Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-01-15
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Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa lIoat1, ClIoud, with 00. culoD&l rain today. Cold Campus and er with auon. northerly wjBdI _SatanSa,.. ..m.b Iowa City &GeIa" 3'7; low. It. JlJ&'h 'lbunda" .0; low, U. ~ _______......;. __________,-- ______..:E..:$..:t •..:1..:8:.:6:.:8_-_A:..;.:.P...:l:.:ea.::.Y'_d=-Wire. Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa. Friday, January IS. 195 .. SUI ROTC J.uniors Study u.S. Army Tank Leffingwell Contracts I'ke Asks Pension Boosts~ ', Leukemia Hugh LetfinlMell, sophomOle Farm Co-O R Firemen BaHle Hotel Blaze Would (hange forward on the SUI basketball D . I team, is suffering from the blood en.es Benson disease leukemia, the team phy- Tax Base sician said. Thursday. Confirmation Dr. Wilham D. Paul said the 6-foot, 3-inch 190 pounder's ill- CHICAGO (JP) - The National On Pensions ness was diagnosed In a checkup CouneU of Farmer Co-Operatives WASHINGTON' (IP)-Presldent Wednesday at University hos- repre.R!1!ting 2.6 million farm tam- E1.senhower urged congress Thurs- pitals here. lllet, declined Thursday to "re- day to boost social security bene- Dr. Paul said the checifup wu.s affirm oW' taith" in Secretary of tits quickly for America's older ordered by Coach Frank (Bucky) J\gricul1ure Ezra T. Benson. citizens and give 10 million more people protection from "the tear ' O'Connor who notlced that the For years Benson was a mem- ... of destitution." young reserve forward was not ber of the council and for five Eisenhower also asked that the looking well years he served os its executivc amount of income taxed tor pen- Leffingwell, 19, had nol com- secretary. sion purposes be raised from $3,- plained of an lIIness. He was a . 800 to $4,200, and that retircd starter in Iowa's two opening The resolution was oUered to persons be allowed to earn more games but had been playing on tbe delegates In executive session. at part-time jobs without losing the third string more recently. It would have put the council on social security benefits. Leukemia, tor which there is record as "reaffirming our faith Changing the tlX base would no known cure, is a canceroUS In the couragc Integn·t and abll- mean that workers making more Infection of the blood, causing an 1 , y than $3,600 would find up to $12 Increase of white corpu cles in Ity ot our good friend, Ezra Taft more a year In social security de- the blood stream. Leltingwell's Benson." ductJons coming out ot their pay parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Le!- Frank Hussey ot Prcsque Isle. checks. Their employers would Cing~e\l of Marion, were at his Me. president' oi lne council have to match the amounts. bedSide Thursday when he was " In a special, 2,70(}..word mes- told he had the disease. It was not .took the floor to oppose It. He said sage to the lawmakers, the Presl- ( Oall, Iowon P b olo ~ , 11 .01< .l' lb . b~.1 known how long he wlU remain It should be defeated because dent proposed Increases in both A GROUP OF JUNIORS In SUI's Infantry ROTC unU I told the operations 'aDd functlolls of a U.S. In the hOspital. ne~er In the 25 year~ of the coun- the lowest and highest amounts army IIcht tank. The tank is part or the eQuipment or the 34th reconnai anee company of the Iowa O'Connor said the news was "s cH s existence !tas It endorsed a paid to retired persons or thcir National Guard, based In Iowa City. , tremendous blow personally and secretary of agriculture. survivors. He lett it to Secretary as a coach and a shock to the Reae1ution Withdrawn (Ar Wlro, ...'-l ot Wellare Oveta Culp Hobby to r. - . entire basketball squad." An Du thoritatlve source, who FIREMEN IN MONTREAL, QUE., use serial ladders to combat a fill in details lor congressional He expressed sympathy on be- told newsmen ot the Benson ac- pre-dawn lire whicb claimed at leasL three lives In a downtown cO/1llTllttees later on. ROTC Men India To Begin' POW Return hall of the players and himstM tion also disclosed that a resolu- hotel Thursday. Man,. of the I'uest. escaped the blalle by leapln&' Reed SUl'I'etlt. Details to both Leffingwell and his par- tion' asking the council to vote from Ute leeond and Utlrd ftoor windows to t"e lar.e canopy of But Chairman Daniel A. Reed 'eceive Light ents. approval of the flexible price sup- the store at rlrM, visible between the ladders. _ (R-N.Y,) of- the house ways and 1 Days Before UN Deadline Leffingwell, an all-state basket- ports proposed In President Els- means commlttel beat Mrs. Hobby 'ank Training ball sclection while playing lor enhower's new farm program S t r, f , H(h ' to it. PANMUNJOM (Friday) (JP) - ;:::: I~~e ~:tI~~~~e ,;::~~ records was withdrawn after a debate. ' ena or Jugges s • . ange Minimum payments lor retired More than 50 juniors in SUI's India decided Thursday on Its own vilians at 12:01 a.m. J an. 23. In 1951 , he lin 14 of 14 shot The council went on record as Individuals now are $25 a month, favoring a fa ... og a th t the maximum benefits $85 and infantry ROTC unit received to start turning back nearly 23,000 India's decision announced In attempts in one game for both a rm "r r maOT P ·d P St·k P II h 0 practical training In the operation disputed prisoners to their cap- letters to the Co~m u nl s t a nd UN state and national mark Dnd 17 WOUtld hbe <ljgradUall Y addjudsted tdo rOYI re- !0~la~v:~~~~ltayro:y~~e!5 to F'?:Uli~l~ . of 17 free throw trics for a state mee can. ng suppI y an eman e rl e 0 and functlomng of a U. S. army tors Jan. 20 - three days ahead commands by Lt. Gcn. K. S. record Cor one game. conditlon.. _ its purpose of helping to combat light tank Thursday. of the deadline - and said if Thimoyya, India's chairman of the Young Lefflngwell in 1952 madc "Such adaptation may not be WASillNGTON' (IP)- Sen wn·!t ck d th I I I f destitution," Eisenhower said, A tank crew of three trom the either side freed them it would vl- Neutral Nations Repatriation com- 27 consecutive Iree throws for possible of full achievement im- ]iam A. Purtell (R-Conn.) pro- a e de ptrednc P elko a 19lovern- "these benellts arc too low." 34th' f hI ' ed Th sd th t th T ft men t -con uc s tr e po as an Reed said the plan is to provide reconalssance company 0 olate the armistice. mission said: anot er owa hIgh school record, m diately following conditions of pos ur ay a e a - ttem t d i -b t' d' increases r"n..!n" from $5 a month the Iowa National Guard, based .. '.. _ _ _ 0 rproductlon," a re s ol uti 0 n Hartley act be amended to pro- ape un on us 109 eVlce. ... .' • in Iowa City, handled the in- ~n Washington, the U.S. army Any Unilateral actton by any 'ldopted by the council said. vide for a poll of workers before FIve of the six Democrats on the at the lowe.!it level to $13:50 at the strt,lctlon. chle! of sta!!, Gen. Matthew B. party con cerned on the prisoners' a &trike occurs labor committee have registered top for hose now gettmg pen- 'Clii 't w, ' . Ridgway, told a senate cOl1')1l1ittee ~ ~ RcadJlI8&InenLl Dlaeuased ' vilorous protests against the idea, slons. FOT pen;ons r.etiring atter tr.' W~ (l .!lrra~t £~lcer Edwa Ii "I would thlnk . ~ sel'lGUS «>ll s~ UI s , ~lli not be )n c.Q.{lforrplty "Sharp 1:eadjustments under such His le$1!,lation would .make any !lnt reC()mmal by President tho projected broadening Of the )01 -t· , n l';mhdeta e the nOl}1cn- seQllences would flow from such with the armisti<!C terms of reler- eircumstances might cau G wlde- strike an "unprotected activity" Eisenhower in his 14-point Taft- tax bake the maximum could rise '1 a ure Ol t e tank for the stu- . cncc " ' . ~ unless' ' l<ient$ assisted by Cpl Ronald R an action on the part 9f custodial . spread dlstress whereas a grauual . Hartley revision program sent to to $108.50-$23.110 over the pres- Drey~r the driver arid SIc. Rob: forces of India - a premature re- Thimayya's announcemenf drew and more realistic approach might 1. The federal mediation servIce congress eat'liel' this week. ent cemng. bert J, 'Lee, motor 'sergeant. Drey- lease." Ridgway said "I'd be con- qui~k fire from the Swcdlsh and result in more real progress to- formally announced no settlement Meanwhile, CIO general counsel WUI Up Jla.xIJmam BenefIt. er , is a civilian resident of IOWIl cerned by the Communist reaction ~W1SS members oI the commis- wad the !Ina I goal," was in sight, Arthur Goldberg told a news con- A wife gels half as much pen- City. to such a release." Slon altbough both were agreeable I This section made no direct 2. A majority of those voting terence that any kind of strike sion as her retired husband, so The morning section of 25 stu- In Rorea, the UN comm a ~d to turning over.