School of Distance Education



BA Philosophy (2011 Admission Onwards)

V Semester

Core Course The Systems of


1. The etymological meaning of the world philosophy is a) Love of Soul c) Love of truth b) Love of learing d) None of these

2. The keynote of all schools of Indian philosophy is a) Know the self c) Know the god b) Atman d) None of these

3. The goal of all schools of Indian philosophy is a) Self –realization c) Annihilation of pain b) Wisdom d) None of these

4. The veda is etymologically related to a) Vid c) Love of learning b) Scripture d) None of these

5. The are held to be apauruseya because they are a) Invented by the risis c) Human origin b) Revealed to the risis d) None of these

6. Each veda consists of ------parts a) Three c) Two b) Four d) One

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7. Mantras and the Brahmanas constitute a) Jnana kanda c) Knowledge b) Karma Kanda d) None of these

8. RK, Yajur, Sama and Atharva are a) Different Samhitas c) Different b) Different parts of the Veda d) None of these

9. The ------are the earliest document of the Aryan mind a) Vedas c) Sruthi b) d) None of these

10. Vid means to a) Truth c) False knowledge b) Knowledge d) None of these

11. Aranyakas and the Upanisads constitute a) Jnanakanda c) Karma kanda b) Rituals d) None of these

12. The ------were the last literary products of the vedic period a) Upanisads c) Brhmans b) Aranyakas d) None of these

13. The appendages to the Brahmanas are called a) Upanisads c) Mantras b) Aranyakas d) None of these

14. The term for philosophy is a) Darsana c) Love of wisdom b) Love of learning d) None of these

15. Sruti means a) Memory c) That which is heard b) d) None of these

16. The collection of the mantras is called a) Samhita c) Brahmana b) Upanisads d) Veda

17. The Brahamanas are written in a) Poem c) Hymns b) Prose d) None of these

18. ------Samhita is regarded as the oldest and also the most important a) Sama c) RK b) Yajur d) None of these

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19. The Upanisads are also known as a) Veda c) b) Brahmana d) None of these

20. The mantra portion has been called religion of Nature a) Of the poets c) Of the philosophers b) Of the priest d) None of these

21. The mantras inculcate a form of a) Nature worship c) Worship of rta b) God worship d) None of these

22. Henotheism means a) Belief in God c) Belief in reality b) Belief in one only God d) None of these

23. Belief in many gods is known as a) Polytheism c) monotheism b) Henotheism d) monism

24. The whole of existence is reduced to one fundamental reality is called a) Polytheism c) Monism b) Monotheism d) None of these

25. The first period of Indian philosophy is called a) Vedic c) b) Epic d) Scholastic

26. Sama Means a a) Verse c) Prose b) Song d) None of these

27. Some times the Vedas are referred to only as a) Trayi c) Two b) Four d) None of these

28. The essence of the vedic hymns is the philosophy of a) Monotheism c) Polytheism b) Spiritualistic monism d) None of these

29. A transitional stage from polytheism to monotheism is a) Henotheism c) Spiritualism b) Monism d) None of these

30. ------is the guardian of the moral law a) Indra c) Agni b) Varuna d) None of these

31. The god who vanguishes evil

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a) Varuna c) Indra b) Agni d) None of these

32. Natural occurrences are attribute to supernatural causes in a) Monotheism c) Polytheism b) Monism d) None of these

33. According to Macdonnel henotheism is a) An appearance c) Reality b) God d) None of these

34. The highest spiritual truth is expressed in ------form in vedic hymns a) Two form c) Three form b) One form d) None of these

35. The highest spiritual truth expressed in Vedic hymns are a) Monism & Polytheism c) Polytheism & Monotheism b) Monotheism & Monism d) None of these

36. The Brahmanas are the work of the a) Poets c) Priests b) Philosopher d) None of these

37. The hymns are the creation of the a) Poets c) Priests b) Philosopher d) None of these

38. The Upanisads are the meditation of the a) Poets c) Priests b) Philosopher d) None of these

39. The mantras in its present form dates from a) 500 B.C c) 600 B.C b) 400 B.C d) 300 B.C

40. Brahmanas form the ------part of the Vedas a) First part c) Third part b) Second part d) Fourth part

41. The teachings of the Upanisads represents a) The goal of the veda c) Meditation b) Reality d) None of these

42. Monotheism means a) Many Gods were reduced to one God b) The whole of existence is reduced to one c) Multiplicity of Gods d) None of these

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43. The fourth period of Indian philosophy is called a) Scholastic period c)Vedic period b) Epic period d) None of these

44. The school of logic is a) System c) Sankhya System b) Vaisesika d) None of these

45. is the founder of a) school c) Nyaya b) Sankhya school d) None of these

46. The ------School is known as Indian materialism a) c) b) Carvaka d) None of these

47. Astikas are those which a) Accept vedic authority c) Reject God b) Reject vedic authority d) None of these

48. Nastikan are those which a) Reject vedic authority c) Reject god b) Accept vedic authority d) None of these

49. The first systematic teatise on Vedanta is Badarayana’s a) Nyaya Sutra c) Mimamsa sutra b) Brahma sutra d) None of these

50. Mimamsa sutra is written by a) Gotama c) b) d) None of these

51. The number of Pranamas accepted by Carvaka a) One b) Two c) Six d) None of these

52 According to Carvaka existence of an object is determined by a) Perception b) inference c)authority d) analogy

53 Which among the following schools holds that matter is the only reality a) Jainism b) Carvaka c) Buddhism d) None of these

54 According to Carvaka the Valid Source of knowledge is a) Perception b) Inferences c) Sabda d) None of these

55 Who among the following philosophers said inference is a mere leap in the dark a) Jaina b) Carvaka c) Budha d) None of these

56 Carvaka accepts moksa as

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a) The end of this life c) ananda b) Cessation of suffering d) None of these

57. The carvaka school of philosophy represent a) atheism and materialism c) naturalism b) Spriritualism d) None of these

58. Which among the following schools rejects anumana as a valid source of knowledge a) Buddhism b) Jainism c) Carvaka d) None of these

59. According to carvaka the purusarthas are a) Artha and Kama c) b) Moksa d) Moksa and dharma

60. According to Carvaka, the soul is a) The conscious body c) Life b) matter d) None of these

61. The liberation according to Carvaka means a) Death alone c) Knowledge b) Cessation of suffering d) None of these

62. The traditional founder of the Carvaka school is a) Brhaspati b)Gautama c) Mahavira d) None of these

63. Carvaka gives importance to a) Wealth and enjoyment c)Liberation b) Virtue d) None of these

64. How many Tirthankaras are there in Jainism a)24 b) 25 c) 23 d) None of these

65. Manaparyaya means a) Telepathy c)Omniscient knowledge b) Clairvoyance d) None of these

66. Syad avaktaryam means a) Indescribable b) Real c) Unreal d) None of these

67. In syadvada the word syad means a) May be b) Judgment c) Justice d) None of these

68. Saptabhanginaya or Syadvada is a doctrine related to a) Jainism b) Buddhism c) Carvaka d) None of these

69. Anekantha Vada means a) Manyness of God c) Manyness of things b)Manyness of reality d) Manyness of individuals

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70. To which Naya the real is momentary a) Vyavaharanaya c) Sangrahanaya b) Naigamanaya d) Rjusutranaya

71. Syad-astika-nastica-avaktavyam a) A thing is real b) A thing is unreal c) A thing is real, unreal and indescribable d) None of these

72. According to Jainism time is a) Asti-kaya, dravlya c) Jiva b) Anasti-kaya dravya d) None of these

73. According to Jainsas, the essential character of the soul is a) Consciousness c) Meditation b) Thinking d) None of these

74. The term ‘jina’ means a) Conqueror b) Teacher c) Shedart d) None of these

75. Kevalajnana means a) Partial knowledge c) Limited knowledge b) Absolute knowledge d) None of these

76. According to Jainism matijnana is a) Mediate knowledge c) Universal knowledge b) Immediate knowledge d) Partial knowledge

77. In Jainism the term Asti-kaya means a) Space occupying c) Property b) Physical body d) None of these

78. The term Dharma in Jaina metaphysics signifies a) Substances b) Movement c) Essence d) None of these

79. In Jains philosophy ajiva includes a) Matter, motion, rest b)Space & time b) Motion and rest d) Matter and space

80. According to Jaina’s, the conditions of movement and rest are a) Dharma and adharma c) Kala and akasa b) Pudgala d) Jiva

81.Anekanthavada is the theory of a) Buddhism b) Jainism c) Carvaka d) None of these

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82.Jaina metaphysics can be kept under a) Realism b) Realistic and relativistic pluralism c) Pluralism d) None of these

83. Syadvada is the theory of a) Judgment b) Truth c) Error d) None of these

84. Liberation according to Jainism is the joint effect of triratnas. These triratnas are a) Right faith b) Right knowledge c) Right conduct d)Right faith, right knowledge and right conduct

85. Erroneous knowledge ‘Samsaya’ effects a) Mati and sruti c) Manaparyaya b) Avadhi d) Avadhi

86. There is a path which leads to the cessation of suffering is known as a)Dukha c) Dukha-Nirodha marga b) Dukha Nirodha d) None of these

87. The first noble truth of Buddhism is a) Dukha c) Moksa b) dukhaa samudaya d) Nirvana

88. According to Buddhism the root- cause of suffering is a) Wisdom c) Merit b) Ignorance d) None of these

89. Ksanikavada is the doctrine of a)Manyness b) Momentariness c) Absolute d) None of these

90. The teachings of Buddha is primarily a) Ethical c) Epistemological b) Metaphysical d) None of these

91. All the teachings of Buddhism centre round a) Four-noble truth c) Suffering b) Dukha d) None of these

92. Pratitya samupada is related to a) First-noble truth c) third noble truth b) second noble truth d) none of these

93. In Buddhism, the cessation of suffering is known as a) Nirvana b) Death c) Heaven d) Pleasure

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94. In Buddhism, the means to attain Nirvana is known as a) Astankikamarga c) Astangayoga b) Triratna d) none of these

95. Which among the following expresses the triratna in Buddhism a) Buddha, dhamma, sangha b) Knowledge, faith and conduct c) Dharma, artha and kama d) None of these

96. Buddha’s theory regarding the self is known as a) Nairatmyavada c) Advaitavada b) Visistavada d) None of these

97. Pratitya samutpada is also known as a) Bhavacakra c) Dharmacakra b) Samsaracakra d) All of these

98. Who among the following hold the view of ethical idealism a) Buddha b) Mahavira c) Gotama d) Kapila

99. Gautama Buddha is the profounder of a) Madhyama marga or middle path b) Vcchedavada c) Sasvatavada d) None of these

100. The metaphysics of Jainism rests on the following external categories a) b) Dharma and adharma c) Atman b) Jiva and ajiva d) None of these

101. According to Sankhya, Prakrti in its precreative state is a) Static b) dynamic c) passive d) none of these

102. According to Sankhya, Purusa is a) Svarga b) enjoyment c) inert d) none of the above

103.The ideal of yoga is a) Svarga b) enjoyment c) punya d) kaivalya

104. Padartha literally means a) Subject b) a word c) God d) none of these

105. Sankara suggests that from the phenomenal point of view the world is a) Real b) unreal c) illusion d) none of the above

106. Patanjali yoga is also known as a) Raja –yoga b) hathayoga c) kamayoga d) none of the above

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107. Which is the most important for Mimamsakas? a) Pratyaksa b) Anumana c) Sabda d) none of these

108. In Nyaya syllogism paksadharmata means relationship between a)smoke and fire b) fire and smoke c) hill and fire d) smoke and hill

109. In ------perception the object is conveyed to sense through an unusual medium. a)laukika b) Alaukika c) savikalpa d) nirvikalpa

110. Samanya laksana comes under a) Alaukika b) laukika c) bahya d) none of these

111. Brahman, according to visistadvaita is a) Nirguna b) saguna c) nirvisesa d) none of these

112. Aparthak-siddhi –sambanda is accepted by a) b) Patanjali c) sankara d) Kapila

113. Knowledge resulting from the employment of upamana is known as a) Upamiti b) Vyapti c) Pratyaksa d) None of these b) 114. How many are accepted by nyaya a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

115. Nirvikalpa pratyaksa, according to Nyaya presents a) Bare object without any characterization b) Object with its characteristics c) Only characteristics no objects d) None of these

116. According to Nyaya, which kind of inference is based on mere co existence a)Parathanumana c) sesavat anumana b) purvavat anumana d) samanyatodrsta anumana

117. Which among the following anumana are based on causation a) Svartha ¶rtha c) purvavat and samonyathodrsta b) purvavat & sesavat d) none of these

118. Which among the following means of knowledge is produced by the knowledge of resemblance or similarity a)Pratyaksa b) anumana c) upamana d) none of these

119. How many padarthas are accepted by vaisesika a) 2 b) 4 c) 7 d) 6

120. According to Nyaya, ‘ice looks cold’, is an example of a) Samanyalaksana c) Yogaja b) Jnanalaksana d) None of these

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121. Which of the following system is founded by Gotama a) Nyaya b) Sankhya c) Yoga d) Vaisesika

122. Vaisesika divided categories into two class a) Bhavaand abhava c) quality & action b) Dravya and guna d) Samavaya and samyoga

123. Who accepts non-apprehension as an independent source of knowledge a) Prabhakara b) kumarila c) Goutama d) Kapila

124. The utterances of human being s are valid, if their authors are a) Trust worth b) seers c) religious d) none of these

125. Brahman is called as in determinate or a) Nirguna b) SAguna c) Infinite d) none of these

126. or avidya means a) Positive wrong knowledge c) non-existence b) absolute wrong knowledge d) none of these

127. Madhavacharya is the champion of a) Unqualified dualism c) Realism b) Nominalism d) None of these

128. Sankara believes that ultimate reality, Brahman associated with its maya appears as a)Soul b) Supreme soul c)Isvara d) None of these

129. According to Sankara, ultimate reality is a) God b) Soul c) Brahman d) None of these

130. Who is sat-cit-ananda according to Sankara a) Para Brahman b) Isvara c) Soul d) None of these

131. Ramayana recognizes ------, souls and God as ultimate and real a) Matter b) world c) Atoms d) None of these

132. Ramanuja advocates a) Monism c) qualified monism b) dualism d) None of these

133. What is an individual soul according to Ramanuja? a) It is spiritual substance b) It is an attribute of God and forms part of his body c) It is not beyond creation & Destruction d) None of these

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134. Ramanuja attempts a harmonious combination of absolutism with personal. a) Theism b) god c) realism d) none of these

135. Vedanta literally means a) Vedic rituals c) meditation b) the end of the Vedas d) none of these

136. According to Sankara, Brahman is a) Pure consciousness b) identical with prakrti c) the totality of mind and matter d) None of these

137. Madhva advocates the reality of ------differences a) Five –fold b) four –fold c) three –fold d) two fold

138. According to Ramanuja prapatti is necessary for liberation Prapatti is a) Constant remembrance of god b) Constant meditation c) Complete self- surrender d) Prayer

139. In the ‘rope-snake’ illusion according to a) The snake is unreal b) the snake is real c) The snake is neither real nor unreal d) none of these

140. What is the cause of bondage according to Ramanuja? a) Avidya b)Karma c) Embodiment d) None of these

141. Vedanta school lays emphasis on a) Karma c) Bhakti b) Jnana or knowledge d) None of these

142. Sankaras theory of world is known as a) Braham vada c) )parinamavada b) Brahma vivarthavada d) none of these

143. Mimamsa sutra is written by a) Jaimini b) Patanjali c) Parthasarathi d) None of these

144.The earlier portion of the veda is called a) Uttara –Mimamsa c) Jnana kanda b) Karma Kanda d) none of these

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145. Prakriti is constituted by the three gunas namely a) Sattva, Rajas and tamas b) Earth, water & air c) Primary, secondary and infinite d) none of these

146. Who is the author of yoga sutra a) Sankaracarya b) Patanjali c) Buddha d) None of these

147. Do sankhya believe in god ? a) Yes b) No c) not certain d) none of these

148. The first part of youga –sutra is known as a) Sadhanapada b) Kaivalyapada c) Samadhi pada d) Vibhutipada

149. Which one of the following is related to ‘AStika’ school? a) Yoga b) Carvaka c) Buddha d) Jainism

150. Yoga mostly accepts the metaphysics and the epistemology of a)Nyaya b) mimamsa c) Sankhya d) Vaisesika

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1. (b) 28. (b) 55. (b) 82. (b)

2. (a) 29. (a) 56. (a) 83. (a)

3. (a) 30. (b) 57. (a) 84. (d) 4. (a) 31. (c) 58. (c) 85. (a)

5. (b) 32. (c) 59. (a) 86. (c)

6. (b) 33. (a) 60. (a) 87. (a)

7. (b) 34. (a) 61. (a) 88. (b) 8. (a) 35. (b) 62. (a) 89. (b)

9. (a) 36. (c) 63. (a) 90. (a)

10. b) 37. (a) 64. (a) 91. (a) 11. (a) 38. (b) 65. (a) 92. (b)

12. (a) 39. (c) 66. (a) 93. (a)

13. (a) 40. (b) 67. (a) 94. (a)

14. (a) 41. (a) 68. (a) 95. (a) 15. (c) 42. (a) 69. (b) 96. (a)

16. (a) 43. (a) 70. (d) 97. (d)

17. (c) 44. (a) 71. (c) 98. (a)

18. (c) 45. (a) 72. (b) 99. (a) 19. (c) 46. (b) 73. (a) 100. (b)

20. (a) 47. (a) 74. (a) 101. (b)

21. (a) 48. (a) 75. (b) 102. (c) 22. (b) 49. (b) 76. (a) 103. (d)

23. (a) 50. (c) 77. (a) 104. (b)

24. (c) 51. (a) 78. (b) 105. (a)

25. (a) 52. (a) 79. (a) 106. (a) 26. (b) 53. (b) 80. (a) 107. (c)

27. (a) 54. (a) 81. (b) 108. (d)

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109. (b) 120. (b) 131. (a) 142. (b) 110. (a) 121. (a) 132. (c) 143. (a)

111. (b) 122. (a) 133. (b) 144. (b)

112. (a) 123. (b) 134. (a) 145. (a)

113. (a) 124. (a) 135. (b) 146. (b) 114. (d) 125. (a) 136. (a) 147. (b)

115. (a) 126. (a) 137. (a) 148. (c)

116. (d) 127. (a) 138. (c) 149. (a) 117. (b) 128. (c) 139. (c) 150. (c)

118. (c) 129. (c) 140. (b)

119. (c) 130. (a) 141. (b)

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