June 13, 2014

JULY 3RD SECURITY CHANGES changes to help keep our fireworks celebration a Disorderliness and dangerous underage safe, fun, Sherwood family event. drinking has been an increasing problem in the Forest the night of the July 3rd annual fireworks display. Although we have had the gate manned THIS SUNDAY, FATHER'S DAY, JUNE by a Security Officer and additional Security 15TH! Guards for the event in the form of off-duty Please join the Hook Family for the re- Anne Arundel County Police Officers for many dedication of "Grandad's Grandstands" AND a years, the Board of Directors will be increasing first class Tennis Exhibition Match featuring this presence and instituting some new security Leslie Baird and Will Faison vs. Roxie and Kenny measures, beginning this year. Alban. The number of young people from outside Tennis enthusiasts of all ages, along with Sherwood who have been casually invited has friends of Dick Hook and the Hook family are been on the rise, and their activities have been invited to the 4:00 p.m. Tennis Exhibition disruptive. Kids have “opened” the event to any followed by a reception on the ball field. and all by providing a gate code on Facebook, Thanks to the generosity of so many memorial Twitter and other social media. gifts to the Endowment Fund in Dad's memory, Out of respect for Sherwood residents and we are able make one of his dreams a reality: To their enjoyment of this family-oriented event, on rework the Tennis Grandstands to provide the night of July 3rd we intend to control access premium seating for those who wish to watch more carefully. The recent gate code change is the play on Courts 5 and 6. The Grandstands working for us in this respect, but stricter that were dedicated to Dad on his 80th birthday screening is necessary due to the widespread use will be re-dedicated on Father's Day, 2014. of social media. Hope to see you on all on Court One! On July 3rd, any outside guests ages 16 to --Judy, Rick, Bruce, Billy, Neville 25 that will enter the Forest that night will be - along with our families required to be pre-registered by a P.S. In the event of rain the reception will be SPONSORING MEMBER (ADULT), by held at 5:00 in Stewart Hall. sending the registration form (attached to this Green Sheet) with the guest’s name and approximate age, in advance (or no later than 3 The REVISED Summer p.m. on July 3rd), to the Club Office. Security Activities Calendar is attached to Officers will screen visitors at the gate. Young this Green Sheet. Additional copies people coming into the Forest the night of are available on the Club website’s July 3rd will be asked to provide their “Community Activities” page. identification and will be denied entry if they Also attached is the CAMP Calendar for are not on the list and/or do not have a valid week 1. ID. It would be helpful that parents talk to their children about these new security measures. As BUILDING MORATORIUM STARTS always, Members are responsible for the behavior SUNDAY of their guests. The Sponsoring Member (Adult) Tomorrow (June 14th) is the last day to do will be contacted during the evening if your guest work on approved building applications. The is observed by Sherwood’s Security personnel to construction moratorium is in effect every year be acting inappropriately. beginning on June 15 and continuing through The Board of Directors thanks you for your Labor Day, inclusive. No work is to be done patience and cooperation as we implement these during the moratorium and contractors are not 1 permitted in the Forest, including for interior awesome group): Alan-A-Dale (G&M work. Waldron); Beach Road (L&G Wishard); Building applications may be submitted for Clopston (J&P Kyle); Edge Hill (R&J review and approval over the summer for work Pellegrini); (Sisters Smith & in the fall. Building application forms and Coss); (J&A Bing); Construction Guidelines are available from the Maid Marian (K&T O’Donovan); Club Office or on the Forms page of the (K&A Krall); website. Ravenshead/Clumber (B&R Riddle); 700’s (P&R Cecil); RH 800’s (M&M Dancy); Thorsby (K&J 2014 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Johnson). I will be calling each of you to Phone number changes, additions, confirm/seek a new captain as needed. corrections and Handy Helper information must Thanks in advance! be received in the Club Office no later than - Seniors – prepare to decorate! June 18th for the 2014 Sherwood Forest - Births and Passings – please email Lisa Telephone Directory. The directory is published Lyman [email protected] who will and sold at the 4th of July Parade as a Camp compile the names of our new arrivals Seniors fundraiser; $3.00 each or two for $5.00. and dearly departed (They will also be available at the Club Office). So… make your family plans and get ready! Submissions/changes for the Directory can be You will receive a Program in the days leading up sent to Susan in the Club Office, to the Fourth, but we all know the routine. One [email protected] or 410-841-6491. outstanding question is whether I can rig things again this year such that Maid Marian takes the Hill Trophy once more… --Ed Bradley, 661 Maid Marian 410-849-3160

WORSHIP SERVICE WELCOME BACK PICNIC There is a non-denominational Christian Worship service provided on seven Sundays SAT., JUNE 21, 6 P.M. this summer. The dates for the services are 6-22, ROBIN HOOD BEACH 6-29, 7-6, 7-13, 7-27, 8-3, and 8-10. BRING YOUR OWN FOOD & We begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse, there BEVERAGE is Sunday school for the children and refreshments are provided. All residents and guests are very welcome, FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION -- any questions, suggestions, or comments please OUR LITTLE SLICE OF HEAVEN call Don Kraft 410-818-7499. Sherwood, prepare to join the best celebration of our nation’s independence anywhere! Here comes another Hill marching, DON’T WORRY Fresh Air Music listening, turtle racing, long So easy to say, so hard to do! Jesus not only driving, bake sale eating, bike decorating, red, told us not to worry (variations of the phrase white & blueing good time. “Fear Not” occur more than 100 times in the This year and every year we appreciate and Bible) but also taught us how. Would you like to celebrate the unique and wonderful community stop worrying so much? Then come to the that is Sherwood Forest. There are so many Women’s Bible Study and learn what Jesus said unique characteristics and aspects to our lives to do. You’ll get lots of practical advice and here in Sherwood that combine to make it our specific actions to take that’ll free you from your little slice of heaven. The Clubhouse, the Camp fears. Is worrying not so much a problem for Program (aka “Club”), Beach Road, Robin you? Then come and share your insight and Hood Beach, Sand Greens, Insiders, Outsiders, encouragement with those who do. We'll meet at Prime Timers, Tennis Dinners, Corn Roasts, Sue Armbruster’s home, #104, on Friday Saturday Night Dances, Progressive Dinners, mornings from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. beginning June B&GoY, and on and on. We come together in 20th. If you have a friend and a Bible, bring tradition on the Fourth to celebrate the great them. Otherwise, just bring yourself. We country we live in and to be grateful for the promise to make you feel welcome. Contact Sue friendships and community we share here in at 410-507-1256 for more information. Sherwood Forest. --Sue Armbruster In preparation for the festivities, there are some reminders/items to address: WEDNESDAY MORNING LADIES - Hill Captains! A longstanding Sherwood TENNIS rule (it’s in the By-laws - unofficially): Ladies: Please join us this Wednesday, June Each Hill Captain must step up again the 18, at 9:30 a.m. on the tennis courts. All levels of next year OR find your replacement! tennis experience are welcome! You will be These were last year’s Captains (an matched with a doubles player when you sign in.

2 We play four-game mini sets then switch rehabbing an injury, she played in only three partners. We will finish in time to pick up your games but came back to start every game of her campers. Bring your own water. We ask for a $10 sophomore year and added a team high donation for the season to cover the balls and 10 assists. prizes. Can't wait to see everyone! Disaster struck again at the start of her junior --Kristine Smith 410-849-7189 year when she tore the ACL in her left knee. Faced with the loss of another season she made the best of a tough situation by mentoring the MONDAY LADIES GOLF 2014 underclassmen who now had to step into Time for another great season of golf! We her spot. She rehabbed the second injury and would love to see some new faces this season. made it back to play in every game her senior Please let all of your friends know about our year, scoring 9 goals. She continued her role as wonderful group. All female golfers are a mentor to her younger teammates, including welcome, and all skill levels are encouraged to four who suffered ACL injuries of their own. participate. Remember, morning and evening We caught up with Jody and asked her what times are available. kept her going? , Jody said "My injuries gave me June 16 Practice Round the perspective to take nothing for June 23 Grace Mackowiak Medal Play granted, celebrate the little victories, and Tournament really appreciate how special the chance to play See you out there! --Susan Ford lacrosse while getting an amazing education really was. I couldn't have asked for more in my four years as a Hoya." This is ONE amazing young SHERWOOD LAX lady !! Skyler Ritchie (Kyle & Lisa) a senior at Tufts Shoots by Salisbury for the 12-9 win Charlotte Catholic High School, played attack for in NCAA D-III Men’s Final. The headline in the Cougars, who just won the N. Carolina Boys the May 24, 2014 Baltimore Sun said it all. Tufts Lacrosse 4A State Championship by a score of scored a combined 11 goals over the second and 11-8 over Apex High School. Skyler is off to third quarters to emerge with a 12-9 victory in Appalachian State University this fall to study the NCAA D-III lacrosse championship before a architecture and play club ball. crowd of 22,000+ at M&T Stadium. Blake Calyl Robinson (Cathie Herrick & Kevin Wood, a sophomore Defenseman had a team Elion) a Junior middie for Limestone College high, for the season, of 21 caused turnovers, two who just won the National Championship at of which were in the NCAA championship M&T Stadium by defeating LIU Post, 12 to 6. game. Congratulations to Kane Delaney, Beau Calyl had a goal and assist in the big win. This is and Blake Wood and all members of the Jumbos the Saints third NCAA D-11 championship. We team. Tufts set 2 NCAA records this year; 423 asked Calyl what it felt like to win a national goals in a single season (# 1 scoring offense in championship, “the overall experience was the Country) and 45 assisted goals in the unreal. Having the chance to play for a title with tournament. The Delaney & Wood families the men I battle with, against and for, everyday, would like to thank all the Sherwood neighbors was truly something very special.“ for coming out to M&T Stadium to cheer on the Kane Delaney (Joe & Ellen) – a Tufts team Jumbos. Best guess is about 150 from Sherwood. captain was named to the All-NESCAC First Tyler Ruhl (Erin & Bobby Helfferich) Team as a long-stick middle. Also a USILA 3rd scored the winning goal, in overtime, against team All-American and Scholar All-American. Calvert Hall in the M1AA Conference Friar Tuck Kane had 5 points, 50 ground balls quarterfinal. Tyler was 2 & 3 for the game and is and 14 caused turnovers this season. headed to Notre Dame. Playing D for the Beau Wood (Brian & Heidi) – a Tufts Cardinals was Will Gaudreau who is headed to Team Captain was named to the All-NESCAC Holy Cross. First Team again this year. A senior and Robin Marcus Holman (Lori and Brian) was just Hood attack man, Beau ended the year with 102 named the major league lacrosse and offensive points and became Tufts all time career goal Player of the Week. Macus had 6 ponts in the scorer with 171 goals. Also USILA 2nd team All- Ohio Machine’s victory over the Bayhawks. American and Scholar All-American. Trivia Question How many Sherwood Jody Cumberpatch (Tom & Lisa) just families have had two or more children play for finished up her senior year at Georgetown. Jody the same college? Here are some more. and the Hoyas made it to the NCAA tourney and Answer Del & John Dressel – Hopkins; in the first round Jody scored two goals in the Ryan & Zach Wade - Carolina. Hoyas' 9 to 8 overtime upset win over Johns Please email Lax news to Hopkins. The season ended with a close 9 to 11 [email protected] or call and leave a loss to UNC with Jody scoring one last message 410-296-1533. --Rick Hook career assist. But the real story begins at the start of Jody's senior season at Annapolis H.S. Having already COLUMBIA JAZZ BAND committed to Georgetown after a leading the The Cultural Arts Committee will sponsor a county with 67 goals and 37 assists as a junior, concert by the Columbia Jazz Band on Sunday she tore her right ACL, ending her high school evening, June 22, at 7:30 p.m. The band will play career. Arriving at Georgetown as a freshman in the Dance Hall until 9:00, and highlight several 3 jazz favorites designed to bring out Sherwood's DOGHOUSE BOWLING dancing feet. Tables for eight will be set, cabaret As of this Green Sheet, no one has style, around the dance floor. volunteered to chair the Doghouse Bowling The evening is BYOB and don't forget to evenings. If you are interested in getting this bring a snack for your table. Ice will be provided started again, please let me know. at the Dance Hall. --Daryl Williams ([email protected]) Call Lois Coon (410-849-5429) to reserve your table. For a fun summer evening of music under the stars, everyone come!

Town Meeting th SUMMER EVENTS - ENDOWMENT Tuesday, June 24 , The Endowment Committee is excited to host two of the highlight parties of the summer: 7 p.m. Clubhouse Friday, June 27th 6:30pm - Welcome New Members. On Friday, June 27th please TH join us at the Clubhouse to welcome all new SHERWOOD FOREST 17 ANNUAL 5K TH members. All new Members are invited at 6:30 WALK/RUN JULY 26 to meet Board Members and Committee Chairs. Sherwood Forest campers live and play in the The rest of the community is invited to join the rivers, marshes, and woodlands all around us. fun at 7:00. Everyone is welcome, so please take Hunting turtles, catching fireflies, fishing, the time to come meet your new neighbors and crabbing, and swimming are everyday activities reconnect with the old ones. for our kids. Sounds like fun right? Every Saturday evening, August summer for the past 17 years Sherwood has 2nd - Jive Talkin'!. Wear your come together to kick off Corn Roast Weekend go-go boots and mini skirts, with the 5K Race. We raise thousands of dollars fringed leather pants and tie- to support the SF Boys and Girls Camp. dyed shirts for an evening of Without these additional funds Mr. Moulden and fun, friends and play to his staff would be unable to make improvements celebrate Sherwood in a really to facilities and expand the curriculum. Our groovy way. sponsors and registrants make this contribution --The Endowment Committee possible. In addition to supporting the Sherwood Forest Camp we have always supported another SHERWOOD DANCES 2014 worthy non-profit. This year the Race This summer there will be two dances Committee selected the Arlington Echo Outdoor sponsored by the Sherwood Club – the Red, Education Program as the other recipient of race White and Blue Dance on Saturday night, funds. Like Sherwood Forest, Arlington Echo is July 5th and the Boy and Girl of the Year Dance situated along the Severn River in Anne Arundel on Saturday, August 16th. The Activities County (AAC.) In partnership with the AAC Committee is actively looking for chaperones Public School System, the Outdoor Education for these dances. Nancy and Gerard Fleury have Program reaches students in a variety of grade graciously agreed to be one of the co-hosts of the levels from every public school in the county. July 5th dance but we are seeking at least one There are modest fees associated with each more couple to assist them. We have NO program. However, many low-income families CHAPERONES for the August 16th dance. struggle to pay even this small tuition. This week Please let me know if you are interested I will highlight the Drownproofing Program. in helping out with either of these dances. The miles of shoreline along the Severn River are --Daryl Williams ([email protected]) a natural playground for all of us. Unfortunately many local kids are never taught basic water safety. To address this problem Arlington Echo CRAB LACROSSE 2014 developed the Drownproofing Program. It is with great pleasure and sincere Drownproofing Program – (4-day program – appreciation that I let everyone know that Cost is $32 per student). A comprehensive Michael Morris has very graciously offered to aquatic safety program for fifth grade students in oversee Crab Lacrosse for the boys this summer. Anne Arundel County Public Schools. The We will keep the day and time the same – program provides students with the opportunity Wednesday evenings starting at 6 p.m. with the to develop sound water safety practices through first one to coincide with the first day of Camp – information taught in the classroom and to Wednesday, June 18th. We are at this time still demonstrate water safety skills developed in a looking for a Chairman for a Girls Crab Lacrosse pool. evening. Our contributions will be used to provide If you would be willing to help out with this, scholarships for low-income kids in the area to please let me know. attend this critical educational program. Please --Daryl Williams ([email protected]) become a race sponsor. Forms are posted on the Sherwood Forest Website at http://sherwoodforestclub.org/club- office/community-activities/. We can’t run the 4 race without you! BOOTCAMP IS BACK Please email Christy Wade Join me for a running based boot camp that [email protected] for more information. incorporates endurance running with speed work, hills, agility training, balance, weights, resistance tubing, and TRX. It's a great way LOGO CONTEST to learn proper technique and get into shape with The logo contest is on! What can you create your summer friends! ALL ARE around our theme this year? We are focusing on WELCOME. Intermediate whites through outdoor education. Submit a design and the counselors meet at the store on Thursdays WINNER will receive a case of 5K water bottles, after camp at 11:30 and Sunday mornings at a 5K t-shirt, a Sherwood Store gift certificate and 10:30. It is FREE for campers and the thrill of seeing it cover every shirt on race counselors. Ladies and gents (if they dare) meet day!! The deadline for the logo contest is June at flag raising on Tuesday and Friday 27th. Please submit your logo designs to Julie mornings at 9:20. I will also hold a TRX and Kyle Cottage 306 or by email at resistance tubing class Monday and [email protected]. Wednesday mornings from 10-11 at the Clubhouse (near playground drop off). The cost is $10 per class. Classes start Friday June 20th. SHERWOOD POOL CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO The pool has had a smooth opening under STAYING IN SHAPE so grab your friends and the watchful eye of Anchor Aquatics and our neighbors and commit to getting in shape pool manager, Brad Beard. Elizabeth Twigg, this summer! Any questions call or email Stacey Erin O'Hara, Julia Wunderlick, Sydney Knoll, Fernandez (NASM PT Certified, PES Harrison Smith and Andrew Lahowin make up Performance Enhancement Specialist Certified, TRX our staff this year. They are a good group and we Certified, and 13x marathoner) are looking forward to a successful pool season. 410-913-7031 or [email protected]. We have ordered six new umbrellas and installed new toilet seats. Linda Whiteford has planted the flower pots. They look great. WATER AEROBICS BEGINS! Thanks to everyone who has helped to open Summer Water Aerobics in Sherwood begins the pool for the season. --Jenny Corckran next Monday, June 16! We're meeting Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 - 12:30. Please arrive early with payment: $144 for the 'full summer' 2014 POOL SCHEDULE option (18 classes, including Break Week) or $12 June 2 – June 15 cash per class (exact change, if at all possible.) Monday-Friday: Noon – 8 p.m. Class is open to Sherwood members and their Saturday, Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. guests. Recommend the full summer option if June 16 – July 31 you have to miss five or fewer classes. Checks Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. to: Linda Barrett. Please remember to bring your Saturday, Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. own noodles (required: one fat (4") or two August 1 – August 15 'normal') and hand water weights Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. (recommended: see previous Green Sheet Saturday, Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. articles.) Hope to see many of you at the pool August 16 – September 1 next Monday! --Marty Sippel Monday-Friday: Noon – 7:30 p.m. Sat., Sun., Holiday: 9 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. September 2 – September 7 YOGA Tuesday: 4 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Yoga classes will be held Thursday nights Wednesday: closed from 7 – 8 pm in the Activities Room starting on Thursday, Friday: 4 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 26. Classes will be $15 each Saturday, Sunday: Noon – 7 p.m. and be conducted by Diane Johnson. Participants should bring a yoga mat, water and towel. The class style will be vinyasa yoga, which BEACH SWIMMING connects the breath with a flowing sequence of NOTICE: Swimming at Sherwood Forest postures to create a dynamic and challenging beaches is strictly AT YOUR OWN RISK, practice. The flow of the practice develops whether there is a lifeguard present or not. strength, flexibility, body awareness and an open Lifeguard coverage cannot replace parental clear mind. A deep relaxation follows each diligence & responsibility. Lifeguards are not practice. This class is perfect for athletic anticipated to be staffed at Robin Hood Beach individuals looking for deep stretches that will for the 2014 season. complement their activities. For more information please contact Diane

Johnson at [email protected] or 410.330.8217.

5 KENNEL REGISTRATION 840—Chandler, Lila & Ann Michelle Hill Members must register for Sherwood Forest 902—Mrs. Alexander Barton Dog Kennels and pay the rental fee of $40 per 910—Harrison, Kathryn & Mack Gage kennel to the SF Club. Please contact the Club 917—Christian & Tess Shields Office for the registration form, (410) 841-6491. C5—Heather, Patrick, Alexis, Hunter & Ashley Kennels are self-serve (Member does all Takcney cleaning & care of pets). E1—Kristine, Andrew, Andrew, Will & Charlie Smith

GOLF CART DRIVERS LIMITED MEMBERSHIP PAID Sherwood Forest rules prohibit underage 111—Daniel & Audrey Tinker (June 8-13, 2014) children from driving golf carts, even if a parent is in the cart with them. The Office and the Board of Directors will be in contact with residents who ENDOWMENT FUND are reported to be violating this rule. CONTRIBUTIONS It is both Maryland State law and a Sherwood A generous donation was made to the Forest rule that Golf Carts may only be driven Endowment Fund: by persons with a valid State driver’s license, In memory of Mary Jo Hall, from Terrence including all provisions and conditions of that & Katharine O’Donovan. license.

GREEN SHEETS APPLICATIONS RECEIVED IN JUNE Weekly Green Sheets begin on June 13, 2014. FOR MINOR WORK Deadlines for weekly Green Sheets are 224—Tom & Gigi Kurowski, replace doors Tuesdays by 4 p.m. 247—Norie Sutor, repair roof Please send articles to: 501—Erik Hewlett, repair roof [email protected] 807—Dave & Suzanne Kenney, trash storage container 844—Mitch Brown, change safety railings on SUMMER BOUTIQUE 2014 windows Please tell your friends and family to come on up to the Clubhouse on Thursday, July 10th for the Summer Boutique 2014. It will be from GUEST DUES PAID 5:30 till 9:00 and will sell everything from 122—Pat, Lexi, Sam & Turner Ashby housewares to clothing to jewelry. Favorite Liza 124—Jonathan Kendrick Byrd will anchor it as always and it promises to 134—Kyle, Noah & Taylor McKeon be a wonderful evening. If you have any 135—Butch, Larson, Merrily & Jack Suing questions, please do not hesitate to send 152—Lee, Shelby, Madeline & Charlie Murray me an email – [email protected] 229—Rishon Smith 233—Adeline, Cecelia & Kim Burke 234—Ernest Kraft 320—John & Christine Varney SHERWOOD DOG RULES 322—Kenny Watson In summary: 331—Mark, Kelly, Cole & Quinn Donoway, Michael & Anne Egan, Jayden Banksdale • Dogs are required to be on leash at all 338—Abi & Avery Poindexter times the dog is away from its owner’s 401—Raven, Michael, Piper, Grant & Cole premises, including every area of the Morris Forest (inner and outer forest and the 406—Jonathan & Kelly Steele kennel area). 408—Matt, Genevra, Maggie, Lucy & Molly • Dogs may not be walked on recreational Waldron grounds. These include the golf course, 414--Dan, Merv, Tuc, Brooke, and Ellie athletic fields (volleyball, baseball, LAX) Baldecchi, Pam and Hearon Dickson beaches, tennis courts, Clubhouse 420—Christy, Pat, Patrick & Zach Ford grounds, etc. 421—Aileen & Aiden Winn • Owners must clean up after their dogs. 500—Alex, Clair, Bo, Thomas & Craig • Whiteford Dogs may not be walked on the roads during the summer moratorium (June 513—Bobby, Erin & Charlie Helfferich th 527—Inde Lauer 15 through Labor Day, inclusive) 606—Kelli, Nikki & Chris Suckell, Michael & between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 John Shehan p.m. 640—Joe, Elizabeth, Colleen, Shannon, Joe & • The Board will strictly enforce dog rules. Katherine Monaghan 718—Tom, Suzie, Samone & Colt Jett The Green Sheet is published by: Sherwood Forest Club 720—Darren, Tina, Camden & Cole Fisher 134 Sherwood Forest Road 735—Peter, Julie, Frankie, Lila & Millie Waldron Sherwood Forest, MD 21405 822—Jay, James & Leah Corckran phone: (410) 841-6491 fax: (410) 841-2554 6 SHERWOOD FOREST BOYS & GIRLS SUMMER CAMP PAGES

CHILD FORMATIONAL NOTES Camp Begins All families are advised to proffer leadership within their homes for these competitive & th character formational events. The following Wednesday, June 18 parental guidance is offered for consideration. 1. 80% of success is just showing up. 10% personal capacity, the balance luck. BACK TO CAMP ICE CREAM SOCIAL, 2. Adversity is the mother of building MEET YOUR COUNSELORS – JUNE confidence, successfully negotiating a dared TH 17 , 6:30PM challenge. Our Winter is over, school is out, and Camp 3. Instilling and building confidence in the is standing-by for the start of our Summer. You rising generation of Americans should be a are cordially invited to our Back to Camp Ice Cream priority as you bring up your children. Social this Tuesday night, June 17th, beginning at For me the actual race is the least of it. It’s 6:30PM. Come up to the Clubhouse to meet the the early wake up, the cold morning water, the 2014 Camp Counselors and share an ice cream spectre of sea nettles, the outcome that I may not with all your friends and neighbors. win. It’s the formative value of going in anyway. If you’d like to help out with set up and My best, --Billy Moulden, Camp Director serving this evening feel free to email me at: [email protected] --AliceAnne Loftus, Ice Cream Social Chair SHERWOOD SWIMMING & DIVING Sherwood is a member of the Severn River Swim Association along with Epping Forest, THE GOSPEL OF SHERWOOD – WE’RE Round Bay, Olde Severna Park, Linstead and READY Ben Oaks. These communities compete against Something great is about to happen to you, one another weekly in diving and swimming. along with all your dearies. All campers are invited to join the diving Ever question how we found our way here? team. Diving skills are practiced in camp, and Why we chose to raise our children here? Why diving practice is held at noon at the pool every we sacrifice to preserve Sherwood for the next generation? I think it’s a defining American Friday. Diving meets are held at the pool on thing, a nation of rebels being brave enough to Friday evenings. self-select their home, their sense of place, Saturday river swim meets are held every wanting something more for their children. The Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Please see the Community gospel of Sherwood. I can explain. Calendar for dates and locations. The Saturday We all dream. Early on, what do I hope to river meets are invitational. Swimmers are be. Later, as parents, the great expectations of invited to swim in the meets based on their our children. Later yet, notions of legacy. We participation in the Thursday Swim Races. pray hard that the instant dream may be so. Us, our children, I like this about Sherwood - living in such close quarters with families you know THURSDAY SWIM RACES who have expectations. I do love it so. Camp swim races are held every Thursday Fickle people never choose to live here, we morning at Main Pier beginning at 9:00 a.m. are fully populated by deliberate sorts. Those These races are for Playgrounders (who can swim who seek something more, those who desire 25 yards independently) through Intermediate even more for their children. A place that is safe Whites. Note that the Senior Boys and Girls will & sound, family centric since the 1915 get go, old swim their races during the last activity period of school America that never lost its way. the day on Wednesdays as they golf on Thursday There is no stopping it now. Everything is mornings. The races consist of freestyle, organized, everything kept straight for backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. Campers generations. Another Sherwood summer as we compete only within their own camp group. might have it is about to happen to you and Thursday Races are part of the Sherwood yours. If you are young parent and tyrannized by point camp system. Your swimmer earns both the urgent, think about taking time this summer individual and Roman / Spartan team points. for the important. Your children are only young Points are accrued in the following manner: once. 1. Attendance Point Proud to serve, 2. One point earned for swimming three --Billy Moulden, Camp Director races 3. One point earned for each improved time (potential of three points)

7 4. Five points for first place, three points for second place, two points for third place, and one point for fourth place. (Example, 15 points earned for three first places).

TENNIS ANYONE? Cardio Tennis will start June 24 (Tuesday) and June 28 (Saturday). The class will be limited to 10 folks. It is 8-9 am, $10 each. The sign up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board at the tennis courts. If you sign up, you are responsible for the spot, there will be a waiting list or find a sub if you cannot make it after signing up. The sign up sheet will be up June 17th. Thank you, look forward to seeing everyone on the courts!!! --Kim Lewers Damico, 410-562-1880

US OPEN TRIP (TENNIS) The end of August, a day trip to the Open. Bus leaving Sherwood, day tennis at the US OPEN, then back home. Trying to find out the interest in the trip. If you are interested in joining the fun, please sign up with name, email and number at the bulletin board on the tennis courts. Keep you posted as the summer goes on, tickets for the Open go on sale June 9th! Looking forward to seeing everyone on the courts!!! --Kim Lewers Damico, 410-562-1880