Appendix D Cultural Resources CONTENTS Appendix D.1 Native American Correspondence 2009, March 10 Request to Consult on Proposed Project (Quechan Indian Tribe) 2009, March 27 Sacred Lands File Search Results (NAHC) 2009, April 14 Invitation to Consult on Proposed Project (Quechan Tribal Council) 2009, May 28 Invitation to Consult on Proposed Project Ah-Mut-Pipa Foundation Baron Group of the Capitan Grande Campo Kumeyaay Nation Ewiiaapaayp Tribal Office Kumeyaay Cultural Historic Committee Kumeyaay Cultural Repatriation Committee Kwaaymii Laguna Band of Mission Indians La Posta Band of Mission Indians Manzanita Band of Kumeyaay Nation Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueno Indians Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Nation Viejas Band of Mission Indians Kumeyaay Cultural Heritage Preservation 2009, June 29 Request for a Consultation Meeting Between the Campo Band and DOE 2009, September 16 Consultation Meeting Summary Between the Campo Band and DOE 2009, November 30 Deferral to Consult on Proposed Project (Quechan Indian Tribe) Appendix D.2 Section 106 Consultation 2012, April 18 U.S. Department of Energy Section 106 Findings for the Energia Sierra Juarez U.S. Electric Transmission Line Project Appendix D.3 Final Archaeological and Historical Investigations for the Energia Sierra Juarez U.S. Gen-Tie Line Project Jacumba, California (May 2010) Appendix D.4 Draft Archaeological and Historical Investigations for the Energia Sierra Juarez U.S. Major Use Water Extraction Permit (MUP) Application Jacumba, California (February 2011) Appendix D.1 Native American Correspondence From: Bridget Nash [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1:09 PM To: Pell, Jerry Subject: Baja Wind Transmission line Good Morning - The Cultural Committee has requested that all of the resources (cultural and biological) within the project area and in the natural landscape be considered within the EIS.