BBC RADIO 3 NEW SEASON 2015/16 PRESS PACK CONTENTS Arts and Drama Classical Digital New Talent World and Jazz For more information contact
[email protected] / 020 361 43888 1 ARTS AND DRAMA Harriet Walter © Georgie Oetker David Suchet, Zoe Wanamaker & Howard Davies © BBC Guy Levy Between the Ears: We Are Writing A Poem About Home Poet Kate Clanchy presents a special Between the Ears as part of Contains Strong Language, a season of poetry and poets across the BBC to mark and celebrate the 21st birthday of National Poetry Day in October. Some poets like woods. Some poets like cliffs. Kate Clanchy likes schools: in particular the small, extremely diverse, and often challenging Oxford comprehensive where she has been working for the last seven years. A school which still looks and sounds like the grammar school it once was - until you look closer and see there are more black faces than white, that most of the cricket team comes from Bangladesh, and that as they have fifty-four languages between them - Latvian, Nepalese, Hungarian, Kiswahili, Ibo and six kinds of Arabic - the kids have decided to speak English in the idiom of Kanye West – even if they are Lithuanian. This is a community without a majority culture: a place where, as no one is really sure of the right way to do things, eccentricity and creativity flourish. Between the Ears takes listeners into Kate’s poetry workshop to meet its multi award-winning young poets. Listen – as together they create a radio poem about home: the homes and home countries they came from, and the new homes they have found, and the home they are making in their school and in their writing.