Reversing Labour Retreat the challenge and change of electoral reform Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform 6 Chancel Street, London SE1 0UU t. 020 7928 2076
[email protected] Reversing Labour Retreat Autumn 2007 Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform 6 Chancel Street London SE1 0UU t 020 7928 2076
[email protected] 2 the challenge and change of electoral reform Contents Reversing Labour Retreat: the challenge and change of electoral reform 4 Reversing Labour Retreat and Southern Discomfort John Denham MP 7 Is Labour Working for Woking? Lewis Baston 13 Moving from Safe to Safe Avoiding Target Anne Campbell 17 Local Government and Labour Retreat Jo Dungey 22 Campaigning in Proportional Elections Mary Honeyball MEP 25 Exodus in London: a beacon for diversity or representation for the far right? Patrick Vernon 28 Appendix 1 – Labour Retreat Questionnaire 32 3 Reversing Labour Retreat Reversing Labour Retreat: the challenge and change of electoral reform The idea of examining and reversing what we have termed ‘Labour Retreat’ arose from discussions over the past eighteen months by Labour electoral reformers, looking for answers and actions to rebuild the Party we care passionately about and are active within at all levels. It was about the need to not only make the link between more democratic voting systems and other necessary constitutional reforms, but also make that quite separate link with the Party, the way it campaigns, its local membership and activism. It was about recognising that the voting system helps determine how voters, political parties and arguably the government behave, and thus seeing the potential for how voting reform could be beneficial to the Labour Party and its values and aims, as well as to the interests of democracy and cohesion.