Name Synopsis Description Frequently Asked
urxvt(1) RXVT-UNICODE urxvt(1) NAME rxvt−unicode − (ouR XVT,unicode), a VT102 emulator for the X windowsystem SYNOPSIS urxvt [options] [−e command [ args ]] DESCRIPTION rxvt-unicode,version 9.22,isacolour vt102 terminal emulator intended as an xterm(1) replacement for users who do not require features such as Tektronix 4014 emulation and toolkit-style configurability.Asa result, rxvt-unicode uses much less swap space —asignificant advantage on a machine serving manyX sessions. This document is also available on the World-Wide-Web at <−unicode/doc/rxvt.1.pod>. FREQUENTLYASKED QUESTIONS See urxvt(7) (try man 7 urxvt)for a list of frequently asked questions and answer to them and some common problems. That document is also accessible on the World-Wide-Web at <−unicode/doc/rxvt.7.pod>. RXVT-UNICODE VS. RXVT Unlikethe original rxvt, rxvt-unicode stores all text in Unicode internally.That means it can store and display most scripts in the world. Being a terminal emulator,howev er, some things are very difficult, especially cursive scripts such as arabic, vertically written scripts likemongolian or scripts requiring extremely complexcombining rules, liketibetan or devanagari. Don’texpect pretty output when using these scripts. Most other scripts, latin, cyrillic, kanji, thai etc. should work fine, though. A somewhat difficult case are right-to-left scripts, such as hebrew: rxvt-unicode adopts the viewthat bidirectional algorithms belong in the application, not the terminal emulator (too manythings — such as cursor-movement while editing —break otherwise), but that might change.
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