Wake Forest University the graduation exercises Monday, May 16, 2016 TheMONDAY, Graduation MAY THE SIXTEENTH Exercises TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN NINE O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING THOMAS K. HEARN, JR. PLAZA

THE CARILLON: “Metamorphosis One” ...... Philip Glass Raymond Ebert (’60), University Carillonneur Zachary Walker Ray Anderson (’16), Student Carillonneur

THE PROCESSIONAL ...... Led by Head Faculty Marshals

THE PRAYER OF INVOCATION ...... The Reverend Timothy L . Auman University Chaplain

WELCOME AND REMARKS TO THE GRADUATES ...... Nathan O . Hatch President

THE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ...... Rogan T . Kersh Provost Vivian H . Burke, Doctor of Laws Sponsor: Barbee Oakes, Assistant Provost

Richard I . Levin, Doctor of Science Sponsor: Marcia M . Wofford, Associate Dean, School of Medicine

Michael F . Mahoney, Doctor of Laws Sponsor: Charles R . Kennedy, Associate Professor, School of Business

Eboo Patel, Doctor of Humane Letters Sponsor: Michelle Voss Roberts, Associate Dean, School of Divinity

COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ...... Eboo Patel Author, Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core THE HONORING OF RETIRING FACULTY


Umit Akinc, Ph.D., Professor of Business Bernard L. Beatty, DBA, Associate Professor of Business Jonathan Christman, M.F.A., Associate Professor of Theatre and Dance Yomi Durotoye, Ph.D., Associate Teaching Professor of Politics and International Affairs Earl Clayton Hipp, Jr., JD, Senior Lecturer of Business Muriel Beth Norbrey Hopkins, JD, Professor of Practice Charles M. Lewis, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy Mary Martin Niepold, B.A., Associate Professor of the Practice of English David H. Stroupe, M.A.T., Associate Professor of the Practice of Health and Exercise Science E. Frank Tupper, Ph.D., Professor of Theology Byron R. Wells, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages


Terrence Dale Bogard, M.D., Associate Professor Emeritus, Anesthesiology Thomas B. Clarkson, DVM, Professor Emeritus, Pathology* Raymond S. Garrison, Jr., D.D.S., M.S., Professor Emeritus, Dentistry Samy Samuel Iskandar, M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Pathology John G. McHaffie, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Anatomy Steven B. Mizel, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Microbiology and Immunology Burton V. Reifler, M.D., Professor Emeritus, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Peter B. Smith, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry David A. Stump, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Anesthesiology Michael Tytell, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Anatomy Mary Lou Voytko, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Neurobiology and Anatomy *Citation awarded posthumously








2 THE ROTC COMMISSIONING ...... Captain Fredrick Teeter Professor of Military Science

THE CLOSING ...... President Hatch

THE BENEDICTION ...... The Reverend Virginia Christman Associate University Chaplain

THE ALMA MATER: “Dear Old Wake Forest” ...... Paschal

Dear old Wake Forest, Thine is a noble name; Thine is a glorious fame, Constant and true . We give thee our praise, Adore thine ancient days, Sing thee our humble lays, Mother, so dear .

TRANSMIGRATION OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS Graduate school and professional school graduates will recess, guided by marshals, and convene with guests for diploma ceremonies and receptions:

Physician Assistant Studies 525@Vine for regalia return and distribution of diplomas

School of Business Graduate Programs Farrell Hall, Founders Living Room, for a reception and distribution of diplomas

School of Divinity Porter Byrum Welcome Center for a diploma ceremony followed by a reception on the patio

School of Law Wait Chapel for a diploma ceremony followed by a reception in the Worrell Law Commons

School of Medicine Benson University Center, Room 401, for the MAA Welcome Reception and distribution of diplomas and yearbooks

Note: Commencement activities for the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences conclude with transmigration .

3 Undergraduate Diploma Ceremony WELCOME ...... Rogan T . Kersh Provost

REMARKS FROM THE CLASS OF 2016 ...... M . Adam Hammer Student Government President



CLOSING REMARKS ...... Provost Kersh

THE RECESSIONAL ...... The Brass Ensemble

THE CARILLON: 18 ¾ Variations on 1-8-3-4 ...... Raymond Ebert

COMMENCEMENT NOTES n The Commencement hashtag is #wfugrad . n Please silence all mobile devices during the ceremony . n This ceremony is being interpreted for the hearing-impaired by Elaine Montgomery and Martha Edwards of Communication Access Partners . n Full coverage of Commencement is available on the Wake Forest website: commencement .news .wfu .edu .



Wake Forest University honors Umit Akinc, Ph.D., for nearly thirty-four years of commitment to the students of the School of Business, where his passion for teaching and genuine interest in their success provided valuable and rewarding learning experiences; for his work in developing the Mathematical Business joint degree and for committed leadership as co-director from its inception; for his distinction as the Thomas H . Davis Chair in Business in recognition of exceptional scholarship and innovation, practical competence, conceptual expertise, and strength of character; for his dedicated service to the University community; and for being a genuinely collegial professor, mentor, and friend .

Wake Forest University honors Bernard L. Beatty, DBA, for nearly forty-two years of unswerving commitment to rigorous academic principles and extraordinary professionalism; for joy in teaching coupled with a commitment to uncompromising academic standards; for staunch advocacy of experiential learning; for tirelessly delivering advice and counsel with deepest care; for a sharp wit and wry sense of humor in and out of class; for training the eyes of the School toward a global economy; for service to the University as a tireless and fair-minded administrator; and for being a sincere and collegial professor, a trusted counselor, and steadfast friend .

Wake Forest University honors Jonathan Christman, M.F.A., for thirty three years of leadership as a member of the Theatre and Dance Department and dedicated service to Wake Forest University; for artistry in gifted scenic and lighting design; for being a beloved teacher and mentor; for leadership on a wide range of departmental and college committees and initiatives; and for offering quiet wisdom as a dedicated, kind and thoughtful colleague .

Wake Forest University honors Yomi Durotoye, Ph.D., for twenty-two years of dedicated service as a member of the Politics and International Affairs Department, the International Studies Program, and Wake Forest University; for a commitment to internationalizing the curriculum, leadership in the African Studies minor, and development of opportunities for summer study abroad programs in Africa; for scholarship in international politics, West African politics, and African Art; for demonstration to both students and colleagues the importance of opening their eyes to the world; and for his dignity, grace, humanity, and great sense of humor .

Wake Forest University honors Earl Clayton Hipp, Jr., JD, for nearly twenty-five years of tireless instruction and mentoring to the students at the School of Business where he challenged them to rise above their expectations; for expertise in the legal field and for constant recognition of the constitutional implications in law; for commitment to travel and teaching business courses on numerous occasions in the Study Abroad programs; for garnering respect and admiration leading to several awards during his tenure, including two Senior Class Awards and the Horace Kelly Alumni Teaching Award; for dedicated service to the institution; and for being a friend to the entire Wake Forest community .

Wake Forest University honors Muriel Beth Norbrey Hopkins, J.D., for thirty-one years of inspired leadership across many years to the Law School and to the University; for her enormous energy as the first Director of Outreach for the Law School; for her passion for public service; for leading law students in important pro bono projects; and for her infectious self-belief and self-confidence that has made every student she touches a better leader and a better person .

Wake Forest University honors Charles M. Lewis, Ph.D., for forty-eight years of dedicated service to Wake Forest University as a member of the Philosophy Department; for being a beloved teacher who is recognized for tireless instruction and mentoring to many students in his department and in the College, whom he challenged and inspired to probe life’s fundamental questions and to rise above their own expectations; for his commitment to student life as an integral part of education, especially through his long-standing role as a fraternity advisor; and for being a kind, caring, and thoughtful colleague .


Wake Forest University honors Mary Martin Niepold, B.A., for thirteen years of leadership in the English Department and dedicated service to Wake Forest University; for combining professional experience with accumulated wisdom, for taking students off-campus to teach them about public service; for founding the Nyanya Project, a nonprofit organization for African grandmothers who care for grandchildren orphaned by AIDS; and for modeling a life of courage and grace for all to see .

Wake Forest University honors David H. Stroupe, M.A.T., for twenty-eight years of devoted and valued service to the Health and Exercise Science Department, the College of Arts and Sciences, and Wake Forest University; for his dedication to and passion for teaching; for his tireless instructional wisdom and mentoring to the students at Wake Forest, whom he challenged to rise above their own expectations and instilled in them the love of golf; and for being a kind, caring, thoughtful colleague who shared wisdom, knowledge and home grown vegetables with dignity, grace and a green thumb .

Wake Forest University honors E. Frank Tupper, Ph.D., for nineteen years of dedicated service to the School of Divinity and Wake Forest University; for his thoughtfulness in always helping colleagues and students to remember the reasons that theology matters for the life of the church; for being a beloved teacher, to whom generations of students point as their mentor and inspiration; for combining intellectual honesty with theological passion, earning him the love and gratitude of ministerial leaders around the country; for shaping the School of Divinity as one of the founding faculty with his legacy of challenging students to move beyond theological platitudes in the hope-filled struggle for the eschatological enactment of the gospel of love .

Wake Forest University honors Byron R. Wells, Ph.D., for thirty-five years of valued leadership and dedicated service as a member of the Romance Languages Department; for being an inspiring and devoted teacher of French and Interdisciplinary Honors, and a champion of study abroad; for service as a generous, fair-minded department chair for seventeen years; for remarkable leadership in his scholarly field, most notably as Executive Director of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies for the past nineteen years; for being a valued voice on a wide range of university committees and initiatives; and for being a beloved colleague and friend whose unflagging optimism and ready smile will be sorely missed .


Wake Forest University honors Terrence Dale Bogard, M.D., for thirty-six years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Anesthesiology; for his expertise in the specialty of Obstetric Anesthesia; for his dedication to resident and fellow education and well-being; for his courageous leadership in educating physicians in the danger of addiction; and for his tireless departmental, institutional, and community service .

Wake Forest University honors Thomas B. Clarkson, DVM, for over fifty-eight years of service to the University and its School of Medicine as Professor of Comparative Medicine in the Department of Pathology; for outstanding contributions and internationally recognized research in atherosclerosis and women’s health; for excellent teaching and mentoring of graduate students and veterinary research fellows; for service as a member of numerous committees; and for continuously serving as a model of excellence in all his endeavors until his death on December 1, 2015 .

Wake Forest University honors Raymond S. Garrison, Jr., D.D.S., M.S., for thirty-five years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Dentistry; for his leadership in the creation of a new clinical model for dentistry in an academic medical center; and for his exceptional dedication to patient care and resident education .


Wake Forest University honors Samy Samuel Iskandar, M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D., for twenty-nine years of service as a faculty member to the University and its School of Medicine in the Departments of Pathology and Nephrology; for outstanding contributions and the excellent teaching of residents, fellows, and medical students; and for continuously serving as a model of excellence in all his endeavors .

Wake Forest University honors John G. McHaffie, Ph.D., for twenty-one years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy; for exceptional talent as a teacher and researcher in the neurosciences; for extensive collaboration with his colleagues; for numerous professional publications and grants; and for an exemplary record of many other professional appointments and institutional service .

Wake Forest University honors Steven B. Mizel, Ph.D., for thirty years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology; for leadership and vision in the department of Microbiology and Immunology, for exceptional talent as a teacher and researcher, for innovation in immunology and vaccine development; and for an exemplary record of professional publications .

Wake Forest University honors Burton V. Reifler, M.D., for twenty-eight years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Departments of Psychiatry; for his leadership in the Geriatric Outreach Program; for his significant contributions to the fields of psychiatry and behavioral medicine within the geriatric population; for his exceptional dedication to patient care; for educating a generation of students, residents, and fellows in psychiatric care; and for an outstanding record of academic publications and grants .

Wake Forest University honors Peter B. Smith, Ph.D., for thirty-nine years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Biochemistry; for exceptional talent as a teacher and researcher; for leadership in innovation in our medical curriculum; for maintaining a consistently high standard for teaching students at any stage in their career, including medical students, graduate students, physician assistant students, and students in the PREP Program; and for touching the lives of so many students and faculty members .

Wake Forest University honors David A. Stump, Ph.D., for thirty-eight years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Departments of Anesthesiology, Neurology, Psychology, and Cardiothoracic Surgery; for his expertise in the study of cerebral blood flow and the consequences of cardiopulmonary bypass; for his outstanding record of external funding and published scholarship spanning four decades; and for his extensive outreach as a visiting professor, scientist, and consultant .

Wake Forest University honors Michael Tytell, Ph.D., for thirty-five years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy; for exceptional talent as a teacher and researcher in the neurosciences; for extensive collaboration with your colleagues; for numerous professional publications and grants; and for an exemplary record of many other professional appointments and institutional service .

Wake Forest University honors Mary Lou Voytko, Ph.D., for twenty-two years of service to the University and its School of Medicine in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Pathology/Comparative Medicine, and the Translational Science Institute; for leadership in the Office of Women in Medicine and Science; for exceptional talent as a teacher and researcher in the neurosciences; for extensive collaboration with colleagues; for numerous professional publications and grants; and for an exemplary record of many other professional appointments and institutional service .


Faculty Marshals Eric Carlson Miaohua Jiang Yaohua Shi Christa Colyer John Llewellyn* Brian Tague J .K . Curry Stephen Robinson* Mary Wayne-Thomas *Head Marshal

Student Marshals Manal Ahmidouch Brooks Keener Thomas Poston Arnav Bhandari Sarah King Margaret Powell Johnathan Bowen Hayden Lineberger Lauren Robertson Brady Buchanan Abigail Lockhart Taylor Schronce Jay Buchanan McKenzie Maddox Rachel Schwam Lauren Burns Hannah Maness Taylor Shue Qingmei (Ciel) Deng Amelia Mangan Karleigh Smith Faith Engle Avery McClure Courtney Spencer Tori Grice Eleanor McDonald Wenbo Sun Anna Grace Guercio Riley Mistrot Cole Teander Karen Gusmer Austin Moore Kyayla Turman Jessica Hall Suzanne Mullins Char Van Schenck Jordan Harmer Keighley Nemickas Kimmie Walton Christiaan Honig Rose O'Brien Haley Westervelt Adam Hoxie Hakeem Oufkir Anna Wingler Imogen Jenkins Tanner Owen Michael Wynne Yujie Jiang Anita Patel Jiajie Zheng Maria Kammire Christian Plummer Kedi Zheng


The Wake Forest University mace, a handsome staff decorated with scenes and symbols of the University, was first used at the inauguration of President James Ralph Scales in April 1968 . It is a traditional symbol of authority and is carried at the head of the academic processions at Commencement and convocations . The mace is shaped from a single sheet of silver covered with gold . It has an ebony handle . Etchings of Wait Chapel, Reynolda Hall, an arch at an entrance to the campus, and the cupola on the Z . Smith Reynolds Library are on the largest, or middle, section . Pictures of the Old Campus are on the top section . On the bottom are panoramas of the medical school, Carswell Hall and the skyline of Winston-Salem . Each section is separated by raised drawings of magnolias . A double-cast seal of the University is at the top of the mace . The mace was given by Tom Davis of Winston-Salem in honor of his father, Egbert Lawrence Davis (LLB 1904) .


The Presidential Chain of Office is part of the academic regalia worn by the President at Commencement and convocations . It is a goldplated necklace of medallions linked by onyx-centered magnolia blossoms . On each medallion is the name of a former Wake Forest president and the years of his tenure . The Chain of Office was a gift to the University in 1991 from Weston P. Hatfield (’41), a life trustee and former chair of the Board of Trustees .

8 CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION This list may be incomplete. The list which will be read during the graduation exercises will be official.


Jesalyn Bolduc...... Princeton, WV Samuel Sparrow Pendergraft ...... * Chapel Hill, NC Song Ding...... Nanjing, PR BS, Concord University BS, Appalachian State University BS, MS, China Pharmaceutical University Doctoral Major, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and Doctoral Major, Chemistry Dr. Todd Lowther, Faculty Advisor Translational Science Dr. Ulrich Bierbach, Faculty Advisor Dr. Colin Bishop, Faculty Advisor Adam S. Davidson § *...... Winston-Salem, NC Daniel S. Ferguson...... Asheville, NC BS, University of Virginia Benjamin M. Perlman *...... Fremont, CA BS, Emory and Henry College Doctoral Major, Chemistry BS, University California, Santa Cruz Doctoral Major, Molecular Pathology Dr. Rebecca Alexander, Faculty Advisor MS, San Jose State University Dr. J. Mark Brown, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Biology Peter James Diemer...... Mocksville, NC Dr. Miriam Ashley-Ross, Faculty Advisor Dustin Fetterhoff...... Lykens, PA BS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor BS, University of Pittsburgh Doctoral Major, Physics Christopher Huntington Stuart...... Rome, GA Doctoral Major, Neuroscience Dr. Oana Jurchescu, Faculty Advisor BS, Berry College Dr. Samuel Deadwyler, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and Katelyn Patricia Goetz...... West Des Moines, IA Translational Science Nicholas Donald Lepley...... Birmingham, AL BS, Wake Forest University Dr. William Gmeiner, Faculty Advisor BS, MS, Wake Forest University Doctoral Major, Physics Doctoral Major, Physics Dr. Oana Jurchescu, Faculty Advisor Ashton M. Trawinski...... Lavallette, NJ Dr. Natalie Holzwarth, Faculty Advisor BS, Gettysburg College Daniel M. Griffith. * ...... Jacksonville, NC Doctoral Major, Biology Janelle Beth Leuthaeuser...... Broomfield, CO BA, Vassar College Dr. Susan Fahrbach, Faculty Advisor BS, Colorado School of Mines Doctoral Major, Biology Doctoral Major, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Dr. T. Michael Anderson, Faculty Advisor Aubrey R. Turner...... Kernersville, NC Dr. Jacquelyn Fetrow, Faculty Advisor BS, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Mónica Adriana Zapata Jenks...... Richmond, VA Doctoral Major, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Patrick Lennon Millet...... Silver Spring, MD BS, Duke University Dr. Jianfeng Xu, Faculty Advisor BS, Dickinson College MS, Virginia Commonwealth University Doctoral Major, Molecular Genetics and Genomics Doctoral Major, Biology Byron N. Van Nest...... San Francisco, CA Dr. Charles McCall, Faculty Advisor Dr. Gloria Muday, Faculty Advisor BS, University of California, Irvine Doctoral Major, Neuroscience Stacey Lynne Robinson...... Portland, ME Christine Elise Lehman...... Charlotte, NC Dr. Susan Fahrbach, Faculty Advisor BS, University of Maine at Orono BA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Doctoral Major, Neuroscience Doctoral Major, Cancer Biology Ashley Lynne Wagoner *...... Mooresville, NC Dr. Brian McCool, Faculty Advisor Dr. Yuh-Hwa Wang, Faculty Advisor BS, Furman University Doctoral Major, Neuroscience Jamie Hannah Rose...... Gresco, PA Kyle Edmund Luth *...... Attica, IN Dr. Debra Diz, Faculty Advisor BS, High Point University BA, Wabash College Doctoral Major, Neuroscience MS, Wake Forest University Matthew Charles Walb...... Rochester, NY Dr. Sara Jones, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Biology BS, Wake Forest University Dr. Gerald Esch, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Physics Benjamin Rowe...... Harrisburg, PA Dr. Michael Munley, Faculty Advisor BS, Carnegie Mellon University Susan E. Martelle *...... Charlotte, NC Doctoral Major, Physiology and Pharmacology BS, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bryan A. Wilson §...... New Orleans, LA Dr. George Christ, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology BS, Louisiana State University Dr. Don Bowden, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and Meredith Austin Rowe...... Buise Creek, NC Translational Science BS, Campbell University Jerome Thomas McKay...... Denver, CO Dr. Mark Chappell, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and BA, Hastings College Translational Science Doctoral Major, Microbiology and Immunology Mingna Zheng...... Wuhan, China Dr. Richard Loeser, Faculty Advisor Dr. Karen Haas, Faculty Advisor BS, Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Doctoral Major, Biomedical Engineering Cody A. Siciliano...... Granhamsville, NY Yaochuan Mei...... Nanjing, China Dr. Ge Yaorong, Faculty Advisor BA, Binghampton University BS, Nanjing University Doctoral Major, Neuroscience Doctoral Major, Physics Dr. Sara Jones, Faculty Advisor Dr. Oana Jurchescu, Faculty Advisor CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Kadie Sophia Vanderman...... Bentleyville, PA Marnie G. Silverstein Metzler...... Parkland, FL Elizabeth Moody Davenport...... Mooresville, NC BS, Pennsylvania State University BS, University of Florida BS, North Carolina State University Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and Doctoral Major, Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology Doctoral Major, Biomedical Engineering Translational Science Dr. Carol Shively, Faculty Advisor Dr. Joseph Maldjian, Faculty Advisor Dr. Cristin Ferguson, Faculty Advisor

Ryan L. Miller *...... Bismarck, ND Daniel Benjamin Deegan...... Scotch Plains, NJ Yuyang Zhu...... Shaoyang, Hunan Province, PR China BS, North Dakota State University BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University BS, Hunan University Doctoral Major, Neurobiology and Anatomy Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and Doctoral Major, Chemistry Dr. Benjamin Rowland, Faculty Advisor Translational Science Dr. Amanda Jones, Faculty Advisor Dr. Thomas Shupe, Faculty Advisor

* In Absentia § Dual Degree Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Business Administration 9 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Continued)

CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Robert Christopher Holder...... Simpsonville, SC Laura Marie Tonks Raffield...... Charleston, SC BS, Clemson University BS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hannah Besser Baker...... Inver Grove Heights, MN Doctoral Major, Microbiology and Immunology Doctoral Major, Molecular Genetics and Genomics BS, University of Rochester Dr. Sean Reid, Faculty Advisor Dr. Donald Bowden, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Biomedical Engineering Dr. George Christ, Faculty Advisor Ryan Neal Jennings...... Sturgis, MI Jennifer Linn Reimche...... Augusta, GA BS, Michigan State University BS, Georgia Institute of Technology Stephen Robert Baker...... Butler, PA Doctoral Major, Microbiology and Immunology Doctoral Major, Microbiology and Immunology BS, Rochester Institute of Technology Dr. Erik Barton, Faculty Advisor Dr. W. Edward Swords, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Physics Dr. Martin Guthold, Faculty Advisor Wei Li...... Xi’an, China Swapnil Vijay Shewale...... Takali, India BS, Dalian University of Technology BS, University of Pune Philip Jayson Brown...... Charlotte, NC Doctoral Major, Physics Doctoral Major, Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology BS, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Dr. Martin Guthold, Faculty Advisor Dr. John Parks, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Biomedical Engineering Dr. Joel Stitzel, Faculty Advisor Jie Liu...... Anqing, Anhui, China Gregory McRae Smith...... Lexington, SC BS, University of Science and Technology of China BS, College of Charleston Partha Pratim Choudhury...... Malda, West Bengal, India Doctoral Major, Physics Doctoral Major, Physics BS, University of Calcutta Dr. J. Daniel Bourland, Faculty Advisor Dr. David Carroll, Faculty Advisor MS, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur MS, University of Miami Chuang Miao...... Changchun City, China Rui Wang...... Beijing, China Doctoral Major, Chemistry BS, Jilin University BEng, University of Miami Dr. Mark Welker, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Biomedical Engineering Doctoral Major, Biomedical Engineering Dr. Hengyong Yu, Faculty Advisor Dr. William Wagner, Faculty Advisor William Howard Craig Clodfelter...... Thomasville, NC BS, High Point University Saloomeh Mokhtari...... Isfahan, Iran Jeremy William Ward...... Norwalk, IA Doctoral Major, Chemistry BS, University of Isfahan BA, Simpson College Dr. S. Bruce King, Faculty Advisor Doctoral Major, Molecular Medicine and Doctoral Major, Physics Translational Science Dr. Oana Jurchescu, Faculty Advisor Xuan Guan...... Changsha, China Dr. Graca Almeida-Porada, Faculty Advisor MD, Xiangya School of Medicine Doctoral Major, Physiology and Pharmacology Dr. Martin Childers, Faculty Advisor


Charmayne Rae Adams *...... Grand Rapids, MI Vivian Walker Lang...... Jackson, MS Rebecca Steiner...... San Diego, CA Everett Altherr...... Pittsburgh, PA Weixiao Li *...... Luzhou, China Anna Rose Tal *...... Rochester Hills, MI Derek Bloom *...... Mt. Airy, MD Lauren Raquel Ling...... Winston-Salem, NC Candis Jane Tate *...... Inglewood, CA Savannah Jolie Bradley...... Brevard, NC Daniel Paul Lipford...... Cary, NC Stacey Testerman...... Independence, VA Kelsey Margaret Bullard...... Raleigh, NC Marcia Huston McCall...... Winston-Salem, NC Whitney Jessica Threatt .* ...... Charlotte, NC Caitlin Davis Bush...... Lenoir, NC Julie Marie McCauley...... Marshfield, MA Edith Tlaseca...... Harlingen, TX Renée Nicole Carberry...... Gardnerville, NV Ashley Nicole McDaniel...... Shelby, NC Finley Simmons Trent...... Martinsville, VA Emily E. Casey *...... Cornwall, NY Kristal McKenzie...... Winston-Salem, NC Jennifer Leigh Tripp...... Goffstown, NH Ashlee Marie Conti *...... Wilmington, NC Kimberly McKinney...... Knoxville, TN Janae Brittany Tull...... Pittsburgh, PA Timothy Mark Corbett *...... Wilmington, NC Andrea McLarty...... Temple, GA Sarah Gordon Valentine...... Richmond, VA Jazmin Arielle Cromartie *...... Clemmons, NC Ashley-Frances Mellon...... Irmo, SC Timothy Jacob Valshtein...... Sparta, NJ Elizabeth Rose Davis...... Prestonsburg, KY Emily Elaine Meyer...... Bellevue, WA Kent Barton Vashaw *...... Apex, NC Bryant Frost Davis...... Earlysville, VA Gary Alan Moon Jr...... Aberdeen, NC Kassidy Renae Velasquez ...... Alexandria, LA Richard Francis Davis III...... Kennesaw, GA Erin Lee Morin...... Ashburn, VA Xixi Wang *...... Jingmen, Hubei, China Kristen Dietz...... Springfield, VA Leigh A. Mosley...... Statesboro, GA Michael Todd White...... Baton Rouge, LA Anna Alexander Donovan...... Winston-Salem, NC Alexander James Muller...... Myrtle Beach, SC Dondong Yang...... Fuxin City, PR China Sarah C. Faircloth...... Charlotte, NC Jayna Brooke Mumbauer...... Woodstock, GA Vanna Alisha Farley-Ackers *...... Fayetteville, NC Kelsey A. Ostergren...... Manassas, VA Carlos A. Fasola *...... Clemmons, NC Mara Ann Ow...... Chicago, IL CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 John Joseph Frutchey *...... Bunnlevel, NC Akeila Lara-Tekia Plater *... Lincoln Heights, Northeast, Washington, DC Melissa Janet Gelinas *...... Saco, ME Kathryn Louise Wardin Pozniak...... Fenton, MI Jillian L. Alexander...... Natick, MA Brittany Lynn Glaser §§...... Covington, GA David Wayne Priddy *...... Walnut Cove, NC Sandy Frye Boone...... Lexington, SC Abigain Tuazon Gonzales *...... Harrisburg, NC Sara Kollman Reinke *...... Tampa, FL Jacob Lee Boyd...... Greensboro, NC Nicholas James Griffin §§§. * ...... Fox Island, WA Alison Lindsey Ringwood §§§ *...... Charlotte, NC Samantha Cook Fields...... Winston-Salem, NC Julianne Harper Gruenhagen...... Mechanicsville, VA Natalia Rodriguez Blanco...... Cochabamba, Bolivia Sharon Michelle Kann...... Marion, IA Amy Lynn Grybush...... Charlotte, NC Claire-Kaoru Royer...... , Sweetie Kaycee...... Wilmington, NC Kathryn Lee Harmon *...... East Bend, NC Jacqueline Alexandra Ryanczak *...... Marietta, GA Staci K. Kyle...... Newport, NC Chelsie Maria Hastings *...... Ninety-Six, SC Deborah Lynn Saba...... Great Falls, VA Tashia Lewis...... Arlington, TX Kenneth T. Henderson *...... Hiram, GA Morgan C. Sadler *...... Woodstock, GA Joseph Danyale Little...... Winston-Salem, NC Alicia Wallace Henson *...... Mount Airy, NC Nicholas Chase Salmons *...... Winston-Salem, NC Brian James Mann...... Wake Forest, NC Jared Grant Hesse...... Pembroke Pines, FL Ryan Michael Sefcovic *...... Southfield, MI Cicely Hartzog Maynard...... Durham, NC Nicole Mellaney Johnson §§ *...... Belize City, Belize Jessica Nichole Shanks *...... St. Louis, MO Travis M. McClenny...... Stillwater, OK Jonora Kinshasa Jones *...... Houston, TX Alexandra Nicole Silber...... State College, PA Stephanie Elizabeth McKee...... Vacaville, CA James Woodruff Key...... Durham, NC Jeremiah T. Southwick...... Nedrow, NY Whitney Grace McLaughlin...... Southern Pines, NC Chelsea Lynne Klein...... Mebane, NC Emily G. Stagnaro...... Woodstock, GA Claire Brinley Elizabeth Nagy-Kato...... Tallahassee, FL

* In Absentia §§ Dual Degree Master of Divinity/Master of Arts §§§ Dual Degree Juris Doctor/Master of Arts 10 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (Continued)

Crystal Karen Pellom...... Wilmington, NC CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Lacee Overcash Jacobs...... Landis, NC Chelsea Michele Reasor...... Winston-Salem, NC Sara Lynn Jordan...... Lancaster, SC Julie Lauren Schwartz...... Atlanta, GA Michael C. Aper...... Prescott, AZ Nazanin Mehry Kaussari...... Winston-Salem, NC Edward C. Suarez...... Durham, NC Lauren Akel Beard...... Charlotte, NC Morgan Jewell Kelly...... Raleigh, NC Christina Vitolo...... Miami, FL Carol J. Ebron...... Winston-Salem, NC Scott Michael McCullough...... Chatham, NJ Lei Wang...... Xi’an, China Tawnya A. Fabian...... Steamboat Springs, CO Jacques Pierre...... Greensboro, NC Jamie M. Washington...... Leland, NC Mark Williams Fields...... Greensboro, NC Keyla D. Stephens...... Clarkesville, GA Natasha C. Gillyard...... Mannheim, Germany Ontario Tyrone Stotts...... Memphis, TN Stephanie Kaye Gusler...... Martinsville, VA Hannah Elizabeth Stroup...... Fort Wayne, IN Philip W. Henson...... Advance, NC Khiry Akeem Sutton...... Winston-Salem, NC Mailys Hubert...... Rennes, France Lauren Elizabeth Tavares...... Norton, MA Phillip John Hunsucker...... Dallas, NC Elizabeth Bost White...... Winston-Salem, NC Sidra M. Hussain...... High Point, NC Andrew David Wilcox...... Brooklyn, NY


Mohamed Faher Almahmoud...... Aleppo, Syria Nathan James Love...... Midland, MI CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Mariah Nicole Andrews...... Winston-Salem, NC Jessica Blackburn Martin...... Columbus, NC Calvin Anthony Arter *...... Medina, OH R. Zach McDonald *...... San Diego, CA Amanda Elizabeth Carr...... Fullerton, CA Brian William Bernish...... Clemmons, NC Brendan Patrick McNeilly *...... Warren, MI Kevin Enck...... Webster, NY Robert Warren Boger...... Troutman, NC Carolyn Ang Mickelson...... San Diego, CA Anna Ingrid Fimmel...... Chicago, IL Kevin Todd Cortese...... Clemmons, NC Jared D. Mitchell *...... Garden City, NY Bradley Michael Keegan...... Verona, WI Brittney Anne Naomi Dodge...... Macomb, MI Saurabh Morchhale...... Mumbai, India Deborah Joyce Luessen...... Marietta, GA David Kristopher Dukes...... Atlanta, GA Caroline Anne Odell...... Rock Hill, SC Chad Brandon McKell...... Valencia, CA J. Alex Fetzer *...... Greensboro, NC Sarah Lynn Oliver...... Hartland, MI Maxwell Cain Messinger...... Salisbury, NC Gregory James Gillispie...... Etters, PA Arsh Narendrakumar Patel *...... Bay City, MI Kristina Michelle Grayson *...... Charlotte, NC Udita Patel...... Pune, India Crystal Nicole Harris *...... Greensboro, NC Rebecca Jane Perry...... Monroe, NC CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Georgia Carroll Holland...... Stony Brook, NY Alva Powell *...... Fayetteville, GA Kwone Untral Ingram...... Walkertown, NC Tara Richardson...... Wiggins, CO Michael Wesley Cammarata...... Punta Gorda, FL Megan Therese Jenkins...... Gaylord, MI Georgia Rubinowicz *...... Nashville, TN Andrea Nicole Doud...... Redford, MI Chang Jing...... Beijing, China Alicia Nicole Sabatino...... Wall, NJ Lily Dubois Gordon...... Cranston, RI Derek A. Jones...... Fredericksburg, VA Scott Michael Seal...... Plano, TX Ivy L. Mead...... Inman, KS Christopher Robert Kaiser...... Port Jefferson, NY Yolanda Shaw *...... Fayetteville, NC Logan Miller...... Harrisonburg, VA Albert H. Kim...... Columbus, OH Brandon Sowell *...... Kalamazoo, MI Ifeoma Gloria Onwurah...... Mocksville, NC Ayana Leila Langston...... Clinton, MD Joi Camille Spaulding...... Stamford, CT William M. Payne...... Pendleton, IN Michael Cameron LeCompte...... Greensboro, NC Richard Huffman Squire .* ...... South Charleston, WV Crystal Janette Redfern...... Charlotte, NC Chad Akers Littrell...... Rosebud, MO Laura Marie Welti...... Leesburg, VA John David Vossler...... Anaheim, CA Matthew C. Whitlock...... Boone, NC


CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Stephen Robert Langford...... Media, PA Jacob Dean Leonard...... Lexington, NC Jennifer Mastin...... Winston-Salem, NC Lydia Jean Adkins...... Salisbury, NC Austin James Love III...... Winston-Salem, NC Virginia H. Browne...... Winston-Salem, NC Julia Anne Means...... Louisville, KY Robert Steven Ciarrocca...... Westfield, NJ Cody James Puckett...... Annapolis, MD Quentin Thomas Collie...... Washington, WV John Alfred Reynolds II...... Winston-Salem, NC Alexandria Rebecca Packard Dell’Arringa...... Dundee, IL Dara S. Rosenkrantz...... Greensboro, NC Sarah E. DeMatte...... San Diego, CA Lindsay Frances Schneider...... Winston-Salem, NC Thomas Parr Flood...... Charleston, SC Spencer Ann Willis...... Winston-Salem, NC Rachel E. Key...... Durham, NC Kalyn Ann Wyckoff...... Titusville, FL Rachel Sloane Koval...... Rockville, MD



Sonsera Trella Kiger...... Lewisville, NC Leon Lenchik...... Winston-Salem, NC


Monica M. Berra *...... Cooper City, FL SheRea DelSol...... St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Bryan Scott Campbell *...... Joplin, MO Thomas M. Green V .* ...... Winston-Salem, NC Justin Chen *...... Hong Kong Joshua L. Harris *...... Ayden, NC Patricia Lee Furnish...... Asheville, NC Caroline Marie Cuny *...... Heath, TX Virginia Richard...... St. Cloud, FL


Tawana Nacole Norman *...... Burlington, NC CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Nathan Philip Rainwater *...... Chattanooga, TN John Greyson Lancaster...... Raleigh, NC Merry Katheryn Kowalski...... Raleigh, NC Jessica Megan Savitt...... Plymouth, MN


Danya Abdulrahman Bin Mahaysin.... Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Aarón Oyarce-Yuzzelli...... Lima, Peru


Samya Abdel Rahman Abou Sharif...... Amman, Jordan Xiaoyu Hao...... Hohhot, Mongolia Arijana Shajkovci...... Prizren, Kosovo Sultan Saad Saeed Almalki...... Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jinghuang Huang...... Baofeng, China Sylejman Shumolli *...... Prishtina, Kosovo Abdulrahman Zahim S. Alsulami...... Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Ahmad Reshad Matin...... Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan Yijin Wang...... Lanzhou, China Abdullah Fahad Bin Saif...... Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Zhelei Qian...... , China Jun Wu...... Qingdao, China Aimal Daudzai...... Kabul, Afghanistan Ilir I. Rashkaj *...... Prizren, Kosovo Atdhe GJ. Dema *...... Prishtina, Kosovo Guocan Ren...... Beijing, China


Andrew McClain Adams...... Charlotte, NC Erin Holcomb Epley...... Yadkinville, NC Kelsey Ann Kolb...... Lake Worth, FL Aaron Christopher Alderman...... White Hall, MD Ashley Sarah Escoe §§§§...... Arnoldsville, GA Michael Joseph Lang...... Virginia Beach, VA Issac Bane Allman...... Kingsport, TN Jarrod Hamilton Etengoff...... Buffalo, NY Catherine Heller Law...... Rochester, NY Robert Woodson Angle...... Herndon, VA Taylor Nichole Emerson Ey...... Charlotte, NC Justin Michael Laws...... Raleigh, NC Ashlee Nicole Aragon...... Brentwood, CA Anastasia Elizabeth Fanning...... Ramsey, NJ Jordan Crosby Lee...... San Antonio, TX Carolyn Ashton Atkins...... Baltimore, MD Marcus Grant Fields...... Raleigh, NC Benjamin F. Leighton...... Baltimore, MD Kelly Jean Austin...... Stafford, VA Meredith Anne FitzGibbon...... St. Louis, MO Timothy Robert Lewis...... Sullivan, MO Anna Baitchenko...... Atlanta, GA Steven Michael Franklin...... Raleigh, NC Miles Caleb Lindley...... Wilmington, NC Alena Kirsten Baker...... Pittsburgh, PA Kayla Mae Frederickson...... Monterey, CA Jasmine Nicole Little...... Alpharetta, GA Jordan Anthony Ballard...... Sanford, NC Sarah Anne Gallas...... Crown Point, IN Michele Lee Livingstone...... San Jose, CA Katharine Yale Barnes...... Myrtle Beach, SC Daniel Philip Galyon...... Copperhill, TN Jordan Elizabeth Leigh Lowery...... Charleston, SC Matthew Stanton Barnes...... Lebanon, TN Jaime Cesar Garcia...... D’Hanis, TX Michal Malyszko...... Arlington Heights, IL Taylor Michael Barnett...... New Philadelphia, OH Rudolf Alexander Garcia-Gallont....Guatemala City, Guatemala Eli Morris Marger...... St. Petersburg, FL Madison Kerry Benedict...... San Antonio, TX Jane Creighton Garrity...... Winston-Salem, NC Andria Dayna Marquez...... Miami, FL Brett Oliver Berne...... Southport, NC David George Giffin...... Charleston, IL Katie McAbee...... Jamestown, NC Mitchell Hendrix Blankenship...... Midland, TX Delia Rose Ledesma Goubeaux...... Sykesville, MD Ryan James McIntyre...... Mattituck, NY Jessica Davis Boney...... Wilmington, NC Dawnielle Yvette Grace...... Winston-Salem, NC Timothy M. McLister...... Leesburg, VA Alan Horton Bowie Jr...... New Haven, CT Michael Andrew Grace Jr...... Winston-Salem, NC Daniel Thomas Menken...... Wyckoff, NJ Shawn Kersten Briggs-Seward...... Wray, CO Damón Gray II...... Huntersville, NC Emily E. Mennel...... Greenwood, IN Cameron James Brown...... Granite Bay, CA Joseph Boyd Greener...... Great Falls, VA Shawn Michael Mihill...... Lake Placid, NY Erin Elizabeth Brown...... St. Louis, MO Nicholas James Griffin §§§...... Fox Island, WA Michael Alexander Mitchell...... Austin, TX Ariana Dawn Burnette...... Hillsborough, NC Robert Vance Griffith III...... Cleveland, TN Chelsea Lane Monroe...... Myrtle Beach, SC Kees C. Burns...... Delaware, OH Alicha Marie Grubb...... Greenville, SC Sadler Blaydes Moore...... Weddington, NC Joshua P. Bussen...... Clovis, NM Elissa Meredith Skarda Hachmeister...... Beaufort, NC Donald Callaway Morgan...... Lexington, KY Alana Marie Byrnes...... Tarpon Springs, FL Andrea Lynn Hanson...... Lansing, MI Emily Grace Morris...... Oak Hill, VA Emily Victoria Carico...... Galax, VA Joshua O. Harper...... Sylva, NC Madison Anne Morrow...... Birmingham, AL Diana C. Castro...... Weston, FL Tara Elizabeth Hart...... Lakewood Ranch, FL Kevin J. Murtagh, Jr...... Rockville Centre, NY Andres A. Ceberio, Jr...... Key West, FL Chelsea Ryan Hatcher...... Cincinnati, OH Kathryn Hope Napier...... Rogersville, TN Nicholas Andrew Cintron...... Annapolis, MD Kathryn Mitchell Hayes...... Barrington, RI Maria Zawadi Nkonge §§§§...... Greensboro, NC Jeffrey A. Clark...... Vienna, VA Mengfan He...... Ningbo, China Evelyn A. Norton...... Semora, NC Brittany Paige Colton...... Lancaster, PA Heather Marie Higgins...... Hickory, NC John Edward Nugent...... Andover, MA LaDean Miles Cooley...... Montpelier, OH Joseph I. Hill...... DeRuyter, NY Stephen Michael Oldham...... Oviedo, FL Ashley Taylor Crawley...... Chapin, SC Caleb John Holloway...... Palmer, AK Katherine Susanne Ott...... Fort Mill, SC Daniel James Crispino...... Pembroke Pines, FL Tyler S. Hood...... New Milford, CT Justin Levi Owen...... Orlando, FL Sabrina Lee Cuadrado...... Gaffney, SC Shaun R. Houser...... Norman, OK Amanda Parker...... Germantown, MD Elizabeth Anne Dahl...... Poquoson, VA Alexandra B. Howard...... Milton, VT Anisha Chavda Patel...... Dallas, TX Caroline Elizabeth Daniel...... Huntsville, AL Inyang Emmanuel Inyang...... Atlanta, GA Erika Michele Peters...... Holland Township, NJ David J. Darr...... York, PA Madeline Nancy Joerg...... Buffalo, NY Michael Andrew Petty...... Houston, TX Nicholas Jonmichael D’Auria...... Pinehurst, NC Ashlee Denise Johnson...... Bear, DE Kaitlin Price...... Albemarle, NC Brandy L. Davis...... Rocky Mount, NC Kayla Brooke Johnson...... Greenville, NC Marla E. Raus *...... Syracuse, NY Zabrina Barbosa Delgado...... Seattle, WA Afzal Karim...... Thomasville, NC Timothy James Readling...... Salisbury, NC Maggie Harris Dickens...... Wrightsville Beach, NC Deja Dorothy Kemp...... Eden, NC Jeanna Suzanne Revell...... Clermont, FL Cristine Rose Dixon...... Howell, NJ Colin Thomas Kennedy...... Lexington, KY Alison Lindsey Ringwood §§§...... Charlotte, NC Christian Claude Dorismond...... Miami, FL Andrew James Kilpinen...... Indianapolis, IN Christopher Rivers...... Charlotte, NC Kirsten Summer Dowell...... Ocean City, MD Dana Arielle King...... Atlanta, GA Anna Burgess Robbins...... Webster, NY Lauren Durr Emery...... Cuyahoga Falls, OH Symone Deon Knox...... Salisbury, NC Alec Carlisle Roberson...... Williamston, NC

* In Absentia §§§ Dual degree Juris Doctor / Master of Arts in Sustainability §§§§ Dual degree Juris Doctor / Master of Divinity 12 CANDIDATES FOR THE JURIS DOCTOR DEGREE (Continued)

Lindsey Young Rogers...... West Palm Beach, FL Kyle Bradley Staggs...... Tampa, FL CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Jarel Lamar Rosser...... Bronx, NY Jessica Danielle Strokus...... Roanoke, VA Nathaniel Thomas Routh...... Winston-Salem, NC William Max Teich III...... Lawrenceville, GA Alexandra Chelsea Braverman §...... Huntington Beach, CA Elizabeth Ann Ruocco...... Cheshire, CT Alexander F. Thompson...... Nashville, TN Gregory Anthony Buscemi *...... Winston-Salem, NC Mackenzie Maxine Salenger...... New York, NY Melissa Ann Travis...... Jacksonville, FL Kathryn Ann Helin...... Keene, NH John Ira Sanders...... Blackstock, SC Carolyn Trespasz...... Manlius, NY Sabrina Alise Huffman...... Louisville, KY Bradley Alan Setzer...... Claremont, NC Talis Colgan Trevino...... Marietta, GA Alexis Marie Iffert...... Effingham, IL Justin Blake Shaffer § .* ...... Searingtown, NY Sharon Erezi Ukodie...... Lagos, Nigeria Katye Marie Jobe...... Lumberton, NC Ethan Brady Siler...... Oak Ridge, NC Steven Anthony Verez...... Pittsburgh, PA Carol A. Johnson...... Bronx, NY Emily Anne Singer...... Omaha, NE Kelly Anderson Warlich...... New Canaan, CT Rheanna Jean Matonis...... Portland, OR Shirley Bergen Smircic...... Savannah, GA Madelyn Elise Weeks...... Fort Mill, SC Erin Elizabeth McKee...... Morganton, NC Bradford Chase Smith §...... Tallahassee, FL Jefferson Palmer Whisenant...... Moore, SC Patrick K. Murphy *...... Tolland, CT Carson Thomas Smith...... Charlotte, NC Benjamin Charles Williams...... Cary, NC Thomas J. Piccard...... Wheeling, WV Robert S. Southwell *...... Milwaukee, WI James Curtis Wyatt...... Indianapolis, IN Rachel Marie Shields...... DeWitt, MI Frederick M. Spight Jr...... Marietta, GA Chad M. Zimlich...... Louisville, KY Melissa Mary Wilson *...... Vale, NC Eric Thomas Spose...... North Haven, CT CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015

Katherine Elizabeth Booth *...... Birmingham, AL Jesse I. Miller *...... Pittsburgh, PA

CANDIDATES FOR THE MASTER OF STUDIES IN LAW DEGREE Andrea Kirsten Allardice...... Williamsburg, VA Eva Perry *...... Issaquah, WA CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Julius Jamal Drayton...... North Charleston, SC Vinithra Sharma...... Bow, NH Brittany Nicole Easterling...... Sanford, NC Heather E. Stinson...... Greensboro, NC Yaminah Jane Armand *...... Melrose, MA Tiffany Renee Moneit...... Peachtree Corners, GA Samantha Rae Thornton...... Lexington, NC Hillary Norville...... Robbinsville, NC Welton M. Williams...... Miami, FL

SCHOOL OF LAW GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude Katharine Yale Barnes Andrews James Kilpinen Taylor Michael Barnett Steven Michael Franklin Evelyn A. Norton Joshua P. Bussen Benjamin F. Leighton Alana Marie Byrnes Kayla Mae Frederickson Timothy James Readling Ashley Sarah Escoe Donald Callaway Morgan Diana C. Castro Jaime Cesar Garcia John Ira Sanders Rudolf Alexander Garcia-Gallont Kaitlin Price Andres A. Ceberio, Jr. Joseph I. Hill Carson Thomas Smith Elissa Meredith Skarda Hachmeister Mackenzie Maxine Salenger David J. Darr Katye Marie Jobe Eric Thomas Spose Joshua O. Harper Ethan Brady Siler Lauren Durr Emery Colin Thomas Kennedy Steven Anthony Verez Alexis Marie Iffert Taylor Nichole Emerson Ey Kelsey Ann Kolb Kelly Anderson Warlich Marcus Grant Fields Madison Anne Morrow

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Omolola Alakija...... New York, NY Vanessa Marie DiPasquale...... Andover, MA Ravi S. Katari...... Herndon, VA Eric Robert Barnard...... Rolling Hills, CA Elisabeth Jantzen Dowlen...... Norwich, VT Virginia Louise Kee...... Boulder, CO Spencer Keaton Barrett...... Madison, MS Edward Walter Drehs...... Indian Trail, NC John William Kelsey...... Rochester, MN Harrison George Bartels...... Raleigh, NC Osemeke Sylvester Edobor...... Philadelphia, PA Melissa Jane Knudson...... Winston-Salem, NC Kirsten Anissia Battles...... Valdosta, GA Dow Eldon Emerson IV...... Hummelstown, PA Bowa Lee...... Weston, FL Michael Matthew Bero...... Goldsboro, NC Matthew Ryan Emery...... Raleigh, NC Ann Liu...... Raleigh, NC James Grier Bomar Jr...... Spartanburg, SC Ying Claire Fan...... Cookeville, TN John Thomas Luttrell...... Charlotte, NC Jason Andrew Bonomo §§§...... Bloomsburg, PA Hillary Moen Fitzgerald...... Memphis, TN Matthew James Martin...... Winston-Salem, NC Corey Kaegebein Bradley...... Harvard, MA Sarah Marie Frederick...... Lancaster, PA Coy Ryan Matthews...... Whiteville, NC Sara Victoria Branson...... Princeton, WV Christopher Michael Gentile...... Franklin Lakes, NJ Michael William McCormick...... Johnson City, TN Benjamin Maurice Braun...... Kentfield, CA Scott Marshall Gilmore...... Jacksonville, FL Rene Ann McLeod...... Davidson, NC Hannah Helene Shaker Breit...... Northbrook, IL Andrea Leigh Green...... Raleigh, NC Marc R. Miller...... Orland Park, IL Madelyn Elizabeth Szewczyk Burkart.....Winston-Salem, NC Devin Alexander Haddad...... Longmeadow, MA Neal Jeffrey Miller...... St. Petersburg, FL Timberly Renee Butler...... Roseboro, NC Patrick Wayne Harbour...... Sumter, SC Ashley Simone Mogul...... Cold Spring Harbor, NY Chelsea Marie Canon...... Chapel Hill, NC Jennifer Kathryn Hartel...... Dayton, OH Arianne Stephanie Morrison...... Teaneck, NJ Amelia Dawn Carr...... Eugene, OR Matthew Gregory Heavner...... Jamestown, NC Eric Fletcher Moss...... Winnemucca, NV Amber Nicole Carrier...... Henderson, KY Kshitij Hemal...... New Delhi, Delhi, India Frank Wang Mu...... Charlotte, NC James Milton Carter III...... Edwardsville, VA Alexis Boyce Hess...... Shelby, NC Margaret Carroll Murray...... Durham, NC Benjamin Paul Cochran...... Mount Juliet, TN Tyson Jay Higgins...... Riverton, UT Kishan Mukesh Patel...... Elmwood Park, NJ Nicholas Andrew Coman...... Halifax, VA Ashley Sloan Hodges...... Greensboro, NC Andrew Joseph Pellegrin...... Oklahoma City, OK Randall Stephan Conrad...... Tobaccoville, NC Caroline Rowley Holton...... Winston-Salem, NC Martin Gerard Piazza...... Potomac, MD Daniel Kenneth Cook...... Winter Park, FL Rubayet Hossain...... Queens, NY Charles Carpenter Pitts Jr...... Charlotte, NC Elizabeth Rabun Crowder...... Columbus, MS Kaitlyn Marie Hurst...... Charlotte, NC Roland Matthew Pixley...... Charlotte, NC Leonora Carol Culp...... Birmingham, AL Charles Alston James III...... Columbia, SC Maria Alejandra Plata...... Eagle Pass, TX Anthony Trung Dang...... Huntersville, NC Sha Jin...... Lincoln, CA Lindsay Catherine Porter...... Easton, CT Booth Rappaport Dargis...... Bar Harbor, ME Korie Candis Jones...... Philadelphia, PA Anvi Raina...... Rocky Mount, NC

* In Absentia § Dual degree Juris Doctor / Master of Business Administration §§ Dual degree MD/MBA §§§ Dual degree MD/PhD 13 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (Continued)

Jahanett Ramirez...... El Paso, TX Madison Lee Shoaf...... Mooresville, NC Gregory Scott Vereb...... Columbus, OH Elizabeth Anne Ramsey...... Birmingham, AL Rachel Michelle Skains...... Charlotte, NC Tramaine H. Wilkinson...... Atlanta, GA Amanda Jean Reavis...... Mocksville, NC Christine Nicole Smith...... Pembroke Pines, FL Aaron Edward Winkler...... Wilmette, IL Bradley Robert Reuter...... Fairfield, CT Isaac David Smith...... Boone, NC Paul Raymond Wistermayer...... Denville, NJ Emily Kirstyn Rinker...... Huntingburg, IN Jennifer Louise Smith...... Cary, NC Alison Margaret Witkowski...... Cary, NC Matthew Lee Rohlfing...... St. Louis, MO Phillip Arcendio Smith...... Los Angeles, CA Anne Maureen Wagner Wofford...... Chapel Hill, NC Eric Henry Roll §§...... Pittsburgh, PA Jeremy Ross Steinman...... Charlotte, NC Andrew Donald Wohler...... Ridgewood, NJ Taufiq Salahuddin...... Fayetteville, NC Shashank Suresh...... Fort Mill, SC Timothy Shane Wyman...... Bloomington, MN Brian Alexander Shackleford...... Baltimore, MD Bradley James Terry...... Simpsonville, SC Thomas Qinglang Xu...... Saint Louis, MO Peter Quinn Shelton...... Raleigh, NC Dalton Quan Tran...... Westminster, CA John Michael Yanik...... Asheville, NC Jack Shen Jr...... Hanover Park, IL Andrew Okon Usoro...... Katy, TX Brittany Young...... Powder Springs, GA

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Alpha Omega Alpha Recipients SPRING INDUCTION Madelyn Elizabeth Szewczyk Burkart Elizabeth Rabun Crowder Isaac David Smith Anthony Trung Dang

FALL INDUCTION Harrison George Bartels Leonora Carol Culp Alexis Boyce Hess Andrew Joseph Pellegrin Andrew Okon Usoro Corey Kaegebein Bradley Vanessa Marie DiPasquale Charles Alston James III Charles Carpenter Pitts Jr. Paul Raymond Wistermayer Randall Stephan Conrad Ying Claire Fan Ann Liu James Matthew Taylor Andrew Donald Wohler Ashley Simone Mogul


Brittany Danielle Alston...... Newport News, VA Kristin Ellen Gervasi...... Holmes, NY John Raymond Ramos...... Sacramento, CA Abigail Fairchild Bagliani...... Roanoke, VA Karim Mamdouh Ghanem...... New York, NY Jessica Marie Rebollar...... Yadkinville, NC Joseph Robert Baker...... Apex, NC Rebecca Ann Gimpert...... Grosse Pointe Woods, MI Leigh Anne Reid...... Winston-Salem, NC Stevi Marie Barrett...... Matthews, NC Benjamin James Gogg...... Clemmons, NC Jordyn Leigh Reisenauer...... Kernersville, NC Garrett Lloyd Bostwick...... Cary, NC Nicolas Frederick Haller...... Baltimore, MD Sara Anne Richard...... Shelby, NC Allison Brooke Brantley...... Asheboro, NC Lauren Parks Harper...... Asheville, NC Ashton Whitney Ritter...... Lincolnton, NC Victoria Jean Brixius...... St. Cloud, MN Vincent Jodell Hill, Jr...... Washington, DC Amy Marie Rodriguez...... Chapel Hill, NC Tayla René Brown...... Garner, NC Timothy Scott Holcomb...... Banner Elk, NC Kayla Marie Rose...... Charlotte, NC Meredith Hester Browne...... Winston-Salem, NC Kaitlin Elizabeth Frankie Hoover...... Asheboro, NC Alyssa Marie Sanders...... Mokena, IL Derek John Buchanan...... Matthews, NC Laura Ashley Icenhour...... Matthews, NC Amanda Kathryn Schmitz...... Pleasanton, CA Ansley Boyd Carnes...... Chatham, NJ Morgan Karmel Jackson...... Enosburg Falls, VT Magdeline Walker Schott...... Summerfield, NC Lauren Michelle Childs...... Cockeysville, MD Shawn Carl Joy...... O’Fallon, IL Courtney Simmons Scott...... Pilot Mountain, NC Margaret Susan Christner...... Rochester, MN Erin Groh Kimble...... Knoxville, TN Bryson James Shepherd...... Statesville, NC Kevin Minwoo Chung...... Chantilly, VA Benjamin Francis King...... Fayetteville, NC Kristina Marielle Stanson...... Raleigh, NC Melissa Aimee Cohen...... North Potomac, MD Taylor Adams King...... Concord, NC Emily Anne Sunkin...... Ashburn, VA Samantha Rose Condon...... Winston-Salem, NC Brendan Schanel Klitsch...... Charlotte, NC Cameron Young Sweeney...... Cary, NC Kelly Reneé Conner...... Clemmons, NC Brittany Nicole Manning...... Madison, NC Mary Kathryn Tucker...... Winston-Salem, NC Caroline Elizabeth Cordell...... Pinehurst, NC Catherine Ashley McGrady...... Sparta, NC Rebecca Marie Vaglio...... Waxhaw, NC Mary Katherine Craven...... Fayetteville, NC Brianna Leigh McShea...... Charlotte, NC Jasmine Marisol Velez...... Clemmons, NC Sarah Geneve Delk...... Atlanta, GA Anna Maria Misior...... Chapel Hill, NC Max Joseph Vinograd...... Bethesda, MD Brittany Christine Donaldson...... Wildwood, MO Tyler Matthias Mohr...... Greensboro, NC Devyn Leeann Walke...... Rutherfordton, NC Samantha Tripp Dowless...... Carolina Beach, NC Nicole Elizabeth Nadeau...... St. Augustine, FL Elizabeth Claire Westfall...... Cincinnati, OH Courtney Lynne Durbin...... Perrysburg, OH Kristin Kelly Nanney...... Mooresville, NC Kianna Dawn Wood...... Rural Hall, NC Courtney Denise Edwards...... Mt. Airy, NC Emily Anne Neal...... Minneapolis, MN Kelly Michelle Young...... Honeoye Falls, NY Ginna Sigmon Edwards...... Lumberton, NC Kyle Glenn Obendorf...... Naperville, IL Robin Mary Egan...... Green Bay, WI Lauren Ann Olson...... Lake Forest, IL Danielle Melissa Eganhouse...... Oak Hill, VA Megan Elizabeth O’Neil...... Farmington Hills, MI CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Tiffany Chandler Esinhart...... Wrightsville Beach, NC Sara Katherine Orlowski...... Cleveland Heights, OH Lauren Sykes Eyadiel...... Kernersville, NC Brianna Catherine Pearson...... St. Louis, MO Naomi Crellin Keshian ...... Durham, NC Chelsea Katelyn Fong...... Cupertino, CA Jessica Christine Piner...... Fayetteville, NC Andrea Elizabeth McKinnond ...... Ft. Pierce, FL LeShara Malika Fulton...... Winston-Salem, NC Cole Christopher Podraza...... Raleigh, NC Drew Thomas Venables ...... Laurel, DE

MASTER OF MEDICAL SCIENCE GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Kelly Reneé Conner Sarah Geneve Delk Lauren Sykes Eyadiel Kaitlin Elizabeth Frankie Hoover Anna Maria Misior


Clayton Pierce Adams...... Nashville, TN Kyle Matthew Bessette...... Greenville, SC Alexandra Lee Brink...... Nashville, TN George Raymond Aldhizer IV...... Pfafftown, NC Nicholas Anthony Biumi...... Cumming, GA Hannah Elizabeth Brown...... Madison, CT Zachary Walker Ray Anderson...... Burlington, NC Taylor Nicole Bourg...... Ellicott City, MD Emily Katherine Jackson Bryant...... Raleigh, NC Paul Gregory Atkins...... Indian Trail, NC Ansley Patricia Briggs...... Dunwoody, GA Christopher Talbot Buckingham...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

* In Absentia §§ Dual degree MD/MBA §§§ Dual degree MD/PhD 14 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY (Continued)

Megan Michelle Cappiello...... Marvin, NC Kaitlyn Victoria Oliver...... Richmond Hill, Ontario Yimei Chen...... Wuhan, Hubei, China Connor Maurice Carlis...... Birmingham, AL Alexandra Rae Palazzo...... Holmdel, NJ Jane McKenzie Cone...... Columbia, SC Yingying Chen...... Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Camilla Anne Paramore...... Charlotte, NC Scott William Crane...... Mountainside, NJ Daniel Long Cheng...... Lewisville, NC Jessie Starnes Parris...... Granite Falls, NC Michael Reid DeCarlo...... Charlotte, NC Sarah Catherine Chin...... Winston-Salem, NC Nirav Patel...... Harare, Zimbabwe Mariah Clarke Ferguson...... Springfield, NY Katherine Mary Clementi...... Ft. Lauderdale, FL Austin Trevor Payne...... Plantation, FL Patrick Raymond Foos...... Cincinnati, OH Kevin James Conlon...... Weymouth, MA Richard Collin Powell...... Winter Park, FL Miguel Angel Garcia...... Raleigh, NC Zachary Andrew Coplen...... Austin, TX Nora Rubi Rabelo Morado...... San Antonio, TX Dustin Michael Gill...... Hillsborough, NC Alexander Iversen Cram...... Columbia, SC Eric Christian Roberts...... Marlborough, MA Alexander Steele Givens...... Raleigh, NC Andrew Patrick Crisi...... Aliquippa, PA David William Robinson...... Greenville, SC Robert Christopher Goslee...... Canton, GA Laura Ann Crummie-DuCarme...... Pittsburgh, PA Abigail Elizabeth Rogers...... Washington, DC Erik Hannemann...... Leipzig, Saxony, Germany Jonathan Robert Cucarola...... Moraga, CA Ashley Nicole Rogers...... Chicago, IL Haley Alexis Horton...... Oklahoma City, OK Paul Edward Demick II...... Tampa, FL Alzebeth Monchi Roman...... Tampa, FL Kyleigh Elisabeth Johnson...... Southlake, TX Mamie Gayle Duckworth...... Sevierville, TN Kendra Victoria Ross...... Orlando, FL Katie Jo Jones...... Burlington, NC Mark Rush Evans...... Winston-Salem, NC Nicholas Savoy Sanders...... Tampa, FL Bryan Edward Kelly...... Rockland, MA Courtney Ann Fee...... Lithia, FL Zoe Alexis Scheller...... Boca Raton, FL Ahad S. Khan...... Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Brenda Marie Fiacco...... Jacksonville, FL Jamie Lynn Schwint...... Hillsborough, NJ Catherine Cushman Kropp...... Franklin, TN Amy Marie Fosina...... New Rochelle, NY Devin Patrick Shaver...... Eldersburg, MD Joshua Andrew Lanser...... Pottstown, PA Heather Hartley Gillespie...... Lexington, SC Trevor Bailey Snyder...... Greensboro, NC Wade William Lewis...... Mount Airy, NC Alissa Lynn Giordani...... Laguna Niguel, CA D’André Terrence Sylvester Starnes...... Winston-Salem, NC Jialing Li...... Guangzhou, Guangdong, China George Claiborne Harrison...... Knoxville, TN Katherine Gail Stewart...... Cheyenne, WY Yuting Li...... Chengdu, Sichuan, China James Warren Haught...... Beaufort, NC Carolyn Anne Stone...... Iowa City, IA Siyao Liu...... Tianjin, China Daniel Joseph Hayes III...... Yardley, PA Lisa Marie Subbiondo...... Bradenton, FL Zhenwei Liu...... Gushi, Henan, China Jill Carroll Hemmendinger...... Mendham, NJ Emma Leigh Templeman...... Athens, GA Amy Parker Matson...... Richmond, VA Robert Christopher Herald...... Tampa, FL Sallie Pete Thompson...... Wake Forest, NC Sean Patrick McConnell...... Woodstock, GA Taylor Winship Heys...... Atlanta, GA Thomas Eli Turlington III...... Clinton, NC Michael Louis McDaniel...... West Haven, CT Shedric Deshawn Marquis Hobbs...... Orlando, FL Jonathan Gregory Upham...... Houston, TX Henry Clyde McDonald IV...... Greensboro, NC Jameel Alkhaleel Mahmoud Khader...... Peabody, MA Aubrey Elizabeth Waggoner...... West Hartford, CT Ran Mo...... Beijing, China Kody Dean Kiefer...... El Paso, IL James Allen Watson II...... Morganton, NC Brandon Lee Oliver...... Bahama, NC Nathan Allen Kyes...... Oswego, IL Caroline Elizabeth Wayco...... Alpharetta, GA Brittany Nichole Perry...... Lawrenceville, GA Jillian Ann Lieber...... Boulder, CO Tianchen Wei...... Xiamen, China Matthew Robert Phelan...... Milton, GA Luke Vasil Longfield...... Aurora, CO Iris Haley Wigodsky...... San Antonio, TX Samantha Jean Postell...... Alpharetta, GA Haines Demarest Lucas...... Charlotte, NC Catherine Lynn Wilson...... Charlotte, NC Marquis James Pullen...... Winston-Salem, NC AnAn Lyu...... Shanghai, China Lida Xu...... Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Sean Christopher Radler...... Midland, MI Colin Jacob Makofka...... Centerville, OH Andy Zhang...... Belle Mead, NJ Joshua Anthony Rios...... San Diego, CA Andrew Wesley Malone...... Johnson City, TN Chi Zhang...... Kunming, Yunnan, China Errett Tyler Roth...... Matthews, NC Matthew Griffin Mancuso...... Parsippany, NJ Zhiyi Zhou...... Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Joshua Meyer Schmidt...... Greenville, SC Candace Breana Maynard...... Orangeburg, SC Elizabeth Anne Seabrook...... Columbia, SC Maura Anne McLaughlin...... Salt Lake City, UT Nicole Jennifer Shannon...... Belton, SC Eugene Francis McManus III...... Augusta, GA CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Ruoxin Shen...... Lake Mary, FL Stephen David Merritt...... Atlanta, GA Carlee Alyssa Simon...... Baltimore, MD Ruffin Collett Mitchener...... Charlotte, NC Kelsey Elizabeth Bairnsfather...... Franklin, TN Jonathan Alexander Steinway...... Florham Park, NJ Andrew Taylor Moharam...... Winter Park, FL Yijin Bao...... Zhoushan, China Allek Deon Surratt...... Douglasville, GA Devin Avery Munnings...... Atlanta, GA Matthew Kirkland Bartlett...... Knoxville, TN Jessica Catherine Wilkinson...... Winston-Salem, NC Madison Lynn Newman...... Dallas, TX Daniel Joseph Bray...... Spokane, WA Tyler Jamison Williams...... Oxford, NC Xin Nie...... Greensboro, NC Meredith Claire Brogden...... Opp, AL Ethan Graham Wilson...... Carrollton, GA Matthew Turner Nunnally...... Dothan, AL Ryan Connor Caiazzo...... Surfside Beach, SC Dong Zhang...... Shanghai, China Laura Jane O’Brien...... Chevy Chase, MD James William Carter, Jr...... Spartanburg, SC Ruoyi Zhang...... Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Nicholas Anthony Biumi Amy Marie Fosina Matthew Griffin Mancuso Katherine Gail Stewart Iris Haley Wigodsky Alexandra Lee Brink Robert Christopher Goslee Camilla Anne Paramore Carolyn Anne Stone Dong Zhang Connor Maurice Carlis Wade William Lewis Errett Tyler Roth Caroline Elizabeth Wayco Ruoyi Zhang Carlee Alyssa Simon

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Michael Ayo Ajidahun...... Ibadan, Nigeria Megan Marie DeBoer...... Grosse Pointe, MI Nimit Malhotra...... Jaipur, India Cameron Andrews Arnett...... Raleigh, NC Harold Ebenezer Flack III...... Dallas, PA Patrick Thomas Harold McGrath...... Johnson City, NY Kevin Shane Batchelor...... Winston-Salem, NC Katherine Alice Holland...... Spartanburg, SC Steven Michael McKee...... Pittsburgh, PA Melissa Kay Berry...... Charlottesville, VA Thomas Andrews Izard...... West Hartford, CT Deepthi Menon...... Bangalore, India Maura Ellen Beyer...... New Orleans, LA Alex Qiuzhe Ji...... Ashburn, VA Ryan Andrew Narus...... Charlotte, NC Ronnie Rebecca Lee Booth...... Greensboro, NC Ishaan Kapoor...... Delhi, NCR, India James McFall Pearce...... Greenville, SC Thomas John Bové...... Hudson Valley, NY Kushagra Kapoor...... Jersey City, NJ Eric Henry Roll §§...... Wexford, PA John Paul Burns...... Harpursville, NY Harvey Lee Kee, Jr...... Kings Mountain, NC Marlon Jerry Romulus...... South Floral Park, NY Joseph Barton Cerniglia...... Atlanta, GA Shubh Mangla Khetan...... New Delhi, India Brett Micah Rudisel...... Charlotte, NC Ching-Wen Chia...... Taipei, Taiwan Kiwook Kwon...... Seoul, South Korea Harshad Chandrakant Sali...... Thane, India Alexander John Keith Clegg...... London, William Shea Leatherman...... Greenville, NC Patrick Joseph Scherer...... Buffalo, NY Charles Anthony Costa, Jr...... Hammonton, NJ Jeremy Adam Lewallen...... Bessemer City, NC Justin Blake Shaffer .§...... Searingtown, NY Adam Sean Davidson §§§...... Winston-Salem, NC Sarah Catherine Lupton...... Greensboro, NC Adil Shenvi Sankow...... Cuncolim, Goa, India

* In Absentia § Dual degree Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration §§ Dual degree Doctor of Medicine/Master of Business Administration §§§ Dual degree Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Business Administration 15 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Continued)

Katherine Lee Shropshire...... Lexington, KY David L. Tonkery II...... Fairmont, WV Tiffany Nicole Jenkins...... Valdosta, GA Christian Ronald Pardamean Siahaan..... , Anitha Vojjala...... Charlotte, NC Tyson Jarrell Jeter...... Spartanburg, SC Bradford Chase Smith §...... Tallahassee, FL Anderson Davis Warlick, Jr...... Charlotte, NC Matthew Price Johnson...... Ashland, KY Bennett William Standiford...... Great Falls, VA Dioyonna Traciey Williams...... Philadelphia, PA Sherwin Yuang Kao...... Charlotte, NC Kevin Michael Turner...... Las Vegas, NV Vance Robert Witman...... Charlotte, NC Jowita Kiernozek...... Ostroleka, Poland Revanth Veeramachaneni...... Hyderabad, India Ashley Lorraine Witt...... Boston, MA Robert Joseph Kozak III...... Charlotte, NC Michael Wayne Whitt...... Raleigh, NC Xudong Xiao...... Sanming, Fujian, China Peter James Kriegler...... Oak Ridge, NC Bryan Anthony Wilson §§§...... New Orleans, LA Benjamin Steven Ziemer...... Charlotte, NC Andrew David Lester...... Greensboro, NC Mudan Zhang...... Shanghai, China Jeffrey Michael Manning...... Winston-Salem, NC Xiaohui Zhang...... Shanghai, China Reshonda Renee Matthews...... Winston-Salem, NC CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Patrick Sean McDonough...... Peachtree City, GA Ian Michael McKillop...... Kernersville, NC CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Marcus John Amendola...... Upper Sandusky, OH Kelsey Hazel McKillop...... Columbus, OH Jared Larry Antczak...... Taylorsville, UT Lindsay Dixon McNabb...... Fort Mill, SC Ahmed Taha Abd-Elkader...... Charlotte, NC Matthew Kyle Arnold...... Charlotte, NC Stephen Lee McPherson...... High Point, NC Tinuke Dolapo Adeyemi...... Ibadan, Nigeria Forest Lee Banks...... Charlotte, NC Robert Drake Mellon...... Matthews, NC Leigh Thomas Anderson...... Waxhaw, NC Victoria Latrese Barr...... Gainesville, FL Adam Michael Meyer...... Winona, MN Gabriel Nequer Santos Araujo...... Whitehouse, NJ Kevin Matthew Battista...... Richmond, VA David Michael Morris...... Olean, NY Julian Arcila...... Medellin, Colombia Jason Matthew Benoit...... Charlotte, NC William Reighard Motz...... Pittsburgh, PA David Leon Baker, Jr...... Huntersville, NC Dylan Priest Black...... Durham, NC Jennifer Dawn Muckley...... Charlotte, NC Chad Irvington Barnes...... Charlotte, NC Aubrey Blair Campbell...... Lexington, KY Eric Daniel Nestel...... Clemmons, NC Donnie L. Barlow-Berry...... Charlotte, NC Jenny Rebecca Cano...... Burlington, NC Ananthanarayanan Nilakantan..Krishnapuram, Tamil Nadu, India Alexandra Chelsea Braverman §...... Huntington Beach, CA Amaris Artreja Carr...... Winston-Salem, NC Katherine Marie Nygren...... Charlotte, NC Denise Marie Brennan...... Horsham, PA John Justin Champlin...... Winston-Salem, NC Jason Gary Pardue...... Hamptonville, NC Michael Sylvester Caple II...... Morven, NC Caitlin Anne Chanas...... Stillwater, NJ Kevin Louis Peil...... Dunkirk, MD Jenny Clemente Celis...... Caracas, Venezuela Fonzer Curtis Clemons...... Walnut Cove, NC Zachary Patterson Pittman...... Charlotte, NC Jason Scott Cornelius...... Wake Forest, NC Kelly Marie Collins...... Cary, NC Brandon Everett Raleigh...... Greensboro, NC Dennis Michael Curtin...... Charlotte, NC Benjamin Judson Conine...... Mooresville, NC Rene Gustavo Ramirez...... Charlotte, NC Ryan Waitman Day...... Silsbee, TX Catherine Brooke Conrad...... Charlotte, NC Crystal Janette Redfern...... Charlotte, NC Elisaveta Dejkoska...... Struga, Macedonia Stephen Trent Corbin...... Richmond, VA Kathryn Mills Reece...... Winston-Salem, NC Karl Sebastian Ekberg...... Stockholm, Sweden Tushar Murlidhar Dabhade...... Nashik, Maharashtra, India Joyce Lillian Ritchie...... Salisbury, NC Jorge Armando Gonzalez...... Managua, Nicaragua Whitney Ann Dawson...... Kilmarnock, VA Daniel Edward Sánchez...... Atlanta, GA Joshua O’Neil Green...... Greensboro, NC Bradley Russell Divins...... Charlotte, NC Adji Fatou Abdou Seck...... Dakar, Senegal Jordan Daniel Heil...... Coxs Creek, KY Charles Eccles Elliott, Jr...... Charlotte, NC Maret Decker Seitz...... Pittsburgh, PA Jessica O’Neal Hill...... Charlotte, NC Adam Joseph Elrod...... Winston-Salem, NC Christopher Michael Sheppard...... Winston-Salem, NC Davidson Robert Hobson...... Spartanburg, SC Joshua Kyle Faucette...... Greensboro, NC Sharadendu Kumar Singh...... Charlotte, NC Vanessa Hosein...... Charlotte, NC Laura Elizabeth Faust...... Concord, NC Dustin Woodard Stancil...... Wilson, NC Courtney Etter Hutchison...... Charlotte, NC Aaron Charles Filipponi...... Winston-Salem, NC Maureen Elizabeth Sterbling...... Matthews, NC David George Jastrzebski...... Reston, VA Andrew John Fischer...... Huntersville, NC Kevin Scott Stewart...... Statesville, NC Sarah Elizabeth Johnson...... Knoxville, TN David Bean Fisher, Jr...... Lexington, KY Royce Rosario Syracuse...... Holbrook, NY Yolanda Denise Law...... Greensboro, NC Claire Kearney Foster...... Wilmington, NC Brittney Summerlin Taylor...... Charlotte, NC Gregory Philip Lawrence...... Winston-Salem, NC Michael DeShane Foster...... Jamestown, NC Benjamin R. Teague...... Kernersville, NC Efrain Lemus...... Charlotte, NC Michael Andrew Freelove...... Orlando, FL Alex Kenneth Teal...... Buffalo, NY Rakesh Hassanand Parwani...... Fort Mill, SC Lester Jerard Giles...... Columbia, SC David Alexander Truesdale...... Columbia, SC Colin Adrian Richardson...... Charlotte, NC Charles Max Graeub III...... High Point, NC Benjamin Michael VanWagner...... Blacksburg, VA Vicki Michele Rogers...... Cincinnati, OH Thomas James Groner...... Warren, OH Jacob Robert Velky...... North Augusta, SC Justin Louis Romero...... Charlotte, NC Mark Adam Guthrie...... Charlotte, NC Li Wang §§§...... Carmel, IN George Henry Russell II...... Charlotte, NC Bryan David Hajtovik...... Fort Lauderdale, FL Tyler David Weir...... Sault Sainte Marie, MI Matthew Peters Sauer...... Spencerport, NY Jason Patrick Handley...... Waxhaw, NC Sarah Pearce Wetenhall...... Rochester, NY Ashley Shanea Schofield...... Orangeburg, SC Alfonso Harding, Jr...... Brooklyn, NY Doreen Astrid Suzanne Whitley Rogers...... Blue Point, NY Carl Andre Smart...... Charlotte, NC Elizabeth Ellen Harrington...... Charlotte, NC Katharine Rebekah Williams...... Tampa, FL Alexandra Nicole Steuterman...... Charlotte, NC Jonathan Lee Hinderliter...... Chapel Hill, NC Leonard Lamont Williams...... Concord, NC David C. Stevens...... Charlotte, NC Fritz Hjardemaal...... Meyotte, Haiti Drew Michael Wozniak...... Charlotte, NC Steven Christopher Strout...... Charlotte, NC Derrian Lamar Hollingsworth...... Virginia Beach, VA Andrew Michael Zancanaro...... Charlotte, NC Thomas Bain Sullivan...... Cornelius, NC Bartley Mitchell Hostetler...... Strasburg, OH Harley Allen Thomas III...... Linden, AL Tara Poole Hostetter...... Disputanta, VA

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Ahmed Taha Abd-Elkader Benjamin Judson Conine Mark Adam Guthrie Katherine Marie Nygren Bradford Chase Smith Leigh Thomas Anderson Catherine Brooke Conrad Elizabeth Ellen Harrington Colin Adrian Richardson Maureen Elizabeth Sterbling Kevin Shane Batchelor Whitney Ann Dawson Ishaan Kapoor Joyce Lillian Ritchie Steven Christopher Strout John Paul Burns Adam Joseph Elrod Patrick Thomas Harold McGrath Daniel Edward Sánchez Vance Robert Witman Lindsay Dixon McNabb


Salahudeen Ra’id Cheeks Abdul-Malik...... New Haven, CT William Tidwell Anderson...... Atlanta, GA Cody Austin Beckett...... Raleigh, NC Alyssa Delores Adams...... Marietta, GA Abrea Cherelle Armstrong...... Winston-Salem, NC Thaddeus Arlen Beeker, Jr...... Mobile, AL Brandon Thomas Alston...... Philadelphia, PA Grace Elizabeth Auton...... Hickory, NC Abigail Jillian Beggs...... Greenville, SC Michael Joseph Amato...... Orange, CT Garry Carlin Baker, Jr...... Atlanta, GA Katherine Jean Berchtold...... Laguna Beach, CA

* In Absentia § Dual degree Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration §§ Dual degree Doctor of Medicine/Master of Business Administration §§§ Dual degree Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Business Administration 16 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN MANAGEMENT (Continued)

Chelsey Taylor Boulden...... Midlothian, VA Timothy Michael Hines...... Kings Mountain, NC Zachary Minzner Pipkorn...... Panama City Beach, FL Madison Kendall Brown...... Zanesville, OH Victoria Hunter Hitz...... Ogden, UT Mary Katherine Prince...... Wilson, NC Rebecca Simmons Brown...... Spartanburg, SC Qianyi Hou...... Dalian, China Ashley Paige Rivenbark...... Charlotte, NC Richard Graham Budd...... Winston-Salem, NC Anggie Vania Huamani...... High Point, NC James Lowndes Robbins...... Tampa, FL Arianna Jade Burkeen...... Winston-Salem, NC Branden Michael Ibarra...... Garfield, NM Kathryn Anne Roberts...... Little Rock, AR Laura Jane Burris...... Valdese, NC Fadi Said Issa...... Ann Arbor, MI Erica Sachiko Robertson...... Fairview, PA Tavia Marissa Campbell...... Philadelphia, PA Rebecca Ann Jackowitz...... Anchorage, KY Dillon Oliver Robinson...... Kannapolis, NC Shaun May Casey...... Daytona Beach, FL Kelsey Nicole Jensen...... Oak Park, CA Yaniel Rodriguez...... Corona, Queens, NY Alexandra Louise Cella...... New Bern, NC Ruigang Jia...... Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Regina Angelica Ruth Rogers...... St. Louis, MO Charmaine Jannelle Charmant...... New York City, NY Jennifer Louise Johnson...... Plano, TX Olivia Caroline Schichtel...... Lakeland, FL Keri Rose Church...... Peachtree City, GA Lukas Daniel Bryson Johnson...... Winston-Salem, NC Victoria Leland Shaffrey...... Charlottesville, VA Brittany Nicole Coleman...... Las Vegas, NV Rachel Ellis Jordan...... Medford, NJ James Grant Shambley...... Cary, NC Rachel Lynne Connor...... Granite Falls, NC Brittanie Danielle Joyner...... Alexandria, VA Meredith Rhinehart Sharp...... Wilson, NC Morgan Kennedy Cooper...... Houston, TX John Michael Kamer...... Germanton, NC Kevin James Shefferly...... Midlothian, VA Kenneth Paul Cox, Jr...... Columbia, SC Jordan Russell Keesee...... Memphis, TN Chen Shen...... Vancouver, BC John Goodall Crosthwaite...... Columbia, SC Hannah Elizabeth Kerns...... Charleston, SC Jake Ryan Skillings...... Asheville, NC Daniel Morris Curtis...... Marietta, GA Irene Kim...... Nutley, NJ Tyler Lynn Skinner...... New Lenox, IL Leah Catherine Daniel...... Blanch, NC Taylor Kirkland...... Greenville, NC Christopher James Smith...... Rye, NY Hunter Thomas Dean...... Beaufort, SC David Keith Kistler...... Hickory, NC Janet Soto...... Dallas, TX Bealela Imani Donnelly...... Baltimore, MD Scott Mitchell Komorek...... San Antonio, TX Anne Pierce Stafford...... Johnson City, TN Trevor John Doolittle...... Milford, CT Fiyinfoluwa Helen Korede...... Lawrenceville, GA Laurie Beatrice Stancil...... Spring Hope, NC Havilah Cassia Driver...... Atlanta, GA Antonio Maurice Kornegay, Jr...... Maysville, NC MaryAlice Patricia Stephens...... Aurora, IL Donn Edward Duncan III...... Easley, SC Charles Alexander Kramer...... Coral Springs, FL Ayana Renee Stukes...... Nokesville, VA David Christopher Edwards...... Asheville, NC William Alexander Krowchuk...... Winston-Salem, NC Addison McKinley Sutton...... Winston-Salem, NC Aubrey Nicole Everett...... Winston-Salem, NC Cherish LaRell Liles...... Waxhaw, NC Yue Tan...... Shanghai, China Abimbola OluToye Falaiye...... Ife, Nigeria ShirWan Lee Little...... Laurinburg, NC Trac Alexander Tassan...... Zanesville, OH Brandon James Flowe...... Charlotte, NC Zinan Lou...... Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Araba Mirba Bondzi Taylor...... Orlando, FL Aaron Gabriel Fossas...... Dudley, MA Niki Davoudi Makkinejad...... Vienna, VA Eyden Mylia Thomas...... Charlotte, NC Harold John Foster...... Midlothian, VA Kathleen Patricia Marrese...... Wilmington, NC Roberts Decatur Timberlake...... Winston-Salem, NC Maleek Erik Frazier...... Charlottesville, VA MaryClaire Cathey Martin...... Atlanta, GA Christopher Alexander Utsey...... Glen Ridge, NJ Charlotte Shung Gable...... Charleston, SC Patrick Newton Martin...... Richmond, VA Kathryn Grace Wallace...... Brooklyn, NY Crystall Dominique Gabriel...... Charlotte, NC Paul Joseph Martin...... Miami, FL Ryan Parker Wallace...... Kill Devil Hills, NC Christina Elena Gabriele...... Miami, FL Blake Michael McClaren...... Howell, NJ Jenny Johanna Warnken...... Naples, FL Garrison Robert Gay...... Statesville, NC Donald William McCullough III...... Harwich, MA Alexia Rae Washington...... Pascagoula, MS Casey Art’ne Gonder...... Flint, MI Brittany Devan McCurry...... Fort Mill, SC Kole Chandler Wernowsky...... Acworth, GA Nicholas Perry Graham...... Southern Shores, NC Stacy Nicole McElroy...... Atlanta, GA Melanie Katherine Williams...... Apex, NC Taylor Kathryn Grant...... Edmond, OK Edward Francis McGuiggan IV...... Haverhill, MA Ashley Kathryn Wylie...... Greensboro, NC Joshua Andrew Gregory...... Goodlettsville, TN John William McIntyre III...... Atlanta, GA Meghan Elise Yacuzzo...... Kannapolis, NC Adam Geoffrey Grossman...... Morrisville, NC Amar Kumar Meena...... Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Brandon Michael Yarusi...... Belmar, NJ Siddharth Vighneshwar Gummuluru...... Hyderabad, India Parker Karl Mincey...... Clemmons, NC Lu Yuan...... Yuncheng, Shanxi, China Joshua Montavian Harris...... Raeford, NC Ryan Patrick Morse...... Coral Springs, FL Yihang Zhou...... Shanghai, China Benjamin Bishop Hartshorn...... Wayne, PA Conor Michael Murphy...... Mill Valley, CA Devin Louise Zimmerman...... Wellington, FL William Cornelius Hawks...... Jacksonville, FL Vera Chinenye Obinwanne...... White Plains, NY Caroline Elizabeth Hayward...... Chicago, IL Mauricio Rogelio Ogando...... Alexandria, VA Ping He...... Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Obinna Chukwudi Okani...... Orange, NJ CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Joel Keppel Hellman...... Norfolk, VA Layton Scott Osgood...... Richmond, VA Imani Caroline Higginson...... Amherst, MA Margaret Rose Patrick...... Winnsboro, SC John Martin Carey...... Cockeysville, MD Anne Marie Hillgartner...... Morgantown, WV Thomas Xavier Petrini...... Pittsburgh, PA Victoria Geng White...... Charlotte, NC

MASTER OF ARTS IN MANAGEMENT GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Grace Elizabeth Auton Maleek Erik Frazier Victoria Hunter Hitz Donald William McCullough III Ryan Parker Wallace Laura Jane Burris Joshua Andrew Gregory Rachel Ellis Jordan Ashley Paige Rivenbark Jenny Johanna Warnken Alexandra Louise Cella Timothy Michael Hines Taylor Kirkland Erica Sachiko Robertson Melanie Katherine Williams MaryClaire Cathey Martin

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF DIVINITY Lindsey Michelle Altvater...... Greensboro, NC Brittany Lynn Glaser §§...... Covington, GA Angel Furmarita Lee...... Washington, DC Andrew J. Burner...... Winston-Salem, NC Joshua Karl Godwin...... Wade, NC Marcus Elijah McGill...... Young Harris, GA Michelle Anita Butler ‡...... Capitol Heights, MD Maranda Shamika Greene...... Winston-Salem, NC Richard Joseph Mchau...... Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Patrick Ivan Cardwell...... Eden, NC Christine Elizabeth Hargraves...... Chester, VA Maria Zawadi Nkonge §...... Greensboro, NC Angela Faye Chavis...... Greensboro, NC James Crockett Harris...... Chesapeake, VA Kenneth Alexander Pettigrew...... Winston-Salem, NC Elizabeth Ann Corney...... St. Pauls, NC Sidney Brian Thomas Hayes...... Whispering Pines, NC Adam Ciarán Plant...... Asheboro, NC Kevin R. Deibert...... Littleton, CO Emily Anne Hedrick...... Telford, PA Daniel Thomas Potter...... Chapel Hill, NC Pia LaShawnda Diggs...... Charlotte, NC Randy Leon Jackson...... Memphis, TN Rachel Margaret Revelle...... Murfreesboro, NC Helena Margarete Epstein...... Winston-Salem, NC Nicole Mellaney Johnson §§§...... Belize City, Belize David Michael Russell...... Charlotte, NC Ashley Sarah Escoe §...... Arnoldsville, GA Stanley Earl Johnson Jr. ‡...... Lansing, MI Jesse Mark Sorrell...... Hickory, NC Beatrice Marie Franklin...... Glendale, CA Vivian Ann Jones-Johnson...... Browns Summit, NC Austin Ryan Thomas...... Kennesaw, GA Kristin Nicole Fulton...... Winston-Salem, NC Rayce Jackson Lamb...... Hendersonville, NC

* In Absentia ‡ Participation only § Dual degree MDiv/JD §§ Dual degree MDiv/Counseling §§§ Dual degree MDiv/Sustainability 17 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF DIVINITY (Continued)

CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Larke Alexandria Blanton...... Brevard, NC Sara Elizabeth Smith...... Warrensville, NC

CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Crystal M. Rook...... Winston-Salem, NC

CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS WAKE FOREST COLLEGE Hayden George Abene...... Clayton, NC Raquel Manwaadt Broehm...... Arlington, MA Kathleen Patricia Darling...... Killingworth, CT Jacqueline Ann Acierno...... New York, NY Andrew Keyes Broughton...... Towson, MD Lauren Alexandra Darnis...... Stuart, FL Clara Bennett Adams...... Kernersville, NC Abigail Elizabeth Brown...... Charlotte, NC Akshay Jaimini Dave...... Smyrna, GA Susan Ashley Alexander...... Chevy Chase, MD Ian Donovan Brown...... Winston-Salem, NC Dale Austin Davis...... Salisbury, NC Jackson McKenzie Allan ‡...... Manhattan Beach, CA Trevor Scott Brown...... Long Valley, NJ Jaclyn Elizabeth Davis...... Marblehead, MA Abigail Paige Allardice...... Mount Pleasant, SC Delaney Lee Brummer...... Denver, NC Lane Gray Davis...... Marietta, GA Mary Monica Allen...... Bethesda, MD Francis Edward Bruni...... Hebron, KY Alyssa Michelle Day...... Galesville, MD Katerina Maria Allen-Kefalinos...... Miami, FL Tanner Michael Brusko...... Edenton, NC Olivia Jeanne Hartman de Fouchier...... Le Vesinet, France Meredith Audrie Allison...... Wilmington, NC Brianna Nicole Bryan...... Raleigh, NC Taylor Deaton...... Los Altos, CA Mallory Kimball Allred...... Thorndale, PA Samuel Hunter Bryant...... Raleigh, NC Tanner Antoinette DeBellis...... Winston-Salem, NC Hannah Suzanne Alms...... Catawba, NC Alex Edward Bucella...... Rochester, NY William Aubrae DeBuse IV *...... Belgrade, MT Lindsey Drew Alpeter...... Darien, CT Rebecca May Buchanan...... Mequon, WI Joseph Daniel Decaminada...... Goldens Bridge, NY Aeriel Jayne Alston...... Raleigh, NC Emily Catherine Buchardt...... Southlake, TX Victoria Elizabeth DeLuca...... Williston, VT Katherine Margaret Ambrose...... Westport, CT Caroline Dalton Burden...... Rockville, MD Jon Michael Derewicz...... Ardmore, PA Andrea Sarah Anderson...... Bowie, MD Ashley Victoria Burdin...... Boynton Beach, FL Javier O. Diaz Orihuela...... Morehead City, NC Meredith M. Anderson...... North Palm Beach, FL Nicholas Nelson Burroughs...... Centreville, VA Taylor Allison Dickens...... Raleigh, NC John Weldon Andrew...... Fort Myers, FL Nina Camille Burruss...... Louisville, KY Joseph Michael DiLeo ‡...... Austin, TX Elliott Preston Andrews...... New Bern, NC Nicole Marie Cahill...... Cary, NC Ja’Keena Jael Dillard...... Chattanooga, TN Kelci Marie Anguiano...... Hawthorne, CA Danielle Prather Cales...... Silver Spring, MD Alec Dale DiPietro...... Lutherville, MD Timothy Antchoutine *...... Glen Cove, NY Siobhan Frances Callahan...... Bryn Mawr, PA Brant Cary Dixon...... Winston-Salem, NC Caroline Elizabeth Antonacci...... Greenwich, CT Nicole Beth Capobianco...... Port Jefferson, NY James Christian Doerfler...... Flat Rock, NC Christopher Manuel Aragon...... San Antonio, TX Taylor Ann Carbary...... Seattle, WA Keenan Patrick Doheny...... Madison, CT Jessica Kathleen Arnall...... Vienna, VA GeorgiAnna Irene Carbone-Wynne...... New York, NY Emma Margaret Dolgos...... Yonkers, NY Olivia Rose Awad...... New York, NY Ellen Adrienne Carey...... Arlington, VA Abigail Callan Donaldson...... Hobe Sound, FL Alyshah Aziz...... Grapevine, TX Morgan Teressa Carlton...... Lenoir, NC Steven Edward Donatell...... Lake Forest, IL Eleanore Bacani...... Houston, TX Robert James Caron...... Seattle, WA Sean Patrick Dougherty...... Pittsburgh, PA James Hinton Pou Bailey III...... Atlantic Beach, NC Kaitlyn Marie Catanzarite ...... Sidney, OH Taylor Willie deChabert Dow...... Lumberton, NJ Melissa Austin Bair...... Columbus, OH Serena Elizabeth Cates...... Acton, MA Kaitlyn Adele Dry...... Minden, NV KaDeidra Sinclair Elizabeth Baker...... Earl, NC Adelina Denise Cato...... Albemarle, NC Hannah Elizabeth Duane...... Roswell, GA Karan Singh Bakshi ‡...... Chestnut Hill, MA Kathryn Noel Cavanaugh...... Cape Elizabeth, ME Patrick Aidan Duffy...... Clinton, NJ Troy Richard Baldwin...... Little Silver, NJ Stephanie Cernuto...... Mooresville, NC Kirsten Wiley Dyer...... Charlotte, NC Ann Kelly Ball...... Lexington, KY Edward Andrew Chaplin...... Greenwich, CT Elizabeth Holloway Earle...... Clemmons, NC Kandice Breanna Ball...... Radford, VA Olivia Michelle Cheney...... Austin, TX Victoria Elizabeth Elliott...... Frederick, MD Jessica Katherine Baroff...... Durham, NC Fabienne Cherubin...... Miami, FL Alexa Richelle Dykema Erb...... Durham, NC Emily Clare Barshay...... Atlanta, GA Tai Cierra Simone Chisholm Hensley...... Clemmons, NC Christopher Philip Evershed...... Toronto, ON Christian McLain Bartholomew...... Dallas, TX Olivia Lee Clark...... Cooksville, MD Sophia Marie Faltin...... Louisville, KY Isabella Lauren Basco...... Cordova, TN Bennett Ian Clifford...... Lexington, MA Allison Michelle Farmer...... Dallas, TX Amber Nikole Bates...... North Augusta, SC Claude Carr Cody V...... Houston, TX Christopher Phillippe Federici ‡...... Sewell, NJ Bridget Mary Bauman...... Brookeville, MD John Raymond Collins II...... Litchfield, CT Ansley Max Fennell...... Dunn, NC Andrea Becker...... Matthews, NC Blair Lewis Congdon...... Nantucket, MA Sarah Linda Fine...... Coral Springs, FL Juliet McAndrews Beckstrand...... Edina, MN William Lewis Conner...... Hendersonville, NC Molly Jane Finegan...... Charlotte, NC Chelsea Coralie Bellomy...... Beaufort, SC Michael Thomas Connolly...... Louisville, KY Kevin Michael Finnegan...... Hebron, CT Nicole Marek Berlin...... Virginia Beach, VA Austin Remmers Cook...... Lancaster, PA Kevin Lyons Fischer...... Warren, NJ Caroline Elizabeth Bertoni...... Westfield, NJ Michael Alexander Cooper...... Blackwood, NJ William Murphy Fischer...... Warren, NJ Anne Clara Biermann...... Denver, CO Rachel Erin Cox...... Tampa, FL Anthony William Fitzgerald III...... Millburn, NJ Melanie Elizabeth Blackmon...... Lake Forest, IL Coleman Craddock-Willis...... Sharon, MA Meghan FitzGerald...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Samuel David Bloom...... Hinsdale, IL Michaela Ann Cragg...... Durham, NC Catherine Alexis Ford...... Goldsboro, NC Samantha Jo Boesch...... Lake In The Hills, IL Anne Campbell Crockett...... Raleigh, NC Lauren Elizabeth Formica...... Marietta, GA Chandler Elise Borton...... Winston-Salem, NC William Garrett Crotty...... Charlotte, NC Perrin Benet Fugo...... Cleveland Heights, OH Victoria Danielle Boyle...... Oak Hill, VA Elizabeth Mairead Veronica Crowe...... Annapolis, MD Dean Alexander Furst...... Fairfax, VA Catherine Louise Bradley...... Mebane, NC Jared DelRay Crump...... Jacksonville, FL Hannah Michelle Gulbranson Gable...... San Rafael, CA Rachel Ione Bradley...... Mebane, NC Caroline Shea Cunningham...... Winston-Salem, NC Kelsey Lynne Gaier...... Haddonfield, NJ William Harris Braun ‡...... New York, NY Jake Robert Cunningham...... Gillette, NJ Madeleine Rose Elvira Gaiman...... Menomonie, WI Daniel Michael Brennan...... Newtown Square, PA Catherine Elizabeth Currin...... Raleigh, NC Lindsey Meryl Gallinek...... Summit, NJ Gregory Bryson Brewer II...... Clemmons, NC Taylor Marie Curry...... Greensboro, NC Kathryn Newell Gamble...... Jefferson City, MO Adam Warren Bridgers...... Wendell, NC Lucas Paul Czajkowski...... Fleming Island, FL Hope Michelle Game...... Marietta, GA Sara Elizabeth Brigagliano...... Arlington, VA Valerie Milena Dahmen...... Duisburg, Germany Ryan William Ganshirt...... Winston-Salem, NC Vitor Domont Lassance Britto...... New York, NY Frederick Matthew Daley...... Southborough, MA Katelyn Mallory Garcia...... Key West, FL

* In Absentia ‡ Participation only § Dual degree MDiv/JD §§ Dual degree MDiv/Counseling §§§ Dual degree MDiv/Sustainability 18 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS (Continued)

Kent Turk Garrett...... Noblesville, IN Sarah Stewart Hoyle...... Clemmons, NC Savannah Rita Maroney...... Hingham, MA Melissa Anne Gauthier...... Charlotte, NC Xinyu Hu...... Hangzhou, China Clarielle Janey Ruth Marsh...... Winston-Salem, NC Darren Otis Jerome Geiger Jr...... Raleigh, NC Zhongyi Huang...... Zhongshan, China Stephen Francis Martinelli...... Albany, NY Moriah Nicole Gendy ‡...... Rural Hall, NC Robert Ryon Huddleston...... Burke, VA Victoria Leigh Mason...... Wheeling, WV Seth Marshall Gerringer...... Burlington, NC Emma Elizabeth Huelskamp...... Cookeville, TN William Theodore Matthews IV...... Riviera Beach, FL Sabrina Isabelle Giacometti...... New York, NY William Joseph Huesman III ‡...... Winston-Salem, NC Kelly Jean McAdam...... Little Silver, NJ Matille Clark Gibbons...... Lutherville, MD Kathryn Anne Huggins...... Macon, GA Arianne Elizabeth McArdle...... Sewickley, PA Alexander John Gibson...... Redmond, WA Anne Catherine Hull...... Manhasset, NY Alana Marie McCarthy...... New York, NY William Todd Gilbert ‡...... Bedford, NY Muqaddas Ibrahim...... Hillsboro, OR Jane Love McGraw...... Short Hills, NJ Stephen McCarthy Goddard Jr...... Richmond, VA Madison Rae Inglett ‡...... Marietta, GA Devin Christopher McIlvain...... Huntington, WV Sarah McKenzie Godwin...... San Jose, CA Matthew Alexander Ioannou...... Manhasset, NY Gilbert Odell McGregor ‡...... Charlotte, NC Emily Michelle Goodman...... Ossining, NY Alexandra Caroline Irvine...... Glen Allen, VA Siobhan Celina McIntyre...... Goldsboro, NC Alexander Jones Goodwin...... Pittsburgh, PA Jonathan David Jackson...... Kennesaw, GA Miles Jordan McKeller-Smith...... Fayetteville, NC Brian William Gordon...... Short Hills, NJ Kate Elizabeth Jacobsen...... Delray Beach, FL Natalie Lynnette McKinney...... Dallas, NC Zachary Jefferson Gordon...... Carrollton, GA Micah Lloyd James...... Burnsville, NC Cherina Jo McKnight...... Winston-Salem, NC Meghan Quinn Gormley...... Rye, NY Anujan Jeevaprakash...... Irvine, CA Addison Scott McLamb...... Lexington, NC Caroline Elizabeth Gould...... Atlanta, GA Colin Michael Johnson...... Southlake, TX Michael Joseph McLaughlin...... Long Valley, NJ Caroline Louise Green...... Phoenix, MD Henry Waller Johnson...... New York, NY Robert Stephen McLellan...... Aspen, CO Dallas Nicole Green ‡...... High Point, NC Terra Nicole Johnson...... North Wilkesboro, NC John Connor Meehan...... Chadds Ford, PA James William Green IV...... Riverside, CT William David Johnson...... North Andover, MA Alicia Marie Meglio...... Larchmont, NY Megan Michelle Gruber...... Newnan, GA Samantha Leigh Jones...... Randolph, NJ Jessie Nicole Merckle...... Hickory, PA Kelly Margaret Guin...... Fairfax Station, VA Sara Gabriela Jones...... Fairfax, VA Kristen Victoria Merlo...... East Greenwich, RI Avery Elizabeth Hale...... Kentfield, CA Gaurav Singh Judge ‡...... Cary, NC Matthew Jeffrey Merriman...... Winston-Salem, NC Grace Margaret Hallinan...... West Hartford, CT Emily Hileman Kalis...... Radnor, PA Harrison Urdang Messer...... Quogue, NY Eleanor Murchison Hamilton...... Greenwich, CT Robert Collier Kaltenbach...... Paducah, KY Preston Worthington Metz...... Washington, DC M. Adam Hammer...... Houston, TX Garrett Franklin Kelly...... Fresno, CA Hassam Sajid Mian...... Winston-Salem, NC Caroline Jane Hardin...... Durham, NC Nicholas Michael Kelly...... Morristown, NJ Niara Makeba Michael...... Herndon, VA Parris Koren Hardy...... Dobson, NC Helen Lydia Kemeny...... Grove City, PA Stephen Jacob Michaelsen...... Newport Beach, CA Sadie Ann Marie Harlan...... Louisville, KY Elizabeth Ann Kennard...... Winston-Salem, NC Colton George Mienke...... Albemarle, NC Michael McDowell Harmon III...... Danville, KY Kathryn Lee Kennedy...... Charlotte, NC Alison Kay Miller...... Amarillo, TX Andrew Everett Harris...... Baltimore, MD Thomas Andrew Keshian...... Winston-Salem, NC Brandon Jesse Miller...... Montgomery, TX Christa Lynn Harris...... Huntersville, NC Kylie Rae Kinder...... Oak Park, CA Christian James Miller...... Bethesda, MD Myles Christian Harris ‡...... Chicago, IL Alexa Nicole King...... Dallas, TX Mary Katherine Miller...... Fort Worth, TX Tylor De’Ondre Harris...... Baton Rouge, LA Katharine Davis Kittrell...... Coppell, TX Codi Tyree Miller-McIntyre...... Concord, NC Alana Ruth Harrison...... Hatteras, NC Joseph Dale Klein...... Minneapolis, MN William Clay Milliken...... Tampa, FL Brian Thomas Hart...... Oxford, NC Rachel Aileen Klein...... Darien, CT Ashley Morgan Mills...... Smithfield, NC Dallas Ryan Hartley...... Pilot Mountain, NC Victoria Rose Koch...... Old Greenwich, CT Benjamin Clark Mills...... Elkins Park, PA Moe Hashem...... Mooresville, NC Luke Gabriel Kohler...... Winston-Salem, NC Sarah Catherine Millsaps...... Raleigh, NC Patrick Joseph Hathaway...... Norwell, MA Mobin Koohestani *...... Weston, FL Ellie Kathryn Mobley...... Sarasota, FL William Niedermaier Hayden...... Greenwich, CT Kimberly Ann Korzen...... Kernersville, NC Jacob Alexander Mojeski...... Wilson, NY Andrew Clifford Hayes...... Fletcher, NC Elizabeth Aldridge Kuehn...... Jacksonville, FL Kyle Phillip Monsees...... Chevy Chase, MD Caroline Catherine Hayes...... Givrins, Switzerland Nicholas Rudolf Kunz ‡...... Hilton Head Island, SC Ji Hae Moon...... Belle Mead, NJ Leah Justine Haynes...... Archdale, NC Alexandre Davis La Palme...... Atlanta, GA Yasmeen Emmanuelle Moorman...... Saint Michaels, MD William John Hayward...... Glenview, IL Andrew Taylor Lackey...... Myrtle Beach, SC Sarah Elizabeth Moran...... Murrells Inlet, SC Tyler Andrew Hayworth ‡...... Kingsport, TN Fletcher Thomas Laico...... Warwick, NY Mary Catherine Morel...... Atlanta, GA William Patton Hearn...... Charlotte, NC Samantha Elizabeth Larsen...... San Clemente, CA Kurstyn Elizabeth Morley...... Colorado Springs, CO Felix Maria Akos Hechl...... Marshall, VA Lee Martin Larson IV...... Falmouth, ME Tyler Arthur Thomas Mott...... Waxhaw, NC Andrew George Heckler ‡...... Old Saybrook, CT Marcus Anthony Lauria...... West Chester, PA Kaitlin Marie Mundy...... Asheville, NC Karen MacConnor Heindel...... Newnan, GA Mary Elizabeth Lawrence...... Midlothian, VA Carolyn Piper Murphy...... Chevy Chase, MD Bennett Vieira Heine...... Louisville, KY Aaron Yue-Hin Lee...... Glen Cove, NY Gabriela Sofia Navarro...... Bryn Mawr, PA Benjamin Clay Helms...... Monroe, NC Caroline Elizabeth Lee...... Winston-Salem, NC William Alexander Neinast...... Gastonia, NC Drew Kenneth Henderson...... Richmond, VA Dakota Mackenzie Lee ‡...... Knoxville, TN Joseph Boyd Nelson...... Stoneville, NC Jasmine R. Henderson...... Ruffin, NC Maximiliaan Renier Lemmens...... Winston-Salem, NC Madeline Lucey Nelson...... Alamo, CA Millicent Scotten Hennessey...... New York, NY Allison Caitlin Leon...... Brandon, FL Mackenzie Peyton Nix...... Greenwich, CT John Francis Hennessy III...... Kenilworth, IL Alexander Steven Lerangis...... Greenwich, CT Amanda Beatrix Huntington Norris...... Surfside, FL Margaret Ann Henry...... Beverly, MA Sophia Cecelia Leveque...... Newport Beach, CA Bianca Ariel Norris ‡...... Winston-Salem, NC Rachael Claire Henry...... Pleasanton, CA Henri Rouanet Levy...... Dallas, TX Ryann Louise Oakley...... Greensboro, NC Rachael Joy Herman...... Charleston, SC Sarah Ann Lewis...... Madison, NJ James David O’Geary...... Augusta, GA Hailey Helen Hershberger...... Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Emma Jane Lingan...... Fairfax, VA Daniel Miller Oglesby...... Atlanta, GA Alfred Vincent Hess II...... Tampa, FL Allison Hunter Link...... Roanoke, VA Shannon Jean O’Hanlon...... Marietta, GA John Roger Hickman IV...... Princeton, WV Evan Nicholas Little...... Kinderhook, NY Madeleine Jane O’Hare...... Annapolis, MD Elizabeth Tindale Hickson...... Mount Gilead, OH Caroline Curtis Livesay...... Greensboro, NC Taylor Ann Olson...... Winnetka, IL Joshua Fielding Hilgartner...... Mebane, NC Cameran Elizabeth Llewellyn...... Cana, VA Chukwuemeka Theodore Oputa...... Gainesville, VA Ann Evatt Hill...... Mount Pleasant, SC Katherine Abigail Llewellyn...... Winston-Salem, NC Kelley Elizabeth Ostrander...... Winston-Salem, NC Samuel Edward Buckingham Hinman...... Asheville, NC Allison Rose Loeb...... Ipswich, MA Megan Gallagher O’Toole...... Bronxville, NY Jonathan Cailen Ho...... Cape Coral, FL Meaghan Elizabeth Long...... Orland Park, IL Matthieu Stephane Ott...... Midlothian, VA Gregory Charles Hoff...... Stamford, CT Brooke Elizabeth Lucas...... Annapolis, MD Elizabeth Farrell Ottenjohn...... Cincinnati, OH Andrew Joseph Hofmann...... Winston-Salem, NC Duncan James MacDougall...... Sewickley, PA Isabelle Meryem Outzen...... Burke, VA Hannah Kate Holliday...... New Canaan, CT Alexander Patrick MacLellan...... Marietta, GA Hannah Gabrielle Padrnos...... Avalon, NJ Tyler William Hollifield...... Spruce Pine, NC Caroline Lancaster Magee...... Roanoke, VA Collin Alan Palmer...... Saint Louis, MO Jiening Hong ‡...... Shenyang, China Shannon Rose Magee...... Marlton, NJ Lydia Caroline Pappas...... Pawleys Island, SC Hunter Cole Honnessy...... Minturn, CO Ashley Nicole Malachi...... Greensboro, NC Emily Bailey Pariseau...... Tampa, FL Alexandra Read Hoover...... Charlotte, NC Laura Quinn Maleckar *...... Castle Rock, CO De’Jana Tre’nell Parker...... Harvey, LA Charles Jackson Hoover III...... Marietta, GA Robert Emmett Maloney III...... Winston-Salem, NC Philip Bernard Parker...... Beaumont, TX Hopkins...... Clayton, NC Marissa Christina Mannikus...... Jackson, NJ Erin Elizabeth Patterson...... Orange Park, FL

* In Absentia ‡ Participation only 19 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS (Continued)

Alice Rebecca Pauly...... Kansas City, MO Matthew Anthony Simpson...... Duluth, GA Carol Taylor Waters...... Mooresville, NC Catherine Alexandra Pegram...... Midlothian, VA Mariana Carina Sims...... Odessa, FL Samiddhi Duranja Weerasiri...... Arden, NC Allison Elizabeth Pennington...... Blacksburg, SC William Rankin Sinden ‡...... Raleigh, NC Phillip Justin Weinstein...... Roslyn, NY Michael Cameron Peretz...... Hollywood, FL Margaret Anna Singer...... Prior Lake, MN John Franklin Weisbecker...... Phoenix, MD Evelyn Alexis Perez...... Winston-Salem, NC Allison Marie Siragusa...... Chagrin Falls, OH Timothy Daniel Weitzel...... Potomac, MD Caroline Elizabeth Perkins...... Roanoke, VA Rebecca Keating Skahen...... Concord, NC Blair Elizabeth Wessels...... Charleston, WV Harrison Talbot Perkins...... Greenwich, CT Ellen McNair Skeadas...... Savannah, GA Charles Thomas White...... Chicago, IL Allison Michelle Perrell ‡...... Germanton, NC Emma Rose Skeels...... Indianapolis, IN Kyli Metcalf White...... Duxbury, MA Maxwell Allen Perry...... Sutter Creek, CA Alexis Diane Slater...... La Canada, CA Matilda Joan Whitney...... Glen Mills, PA Sheriah Antionette Phelps *...... Lawndale, NC Mazella Shamel Sloan...... Laurel Hill, NC Camry Cache Wilborn...... Winston-Salem, NC Wynne Harrison Philpott...... Fort Worth, TX Emily Rachel Smith ‡...... Williamsburg, VA Darius LeMuel Williams...... Newport News, VA Lucy Emma Phipps...... Mouth of Wilson, VA Sierra Ashton Smith...... Ashburn, VA Devin Cassie Williams...... Ashburn, VA Melissa Amelia Picco...... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Terry Gene Smith Jr...... Greensboro, NC Emily Jo Williams...... Indianapolis, IN Alena Noel Pilichowski...... Seattle, WA Christina Mary Sonageri...... Upper Saddle River, NJ Hannah Caroline Williams...... Richmond, TX Andrew John Pillow •...... Fort Worth , TX Dingqi Song...... Qingdao, China Jonathan Aaron Williams...... Atlanta, GA Sebastian Pinzon...... Coral Springs, FL Lindsay Stewart Soo...... Durham, NC Luke Jamison Williams ‡...... Smithfield, NC Elizabeth Holly Piontkowski...... Sylvan Lake, MI Jared David Sossin...... West Islip, NY Helen Margaret Williford...... Raleigh, NC Mary Hannah Poole...... Reisterstown, MD Yasmin Abria Southerland...... Winston-Salem, NC Emily Elizabeth Wilson...... Atlanta, GA Stephen Wilson Powell ‡...... Atlanta, GA Sydney Marie Spangler...... Indian Trail, NC Kenneth Jacob Wilson III...... Aiken, SC Samuel Jonathan Preminger...... Fairfield, CT Kayla Rose Spech...... Montville, NJ Leo Carroll Wolfensohn...... Chappaqua, NY Alexandria Matthews Proehl...... Raleigh, NC Laura Anne Spurney...... Durham, NC Sarah Anne Wollett...... Suffolk, VA Erika Kathleen Quinn...... Anchorage, AK David Fielding Srinivasan...... West Chester, PA Anna Christine Wood...... Charleston, WV Lea Elisa Raptis...... Matthews, NC Matthew Maddox Stamey...... Rutherfordton, NC Badr Curtis Worrell...... Roanoke, VA Jonna Alice Elin Rautsola...... Potomac, MD Nora Elizabeth Standish...... Winston-Salem, NC Colleen Jeannette Young...... Papillion, NE Matalee Joy Reed...... Dallas, TX Abigail Leigh Stephens...... Salisbury, MD Matthew Benjamin Zerolnick...... Owings Mills, MD Kristina Martha Reese...... Greenwich, CT Cristina Grace Stewart...... North Caldwell, NJ Julia Zhang...... Fontenay Sous Bois, France Kaprea’ Danessa Reid...... Gastonia, NC Madeline Thompson Stone...... Houston, TX McKenzie Elizabeth Ziegler...... San Jose, CA Andrew Lee Renton ‡...... Bassett, VA Hannah Louise Storey...... Bethesda, MD Kelly Sailer Zullinger...... Winston-Salem, NC James Charles Reynolds...... Belmont, MA Stephanie Noel Sullan...... Greenwood Village, CO Adam Ryan Zureick...... Bloomfield Hills, MI Adam Conrad Richardson...... Richmond, VA Frances Jean Sullivan...... Walnut Cove, NC Meredith Sloane Richardson...... Roswell, GA Heather Dawn Sullivan...... Archdale, NC Devin Scott Ricker ‡...... Lincolnton, NC Luke Patrick Sullivan...... Aspen, CO CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Stewart James Rickert...... Bloomington, IN Thomas Eric Super...... Bethesda, MD William Whitfield Rielly III...... Pittsburgh, PA Lauren Alyse Sussman...... Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Daniel John Anderson...... Ashburn, VA Emma May Rigau...... Gloucester, VA Anna Catherine Sutton...... Warrenton, VA Andrew Saliwon Barelli...... New York, NY Anna Blythe Riggan...... Lexington, NC Nicholas Simeon Syris II...... Boca Raton, FL Emily Rose Bazel...... Old Hickory, TN Lauren Palmer Riley...... Baltimore, MD Thomas Alexander Taber...... Columbia, SC Otis Wade Bledsoe...... Greensboro, NC Katherine Taber Roberts...... East Greenwich, RI Erin Christine Tapp...... Atlanta, GA Robin Pearl Bleiweis...... Charlotte, NC Meagan O’Neill Robichaud...... Kernersville, NC Samantha Kate Tarde...... Fairfield, CT Karly Nichole Boyd...... Houston, TX Joey Rodriguez ‡...... Miami, FL Ataijah Shynice Taylor...... Roanoke, VA Jordan Bethany Bunn...... Williamsburg, VA Katherine Sarah Ross...... Tampa, FL Hollyn Chapman Taylor...... New Hope, PA Brandon Alexander Chubb...... Marietta, GA Charles Stewart Rubel *...... Lakeland, FL Julia Kathryn Taylor...... Lloyd Harbor, NY Peter Andrew Cohen...... Concord, MA Michael Daniel Rufrano...... Port Washington, NY Charles Alfred Thomas...... Farmington, CT Emma Whittaker Darden...... Kernersville, NC Kristin Elizabeth Running...... Hinsdale, IL Devin Robert Thomas...... Harrisburg, PA Rebecca Lynne Dorrell...... Greensboro, NC Katherine Rose Rush...... Atlanta, GA Edward Hudson Tillinghast IV...... New York, NY Jonathan Daniel Friedman...... Westport, CT Alessandra Christiane Russo...... Bethesda, MD Laura Eve Tiszenkel...... New Rochelle, NY Michael Cameron Gamble...... Columbia, MD Blake Edwin Rutledge...... Irving, TX Heather Elizabeth Trzyna ‡...... Bonita Springs, FL Ryan Taylor Glass...... Cincinnati, OH Madeline Elizabeth Ryan...... Potomac, MD Akosua Nyarko Tuffuor ‡...... Plainsboro, NJ Matthew Lawrence Haddad...... Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Mary Lindsay Ryan...... Marblehead, MA Walter Olaf Twetten...... Purcellville, VA Robin Alexander Haddock...... Grimesland, NC Carolina Ann Saca...... Atlanta, GA Antonio Ucar...... Miami, FL Marna Wael Hafez...... High Point, NC Robert Arthur Sakaguchi Jr...... Riverside, CA Amanda Carolyn Ulrich...... Vienna, VA Scott Allan Hallamore Jr...... Stonington, CT Allison Laura Sakowicz...... Park Ridge, IL Amee Bharat Upadhyay...... Vero Beach, FL Taylor Nicole Heiland...... Escondido, CA Samuel Tobias Salathe...... Coral Gables, FL Alexander Richard Vaccaro IV...... Gladwyne, PA Jarrett David Horne...... Deep Run, NC Cesar Ismael Salgado...... Austin, TX Savannah Valverde Twiggs...... Tiburon, CA Matthew Dylan Intemann...... Winston-Salem, NC Eric Farrell Sandrib...... Litchfield, CT Adrianne Constantina Varitimidis...... Greensboro, NC Emily Rose Jobe...... Summerfield, NC Maggie Alyssa Sandy ‡...... Wake Forest, NC Sarah Elizabeth Vianey...... Birmingham, AL Madison Alex Jones...... Raleigh, NC William Jacob Toy Sauer...... Hickory, NC Mary Mikaela Vicars...... Moseley, VA Alexander Kinal...... Adelaide, FC Bradley Alexander Sawyer ‡...... Roanoke Rapids, NC Valeria Villa...... Miami, FL Ania Beth Kirollos...... Saranac Lake, NY Hadley Jean Scharer...... Seattle, WA William Rivers Vingi...... Charleston, SC Daniel Joseph Koenigs...... Burlingame, CA George Michael Schmitz...... Huntington, NY Jason Walker...... Winston-Salem, NC Nicole Taylor Ladouceur...... Southern Pines, NC Clark Christopher Scroggin Jr. *...... McAllen, TX Brendan Patrick Walsh...... Bronxville, NY Juliette Muniz Lafargue...... Durham, NC Daniel Ryan Sechtin...... Florence, SC Daniel Wheeler Walsworth...... Leawood, KS Matthew Craig LaFollette...... Houston, TX William Cullen Selfridge...... Palm Beach Gardens, FL Essence Xandria Walton ‡...... Charlotte, NC Madeleine Eliza Langr...... Salt Lake City, UT Alexander Hayes Sharpe...... Atlanta, GA Melody Wang...... Rockville, MD Thomas Alan Loudermilk...... Acworth, GA Gabrielle Barrett Shea...... Arlington, VA Andrew Cogan Ward...... Midlothian, VA Christina Lynn Lucas...... Minneapolis, MN Hannah Kelly Shea...... Hartford, CT James Willie Ward...... Deland, FL Katherine Jaleh Mahdavi...... Bethesda, MD Hannah Audrey Sheffield...... Biscoe, NC Nicholas Evan Wardner...... Ann Arbor, MI Erin Renee Marshall...... Frankfort, KY Ivory Janee Shelton...... Erwin, TN Bria Nicole Ware...... Montgomery Village, MD Jack Christopher Meier...... Wilkesboro, NC Shangran Sheng...... Beijing, China Alexandra Leigh Warnock...... Daytona Beach, FL Brooke Anne Metz...... Suwanee, GA Lemeng Shi...... Pasadena, CA Hugo John Warns IV...... Reisterstown, MD Matthew Marc Muney...... Darien, CT Carmen Christi Short...... Coral Gables, FL Clyde Henry Warrington Jr *...... Charlotte, NC Eric McLean Ramsey...... Great Falls, VA Jacob Alexander Shubert...... Port Washington, NY Corey Jo Washburn...... Rutherfordton, NC Krista Marie Roberto...... Pittsburgh, PA Chanel Rayute Shulman...... Myrtle Beach, SC George Andre’ Washington III...... Rocky Mount, VA Chandler Quintin Rodriguez...... Duxbury, MA Harrison Hunter Silvers...... Weaverville, NC Victoria Nicole Washington...... Winston-Salem, NC Paul Thomas Shumaker...... Washington, DC

* In Absentia ‡ Participation only • In Memoriam 20 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS (Continued)

Daniel James Timpona...... Bethel Park, PA Shannon Rae Coleman...... Oak Hill, WV Francis Gerard Lewis...... Great Falls, VA Rachel Stephanie Wallen...... Bowie, MD Seth Graham Constable...... Winston-Salem, NC Lomar Lorenzo Osbourne...... Gaston, NC Evan Charles Woolford...... Boerne, TX Kevin Daniel Corcoran...... Yardley, PA Aaron Antwaia Rountree III...... Charlotte, NC Sina Zolghadr...... Vienna, VA Samuel Hartford Cramer...... Raleigh, NC Christopher Rogers Scordato...... Bethesda, MD Jacob Christopher Daunais...... King, NC Benjamin James Smith...... Winston-Salem, NC John Francis Devine...... Coconut Grove, FL Olivia Lomà Smith...... Knoxville, TN CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 David Christopher Edwards...... Asheville, NC Sara Marina Tappin...... Sierra Madre, CA Pauline Alexandra Arroyo...... Lexington, SC Grace Kathryn Harrington...... Philadelphia, PA Jamila Isoke Diane Terrell...... Hope Mills, NC Bryan Elliott Barach...... Niskayuna, NY Ryan Davey Jallad...... Billerica, MA Thomas James Thomas...... Huntington Beach, CA Kevin Coleman Barrett Jr...... Jamestown, RI Brian Edward Kincade...... Franklin Lakes, NJ Kamilla A Versi...... Gladstone, NJ


Grayson Blake Absher...... Greensboro, NC Stephanie Marie Escalona ‡...... Miami, FL Caitlin Theresa Krol...... Carlsbad, CA Kathleen Erin Adair...... Graham, TX Willis James Esten...... West Chester, PA Thomas Richard LaBelle...... Exeter, NH David Michael Adkins...... Charleston, WV Katie Corderman Fabian...... Huntersville, NC Chris Yun Lane...... Fayetteville, NC Crystal Joella Aguero-Norman...... Winston-Salem, NC Emily McCaslin Felvey...... Dallas, TX Timothy Lee...... Weston, FL Emily Marie Akley...... Wantagh, NY Emily Saundra Fishman...... Westport, CT Samuel Bernard Lesem ‡...... Indianapolis, IN Shah Nomair Alam...... Winston-Salem, NC Lisa Joy Franks...... Pelham, NY Miriam Renwick Lewis...... Gastonia, NC Katherine Isabelle Albanese...... Durham, NC Keri Christine Fulp...... Shoals, NC Jianyi Li...... Harbin, China Adrian Miguel Alonso...... Miami, FL Lucas Alan Gabriel...... Dover, NH Steven Linghao Li...... Madison, CT Amanda Grace Althoff...... Sarasota, FL Greylon Thomas Gawaluck ‡...... Nashville, TN Kevin Lin...... Winston-Salem, NC Ryan Michael Angi...... Ridgefield, CT Victoria Marie Gee...... Hampstead, NC Xiyuan Liu...... Beijing, China Peter Edward Armstrong...... Melbourne, FL Aoyun Geng ‡...... Winston-Salem, NC Shelby Lena Lockhart...... Signal Mountain, TN Betlihem Dilnessa Ayalew...... Washington, DC Kijana Kaaria George...... Woolwich Township, NJ Sarah Grace Longsworth...... Bethesda, MD Philippe Freire Ayres...... Ellicott City, MD Tiffany Kayla Gibson...... Kernersville, NC Edward John Lovern...... Atlanta, GA Elizabeth Grace Babcock...... Winston-Salem, NC Julian Alexander Gilyard...... Raleigh, NC Tomas Matias Lucioni...... Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Rui Bai...... Alexandria, VA Alish Giri...... Gaithersburg, MD Taylor Mackenzie Lyons ‡...... Dublin, OH Jose Alejandro Balbuena...... Winston-Salem, NC Erica Ashley Godley...... Fort Wayne, IN Elodie Claire Machler...... Florham Park, NJ Oluwakemi Margaret Balogun...... Lugoff, SC Parker Brunson Goodwin...... Maineville, OH Sumedha Mahajan...... Mount Pleasant, SC Andrew Tyler Barth...... Cary, NC Nicholas Charles Guenard...... Reading, MA Ria Mandan ‡...... Salisbury, MD Halle Ann Beeler...... Greensboro, NC Daniel Eduardo Guerrero...... Charlotte, NC Deborah Gilo Marke...... Kennesaw, GA Nathan James Beets...... Pinnacle, NC Jason Cheng Guo...... Clemmons, NC Adrian Wyse Martino...... Bethesda, MD Tejas Reddy Bokka...... Basking Ridge, NJ Tiffani Haddad...... Orlando, FL Gregory P. Masler...... Cortland, NY James Walton Boswell IV...... Atlanta, GA Sean Michael Hagan...... Summit, NJ Courtney Leigh Mason...... Brighton, CO Christopher Michael Bottoms...... Madison, NC Ashley Nour Hamati...... Jonesborough, TN James Allen McAlister III...... Zionville, NC Caroline Wade Brailer...... Wexford, PA Danielle Nicole Hancock...... Wilson, NC Amanda Elizabeth McAneny...... Chesapeake Beach, MD Gretchen Ellen Brandstetter...... McMurray, PA Sarah Elyse Hanson...... Issaquah, WA Abigail Elizabeth McCall...... Hillsborough, CA Elise Nicaud Brannen...... Savannah, GA Donika Hasanaj...... Summerfield, NC Grant Alexandre McGovern...... Washington, DC Eric Charles Bueter...... Granger, IN Koby Bruce Hayashi *...... Altadena, CA Jenna Nicole Meanor...... Cary, NC Brendan Douglass Busey...... Arlington, VA Perrin Quarles Henderson III...... Charlotte, NC Sarah Magdalen Mellor...... Falls Church, VA John Thomas Byrum...... Matthews, NC Kevin Christopher Herman...... McLean, VA Bradley Forrest Menchaca...... Westport, CT Giovanna Mabel Calloway...... Thomasville, NC Avery Louise Herron...... Belmont, CA Lee Edward Mendenhall...... Wheeling, WV Kendra Olivia Callwood...... Chesapeake, VA Mary Sims Hershey...... Atlanta, GA Megan Dorothy Miller...... Clearwater, FL Nicole Carpio...... Miami, FL Tyler Pearce Hinshaw...... Clemmons, NC Mackenzie Rae Milner...... Pittsburgh, PA Nicolas Patrick Cassata...... Houston, TX Timothy John Holland...... Milton, MA Melissa Anne Milstein...... Greenlawn, NY Mark Jesse Chang...... Rockville, MD Lauren Marie Holt...... Tarpon Springs, FL Drew Zachary Minick...... Ames, IA Jue Cheng...... Knoxville, TN Avery Stewart Horton...... Winterville, NC Zachary Maxwell Missan...... Voorhees, NJ Tommaso Giuseppe Chiodo...... Woodbridge, CT Gerald Allen Housh ‡...... Edina, MN Nanami Liberty Miyazaki...... Hickory, NC Julie Chu...... Oakland Gardens, NY Amber Inez Hubert...... Marietta, GA Ryan Joseph Morgan...... Vero Beach, FL Matthew Alexander Cottam...... Las Vegas, NV Jacob Samuel Hurwitz...... Niles, IL Wesley Todd Morris...... Troy, NC Chandler Fletcher Cox III...... Birmingham, AL Georgina Bronwen Hutchins...... New York, NY James Thomas Muller...... Macungie, PA Benedicte Nora Krauss Crudgington...... Sausalito, CA Taylor Jordan Ibelli...... Upper Saddle River, NJ Aishwarya Nagar...... Gurgaon, India Erin Lee Currey...... Ellington, CT Michael Bassam Ibrahim...... Vienna, VA Tejal Kirit Naik...... Arden, NC Hannah Olson Dabagian...... Saratoga, CA Anna Irene Jacobsen...... Park City, UT Hassan Rajaa Nasif...... Raleigh, NC Pascal Phong Dangtran...... Henrico, VA Riley Elizabeth Jay...... Darien, CT Jessica Rosalie Newak...... Mountain Top, PA Jenai Nicole Davidson...... Deer Park, NY Shilpa Jayarajan...... Greensboro, NC Jennifer Pamela Nogueira...... Clemmons, NC Claire Hunter Davis...... Chapel Hill, NC Matthew Connor Jeanneret...... Frederick, MD Johan Paul Oakes...... Sun City, CA Nathan E. DeHorn...... Granger, IN Allyson Lauren Kaminsky...... Clemmons, NC Brennan Jesse O’Brien...... Rocky Hill, CT Bradley Aaron DeMuth...... Nashville, NC Joeline Marie Kane...... Jacksonville, NC Adam Patrick O’Dell...... Greensboro, NC Sarina Desai...... Old Hickory, TN Robert Kohler Kane...... Atlanta, GA Giselle Elisabeth Palladino...... Charlotte, NC Kathleen Taylor DiNapoli...... Dunwoody, GA Eric David Kanigan...... Darien, CT Bethany Chung-yee Pan...... Advance, NC Caroline Jane Dodd...... Leawood, KS Ana Nicole Katsafanas...... Allison Park, PA Nevil Rakesh Parikh...... Orland Park, IL Elizabeth Domzalski...... Palmetto, GA Troy Lewis Kendrick Jr...... Stanley, NC Sean Medard Parker...... Princeton, WV Patrick John Doyle...... Rose Valley, PA Jaimie Elizabeth Kerka...... Bay Village, OH Sarah Yvonne Parsons...... Troy, NC Evan Todd Drinkwater...... Rockport, ME Tala O. Khatib...... Wilmington, NC Chirag Kamlesh Patel...... Gastonia, NC Shuchang Du...... Zhejiang, China Zachary Max-Seiden Kimmel...... New Hope, PA Sapna Pathak...... Matthews, NC Pierre Francois Duncan...... London, United Kingdom Eleni Anna Kisty...... Marlborough, MA Harsh Harsukh Patolia...... Roanoke, VA John Sprigg Duvall VI...... Potomac, MD Austin Keller Koeppel...... Islamorada, FL Erik James Pedrow...... Malvern, PA Christian Lee Earnhardt...... Duncan, SC Alyssa Marie Kogel...... Agoura Hills, CA Kyle Alexandro Pinheiro de Oliveira...... Durham, NC Denise Elizondo...... Clinton, NC Alexander Henry Krall...... La Verne, CA Benjamin Glen Polk...... Monroe, NC

* In Absentia ‡ Participation only 21 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (Continued)

Tracey Pu...... Bishop, GA Ashley Lauren Thomas...... Bluff City, TN CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Nicole Marie Pulley...... Damascus, MD Casandra Delaney Thomas...... Knoxville, TN Avery Vann Quirk...... Frederick, MD Zachary Idiculla Thomas...... High Point, NC Elizabeth Yung Jin Boshears...... Beaverton, OR Noah Patrick Radjenovic...... Milwaukee, WI Ellen Heyward Tighe...... Bronxville, NY Megan Elizabeth Curan...... Mooresville, NC Leslie Shannon Rainey...... Winston-Salem, NC Christina Firminger Tingle...... Asheville, NC Benjamin Christopher Duncan...... Spruce Pine, NC Jaryn Marie Ravetto...... Bigfork, MT Isabelle Touya...... Miami, FL Jasmine Nicole Dunham...... Fayetteville, NC Sarah Anne Repko...... Lake Forest, IL Emma Jane Trapp...... Springfield, IL Callie Elizabeth Goodrich...... Clemmons, NC Allison Elizabeth Resnik...... Venetia, PA Kathryn Ann Trimmer...... Garden City, NY Madison Jewell Greer...... Huntersville, NC Andrea Retolaza-Andrade...... Vigo, Spain Victoria Elizabeth Tschantz...... Midlothian, VA Emily Allyn Guinn...... Bettendorf, IA David Nicholas Reynolds...... Winston-Salem, NC Patrick Alan Underhill...... Claremont, NC Jack Klaus Haberl...... Summit, NJ Nina Margaret Richard...... Cincinnati, OH Neil Satish Upadhyay...... Boynton Beach, FL Cameron Alexander Hume...... Foothill Ranch, CA Megan Katherine Robson...... Phoenix, MD Theresa Ann Urquhart...... Franklin, MA Sarah Ann Irvin...... Wheeling, WV Lauren Anne Rogers...... Chapel Hill, NC Daisy Arline Valdovinos...... Biscoe, NC Jacob Walter Larsen...... Pleasant Prairie, WI Adam Francis Rosenzweig...... Chatham, NJ Laney Elizabeth Vaughan...... Newport News, VA John Vincent Passarelli...... Scarborough, ME Kelly Ansley Roudebush...... Snellville, GA Lynnee Kay Vaught...... Clemmons, NC Layne Nicole Raborn...... Baton Rouge, LA Abbey Lauren Rubin...... North Easton, MA Lukas James Vilella...... Newtown, PA Parastou Azadeh Ranjbar...... Winston-Salem, NC Gregory Edward Sanda...... Atlanta, GA Gabriella Athena Vitale *...... Albany, NY Kailey Morgan Rose...... Wilmington, NC Michael Anthony Shaner Jr...... Dover, MA Kurt Godfrey Desai Walker...... Fairfax, VA Richard Thomas Scott III...... Far Hills, NJ Gaurav Sheni...... Plattsburgh, NY Krysta Elizabeth Wangerin...... Summerfield, NC Elizabeth Dana Swain...... Plymouth, NH Nathan Gray Shoesmith...... Winston-Salem, NC Turner Edward Welch...... Winston-Salem, NC Isabella Maria Velasco...... Kingsport, TN Kristen Nicole Shumaker...... North Wilkesboro, NC Sydney Lauren White...... Kernersville, NC Kyung Jin Yoo...... Winston-Salem, NC Aaron Matthew Simmons...... Baltimore, MD Madison Jade Whitlock...... Winston-Salem, NC Dihae Grace Yook...... Jamestown, NC Hannah Loran Smith...... Baton Rouge, LA Olivia Lorren Schwartz Wolff...... Bernardsville, NJ Kyndall Sara Smith...... Kingsport, TN Brendan Clark Wood...... Mendham, NJ Scott Alexander Smyre...... Salisbury, NC Eric Louis Wood...... Mendham, NJ CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Jarrod Gordon Sonett...... Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ Amy Gao Xie...... Cary, NC David William Spielvogel...... Scarsdale, NY Zixun Jason Xie...... Shenzhen, China John William Bedingham...... Saint Paul, MN Jacob Hartry Springer...... Kensington, MD Yiming Xu...... Lewisville, NC Tahseen Rouf Chowdhury...... Winchester, VA Jordan Marie Stefko...... Canfield, OH Hunter Bright Yancey...... Raleigh, NC Alexandria Nicole Eller...... Winston-Salem, NC Hannah Christian Stein...... Saint Petersburg, FL Adam Jack Yudelman...... Fort Myers, FL Jennie Elizabeth Harney...... Cambridge, MA Joel Winston Suggs...... Sophia, NC Benjamin Carter Zacks...... Atlanta, GA Leah Akim Hart...... Durham, NC Lisa Elizabeth Sun...... Charlotte, NC Samantha Ann Zavada...... Naples, FL Hyunseung Lee...... Ames, IA Rahel Fikru Tafese...... Silver Spring, MD Yiruo Zhang...... Shanghai, China Andrew James Lundeen...... Waxhaw, NC Hal Hildreth Tanner...... Goldsboro, NC Yutian Zhang ‡...... Shanghai, China James Thomas McCallen...... Port Washington, NY Margo Mellin Tanner...... Ridgewood, NJ Zijun Zhao...... Apex, NC Marla Renee O’Neal...... Mayodan, NC Thi Tepnarumit...... , Alison Marie Zinsli...... Clinton, MA Freda Tetteh-Ocloo...... Gastonia, NC Katherine Julia Zoppoth...... Louisville, KY


Samer Noel Abouhamad...... Brookline, MA Mary Elizabeth Brandt...... Lake Forest, IL Matthew Bryce Cohen...... Westlake Village, CA Jane Carolyn Alexander...... Potomac, MD Nicholas Dillon Brienzi...... Plano, TX Rory Michael Cohoon...... Derry, NH Austin Daniel Allee...... Greenwich, CT Jordan Alanna Bronson...... Verona, NJ Graham Smith Collett...... Morganton, NC Michelle Elizabeth Amand...... Washington Township, NJ Kelsey Joan Brown...... Manhasset, NY Kevin James Conway...... Franklin, MI Tucker David Ammons...... Scottsdale, AZ Kevin John Bruno...... Cary, NC Katherine Rose Corigliano...... Lake Forest, IL Michael Thomas Annunziata...... Sussex, NJ Katherine Quinn Burch...... Baltimore, MD Paul Daniel Costello...... Pittsburgh, PA Duke Andre Antonelli...... Mechanicsburg, PA Cady Elizabeth Burke...... Boca Raton, FL Marco Mattaboni Critelli...... Stamford, CT Catherine Elizabeth Apple...... Coral Gables, FL Caitlin Reid Burton...... Owensboro, KY Eliza Louise Cushman...... Wellesley, MA Megan Grace Archey...... Darien, CT Andrew John Butcher...... Lafayette, LA Anthony David Delcore...... Omaha, NE Sean Carl Attridge...... Ashton, MD Sarah Burke Butler...... Austin, TX Kelsie Renae DeWitt...... San Diego, CA Matthew Steven Avery...... Belmont, NC Sarah Nicole Cacciabaudo...... Smithtown, NY William Macklin Dickerson...... Newburgh, IN Katelyn Hedda Bailey...... Winchester, MA Jada Imani Campbell...... Monroe, NC Kevin Francis Dillon...... Wellesley, MA Kevin Joseph Ballerini...... Kingston, MA Sean Thomas Campbell...... Huntington, NY Christopher Patrick Ditta...... Florham Park, NJ Emily Elizabeth Bandyk...... Lakeland, FL Vanessa Cancio...... Miami, FL Megan K Donnan...... Winston-Salem, NC Joseph Thomas Barbati...... McMurray, PA Sihui Cao...... Guangzhou, China John William Dordelman...... Bryn Mawr, PA Margaret Hope Barker...... Dunwoody, GA Charles Joseph Carey...... Port Murray, NJ Jennie York Eastman...... Pinehurst, NC Megan Elizabeth Barr...... Franklin, TN Anna Elizabeth Carley...... Mason, OH Teresa Joan Cordova Englund...... Boulder, CO William Daniel Barren...... West Chester, OH Aloysius Oliver Carr...... Bethesda, MD Taylor Lynn Erling...... Verdi, NV Ann Cherry Baynard...... Charlotte, NC William Gordon Carter...... Raleigh, NC Hailey Nicole Estes...... Sequim, WA Edward Conrad Beachley...... Hagerstown, MD Melanie Marie Cass...... Hinsdale, IL Austin Johannes Evers...... Johns Creek, GA Charlotte Alexandra Bedick...... Fort Lauderdale, FL Daniel Michael Cavallo...... Cicero, NY Patrick James Fagan...... Wilton, CT Austin Leopold Beltz...... Windermere, FL Brian Cavaluzzo...... Bronx, NY Kevin Charles Farley...... Needham, MA Reeve Johan Bergesen...... Reston, VA Neal Monroe Chastain •...... Charlotte, NC Samuel Brian Farrell...... Rolling Hills Estates, CA Jayabharath R. Billa...... Folsom, CA Meishan Chen...... Zhengzhou, China Ian Tullai Fitzpatrick...... Osterville, MA Romain Bogaerts...... Huppaye, FC Yi Chen...... Winston-Salem, NC Stephanie Lauren Fosina...... New Rochelle, NY John Thomas Boone...... Sandia Park, NM Chi Kit Cheong...... Winston-Salem, NC Devon Elizabeth Fownes...... Duxbury, MA Jacob Benjamin Bosses...... Boca Raton, FL Leo Cheung...... Taipei, Taiwan Luke Cattai Freeman...... Chatham, NJ Samantha Liana Boures...... John’s Creek, GA Brooke Taylor Christensen...... McLeansville, NC Samantha Morton Frost...... Charlotte, NC Madeline Marie Boyd...... Lakeville, MN Mark Emmanuel Chua...... Miami Beach, FL Julia Lynne Gaburo...... Terrace Park, OH Clara J. Brahimy...... Brooklyn, NY Brandon Shawen Clark...... Old Greenwich, CT Angela Rae Gallagher...... Skillman, NJ * In Absentia ‡ Participation only ** awarded August 2007 • In Memoriam 22 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (Continued)

Liam P Gallagher...... Bethesda, MD Andrea Emily Marx...... Dover, MA Iliana Christina Smalanskas-Torres...... Wayland, MA Kasey Kelly Gardiner...... Novi, MI Layne Alden Mather...... Charleston, SC Caroline Coventry Smith...... Westport, CT Kevin Thomas Garger...... Farmington, CT Byron Eagle McClendon...... Fayetteville, AR Catherine Appolonia Smith...... Cape May, NJ Nicole Zoe Gaziano...... Basking Ridge, NJ Aiden Rehill McConnell...... Westport, CT Katelyn Keough Solari...... Wayne, PA Kevin Bernard Glascott...... Bedford Hills, NY Sean Roberts McKeown...... Richmond, VA Victoria Eve Sorkin...... Lake Forest, IL Maria Gabrielle Grant...... Charlotte, NC Elizabeth Grace McLarty...... Memphis, TN Savannah Louise Sowers...... Hickory, NC Tamara Haley Greenberg...... Boxford, MA John Patrick McLaughlin...... Milton, MA Grant Avery Spencer...... Overland Park, KS Michael Patrick Grund...... Greenwich, CT Logan Alexander McLay...... McCordsville, IN Charles Keith Stamey Jr...... Greensboro, NC Chengwei Gu...... Shanghai, China Caitlin Ann Messick...... Wilmington, DE Kelley Alexandra Stanford...... Smithtown, NY Liren Gu...... Winston-Salem, NC Christopher Jaboa Meunier...... Centennial, CO Kevin Thomas Steinthal...... Darien, CT Nicholas Robert Daniel Guaglardi...... Wyckoff, NJ Diana Nicole Mezzanotte...... Sykesville, MD Emily Michelle Strother...... Red Springs, NC Rebecca Marie Hack ‡...... Groton, MA Jialu Miao...... Winston-Salem, NC Patrick Liam Sullivan...... Shaker Heights, OH Madison Kittredge Hamblett...... Barrington, RI Megan Sandra Miller...... Western Springs, IL Xiaofan Sun...... Winston-Salem, NC David Lyon Hanks...... Raleigh, NC Joseph Louis Motola...... Lambertville, NJ Tyler Matthew Sweeney...... Medfield, MA Jane Sajbel Hardy...... Pueblo, CO Rachel Elizabeth Muench...... Hopkinton, MA Tyler Sheldon Swidler...... Camp Hill, PA Andrew Ellis Harton...... Atlanta, GA Serena Mary Murrell...... Hamilton, OH Jacob Robert Teitelbaum ‡...... Durham, CT Elisabeth Hawley...... Kansas City, MO Christie Nannariello...... West Harrison, NY Donald Leroy Terwilliger IV...... Mendham, NJ Thomas John Henderson...... Ipswich, MA Frances Carter Neal...... Atlanta, GA Kathryn Grace Thieneman...... Newnan, GA Brendan Salvatore Henry...... Massapequa, NY Anran Ni...... Wuhu, China Michael Joseph Thomas...... La Grange, IL Timothy James Henson...... Pittsburgh, PA Dean Anthony Norado...... Monroe, CT Jiahe Tian...... Changzhou City, China Maura Anne Hickson...... Mount Gilead, OH Alyssa Gardiner Norton...... Newtown Square, PA Peter Justin Tomasiello...... Cromwell, CT Taylor Jay David Hickson...... New York, NY Brennan Patrick Oakes...... Newtown, PA Anne Marie Troy...... Stamford, CT Sampson Ho...... Dunellen, NJ Grant Blandford O’Brien...... North Andover, MA Claire Louise Trump...... Tulsa, OK Tyler Earl Hodgdon...... Wake Forest, NC Gregory Kurtz O’Connor...... Wellesley, MA Robert Jorge Valdes-Rodriguez...... Fairfield, CT Lauren Mackenzie Holec...... New Canaan, CT Alafia Olutimilehin...... Winston-Salem, NC David Adrian Van de Star...... Greenville, SC Ryan Paul Horgan...... Lambertville, NJ Benjamin David O’Regan...... Ridgefield, CT Alexander John Vegliante...... Darien, CT Jackson Betts Hubbell...... Wayland, MA Denis Francis O’Regan IV...... Glen Cove, NY Xiaohan Wang *...... Cliffside Park, NJ Leslie Marie Huffman...... Centerport, NY James Patrick O’Sullivan...... Old Greenwich, CT Yingyao Wang...... Winston-Salem, NC Gabriella Mariah Hunt ‡...... Austin, TX Nicolaos Ari John Panos...... Atlanta, GA Vincent Michael Ward...... Icard, NC John David Iskander...... Clemmons, NC Christina Maria Paragamian...... Chevy Chase, MD Samuel James Weidner...... Wyomissing, PA Austin Clay Jackson *...... Maryville, TN Dayena M. Patel...... Addison, IL Scott Andrew Weiss...... Dallas, TX Ryan Stephen Janvion ‡...... Pembroke Pines, FL Nilan Patel...... Bradenton, FL Andrew Joseph Weissberg...... Cold Spring Harbor, NY Yuzhe Jiang...... Beijing, China John Andrew Patterson Jr...... Charlotte, NC Luke Brown Weller...... Vienna, VA Yinger Jin...... Hangzhou, China William Rivers Patterson...... Atlanta, GA Alexander Sebastian Wilson...... Lutherville Timonium, MD Caroline Beatty Keenan...... Atlanta, GA Charles Hill Patton...... Bedford, NY Andrew Scott Winters...... Houston, TX Colleen Barrow Keenan...... Atlanta, GA Timothy Doyle Petriccione...... Scarsdale, NY Davis Reid Womble *...... High Point, NC Catherine Robbins Kelly...... Wellesley, MA Katherine Caldwell Player...... Charlotte, NC Sarah Norman Wombwell...... Louisville, KY Katherine Elizabeth Kenyon...... Ipswich, MA Jessica Lorraine Porcelli...... Isle of Palms, SC Perry Harrison Woodside...... Charleston, SC Ruth Yu King *...... Winston-Salem, NC Stephen Matthew Prendergast...... Mahwah, NJ Peining Wu...... Hebei, China Ian Douglas Kirchner...... Brookhaven, GA Connor William Prior...... Clayton, NC Molly Susan Zaverucha...... Duxbury, MA Kendal Ann Knous...... Franklin, MA Danielle Marie Prunetti...... Warminster, PA Disi Zhang...... Datong, China Emily Louise Kolilias...... Tampa, FL Jier Qiu...... Zhejiang, China Xue Zhang...... Tampa, FL Austin Miller Koplan...... Lenoir City, TN Aaron Douglas Race...... Brookhaven, GA Kenny Youngbiao Zheng...... Miami, FL Margaret Anne Kowick **...... Elgin, NC Aubrey Joy Ramsdell...... Naperville, IL Tiansong Zhou...... New York, NY Kennon Amelia Krieger...... Portland, OR Thomas Anthony Rapp...... Mendham, NJ Yihao Zhou...... Shanghai, China Krishna Ayyappan Kumar...... Chocowinity, NC Alexander John Riccio...... Owensboro, KY Niclas Garp Ladd ‡...... Riverside, CT Caroline Margery Rice...... Kingsport, TN Zachary Frank Lamb...... Rogers, AR Vincent Theodore Riocci...... Pound Ridge, NY CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Geoffrey Paul Leeker...... Darien, CT Benjamin Wadsworth Brock Roberts...... Wallace, NC Margaret Catherine Lees...... Summit, NJ Matthew Bennett Roemer...... Great Falls, VA Brian Patrick Brett...... Cape Elizabeth, ME Ryan Austin Lemoie...... Tisbury, MA Zachary Charles Rowe...... Locust Valley, NY Justin Ryan Cecil...... Lexington, NC Jiaqi Li...... Beijing, China Caitlin Marie Rubin...... West Chester, PA Christopher Michael Conway...... North Attleboro, MA Mengya Li...... Beijing, China Ella Colby Ryan...... Shelburne, VT William Kuehl Fayette...... Clarendon Hills, IL Xiahui Li...... Wuhan, China Jordan Thomas Santora...... Bryn Mawr, PA Tanvi Kumar...... Charlotte, NC Eleanor Pearson Lien...... Murfreesboro, TN Andrew Jay Savarese...... Northborough, MA Jae Hyung Lee...... Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea Alexander Gerald Longa...... Terre Haute, IN Noah Jon Schwartz...... Damascus, MD Robert Hunter Williams...... Wake Forest, NC Mary Beth Lowry...... Statesville, NC Katherine Elizabeth Sebastian...... Moorestown, NJ Xueer Lu *...... Beijing, China Michael Jirard Selverian Jr...... Radnor, PA Pulin Ma...... Winston-Salem, NC David Elliot Shapiro...... Concord, MA CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Andrew Bradley Mackler...... Seaford, DE Andrew Daniel Shaughnessy...... Franklin, MA William Campbell Maher...... Pittsburgh, PA Benjamin James Shelley...... Simsbury, CT Emily Katherine Bryant...... Raleigh, NC Shannon Elizabeth Mansfield...... Medway, MA Ryan Daniel Shoffner...... Charlotte, NC Sean Patrick Crim...... Woodstock, GA George Anthony Marken...... Dover, MA Taylor Leigh Silvestri...... Florham Park, NJ Shane Michael Powell...... Chardon, OH John Richard Markham...... Mendham, NJ Maria Cristina Castillo Simoes...... Fort Salonga, NY Tianchen Wei...... Winston-Salem, NC Caleb William Marley...... Pleasant Garden, NC Ziying Situ...... Flushing, NY


Bradley Aaron DeMuth Alexander Steven Lerangis Sarah Anne Wollett Joshua Fielding Hilgartner Addison Scott McLamb Brendan Clark Wood Thomas Richard LaBelle Isabelle Meryem Outzen Eric Louis Wood Marcus Anthony Lauria Thomas Anthony Rapp Kenny Youngbiao Zheng * In Absentia ‡ Participation only ** awarded August 2007 • In Memoriam 23 MILITARY GRADUATES WITH DISTINCTION Thomas Richard LaBelle Alexander Steven Lerangis Addison Scott McLamb Thomas Anthony Rapp Eric Louis Wood

DISTINCTIONS CONFERRED SUMMA CUM LAUDE Hayden George Abene Matthew Bryce Cohen Samuel Edward Buckingham Hinman Carolyn Piper Murphy David Nicholas Reynolds Hannah Suzanne Alms Blair Lewis Congdon Tyler Earl Hodgdon Serena Mary Murrell Blake Edwin Rutledge Ryan Michael Angi Elizabeth Mairead Veronica Crowe Zhongyi Huang Hassan Rajaa Nasif Ella Colby Ryan Michael Thomas Annunziata Erin Lee Currey Riley Elizabeth Jay Madeline Lucey Nelson Gregory Edward Sanda Joseph Thomas Barbati Eliza Louise Cushman Eric David Kanigan James Patrick O'Sullivan Daniel Ryan Sechtin Chandler Elise Borton Taylor Allison Dickens Katherine Elizabeth Kenyon Elizabeth Farrell Ottenjohn David Elliot Shapiro Catherine Louise Bradley Emma Margaret Dolgos Alyssa Marie Kogel Christina Maria Paragamian Gabrielle Barrett Shea Brianna Nicole Bryan Elizabeth Domzalski Kimberly Ann Korzen Sean Medard Parker Ivory Janee Shelton Cady Elizabeth Burke Sean Patrick Dougherty Fletcher Thomas Laico Sarah Yvonne Parsons Emma Rose Skeels Siobhan Frances Callahan Emily McCaslin Felvey Lee Martin Larson IV Chirag Kamlesh Patel Alexis Diane Slater Nicole Beth Capobianco Stephanie Lauren Fosina Emma Jane Lingan Sapna Pathak Hannah Loran Smith Morgan Teressa Carlton Erica Ashley Godley Xiyuan Liu Harsh Harsukh Patolia Heather Dawn Sullivan William Gordon Carter Emily Michelle Goodman Gregory P. Masler Allison Elizabeth Pennington Lisa Elizabeth Sun Melanie Marie Cass Michael Adam Hammer Addison Scott McLamb Alena Noel Pilichowski Ellen Heyward Tighe Nicolas Patrick Cassata Donika Hasanaj John Patrick McLaughlin Mary Hannah Poole Anne Marie Troy Serena Elizabeth Cates Elisabeth Hawley Alicia Marie Meglio Nicole Marie Pulley Valeria Villa Yi Chen Bennett Vieira Heine Mary Katherine Miller Lea Elisa Raptis Amy Gao Xie Olivia Lee Clark Benjamin Clay Helms Zachary Maxwell Missan Sarah Anne Repko Hunter Bright Yancey Bennett Ian Clifford Elizabeth Tindale Hickson Kurstyn Elizabeth Morley Allison Elizabeth Resnik Zijun Zhao Kaitlin Marie Mundy

CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Callie Elizabeth Goodrich Jacob Walter Larsen John Vincent Passarelli Parastou Azadeh Ranjbar

CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Andrew James Lundeen

MAGNA CUM LAUDE Grayson Blake Absher Julie Chu Eleanor Murchison Hamilton Chris Yun Lane Hannah Gabrielle Padrnos David Michael Adkins Brandon Shawen Clark Danielle Nicole Hancock Alexander Steven Lerangis Collin Alan Palmer Emily Marie Akley William Lewis Conner Sarah Elyse Hanson Sophia Cecelia Leveque Nicolaos Ari John Panos Katherine Isabelle Albanese Rachel Erin Cox Caroline Jane Hardin Eleanor Pearson Lien Erin Elizabeth Patterson Jane Carolyn Alexander Marco Mattaboni Critelli Parris Koren Hardy Caroline Curtis Livesay Michael Cameron Peretz Susan Ashley Alexander Benedicte Nora Krauss Crudgington Sadie Ann Marie Harlan Katherine Abigail Llewellyn Caroline Elizabeth Perkins Meredith Audrie Allison Claire Hunter Davis Brian Thomas Hart Shelby Lena Lockhart Melissa Amelia Picco Mallory Kimball Allred Tanner Antoinette DeBellis Andrew Ellis Harton Tomas Matias Lucioni Tracey Pu Amanda Grace Althoff Jon Michael Derewicz Koby Bruce Hayashi Caroline Lancaster Magee Aubrey Joy Ramsdell Catherine Elizabeth Apple Kelsie Renae DeWitt Brendan Salvatore Henry George Anthony Marken Thomas Anthony Rapp Megan Grace Archey Kathleen Taylor DiNapoli Maura Anne Hickson John Richard Markham Matalee Joy Reed Philippe Freire Ayres Kaitlyn Adele Dry Ann Evatt Hill Clarielle Janey Ruth Marsh Meredith Sloane Richardson Elizabeth Grace Babcock Hannah Elizabeth Duane Tyler William Hollifield Adrian Wyse Martino Stewart James Rickert Rui Bai Kirsten Wiley Dyer Austin Mitchell Hopkins Amanda Elizabeth McAneny Lauren Palmer Riley Katelyn Hedda Bailey Elizabeth Holloway Earle Xinyu Hu Arianne Elizabeth McArdle Meagan O'Neill Robichaud Emily Elizabeth Bandyk Alexa Richelle Dykema Erb Leslie Marie Huffman Abigail Elizabeth McCall Adam Francis Rosenzweig Ann Cherry Baynard Taylor Lynn Erling Kathryn Anne Huggins Byron Eagle McClendon Zachary Charles Rowe Edward Conrad Beachley Kevin Charles Farley Georgina Bronwen Hutchins Michael Joseph McLaughlin Abbey Lauren Rubin Andrea Becker Samuel Brian Farrell Michael Bassam Ibrahim Preston Worthington Metz Andrew Jay Savarese Juliet McAndrews Beckstrand Samantha Morton Frost Alexandra Caroline Irvine Christopher Jaboa Meunier Hannah Audrey Sheffield Austin Leopold Beltz Perrin Benet Fugo Matthew Connor Jeanneret Megan Sandra Miller Gaurav Sheni Melanie Elizabeth Blackmon Hannah Michelle Gulbranson Gable Yinger Jin Sarah Catherine Millsaps Jacob Alexander Shubert Clara J. Brahimy Julia Lynne Gaburo Henry Waller Johnson Mackenzie Rae Milner Chanel Rayute Shulman Adam Warren Bridgers Madeleine Rose Elvira Gaiman Sara Gabriela Jones Nanami Liberty Miyazaki Margaret Anna Singer Sara Elizabeth Brigagliano Angela Rae Gallagher Robert Collier Kaltenbach Jacob Alexander Mojeski Allison Marie Siragusa Emily Catherine Buchardt Liam P Gallagher Allyson Lauren Kaminsky Joseph Louis Motola Kyndall Sara Smith Katherine Quinn Burch Lindsey Meryl Gallinek Colleen Barrow Keenan Tyler Arthur Thomas Mott Christina Mary Sonageri Ashley Victoria Burdin Kathryn Newell Gamble Helen Lydia Kemeny James Thomas Muller Lindsay Stewart Soo Nicholas Nelson Burroughs Katelyn Mallory Garcia Jaimie Elizabeth Kerka Aishwarya Nagar Laura Anne Spurney Nina Camille Burruss Nicole Zoe Gaziano Eleni Anna Kisty Joseph Boyd Nelson Jordan Marie Stefko Nicole Marie Cahill Tiffany Kayla Gibson Katharine Davis Kittrell Jennifer Pamela Nogueira Madeline Thompson Stone Giovanna Mabel Calloway Brian William Gordon Luke Gabriel Kohler Dean Anthony Norado Emily Michelle Strother Sihui Cao Maria Gabrielle Grant Austin Miller Koplan Alyssa Gardiner Norton Lauren Alyse Sussman Anna Elizabeth Carley Caroline Louise Green Caitlin Theresa Krol Brennan Patrick Oakes Nicholas Simeon Syris II Kathryn Noel Cavanaugh Chengwei Gu Krishna Ayyappan Kumar Shannon Jean O'Hanlon Zachary Idiculla Thomas Olivia Michelle Cheney Jason Cheng Guo Zachary Frank Lamb Alafia Olutimilehin Jiahe Tian

24 DISTINCTIONS CONFERRED (Continued) MAGNA CUM LAUDE Kathryn Ann Trimmer Alexander John Vegliante Matilda Joan Whitney Adam Jack Yudelman Katherine Julia Zoppoth Victoria Elizabeth Tschantz Yingyao Wang Helen Margaret Williford Matthew Benjamin Zerolnick Kelly Sailer Zullinger Amanda Carolyn Ulrich Blair Elizabeth Wessels Andrew Scott Winters Tiansong Zhou Laney Elizabeth Vaughan Kyli Metcalf White Anna Christine Wood Alison Marie Zinsli

CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Robin Pearl Bleiweis Christopher Michael Conway Jack Klaus Haberl Juliette Muniz Lafargue Isabella Maria Velasco Brian Patrick Brett Jonathan Daniel Friedman Ania Beth Kirollos Elizabeth Dana Swain Dihae Grace Yook Jordan Bethany Bunn Madison Jewell Greer Tanvi Kumar Daniel James Timpona CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Pauline Alexandra Arroyo John Francis Devine Olivia Lomà Smith Jennie Elizabeth Harney

CUM LAUDE Jacqueline Ann Acierno Olivia Jeanne Hartman de Fouchier Taylor Jay David Hickson Diana Nicole Mezzanotte Jordan Thomas Santora Clara Bennett Adams Anthony David Delcore Tyler Pearce Hinshaw Colton George Mienke William Jacob Toy Sauer Mary Monica Allen Victoria Elizabeth DeLuca Sampson Ho Alison Kay Miller Katherine Elizabeth Sebastian Lindsey Drew Alpeter William Macklin Dickerson Lauren Marie Holt Brandon Jesse Miller William Cullen Selfridge Michelle Elizabeth Amand Alec Dale DiPietro Alexandra Read Hoover Christian James Miller Nathan Gray Shoesmith Tucker David Ammons Caroline Jane Dodd Sarah Stewart Hoyle Melissa Anne Milstein Kristen Nicole Shumaker Andrea Sarah Anderson Taylor Willie deChabert Dow Jackson Betts Hubbell Ellie Kathryn Mobley Taylor Leigh Silvestri Jessica Kathleen Arnall Patrick John Doyle Emma Elizabeth Huelskamp Kyle Phillip Monsees Matthew Anthony Simpson Melissa Austin Bair Shuchang Du Anne Catherine Hull Sarah Elizabeth Moran Ziying Situ Oluwakemi Margaret Balogun Pierre Francois Duncan Jacob Samuel Hurwitz Tejal Kirit Naik Mazella Shamel Sloan Megan Elizabeth Barr Hailey Nicole Estes John David Iskander Christie Nannariello Caroline Coventry Smith William Daniel Barren Katie Corderman Fabian Micah Lloyd James Gabriela Sofia Navarro Catherine Appolonia Smith Emily Clare Barshay Sophia Marie Faltin Yuzhe Jiang Anran Ni Terry Gene Smith Jr. Bridget Mary Bauman Ansley Max Fennell William David Johnson Mackenzie Peyton Nix Katelyn Keough Solari Charlotte Alexandra Bedick Sarah Linda Fine Joeline Marie Kane Grant Blandford O'Brien Victoria Eve Sorkin Nathan James Beets Molly Jane Finegan Ana Nicole Katsafanas Gregory Kurtz O'Connor Kayla Rose Spech Chelsea Coralie Bellomy William Murphy Fischer Caroline Beatty Keenan James David O'Geary Jacob Hartry Springer Nicole Marek Berlin Emily Saundra Fishman Catherine Robbins Kelly Madeleine Jane O'Hare Cristina Grace Stewart Anne Clara Biermann Anthony William Fitzgerald III Kathryn Lee Kennedy Megan Gallagher O'Toole Hannah Louise Storey Samantha Liana Boures Meghan FitzGerald Kylie Rae Kinder Giselle Elisabeth Palladino Tyler Sheldon Swidler Madeline Marie Boyd Catherine Alexis Ford Alexa Nicole King Lydia Caroline Pappas Margo Mellin Tanner Rachel Ione Bradley Luke Cattai Freeman Ian Douglas Kirchner Nevil Rakesh Parikh Erin Christine Tapp Gretchen Ellen Brandstetter Keri Christine Fulp Kendal Ann Knous Emily Bailey Pariseau Hollyn Chapman Taylor Nicholas Dillon Brienzi Lucas Alan Gabriel Victoria Rose Koch William Rivers Patterson Ashley Lauren Thomas Jordan Alanna Bronson Kelsey Lynne Gaier Kennon Amelia Krieger Erik James Pedrow Charles Alfred Thomas Ian Donovan Brown Kasey Kelly Gardiner Elizabeth Aldridge Kuehn Evelyn Alexis Perez Peter Justin Tomasiello Kelsey Joan Brown Victoria Marie Gee Andrew Taylor Lackey Timothy Doyle Petriccione Claire Louise Trump Alex Edward Bucella Kijana Kaaria George Mary Elizabeth Lawrence Kyle Alexandro Pinheiro de Oliveira Patrick Alan Underhill Rebecca May Buchanan Sabrina Isabelle Giacometti Aaron Yue-Hin Lee Sebastian Pinzon David Adrian Van de Star Eric Charles Bueter Alexander John Gibson Caroline Elizabeth Lee Jessica Lorraine Porcelli Lynnee Kay Vaught Sarah Burke Butler Julian Alexander Gilyard Timothy Lee Danielle Marie Prunetti Sarah Elizabeth Vianey Jada Imani Campbell Kevin Bernard Glascott Margaret Catherine Lees Jier Qiu Lukas James Vilella Aloysius Oliver Carr Zachary Jefferson Gordon Mengya Li Avery Vann Quirk Gabriella Athena Vitale Adelina Denise Cato Meghan Quinn Gormley Xiahui Li Leslie Shannon Rainey Jason Walker Daniel Michael Cavallo Tamara Haley Greenberg Allison Rose Loeb Jonna Alice Elin Rautsola Xiaohan Wang Mark Jesse Chang Liren Gu Meaghan Elizabeth Long Alexander John Riccio Samiddhi Duranja Weerasiri Jue Cheng Nicholas Robert Daniel Guaglardi Xueer Lu Caroline Margery Rice Phillip Justin Weinstein Chi Kit Cheong Avery Elizabeth Hale Brooke Elizabeth Lucas Adam Conrad Richardson Turner Edward Welch Claude Carr Cody V Ashley Nour Hamati Shannon Rose Magee William Whitfield Rielly III Madison Jade Whitlock Rory Michael Cohoon Dallas Ryan Hartley Sumedha Mahajan Emma May Rigau Emily Jo Williams Graham Smith Collett Leah Justine Haynes Robert Emmett Maloney III Anna Blythe Riggan Emily Elizabeth Wilson Michael Alexander Cooper William John Hayward Marissa Christina Mannikus Vincent Theodore Riocci Peining Wu Katherine Rose Corigliano Thomas John Henderson Savannah Rita Maroney Benjamin Wadsworth Brock Roberts Yiming Xu Matthew Alexander Cottam Millicent Scotten Hennessey Layne Alden Mather Megan Katherine Robson Colleen Jeannette Young Michaela Ann Cragg Margaret Ann Henry Alana Marie McCarthy Lauren Anne Rogers Benjamin Carter Zacks Catherine Elizabeth Currin Timothy James Henson Aiden Rehill McConnell Caitlin Marie Rubin Disi Zhang Taylor Marie Curry Rachael Joy Herman Elizabeth Grace McLarty Kristin Elizabeth Running Yiruo Zhang Jaclyn Elizabeth Davis Avery Louise Herron Jenna Nicole Meanor Katherine Rose Rush Yihao Zhou Lane Gray Davis Hailey Helen Hershberger Sarah Magdalen Mellor Mary Lindsay Ryan Alyssa Michelle Day Mary Sims Hershey Bradley Forrest Menchaca Cesar Ismael Salgado CONFERRED DECEMBER 30, 2015 Karly Nichole Boyd Rebecca Lynne Dorrell Sarah Ann Irvin Thomas Alan Loudermilk Layne Nicole Raborn Peter Andrew Cohen Taylor Nicole Heiland Nicole Taylor Ladouceur Christina Lynn Lucas Krista Marie Roberto Jae Hyung Lee Robert Hunter Williams CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 Kevin Coleman Barrett Jr. Marla Renee O’Neal Tianchen Wei

25 GRADUATING WITH HONORS IN ANTHROPOLOGY: IN COMMUNICATION: IN FRENCH STUDIES: IN MATHEMATICS: IN RELIGION: Ansley Max Fennell Siobhan Frances Callahan Emily Michelle Goodman Ryan Michael Angi Bennett Ian Clifford Bennett Vieira Heine Elizabeth Mairead Veronica Crowe Michael Thomas Annunziata Ivory Janee Shelton Shannon Jean O’Hanlon Jaclyn Elizabeth Davis IN HEALTH AND John Thomas Byrum Hadley Jean Scharer Alexa Richelle Dykema Erb EXERCISE SCIENCE: Jue Cheng IN SOCIOLOGY: Anthony William Fitzgerald III Emily Marie Akley Christian Lee Earnhardt Andrea Becker IN ART HISTORY: Luke Gabriel Kohler Benedicte Nora Krauss Crudgington Sean Michael Hagan Nicole Beth Capobianco Mallory Kimball Allred Michael Joseph Mclaughlin Claire Hunter Davis Alyssa Marie Kogel Helen Lydia Kemeny Taylor Marie Curry Allison Elizabeth Pennington Tiffany Kayla Gibson Shelby Lena Lockhart Meagan O’Neill Robichaud Mackenzie Peyton Nix Jonna Alice Elin Rautsola Ashley Nour Hamati Wesley Todd Morris Alexis Diane Slater Rebecca Keating Skahen Ana Nicole Katsafanas Hassan Rajaa Nasif IN SPANISH: Jennifer Pamela Nogueira Heather Dawn Sullivan James Thomas Muller Kathryn Noel Cavanaugh David Nicholas Reynolds IN BIOLOGY: Kelly Sailer Zullinger Giselle Elisabeth Palladino Eleanor Murchison Hamilton Patrick Alan Underhill Kathleen Taylor DiNapoli Allison Elizabeth Resnik Madeline Lucey Nelson Zixun Jason Xie Emily McCaslin Felvey IN COMPUTER Alison Marie Zinsli Emily Saundra Fishman SCIENCE: IN HISTORY: IN STUDIO ART: Perrin Quarles Henderson III Julian Alexander Gilyard Mallory Kimball Allred IN PHILOSOPHY: Nina Camille Burruss Tracey Pu Koby Bruce Hayashi Hannah Suzanne Alms Erin Christine Tapp Avery Vann Quirk Kyle Alexandro Pinheiro de Oliveira Olivia Lee Clark Rachael Ione Bradley Gregory Edward Sanda Kathryn Ann Trimmer Emma Margaret Dolgos William Lewis Conner IN THEATRE: Zijun Zhao Matthew Connor Jeanneret Caroline Louise Green Andrea Sarah Anderson IN BIOPHYSICS: Emma Elizabeth Huelskamp Abigail Elizabeth McCall IN ECONOMICS: Jonna Alice Elin Rautsola Serena Elizabeth Cates Tomas Matias Lucioni Andrew Taylor Lackey Sarah Linda Fine Michael Alexander Cooper Lee Martin Larson IV Harsh Harsukh Patolia IN PHYSICS: Scott Alexander Smyre Jaclyn Elizabeth Davis Christian James Miller Jon Michael Derewicz Alexis Diane Slater Nathan James Beets CONFERRED IN CHEMISTRY WITH Lauren Elizabeth Formica Hannah Loran Smith DECEMBER 30, 2015 BIOCHEMISTRY: Stewart James Rickert IN INTERDISCIPLINARY IN POLITICS AND Katherine Isabelle Albanese Hannah Audrey Sheffield STUDIES–ETHICS AND IN HISTORY: PUBLIC POLICY: INTERNATIONAL Jason Cheng Guo AFFAIRS: Jonathan Daniel Friedman Eleni Anna Kisty IN ENGLISH: Gabrielle Barrett Shea Bennett Ian Clifford Ashley Victoria Burdin IN PHYSICS: Kathleen Patricia Darling IN INTERDISCIPLINARY Emma Margaret Dolgos IN Andrew Saliwon Barelli AND CULTURE: Molly Jane Finegan STUDIES–GLOBAL HEALTH: M. Adam Hammer William David Johnson Leah Justine Haynes Betlihem Dilnessa Ayalew Brian Thomas Hart Addison Scott McLamb Hailey Helen Hershberger Benjamin Clay Helms Elizabeth Tindale Hickson IN INTERDISCIPLINARY Alexander Steven Lerangis CONFERRED AUGUST 19, 2015 IN CLASSICAL STUDIES: Fletcher Thomas Laico STUDIES–POLITICAL Stewart James Rickert Hannah Gabrielle Padrnos THEORY AND DISCOURSE: Terry Gene Smith Jr. Samiddhi Duranja Weerasiri IN ENGLISH: Allison Elizabeth Pennington Tyler Arthur Thomas Mott Nicholas Simeon Syris II Meredith Sloane Richardson Valeria Villa John Francis Devine Blake Edwin Rudledge IN LATIN: Emma Rose Skeels Lynnee Kay Vaught IN PSYCHOLOGY: IN PHYSICS: Laura Anne Spurney Catherine Louise Bradley Andrew James Lundeen IN LATIN-AMERICAN Sean Patrick Dougherty AND LATINO STUDIES: Katelyn Mallory Garcia Katherine Abigail Llewellyn Zachary Maxwell Missan Kurstyn Elizabeth Morley IN MATHEMATICAL Carolyn Piper Murphy ECONOMICS: Melissa Amelia Picco Jacob Samuel Hurwitz Mary Hannah Poole Adrian Wyse Martino Chanel Rayute Shulman Adam Jack Yudelman Lauren Alyse Sussman Matilda Joan Whitney


Academic regalia apparently originated at Oxford and Cambridge more than 600 years ago. The apparel is little changed in design, colors, and symbolism. In no other sector are the ancient usages of the university so unchanging. In 1895 an intercollegiate commis- sion drafted a uniform code for the use of academic caps, gowns, and hoods in the United States. Over the years there have been only minor revisions to the code, which is followed by 95 percent of the colleges and universities in America, including Wake Forest.

Gowns, which according to the tradition, are all black (Harvard, Princeton, and Yale are exceptions), are of three kinds. The bachelor’s gown is a comparatively simple kind that falls in straight lines from an elaborate yoke. The master’s gown is similar to the bachelor’s except for its peculiar arrangement of the long sleeves with square ends that hang below the elbow. The doctor’s gown is an elaborate, full-cut, flowing costume distinguished by velvet panels down the front and around the neck and by three bars of velvet on the bell- shaped sleeves.

The academic hood was literally a garment to protect the wearer from foul weather. It is the identifying symbol of the degree. The length indicates which degree it represents: three feet for the bachelor’s, three and a half for the master’s, and four for the doctoral. The lining indicates the college or university which awarded the degree. Those who receive degrees from Wake Forest wear hoods lined in old gold and black. The color of the trimming identifies the major field of learning: white for arts and letters, copper for journalism, purple for law, green for medicine, drab for business, pink for music, silver-gray for speech, dark blue for philosophy, light blue for education, sage green for physical education, golden yellow for science, cream for social science, and scarlet for theology.

The Wake Forest University trustees wear black robes with old gold and black on the front panels and the bars on the sleeves. The shield from the University seal is embroidered on the front panels.

Some universities have duplicated colors, but generally a glance at the lining, which is worn exposed, will identify the awarding institution. Some of the university colors worn today are:

Old Gold and Black ...... Wake Forest University Crimson and Cream ...... Indiana University University of Missouri University of Oklahoma Johns Hopkins University Crimson and White . . . . . Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Vanderbilt University Garnet and Turquoise ...... George Peabody College Purdue University Scarlet ...... Union Theological Seminary Old Gold and Maroon ...... University of Minnesota Red and Blue ...... University of Pennsylvania Old Gold and White ...... Bryn Mawr College Southern Methodist University Old Gold ...... University of Iowa Bright Red and Black ...... University of Cincinnati Gold and Yale Blue ...... University of California University of GA Gold and Navy Blue ...... University of Pittsburgh Red and White ...... North Carolina State University Emory University Boston University Gold and Garnet ...... Florida State University Carnelian (Red) and White ...... Cornell University Gold and Purple ...... University of Washington White and Scarlet ...... Western Reserve University Northwestern University Scarlet and Black ...... TX Tech University LA State University Scarlet and Cream ...... University of Nebraska Gold and Red ...... University of Geneva Scarlet and Gray ...... OH State University Gold and Silver Gray ...... University of Colorado Hunter Green and White ...... Michigan State University Blue and White ...... University of Kentucky Maroon ...... University of Chicago Pale Blue ...... University of Maine Maroon and White ...... Southern Illinois University Royal Blue ...... University of Edinburgh TX A & M University Royal Blue and Gold ...... Eastman School of Music University of MA Kent State University Olive Green and Light Blue ...... Tulane University Yale Blue ...... Duke University Orange ...... Syracuse University Yale University Orange and Navy Blue ...... University of Florida Columbia Blue and White ...... University of North Carolina University of Illinois at Chapel Hill Orange and White ...... University of TN Columbia University University of TX Navy Blue and Orange ...... University of Virginia Orange and Black ...... Princeton University Cardinal ...... Stanford University Violet ...... NY University University of Wisconsin Dandelion Yellow ...... University of Rochester Cardinal and Old Gold ...... Iowa State University Maize and Azure Blue ...... University of Michigan Crimson ...... Harvard University Silver Gray and Cherry Red ...... University of New Mexico Crimson and Brown ...... Brown University Green and Gold ...... University of Alabama Harvard Crimson and Yale Blue ...... University of KS at Birmingham