Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2017 No. 90 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ance, and Social Security disability in- severely limit the ability of States to called to order by the Speaker pro tem- surance benefits. request these waivers. Estimates sug- pore (Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH). The Trump budget also decimates the gest that in any given month, this pro- f Supplemental Nutrition Assistance posal would restrict access to SNAP for Program, known as SNAP, our Nation’s up to 1 million Americans struggling to DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO first line of defense against hunger. It find work. Mr. Speaker, kicking people TEMPORE cuts the program by $193 billion over 10 off of SNAP doesn’t help them find a The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- years. That is a 25 percent reduction. job. It only makes them hungrier, fore the House the following commu- President Trump makes these ruthless weaker, and even less likely to qualify nication from the Speaker: cuts by cutting eligibility and reducing for work. It is simply a rotten thing to benefits. He also adds a new require- do. WASHINGTON, DC, Now, quite frankly, I was a little sur- May 24, 2017. ment that States pay 25 percent of the I hereby appoint the Honorable TREY HOL- cost of the benefits. prised by the magnitude of these cuts LINGSWORTH to act as Speaker pro tempore It may be a nice sound bite to sug- given the fact that President Trump’s on this day. gest that States should share the cost Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny PAUL D. RYAN, of providing SNAP benefits to their Perdue, testified before the House Speaker of the House of Representatives. residents, but the reality is that State Committee on Agriculture last week in f budgets are already stretched incred- strong defense of SNAP. He said: ‘‘ . we have no proposed changes. You MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ibly thin, and communities are already suffering from a decrease in Federal in- don’t try to fix things that aren’t bro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vestment in States. The Trump budget ken.’’ How are we to trust this administra- ant to the order of the House of Janu- compounds this problem by elimi- tion’s promises on anything when they ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- nating dozens of programs that fami- tell us one thing on Wednesday and re- nize Members from lists submitted by lies in States across the country rely the majority and minority leaders for lease a budget that does the exact op- on. This will only exacerbate the stress posite not even a week later? morning-hour debate. on State budgets to deliver basic serv- The Chair will alternate recognition During the past 2 years, the House ices to their residents. Committee on Agriculture has held 21 between the parties, with each party If that isn’t bad enough, President hearings on SNAP. As the ranking limited to 1 hour and each Member Trump would allow States to cut ben- member of the Subcommittee on Nutri- other than the majority and minority efit levels to manage the costs they tion, I have participated in each one of leaders and the minority whip limited would incur under this cruel budget. them. What we have learned from our to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- This means that families living in cer- witnesses, both Democrats and Repub- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. tain States would see their already licans, is that SNAP works. It is one of f too-modest benefits drop through no the most effective and efficient pro- fault of their own. TRUMP BUDGET CUTS grams run by the Federal Government. At the same time, President Trump It expands in times of economic hard- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The is proposing new fees on retail stores ship and contracts as our economy re- Chair recognizes the gentleman from applying to accept SNAP benefits. We covers. Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 know access to food is a huge concern, With a modest food assistance benefit minutes. especially in rural areas and in cities, of about $1.40 per person per meal, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, yes- and such a wrongheaded approach will SNAP alleviates hunger and reduces terday President Trump released the further limit the ability of families on poverty. It supplements the food budg- most reckless and heartless budget I SNAP to shop for nutritious food. ets of families and helps them make have ever seen in my life. It slashes In addition, President Trump’s budg- ends meet. Innovations in the program virtually every worthwhile program: et makes it even more difficult for have helped to spur the consumption of programs that help the middle class, able-bodied adults without dependents healthier food. I would like to remind seniors, and veterans. But what I find to receive modest food benefits. Cur- my colleagues that two-thirds of the particularly offensive and troubling is rent law allows States to waive the people on SNAP are children, seniors, that his budget is a radical assault on time limits imposed on these vulner- or disabled. The majority of people on people living in poverty or right on the able adults, which include veterans, by the program who are able to work do edge. It guts Medicaid, housing assist- the way, but President Trump wants to work. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4507 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:34 May 24, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MY7.000 H24MYPT1 H4508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 2017 If you want to talk about reforming until you start doing something for it. It is dead on arrival in Congress be- the program and how do we look to the somebody else.’’ cause Democrats and Republicans both future, we need to focus on how to Well, the Lions Club redoubled its understand that we can’t provide eco- make the program even better. We commitment to help others when a nomic security to the American people need to make sure that anyone who young advocate for the disabled spoke and keep them safe from threats if we needs this benefit has access to it. We at the 1925 Lions Clubs International gut our investments in doing both. need to support and expand innovative convention. This woman challenged the That is what the President’s budget programs that help increase the pur- Lions to become ‘‘knights of the blind would do. chasing power of SNAP. We need to in- in the crusade against darkness.’’ Of As The Washington Post eloquently crease SNAP benefits so that families course, this woman was Helen Keller. pointed out, the Trump budget ‘‘is fun- that are helped by the program can ac- Helen Keller developed a fever at 18 damentally at odds with what Trump tually access more nutritious food that months of age that left her blind and told voters.’’ President Trump prom- lasts through the month. deaf. After working with an excep- ised middle class American workers he Mr. Speaker, Donald Trump is used tional teacher, Helen Keller learned would fight for them and their fami- to dining with billionaires at Mar-a- sign language and braille, and a few lies. If implemented, his budget would Lago and Trump Tower, so I am not at years later she learned to speak. make it harder for them to send their all shocked by his lack of knowledge The Lions accepted Helen Keller’s kids to college, access job training to about our antihunger safety net or by challenge and ever since have worked get ahead, or even just stay in the mid- his lack of interest in helping the most on several projects to prevent blind- dle class, and devastate seniors’ long- vulnerable in our society. It is clear ness, restore eyesight, and improve eye term care. The dramatic cuts he makes from his budget that he does not have care for folks all around the world. to nutrition assistance, elimination of a clue. Sight became one of the Lions’ defin- heating assistance during the winter I urge my colleagues to join me in re- ing causes. Many are familiar with its months and Meals on Wheels will hit jecting this reckless and heartless pro- eyeglasses recycling program where in- low-income Americans and seniors posal that will devastate so many fami- dividuals can donate reading glasses hard, particularly in rural commu- lies that we represent. We must, in- they no longer need. nities. stead, support efforts to strengthen Mr. Speaker, service to others is And those, Mr. Speaker, are just a se- SNAP and end hunger now. We are sup- what makes Lions Clubs International lection. He is breaking his campaign posed to end hunger now, not make it such a powerful force of good in the promise not to cut Medicaid and Social worse. world. I am grateful that Lions Clubs Security, taking $1.4 trillion out of f around the globe serve millions annu- Medicaid over the next 10 years, with- ally. I am so proud to be a member of out offering a policy to achieve those CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF THE an organization that not only lives up cuts, and slashing funds for the Social LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL to its remarkable ideals but exceeds Security disability insurance programs The SPEAKER pro tempore.