UCSuDteco Wedaesday, Marcb 9, 1977 -Voting Begins Today on Official Government

Ballot Includes Choice of 3 Government Models, 37 Questions for Consideration

by Mark Stadler structure and autonomy, and Polls Located Managing EcIltor regental authority; student Polling places, open from 10:00 UCSD students vote today academic freedom; admissions am to 2:00 pm, are located on through Friday on a two-part policies; women's rights; Revelle and Third College plazas, referendum, with the first section student/community services; and the Muir quad, the Bookstore and to detennine the official student university autonomy and social in the area of the Student Center ~ government and the second section responsibility . and Main Gym steps, according to .. 2 consisting of 37 questions for voter­ the Elections Board. The booths ~ consideration. will be attended by members of the The vote on the questions is non­ ~ EAB social organization. binding on UC decisions-makers. Laura Zweckbronner. Priscilla Walker and Connie Jeung·Mills sang to a Students are faced with the The campaigns promoting the campus audience of approximately 125, to open the activities on Inter· choice of three contending models three models have been relatively national Women 's Day, yesterday . in the government vote: The A 25 percent figure has been set, quiet, concentrating mainly on get­ Student Cooperative Union, the. by the Elections Board and ap­ out-the-vote drives. The largest of current unofficial campus proved by Chancellor McElroy, as these drives is sponsored by the governing body; the new minimum . turnout to make Third College Council and has been Referend urn Format Fau lted Associated Students (ASUCSD ), a referendwn results officially valid. active for at least one week. revision of the elected body which If 25 percent-approximately 2000 governed UCSD until 1972; and the undergraduates-do not vote, the The three partisan campaigns By ACLU,Graduate Students Cabinet-Assembly, which com­ Chancellor will have responsibility have also relied heavily on making bines features of its two com­ to interpret the results, acting on The constitutionality, legitimacy, and feasibility of this week's personal contact with students in petitors, with an elected Cabinet recommendations from the seven­ student government referendum is being assailed by a number of donn meetings and about campus. and an open student Assembly. member Elections Board. groups. Publicity has been raised mostly . Within the past week complaints have been leveled at the Elections through posters and leaflets. The Board by such diverse groups as the American Civil Liberties Union campaigns have each been funded (ACLU), the Graduate students Council (GSC), and Epsilon Alpha Seven SectiODS A minimum vote has also been $50 by the Coop to help cover ex­ Beta (EAB). students also are being asked to set for the winning government penses. San Diego's ACLU President John stephens noted his concern over consider a series of 37 questions on model. If no model receives 50 the referendmn, saying, "I'm concerned that seriOllS questions at various current issues pertinent percent of the vote, the board will The referendum has also been possible violations of constitutional due process and equal protection both to UCSD and the University of refer to the second section of Part publicized through a series of provisions have been raised in relation to the referendwn." California. The questions are A, which asks voters to, in effect, debates, open fonuns and issues­ The referenduin was attacked in a different vein by the GSC, which divided into seven sections: rank the three proposals in order of and-answer nights sponsored by stated in a letter to the Chancellor, that "the Elections Board has referenda; student governmental preference. the individual colleges. exceeded its authority, and made a farce out of the upcoming student referendum, by a last minute decision to have graduate students vote on the 'opinion' questions. "Contlnued on Pa e 3 . Feasibility of Paramedic Program Debated in City by Joel C. Don another ballot or whether the council should Associate News Editor not consider paramedic service at· alL Blair Within the coming months, the San said. Diego City Council will decide whether a , Blair stated that . one of the proposals, comprehensive citywide paramedic service sponsored by Hartson's Ambulance Service, can be initiated. a private finn, could lead to difficulties if An effort to establish such a service for the city managers determined that they the city had previously failed when the city, should allow bids for paramedic service in the last electlOn, voted against the from all private companies. paramedic program attached to Proposition The other proposal, initiated by San Diego K, a property tax initiative. Citizens Committee for Paramedics, calls This is the second arUcle concluding a for a city-run program using the existing facilities of the city fire department. The two-part series on paramedic service in San committee believes that the proposal from San Dieguito paramedics Dave Weston [left] and Mike Warner finish up'some paperwork after a Diego. the private ambulance service cannot run Tuesday morning. The paramedic service has been stationed at the Solana Beach Fire Dept. In recent months, however" the Public "adequately" meet the needs ofthe city. for about two years. Services and Safety Conunittee of the Bernard Winter, Vice-chairman of the Winter noted that the user fees could planned maximum response time of five council has heard the argwnents of various committee, insists that Hartson's eventually pay for a majority of the cost of minutes, anywhere in the city, 21 paramedic proposals for paramedic service in the city. Ambulance is asking for "public money to the service, possibly leaving little charge to units would be needed. The committee has asked the City subsidize private enterprise, for a service taxpayers. He insists, however, that "the Spradley noted his disagreement with Manager's Office to study the proposals in that we (the citizen's conunittee) feel they important thing is not only the question of these figures, saying that " we are not order to bring the issue before the full city cannot deliver adequately." Winter further money, but the saving of lives." convinced that 21 units is the appropriate council. stated that "the proposal calls for 20 mobile Winter argued that Hartson's proposal, number." However, he said that lIartson's According to Ray Blair, Deputy City intensive care units, with two paramedics which has a lower initial starting cost, will Ambulance would leave the decision of the Manager, two major proposals are under aboard at .all times." He also noted that rely on user fees as the main source of the type of service up to the city. consideration by the city. Either proposal "they would respond to any emergency or funding. Training by U C life-threatening situation in under five would, in effect, eUminate the city's cun'ent Hartson's Ambulance may not provide If a proposal is ccepted by the city, the minutes." police ambulance service replacing it with complete citywide coverage, favoring areas paramedics will be trained by the paramedic service. The need to get to the victim quickly was of economic affluence, Winter added. University rI. Cllifornia facility (see Blair noted that the paramedic program stressed by Winter. "50 percent rI. the Monday's article,) which has a federal Bob Spradley, Vice-president of Hartson's may nm into fellibility difficulties, saying cardiac deaths occur within the first 15 training grant for aU paramedic training in that "the buic fa whether we minutes, al\Cl a five-minute response time Ambulance, said that their paramedic the San Diego City and County areas. ..-uon service will be "whatever the city elects to should proceecl aDJ fIrtber with the (to any location in the city) is the absolute Andrew Rauscher, Medical Director of have," noting that HartJon's Ambulance paramedic propouJa." It ...- alIo noted minimum," he said. the param"dk t:..i..!.. ;:r~-r..,m:u: ... would take over the cone. pollce am­ that the city maoq.. will inveIUpte the Vlerfeele...... ' Assistant Clinical Profe8lOr of differences in the fInaodal upedI of the A.ccordlnI to Winter, the cost proposal bulance service. Anethesiology at the University Hospital, "We made a proposal the City of San two propouII to ... If eitMr 0 .. can be would be $t.8 miUlon to initiate the service to sees paramedic services as a necessary pt!rt Diego provide paramedic aervice in recommended for IIdaption by the eoaodl. and not more than $1.78 per penon per year to the of our technological advances. c ••• _ city," Spradley said, 'that the OIIerP...... to maintain the ..-vice after the first two acldin8 "~ paramedic issue as a whole as an Other PNIlbIe reeommendaUCIIII IDelude yean. A ..r fee of between $35 and $50 number of units and their response time will update of the existing emergency health whether a puamed1c propcul IhauId be wou1d be charled on each run to both su~ be determined by the dty. care system," Rauscher said, noting that placed OIl the fIIcallt71 bacIIett wbetblr the IkIIe the CCIIt and act as a deterrent to A recent study by the city fire department "the ambulance hasn't cbanced Iince paramedic ...... be pIIeed OIl __ tltbI .~. detennined that in order to bave a pre- c...... • rlI411.111.1rS Weanclay, Mardi I, lin WedDelday, Mareb I, lin IrllfiluiliNOS Paramedics ... '. between the two- paramedic than having a group of " privates" IT Referendum EndoiSements CoaUnued from Page 1 proposals, Rauscher said the in one area and the police and fire Napoleon." / training program favors a city-run departments in another. "If. you Pw1 A -- UNDElGUDUAn 4. Pr~s~nt authority to ratify SeC1l .. 6: ShlHnt Senice. "The only thing that has been paramedic service. "Our feeling, had it in one department nke the STUDENT GOVERNANCE teaching ratios to b~ revoked? no I . Recreation Center on Univ~rsi'l' added to ambulance care is the use and this is echoed not only by the fire department," Rauscher said, 5. Should undergrOduotes be land? ne of oxygen," he said. Rauscher also training program but also by the "you would have a total citywide UCs.aDlet° Govt. Model: CDnet/Aisembly . allowed to vote in Academic 2. Alternat iv~ food service at asserted that, "It's time to take County Emergency Medical communications system and a Unsigned edll')rlals represent a majority opinion of the Triton Times Senate? no Student C~nter? yes IWt B -- UNDERGIADUATE/ specialized care out to the Services Division, is that the citywide response system." Editorial BoarJ. which is composed of Executive editor David Eisen , 6 . Should departmental closed 3: Should th.-re be left-handed patient," adding that "the paramedic system is only part of a Managing editor Mark Stadler, News edllor Alan Ru ssell. Statewide GlAD STUDENT' QUESTIONS meetings be abolished? no de.sks at UCSD? yes justification for paramedics total emer gency response Hartson's "Could Not Provide" ed'itor All!c Nedelman. Production manager Shauna Stokes and Opinion 7. Should student members of 0 4. Should student government cannot be denied; the only question system." editor R"n Anbar. All igncd malerial and artwork represent the author's ~etlon 1: Ie"rend. department participate in tenurnoe con,;ol food services? yes is what is it going to cost and how He also said that it is "more Rauscher noted that Hartson's • opinion and do nol necessarily rellect the views of the Triton Times. I I d h process? 5. Should student government important to have paramedics as Ambulance could not provide all of I . A ter E edions Boor Aut orily to 8 Sh Id C . t' b control bookstore? yes sho~d it be fWlded ." rewarp bollot questions? no ' au ommunlca ,ons e / In terms of the controversy part of a "planned system" rather ' the personnel and equipment 2. Five- ear moratorium on granted departmental stetu~? yes 6. Should . student government necessary to implement a "total governme~t refer~ndo? no 9. Full auton~~y over FTf s to be control hOUSing? no citywide program." He added that restored todeSlrrng programs? ne'" 7. Should student government \ Student Government: ACLU ••• Continued from Page 1 Hartson's proposal for 12 Wllts Section 2: Org ..ilatlons 10. Should UCSD grading system be control the Student Center? yes The GSU sees only two ways "to end the confusion," they being to could not serve the city's 1. Should college Student Councils replaced by Passl Nat Pass? neW Section 7. Uni,erslty Aut ...... ' both delay the referendum until next quarter, and also to appoint lifesaving needs. He did note, Cabinet/Assembly be goverrimentbranches? no I I. Should students hove option of • however, that the training 2. GSC and Med school students as teking,un/imitedPI NP courses? no 1. Severe ties between Un iversity graduate student repf'P4l8nlatives to the Election Board. ne TrItoa 11mH eDdonH tile Cabbaet-Aaembly model In tbis wes's program would instruct any part of student government? neW12 . Should stud~nts not be required and CIA? no EAB's complaint is' ~ a completely different nature. The social referelllhuD to Hied aa official ..... Cft'enDDeIlL the group approved by the city, 3. CommiHees to be r~organiz~d as to petition for grades in 199s and 2. Should University pallce corry organization, paid $300 to attend voting booths, is dismayed by the The by wordJ to teep In mtad wIleD e.. lde ..... tile tIlree gOvmaDeDt current date of the referendum, noting that "the Elections Board on saying " we would train the branch~s of? B 198s? yes firearms? modela-tbe Cabinet-Assembly [CoA), tile SlDdeDt Cooperative UaJon and . yes two different occasions changed the date of the referendum. " paramedics whether they were 4. Reorganize UC SBPC into UC 3. Should war-related funding be I tile DeW Auoeiated Stu_Is [ASUCSD-ere aeeeu IlDd responsibility. A Section 4: Education PoIicie. private ambulances or firefighters Student Un ion? no phased out if other is ovoilab/e?yes . "We agreed to do it during the seventh week," said an EAB ,ood IOftnmellt model IDIIIt prwvlde both qaaUtles, without having representative. "Rlgtt now we've been assured by legal services that and the training would be the 5 Should Student m~dia be 1. Should UC hove a student ap- 4. Should Son Diega police be same." either restrict tile other. . t nomous from Regents? newproved co-counsel for presentetion borred from patroling at UCSD? no we don't have a legal obligation to attend to the voting, but noting our TIle CoA, we feel, pnvtdes both aeeeu IlDd respoulbWty. It provides moral obligations, we'll do the best job we can." He suggests, however, that fire 0 Boord of Regents to be of Bakke cose to Court? no 5. Severe ties with South Africa and ~~ Supr~m~ "Elections Board Coordinator Andy Schneider responded to the department personnel have opea studeat aceeu tllro..... HI Auembly. Auy _deat eo attend, rganized? ne'" 2. Open odmissions policy to all Rhodesia? yes , prupoIe leglslatioa IlDd vote. AD bad,eta IlDd Iqtalatloa mast pus reo various charges, saying, "I don't see any attacks." He qualified the stronger motivations because • 3 .r--.1 California H.S. grads? no 6. Should Regents exercise social I Uaroagb tile Assembly. _-1 statement by noting that matters have been " talked out" with the ambulance people are "basically Seetion : Ae ...c " .. _om responsibility? yes But tile C-A also makes provtlloDl for respo_IbWty of action. Tbe GSC, and things are being " worked out" with EAB. working for the money." I . Acodemic session preference? Section 5: W.... n'. IhIhts Wne - no endorsement Cabbaet II eompoaed of elected represetdaUves, two from each coOege ~rter . As for the constitutional ramifications being brought up by the "I've got no objection to that I . Free Gynecological services by to do lKI and ODe from tile ·Assembly,. who aUlIIDe IndIvIdaaI positions cbalrlng These etidonemellb were made ACLU, Schneider said they have "nothing with the current CoatiDued Page 8 ncb eollllllltteH .. Studeal Fee Programs aad tile Student Ceater. 11Iea, 2. Summer quarter on all nin~ UC Health Center? yes referendum." "The problem they refer to," said Schneider, "is the campuses? yes by the Triton nm. EdtoriaI ... coOee1tve body, ~ CablDet mut ad oa aD buIIleta aad leglslatloa Board. They reflect the opInioli 01 Chancellor's authorizing the 25 percent necessary turnout. This Isn't a from tile Assembly, 3. Curricula rotified by Acodemic 2. Should R. e9.~nt$ provide fr:: San Diego question, but one for the UC system." LJ Village S.enate & student government? yes Day-Core fac",t,es? a majority 01 the Board members. Access Is the prime qaaUty of the Coop. As wttb the C-.\, uy studeat 1 caD eome to meetiDp aad ad. Bat tbe palt tw ....Hae-balf yean bave Input Wante~ revealed probielDl wttb tile Coop structure. OrIgIaaOy p1aDDed .. an opea ------~I goftmmeal, tile Coop .... orten beea seized by Ideologues aad special I Cabinet Assembly Model Faulted I Those interested in expressing laterest groaps who have dNdloeked Its mecbulsm. I their opinions on the La Jolla I 11Ie Coop baa become Isolated oa eampas, a group foreign to mOlt This letter is not intended to the Reg. Fee to choose Its own To begin with, both the Advisory I Village project (Triton Times ITS UeSD, studeata. It was a nice Ide .. It han't worked. support anyone of the three chair. Committee for Student Fee I 2) I March will have an opportunity 2FO. 1 NIGHT, AT THE ReponslbWty II offered by tbe ASUCSD .. a key asset. Members are governmental models to be put The exact same situation exists Programs and the Student Center I to speak to responsible individuals elected aad uaame deflDed roles. Lbtea of rellpo_IbWty are delineated_ before the students in this week's for the student center board. Board may take great difference I in EDNA from 10 am to 2 pm today, SPORTS ARENA! The ASUCSD baa tile poteaUaI. to beeome aa efficient, produdlve referendum. Rather, it will serve Article 6, Sub-Article 3, Section A with this model, should it pass the Get Rolled at the and in the Academic Senate Office govemmeat. to point out some serious flaws provides that the Dept. of the electorate. Spice Rack Restaurant! Conference Room from 9 am Wltll But aceeu Is mil sial. Certainly, stadeata caD propose Ideal to tbelr wiUl the Cabinet!Assembly model. student center "shall fonnulate a If the essential purpose of this noon tomorrow. representaUves, but that clearly Is aot tile same as tile open access af- If one consults Article 6, Section budget each Quarter from the referendum is to clean up our Present th is coupon with your meal at the An architectural model of the $5.50 tickets only $2. 75 at student government, how can we unique Spice Rack "Garden " Restaurant in Pacitic Student Center Box Office forded by the CoA aDd tbe Coop. A of the Cabinet!Assembly con- Stud~t Center Fee to be submitted Beach and you 'll get rolled. Free. Take home half a project will be on display, and TIle ASUCSD would be IDtIre effIeleat. But no one b.. ever said par- stitution, one will find that they to the Student Community support a government which dozen of the tastiest home-made rolls or muffins those viewing it are urged to Uelpatory democraey Is totally efficient. have incorporated the Advisory Assembly and if passed to the contains initial flaws from the you 've ever met. Th is otter Is good on Mondays . complete a short questionnaire. We are DOt saybag the C-" baa no poteaUaI probielDl. It Is • brand new Committee for Student Fee cabinet." word "go." Above all, it is obvious through Thursdays, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., th rou gh govermneat model, wltbout tile beritage beblnd the Coop and ASUCSD. It Programs into their cabinet. It Moreover, Section B omits a that the origina tors of the 4/2Bn7 One per couple, please . wiD take time for studeata to grow accutomed to Its workinp_ 11Iere states that the Department of grad rep, who, according to that Cabinet!Assembly do not fully eould certainly be problema betweea CaWaet and Assembly, over the Student Fee Programs "shall board's constitution, must be a understand how the University YOU 'RE GQNNA LlK~ THE~ roles each sbould play, execute the disbursement of the member. Also, the SCB selects its runs! Bat we feel the C-A tUn tile beat qualities of botll Ita eompeUton. It Student Registration Fee and shall own chair, and, as with the ACSFP, How oould any responsible A GARDEN RESTAURA'H NOW EARN provides access aad respoasibWty, ud a series of cbecb and balances have final authority on all Student it would be ultimate chaos if an student vote for an ill~nceived L ______MISsion Blvd . near Grand In Pac,f,c Beach _ B a.m .-2:30 p.m and 5 p.m .·10 p.m. which sbould ward off any problems of deadloel between Ita two bodies. fees and monies." inexperienced member held that model? Vote for the Co-op, vote for We urge a vote for the Cabblet-Assembly model. While thi$ would be a very nice position. ASUCSD, vote for Mickey Mouse, situation for students, it is clearly It seems clear to us that a model but for God's sake, don't vote for with these obvious flaws coupled the Cablnl'lt/ Assembly. R d V0 t r' P hI t ~u::~ ~~:r:i~~,b6.~~ with numerous others cannot work. ea e s amp e CAHILL [EdHor's DOte: De ASUCSD ... tile pftl'llllellt model propo_ata . Saxon. Further, It Is not within the (How can one justify no required JtEVIN 1 .., ••...11) fA: ...., eo., BOB SIMON 1'.... ".1.. were- offered eqaaI IJIIlce tID re.p." .. oar ••nemeat of tile jurisdiction of the student quorum for the SCA, Art. 3 Sec. D) CalDet/Aaemilly model. ~ ASUCSD deelbled the .fter.] government to execute the I r«!Jef4 ~ '1oUJ'"' disbursement of the Registration 1 PER The Student Cooperative Union urges UCSD students to read the Voters F , .... ,_ Is functi of th Vic&­ 1UCSD-lisa Kearns'n'Paul Blabac ~. Pampblet carefully, and to decide for youneH what Student Gowmment ee. ~..... a on e Rec Center Idea is"No Good" Revelle 1 you feel will best represent you. If.you have not located a Voters Pam- chanceDorof~entAffairs .. 1 Talent Show Winners pblet, they are available (now) in the student Organizations Office, above Further, Article 2, Sectl~ E What good will a Country Club bulit.on university land do the students ON Edna in the Student Center. states that one of the ~abinet ofUCSD? . Program I : yet, some members of the SCU feel that UCSD students have been ~bers shall be ~ as. the the administration has proposed a "recreation facility," which includes REGUlAR denied due process. The Voters PampbJet was supposed to be mailed out chair of. the Advisory Corruruttee an 18 hole golf course, artificial ski slope, 50 meter swimming pool and . .1 LA Comedy Store: U.S.E. to every registered student at UCSD, yet the Elections Board tells us that for Student Fee ~rams . pro shop to be bUilt across I~ on land the Navy gave UCSD for there is no more money left to mail the pamphiets out. This is a violatjon As any ezpenenced member of educational purposes. Board I Willie Tyler and lester Samuels SA.VINGS Your University and of a student's constitutional right to know about the referendum and what this committee will tell you, The reason for the development is to "supplement inadequate existing SlaLe Employees CredlL ' issues will be voted upon. especially the undersigned being a campus facilities". We all know we need more facilities, but this country Presents I and. Cohen Umon intends to pay If 25 percent of the UCSD undergraduate students do not vote, it will be three year veteran, having an you a full 6% per an· club is limited to Z40 students at a cost of $50 apiece per year. How can a I num· on regu la.r sav­ up to the Chancellor to decide what form of government students will inexperienced person in this recreation center serving only 2.4 per cent of the student population ease ings for the quarter have at UCSD, and since the Voters Pamphlets have not been distributed position would be an abysmal the crowded conditions? I March 11 8:00 pm beginning October to commuter students, a 2S percent turnout seems Wllikely. John disaster and there are no first! Much better alternatives are open. Tell the administrators this one is Revelle Cafeteria $1.00 admission Stephens, head of the San Diego Chapter of ACLU has presented the guarante'es provided in the con­ not good. I Student Union Cooperative a letter that describes his fears that UCSD stitution of the CabineVAssembly Vote NO on the proposed recreation center. students have in fact, been denied due process. A number of students who model to assure that the chair of We are increasing the div­ growth and the continua· are interest~ in ~his serious issue ~e circ:ulating this letter and asking this department will have • idend becauSe we want you tion of extremely high re­ students to sign It. The results will be given to Chancellor McElroy. previously served on the Reg. Fee This letter was slped by 44 students, mOlt of tbem from Blake 0 and to transfer your savings to turns on your savings ... Please, sign thIS letter to ensure that your constitutional rights will be Committee. Additionally, it is up to Blake m. TIle names are o. fOe at tbe TrIton 'l'bDes office. upheld. your credit union. The HIGHER THAN YOUR CURRENT BANK OR SAV­ We urge a 11 ~tudents to vote and rapid growth of U .S.E . to encourc!?! others to ' vote ~ Credit Union allows the INGS AND LOAN PASS· •••••••••••••••• 1fi:jc:l •••••• ••••••••••••• dividend to be increased. BOOK ACCOUNT. So, help Wednesday, 'lpursday and Friday, but it seems a shame that many When you transfer your yourself .to the BIG 6 % and students will not even be aware savings to t h e credit union, help your University and ef~nO"m 0nLsaverc: you help insure this rapid State Employees Credit that there is a - . ." . S SUESTANFlEW •••••••••••••• . ••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••• ~ - . Union grow. Coop Co-Chair Coupons - Mission Transmission ~~ ••••••••••••• ~~ Ii Brakes ·················FIEIT~ 01J~[§ spe iallLIng in : f Olt Ign .HBUIE Dom('~t l c, Automalic and r University & Stat.· Uni :: 46e 'IYoOurf JlHair Employees (,etlit Standard - Also complete .~. ~")? II = Two combination dinners Brake 5{>rvice 1030 Toney Pines Rd. ~~ • SPECIAL STUDENT • • for the price of one! UCID Sen Oteto • IDIU UC DAYI. PRICES WITH AD AND ~~a o~; •• From 11 am -5 pm SaturdaYb and Sundays only 5191 Cottege Ave. Orerlarel Road 3100 Gilman Drive 5555 Mildred Street Davis. Calil. La Jolla, Calil. San Diego. California 1.0. 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F grad student 10 share Pt. Lama condo. $150 1ft & utilities. Avalalble 4115171 , call Pam WhIle sill lne. 'h 270-9688 or 238-1885 ext. 49t (3/16) Jenl Malara, Male to share 2 BRM Del Mar apt w 2 blo Student majors pool 1 bk from beach & coast hwy "I had C's in high school. After clean 85 l mo 155-6317 (319) Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, I was able to maintain an A average:' WANTEd

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Need housemate April. Huge master BDAM In lovely LJ apt nr UCSD or 2 can share call Erica 453-1675 (3/11) . Need exIra cash? Paying Top Dollar for U.S silver COins before 1965, and pennies before 1959. Ken 755-7371 (3121) ConttDued on Page 8


BALLROOM D~NCE: CLUB Chris Mob..,., John Futda, Jim Creighton, Richard St.l..cIurent, Englnp.erlng Law Student Student Teacher "It's oori '1g to read the way "With 60 briefs a week, "It's easy_ Once you "I was skeptical, but nOVJ I'm most paqple are taught. the average student takes knOVJ hOVJ to do it. it's reading around 2300 words a .w ... - waLTZ -Ta.OO. MU.TL. This Wily, you look at a all week to prepare for super easy'" minute. Puts you that much .....,.-PO.TIIOT-II_ ... -C MA-Cll_.... page of print- you see the class. In an evening, ahead of everyone else:' whole :>age. It's greatf' I'm finished:' ~~TURD.4Y , M~RCH 12 8PM fR£E: It'li make homework a lot easier this yea!: In fact, you can cut your study time almost RE:CRE:ATION CONfE:RE:NCE: in half with the copyrighted techniques you learn in one free lesson. We'll give you the ROOM incredible secrets to easy speed reading, better concentration and greater comprehension, 8-9 RE:VIE:W ~E:~~ION Taught in more than 300 cities throughout the U.S. It's easy. It's fun . It works. 9-10 D"NCING ·10-11 DANCE: CONTE:n reacIng speed _ 11-? DANCING -100%1 PRIZE:~ fOR 1n Pl~E: IN: ~WING - WAlTZ - fRE:E:WI~

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