IN CITY on symp<>sium on meteors pie In Iowa City. REGULAR PRICESI meteorites held in Boston Newsome will speak about cur- "Her boiler's full of Plus - Color Cartoon mhor 30. rent problems jn the field of ad­ whiskey, "DO OR DIET" vertising. And her whistle's - LATE NEWS - - Bryne Spealcs always wet, DANCELAND ' As she takes you on Rotary Club Ce... , ...1 •• , I ••• 1 1.... • 8marted Balll: ••• cause- of the complexity and '" :1=[3 ,ij;1 '11 irnns of the present internal TONIGHT ,STARTS SUND4 Y. ue code, Prof. John C. 0'- lIeN In Wes&flm, swtni e of the SUI colle(e of law, FAMOUS THE ONE WONDERFUL M,." members of the Iowa City "IOWA COBNBUSKEBS" BIG MUSICAL SHOW! club at the Jefferson hotel 08110" · day that he believes there RIOfARD . DON BOY & "IS ALL STAll ~ ISLAND OF 1954 AIlMUCMt..- n be a revision of.... the na­ tax laws. ENTEB'~AINJNGSawna, 1!~T~H~E~T~IG~H~T~LI~TT~LE~.~~;~~PI~T~O;L~S~t~airt~s~T~u~E~SD~A~Y~~~~~~~~~~ aSIBIMY. fOD. r ...... " ...aJ ~. ,,\as:. pointed to the emphasis be· Oa.cBESTRA "OW Pint STAKTS uo laced at the present on tlkl HIT NOW BIG I re revision 01 the internal ~M.G.M CO~OR ue code and stated :';;;:.;';;:..:. ~ (tf: 11J ,.t· j 'FInO 1!2~ L ... • baa never been a real KENNY HOFER 8CREEN " MUSICALI,' n ot the revenue law into .. BlS MipWESTEBNERS . NOW organized code. * :e!- •.. ..•. ~ 1iiWI.... 1...... -..:

STARTING 6TH WEEK Academy Award pmoru.nee For BoUi I SpeDeel' NOW PLAYING EVERY ADd WE DARE YOU • Jean WED ... FRI. - SAT. ; TO SEE IT!

AT Starring KATHRYN • GRAYSON SAMMY'S • HOWARD • . ~ Cedar laplds ..... '.25 I ':*." KEEL .'.*. '. a __d 'I'rIo Available 'or PrInt. Putt. •• Vel., ANN MIllER ...... Hi...... • AS W.c.M PICfUR£