Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Telecommunication and Cable
COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATION AND CABLE __________________________________________ ) Petition of Verizon New England Inc., ) MCImetro Access Transmission Services of ) Massachusetts, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Access ) Transmission Services, MCI Communications ) Services, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Business Services, ) D.T.C. 07-9 Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., d/b/a ) Verizon Long Distance, and Verizon Select ) Services, Inc. for Investigation into the ) Intrastate Access Rates of Competitive Local ) Exchange Carriers ) __________________________________________) VERIZON’S RESPONSE TO XO’s MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY Verizon New England Inc. (―Verizon Massachusetts‖), MCImetro Access Transmission Services of Massachusetts, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Access Transmission Services, MCI Communications Services, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Business Services, Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Long Distance, and Verizon Select Services, Inc. (collectively ―Verizon‖ or ―the Verizon companies‖) hereby respond to the August 11, 2008 Motion of XO Communications Services, Inc. (―XO‖) to Compel Verizon Massachusetts, Inc. to Provide Further Responses to Certain Document Requests (―Motion‖). XO’s Motion seeks an order from the Department compelling production of additional responses to XO-VZ 2-3 and XO-VZ 2-4. For the reasons set forth below, the Motion should be denied. I. The Department Should Sustain Verizon’s Objections to XO-VZ 2-3 In XO-VZ 2-3, XO requests that Verizon confirm that it has ―no internal memos, e-mails, or other documents regarding the reasonableness of Verizon’s switched access rates.‖1 Verizon objected to this request on the grounds that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome, but directed XO to Verizon’s filings in D.T.E.
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