East Kendall Charrette Report Part 1

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East Kendall Charrette Report Part 1 Miami-Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning Community Planning Section Urban Design Center January 2008 CHARRETTE AREA PLAN REPORT East Kendall ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Charrette Steering Committee Community Council 12 Ted Baker, Chair Carla Savola, Chair Ana Chiappetta, Vice-Chair Jose Valdes, Vice-Chair Carlos Alvarez, Mayor Frances Aronovitz Peggy Brodeur BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Karen Grassi Edward Levinson Bruno A. Barreiro, Chairman Jean Harum Alberto Santana Barbara J. Jordan, Vice-Chairman Herman Koch Robert Wilcosky Jan Lovett Elliott Zack Barbara J. Jordan Katy Sorenson Rolando Montoya District 1 District 8 Janet Novatney Baptist Hospital Dorrin D. Rolle Dennis C. Moss Ian Osur Ken Spell District 2 District 9 Ken Sommer Doug Horwitz Audrey M. Edmonson Sen. Javier D. Souto Joseph Goldstein, Esq. District 3 District 10 Cathy Sweetapple, Cathy Sweetapple & Sally A. Heyman Joe A. Martinez Associates District 4 District 11 Bruno A. Barreiro José “Pepe” Diaz District 5 District 12 Rebeca Sosa Natacha Seijas District 6 District 13 Statement of Legislative Intent Carlos A. Gimenez This statement is applicable to these recommendations in its entirety and is declared to be incorporated District 7 by reference into each part thereof. Harvey Ruvin, Clerk of Courts 1. Nothing in the recommendations of the East Kendall Charrette Report (‘the Report’) shall be con- George M. Burgess, County Manager strued or applied to constitute a temporary or permanent taking of private property or the abrogation of R.A. Cuevas, Jr., County Attorney vested rights as determined to exist by the Code of Miami-Dade County. Marc C. LaFerrier, AICP, Director Department of Planning and Zoning 2. The recommendations of the Report shall not be construed to preempt considerations of fundamental fairness that may arise from their strict application. Accordingly, these recommendations shall not be deemed to require any particular action where they are incomplete or internally inconsistent, or that would constitute a taking of property without due process or fair compensation, or would deny equal protection of the laws. 3. The recommendations of the Report are intended to set general guidelines concerning its purposes and contents. They are not a substitute for land development regulations. This Report prepared by: Developed with the 4. The recommendations of the Report contain long-range policies for the redevelopment of the East assistance of: Kendall area. Nothing in these recommendations shall require the immediate changing of existing uses Miami-Dade County or structures. It is the intent of these recommendations that they be applied as redevelopment occurs Department of Planning and Zoning naturally or is precipitated by the destruction of the property to the extent that redevelopment in its origi- Community Planning Section nal form is not economically feasible. The recommendations of the Report are not intended to preempt Urban Design Center the processes whereby applications may be filed for relief from land development regulations. January 2008 i EAST KENDALL CHARRETTE AREA PLAN REPORT ii East Kendall CHARRETTE AREA PLAN REPORT CONTENTS Overview Acknowledgements..................................................................................................... i Foreword....................................................................................................................iii Charrette Introduction................................................................................................. 1 Study Area ................................................................................................................. 3 Vision Citizen’s Plans ........................................................................................................... 7 Charrette Illustrative Plan.......................................................................................... 11 Specific Recommendations Traffic Management.................................................................................................. 13 Baptist Hospital Area................................................................................................ 23 Medical Office Area.................................................................................................. 25 K-Land Area ............................................................................................................. 27 Suniland Area .......................................................................................................... 29 Sunset Business Area............................................................................................... 31 Kendal Avenue Area ................................................................................................. 33 Gateway Markers...................................................................................................... 35 Green Building......................................................................................................... 36 Land Use ................................................................................................................. 37 Implementation Implementation Process........................................................................................... 37 Prioritization of Recommendations ........................................................................... 38 Appendix Community Council Resolutions .............................................................................. 41 Association Resolutions Regarding the Kendall Link Study........................................ 43 Letter from the Steering Committee Chair ................................................................. 47 Workshop Participants.............................................................................................. 51 Department and Agency Liaisons ............................................................................. 52 i EAST KENDALL CHARRETTE AREA PLAN REPORT ii OVERVIEW OVERVIEW FOREWORD This report represents over two years of ef- dent from this report and will undergo separate fort by the residents of East Kendall, the East approval processes. Kendall Charrette Steering Committee, and Community Council 12. Over 15 public meet- Also, at the request of the community council, ings were held prior to and after the week-long resolutions from various homeowner’s as- charrette workshop that took place in October sociations in the Kendall area regarding the 2006. Kendall-Link study being conducted by the Mi- ami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization This report was prepared by Planning & Zon- are included. Their resolutions are reproduced ing staff following the charrette. Comments in the appendix. Also provided in the appendix from the steering committee were incorporated are comments received from the chair of the into the revised report which was then pre- steering committee regarding the contents of sented before Community Council 12 at their the report. meeting held November 14, 2007. Council members requested that the report be further Acceptance of this report and recommenda- revised and those changes are reflected in this tions by the Board of County Commissioners document. will permit the initiation of the implementa- Among the changes requested by the commu- tion process for the prioritized recommen- nity council were to remove references to pos- dations as listed as well as future Building sible future transit improvements within the Better Communities Bond Program proposed study area. While these references have been projects. It is highly recommended that the removed as requested, it should be noted that community continue to be involved so that the there are ongoing mobility studies that include quality and integrity of the East Kendall area be the East Kendall area and these are indepen- maintained. iii EAST KENDALL CHARRETTE AREA PLAN REPORT iv OVERVIEW OVERVIEW iii EAST KENDALL CHARRETTE AREA PLAN REPORT iv OVERVIEW OVERVIEW CHARRETTE INTRODUCTION What is a Charrette? shop. These meetings were held at the Kendall The term ‘charrette’ is derived from the French Branch Library and were well attended by con- term for ‘little cart.’ This refers to a final in- cerned residents and community stakeholders. tense work effort by 18th century architecture Prior to the charrette workshop, staff from students to meet a project deadline and place Planning and Zoning collected background their projects into this cart. The modern equiv- information to assess current conditions and alent of the charrette is a similar creative burst issues in the study area. Numerous concerns of brainstorming ideas. identified by the steering committee were The charrette design workshop stimulates noted by staff as well. ideas and involves the public in the planning Extensive effort was made so that study area and design process. It is a valuable tool for residents were aware of steering committee setting the foundation for the development of meetings and charrette week events. All meet- a detailed Area Plan. A charrette can be a tre- ings were advertised in the Miami Herald and mendous resource to the community, as well as mailings to all property owners were sent. a lot of fun. It is a practical planning technique, Additionally, posters were displayed in area which blends public participation, planning, businesses and thousands of door hangers were and implementation tools. Residents, business distributed advertising the date and location of people, and property owners are invited
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