Pletf Television Pbograms
E/i; i, S CO PLETF TELEVISION PBOGRAMS lifton aferson Fair Lewn Garfield Haledon Hawthorne ...*.,,;•½ •,•,½ •.•;•,... :'.' Lodi ß :.;.,: ........ ... :.•. •...•, ß .-• Little Falls .. •.•;.. ½'. %.½ß .,•,:;• ....• ,-• :,:..::.., ...,.... ..... •.•.•.• ½•"• •, %'., . :•.:.:'"'.:..:, Mountain View :;:";,?;•-:? .... • , ,, ...: ß . :, ',]. .. .. .:. .., ..**.•:4%,.•,' , ..•;.:.•:•-•,.. *'•?;::,.• ;orth Haledon ,.•.% •.-.;•,•.,•,..-• Paterson r-ai½ m fon Lakes Park Sin ac fotowa ayne est Pterson LOVELIES OF SHADY LAKE ß ['GUST 17, 1955 VOL. XXX. No. 33 •-.••Little 'Falls .Parki-ng Meter Ordinance WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. --CalledUnfa, r To MerchantsBy Stokes A GOODNA]•. TO • * ,' ,;ER iiiii LI•'I'LEFALLS --A parking meter ordinance ,s,cheduled _for for. • I firstunfairreading to merchants'Monda,y, byAugust Committeeman 18, was branded Dr. Jamesas Stokesharmful at andthe F URN IT U RE ....•'•'• Township Committee meeting this •veek. [.lying Room Bed Room Dining Room Stokes, a consis'ent opponent RUGS AHD CARPETS A SPECIALTY ..: :-• wasofthe registeringparking authority'his opposition saidheon leadSchumacher to a "seriousasserted problem'this, could that QUALITY and LOW PRICE ' the ordinancebecause he might only a total re.evaluationwould -- 39 Years Serving tile Public -- not be.present at the reading. correct. 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-71130 PATE•ON-,-N. J. The .new law wouldprovide a Whenthe problemwas refer- 240MARKi• ST. (ClWroll Pllaa Hotel Bldg.) MU4-79T• parking meter system for the red to Mayor Jacob De Young, he first time in the township's his- noted that the four companies in- tory.-The money collected would terviewed by' the committee for go to the parking authority to al- the revaluation said they could low them to buy land for off- not start earlier than next Jun.e. street parking and pay salaries Early in the session the com- of attendants.
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