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NBHM Library Department of Mathematics NBHM Library Department of Mathematics Accession No. Title Author 1 Euclid - The Creation of Mathematics Artmann B. 2 Fourier Analysis on Number fields (GTM-186) Ramkrishnan D. et al. 3 Topologies and Uniformities James I.M. 4 Topics in Topology (LNM-1652) Todorcevic S.H. 5 Encyclopedia of Math. Sci.-Vol 21 : Lie Groups and Onishchik A.L. et al. Lie Algebras Vol-II 6 A First Course in Discrete Dynamical System Holmgren R. 7 An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica Gaylord R. et al. 8 Introduction to Maple Heck A. 9 Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems Abraham R. et al. 10 Berkeley Problems in Mathematics DeSouza P.N. et al. 11 An invitation to C* Algebras Arveson W. 12 The Uncertainity Principle in Harmonic Analysis Havin V. et al. 13 Abstract Harmonic Analysis Vol- II Hewitt E. et al. 14 Encyclopedia of Math. Sci.-Vol 59 : Representation Theory and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis Vol- Kirillov A.(Ed.) II 15 Encyclopedia of Math. Sci.-Vol 25: Commutative Havin V. et al.(Ed.) Harmonic Analysis Vol - II 16 Metric Spaces of non-positive curvature Bridson P.M. et al. 17 Dynamical Systems Robinson C. 18 Harmonic Analysis and Applications Benedetto J. 19 Gravitation & Cosmology Weinberg S. 20 Algebra Vol-I (Groups) Luthar I. et al. 21 Algebra Vol-II( Rings) Luthar I. et al. 22 Rings and Modules Musili C. 23 Introduction to Measure and Integration Rana I.K. 24 Lie Groups and Ergodic Theory Dani S.G. 25 Dynamics of one dimensional Maps Sharkovsky H. 26 Categorical Topology Giuli E. 27 Inverse Spectra Chigogidze A. 28 Topological Theory of Dynamical Systems recent Aoki N. et al. advances 29 The Importance of being fuzzy Sangalli A. 30 Chaos : A Program collection for PC Korsch.H. et al. 31 Archemedes Stein.S. 32 Geometry from Africa Gerdes.P. 33 A Panorama of Harmonic Analysis Karntz.S. 34 Labyrinth of Thoughts Ferreiros J. 35 Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups And Applications Terras A. 36 Fermat's Last Theorem for Ametuers Ribenboin.P. 37 Encyclopedia of Mathematics 71: Special Functions Andrews G. et al. 38 Topics In Ergodic Theory Sinai Y.G. 39 Essays on Fourier Analysis in Honour of E.M. Stein Fefferman et al. (Ed.) 40 An Introduction to G-Function Dwork B. et al. 41 Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space Folland G. 42 The Classical Groups Weyl H. 43 Topology from the differentiable view point Milnor J. 44 Convex Analysis Rockafellar 45 General Theory of Relativity Dirac P.A.M. 46 George Cantor Dauben T.W. NBHM Library Department of Mathematics Accession No. Title Author 47 The Mathematical Career of Peirre De Fermat Mahoney M.S. 48 An Imaginary Tale - The Story of square root of ( -1) Nahin P.J. 49 The Mathematician's Mind Hadamard J. 50 The Enjoyment of Math Rademacher H. et al. 51 Discrete Mathematics with Applications Epp. S.S. 52 A Course in Approximation Theory Cheney W. et al. 53 Numerical Analysis Burden R.L. et al. 54 Data Analysis and Decision making With Excel Albright S. et al. 55 Differential Equations with BVP Zill D.G. et al. 56 Modern Computer Algebra Gathen J.V.Z. e t al 57 Fourier And Wavelet Analysis Bachman et al. 58 Introduction to Cardinal Arithmatic Holz M. e t al 59 Mathematical Mysteries Clawson C. 60 Theory of Numbers Vol-I Dickson 61 Theory of Numbers Vol-II Dickson 62 Theory of Numbers Vol-III Dickson 63 Elements of Topological Dynamics Vries de I 64 Lectures on Hermite and Laguerre Expansions Thangavelu 65 Analysis and Geometry on Groups Varopoulos et al. 66 Harmonic Analysis and Special Functions On Heckman Symmetric Spaces 67 An Introduction to Wavelets Chui. K.C. 68 Harmonic Analysis and Special Functions On Heckman Symmetric Spaces 69 Integral Transforms & their Applications Loknath Debnath 70 A First course on Wavelets Eugenio H. & Weiss G. 71 Applied Numerical Methods Gourdin A. & Boumahrat M. 72 Geometric Measure Theory Morgan F. 73 Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory Douglas R.G. 74 Tensor Geometry Dodson C.T.J. & Posyon T. 75 Riemannian Geometry Petersen P. 76 Elementary Methods in Number Theory Nathanson M.B. 77 The Random Walks Of George Polya Alexanderson G.L. 78 The Beginning and Evolution of Algebra Bashmakova & Smirnova G.S. 79 Geometric Methods in Degree Theory for Equivariant Kushkuley A. & Balanov Z. Maps 80 A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography Koblitz N. 81 Linear Algebra Janich K. 82 Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry Kobayashi S. 83 Fuzzy Set Theory Lowen R. 84 Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Hirsch M. & Smale S. Linear Algebra 85 From Numbers To Analysis Rana I.K. 86 Introduction to the Analysis of Normed Linear Spaces Giles 87 Ergodic Theory and Topological Dynamics of Group Bekka B. & Mayer M. Actions on Homogeneous Spaces 88 Mathematical Fallacies, Flaws and Flimflam Barbeau E.J. 89 Finite Group Theory Aschbacher 90 Wavelets and Operators Meyer Y. 91 An Introduction To Rings and Modules: With K- Berrick A.J. & Keating M.E. Theory in view 92 Topological Methods in Hydrodynamics Arnold V.I. & Khesin B.A. 93 Lie Groups Duistermaat J.J. & Kolk J.A.C. 94 Function Spaces and Potential Theory Adams D. & Hedberg L. NBHM Library Department of Mathematics Accession No. Title Author 95 Dynamical Systems , Ergodic Theory and Bunimovich L. A. et al. Applications 96 Elemental Methods in Ergodic Ramsey Theory (LNM McCutcheon R. 1722) 97 Fuzzy Measures and Integrals Grabisch M. et al (Ed.) 98 Mathematics And Its History Stillwell J. 99 Representation Theory- A First Course Fulton W. & Harris J. 100 Theory and Applications of Numerical Analysis Phillips G.M. & Taylor P.J. 101 Calculus of Variations with Applications Gupta A.S. 102 Mathematical Methods Potter M.C. & Goldberg J. 103 The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas Wuest J.D. (Tr.) 104 Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Neutron Stars Shapiro S.L. & Teukolsky S.A. 105 A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography Koblitz N. 106 Wonders of Numbers Pickover C.A. 107 An Introduction to Numerical Methods in C++ Flowers B.H. 108 Modern Mathematical Methods For Physicists And Cantrell C.. Engineers 109 Abelian Groups and Representations of Finite Arnold D. 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Variables 127 Modern General Topology Nagata J. 128 Cosmology a first course Lachieze-Rey M. 129 Operations Research Principles and Practice Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg 130 Cosmology a first course Marc Lachieze-Rey 131 Numerical Methods For Engineers Chapra S.C. & Canale R.P. 132 Writing TSRs Through C Kanetkar Y. 133 Fundamentals of Approximation Theory Mhaskar H. & Pai D. 134 Recent Trend In Mathematical Sciences Misra J.C. & Sinha S.B. 135 Applicable Mathematics Misra J.C. (Ed.) 136 Differential Equations with BVP Zill D.G. et al. 137 Numerical analysis Burden R. & Faires J.D. 138 HandBook of Geometric topology Daverman R.G. & Sher R.B. (Ed.) 139 An Introduction To Ergodic Theory Walters P 140 Stellar Structure And Evolution Kippenhahn R. & Wiegert A. 141 Introduction to Topological Manifolds Lee J.M. 142 Algebras of Linear Transformations Farenick D.R. NBHM Library Department of Mathematics Accession No. Title Author 143 Ergodic Theory, Analysis and Efficient Simulation of Fiedler B. (Ed.) Dynamical systems 144 Shadowing in Dynamical systems Pilyugin S.Yu. 145 Best Approximation in Inner Product Spaces Deutsch F. 146 Lectures on Analysis On Metric Spaces Heinonen J. 147 A Topological Aperitif Huggett S. & Jordan D. 148 Special Functions of Mathematical Physics Nikiforov A. & Uvarov V. 149 Vector Analysis Janich K. 150 Two Millennia Of Mathematics - from Archimedes to Phillips G.M. Gauss 151 Mathematics Unlimited- 2001 And Beyond Engquist B. & Schmid W. (Ed.) 152 What is Random? Beltrami E. 153 Fantasia Mathematica Fadiman C. (Ed.) 154 Mahtematical Encounters of the 2nd kind Davis P.J. 155 The Historical Development of the Calculus Edwards C.H. Jr. 156 Hilbert Reid C. 157 Discrete thoughts Kac M. & Rota G., Schwartz J. 158 Introduction to Calculus and Analysis- Volume I Courant R. & John F. 159 Introduction to Calculus and Analysis- Volume II Courant R. & John F. 160 General Relativity and Cosmology- A First Course Chow T. 161 Multifractals and 1/f Noise Mandelbrot B. 162 Seminaire de Probabilites XXXIV Azema J. et al (Ed.) 163 Random Sets Goutsias J. et al (Ed.) 164 Geometry : Euclid and Beyond Hartshorne R. 165 A First Course in Coding Theory Hill R. 166 Visual Complex Analysis Needham 167 The Last Recreations Gardner M. 168 Chaos in Dynamical Systems Ott E. 169 The Book of Numbers Conway J. & Guy R. 170 Convex Analysis and Non Linear Optimizations Borwein R. & Lewis A. 171 Lie Groups , Lie Algebras And Their Representations Varadarajan V. 172 The Geometry of Discrete Groups Beardon A.F. 173 Linear Algebraic Groups Humphreys J. 174 Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing Ganzha V.G.
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