SUMMERTOUEIST Shuberts To Produce Fifty New 3J552523 r 1


TO KANSAS CITY 14 HOURS, TO CHICAGO 14 HOURS, TO ST. LOUIS 7 HOURS. Direct line and through sleepers to Memphis.. For rates, reservations, routes eta phone 594 or call City Ticket Office, Roberts-Bann- er Building. RICHARD WARREN, General Agent H. D. McGREGOR, C. T. A. Making An Art? STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Coffee Ask the Frenchman PQULTR.Y DEPARTMENT Better still, taste the coffee that he makes.-Goo- Reorganizing the Poultry Association. coffee means more than the selection of a (By an El Pasoan tor El Pasoans.) bean to suit the taste it means proper making. years ago the El Paso proportions of the industry purchases whose coffee was organ- of supplies can be made by coopera- Ask your hostess of yesterday THREE association tion in such quantities as to effect ized and at that time Interest saving to such an extent as to largely was particularly good what method she uses, and section increase the revenue to the producer. in poultry in this Fees Too Low. she will point to nhh There were few ."bVedmany more fowls to be found and apt The membership fee of the old asso- scrubs Tne idea had obtain.-- tnct ciation has always been SI. and an- not be raised or kept at nual dues S3. From actual experi- The Electric percolator Poultry could territorj. ence thi3 has not afforded funds suf- a In this southwestern purposes A Pfew had embarked In the business ficient to accomplish the of Percolator. No failed, after a few years o slip- the organization and under the new Splendid device, the Electric and seemed that eier regime it is proposed to secure a shod methods, and it 75 a. always ready for use, no one had heard of their failures, and membership of 50 or on member- flame, all .the heat inside, them to conditions ship fee of $10, and annual dues of wrongly attributed poul-trym- en too, eight cups prevailing in the country. No one $5, and at the mass meeting uf hunting for alcohol. Economical, disposed to study causes of Thursday night, Haywood, seemed to overcome them Webb and Kenan were appointed a of coffee for a cent. All the heat is useful, none failure and to try to they On the organization, however, of the committee solicit members and two minutes. poultry association the Indus W took are making rapid progress. Already lost begins to operate inside of on new life, men who loved the feath- with a half day's work they report ered in stock, studied condi- the securing of more than 20 signa- designs. Two copper tions, overcame difficulties, profited by tures and in a week or ten days there Two graceful finishes, natural advantages and today thor- will be launched a poultry association oughbred stock Is to be seen on even with a cash balance on hand suffi- and nickel. hand and as fine as can be found any- cient to do business and it will be where on the face of the earth. Our made a paying proposition from every breeders' exhibit in northern and standpoint, and right here it might southern shows never fail to bring be suggested that not one-ha- lf of the Co. back more than their share of the rib- people of El Paso keep poultry who E! Paso Electric Railway bons. should and in the country precincts Three Shon Are Held. not one-ha- lf the attention is given the Three annual poultry shows have industry that should be given it pulled off by the association in Many people in the city think they Electric Bldg, Phone 2323. been years and each show do not have the time In a was-- it re-- in the past three i was a decided success, largely increas- quires time and yet in our dry cli-- I ing interest in the breeding of thor- mate leJ time than anywhere. Place oughbred fowls, until tho industry has plenty of water before them evry bers to the Cburberts' 50 new ones. outgrown the plan of organization and morning for the entire day and fill Some of the composers whose works scope of the old association, and steps the hoppers with feed, and the day's are to be presented are Johann Strauss, are being now taken to disband the old work is pretty well over. Hopper feed- Franz Lehar. Jerome Kern, Leslie Stu- and to organize a new association on a ing is said to be the lazy man's way. art, Karl Millocker, Anselm Gotz and with more capital. J but when you are short on time it is IAY broader basis and only way. experience BE ANGLESS -- . Helnrich Berte. The show feature will continue to be the and from i aHPy A? Among the musical pieces which the a prominent one and with more funds can say it a very good way. Even with ill Shuberts will put on tour are "The Kiss It is hoped to make them larger and baby chicks the busy man can place Waltz," "Two Little Brides." with better. The work of the association before them early in the morning their James T. Powers: Gaby Deslys with will also be extended along practical day's rations, and meet with a fair de- MUSICAL COMEDY "Vera VIoletta," and Al Jolson with lines, looking to cooperation in the gree of success. Of course, if you 1 1ST limit iNews Stirs Broadway Sev- ine wnin or society;" "The Blue purchasing of supplies and the mar- have the time, feed at regular inter- Iff Bird," "Sumurun." "Bunty Pulls the keting of products. Three yeirs ago vals and all they will eat. but if you New Strings." and "A Butterfly on the with the small number of fowls in the are-shor- t of time, make the best of it, (Continued from previous page) eral Productions Wheel." county to be fed there was little that and do not sell your poultry, but econ- Will Open Here With It in be done by a omize on time with the use of hoppers are making the surprising discovery Open ; could with advantage This Week. cs in buying supplies and and you can make your back yard cut Two Weeks Bookings that there are phases of life even more ?&&&&& combination present down your grocery bill materially. strenuous than propelling a truck selling products, but with the along thorougi-fare- s. (By EMORY B. CAIVERT. The newest of New York playhouses, For the El Paso. the city's crowded William A. Brady's Forty Eighth gressed. Mr. New York, N. Y., Aug: 17. The Shu- street theater, was opened Monday a partnership for a short tour of the and Mrs. Fred Niblo i (Josephine Cohan) are under a six deal for berts will produce over 50 musical " night with what Is announced as a Keith circuit. Howard Fogg today closed a The musicless musical comedy is an and "frankly months' contract to manager William- Coney Musi- anomaly which Is likely to greet dramatic pieces thic season. The an- farcical" play by George son, who also has an option of Its the purchase of the Island vis Broadhurst and Mark Swan. It is "Hanky Panky" has found favor at renewal, to Comedy company, which Is closing tors to New York with a taste for tak- nouncement helped to wake Broadway - promises to which calls for them tour cal ing in the shows along- the Wfc called "Just Like John," and is in the- Broadway theater and "GetrRlch-Quic- k Walling- Great ta as stars in ia.,26 engagement under Allen Way this winter. As tl-- ; this week from Its habitual summer Helen Ware will be seen this season three acts, with the scene laid at a remain there long into the cool tfrer weks" a result of fashionable seaside hotel, presumably Florence Moore and WiHIani ford."' and "The Fortune Hunter" Curtis at Portland. Oregon, ana win demand of the musicians for an in- lethargy. One firm taking up SO pre- in "The Trial Marriage," a new play by weather. the Williamson circuit of playhouses. crease in rates, the announcement lias in Atlantic City. The central character Montgomery, who were well known in company to El Paso for a - sentations the news spread a thick Moore, bring the gone forth that in 18 well known pla- -- Elmer B. Harris, opening ln.Kew York is a secret service man who has been vaudeville as Montgomery and two weeks' tngagement at the Alrdome, houses there be no layer of joy over the Rialto. for it was assigned to the task of breaking up have become personal favorites. Others SANDERSON LODGE will orchestras th s in October. Rogers, Carter following the Albert Taylor company, season and others are expecteu to fo a weighty promise of better times in is scoring notably as a circle ot anarchists. A member of in th cast are Max . Jessie Abbott group Is Bobby Harry Cooper, new company will open here Sept. stag-eland- the a young woman of the DeHaven. North. TO INITIATE DOZEN The music undouoteil-.-wll- l Fifty shows will furnish Maid Marian in "." type, Nielsen. from these houses May appearing In "Just Like fiery Latin who is devoted to the Hugh Cameron and Cristine Sanderson, Teas, Aug. IT. Sander- 2. After running here two weeks, Mr. be a novelty, and as novelty is jobs for an army of leisurely thcsplans Lola is extinction of kings and other heads of nAniii.. mit;np0 nrfll Via triven On son Council No. 512, Modern Order of company on the road what Broadway Is always looking John." Floreence Malone Is one of the government by proc- 500 of. the seats Fogg will send the io' whose practice of their art during tho girls "The Talker," and bomb or other Wednesday when best will meet nest Thursday bring back the move may gain ..he stamp of popu- past season charming in esses, yet would be horrified If she are sold at $1 each. night and initiate a class of about a through Texas, and will lar approvaL Heretofore, appear? has been limited to the Douclas Fairbanks lias succeeded Wal were to step upon dozen. company for another run, it climbing to Eddinger in the leading role ot a caterpillar or do This order is growing greatly the Taylor the traveling musical companies hav- of stairs managers' offices. lace bodily harm to any lowly insect. Rose MaT,' which has run in popularity at this place. by return of Miss Melba ing their own musicians have carried "Officer 666." "The relnrorced the y "When the Shubert proclamation drew Thinking the secret service agent is an summer at the Globe thea- Mrs. F. B. Carter entertained at a company on an average of 12 men at a week!-salar- through the "Dutch lunch" in honor of Mrs. J. E. Palmer. The Coney Island of $35 each, making attention to things theatrical the other anarchist she falls In love with him. ter, continues with but slight changes Walter the cost of day. the vicinity of Times square was at one of the Shubert Broadway the- bringing about a situation the more in the cast, made necessary by vaca- Dewees of Floresville. Mrs. Gregory of has as its principal comedian. the orchestra $420. Now, however, the com- embarrassing San Antonio and Mrs. John McClain of appeared in the organized purveyors of sweet found to be thoroughly awakened. Sum- aters this season is Carl Resslers for the reason that the tions. Dryden. A H. Bohme. who here sounds mer is gone, so thorough- edy, called in the original "The Five man has a wife. w most enjoyable time was two years want each company to carry 25 mu- rar as that had by a dozen ladies. title rblt. of "The Royal Cher sicians with salaries of $75 a week, fare cares. Frankfurters," but which will be known "The Show of 1912," which Supt. G. S. C. ago. Ed. S. Allen Is another comedian One by title, "The Golden any of Waid, R. Morrill and tttus making the cost of an orchertra of the most important of the In America the Miss Bessie Abbott, who made her has found the most favor of assistant superintendent H. W. Con- in the cast and Al. Tags Ruben is the SIS75 instead of $420. Under the old new Shubert productions will be George Lane." The version which met with debut in light opera at the Knicker- the Winter Garden productions, will nolly came up from an inspection trip leading man. with Miss Violet Fisher, scale the cost of carrying Bernard Shaw's comedy, "Fanny's such success irt will be given bocker Monday night as Maid on week tomorrow. Belasco soubret, and Miss an orchestra First Marion etitT its fifth between here and Del Rio. The trip a former for a season of 40 weeks was $16.80' . Play." This piece, said to be the most in New York. The play treats of the in "Robin Hood," receives a large sal- Owing t-- j the length of the program the was- - made on the motor car. Teddy aiartin, late with Oliver Morosco, against $75,000 power Roths- Bal- company open a3 under the scale now successful of all from Shaw's pen, has astonishing rise to of the ary, but she does not think that curtain rises at S oclock for "The The Sanderson baseball club will in the leads- - The will demanded. As a result, many theate'-- s been running for a year in London. The childs family. "The Master of the prima donnas are overpaid. In sDeak- - let of 1SS0." vhich precedes the main give an ice cream social in the Wood- with "The Girl From Rector's" and the have decided an English company House," from the German orig- man Wednesday bill be "The Winsome that orchestra at this will offer the piece taken ing of the pecuniary rewards of the . eatei biinment hall next night to second will price will be a too expensive luxur . In New York at the Little theater on inally Edgar James, will open at the operatic stage she said: "No singer raise funds to liquidate the indebt- Widow." The company carries ten in and theatergoers this winter may ba Sept. 16. Another Shaw play to be pro- Thirty-Nint- h Street theater on Aug. 22. is overpaid. When you consider the The 409th rurformance of "Bought edness against the grand stand. the chorus and nine principals. given an opportunity to get away from duced this season by the Shuberts is Three American plays by prominent enormous expense of a fine musical and Paid For" was given at William A. Mrs. Lou McKee of Seguin came El Paso Theater Bookings. the everpresent music and discover "Major Barbara." writers which Messrs. Shubert will pro- education and the long years of hard Brady's playhouse this week. The out and stopped off a day with her Mr. Fogg today received some of the just what a theatrical entertainment The Shuberts control the rights to duce during the early parfrf the sea- labor demanded to attain perfection the Scotch comedy, "Banty Pulls the son, Jesse McKee, while en route to advance bookings for the El Paso without musical trimmings Is like. many foreign works in addition to son are a drama by Constance Skinner, income 400th perfor- Fort Stockton to the bedside of her theater for the season. The house will Chi- of operatic stars seems to be Strings," also had its daughter. Mrs. W. F. Fulcher, who is open on Saturday, Sept. 14, with those included in the 50 plays to be pro- formerly dramatic editor of the a logical reward. One has to pay for mance this weel- - regu- duced this season, do cago American, and a farce by Edgar expensive r.uite ill with typhoid fever. "Beverly," to be followed in the SECEETARY OF WAR and neither the singing lessons here and F. A. gone Cande-larl- a, plays, which 50 include productions booked in Shu- Franklin and Matthew "White, jr.. the abroad; there are equally expensive are a number of strong at- Oswald has to lar order by the following story edi- There to enjoy the hot water baths. include only about half the attractions MAY VISIT EL PASO bert theaters throughout the country short author and dramatic music lessons; then there Is dramatic ; tractions at the Brighton Beach Music .Arthur Murray has returned from a expects to get, bookings of the Magazine. name nu-bar- t's he the but directly controled by allied man- tors of Munseys The tuition, dancing lessons are vital'y hall. Tne neaaiiner, ueoree v. month's vacation, spent with relatives all being held up as usual agers, such as Lew Fields, William A. ofi the drama by Miss Skinner is ""Birth- important. Besides morality play called bigger stars "The Cinch." all this, one has one act at Floresville and San Antonio. until it is settled when they will close Stimson Is Now on Trip of Brady, Henry W. Savage, Winthrop right," and the other is continually to consult medical experts "Everywife." in which 22 characters Mrs. Lalla Langford, of Dilley, Is New York engagements and take Ames, Lewis "Waller, the Authors' Pro- The third Is Lucille La Verne's drama- to keep the voice general presented. here on a visit to the family their company. C. "Whitney, N. novel, "Ann and the are of her to the road: Inspection of West- ducing Fred Har- tization of Will xiarben's health in perfect form." brother. & H Martin. Sept. 28 and 28 "The Common ry e. Frazer. George Lederer, Walker Boyd." Although "A Winsome Widow" con- Otto Stadler and wife1 of Brackett-vi'l- Law." ern Posts. Whiteside, William Faversham. John The German field, always a fertile The De Koven Opera company re- tinues to iraw large audiences at the are guests of the family of W. October 20 and 21 "The Heart Cort, Oliver Morosco and others. one for the adaption, has contributed re- announced W. Young. They came down Thurs- Secretary of" war Stimson. who mem sumed the metropolitan run of its Moulin Rouge it has been Breakers." musical comedy. is Another foreign play to be produced many musical as well as dramatic vival of "Robin Hood" with a cast of the Hoy' play will be taken to day night from El Paso, where they November 16 "The Quaker Girl," big now on his way to inspectFort D. opera that Moulin have been visiting relatives. A grand stars Monday night at the Chicago and succeeded at the musical comedy. Russell in Wyoming; in- Knickerbocker theater. Bessie Abbott, Rouge by the 1312 series of "Ziegfeld Mart. Tankersley was down from November IT and 19. "In Old Ken- is expected to the young American prima donna for Follies." Alpine this week, making arrange- tucky," a revival. spect Fort Bliss after touring Ari- " whom Mascagni wrote "Ysobel" and ments to move his family here for December 1 and 2. "The Rosary." a zona. who has sung at the Metropolitan opera Louis Gunning, who starred in the school. drama. W. T. Carpenter and wife, of Dryden, S When the secretary of war toured house and abroad, made her debut In several musical plays, particularly of a rew days cere December 7 and "The White Slave." Y light opera in of Maid "Marcel" and "The Balkan s;ent this weeic a drama. the southwest in company with major the role Marian. late in J. L. Tarver, Jr., of Sonora. visited 16 Sherry. Another newcomer in the cast was Princess," made her vaudeville debut relatives here this week. December 15 and "Madam general Wood, he expressed the inten- Herbert Waterous, a basso from the Monday night at the New Brighton Mrs. J. C Stansell daughter. December 18 and 19 "The Chocolate tion of returning this way in the Metropolitan, sang and Soldier." who the role of theater. Miss Carrie, have returned from a 22 Boy" fall to view the work of enlarging Fort . Ethel Kaestner, a young s pleasant visit to San Antonio. December 21 and "Honey Huachuca, Arizona, to a regimenta American lyric soprano who hfl3 been Having failed to discover a musical Virgil ElHs has returned from a Geo. Evans's minstrels. post, and Fort Bliss, Texas, to a singing needs, De January 3 "Excuse Me." in La Scala. Milan, has the comedy to suit his Jefferson business trip to San Antonio. January 12. "Final Settlement." regimental post, the purpose being to SULK as comes from cow. part of Annabel, while Aubrey Yates Angells will make hay in the varieties. The Mother's club netted $10.S0 on 17 concentrate cavalry along the Mexico JUST it the Guy. shows given by Mrs. W. January 16 and "The City." is the new Sir Carl Hydn, tenor; the Prof and J. 18 19 "The Girl in the border. Clean cows, clean stables, refrigerated Bus-ser- t, May of Alpine. Thi3 money goes to January and Viola Ellis, contralto, and Anna Madam Simone, the French actress, Taxi." and bottled at once. soprano, have been added to the is to return to America in January, pay for the piano the club furnished String-- for the school auditorium. January 20 "Bunty Pulls the " MILK 6 cents a pint company as alternates. appearing in a romance by Louis N. the famous Scotch play. 12 cents a quart Parker and D. Devere Stackpole, deal- January 21 "The Lottery Man." $3.50 Recipe Free, For time of Louis XIV. GRAXDFALLS BANK IS The Gaiety theater, Forty Sixth ing with the NOT TO LIQUIDATED. January 22 "Little Women." at BE 26 Jeff." street Broadway, reopened " Grandfails, Texas, Aug. 17. is January "Mutt and and has Ida Verron.' who ti as once leading It January 27 and 28 Walker White- eak Men. with Augustln MacHugh's farce "Offi- Booth, of the authentically stated that the First 666," in- woman with Edwin star side in play, "The Typhoon." cer the run of which was company, wh;ch made State bank will not liquidate but will 5 6 The SAFE MLK heated to destroy all play- in Mrs. Flsk February and Graustark. terrupted four weeks ago that Its her debut and now in her 45th theat- remain here and "do business at the February 8 and 9 "The Prince of Send Name and Address Today PASTEURIZED harmful bacteria, then refrigerated and ers might enjoy a short vacation. It rical season, will again appear with old stand." The stockholders have Tonight," musical comedy. bottled. Recommended b the greatest has the original cast with but one William Hodge in "The Man From reconsidered their decision. February 17 "The Prince of PHsen," Yon Can Have It Free and Be medical experts and sanitarians. change, the exception being Douglas Liebler company W-- A. White, of El Paso, has ar- comedy Ed- Home" under the Grand-fall- s, musical revival. 8 cents Fairbanks, who replaces Wallace management. rived for a week's stay in April 8 "The Red Rose," with Velas-k- a Strong and Vigorous. a pint dinger In the role of Travers Gladwin, looking after his business In- 15 cents quart Surratt in the leading role. a the millionaire who wanders completely The comic opera "Mousme," an Eng- terests here Mr. Fogg's booking agents advise around the world in search of a new lish work on a Japanese theme, will Messrs. Earle A. Kiefer. of Chicago; him that this is not halt the shows he I have In my possession a prescrip- thrill only to find it, upon his return, not be mounted in this country by H. W. Jones, of South Bend, Ind., and will have for the season and promise tion for nervous debility, lack of vigor, within the confines of his own Fifth Henry W. Savage, who secured the J. L. Farley, of De Soto, Mo., were here that he will receive more big stars this weakened manhood, failing memory avenue home. Douglas Fairbanks has rights to the piece when it was pro- this week with Messrs. Goldstlne and year than any time in the history of and lame back, brought on by ex- The PERFECT MILK produced been appearing In this role at the season. He has Meier, of Indiana; Ivenson, of Chicago; the local house, as soon as their road cesses, unnatural drains, or the follies under George M. Cohan grand opera duced in London last Zlckle, come the inspection of the Milk Commission house notified the owners of the show that of Wisconsin; Peal, Forbes, and dates are arranged, which will not of youth, that has cured so many worn In Chicago. he does care for it. Carr, of Michigan, and Cortemeyer and until after their New York runs. and nervous men right In their own CERTIFIE of the El Paso Medical Society and not Suhr, of Iowa, showing them the res- homes without any additional help or every bottle guaranteed by them. ervoir site anfc lands in the valley. x THE GREAT WHITE WAY medicine that I think every man who The regular season at the Columbia Eleanora Dvse will return to the manly power and Ask your doctor. began Monday stage next winter, breaking a retire- Two parties have been enjoyed by From Yuma (Ariz.) Sun. wishes to regain his (ILK " theater afternoon, when the young people past days, Stables blossomed out virility, quickly and quietly, should 15 cents a pint spectacular production of burlesque ment that was thought to have been the few The Pioneer a permanent. She act in Ibsen's one at Ross Carrs and the other at this morning with a new coat of have a copy. So I have determined to 25 cents a quart called "The Golden Crook" was pro- will Mrs. A. M Stalilngs's. one end to the other. send a copy of the prescription free of duced. is in two acts and eight "The Lady From the Sea" and other whitewash from charge, plain, ordinary sealed en- It plays not requiring a large company. Prof, and Mrs. F. A Ashmore en- George Roekwood says it isn't Broad- in a scenes, with many novel electrical a young peo- way t is the "Pioneer White velope to any man who will write me effects. A troup of Russian dancers Her chief associate will be the Italian tertained number of the but for it. actor, Molssi. ple at "42." Way." phy- is a feature of the performance. Billy Many fry" on This prescription comes from a Arlington heads the cast, which In- attended the "fish the sician who has made a special study The Dr. "WILEY kind. un- Queen," Channing banks of the Pecos. , Pure and cludes Ed Johnston, Al Turple, Jack "Such a Little the Misses Cleaning Glass Vases. cf men and I am convinced it is the adulterated. Xot how cheap but how Strouse, Ed Boyd, Chick Cameron, Pollock play, in which Elsie Ferguson Etta Brandenberg and Lendie , surest-actin- g combination for the cur ICE CREAM be May Hastings, of Dallas, , and Ethel Flower vases which ha-- e become good Not made in a cellar. Frank Mackey, Mile. Viola, Eleanor made her first stellar venture, is to Sliger, of deficient manhood and vigor failure Cochran, Golden fitted with tunes and turned over to ot Duncanville, who have been cloudy and discolored should be ever put together. Ella and Jeanette Hajos, Hungarian, Tisiting relatives and friends here the I think owe to my fellow man Buckley. Incidental to the perfor- MizzI the bantam past two cleaned with a mixture of vinegar and' I it mance of burlesque a vaudeville bill who wandered about the country as weeks, have left for Barstow, to send them a copy in confidence so given. the prima donna of the second "Spring where they will visit a week with salt, poured in and well shaken about. that any man anywhere who is weak is company. their uncle, R. L. Carr and family, be- and discouraged with repeated failures High Grade BUTTER, BUTTERMILK AND COTTAGE CHEESE ALSO. Maid" Pollock and Rennold A ldng; piece of stiff wire, upon the may to Wolf are to convert the former's fore they return to their homes. stop drugging himself with harm- Charles Frohman has decided Many citizens have been doing end or which is a little pad ot soft ful patent medicines, secure what I be- keep "The Girl from Montmartre," comedy into a libretto. quickest-acting- splendid work In the way of "clean- rag, should be poked Into all the cor- lieve is the " restorative, which began at the Criterion theater ing up." upbuilding. SPOT TOUCHING remedy last Monday, at the theater for an in- A cablegram announcing that ners and crevices, and the vase then ever devised, and so cure himself George M. comedy ck at EL definite run. During the week several Cohan's rinsed In warm water and dried "with heme quietly and quickly. Just drop PASO DAIRY COMPANY new songs have been added by Richard Wallingford" had been Might Better Walt. me a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson. Carle and Hattie Williams, who are given its premier in Sydney, Australia, Many a woman has made the ter- a good polishing cloth. Fly mark3 4049 Luck Building. Detroit. Mich., and , on Saturday night. August 3, by J. upon you (THE DAIRY WITHOUT TUUBERCULOSIS.) the joint stars. - the gilt frames of pictures I will send a copy of this splen- C. piece rible mistake- of marrying merely to Williamson, relates that the should be with a lemon did recipe In a plain ordinary envelope .telephones: Bell 340 and 818. won a great success. Fred Niblo, In show the public that sbo had the rubbed half free of charge. A greit many doctors 423 N Oregon Street. g Ida Brooks Hunt, recently featured the role of J. Rufus Wallingford, and and then polished with a chamois would charge $3.00 to $5 00 for merel-.-writin- with the 'Chocolate Poidier."' and Josephine Cohan as Fanny were re- chance leatLer. out a prescription like this Che ilah Slnii-i- r i. late star of "The peatedly cheered as the play pro but I send it entirely free. Red Feather company, has formed i