Experimental Social Psychology – Psy303B Rankin 312, Office Hours: M and W 11:30-1:00 Dr. Denise Guastello Email:
[email protected] Course Description: This course reviews and critically examines the research findings of experimental social psychologists. Among the topics explored are attitude change, prejudice, conformity, altruism, aggression and group dynamics. Instructional emphasis will be on developing ideas for further needed social psychological research. (Fa) Prerequisite: PSY 101 and 205. Class meets Monday from 6 to 9:35 in Rankin 204A. Course objectives: • To educate the student on the experiments conducted by and theories developed by social psychologists. • To help students develop the skills to critically analyze current world phenomenon and events from a social psychological viewpoint. I will present "hot off the press" studies from Psychological Science (expect this to occur just about every week) and students will research a current event topic. • In addition, students will present on and defend one side of a controversial issue. They will also participate in researching a social psychological issue (to be discussed a little later.) Required Text: Myers, D.G. (2010). Social psychology (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Required Reader: Nier, J.A. (2013) Taking sides: Clashing Views in psychology (4th Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill _____________________________________________________________________________ Week 1-Sept 9 orientation, ice-breaking exercise, presentation sign-ups Strong Interest Inventory ____________________________________________________________________________________