The Manassas Journal 1914 08 21
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MANASSAS. VA..- FRIDAY, AUGUST 2111914. ONE DOLLAR A YEAft the study of alcohol and other STATEWIDE FROHIBmON narcotics, " "It was declared that WBEAT GROWING CONTEST COUNTY BOARDB^ESSMN SUCCUMBS TO-T¥PHQ«> tne United States is rapidly fall pNUISNT TO tATBB Rev. O. Grey HntrhtMm, of ing into mental, m<w^ and phy Mrs.* D. J. Myers "died of ty sical decay because of the in> Farmers of Northern Virginia Cowty School Officials Meet in Pennsylvania, Give* Viewt phoid fever Tuesday in the fam UnveUed Saturday at fliiiibsn creasing use of drugs and will Counties Expocted to Make QiHurteriy Session—Elections ily homf on Main nfmat nnri Pnn " on Quettioo. become decadent as a nation in Greht Wsuwiui.—""^ hur«-Littl8^r'r<f P"" ^—' a few decades if the habit is noit And Appropriations. ttrvillB road.—The body was. —Large Attendance. checked." shipped to Rockingham county SMETHPORT, PA.,August 17,1914. A startling illustratio._ n of how Interest continues to increase yesterday for burial. -— ** * ^* i^^ *•* ^^ I Th•he Prjnro WiMjam—eeu (.isKen rrom the Harrisonbui^ OtM^ EDITOR MANAASAS .XfitfRKrAT aXvUCIVl sfihiihl board met Monday at the She was born in Rockingham, Manassas, VVa; . ciacid«e I«n« thiI'^'s countycountry? was givegivenByn By j county in 1875, and. lived there i NpWH-Rcfptxl] ooart--house with the following In jyoodbinp rpmeteiy I>B«t Sin: As a^ leader of Dr^Alfrcd Gordon, formerly ay4- ~ \- ". plevan yoafo age, when""^j^ ^ ^ur pH^er, beinfr a yeariy stib- "Di visit a beautiful nuurUe sfaaft. -5criber.~a native 6f TirgTmaT an^ .sistant prof essor at the Jeffers(» pi natthem. Virginia counties.- Medical Collie.—Dr. Gdi'don • Addltioftftl fairoera^afeTnToIlinlfmtend^g-nni^TgTg.-T^e^-pref e I jT^f .^^dj^**^- ^. went «o,erecte _., d to the memory of J as such bein£^ interested in her ident;j^*: ; Gorbio-_i.:_n Thompsonn,!. _.z'':_,' vice•, 7- iihnois. They Rave since five^ affairs, having paid my taxes in cited the case of a Philadelphia feach day and are now making White Latimer, the "Boy woman in society who married a preparations for seeding. We preaident; and district trustees for a short time in Nokesviile the Old Dominion for the years and moved t^ Manassastast, wiiu 6i the Confederacy," was 1907-1913 ih^usive. wEch entitles man addicted to'drinking. Bntssitter«: Sfc Yftilftd with intiirfwtihg me to a vote there, I would like Heexhtbitwt the body of a to enter this contest and see how Abel and D. C. Cline, Dumfries; ter: Her rmuden name was Efla child who was dead at birth C. Sandey. Little Misses Rose Rice aai to ask a few questions relative to While the child was perfect in I much wheat they, can grow en Corfain Thompson, L. Ledman Catherine Weir, of Mnn«iBa\ AAvf-rtiapment in yntir \n^\\^ other respecte. it was aad C. H. Paya*. Occoqaan; W. She leaves hey hn.'»hgnH, fivp b§^ without a brain. , five acres of land, Some ona great-uieceg of Majoi- LatiiaM; of August 14, 1914, on page two, feSf^ has said that there is no limit to L. Sanders and R. A. Rust, children—four girls and a boy, called "leading citiz^is will vpte pdson of the alcohol consumed the eldest being 13 years old— pulled the cord which reve to retain local self-government." by the father, according to Dr. what an acre of Jand will pro Gainesville; and D. J. Arrington, thft mnmimont and one Biotcr and twu iudf It issuted *'thattnrerone-haif- •^^^<»^n' was re^nsible. duce, but we w«at-to •<><> what wnasoaa. of Confederate veterans, Daugb- -oir the counties in Virginia dnw Thefollowineis.sactof Algt five acrett wili ijrodsce itt the (Mr. Thompson-waaireelaeted brothers. Four of the children ; , .,.. more money out of the treasury ter frbm the Kentucky Disti> ««jll Of typhoid fevfer, but theirf*T^.?i!^ waar of ^nt If the Eunqiean vice-president and- Mr. T. J. A feature of the exercises was of the state than they pay in. lers' Distributing ComiNiny of World war continues, wheat is eonditMikis said to be improved. Kansas Citv, of whom W, PYank- Woolfenden was elected a mem a recitation. "I Am Dreaming^," What is to become of thedeficit V' gdng to bring hifidh pm^s, and T%te bflhy,^ wliQ iai>eingeaf«d for Will the^ writer of this-^ease lin is president This was printed ber r&om Coles distii^t. by Maister' Marvin Rice, of ^e man yiho gets a large yield by Mrs, John A. ^icol, has not state the counties who pay less in the North American, dated _ _ . The report of the committee "^ T^JT ^' ^'^^ assas^^ great nephew of the g^ ^pr. 15, 19Ki -will money into the treasury of the make-somB-nroifey to i>e|for obtainiijB^ ^he upptopriation^--^-'*^^'^^^*®*^ lant young officeiv The lad witli state than they draw out and at Kansas City, Mo., Dec.3,1913. proud of the oomn tiimn nume the licensed/ Keely Institute, pwight,lll. for boys' dormitories for high his soft Virginia accent plcturei counties in the state?'~ ' 1 (J^tlemeni Our customers are - -- WHAT TICE CONTEST -IS- schoels was rwidand approved LUTHERAN SYNOD Lee. Jackson. Beauregard lohs, It also ototoo that "I am op your proajwative pationta This w jUBt ft meadly contest It was muv«id>aml BWoaaM thitf ston. Stuart, Ashby, Armisteal posed to' state-wide prohibition We can put oh your deskjT ^ be' conducted for. farmers no school in th^ county be opened and many Idther Confedente mailing list of over 50,000 in^ , Sixty-Second Aimual Convention because it carries with it a fea somewhat on tlye same lina af; later thap October J^, unless for generals bringing in toward ture of oppression, and does not vidual couHumerw of liquur. The very good rtasoni and that five ' dimiuiah crime er stop diunken* lifit is the result of thouaanda of the boys' corn clubs. It does not U^^'H^^yy^JL conclusion. ness. dollars of advertising_„. s cost-any furmer cne cent to join days should bfe set at^art for the And. the. smtttng; boytsfi LaQme^ ~ ^AS-to it stopping drmMfenneaa, Each individual on the list is a^thia contest ortp get n»fc »f it if staperintendeat to hold teachers' Like a. iinhwmi wi thaf fhi-^ng you in Manassas can answer that r^rular user of li^iuor. The list he chooses. We hope to make institutes.^ ~~ "* ' The Sixty-second Annual Con better than 1;he one who made :^of name"-"—s ^^^..,..»is new, liv«e »»and„ »V«.T»active. The report of the committee vention of the Virginia. Confer Thewords andmanner of yooap' statement. What I Wo know bcftauae-we have cir- him some msasfr ,• Rice Jbrought tears to the ejws af cularized it regulariy. We will The contest #ill extaid appQint^ to settle the county ence of the Evangelical Uitheran would like for him tiOuaQs%eEia« -was read and Tennessee Synod will be held in the men who had foUowed Lea if-it does not diaainish crime.theo lumisb this list in quantities at Albemarle, and Jarkaon ami .tJte eyea ef ^hy is it that in Kansas mote the prices listed beio#, remit Fauquier, Prince^William, Fajr- adoptedr wwHt was moved and Bediel Lutheran Churchy tfans-^ than half of the jails are empty tance to accompany each order: sidopted that the different dis sas, beginning Thursday, August others glistened. The r^it fax, Warren and Shenandoidi was beautiful and the boy caa^j;^" and mor^ than two-thirds of the 40,000 to 50,000< $400; 20,000. counties. Any .farmer or boy trict school boards be allowed to 27th, and continuing until Sun poor houses vacant?—. ';.7—- oOOj 10,000, $200. We will not,...._, -^^^, -- day night "niiaL conference ia -^^^-^^^^^^^^y^ pf **]sgeaaio _ [d~pne-deterate eaclinto the ftf tfWn "^mg in these countaes ran »nt«.r naade up"trf the thirtyrone cjio ' teaffie wontd-W than 1Q.000. mtinuan«ftjn£ the cQBtest withmit PiiBt and ffM^educationa l conference to be held in/Richmond in November, and gi^^tion-. .- a of the SynodioTir, - ^ <rf"pifi^Viqpnia-Military TrintitalK carritid^on moi?e ^ctensiveiy and _-.^ JiS. ^ compete for jMiaeB. jThere wiU delivered the priaciwd addreaiL Illicitly than under the -pcemst "Big a list of prizes given in each inng lftl3 cyoicidentoi i in the maVlA fmm fh» i^ l>t^ ^ gwd lepftilMiflUltion 18 ex- Uen. K. W. Nichols, anperintend- temperance laws," phame ItJl us During 1013 county, and an ad<Utional lirt of ma<ie tzom the county acho(d wliy there are mpre Ulicit sales of mills of Coatsvillitsville navna' e decreased pected here. Th«.public is roost etft of spoka, .40 per 8weep^dce_i»ige8 wiU be aayetr fqnid for tt^jpurpoee. Also an li«uo£^ ligsoee. texzitocy th|«tin^ cwt since' the town be- aimnffliatiim of ns T» pKv thg cordially invited. JjoattentLail th& eaying that he would be reereaot y ^even monthw agn it fnr the bert jrields o' aeagieaa, #hieh shall be fronts toliis'daty if he did nut fael—- i^ifce'of tlus"ji^* watc' h -ff^-eanithe _- e- . expenses of sending, <>ne girl ^ifs declared yesterday at Wert tire territory menticmed. bo 12 and-£rom 2 to 5 each dfts- .this occasion the part takes ^ proaeeutkm of-i>&idrtiJB«a»in^e4Y°^'Cheste^r by Gharks L. Huston, WHO IS ClONOUCTING T^ CONGEST tiixa the girls' toniatD clubs.. The folk>wing is tEe program. • two territafiw. yice presideatof the Lukmslrtm It B^ajr^^dered that one copy the twicg ha ta^wi n|t tn the women of Hai'risuubigglijt" The onc'wherw o wrote "the states and steet ijompany, UMtsviJie's j Vv.