National Energy Conservation Award 2020
Ref: SECT: STOC: 04-21 January 11, 2021 To To The Secretary The Manager, BSE Limited Listing Department, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, National Stock Exchange of India Limited Dalal Street, Exchange Plaza, C-1, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Mumbai - 400 001 Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400 051 Scrip Code: 519552 Scrip Code: HERITGFOOD Dear Sir / Madam, Sub: Heritage won the Prestigious National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA - 2020) in Dairy Sector for the year 2020 -Reg. We are happy to announce that our three packing station's won the Prestigious National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA - 2020) in Dairy Sector for the year 2020 at all India level for the effective energy conservation process/methods, which had resulted in substantial energy saving and higher productivity for the energy consumed. ✓ 1st Prize won by Gokul Plant, Kasipentala (V), Chamdragiri (M), Chittoor Dist-517101, Andhra Pradesh, India ✓ 2nd Prize won by Bayyavaram Plant, Bayyavaram (V), Kasimakota (M), Visakhapatnam District-531031, Andhra Pradesh, India ✓ Certificate of Merit to Bengaluru Plant, Yadavanhalli (V), Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru South- 562107, Karnataka, India The A wards were received by Vice Chairman and Managing Director of the Company Smt. N Bhuvaneswari at an award function organised virtually by Bureau of Energy Effici�ncy, Ministry of Power, Government of India on January 11, 2020 in the presence of Honorable Minister of State for Power, New & Renewable Energy Shri R.K Singh. While this is an industry record by itself, we have reached a new milestone by winning all the three Awards this year breaking the previous achievement of 2 awards in the year 2015.
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