The Law Times, the Journal of the Law and the Lawyers
THE LAW TIMES, THE JOURNAL OF THE LAW AND THE LAWYERS. [KEGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPEE.] Price (with Reports), Is. 6d. VOL. LIL No. 1505. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1872. ^^ Without Reports, 9d. ta AW PAETNEESHIP. WANTED, by a AW. A Gentleman of experience in Gentleman (aged 2(5), who has passed, but is not yet L Conveyarcing, Accounts, and the general business of admitted,L a small PARTNERSHIP, or CLERKSHIPJwith an Office, methodical, and accustomed to advise clients, view to Partnership, either in Town or Country. Excellent desires a RE-ENGAGEMENT as MANAGER or Convey nHHE IMPEOVEMENT of LANDED references. Apply to " H. W.," Post-office, Salisbury, ancing CLERK. Address "A. X." (No. 1503), 10, Welling- X ESTATES. The LAND, LOAN, and ENFRAN ton-street. Strand, W.C.__ CHISEMENT COMPANY (incorporated by special Act of The Advertiser AWPETBESHIP (Clifford's;- inn Parliament), ADVANCES MONEY (B.A., Cambridge) is desirous of obtaining a PART AW. A GENTLEMAN 1st. To the Owners of Settled and other Estates, for NERSHIP, for which he is willing to give a Moderate Pre L Prizeman and Broderip Gold Medallist), now the Erection of FARM BUILDINGS and COTTAGES, mium. He was articled to, and since his admission <M. T., Managing Clerk in a Lincoln's-inn Office, having held two and for the DRAINAGE, IRRIGATION, ENCLOSING, 1SG9) has remained with, a City firm. Address " S. B. B.," prior Managing Clerkships, desires a RE-ENGAGE CLEARING, and general Improvement of LANDED Pro 1C, London-street, Fenchurch-street, B.C. MENT or WORKING PARTNERSHIP.-Address "LEX '' perty in any part of the United Kingdom : (No.
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