Computer Science: a Guide to Selected Resources on the Internet
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University at Albany, State University of New York Scholars Archive University Libraries Faculty Scholarship University Libraries 6-2001 Computer Science: A Guide to Selected Resources on the Internet. Michael Knee [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Computer Sciences Commons, and the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Knee, Michael, "Computer Science: A Guide to Selected Resources on the Internet." (2001). University Libraries Faculty Scholarship. 46. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Libraries at Scholars Archive. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Libraries Faculty Scholarship by an authorized administrator of Scholars Archive. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Computer science A guiide to selected resources on the Internet by Michael Knee T here's little doubt that computers have tions, conferences, em- had a major effect on nearly every as- ployment resources, fel- pect of our lives-at work, at home. and in lowships and grants. between. Computers have transformed soci- news, organizations, pius etv wvoridwide and changed the way people projects ancd. programs. work, communicate, and play. The PC on Access: http://tap.mills. your desk, lap, or palm represents centuries edu". of progress in computing devices from count- * Artificial Intelli- ing pebbies and knotted strings to the aba- gence. A XVWY'W Virtual Library site contain- culs and adding machines. ing iinks to research sites and projects, Computer scientists and engineers design newsgroups. programming languages, lout- and buildi. cotmaputers and associated technolo- nals bibliographies, interactive demonstra- gies, including the hardware, softw are, and tions, and conmercial sites and products. operating systems. Computer science also Access.: http:v//,uk'peopie / encompasses theoretical and mathematical dwc:!'a;.html. aspects, sucn as the design and anarlysis of * Artificial Intelligence Resources. An algorithms, performance studies of systems Artificial Intelligence Internet resources list- and components, and reiiability studies. Com- ing containing linkLs to bibliographies, books. puter scientists seek to answer the fundamen- companies, conferences, employment oppor- tal question, What can. be automated? tunities, journals, newsgroups, publishers, re- Computer scientists were early users of pcxsitories and resources lists, research groups. the Internet. and there are numerous Web societies and organizations, and software re- sites related to computer science and com- positories and directories. Access. http:.K/ai.iit. puting. This is a selected guide to some otI" ai point.htm. the more useful resources, * Complexity On-line. An information service about complex systems providing Metasiteslstarting points access to books, journals, bibliographies, tU- *The Ada Project (TAP). Named in torials, software, and riewsgroups. Access; honor of Ada Lovelace, TAP is a clearing- http:./complex. house for information and resources related * Computational Geometry Pages. A to women in computing. It inclutides publica- metasite providing access to W`eb-based and Michael Knee isphysical, rnathematicaL and computer sciences bibliographer at the UniversityatAlbany, SUNVScience Library e-mail: knee@albanyed; C&RL News * June 2001 / 609 print resources dealing wvith computational related fields in scientific computing. geometry- inciuding links to research groups, http:/.7www.' corpdir/ forums, bibliographies. job announcements, techinfo.mclir scifaq'. books, journals, and softw,vare resources. 4c- * A Software Engineering Resource cess. httrs '.' comigeom cs.uiuc edu-ieffe/' List A hSting of pointers tc; softfw are engmeenng comrpgeonl. archives, rescarch sites, confetrences, and other - Concurrent Systemis. A WWW Vi7rtual relateci rnetasiAtes. ht.pP:7, w svsel it.. Library sitc containing pomntcrs to informa-,'favs,. tion3 orn concurrent I paraiele ' systerms. includ- * Theoretical Computer Science on the ing electronic repositories. research groups Web. This site eonta;ns linms tinpapers and and centers. research projects. toois, neet- sites of interest to the theory commmunit', it ings. and journals Access: http./.'w.afm.. includes organizations. journalN. t onterenices, shu acuk/ concurrent;. bibiiographies. lecture notes, sofrxs'are. reposi- * Formal Methods. A ',WWXTWVirtual Li-- tories. new sgroups. and mrailing lists. Access brary site contamning links to infornmaLion on htt?:''rcobotics.stanford eciu;-sureshn theory;) fornmal methods. including announcements. introductonl a r-i les, publications 1:bibiiognt- * The Virtual Museum of Computing. pliies, txak-.s. journals, and coHlections of tech- This WAWW Virtual i.ibrar. site is a c 'lection nical reports 5. individu al notations. Methods. of XXWcbsites connected to the histo;r o' comn- and tools, mecetings. projects. conmpanies, or- puting. it also lists online i.n}tli)uter-Iased ganizations. newsgroups and mailing lists. exhibits. Access: htt?: pal7mpsest.stanford. plus a wins w.i Access: http:., Wv;A.afn. edu, icom.vlImp. on'lpuJting.lhtmll. shu ac.uko' * WW'W Computer Architecture Home * The Genetic Progranmming Notebook. Page. A Web site that pronvicles access to com- An extensive collection of links to intorma- puter architecture research gurops -esearch- tion on genetic programtning, genetic algo- ers, conterences. tools. sin-Iulatonrs. bench- ritrns. artificial intcliigencc. ev olutionarv- marks `ioks, online publications .organiza- computation. and robotics. It inclucdes access tions, and newsgroups. A.ccess http:.. xwvs-x. to bibliographies. books, software. pc, pie. cs.-,viscOo -cu/arch'vsvs-v, groups. journa!s. conferences. courses. tuto- r.als and nevw s. Access: n-ttp'.:-vwwv. Academic departments and genetic -` institutes * Logic Programming. As part of the * Computer Science Departments WXWW Virtual Library. Logic Programnmning Across the Web. A listing with ilnks to Web contains links to general repositc)ries, Prolog. and gopher servers of academic com-puter ss indowv systemn interfaces, other logic. pro- science departments around the world Ac- gramm-ning syste.ns, -neetings and bcooks. cess http triiondnarv cs.has erforCi. Cu - Access. httsp:,,'logic- Departments.ntmn. prog'. * Graduate Assistantship Directory * Resources for Programming Lan- (GAD). 'GAD)' is a pubihcation of the Asso- guage Research. A collection of links to re- ciation for Comnputing Machiner-', it pro-Jiues sources for research int programm-.ning lan- iformation on graduate programs in tom- gusage tneonr. design. irmplemnentanion and puting. inclucring ciegrees offered arid spe- relalec areas. This sire also includes language cialties numbers of facult- and stuident. fac- overt iews s with access to ianguage-specific ult- irnterest areas, computet equipment axail- sltes, bibliographies. puhiications, andl con- able types and am.oCunts of financial aid as ail- ferences. Access. hap: wwss fs able to cualiied stucients. ancd adniissionf.s re- use-r.,nmeone,w eb language- (utreltents and applicatiocn deadlines Access: research. htnr' H. http: /i'xsswwacm.crg'gad. * Scientific Computing FAQ: S.C., Nu- * Institutes. Centers. and Laboratories. merical Analysis. and Associated Fields A worldw-vide list of compuier science insti- Resouirce Guiide. This m-letasite lists and links tutes, centers. and lah-oratories Access. to resources, such as electronic resources and http '.'osrc.coc.ic.a .ukn bySubiecn:Computing' softw are cata-logs fo:r nu-merical analvsis and3 O(verview .htrinsinst. 610 . C&RL News n June 2001 * Supercomputing Centers and Paral- The subscription-based ACM Digital Library lel Computing. A list: of institutions from contains full text of articles and papers from IEEE's ParaScope site involved in high-per- all of itus journals, magazines, and proceed- formance computing and parallel computing. ings: nonsubscribers can view tables of con- Access: http:i/''#par- tents and abstracts, Access: http:/info.acm.orig,. allel. - IEEE Computer Society. Founded in 1947, the IEEE Computer Society is the world's Algorithm collections oldest and largest (98,000 imembers) profes- * Collected Algorithns (CALGO) of the sional association of people in computing. The Association for Computing Machinery site contains a full range of information about (ACM). CALGO contains software associated conferences, standards, publications, activities. with papers published in the ACM Transac- education, certification, and employment. The [ions on Mi1athematical Software and other subscription-based Digital Library includes full ACM journals. The software is refereed for text of articles frorm its transactions and maga- ornginalitv. accuracy. robustness, complete- zines, and papers from selected proceedings: ness, portability, and lasting value. The site nonsubscribers can view tables of contents and begins with algorithm number 49 (issued in abstracts. Acces.s:'. 1975). however, there are several earlier algc- * Resources of Scholarly Societies: rithms. Access: http:,' Comptuter Science. This listing is part of the * The Stoniy Brook Algorithm Reposi- Scholarly