Each question is worth one point, with the bonus write-in question being worth 2 points. Print and share at will, just let people know you found it at

1. The Lombardi Trophy is named for Catholic daily Mass attendee Vince Lombardi. In his career as an NFL head coach, how many losing seasons did he have?

A. 0 C. 2

B. 1 D. 3

2. The infamous deflected pass that Franco Harris caught to lead the to the 1972 is nicknamed after a Marian Dogma. Give the nickname and the dogma.

Nickname ______

Dogma ______

3. What traditional Catholic prayer did Dallas Cowboys Roger Staubach pray while throwing a game winning pass during a playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings in 1975?

A. Salve Regina C. Hail Mary

B. Our Father D. Sign of the Cross

4. Statistically speaking, Catholics participate in which sacrament the least during Super Bowl weekend?

A. Baptism C. Matrimony

B. Confession D. The Eucharist

5. How many times in NFL history has the Super Bowl taken place during Lent?

A. 0 C. 2

B. 1 D. 3

6. Denver Broncos defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio, an outspoken Catholic, was a pro-bowler with the Vikings in 1994, but was drafted right out of high school to play another professional sport. What was that sport?

7. defensive coordinator Dan Quinn, also an outspoken Catholic, has been coaching with the team since 2009, with the exception of the 2011-2012 season, when he coached defense for what college team?

A. The Ohio State University C. Notre Dame B. University of Florida D. Penn State

8. While not Catholic himself, Seahawks Golden Tate commissioned Green Lake Jewelry Works to custom make a rosary for him. What iconic cultural depiction of Jesus did he request for the crucifix?

9. What order of women religious in Denver was recently granted a reprieve from the U.S. Supreme Court in their lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act’s HHS Mandate?

A. Sisters of Charity C. Little Sisters of the Poor

B. Poor Clares D. Sisters of Mercy

10. What American saint is buried in the Denver area?

A. St John Neumann C. St Rose Phillipine Duchesne

B. St Katherine Drexel D. St Francis Xavier Cabrini

11. Seattle was incorporated as a diocese in 1907. Prior to that, what diocese was it a part of?

A. Oregon City C. Spokane

B. Portland D. Calgary

12. Catholic wide receiver Joe Jurevicius has reached the Super Bowl with each of the following teams except one. Which one?

A. Buccaneers C. Giants

B. Steelers D. Seahawks

TIEBREAKER: Daily massgoer Don Shula led what team to the only 17-0 season and back-to-back Super Bowl victories?