Land East of Odstock Road and South of Rowbarrow, Salisbury
Bellway Homes Ltd (Wessex) December 2019 Land east of Odstock Road and south of Rowbarrow, Salisbury Planning Statement Planning, Design & Access Statement Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Site Assessment 4 3. Pre-Application, Screening and Community Engagement 6 4. Design Response 10 5. Planning Policy 12 6. Other Planning Considerations 23 7. Planning Obligations 28 8. Summary and Conclusions 29 Bellway Homes Ltd (Wessex) December 2019 1 Planning, Design & Access Statement 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 1.1.1. This Planning Statement has been prepared by Savills in support of a full planning application by Bellway Homes Limited (Wessex). The proposed Site adjoins built development to the immediate south of East Harnham, Salisbury, on land to the east of Odstock Road and south of Rowbarrow. The Site adjoins recent housing development at Rowbarrow and Downton Road. Figure 1: Location Plan (site outlined in red) Source: Google Maps Bellway Homes Ltd (Wessex) December 2019 1 Planning, Design & Access Statement 1.2. The Proposed Development 1.2.1. Bellway Homes is proposing 108 dwellings with vehicle access off Odstock Road. The Site has been allocated within the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Plan (WHSAP) under policy H3.4 to deliver approximately 100 much needed dwellings. It is expected that the WHSAP will be adopted in early 2020. 1.3. Bellway Homes Ltd (Wessex) 1.3.1. Bellway Homes is a Plc national housebuilder, with a local division based in Ringwood, Hampshire. It has undertaken a number of local developments in recent years, in or adjoining the main cities, towns and villages in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and West Sussex.
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