PDEA NIRO DEMAND REDUCTION ACTIVITES MAY 2017 May 3 to 5, 2017 Anti-Illegal Drug Enforcement And Criminality Seminar of the 303rd Infantry Brigade (Brown Eagle), 3ID, Philippine Army on May 3, 2017 to May 5, 2017, at Camp Major Nelson L. Gerona, Minoyan, Murcia, .

PDEA NIRO conducted lecture on Barangay Official and Municipal Employee on Strengthening on Barangay Drug Clearing Program last May 06, 2017, at Moises Padilla Municipal Covered Court, Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental

NIR Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) Meeting on May 10, 2017, at the Business Inn, Lacson Street, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Meeting of the members of the NIR Oversight Committee on Drug Clearing Operation on May 15, 2017, at the DILG-NIR Office, La Luz Building, Brgy. Mandalagan, Lacson Street, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.

The meeting was attended by ATTY. ANTHONY C. NUYDA (OIC, DILG NIR), PSUPT VICTORINO E. ROMANILLOS, JR. (Deputy Chief, RPCRD, PRO18), DR. EMILIA MONICIMPO (RD, DOH NIR), DILG Staff, and representatives from the DSWD, NBI, Negros Occidental LGU, and Pontevedra LGU.

Discussed during the meeting were the following: Creation of Oversight Committee from the Regional Level to the Municipal Level; Determination of Substantial Amount for the Barangay Drug Clearing Operations; Creation of the ICAD; Roles of Various Agencies in Advocacy and Rehabilitation Programs; and the Strengthening of ADACs and POCs

Anti-illegal Drugs Awareness lecture among the Jail Officers and inmates at the jail facilities of .

The conduct of the said lecture started last May 15 – 25, 2017 from among the ten (10) jail facilities of Negros Oriental. The team headed by J/Supt Malahay and PDEA NIR Information Officer visited the abovementioned jails, conducted lecture among BJMP personnel and inmates, distributed IEC materials and personally interacted with the inmates specifically with drug related cases.

May 18, 2017, PDEA NIRO personnel lead by IAV Thessa B. Albańo conducted validation on the Drug Cleared Barangays in Bago City, and the municipalities of , Valladolid and San Enrique, all in the province of Negros Occidental.

Courtesy visit was also made with the MAYOR ENRIQUE R. MIRAVALLES (Mayor of Valladolid) and PSINSP JUNJI B. LIBA (COP, Valladolid Police Station), wherein joint anti- drug operations and drug clearing operation orientation were discussed and scheduled.

ATTY. ROSELYN A. BORJA, CPA and Ms. Joan C. Sison, served as Resource Speakers on the activity entitled: “Strengthening & Revitalizing of BADAC towards the Implementation of Barangay Drug Clearing Operation” last May 20, 2017, at Pulupandan Municipal Auditorium, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental.

Discussed during the said activity were the following: Dangerous Drugs and their Ill- Effects; Salient Features of Drug-Free Workplace; and Barangay Drug Clearing Operation pursuant to DDB Regulation No. 3 Series 2017. An open forum immediately followed the said lecture wherein the participants asked questions and clarifications on the implementation of the BDCP.

The activity was attended by 165 participants composed of Barangay officials from twenty Barangays of Pulupandan, Municipal employees and Drug surrenderers. Music for a Tree (PDEA Anniversary; Film Showing) w/ 3000 participants held last May 20, 2017 in Patag, City, Neg. Occidental. A clean- up drive was also held in the morning of the same date and a Tree planting on May 21, 2017.

ATTY. ROSELYN A. BORJA, CPA and Ms. Joan C. Sison, served as Resource Speakers on a Seminar re Barangay Drug Clearing Programs last May 23, 2017, in Valladolid, Negros Occidental.

Discussed during the said activity were the following: Dangerous Drugs and their Ill- Effects; Salient Features of Drug-Free Workplace; and Barangay Drug Clearing

Operation pursuant to DDB Regulation No. 3 Series 2017. An open forum immediately followed the said lecture wherein the participants asked questions and clarifications on the implementation of the BDCP.

ATTY. ROSELYN A. BORJA, CPA and Ms. Joan C. Sison, served as Resource Speakers on a Seminar re Barangay Drug Clearing Programs last May 25, 2017, at Marjhun’s Restaurant, City, Negros Occidental.

Discussed during the said activity were the following: Dangerous Drugs and their Ill- Effects; Salient Features of Drug-Free Workplace; and Barangay Drug Clearing Operation pursuant to DDB Regulation No. 3 Series 2017. An open forum immediately followed the said lecture wherein the participants asked questions and clarifications on the implementation of the BDCP.

The activity was attended by 46 participants composed of Barangay officials, City Health Officer, City Social Welfare Officer, Police Officers, DILG- Victorias City Officer, SP Officials and City Employees. Issuance of Certification to Drug Cleared Barangays by the Oversight Committee in the Implementation of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program last May 31, 2017 in Bago City, Negros Occidental