ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2020 This Annual Progress Report for the Climate Change Action Plan has been prepared by the Dublin City Council Climate Action team in conjunction with the Dublin energy agency Codema and the Dublin Metropolitan Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) and in partnership with the Environment Strategic Policy Committee and the Elected Members of Dublin City Council. FOREWORD

The City Council is the largest local authority in Ireland, the impacts of future climate change-related events; serves the citizens of the Capital, and is determined to be the leading local authority meeting the challenges Resilience is being increased through cross- of climate change. The first City Council Climate departmental work on incorporating nature based Change Action Plan (CCAP), which was submitted to solutions, ongoing improvements to the pedestrian the Department in September 2019 is our first step and cycling infrastructure, developing the District in delivering on this commitment. This plan sets out Heating scheme for the City and delivery of flood how the Council will improve energy efficiency and defences. Resilience is also being increased through reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our own citizen engagement to foster behaviour change buildings and operations, whilst making Dublin a more and build awareness of climate risks and how climate resilient city. It contains four main targets, with to respond. Related actions also contribute to progress to date as follows: improving air quality and enhancing biodiversity. Examples of such schemes include the Santry (i) A 33% improvement in the Council’s energy and Dodder greening works, planting in Nicolas efficiency by 2020; and Chatham Streets, and projects in schools, private and public areas of the City; each increases The City Council achieved a 36.5% energy efficiency resilience and enhances the living environment for improvement by the end of 2019. This was achieved citizens. by way of improvements to public lighting, civic buildings, leisure, Fire Brigade and library facilities, (iv) To actively engage and inform citizens on climate each of these being identified in the Annual Energy change. Reviews and monitored through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) monitoring and The City Council has engaged with the citizens reporting platform. of the City on various levels and through many networks including: climate workshops with city (ii) A 40% reduction in the Council’s GHG emissions by neighbourhood groups; training for businesses; and, 2030; community engagement on greening initiatives, such as the Stoneybatter Greening Strategy. Each is This target is monitored using a glide path in the delivering community and climate benefits. DCC Energy Efficiency review and it is noted that the current EU target for Ireland, is a 30% reduction In conclusion, the City Council has delivered on the by 2030, the council’s target is a more ambitious targets set in the first CCAP and will, together with target of 40% in line with the COM targets. Our Councillors, businesses and communities, continue retrofitting work, commitment to the Breathlife WHO to develop and enhance the Plan to make the City targets, and transition to more Electric Vehicles of Dublin a climate resilient city that delivers a high within our fleet have given us a solid foundation quality living environment to its citizens. on which to deliver on this target. Ongoing work involves consultation with Council members and Céline Reilly, the public, together with development of the Energy Executive Manager, Masterplan. Environment and Transportation Department, Dublin City Council (iii) To make Dublin a climate resilient city by reducing October 2020 INTRODUCTION

Dublin City Council’s Climate Change Action Plan 2019- In June 2020 the Climate Action Coordinator was 2024 was approved on 13th May 2019 in accordance appointed, and has been working with the Climate with the National Adaptation Framework – Planning Action Teams (see graphic on page 4) to monitor for a Climate Resilient Ireland 2018 (NAF)1. The progress on the CCAP. Monitoring of progress is Plan was also completed in accordance with the quarterly and progress reports are provided to the requirements of the Covenant of Mayors (COM)2 for Environment Strategic Policy Committee (SPC). The Climate & Energy to which Dublin City Council is a reports are provided based on thematic area. Since signatory. the implementation of the CCAP the SPC has received presentations on progress from Flood Resilience In 2019, the Council's Plan set out four key targets and (November 2019), Energy and Buildings (January 219 actions that the Council would undertake in the 2020), Transport (July 2020), Nature Based Solutions areas of energy & buildings, transport, flood resilience, (September 2020) and Resource Management nature-based solutions and resource management. (September 2020). The implementation of actions in Since the Plan's publication, the number of actions has the CCAP has been challenging due to COVID however, reduced to 203, due to the Council combining some as will be evident in this report, significant progress actions for efficiency and recognising that a number has been made with 83% of actions ongoing, and 6% of actions are now being managed by national or completed. Only 10% of the actions have not been government bodies. started. Of these actions, a number are not due to commence for another 5 years, for example Phases II The Plan was developed by Dublin City Council and III of Public Realm Strategies. in conjunction with the City of Dublin Energy Management Agency (Codema) and the Dublin Climate Beyond the CCAP, the Climate Action Team has Action Regional Office (CARO). The Plan was subject developed and has begun implementing an to public consultation and Strategic Environmental engagement strategy to strengthen our capacity to Assessment processes. Dublin City Council has engage with citizens. It is a two-phase strategy, the committed to reviewing and reporting on this Plan first phase which commenced in October involved annually, in line with the requirements of the NAF and workshops with Area Offices. The workshops included COM processes. presentations on the CCAP and various programmes and projects such as the Staff Mobility Hub, Dublin This report refers to the reporting period from 30th District Heating, Air Quality Monitoring, MODOS and September 2019 to 31st October 2020. Refer to flood alleviation works. The second phase, which is the action tables in this document for supporting set to begin in January 2021 depending on COVID, will information. be in two parts. The first part will be a collaborative project to retrofit housing with nature-based solutions to adapt our housing stock to future climate risks. The second part will work to the ‘hopes and concerns’ of communities discussed in phase one. The format of these will be developed with community officers and public domain officers in the respective Area Offices to guarantee that we are responding to community asks. The Climate Action Team recognises the role of DCC in engaging with citizens - without collaboration with communities achieving the targets of the CCAP will be impossible.

1 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 INT R ODUCTION


Postponed 1%

Not Started 10% Ongoing 83% Complete 6%

Action Area Complete ONGOING Postponed not started Energy & Buildings 2 actions 30 actions 0 actions 6 actions

Transport 3 actions 55 actions 1 action 3 actions

Flood Resilience 4 actions 35 actions 1 action 1 action

Nature-Based Solutions 1 action 19 actions 0 actions 5 actions

Resource Management 2 actions 30 actions 0 actions 5 actions

TOTALS 12 169 2 20

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 2 Updates to policy and legislation required and that burdens borne must be seen to be since the adoption of the CCAP fair across society. Developing the opportunities in a decarbonising economy is recognised as a key pillar to the Climate Action Plan and in this regard the Plan envisages The policy and legislative context relating to climate that existing initiatives and structures will be mobilised action has developed since the adoption of the CCAP. to maximise enterprise opportunities. Kieran Mulvey The Climate Action Plan 2019 – To Tackle Climate was appointed Just Transition Commissioner by the Breakdown3 represents the Governments all of society Government and his first report was released in April 2020. approach, aimed at enabling Ireland to meet its EU targets The report acknowledges the challenge ahead and that to reduce its carbon emissions by 30% between 2021 the transition will impact all sectors, given this, policies and 2030, and lay the foundations for achieving net zero and programmes will need to consider and anticipate carbon emissions by 2050. The Plan contains a range future social implications of the transition and impacts of of multi-stakeholder actions across a variety of sectors climate change in their design. including the local authority sector. It also highlights the leadership role of the public sector, including local The Climate Action Plan 2019 – First Progress Report5 authorities, and the importance of citizen engagement and outlined the main milestones reached across sectors since community leadership. At the heart of the Plan, is the key the publication of the National Climate Plan. In terms of message that climate action requires a range of thematic the local authority sector, it noted the signing of a Climate areas to work together to meet the challenge. Action Charter by each local authority; a survey of local authorities6 to establish a baseline of current climate A noteworthy action of the Plan was the requirement by change activities and establish best practices; the role local authorities to develop and sign a new Climate Action of Local Authorities in town hall meetings to progress Charter. This Charter was signed by all local authorities community engagement on climate action and the role of in November 2019. A copy of the local authority Climate the CAROs in formulating and delivering technical training Action Charter is presented in the Appendix. Examples of to Local Authorities. key requirements under the Charter are to:

• Measure the carbon impact of activities and implement The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development measures to reduce carbon emissions in line with national (Amendment) Bill 20207 was published in October 2020 objectives including a 50% improvement in energy and aims to enshrine in law the approach and actions efficiency by 2030; outlined in the National Climate Action Plan. The Bill puts into law a commitment for net-zero greenhouse gas • Put in place a process for carbon proofing major emissions by 2050, through establishing a ‘National 2050 decisions, programmes and projects on a systematic Climate Objective’ that the State will pursue the transition basis, including investments in transport and energy to a ‘climate resilient and climate neutral economy’ by infrastructure, moving over time to a near zero carbon the end of the year 2050. The draft Bill also includes the investment strategy; requirement for local authorities to prepare a Climate • Ask suppliers as part of the procurement process Action Plan addressing both climate mitigation and to provide information on their carbon footprint and adaptation measures within 12 months of receipt of a sustainability practices, and implement a green public request from the Minister. These climate change action procurement strategy and procedures across all business plans will contribute to the national 2050 climate objective areas; and and shall be reflected specifically within the development planning processes. It is anticipated that the final Climate • Exercise planning and regulatory roles to help improve Bill will be published by government before the end of climate outcomes in the wider community and beyond 2020. the public sector, by developing and implementing robust evidenced-based policy and standards on climate The graphic on the opposite page presents a summary of action, through appropriate and relevant adaptation and climate action governance from Local Authority level to mitigation measures. National Government level. The Climate Action Plan also commits to delivering a Just Climate action features prominently in the new Transition4, recognising the significant level of change Programme for Government8 with commitments in

3 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 INT R ODUCTION



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Summary of National to Local Authority Level Climate Action Governance (Please note, this graphic is a summary for information only as it was not possible to include all Department, Agency and group names on this graphic)

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 4 relation to climate legislation, carbon taxation, renewable COVID-19 impact energy targets, sectoral emission reduction targets, increased funding for sustainable transport and a focus on The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on all the retrofitting of private houses. levels of society, with over 1,800 deaths nationwide and over 50,000 confirmed cases at the time of writing. The The 9 published Climate Change Advisory Council (CCAC) Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) expects its 2020 annual review in late September. A key task of the Ireland's GDP to decrease by approximately 13% in 2020 CCAC is to conduct an annual review of progress made because of economic disruptions caused by the pandemic. over the previous year across all sectors, in reducing It subsequently expects economy-wide CO emissions to greenhouse gas emissions and furthering the transition to 2 decrease by 9.5 per cent in 202014. a low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable economy and society by 2050. A recommendation in the 2020 A report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), review is that in order “to better prepare for future climate Ireland in the Pandemic: Environmental observations15 extremes and limit their impact we need to move from showed at least temporary improvements in some areas adaptation planning to adaptation action implementing of the environment, including air quality and a reduction the priorities of existing sectoral adaptation plans and in transport related greenhouse gas emissions. Other local adaptation strategies…” areas like waste generation increased due to increased household waste and an increase in single use plastic as a At a European level the 10 published in late 2019 Green Deal result of COVID related requirements. The report concludes is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into that “while there are positives associated with a lower a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource- societal impact on the environment, the EPA recognises efficient and competitive economy where there are no that the current situation is not normal economic activity. net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where However, as the country exits the lockdown, there is economic growth is decoupled from resource use. In its’ an opportunity to decouple environmental harm from recent State of the Union 202011 address, the Commission economic growth for a sustainable future. Long-term has committed to a more ambitious greenhouse gas improvements beyond the end of the crisis can only be reduction targets of 55% by 2030 and new climate achieved by means of a targeted climate and environment legislation. This level of ambition for the next decade will policy”. put the EU on a balanced pathway to reaching climate neutrality by 2050. A number of surveys undertaken in recent months16 on people’s experiences during the pandemic particularly A new 12 was published EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 when local travel restrictions were in place, found in May 2020 detailing a comprehensive, ambitious, increased cycling and walking and enjoyment of local long-term plan for protecting nature and reversing the green spaces like public parks. An increased appreciation degradation of ecosystems. It aims to put Europe's of nature and local wildlife was also noted. biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030 with benefits for people, the climate and the planet. It aims to build Local authorities in collaboration with other actors have our societies’ resilience to future threats such as climate had a central role in providing services to citizens during change impacts, forest fires, food insecurity or disease this period through the establishment of local community outbreaks, including protecting wildlife and fighting illegal response forums17. The forums provide support such as wildlife trade. A core part of the European Green Deal, the shopping for food, fuel and other essential household Biodiversity Strategy will also support a green recovery items, transport to medical appointments, delivery of hot following the COVID-19 pandemic. A new EU Strategy on meals through local meals on wheels services and the 13 is expected in Adaptation to Climate Change Strategy collection of prescribed medicines. early 2021, building on the current Strategy, which was adopted in 2013. In addition, local authorities have responded to the additional needs of its businesses and citizens during this time in terms of adaptations to the public realm, including the provision of outdoor dining space, footpath space and cycling infrastructure to improve the liveability and mobility in areas and to support business to operate under COVID restrictions.

5 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Simultaneously, a recent Local Government Management Covenant of Mayors update Agency (LGMA)18 report showed that as a result of COVID, INT R ODUCTION Local Authorities redesigned existing business processes, All signatories to the European Covenant of Mayors are provided enhanced internal I.T. services to support required to submit a Sustainable Energy and Climate working from home, improved online services for the Action Plan (SECAP). All four Dublin Local Authorities public/businesses to ensure the ongoing delivery of local (DLAs) Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans authority services. For example, DCC through its COVID (SECAPs) were completed in Q3 of 2019. The Covenant of Mobility Plan has implemented interventions across the Mayors SECAP is based on the DLAs’ CCAPs and the four city that support active travel while supporting social Dublin Baseline Emission Reports prepared in 2016. The distancing. actions from the thematic sections, energy and emission baseline inventory, adaptation baseline, the risks and Some actions such as cycling and pedestrian vulnerability assessments were extracted from the CCAPs improvements were actions included in the climate and uploaded to the Covenant of Mayors SECAP web change action plan that have been expedited due to template. the pandemic. Further information on these actions are provided in the action tables in this document. The Dublin City SECAP overview can be found on the

Covenant of Mayors website: This flexibility that Local Authorities have shown in terms of pivoting work practices and public services from office community/signatories/action-plan.html?scity_id=11815 to remote working and the use of technology, online platforms and communications will be of long term benefit to council staff and the public. These practices also have the potential for longer term environmental benefits CODEMA update 2019/2020 due to reduced travel and resource use. The call to ‘Build Better Back’ in a post-Covid world is an opportunity to This section is a non-exhaustive summary of some of make our services and society more resilient in the face of the main activities Codema has undertaken in the last future health, environmental and economic shocks. 12 months. Since the Climate Change Action Plan’s publication in 2019, Codema has continued its work as It is also acknowledged that the pandemic has had the energy advisor to the four Dublin Local Authorities significant impacts on the capacity of DCC to deliver (DLAs). One major change to the company came early in services. A decrease in DCC’s revenues coupled with COVID 2020 when Donna Gartland was appointed as Codema’s restrictions has resulted in some actions within the CCAP new CEO, taking over from director and founder Gerry being postponed. For example, site work and site visits Wardell. Donna has worked with Codema for the last six were delayed or curtailed and public engagement and years in the role of Senior Energy Planner and she has public consultations events have been postponed or been instrumental in developing district heating as a cancelled, including community clean-ups. low-carbon solution to Ireland’s heating sector and played a key role in securing almost €25 million in total for the Dublin District Heating System and the Tallaght District Heating Scheme through the government’s Climate Action Fund. She has extensive experience in energy planning and policy and also as a team builder. Codema will continue to enable the transition to a low-carbon future in Dublin and beyond. Codema also continues to work closely with the Dublin CARO towards a regional approach to climate change solutions.

Energy Management Codema assists in the direct energy management within DCC, completing the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Monitoring and Reporting to show the Council's progress towards its 2020 33% energy reduction target. DCC has exceeded the target and achieved a 36.5%

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 6 DCC annual 100 energy performance 80 compared to 50% glidepath 60



0 Baseline 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030- 50% EnPI Normalised - % Change TPER - EnPI Normalised 33% Glidepath - EnPI Normalised

DCC annual 60,000

CO2 emissions Performance compared to 50,000 40% glidepath



20,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

CO2 Emissions

in tCO2 Total Emissions (tCO2) Target Glidepath

energy reduction at the very end of 2019, compared local authority regions / counties in Ireland where the kits to the baseline. In September's DCC Energy Oversight are available for the public to borrow from local libraries. Committee meeting, Codema presented on DCC’s current Given that Dublin City Council was the first library network progress in relation to its 2020 targets and what will be to pilot the scheme back in 2016, it highlights how much needed in relation to energy savings to achieve the new the Home Energy Saving Kit initiative has grown and the 2030 energy efficiency target of 50%. This will form a key role Dublin City Council’s Public Libraries have played registry of opportunities for future low-carbon projects. in helping to pioneer and replicate the scheme nationally. Forty-three Display Energy Certificates were generated for public buildings. Two non-domestic Building Energy Dublin Region Energy Master plan Ratings (BERs) were also generated for Dorset Street Fire Codema is developing the Dublin Regional Energy Master Station and Civic Centre. Codema has worked Plan through the SEAI Research, Development and on the tender awarded for efficient boiler replacement Demonstration (RD&D) programme. The aim of this project at the Dublin Fire Brigade’s O’Brien Institute fire training is to evaluate and outline the cost-optimal, spatially facility. Codema regularly assists the DLAs in applications possible and technically feasible low-carbon scenarios

for national funding to assist in the development of low- for Dublin to meet its 2030 and 2050 CO2 reduction targets carbon projects. We have also assisted in the submission from the perspective of society, energy consumers and the of an expression of interest to the upcoming Climate energy sector. This project looks at the three main energy Action Fund for a solar panel and lighting project across sectors (heat, electricity and transport) and the synergies multiple Council buildings. Codema also carried out between them to deliver more cost-effective low-carbon research on behalf of the four DLAs that examines the pathways for the region. It will look at current and future national Climate Action Plan 2019 requirement for all policy impacts and shortfalls to targets needed to make public buildings to achieve a 'B' BER rating by 2030. Dublin net carbon neutral by 2050. This is the first master plan of its kind in Ireland to look at the County and small Energy and Climate Awareness area level, and to assess which solutions will work best In 2020, Codema developed another 42 Home Energy within local constraints. The finished plan will aid planners Saving Kits for Dublin City Council’s Public Libraries, due and other decision makers in all energy related plans in to ongoing public demand and success of the scheme the future. within the library network. It will bring to 109 the number of kits that are available across Dublin City Council’s EU Projects 21 library branches. Nationally, the scheme has grown An area Codema has extensive knowledge and experience considerably in 2020, with the kits introduced to nine new in is the application and execution of EU projects across a regions during the year. It will bring to 19 the number of

7 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 range of funding streams, at present we have several active approach to regional energy systems and will help end- projects, namely: users to spatially visualise and better understand the INT R ODUCTION characteristics of urban energy demand. This project HeatNet NWE: The Interreg NWE HeatNet project aims to will provide insight to end-users regarding the region's remove the policy, economic and technological barriers building stock and will incorporate a process for analysing to fourth generation district heating in North-West Europe. the dynamic energy demand of urban mobility systems It has six pilot projects and a budget of €11.5 million. across different routes and modes. The Tallaght District Heating Scheme in , which is using waste heat from the Amazon data centre to QGasSP: In September, Codema along with partners provide low-carbon heating to several public and private from Estonia and Finland, were awarded the tender to buildings, is one of the pilots. HeatNet NWE will finish in deliver the QGasSP (Quantitative Greenhouse Gas Impact the first quarter of 2021. All learnings will be used in the Assessment Method for Spatial Planning Policy) project. development of the Dublin Docklands District Heating The objective of this research project is to produce a Project. methodology that will allow planning authorities at national, regional and local administrative levels to Tomorrow: Codema, together with the four Dublin quantify the influence of spatial planning policies on GHG Local Authorities, is developing a collaborative Transition emissions. The Eastern and Midlands Regional Authority Roadmap for the Dublin Region, which will motivate (IE) will be one of the beneficiaries of the outcomes. citizens, local businesses, public authorities and transport groups to work together towards the same goal of Codema is still actively seeking EU funding to advance the developing Dublin as a sustainable, healthy, leading EU transition to a carbon-neutral Dublin. To this end, we have city by 2050. This roadmap will be developed as part of recently applied for funding for several projects through the H2020 'TOMORROW' project, in which Dublin is one of the Horizon 2020 September call and the EU City Facility six pilot EU cities to develop a 2050 transition roadmap for funding stream. a climate-neutral, liveable city and county. Codema will roll out a public engagement campaign in 2021 to ensure District Heating citizens' voices are heard, so they can take ownership of Codema have been supporting Dublin City Council in the this transition, and the roadmap will be developed by the development of the Dublin Docklands District Heating end of 2022. Scheme, which utilises waste heat from the Dublin Waste- to-Energy plant. Codema has provided assistance in the Decarb City Pipes: Codema are partners in the Decarb development of techno-economic models, provided City Pipes 2050 project which kicked off in September clarifications for Climate Action Fund approval, Part L 2020. This project is focused on the decarbonisation of compliance analysis and heat load modelling. heat through capacity building in cities. This includes creating local working groups (made up of key local sustainable energy communities stakeholders within the cities of Bilbao, Bratislava, Dublin, Codema won the tender to coordinate the SEAI Munich, Rotterdam, Vienna and Winterthur) to outline Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) Programme for gaps in knowledge and current practices (planning the Dublin and Mid East region. The seven counties (4 methodologies, tools, policy instruments, effective Dublin LAs, Kildare, Wicklow and Meath) are each provided governance structures, etc.) and then go about addressing with a mentor to help advise the SECs and move them these gaps through deep peer-to-peer learning with along their progress from learning about energy and input from an experienced advisory board. An in-depth climate change, to conducting an energy master plan and engagement process will be adopted to develop these registry of opportunities to finally undertaking projects. roadmaps, to build strong effective working relationships The aim is to upskill and educate but also to reduce within each city, and ensure strong buy-in from energy consumption through behavioural change, energy stakeholders. efficiency, renewable and smart solutions. The seven local authorities are acting as lead applicants on behalf of REDAP: Codema is a partner in the Regional Energy the SECs for their energy master plans providing finance Demand Analysis Portal (REDAP) project, which was to activate grants and procurement expertise for hiring approved under the 2018 European Research Area consultants. The tender will last for four years and has Network (ERA-Net) Smart Energy Systems fund and already proved very popular, with fifteen new SECs signing supported by SEAI. REDAP presents a cross-sectoral up and a current total of ninety-five SECs across the region.

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 8 Climate Action Regional Office (CARO) update

The Climate Action Regional Offices (CAROs) were established in 2018 in response to Action 8 of the 2018 National Adaptation Framework (NAF) – Planning for a Climate Resilient Ireland. The offices are mandated to co-ordinate engagement across the varying levels of government and help build on experience and expertise that exists in the area of climate change and climate action. The offices have a role in driving climate action at both regional and local levels, including supporting the implementation of local adaptation plans/Climate Change Action Plans.

The composition of the four Climate Action Regions has been determined by the geographical and topographical characteristics, vulnerabilities and shared climate risks Climate Action Regional Offices (CAROs) experienced across local authority areas. The four CARO regions, constituent local authorities and associated lead authorities are shown in the table on this page. Climate Local Authority Lead Authority The Dublin Metropolitan CARO has been working closely Action Region function area with the four Dublin Climate Teams and Codema, the Dublin South Dublin, , Dublin City Council Dublin Energy Agency to support the implementation of Metropolitan Dún Laoghaire- their Climate Change Action Plans. The Dublin CARO has Rathdown, Dublin City a regional steering group comprising the four Director of Services of the Dublin Local Authorities, and colleagues Eastern and Carlow, Cavan, Kildare, Kildare County from Codema and the Eastern Midlands Regional Midlands Kilkenny, Laois, Leitrim, Council with Longford, Louth, Meath, support from Assembly. Examples of projects across the six key areas of Monaghan, Offaly, Kilkenny County the CARO work programme are included below: Roscommon, Tipperary, Council Waterford, Westmeath, Wexford, Wicklow Management and Governance • National, Regional and local climate team meetings Atlantic Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Mayo County • Participation in sectoral adaptation steering groups and Seaboard Galway City & working groups North • Preparation of detailed business case to support climate action for the local authority sector Atlantic Clare, , Kerry, Cork County • Participation in CCMA/LGMA and Government working Seaboard Cork City & County Council groups on Climate Action South

Climate Adaptation Climate Action Regional Offices • Assisting local authorities with implementation and reporting of Climate Change Adaptation /Action Plans including implementation guidance • Preparation of guidance such as guidance document for adaptation of regional & local roads • Working with Government Departments and agencies on the implementation of sectoral adaptation plans

9 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 • Collaborating with key climate actors such as Climate opportunities for climate action projects in local Ireland, 3rd Level Universities authorities and assistance with application process INT R ODUCTION • Participation on National Working Groups such as new • Participation in relevant climate action research projects Coastal Change Strategy Steering Group from the Environmental Protection Agency research programmes and other funding programmes Climate Mitigation • Engaging with local authorities and Regional Assemblies • Preparation of guidance on topics such as on planning issues relating to climate action including the Decarbonisation Zones, Sustainable Energy Communities, hosting of planning workshops Carbon Offsetting etc. • Participation in Regional and National Electric Vehicle A key focus of the CAROs for the remainder of 2020 and (EV) working groups into 2021 will be the roll out of climate action training • Collaboration with energy agencies (where in place) and across the local authority sector. This training plan has SEAI on energy related projects been developed by the CAROs in collaboration with • Identifying and assisting local authorities with projects partners such as the Local Authority Environmental eligible for the National Climate Action Fund Services Training Group, Climate Ireland, the Sustainable Communications and Citizen Engagement Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Met Éireann, the • Presentations to Councils, Government Departments and Environmental Protection Agency, the Institute for Public Agencies, youth organisations and the general public Administration and others. This training will be targeted at • Supporting individual local authorities with community all staff levels and will focus on the following areas; engagement events including LEADER funded climate • Climate Action Leadership – aimed at all elected members action workshops & senior staff • Collaboration with key stakeholders such as GAA on • Climate Action Awareness Training – aimed at building Green Clubs Pilot, Comhairle na nÓg, Age Friendly Ireland capacity across climate action teams • Finalisation of CARO website and social media • General Awareness Building – online training for all indoor communication channels staff to raise awareness of climate action Training And Education • Practical Climate Action – training for all outdoor staff to • Preparation of a comprehensive Climate Action training assist them to deliver practical climate action measures plan for the LA sector across all levels (see below for • Behavioural Change Training – to empower staff to further details) promote positive change both internally and across the • Identification of external training and upskilling community opportunities in climate action for the Local Authority • Specific and Targeted Training – training arising from Sector specific knowledge gaps or individual policy/role • Collaboration with expert organisations and requirements, such as spatial planning, community representative bodies for tailored workshops and training engagement, roads adaptation, age friendly projects, seminars Comhairle na nÓg etc. Knowledge Development • Development of online Weather Impacts Register App (WIRE) for Local Authorities • Preparation of guidance and position papers on climate action areas • Identification and communication of funding

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 10 Progress Summary by CCAP Action Area

Energy & Buildings contractors is DCC’s top priority. The target for retrofits is 200 units a year over the next three years; however, DCC has achieved significant progress on actions under this may decrease, due to the impact of COVID. Beyond the thematic area of Energy and Buildings. As stated in COVID, consideration will need to be given to emerging the CCAP, actions are focused on DCC’s use of energy in targets as set by the Department of Housing, Planning and owned, operated and managed buildings. Preliminary Local Government (DHPLG) and the Department of the data from the SEAI Monitoring and Reporting (M&R) Environment, Climate and Communications. For example, process, which has been completed for 2019, indicates a circular was released by DHPLG requiring that retrofits that DCC have achieved a 36.5% energy reduction from the achieve a BER of B2. This was subsequently amended. It baseline, based on 2019 data, having reached their 2020 highlights a growing challenge with the retrofit programme energy efficiency target of 33% at the very end of 2018. - the balancing of the costs versus the benefits and Achieving this milestone is the result of various energy environmental gains against the age of the building stock. efficiency works in Council owned and operated buildings undertaken by DCC and public lighting upgrades. DCC is participating in a number of projects in relation to building retrofitting. One project is assessing the full Social Housing value of retrofits, partial renovation and new builds by In relation to social housing under Phase I of the Fabric Up considering life cycle assessment and embodied carbon. Grade Programme 8,057 social housing units have been The findings of the research will form guidelines for future upgraded to an average BER of C3 from an F. Phase II has projects. DCC architects are actively involved in Build commenced and to date 814 units have been upgraded to Upon2, a project led by the Irish Green Building Council. an average BER of C1 from an E2 at a cost of €10.1 million. The project is establishing a framework for evaluating the In total, 70% of the houses in DCC's social housing stock impact of retrofitting and energy efficiency works in the have been upgraded, and it is estimated that residents built environment. have saved €46.4 million in energy bills as result, to the end of 2019. Energy Performance Contracting In addition to social housing, DCC is using energy COVID has had an impact on the progress of Phase II of performance contracting (EPC) to undertake retrofitting the programme, as the health and safety of tenants and and energy efficiency works of leisure centres, libraries and

Before and after images of Dublin City Council’s recent passive refurbishment of St Bricin’s Park Complex in Arbour Hill

11 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 other DCC owned and operated buildings. EPC I, which minimises carbon emissions, improves air quality, reduces included 7 leisure centres, has entered its service phase, dependence on imported fossil fuels and is accessible to Pr o gress Su mmar and monitoring has commenced as per the contracts to as many customers in the Dublin City Area as possible. guarantee that the 38% of annual energy savings and a Work is also continuing in respect of the network design, reduction of 639 tonnes of CO2 are achieved. EPC II has with preliminary designs being developed and site also started, and the annual energy savings are anticipated investigations being undertaken to inform the detailed to be between 30 and 35%, with a CO2 reduction of over design. Detailed design is being carried out for the ‘Irish 300 tonnes. Glass Bottle’ and ‘Fabrizia’ sites within the Poolbeg West Strategic Development Zone, to help ensure these sites are y by CC A P Action A rea Public Lighting district heating ready. Public lighting upgrades are ongoing and are currently on track, with 8000 retrofits now completed resulting in a 50% energy reduction. COVID has created delays, however, the Energy Management and Planning Programme Funding project is expected to be completed over 8 years, by 2028. Department/ A challenge that persists with this project is metering. Currently funded Area Agency Virtual metering has not yet been introduced by the ESB and this would provide a means to introduce dimming and EU H2020 'Tomorrow' Project - creating a Codema Energy & low-carbon transition roadmap for Dublin Buildings trimming which would allow for addition energy and costs with citizens at the centre savings. EU H2020 'Decarb City Pipes' Project Codema Energy & - creating a roadmap to decarbonise Buildings Energy Management and Planning the heating sector in Dublin with local In addition to these projects, DCC is working towards working group (incl. DCCAE) achieving ISO50001 Energy Management Standard; this is a challenging process given the size and diversity of SEAI RD&D 'Dublin Region Energy Codema Energy & Masterplan' project - creating a scientific Buildings DCC’s asset base. However, work with Energy Elephant, a evidence-base for Dublin to identify provider of energy management software, has highlighted possible zero-carbon pathways the value that the certification will create in terms of EU Era-Net 'REDAP' Project - creating an Codema Energy & monitoring energy use and achieving CO2 savings. online 'digital twin' of the Dublin energy Buildings demand At a city-wide level, DCC is working with Codema to Climate Action Funding secured for Codema / Energy & develop an energy master plan for the city. The plan will DCC District Heating project, which will DCC Buildings assist in identifying new projects and critically, potential partially fund the project delivery strategic energy zones and decarbonisation zones for the Climote – Smarter heating controls pilot. Smart Dublin Energy & forthcoming Development Plan, as required by the Eastern Funding indirectly provided by Electric Buildings Midlands Regional Assembly’s Regional Spatial and Ireland. Trial 100 units (€39.9k) Further Economic Strategy19. 1,000 units if trial successful (€399k) Smart Docklands Innovation District Smart Dublin All Work is continuing on the Dublin District Heating project, – Deployment of multiple smart city with the Project Team working towards finalising projects and demonstrators (flooding, the procurement competition, which will appoint a environment, energy and connectivity) across docklands working across industry, project partner to assist DCC in the project delivery. The academia and engaging local residents/ procurement competition aims to appoint a suitable communities. Partnership with Science project partner, to allow DCC to deliver our long-term goal Foundation Ireland (SFI), Enable and to expand district heating throughout the City and Dublin CONNECT research centres based in TCD (€500,000 over 2 years with co-funding area. The objective of DCC in relation to the Project is to from SFI) develop a highly efficient district heating system which

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 12 Transport and emissions decreased during lockdown. Emerging from lockdown, numbers are increasing and in some cases Addressing emissions from transport is challenging. exceeding the previous year. Citizens need to move around the city, as well as into and out of the city for work, school and leisure. COVID has provided the opportunities to implement Supporting citizens to choose active modes of transport changes in the city that will facilitate behaviour change is the primary focus of DCC’s transport actions. DCC in the long term. DCC has been working with the NTA to works with the National Transport Authority (NTA) to implement the Interim Mobility Intervention Programme implement infrastructure in the city that supports cycling. for Dublin City. The plan is working to address the Additionally, DCC works with the NTA, and Dublin Bus to challenges of allocating space to various road users support the build out of the bus routes and other modes in particular enabling pedestrians to maintain social of public transport. distancing.

Recognising the importance of leading by example, DCC Temporary measures have been put in place, with over 800 has been working to encourage staff to choose active interventions having been implemented across the city. modes of transport to and from work, and to meetings. To Interventions include: date there are 120 staff who have signed up for the Smart • Increasing width of foot paths Mobility Hub (SMH) in the Civic Offices which provides • Pedestrian Trials – Grafton Street Area staff with push bikes, e-bikes and electric vehicles to use • Protected Cycle Facilities to attend meetings. Phase II of the project has started and • Contra-Flow Facilities new locations are being identified. • Cycle Parking installation • Filtered Permeability Trials DCC Fleet • On-street car parking spaces & loading bays removal or DCC has implemented a strategy to change out vehicles relocation in the fleet to EVs. Currently there are 33 EVs with 10 more • Queueing at bus stops – a number of trials underway to arrive by the end of 2020. Conversion of the fleet is not without challenges, in particular the capacity distribution Pedestrian trials were well received in August and new network in depots to support EV charging infrastructure. cycling infrastructure continues to be implemented. Notably, the Liffey Cycle Route has been implemented COVID and Transport as an interim measure as part of the COVID Mobility Plan. COVID is changing the nature of responding to transport Preliminary studies are underway for the permanent and climate change in the city. During the lockdown fuel scheme. This includes preliminary assessments of use by the DCC fleet decreased by 60%, however, use is the Quay walls as well as an opportunities and needs rising again. Similarly, private vehicle numbers in the city assessment of the Route. Additional work is being done

School Zone launch in Dublin 1 COVID measures

13 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 to promote active travel in schools as part of the COVID in how these services can be scaled across the city council Mobility Plan. Schools are receiving additional bike and wider Dublin Region. Pr o gress Su mmar parking stands, and spaces in front of schools are being designated ‘safe zones’. There are currently 10 schools that In February 2020 Dublin City Council along with the other have introduced safe zones. three local authorities in the Dublin region signed up to the UN WHO Breathe Life commitments. This commits Lessons are also being learned from COVID that will be Dublin to reaching WHO air quality guideline values by valuable as the city strives to achieve the 15-minute 2030. Recognising the challenge of this commitment DCC’s city. The objective of the 15-minute city is to ensure that Air Quality team, Smart Dublin and the Climate Action y by CC A P Action A rea citizens can access all their daily needs by walking or Team are exploring the potential of engaging various cycling no more than 15 minutes from their front door. private sector and academic stakeholders to expand our In promoting active travel, the COVID Mobility team network of air quality sensors to gain greater insights presented citizens with a map of the city showing 2km and into Dublin’s air quality. In particular, the focus of these 5km radiuses of the city. Plans are underway to produce partnerships will be the air quality of areas with high similar maps of Dublin’s urban villages to enable citizens footfall and users of active travel modes, for example areas to quickly see what is accessible by walking or cycling. of the city that have seen the implementation of COVID Mobility interventions. Public Realm While COVID has enabled the implementation of Transport Project Funding interventions that support active travel, these measures are temporary in nature. Work is ongoing on key Department/ Currently funded Area public realm projects that will not only contribute to Agency the city’s efforts to promote active travel, but increase Smart Workplace Mobility Hub - Small Smart Dublin Transport the city’s resilience to climate change by including business innovation challenge (SBIR) - sustainable urban drainage, green infrastructure and blue E-cars, e-bikes, app and booking system for workplaces –multiple pilot projects, infrastructure. phase 2 includes scale up project with Sixt, Nissan, UCD, GTS & Bleeperbike. New actions €200k (Co-funded with EI) DCC’s Climate Action Team and Smart Dublin have Last Mile Delivery - Small business Smart Dublin Transport engaged an expert on car sharing and car shedding to innovation challenge (SBIR)– piloting undertake research in support of actions T55 and T58 multiple projects on digital kerbside, in the CCAP. However, this research may also inform the sustainable last mile deliveries. Phase 2 underway. €220k (co funded with EI) development of new actions and policies that will align with National Government Transport objectives. DCC has Mobility as a service (MaaS) - work Smart Dublin Transport been embracing the concepts of shared mobility such as programme in partnership with the NTA – €50k funding from DEPR through Smart bikes and cars in particular. This has seen an increase in Dublin the number of shared mobility providers operating in our city. Currently in the city, there are a number of bicycle and Smart Docklands Innovation District Smart Dublin All – Deployment of multiple smart city car sharing services available to our citizens and looking projects and demonstrators (flooding, towards global trends in this area it is expected that this environment, energy and connectivity) number of providers will increase. The proposed research across docklands working across industry, will examine the current DCC approach to policies in academia and engaging local residents/ communities. Partnership with Science relation to supporting shared mobility services. The work Foundation Ireland (SFI), Enable and will include a review of licence agreements and operating CONNECT research centres based in TCD conditions to suggest improvements and innovative (€500,000 over 2 years with co-funding approaches for how the city can encourage a step change from SFI)

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 14 Flood Resilience biodiversity, responses to flooding will need to consider all sectoral adaptation plans. DCC works with the Office of Public Works (OPW) and neighbouring local authorities, to adapt areas that are DCC is actively working with neighbouring local authorities vulnerable to flooding. In 2019, the OPW released a to achieve a regional approach to flood resilience. sectoral adaptation plan for flood risk management Flood The Dublin Bay Sentinel Group has been successfully Risk Management - Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation established and is working to address coastal flood risks Plan 2019-2024, with which DCC will have to align. The and sea level rise in Dublin Bay. DCC strives to implement Plan sets out the OPW’s approach to flood risk: flood alleviation measures that include nature and have multiple benefits beyond flood defence, such as • Prevention: Key to prevention is imbedding flood risk providing new spaces for recreation and habitats for birds management in all government policies, but particularly and animals. Currently there are approximately 15 flood planning policy to prevent development in flood prone alleviation projects under way in the city. The projects are areas. In 2009 the OPW and DHPLG developed guidelines at various stages. for planners to assess planning and development applications for flood risk. In addition to flood alleviation projects DCC is exploring • Protection: Ireland’s Catchment Flood Risk Assessment innovative approaches to flood risk management. DCC and Management (CFRAMs) identified flood relief schemes is participating in a UCD led project – Operandum which across the country. The hierarchy of protection goes from endeavours to use sensors to monitor water levels and green infrastructure to grey infrastructure. Identifying the assess the impact of green infrastructure interventions appropriate protection response includes an assessment to mitigate flood risk. Further, DCC is entering phase II of of the feasibility schemes for each area that account for the gully monitoring SBIR, which uses sensors to monitor the unique characteristics of an area. gullies around the city for flood risks. • Preparedness: As flooding is not always preventable or In accordance with the OPW approach to flood risk possible to protect from, preparedness is critical. This management, DCC is actively working with communities involves preparing the public by building awareness prior to promote flood awareness and preparedness. The OPW to, during and after flood events by providing information provides information via two websites: and on what to do. Preparedness may also include flood The website provides information warning systems on flood risk both fluvial and coastal, based on three scenarios: low probability, medium probability and high As flooding is a key climate risk that will have impacts on probability. Citizens can find localised flood maps of critical infrastructure, transport, water quality, health and

Flood alleviation works, in conjunction with upgrades to the public realm at George’s Quay

15 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Dublin and photos of past flood events to understand the in Clontarf. Recent flood defence works completed extent to which areas were flooded. In addition to this, on George’s Quay are the result of collaboration Pr o gress Su mmar users can view a map of the flood plans that have been between various departments. The flood wall has had developed. The second website,, is focused on 650mm added to it to account for sea level rise due to protection. Information provided on the website serves global warming to the end of the century, year 2100. to inform people how to protect themselves, and their Approximately 140mm of this appears to have occurred property before, during and after a flood event. already over the last 20 years in Dublin Bay. The trees and shrubs have been added recently by the parks division, to Currently, there are two schemes that the public can easily provide drainage, cooling and amenity value. The bicycle y by CC A P Action A rea access information about the Camac Flood Alleviation stands and Dublin Bikes are another element of tackling Scheme and the Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme. global warming by providing alternatives to fossil fuels Environmental surveys are being conducted for the Camac transport methods and improved public health. The walls scheme. The surveys will develop a full understanding of and public realm areas are made up of thick clad Wicklow the environment within the catchment. This will involve Granite and natural stone and are designed to last for at several surveys within the area and the construction least 100 years. of hydraulic computer models to identify the flooding. This will then allow the identification of possible flood Flood Resilience Project Funding alleviation options. Department/ Currently funded Area Public consultation has recently closed for the Poddle Agency Flood Alleviation Scheme. The rises in Operandum EU H2020 - Flood Mitigation Smart Dublin Flood Cookstown, Tallaght and flows north-east through Tymon and Nature Based Solutions (overall Resilience Park, following a circuitous route through , project €14,000,000, 26 partners, including and University College Dublin) (€123k for DCC) Nature- , Harold's Cross, Tenters and Temple Bar. The Partnership with University College Dublin Based river catchment has become heavily urbanised in recent (Ongoing – 2 years left) OPERANDUM Solutions times, with the watercourse itself becoming regimented, will deliver tools and methods for the altered and concealed to suit local habitation. The demonstration and market uptake of Nature-Based Solutions to reduce downstream reach of the Poddle in particular is heavily hydro-meteorological risks. https://www. culverted, with the lower 4km flowing almost exclusively beneath the busy South Inner City streets. As such mitigating future flood risk is a key priority. Gully Monitoring - Small Business Smart Dublin Flood Innovation Challenge (SBIR) – piloting Resilience delivery of low cost gully monitoring Flood alleviation works are a collaborative effort across sensors to help mitigate flood risk. Phase local authorities, as demonstrated by works being 2b deployment underway. €260k (co undertaken on the Rivers Camac, Poddle and Dodder, funded through EI) and interdisciplinary, as demonstrated by the defences

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 16 Nature-Based Solutions

Bringing nature into the city is critical to mitigating and adapting the city to climate change. It is not without challenges, especially in a city that is built up. However, recognising the value of nature as a solution to the problem of climate change, DCC is actively working to implement nature-based solutions across the city.

Guiding Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) actions are the Biodiversity Plan, Tree Plan, Public Open Space and Parks Strategy, and Invasive Species Plan. These plans have been informed by, and respond to, National and EU policy directions. Similar to Flood Resilience Actions, NBS Actions will have to respond to the sectoral adaptation Chatham Street Public Realm Improvement plans. Fortunately, collaboration across departments and applying an interdisciplinary approach, the multiple benefits of using NBS are being prioritised. This can be seen in the formation of cross-departmental working group on sustainable urban drainage (SuDS) which will produce guidelines that will inform how SuDS solutions are implemented.

There are several projects where SuDS measures, namely tree planting and rain gardens have been implemented: for example, Chatham Street.

Weaver Park

Wildflower planting in Civic Offices

17 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Parks climate crisis, as it allows management of trees to be DCC Parks has continuously been implementing changes proactive. Pr o gress Su mmar to parks and open spaces to support biodiversity, in particular pollinators. In the last few years DCC Parks has New actions (LA Climate Team) been working on using more pollinator friendly plants A review of the existing actions was conducted with specifically wild flowers. The grounds of the Civic Offices Head of Parks and Culture Services to refine actions to are illustrative of this, as is the refurbishment of St. better align with existing programmes and governance Audoen’s Park. COVID has drawn attention to the value and structures. The rationale for alteration or removal of importance of access to green space for health and well- actions is provided in the accompanying Nature-Based y by CC A P Action A rea being. This recognition is an opportunity, as the spotlight Solutions action table. Briefly, actions that are the remit of is on the quality of green spaces. National Government or where resources are not currently available have been identified and removed, to ensure Greening Strategies that DCC is focused and delivering against the remaining Prior to COVID, research was undertaken that informed actions. the Greening Strategies for the Liberties, Stoneybatter, the North East Inner City, and the Grafton Street Quarter The Climate Action Team is responsible for a new project (Heart of Dublin Public Realm). These are areas where exploring food production, consumption and waste that there are significant deficits of green space, for example in will align with NBS and Resource Management actions, the Liberties there is 0.7m2 per person. The recommended set out in the Plan and which will engage communities. amount is 20 to 25 m2. As such increasing the amount of Funding for this project is through Creative Ireland and is green space in these areas is essential. Works are ongoing currently in the drafting stage. The preliminary concept is in these areas and have been well accepted by the public. to explore Dublin’s vegetable roads to reconnect citizens with their food heritage and strengthen the understanding Increasing the connectivity of DCC’s green infrastructure of how nature provides food, feed, fuel and fibre. network is an opportunity to engage citizens. DCC Parks has been working with academia to map the trees of As DCC is entering a new development plan cycle, which Dublin and to collect data on the health of the trees will address climate change throughout, the opportunity throughout the city using Curio a tree mapping tool to further develop DCC’s green infrastructure network will ( Understanding the not be missed. Various departments are collaborating health of Dublin’s trees is essential to responding to the with the Planning Department to inform the new City Development Plan.

Green Infrastructure Network Curio: Mapping Trees with Citizens

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 18 Resource Management Segregated Waste The Circle City Project commenced in October. This COVID has had a significant impact on Resource project will see the introduction of segregated waste bins Management, as the movement of goods into the city and into the city. Analysis will be undertaken of the use of waste out of the city is not without challenges. Businesses, the bins, in particular the correct use of bins. The project particularly those in food and beverage have adapted will also include a trial of Big Belly Solar compactor bins their service to a takeaway model with a consequential designed for segregated waste. The Big Belly Bins include increase in single use packaging. This has adverse a dashboard that allows for DCC to optimise collection consequences for waste services, with higher volumes of routes and assess trends such as use of bins across the waste being disposed of in the public realm. During the city. lockdown, waste services have also seen an increase in illegal dumping, yet these services have continued to be MODOS provided. It is recognised that engagement with citizens is MODOS, a circular economy training programme, critical as the volumes of litter and waste have increased completed a successful pilot in 2019 with 7 businesses. and proper disposal is essential for health and safety of The programme is designed for small and medium sized citizens and the environment. In this regard, social media businesses and consists of four modules. The modules is being used to promote the litter bin tagging programme, explain the circular economy and how it will provide litter campaign, and use of bring banks. benefits for businesses in terms of reducing costs, creating a competitive advantage and future proofing. Participants In person engagement with communities has been learn from experts to embed circular economy practices severely impacted due to COVID, as such it was not into their supply chains, and to develop their own possible to run the Dublin Community Clean-up Day and solutions. National Spring Clean. Where social distancing can be Due to COVID, MODOS has moved to an online format for observed DCC has continued to support community clean- 2020. The first series of online modules were delivered ups during this time. The leaf composting programme in September and October with 37 small and medium which was introduced in Autumn 2019 and saw 800 tonnes sized businesses participating. It is also being expanded of leaves collected and diverted from landfill will continue nationally. this Autumn.

Composting of organic waste including leaves

19 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Big Belly Bin Pr o gress Su mmar y by CC A P Action A rea

Circle City Bin

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 20 ENERGY & BUILDINGS



E1 Create Energy In the Codema Website with The Dublin Region Energy Masterplan is progressing Ongoing Master Plan for next 5 e-Map as planned. The team have now developed a model the Dublin Region years of the 'current situation' of energy demand and supply in the residential, commercial and public sector buildings on an hourly basis. This model has been coded in Python to allow easy manipulation and automatic update of data into the model from online sources. New sources of data have been incorporated, such as the smart gas and electricity meter trial data, and we are now incorporating new data from SEAI on all public buildings in Dublin and the BER data broken down by small areas, which allows us to more accurately estimate energy demand in the residential sector. We have experienced some delays due to accessing data from other organisations, but we are working with the CSO and NTA on accessing updated data based on the 2016 Census, providing special tabulations that we can incorporate into the model. Work has also started on identifying all the low- carbon potential in the Dublin region, starting with local sources of fuel and heat which can be used to offset reliance on fossil fuels currently used for heating. An analysis of the electricity grid impacts has also begun, using data from ESB networks, looking at distribution grid capacities and the effects of increased demand for EV charging, heat pumps and data centres on the Dublin grid, and the possible conflicts between these demands in the future. We have also arranged a workshop with the Planning group established by CARO to get planning feedback and input into the masterplan model.

E2 Requirement 10 years Environment # of buildings Poolbeg West SDZ – Ongoing/Planning; ‘Docklands’ Ongoing for all new plus and DH-enabled SDZ – 46 Built / 28 Under Construction developments Transport/ to be district Planning heating-enabled and Property in Poolbeg West, Development North Lotts and Grand Canal SDZs E3 Prepare Dublin In the Codema SECAP DCC SECAP complete in Q3 of 2019. The CoM SECAP Complete City Sustainable next 5 complete is based on the Dublin City CCAP and the Dublin Energy and years City Baseline Emission Report 2016, the actions, Climate Action energy and emission baseline inventory, adaptation Plan baseline, the risks and vulnerability assessments were extracted from the CCAP and uploaded to the CoM SECAP web template. The Dublin City SECAP overview can be found on the CoM website covenant-community/signatories/action-plan. html?scity_id=11815

E4 Evidence-based In the Planning Chapter with The Development Plan Team have been engaging Ongoing climate change next 5 and Property policies and with staff and stakeholders to establish topics chapter in City years Develoment development for issues papers that will inform the upcoming Development Plan management Development Plan process set to commence in 2022-2028 standards December 2020.

21 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction


Public Awareness


E5 Develop ISO In the Environment System DCC is in process of implementing an energy Ongoing 50001 compliant next 5 and developed management system to ISO50001 standard. This is energy years Transport and ISO 50001 a process that is complicated by size and diverse management compliant nature of the organization and its asset base. system E6 Annual 10 years Codema DCC’s energy The M&R process was completed for 2019. SEAI’s Ongoing Monitoring & plus use monitored 2019 Public Sector report is due out in January Reporting to SEAI and reported before the Public Sector Energy Conference. Preliminary data indicates that DCC have reached their 2020 energy efficiency target of 33% one year early. With new energy efficiency targets released by the government SEAI are currently looking at updating the M&R methodology.

E7 Publish Energy 10 years Codema Review The 2019 Energy Review will be published in Ongoing Review annually plus published, October 2020. The review clearly demonstrated # of recom- where energy is used within the DCC's significant mendations energy users, what drives their consumption, and implemented where the greatest energy saving potential is. The review also identifies where DCC is currently in relation to public sector energy targets, and what areas need to be addressed in order to meet these targets between now and 2020. In Addition, this years energy review also looks at the new energy efficiency target of 50% energy efficiency improvement by 2030 and what the council has planned to achieve this. It also looks at the council's current situation relation to the absolute carbon reduction target of 40% by 2030.

E8 Display Energy 10 years Codema Compliant with In September 2020, Codema published 43 Display Ongoing Certificates plus legislation Energy Certificates for DCC buildings over 250m2 for public and frequently visited by the public. The certs were buildings sent to each facility with an information booklet about Display Energy Certificates and also what is needed in relation to energy savings to achieve the next energy rating.


E9 Dublin District In the Environment # of buildings Preliminary design is currently being carried out Ongoing Heating System next 5 and connected on the district heating network, and some site years Transport investigation is being planned to inform this design. Detailed Design is being carried out for the ‘Irish Glass Bottle’ and ‘Fabrizia’ sites within the Poolbeg West Strategic Development Zone, to help ensure these sites are district heating ready.

E10 Identify sites In the Planning Properties The Development Plan Team have been engaging Ongoing for trialling next 5 and Property identified, with staff and stakeholders to establish topics renewable years Develoment project plans for issues papers that will inform the upcoming energy projects, Development Plan process set to commence in including solar PV December 2020. Codema has recommended sites for solar PV as part of the Climate Action Fund. E11 Energy efficiency 10 years Housing # of buildings Under SEAI BEC 2019 DCC Application included Ongoing works in 30 plus Department upgraded 29 Houses, 26 Sites ranging from Corporate and Council owned Communal Heating sites (including 7 Senior Citizens and operated Complexes and 4 Homeless Hostels) to receive buildings various upgrade works. All projects have been completed. Dublin City Council now nominated as a finalist for The 2020 SEAI Sustainable Energy Awards in The Public Sector – Energy Leadership Category

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 22 ENERGY & BUILDINGS

TIME- TARGET(S) NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS E12 Dublin Fire In the Dublin Fire # of buildings Not started Not Brigade energy next 5 Brigade upgraded started efficiency works years E13 Continue the 10 years Housing Completion Approximately 70% of our housing stock has been Ongoing Fabric Upgrade plus Department of 100 - 200 upgraded under the Fabric Upgrade Programme. Programme of retrofits per Phase I is completed with 8,057 units upgraded. We housing stock annum, to C1 have commenced Phase II and 814 units have been level upgraded to date. The average BER improvement from an F to a C3 for Phase I and an E2 to a C1 rating achieved on Phase II.

E14 Develop and 5-10 Environment % public We are on track with LED replacement – 50% energy Ongoing implement Public years and lighting reduction as a result. No significant current projects Lighting Master Transport converted to – delays due to Covid. Main Project –framework is Plan LEDs alive for 8 years so work will continue in due course. 3 bidders for stage 2 – to be brought to Tender. 8,000 retrofits were done in first contract. Progress will be slower hereafter. New lights are going in and there will be a computer managed system. There are British and European lighting standards which we have to adhere to but adjustments can be made outside of that. It is possible also to double the output of lights for short periods to use as pathfinders, e.g. to show the way to the Point. Output will be larger but will be intermittent so shouldn’t have too much impact.

E15 Landlord lighting 5-10 Housing # of lights Ongoing Ongoing upgrades in 15 years Department retrofitted complexes across the City E16 Facilitate EPC In the Culture, EPC project All contracts have entered service phase and Ongoing project in 7 next 5 Recreation delivered monitoring of performance is ongoing as per the leisure centres/ years and contracts to insure the performance is achieved dry sports centres Economic across Dublin City Services E17 Install PV panels In the City PVs installed Installation of panels included in three ongoing Ongoing on Council next 5 Architects construction projects: O'Devaney Gardens (2020) buildings in years Dominick St (2021) Cornamona (2021) Dominick Street, North King Street, Cornamona Court E18 New nZEB Super In the Transform- Completion Not started Not Depots next 5 ation Unit of depots, # of started years depots merged into super depots RESEARCH & INNOVATION

E19 Develop proposal In the Smart Dublin Proposal This action is being reviewed in light of the Not to use Docklands next 5 developed Docklands Energy Group being dissolved. Smart started SDZ to test smart years Dublin, Codema, DCC and SEAI will continue to public lighting work collaboratively on energy projects. infrastructure

23 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction


Public Awareness

TIME- TARGET(S) TIME- TARGET(S) A NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS CTION AREA : E N ERG Y & BUILDIN GS E12 Dublin Fire In the Dublin Fire # of buildings Not started Not E20 Expand and 10 years Smart Dublin Energy and This is ongoing Ongoing Brigade energy next 5 Brigade upgraded started develop Small plus climate change efficiency works years Business challenges Innovation & identified for E13 Continue the 10 years Housing Completion Approximately 70% of our housing stock has been Ongoing Research (SBIR) yearly SBIR Fabric Upgrade plus Department of 100 - 200 upgraded under the Fabric Upgrade Programme. programme challenge Programme of retrofits per Phase I is completed with 8,057 units upgraded. We housing stock annum, to C1 have commenced Phase II and 814 units have been level upgraded to date. The average BER improvement E21 Work with CARO 10 years CARO, # of research This is ongoing. Applications are being submitted to Ongoing from an F to a C3 for Phase I and an E2 to a C1 rating on research and plus Codema projects various funding streams. achieved on Phase II. project proposals initiated for grant funding E14 Develop and 5-10 Environment % public We are on track with LED replacement – 50% energy Ongoing implement Public years and lighting reduction as a result. No significant current projects E22 Develop an In the Environment Report Work Package 2 Completed. Currently processing Ongoing Lighting Master Transport converted to – delays due to Covid. Main Project –framework is understanding of next 5 and complete the Geophysical data from survey works to prepare Plan LEDs alive for 8 years so work will continue in due course. deep geothermal years Transport a 3D model of the subsurface strata of the project 3 bidders for stage 2 – to be brought to Tender. resources in area within Dublin City. 8,000 retrofits were done in first contract. Progress Dublin though will be slower hereafter. New lights are going in the GEO-URBAN and there will be a computer managed system. Project There are British and European lighting standards which we have to adhere to but adjustments can ENERGY AWARENESS be made outside of that. It is possible also to double the output of lights for short periods to use E23 Continued staff 10 years Smart Dublin # of staff Staff survey coordinated by EMWR, Transport Ongoing as pathfinders, e.g. to show the way to the Point. energy awareness plus participating Dept, CARO and Codema on climate action during Output will be larger but will be intermittent so in Council in events and Covid-19. 1,318 survey responses from staff. shouldn’t have too much impact. buildings activities

E15 Landlord lighting 5-10 Housing # of lights Ongoing Ongoing E24 Engage with 10 years Environment # of students CPD Development Committee in partnership with Ongoing upgrades in 15 years Department retrofitted students about plus and participating Engineers Ireland's 'Engineers Week 2020' in late complexes across energy and Transport in events and February, early March, arranged for engineering the City buildings through activities staff to volunteer and give presentations/webinars CPD Programme/ in 12 local libraries and primary schools reaching E16 Facilitate EPC In the Culture, EPC project All contracts have entered service phase and Ongoing Engineers Week over 540 school children. - Due to COVID this is on project in 7 next 5 Recreation delivered monitoring of performance is ongoing as per the hold. leisure centres/ years and contracts to insure the performance is achieved dry sports centres Economic E25 Provide citizens In the Smart Dublin # of materials Project is being developed, supplier company has Ongoing across Dublin City Services with energy next 5 available in been identified. Climote is a company that installs E17 Install PV panels In the City PVs installed Installation of panels included in three ongoing Ongoing awareness years public buildings smart heating controls that home owners can on Council next 5 Architects construction projects: O'Devaney Gardens (2020) material in public monitor through their phone and monitor their buildings in years Dominick St (2021) Cornamona (2021) buildings energy use. Dominick Street, North King Street, E26 Provide City In the Housing % tenants Tenant Manual provided by City Architects on Complete Cornamona Court Council tenants next 5 Department receiving occupation of new dwellings includes a section with energy years information on Energy Awareness. Specification systems E18 New nZEB Super In the Transform- Completion Not started Not awareness operations manual also provided. Both are written Depots next 5 ation Unit of depots, # of started materials in 'plain English'. years depots merged at home, into super particularly at the depots time of taking up new tenancy RESEARCH & INNOVATION E27 Monitor and 10 years Codema # of kits 42 new kits developed for Dublin City Council's Ongoing develop the plus borrowed Public Library branches, bringing to 109 the total E19 Develop proposal In the Smart Dublin Proposal This action is being reviewed in light of the Not Home Energy number of kits available for public to borrow from to use Docklands next 5 developed Docklands Energy Group being dissolved. Smart started Savings Kits in the library network. SDZ to test smart years Dublin, Codema, DCC and SEAI will continue to DCC’s public public lighting work collaboratively on energy projects. libraries infrastructure

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 24 ENERGY & BUILDINGS


E28 Develop research and 10 years Codema Research Codema in collaboration with the four Ongoing funding opportunities plus and funding Dublin Local Authorities submitted an for renewable and management application under the Horizon 2020 topic efficiency projects group LC-SC3-B4E-13-2020: Aggregation - Project established Development Assistance. The project proposal is title DeliveREE. DeliveREE will create an innovative project finance and delivery structure for EE projects in the Dublin region, across 4 local authorities, using various performance-based contracting structures. By creating a structured approach, DeliveREE will accelerate the formation of large- scale projects by standardising the project development process, allowing projects of various types and sizes to be aggregated to create scale. This enables the use of energy performance and energy supply contracts whose performance guarantees are both critical for achieving value for money and provide a mechanism for the involvement of private capital in public projects.

E29 Undertake programme 10 years City Complete 200 Ongoing Ongoing of flat complex plus Architects regenerated regenerations flats to nZEB standard each year from 2022 E30 The Dublin City Council In the Codema Glide path The 2019 Energy Review included a glide Ongoing Energy Review (2019 next 5 included path illustrating the energy efficiency and and going forward), years GHG emissions targets for the City up to and will include a glide path including 2030. All subsequent energy reviews illustrating the energy will include this graph with up to date figures. efficiency and GHG emission targets for the City Council up to and including 2030

E31 Appendix II: Total In the Codema Baseline Total energy use and emissions will be updated Not Emissions in Dublin City next 5 updated every two years for Dublin City Council and started of the CCAP will also be years every five years for Dublin City (in line with the updated every two years publication of the Census results) in accordance with EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy protocol E32 The City Architects In the City Complete Project is ongoing. DCC Architects, Housing and Ongoing Division of Dublin City next 5 Architects participation Climate Action Team along with Codema and Council is committed years in project work CARO are collecting data, and providing IGBC to participating with packages with feedback on framework being developed the Irish Green Building Council and other European organisations in BUILD UPON 2*

25 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction


Public Awareness

TIME- TARGET(S) A NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS CTION AREA : E N ERG Y & BUILDIN GS E33 The City Architects In the City # of meetings Ongoing, meetings are being attended by City Ongoing Division of Dublin City next 5 Architects with task force Architects Council is committed years to participating with the RIAI, in particular the Sustainability Task Force, in seeking new and innovative approaches to climate action in the built environment E34 Identify sites for In the Environment # of sites In relation to the deep geothermal project Ongoing trialling renewable next 5 and identified ‘Geothermica’ identification of a site is ongoing energy projects, in years Transport particular geothermal technologies

E35 The City Council will In the City Publish Project is ongoing Ongoing undertake a research next 5 Architects research report study to investigate the years Lifecycle Assessment of traditional and new construction methods for residential projects in Dublin, with a view to formulating initial recommendations by end 2019 E36 In all building projects, In the City # of nesting This work is ongoing Ongoing new build or retrofit, next 5 Architects sites provided Swift Bricks or other years nesting sites for swifts will be provided where practicable. The presence of swift breeding sites will be identified to ensure that known breeding sites are not lost as a result of construction work E37 Develop maintenance In the City # of surveys Not started Not and condition survey next 5 Architects completed started programmes for years Council-owned historic and ancient monuments that are informed by climate change impacts E38 Conduct research and In the City # of case studies Not started Not seek to develop City next 5 Architects developed started Council-based case years studies on appropriate and sensitive retrofitting/energy upgrading of traditional buildings to inform works both to Council- owned properties and to guide private owners

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 26 Transport



OPERATIONS T1 Develop strategy In the Environment Strategy Strategy is in place and fleet is being converted. Complete to convert fleet next 5 and Transport produced to low emission years vehicles T2 Pilot more 10 years Environment Report on pilot We have 10 more EVs coming in. There is a review Ongoing electric vehicles plus and Transport and plan for being done of the electrical infrastructure of DCC within Council scaling up depots to see if the capacity is there to support fleet EV charging. There are limitations due to capacity issues. T3 Conduct detailed 10 years Environment Yearly survey The staff survey completed in July and was Ongoing study of staff plus and Transport integrated with other surveys through the modal split Transformation Unit. T4 Promote Cycle-to- 10 years Environment # of staff The Bike to Work scheme is available to staff. The Ongoing Work Scheme to plus and Transport availing of survey in T3 included questions regarding the bike DCC staff scheme to work scheme. T5 Implement Smart 10 years Smart Dublin # of staff using The staff mobility hub is in place in the Civic Offices Ongoing Mobility Hub in plus hub and there are 120 staff prior to covid who have Civic Offices signed on. Since it began there have been of 1600 journeys booked. Phase 2 is progressing partners have been identified and new locations are being assessed.

T6 Carbon offset 10 years Environment Tonnes of CO2 All Council business flights are offset using Voluntary Ongoing programme for plus and Transport offset Offset scheme by Vita Ireland. staff flights T7 Occupational 10 years Fleet # of staff 765 DCC staff have received training Ongoing driver training for plus Management trained fleet staff Services T8 Assess potential In the Smart Dublin Assessment Smart Dublin is currently discussing with suppliers Ongoing for using an next 5 report complete the potential of e-mobile monitoring of air quality. e-mobile for real years time air quality monitoring in the City Centre

Sustainable Transport Measures

T9 Implement In the Environment # of measures The COVID Mobility has the seen the implementation Ongoing the measures next 5 and Transport implemented of a suite of measures in support of social outlined in the years distancing, and enabling people to move through Dublin City Centre the city via active modes of travel: Pedestrian Transport Study Areas – Increase footpath widths; Pedestrian 2016 Signal Crossings and Waiting Times, contactless pushbuttons; Pedestrian Trials – Grafton Street Area; Protected Cycle Facilities, Contra-Flow Facilities & Cycle Parking installation; Filtered Permeability Trials; On-street Car Parking Spaces & Loading Bays removal / relocation; Queueing at bus stops – a number of trials underway; Proposed Reduction in Speed Limits to protect increased numbers of pedestrians, cyclists & vulnerable road users; Maintain access to existing car parks; Facilitate Queueing, Outdoor Areas / Outdoor Furniture; Business Liaison to optimise delivery of goods to retailers; Active Travel Promotion; Schools Mobility Programme.

27 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: TRANSPORT 28 S U STAT Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Not started Not started Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu ugust 2020. Discussions are ongoing are ugust 2020. Discussions PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS Not started erged with action T14 Merged and progressing stages various at Sites Not started obility - as previous action Mobility - as previous COVID held in was on 30km zones Public consultation July and A is ongoing Campaign the end of July) 424 defects During Q3 2020 (to repaired were network on the road and hazards made safe. and/or with a number of logistics is working DCC up delivery in setting eco interested providers work, this 19 crisis has affected hubs. The Covid progress that further it is anticipated however hubs additional eco will be made in establishing the end of 2020. before Pl te Change Action TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY INDICATORS # of traffic # of traffic calming measures # of citizens # of citizens engaged Schemes completed Schemes completed Schemes completed # of residential # of residential with 30 areas km/h speed limit # of complaints regarding obstructions # of last mile delivery hubs eco established # of solutions trialled LEAD(S) nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport TIME- FRAME In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years 5-10 years 10 years plus In the 5 next years 10 years plus In the 5 next years In the 5 next years ow ow

ungier Street/

ealm ealm

egular maintenance maintenance egular olling out last mile ACTION Implement traffic Implement traffic programme calming Valentine District Valentine - Merrion Square Street - Pearse - North Lotts - North Quays treet - Nassau Street - A D30 public awareness D30 public awareness of speed campaign limits in City Phase I Pedestrian Zones (2016-2022): Street - Liffey - Mary Street Street - Talbot - Castle Street/Cork Hill Square - Barnardo's Bar Public - Temple R Phase II Pedestrian (2023-2028): Zones West - Dame Street Street Edward - Lord Street - Parnell - O'Connell Bridge - D'Olier Street Street - Lombard - Westland R Phase III Pedestrian (2029 and Zones beyond): - South Quays treet S - Tara Street - Parkgate xpand 30 km/h Expand to speed limit zones areas all residential of the City R and local of regional roads R hubs in delivery eco area the City Centre Develop ‘last mile’ delivery solutions, of SBIR as part challenge



T12 T16 T17 T18

T11 T13 T14 T15

S U STAT Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Complete Ongoing eduction aiting Times, contactless aiting Times, contactless PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS pushbuttons; Pedestrian Trials – Grafton Street Area; Area; Street – Grafton Trials Pedestrian pushbuttons; Facilities Contra-Flow Facilities, Cycle Protected Permeability Filtered installation; Parking & Cycle Bays & Loading Spaces Car Parking On-street Trials; – a Queueing at bus stops / relocation; removal R number of trials underway; Proposed numbers increased protect in Speed Limits to users; road of pedestrians, cyclists & vulnerable Facilitate parks; car existing to access Maintain Furniture; / Outdoor Areas Queueing, Outdoor optimise delivery to Business Liaison to of goods Schools Mobility Promotion; Travel Active retailers; Programme. obility has the seen the implementation Mobility has the seen the implementation The COVID in support of social of measures of a suite through move and enabling people to distancing, Pedestrian modes of travel: the city via active widths; Pedestrian footpath – Increase Areas and W Signal Crossings All Council business flights are offset using Voluntary using offset are flights business Council All Ireland. by Vita scheme Offset training received have staff 765 DCC discussing with suppliers Smart Dublin is currently of air quality. of e-mobile monitoring the potential The staff survey completed in July and was in July and completed surveyThe staff with other surveys the through integrated Unit. Transformation The staff. to Work scheme is available to The Bike the bike survey regarding in T3 included questions scheme. work to Civic Offices in the mobility hub is in place The staff who have covid to prior 120 staff are and there been of 1600 have there it began signed on. Since partners Phase 2 is progressing journeys booked. being are been identified and newhave locations assessed. Strategy is in place and fleet is being converted. is being and fleet is in place Strategy is a review in. There coming EVs 10 more We have of DCC infrastructure being done of the electrical support to is there see if the capacity depots to capacity due to limitations are There EV charging. issues. TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED

2 eport on pilot INDICATORS # of measures # of measures implemented trategy Strategy produced offset R and plan for up scaling survey Yearly # of staff of availing scheme using # of staff hub of CO Tonnes # of staff trained Assessment complete report LEAD(S) nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Smart Dublin Environment and Transport Fleet Management Services Smart Dublin TIME- FRAME In the 5 next years In the 5 next years 10 years 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus In the 5 next years ACTION Implement the measures outlined in the Dublin City Centre Study Transport 2016 Develop strategy Develop strategy fleet convert to emission low to vehicles Pilot more Pilot more electric vehicles within Council fleet Conduct detailed of staff study modal split Cycle-to- Promote Work Scheme to staff DCC Implement Smart Mobility Hub in Civic Offices Carbon offset for programme flights staff Occupational for training driver staff fleet Assess potential using an for real e-mobile for time air quality in the monitoring City Centre Measures le Transport stainab Su T9 NO BUDGETED CURRENTLY ACTIONS OPERATIONS T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Transport

TIME- TARGET(S) NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS T19 To investigate the 10 years Environment Investigation See Covid Mobility Plan - COVID has permitted Ongoing introduction of plus and Transport complete the trialing of traffic free days which were well traffic-free areas on received by the public sections of: Drury Street, South William Street, Exchequer Court, Dame Court, Dame Lane, retaining access for car parks and deliveries T20 World Car Free Day 10 years Environment Promotion of Due to COVID promotion of event was via social Ongoing plus and Transport EU event media channels

T21 European Mobility 10 years Environment Promotion of Due to COVID promotion of event was via Ongoing Week plus and Transport events social media channels; Key staff participated in webinars hosted by Dublin Cycling Campaign. Junior Bicycle Mayor was involved in an short film 8 reasons to bike. During this week Dublin Cycling Buddy app was soft launched and promoted through virtual cycles.

T22 DCC to liaise with 10 years Environment # of meetings Meetings with Dublin Bus are ongoing Ongoing NTA on BusConnects plus and Transport programme T23 2 EV charging In the Environment 2 charging To be commissioned post COVID. This Post- point trials in the next 5 and Transport points installed assessment will also be considered within the poned Docklands years wider Regional EV strategy to be published at the end of 2020. T24 Assessment of In the Environment Assessment This assessment will be considered within the Ongoing Council public car next 5 and Transport complete wider Regional EV strategy to be published at parks for trickle years the end of 2020. and rapid charge EV points INFRASTRUCTURE & BEHAVIOUR CHANGE T25 Organise Pedestrian In the Environment # of pedestrian As part of COVID Mobility Plan during the Ongoing Days in areas with next 5 and Transport days held summer 6 weekends saw the pedestrianisation high footfall years of streets within the city centre.

T26 Set up partnership In the Environment # of Dublin City Council has established a Ongoing and create a next 5 and Transport communities / partnership for a Promotions Group with TCD communications years areas involved Healthy Trinity, Green Schools, NTA Active engagement and Travel, and TU Dublin. This group will meet every promotion platform three to four months.

T27 Develop cycle action In the Environment Plan completed Impacted by COVID on hold until 2021 Ongoing plan: 471 km of next 5 and Transport possible network years

T28 Dodder Greenway In the Environment Planning Design options have been completed and are to Ongoing (Pedestrian and Cycle next 5 and Transport application be reviewed by the NTA Improvement) - 7.5 years approved km section T29 2.7 km Clontarf-to- In the Environment Scheme Design completed, and subject to approval of Ongoing City Centre Cycle next 5 and Transport completed NTA and DCC, project will be sent to tender for Scheme years construction

T30 Liffey Cycle Route 5-10 Environment Scheme Ongoing - through COVID Mobility Plan the Ongoing (6.8 km) years and Transport complete Interim Liffey Cycle Route was completed at the end of July. Preliminary studies are underway for the permanent scheme. This includes preliminary assessments of the Quay walls as well an Opportunities and Needs Assessment of the Route.

29 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: TRANSPORT 30 S U STAT Ongoing Not started Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Complete Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress eport was completed in May completed eport was ugust 2020. The target for for ugust 2020. The target an – Annu anagement 5 Cities project which 5 Cities project AS Demand Management Pl te Change Action ction 81 in National Climate of Action 81 in National Climate outcome waiting PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS obility Plan - Initial target to provide provide to Mobility Plan - Initial target See COVID cycle lanes in 2020 has 10km of protected mobility in line with COVID-19 been increased cycle new and protected date interventions. To Street, on Parkgate been installed lanes have Street. and Bridgefoot Nassau Street in June 2019 hosted was VeloCity COVID impacted COVID A of group and CARO on steering Action Plan. DCC DTT due Final report measures. includes emission based end of year out before were spaces of 1,954 cycle parking In 2019, a total the for has been awarded added. In 2020 a contract It is envisaged spaces. of 500 parking installation will have 1,000 spaces a further for that a contract end A by been awarded 2020 is 2,000 spaces. commenced Moby - 2nd operator introduced Moby in June 2020 hire public e-bike to allocated Balance available. currently 500 bikes period Covid for workers healthcare been added have No stations It is anticipated that the construction tender tender that the construction It is anticipated scheme will be An interim will issue in Q4 2020. under the COVID-19 term in the short implemented plan. R The Options Selection 2020. Ongoing developing an to being given is now Consideration Merrion to Park Moore Sean scheme from interim areas. on the designated impacts avoid to Gates the end of planning towards submit for Plan to 2021; The appointment of design 2020/beginning & Cycling Pedestrian the Point for consultants submit shortly; Plan to tender to go is due to Bridge of 2020/beginning the end towards planning for completion. 2021. Preliminary is near design Land complete. are works Investigation Ground are and Land Owner agreements acquisitions for required modelling Traffic being progressed. currently are Staff the Business Case is progressing. projects progress to remotely working TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY eport INDICATORS Scheme complete # of parking # of parking spaces # of parking added spaces 2019, (2,000 by 20,000 by 2030) # of bikes available end (1,150 by of 2019) # of dublinbikes, # of locations # of additional cycle lanes # of provided, count cordon results hosted Event R completed Scheme complete Feasibility study completed # of students participating Planning permission submitted nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport LEAD(S) 5-10 years TIME- FRAME In next In next 5 years 10 years plus In next 5 years In next 5 years In next 5 years In next 5 years 5-10 years 5-10 years 5-10 years 10 years plus 10 years 10 years plus

oute - 1 km route - 1 km route oute

oyal Canal Phase oyal ACTION with upgrades for for with upgrades junctions Fitzwilliam Cycle Fitzwilliam Cycle R Feasibility of Feasibility emissions-linked in charges parking City Centre number of Increase parking public bike facilities Stationless Expand scheme and Bike add ebikes dublinbikes Expand scheme Implement policy to modal shift increase cycling to host Velo to DCC City 2019 Sandyford-to- Cycle City Centre Scheme - proposal 9 km and options for route R 3 - 7.5 km two-way with cycle track pedestrian route (10.8 Trail East Coast area) km in DCC and Pedestrian cycle bridges: and - Pedestrian for cycle bridges Blood Stoney and - Pedestrian the for cycle bridges Point Bridge -Dodder PT Training Cycle for Programmes / 6th Class students Labs Power Pedal



T37 T38 T39 T40 T41 T42

T32 T33 T34 T35 T36

S U STAT Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Post- poned Ongoing Ongoing ctive A Active A V strategy to be published at to EV strategy egional V strategy to be published at to EV strategy egional oute. and DCC, project will be sent to tender for for tender will be sent to project A and DCC, PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS Impacted by COVID on hold until 2021 COVID by Impacted to and are been completed Design options have the NT by be reviewed of approval and subject to Design completed, NT construction Mobility Plan the COVID - through Ongoing at the completed was Route Cycle Liffey Interim underway Preliminary are studies end of July. the permanent scheme. This includes for as preliminary assessments of the Quay walls and Needs Assessment of an Opportunities well the R This assessment will be considered within the within This assessment will be considered wider R the end of 2020. Mobility Plan during the of COVID As part saw the pedestrianisation summer 6 weekends within the city centre. of streets a Dublin City Council has established with TCD Group a Promotions for partnership Schools, NT Green Trinity, Healthy everymeet will group This Dublin. TU and Travel, months. four to three Due to COVID promotion of event was via of event was promotion COVID Due to in participated staff social media channels; Key Campaign. Dublin Cycling by hosted webinars in an short involved was Junior Bicycle Mayor week Dublin During this bike. to reasons film 8 soft launched and app was Buddy Cycling cycles. virtual through promoted ongoing with Dublin Bus are Meetings This post COVID. be commissioned To the within assessment will also be considered wider R the end of 2020. obility Plan - COVID has permitted has permitted Mobility Plan - COVID See Covid well were days which free the trialing of traffic the public by received via social of event was promotion COVID Due to media channels TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED INDICATORS Scheme completed Investigation Investigation complete # of pedestrian days held # of meetings 2 charging points installed Assessment complete # of / communities involved areas Plan completed Planning application approved Scheme complete Promotion of Promotion EU event of Promotion events LEAD(S) nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport TIME- FRAME In the 5 next years 10 years 10 years plus In the 5 next years 10 years 10 years plus In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years 5-10 years 10 years 10 years plus 10 years plus A on BusConnects 2.7 km Clontarf-to- Cycle City Centre Scheme ACTION To investigate the investigate To of introduction on areas traffic-free sections of: Drury South William Street, Exchequer Street, Court, Dame Court, Dame Lane, retaining parks car for access and deliveries Pedestrian Organise with Days in areas high footfall DCC to liaise with to DCC NT programme 2 EV charging point trials in the Docklands Assessment of Council public car trickle for parks EV charge and rapid points up partnership Set a and create communications and engagement platform promotion Develop cycle action plan: 471 km of possible network Dodder Greenway and Cycle (Pedestrian - 7.5 Improvement) km section Route Cycle Liffey (6.8 km) orld Car Free Day World Car Free Mobility European Week IOUR CHANGE URE & BEHAV UCT INFRASTR T29 NO T19 T25 T22 T23 T24 T26 T27 T28 T30 T20 T21 Transport

TIME- TARGET(S) NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS T43 Install pilot Electric In next Environment EV charge point See T23 - will be informed by Regional EV Ongoing Vehicle charging station 5 years and Transport installed Strategy and Government Guidance on Evs at John Rogerson's Quay

T44 Assessment of In next Environment EV charge point This assessment will be considered within the Ongoing Rediscovery Centre car 5 years and Transport installed wider Regional EV strategy to be published at park in for the end of 2020 trickle or rapid electric vehicle charging station T45 Samuel Beckett Bridge In next Environment Segregated lane Project completed Complete segregated cycle lane 5 years and Transport complete T46 DCC aspires to be a 10 years Environment # of Through the COVID Mobility Plan DCC is Ongoing Future Cycling City plus and Transport collaborations encouraging active modes of travel T47 DCC will continue to 10 years Environment # of Dublin City Council has established a Ongoing seek new and expand on plus and Transport partnerships partnership for a Promotions Group with TCD existing partnerships to Healthy Trinity, Green Schools, NTA Active encourage sustainable Travel, and TU Dublin. This group will meet travel and safer travel every three to four months. behaviours T48 DCC will engage with 10 years Environment # of Phase 1 on engagement strategy has Ongoing local communities plus and Transport engagements commenced as is currently internally focused. to develop a vision Phase 2 will commence in 2021. for the future of their neighbourhoods with a strong focus on local living, sustainable mobility and quality of life T49 East Coast Trail (10.8 In next Environment Trail complete Changed to action T34 Ongoing km in DCC area) 5 years and Transport PUBLIC TRANSPORT T50 Sustainable transport 5-10 Environment # of hubs Currently in discussions with the NTA Ongoing hubs – various years and Transport locations T51 Support the 10 years Environment Frequency of Ongoing Ongoing development of bus plus and Transport services routes including the Bus Connects programme T52 Carry out Canal Cordon 10 years Environment Annual report Completed annually Ongoing Count plus and Transport complete

T53 Implement policy to 10 years Environment # passengers Ongoing Ongoing increase modal shift to plus and Transport as % of modal public transport share, # of cordon count results T54 Implement policy to In the Environment # of bus priority Impacted by COVID Ongoing give bus priority on core next 5 and Transport junction bus network years interventions ACTIONS AWAITING BUDGET T55 Develop a strategy to In the Environment Strategy Research has been commissioned to investigate Ongoing promote car sharing next 5 and Transport document barriers and opportunities of car sharing in the years developed city.

31 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: TRANSPORT 32 S U Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing STAT t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu Pl te Change Action Project work ongoing work Project The calculation of Sustainable Urban Mobility of Sustainable The calculation awaiting now are We has been completed. Indicators a EC. This will provide the Benchmarking from a Mobility Plan and evaluating preparing baseline for City. the for funded BE-GOOD project, As part of the European has been developed checker permit the HGV DCC in the City. increased have Number of sensors website, launched its air quality and noise monitoring time pollution in real monitor can citizens where in the city levels Ongoing - four DLAs have commissioned consultant to to consultant commissioned DLAs have Ongoing - four This has of EVCP. on the potential a report complete Smart Dublin and CARO. been funded by and in Davitt Rd been replaced have washers Power Depots with Electric Models and a further Rd Slaney depot. This Pde in O’Rahilly be replaced unit is due to number of 40% of total 6 units Approx of is a total contract year on a 3 provided are units. The handvacs until that be replaced in 2019 so cannot into entered expires. how explore to a project Smart Dublin commenced the across Dublin might implement a MaaS initiative Innovation the Public Sector with funding from region research on desktop based produced A report Fund. the for calls stakeholders, with key and workshops the progress to forum of a stakeholder establishment with the conversation which based on recent topic, Smart Dublin, and DCC, the NTA. will be led by NTA, CARO will be part of that forum. PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY Project Project complete Monitoring expanded Study complete % reduction Number of in Initiatives number place; of service providers participating in improving mobility options Baseline complete Study complete Study INDICATORS

Environment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Waste Waste Services Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment Environment and Transport LEAD(S)

In the next 5 years In the next 5 years In the next 5 years In the next 5 years In the next 5 years 10 years 10 years plus In the next 5 years TIME- FRAME

ACTION INTERREG Building an Ecosystem Generate to in Opportunities (BE Open Data to GOOD) project the safe promote of the City wellbeing and improvements in public transport services in is working DCC with the partnership on expanding EPA and enhancing ambient air quality monitoring in Dublin in with the accordance National Ambient Air Monitoring Programme is exploring the DCC of carrying feasibly out an air quality in study status Dublin Port Replace diesel Replace hand sweepers/ with washers power electric models Dublin City Council Mobility- promote to (MaaS) as-a-Service in the City initiatives active increase to options travel a baseline of Create urban sustainable Dublin mobility for in line with EC indicators The Council will an undertake assessment of the number of existing future and potential electric vehicle points in charge its jurisdiction and expand the availability

T60 T61 T62

T57 T58 T59



S U Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Complete Ongoing STAT A ctive A Active egional EV egional V strategy to be published at to EV strategy egional Ongoing COVID by Impacted investigate to been commissioned has Research sharing in the of car and opportunities barriers city. Changed to action T34 to Changed discussions with the NT in Currently Ongoing annually Completed Dublin City Council has established a Dublin City Council has established with TCD Group Promotions a for partnership Schools, NT Green Trinity, Healthy will meet and TU Dublin. This group Travel, months. every four to three has strategy Phase 1 on engagement focused. internally as is currently commenced in 2021. Phase 2 will commence R by See T23 - will be informed Evs on Guidance and Government Strategy within the be considered This assessment will wider R the end of 2020 completed Project is Mobility Plan DCC the COVID Through of travel modes active encouraging PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED Strategy Strategy document developed V charge point EV charge installed # of hubs V charge point EV charge installed lane Segregated complete # of collaborations # of partnerships # of engagements complete Trail of Frequency services Annual report complete # passengers as % of modal # of share, count cordon results # of bus priority junction interventions INDICATORS Environment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport nvironment Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport Environment and Transport LEAD(S) In the next 5 years In next In next 5 years 5-10 years In next In next 5 years In next 5 years 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus In next 5 years 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus In the 5 next years TIME- FRAME AWAITING BUDGET AWAITING ogerson's Quay ogerson's ediscovery Centre car car Centre ediscovery ACTION Develop a strategy to to a strategy Develop sharing car promote Install pilot Electric Install station charging Vehicle at John R transport Sustainable hubs – various locations Assessment of R in Ballymun for park electric trickle or rapid station charging vehicle Bridge Samuel Beckett cycle lane segregated be a to aspires DCC City Cycling Future to will continue DCC on seek new and expand to partnerships existing sustainable encourage travel and safer travel behaviours with will engage DCC communities local develop a vision to of their future the for neighbourhoods with on local focus a strong living, sustainable mobility and quality of life (10.8 Trail East Coast area) km in DCC Support the development of bus the Bus including routes Connects programme Carry Cordon out Canal Count Implement policy to to modal shift increase public transport Implement policy to bus priority on core give bus network PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACTIONS ACTIONS T55 NO T43 T50 T44 T45 T46 T47 T48 T49 T51 T52 T53 T54 FLOOD RESILIENCE



F1 Implement flood risk 10 years Environment # of projects Ongoing Ongoing management guidelines plus and Transport following guidelines F2 Coordinate Emergency Response 10 years Environment Plans completed Plans developed, ongoing Ongoing Plans plus and Transport

F3 Implement flood awareness 10 years Environment Campaign DCC continues to work with OPW Ongoing campaign with the OPW plus and Transport implemented to engage the public on flood awareness via and F4 Monitoring of flood forecasting 10 years Environment System Ongoing Ongoing and warning system plus and Transport maintained

F5 Produce a new Design Guide for 10 years Culture, Guide Consultants appointed, please see Ongoing SuDS and green infrastructure plus Recreation developed action N3. and Economic Services; Environment and Transport F6 Implement Sustainable urban In the Environment # of buildings Ongoing, identifying sites and will Ongoing Drainage Guidelines in Council next 5 and Transport with SuDS be informed by the guidelines. buildings where feasible years measures implemented F7 Build demonstration sites to show In the Environment # of Tender completed Ongoing options for SuDS next 5 and Transport demonstration years sites developed F8 Establish a Dublin Bay Sentinel In the Multi- Group Consultants appointed Ongoing Group, led by DCC and including next 5 departmental established, other key stakeholders, to years medium and monitor tide levels and other long term action marine related flood risk issues in plan developed Dublin Bay

F9 Develop and implement Coastal In the Culture, Plan developed Establishing stakeholders Ongoing Zone Management plan for Dublin next 5 Recreation Bay, aligned with the four DLA years and Economic Climate Change Action Plans for Services; Dublin and other local authority Environment plans and strategies and Transport F10 Implement the Dublin Bay 10 years Culture, Work Ongoing, a website has been Ongoing Biosphere work programme plus Recreation programme launched to inform citizens about and Economic developed and the biosphere, what it is and how Services implemented they can get involved: The following flood storage actions will incorporate nature-based solutions and biodiversity enhancement measures where possible (Actions 11 to 18): F11 Trial hemp baskets for flood In the Culture, Trials Delayed due to COVID 19 Ongoing protection next 5 Recreation implemented, years and Economic report on Services; findings Environment and Transport

33 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: FLOOD RESILIENCE 34 S U STAT Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Not started t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu Delayed due to COVID 19 COVID due to Delayed Ongoing pluvial monitoring Working Group flood and best practice events ongoing meetings Internal 19 COVID due to Delayed out to outlets of drainage Sealing tender. Ongoing appointed Provider Service be to expected are Sensors this quarter installed authorities support local To risk in performing and sectors in Ireland assessments, Climate AROs with the C collaboration the development of a Risk propose and Assessment Identification be is envisioned to This tool Tool. users allowing an online portal and interrogate view, access, to datasets the pertinent spatial and within a risk assessment has not This proposal framework. at the approval formal been given time of writing of this progress report PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS Pl te Change Action TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED Project Project completed Areas identified Areas and report published INDICATORS orking group Working group established updated Policies Risks identified Project completed # of sensors # of sensors # of installed, stations weather added # of solutions developed and implemented GIS map developed Template developed and issued DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY ecreation ecreation ecreation and ecreation ecreation and ecreation nvironment and Environment Culture, Transport; R Services Economic Culture, R Culture, and Economic Services nvironment and Environment Transport and Environment Transport and Environment Culture, Transport; R Services Economic nvironment and Environment Transport nvironment and Environment Transport and Environment Transport Climate Ireland, Ireland, Climate CARO, and Environment Transportation, multidepartmental and Environment Transport LEAD(S) 10 years 10 years plus TIME- FRAME 10 years plus 10 years 10 years plus In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years In the 5 next years 10 years plus

urban drainage drainage A urban ogerson's Quay ogerson's

egion ACTION outh Campshires Flood South Campshires Defence Identify areas for integrated integrated for Identify areas wetlands constructed roup to to Working Group a Establish with the issue of pluvial deal flood risk DL Update and flooding policies flood natural promoting as a priority to measures new development inform plan assess to Risk workshops on Council impacts the likely services Sir John R flood alleviation scheme

xpansion of rainfall sensors sensors of rainfall Expansion as stations, and weather of the Connect Flooding part programme Demonstrator Phase 2 of Gully Monitoring SBIR Challenge change Develop a climate GIS risk map with impact the Dublin for scenarios R capture to Develop template and costs response impacts, of (including consideration services/natural ecosystem all major for costs) capital events climate






F17 F18 F19 F21


TIME- TARGET(S) TIME- TARGET(S) NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS F22 North Campshires flood 5-10 Environment and Project Delayed due to COVID 19 Ongoing F33 Regeneration 5-10 Environment and Project Out to tender Ongoing alleviation scheme years Transport; Culture, completed Project years Transport; Culture, completed Recreation and Recreation and Economic Services Economic Services

F23 Clanmoyle flood alleviation 10 years Environment and Project Completed Complete F34 River Dodder flood defence 10 years Environment and Project Construction ongoing Ongoing scheme plus Transport; Culture, completed works in the fluvial section plus Transport; Culture, completed Recreation and upstream of Recreation and Economic Services Economic Services F24 Wad flood alleviation In the Environment and Project Preferred Tenderer Ongoing scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed years Recreation and ACTIONS AWAITING BUDGET Economic Services F35 Study impacts and benefits of In the Environment and Study completed River Camac as Pilot; discussion Ongoing F25 Poddle flood alleviation In the Environment and Project 25 submissions received from Ongoing increased buffer distances to next 5 Transport; Culture, on including in draft development scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed An Bord Pleanala, currently watercourses years Recreation and plan years Recreation and reviewing; Economic Services Economic Services F36 Promote and encourage In the Environment and # of communities This work is ongoing Ongoing F26 Camac flood alleviation In the Environment and Project Environmental surveys underway; Ongoing community involvement in next 5 Transport; Culture, involved scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed the retrofit of SuDS in existing years Recreation and years Recreation and developments Economic Services Economic Services F37 Survey possibly by drone / 10 years Environment and # of surveys Some pilot areas identified Ongoing F27 Dollymount flood 10 years Environment and Project Completed Complete satellites of paved areas of plus Transport alleviation scheme plus Transport; Culture, completed the City Recreation and Economic Services F38 Environmental surveys of all In the Environment and Surveys Baseline studies for 2019 Ongoing City rivers and estuaries as next 5 Transport completed completed F28 Clontarf Promenade flood In the Environment and Project Delayed due to COVID 19 Ongoing baseline surveys years alleviation scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed years Recreation and F39 Increase funding for gully 10 years Environment and # of gullies Not applicable Complete Economic Services cleaning in the city plus Transport cleaned

F29 Promenade 10 years Environment and Project Delayed due to COVID 19 Ongoing F40 The Council will work 10 years Environment and # of projects Close co-operation in City and Ongoing flood alleviation scheme plus Transport; Culture, completed with the Local Authority plus Transport delivered County Recreation and Waters Programme in its Economic Services support of communities and stakeholders in the delivery F30 Sandymount Phase 2 flood In the Environment and Project Delayed due to COVID 19 Ongoing of local water quality projects alleviation scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed and initiatives years Recreation and Economic Services F41 Communication and In the Environment and # of campaigns Website and other communication Ongoing F31 flood alleviation In the Environment and Project Postponed Post- awareness campaigns on next 5 Transport methods scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed poned flood risk management and years years Recreation and natural flood management Economic Services measures

F32 Island Bridge flood In the Environment and Project Project completed Complete alleviation scheme next 5 Transport; Culture, completed years Recreation and Economic Services

35 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: FLOOD RESILIENCE 36 S U STAT Ongoing Ongoing Complete Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS Some pilot areas identified Some pilot areas 2019 for Baseline studies completed Not applicable in City and Close co-operation County and other communication Website methods Out to tender Out to Construction ongoing Camac as Pilot;River discussion development on including in draft plan is ongoing This work Pl te Change Action TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED INDICATORS Project Project completed completed Study Surveys Surveys completed # of gullies cleaned # of projects delivered # of campaigns Project Project completed # of communities involved # of surveys DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY ecreation and ecreation ecreation and ecreation LEAD(S) Environment and Environment Culture, Transport; and Recreation Services Economic nvironment and Environment Culture, Transport; R Services Economic Environment and Environment Transport and Environment Transport and Environment Transport and Environment Transport nvironment and Environment Culture, Transport; R Services Economic and Environment Culture, Transport; and Recreation Services Economic and Environment Transport TIME- FRAME In the next 5 years 5-10 years In the next 5 years 10 years plus 10 years plus In the next 5 years 10 years 10 years plus In the next 5 years 10 years plus

egeneration egeneration AWAITING BUDGET AWAITING

ACTION Study impacts and benefits of benefits and impacts Study to distances buffer increased watercourses Project Santry R River Environmental surveys of all surveys Environmental as and estuaries City rivers baseline surveys gully funding for Increase cleaning in the city The Council will work Authority with the Local in its Programme Waters and support of communities in the delivery stakeholders projects quality water local of and initiatives and Communication on campaigns awareness flood risk management and management flood natural measures River Dodder flood defence Dodder flood defence River in the fluvial section works of Ballsbridge upstream and encourage Promote in involvement community of SuDS in existing the retrofit developments / drone possibly by Survey of areas paved of satellites the City





F38 F39 F40 F41

F34 F36 F37 Nature-Based Solutions



N1 Establish regional working 10 years Culture, Working group Group has been set up Ongoing group on nature-based plus Recreation established solutions and Economic Services; Environment and Transport

N2 Agree joint action plans to Culture, Action plans This action is to be removed as it is Action protect native habitats and Recreation agreed coordinated at the national level through removed species across all 4 DLAs and Economic NPWS Services

N3 Establish a cross- 10 years Culture, Working group Consultants have been appointed for this Ongoing departmental Trees and plus Recreation established work. This action is also being merged SuDS Working Group to and Economic with action 4, as action 4 will be an promote and pilot water Services; outcome of this work sensitive urban design Environment incorporating urban tree and Transport planting N4 Workshop on trees and SuDS Culture, Workshops Consultants have been appointed for this Action Recreation held, report of work. This action is also being merged merged and Economic outcomes with action 3, as action 3 will be an with N3 Services; outcome of this work Environment and Transport

N5 Produce regional river basin Environment Guidelines Moving this action to flood resilience Action management guidelines. and Transport produced moved Use Santry River as demonstration N6 Facilitate an annual 10 years Culture, Workshop Virtual engagement and one-to-ones Ongoing workshop for information plus Recreation organised planned for towards end of year due to exchange between and Economic COVID. This as part of biodiversty plan biodiversity experts Services review

N7 Collect data to inform Culture, Data compiled Action removed - Responsibility for this Action the preparation of a list Recreation lies with NPWS and identification of removed of habitats and species and Economic vulnerable sites should be in the sectoral in Dublin City vulnerable Services adaptation plan, as such DCC should to climate change. Devise respond to this based on advice from measures for reducing risks NPWS and collaborate accordingly. to these habitats and species locally and implement and evaluate their effectiveness


N8 Develop Green Infrastructure 10 years Culture, Strategy Regional group will be looking Ongoing Strategy for region plus Recreation completed at best practice that will inform and Economic this; Development Plan team are Services incorporating into development Plan

N9 Implement Public Open 10 years Culture, Strategy Bridgefoot Street park is under Ongoing Space and Parks Strategy plus Recreation completed construction; Deficit of green space huge and Economic Capital programme; Extra play grounds Services in areas where their; end of the year report coming in Q4 for this, as work is on going throughout the year.

37 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS 38 S U STAT Action merged with N13 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Action removed Ongoing Complete Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu S in cycle ways. nd of year report End of year erge with action 13 as is an Merge of guide outcome report End of year has been report, Curio End of year with is engaging launched and DCC and their health map trees to citizens status. 2020 and for Activities completed report; in end of year will be detailed for the format determining Currently 2021 in light of COVID as DCC be removed, This action is to within the city space does not have Action Team Climate woodlands. for alternatives. will be exploring Plan, of the Biodiversity This part do this to the resources do not have (also Action 41 in our sheet) This has been completed and the This has been completed the greening is informing work Liberties, Stoneybatter, for strategies NEIC. across collaboration Ongoing inclusiong of insure to departments NB for identifying a location Currently feasibility report End of year PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS

Pl te Change Action TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED eport complete eport complete eport complete Plan completed Plan completed and reviewed, any eradications achieved Completion of Completion guide paces mapped, Spaces identified areas # of tree trails # of tree Guide produced planted # of trees R R reenway Greenway completed, any habitats remediated R and mapped Data collected INDICATORS DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation ecreation Culture, Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, Culture, R and Economic Services; Environment and Transport Culture, R and Economic Services Culture, R and Economic Services LEAD(S)

10 years 10 years plus 10 years 10 years plus In the 5 next years TIME- FRAME 10 years 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years plus 10 years 10 years plus 10 years plus

AFM NeighbourWood ACTION Implement Dublin City Alien Species Council Invasive Action Plan Dublin City Tree Implement Dublin City Tree Strategy ap access to green space in space green to Map access of need identify areas City to Promote and expand Native Native and expand Promote programme Trails Tree on species guidance Produce urban for of public trees with planting in accordance Action 3.1 of the Dublin City Strategy Tree activities with Tree-planting schools including annual Week and National Tree Day National Tree the use of the Investigate D use in Planting scheme for of as part area urban suitable Strategy Tree the DCC change Analyse climate to trees on City's impacts management inform Continued support of the Continued support of for: concept greenways Santry, Dodder, Dublin Bay, and Camac Tolka Liffey, of green Assess the potential walls map and collect Continue to in Dublin City on trees data







N15 N16 N17 N18 N19

N11 N12 N14 Nature-Based Solutions

TIME- TARGET(S) NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS N21 Promote international 10 years Culture, Event organised Activities completed for 2020 and Ongoing World Wetlands Day plus Recreation will be detailed in end of year report; and Economic Currently determining the format for Services 2021 in light of COVID N22 Provide data to RAMSAR Culture, Data submitted Remove - Not an action as it is Action Committee for Ireland on Recreation sharing information removed wetlands in Dublin City and Economic Services N23 Prepare and publish Flora of 10 years Culture, Book published Work is continuing with the Dublin Ongoing plus Recreation Naturalist Field Club and Economic Services

N24 Conduct a common cord- In the Culture, Study conducted To be commenced Not grass management study next 5 Recreation started and monitoring for North years and Economic Bull Island SPA Services

N25 Prepare a GIS-based Map complete Links to Action N7 and, as per ecological sensitivity map of comment in N7, it would be related Dublin Bay Biosphere to National Biodiversity Adaptation Plan N26 Participate in the INTERREG- In the Culture, Project complete To be commenced Not funded Acclimatize research next 5 Recreation started project years and Economic Services N27 Conduct light-bellied brent 10 years Culture, Survey complete Research is being undertaken by the Ongoing goose roost survey plus Recreation University of Exeter and Economic Services

N28 Implement the North Bull 10 years Culture, Plan Published an action plan setting up Ongoing Island Management Plan plus Recreation implemented an oversight forum with community and Economic groups Services


N29 Pilot projects for green roofs 10 years City Architects # of pilots This is part of a green housing strategy Ongoing on civic buildings plus being developed, but also potentially linked to CAF application to assess contribution of green roofs to energy efficiency gains. Currently engaging with staff to identify a suitable site N30 Develop demonstration sites Culture, # of sites Remove, the action is being changed Action to showcase nature-based Recreation developed to the indicator for the working group removed solutions with existing land and Economic as this will be an output of their work uses Services

N31 Implement the North East 10 years Culture, Strategy Ongoing Ongoing Inner City and Liberties plus Recreation implemented Greening Strategy and Economic Services

39 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS 40 S U STAT Action removed Ongoing Not started Not started Action merged with N33 Action removed Action removed Not started Action removed Action removed t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu Merging with Action 33 as the same Merging as this is a be removed Action to seasonal occurrence as per action 7 Remove Not started plan, do This part of the Biodiversity do this to the resources not have plan This part of the Biodiversity Remove - Repeat of Action 18, which is of - Repeat Remove in the Dublin context not achieveable Agency Housing the with partnership A implement this. to is being explored identifying suitable are present, we At the Social Housing for owned DCC project. have Plan Team The Development and been engaging with staff for topics establish to stakeholders the that will inform issues papers Plan process Development upcoming 2020. in December commence to set yet Action has not commenced PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS Pl te Change Action TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED # of trees per new per new # of trees # of dwelling, shrubs per new dwelling report Feasibility Guide produced in and available libraries # of sites identified Assessment and complete actions developed List prepared Analysis done # of initiatives developed Continuation of partnership Strategy Strategy developed INDICATORS DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY Housing Department Planning Department Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Waste Management / Planning Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Culture, Recreation and Economic Services Culture, Culture, Recreation and Economic Services LEAD(S)

10 years 10 years plus In the next 5 years In the next 5 years In the next 5 years TIME- FRAME

Implement GI guidelines Implement GI guidelines Council housing in all new and where developments that is possible social housing being retrofitted of additional Assess feasibility food local for space green including production, and gardens community urban orchards A Guide to Produce Living in Dublin Sustainable City for suitable Identify sites local for gardens community production food and Assessment of causes brown impacts of Ectocarpus in Dublin Bay algal growth list a preliminary Prepare of species and habitats change climate to vulnerable environmental informing for impact assessments analysis of an Prepare soil sealing in Dublin City of levels determine to permeability Engage with business develop to community business sustainable Dublin Bay for initiatives UNESCO Business Strategy Biosphere as a partner will continue DCC Plan for in the Pollinator of the Climate the duration Change Action Plan and will time over results monitor ACTION Develop urban woodland urban woodland Develop part of the DCC as strategy Strategy Tree

N33 N34 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 N40 N41




R1 Monitor and 10 years WERLA Environmental We are on track with out Waste Targets as set out Ongoing enforce waste plus and Waste Performance in the RMCEI Plan for 2020 for Q2 regulation Regulation Assessment from EPA R2 Assess waste in 10 years Waste Assessment Impacted by COVID Ongoing Council buildings plus Management completed and plan actions Services R3 Run staff recycling 10 years Waste % of staff Plan to roll out staff awareness currently Ongoing awareness plus Management recycling underway, socially distant methods of delivery campaign Services being investigated R4 Identify areas 10 years EMWR Report published At final draft stage and early Q4 will see report Ongoing in need of civic plus published. amenity sites and waste transfer stations R5 Apply for LAPN 10 years Waste # of grants for Funding for two projects was applied for in Ongoing (Local Authority plus Management waste-related partnership with Rediscovery Centre and a Prevention Services projects applied number of LAs. Project 1 involved Wicklow, Network) grants for Meath, Fingal, South Dublin and DCC working with the Rediscovery Centre to develop a number of local collection points for the Rediscover Paint programme and a related promotional campaign. Project 2 was a joint application in South Dublin and Dublin City, once again working with Rediscovery Centre to develop a series of high profile events to inform and educate the public on reuse and repair. Both 2020 funding applications were unsuccessful. We are currently investigating alternative ways to develop/fund similar projects. R6 Create Stop Food 10 years Waste Campaign Impacted by COVID Ongoing Waste campaign plus Management developed and for businesses and Services / implemented schools EMWR R7 Promote Reuse 10 years Waste # of promotional The Relove Fashion competition, which is a reuse Ongoing Month annually plus Management activities competition for secondary schools, will coincide Services / with reuse month 2020. Students will have until EMWR the 30th October to submit their entries to the competition. R8 Promote 10 years Local # of businesses Modos programme in place to promote circular Ongoing programmes to plus Enterprise participating economy measures in business / 3 regional waste advise businesses Office / offices developing commercial waste reduction on reducing waste EMWR campaign particularly focused on food retail e.g €coMerit R9 Promote recycling 10 years Waste # of workshops Workshops currently suspended due to social Ongoing and the circular plus Management and attendees distancing restrictions. New methods of economy to Services / delivering Housing Waste Project workshops householders EMWR being investigated. through a range of workshops, talks and programmes R10 Continue to 10 years Waste # of Currently partnering with The Rediscovery Centre Ongoing work with the plus Management collaborations on the Relove Fashion Competition for secondary Rediscovery Services schools. Paint reuse scheme established in DCC Centre to promote Bring Centres. sustainability

41 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction


Public Awareness

TIME- TARGET(S) A NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS CTION AREA : RES OU R C E MA N AGEME NT R11 Research and In the Waste Research Research is complete. Drafting of quick guide to Ongoing implement next 5 Management complete, green procurement for DCC staff is in progress. sustainable years Services findings These will accord with EPA guidance procurement implemented guidelines

LITTER & RECYCLING IN THE PUBLIC REALM R12 Run anti-dumping 10 years Waste # of campaigns Impacted by COVID after initial roll out in March Ongoing and anti-litter plus Management campaigns Services R13 Support and 10 years Waste # of days Dublin Community Clean-up day and National Ongoing promote litter plus Management Spring Clean did not take place this year due clean up days and Services to COVID 19 Restrictions. Support for local initiatives community clean ups where social distancing measures and Covid 19 guidelines adhered to is ongoing. Over 2000 community clean up service requests completed in 2020 to date. R14 Solar Compactor In the Waste # of smart bins Currently over 300 units installed. Additional Ongoing Bins provided in next 5 Management added, reduction 10 units due to be installed in area surrounding City years Services in waste botanic gardens. Recycling units due to be collections trialled as part of Circle City project. Data Dashboard being developed to assess efficiencies and use of bins. R15 Mapping and 10 years Waste # of bins tagged All 3200 plus bins tagged and service is operating Ongoing tagging of City bins plus Management and mapped well with good participation from public Services engaging with QR code system. Examining extending project to recycling banks. R16 Identify areas in In the Waste Areas of need Mapping of existing recycling infrastructure Ongoing need of recycling next 5 Management identified underway. Gap analysis to take place once infrastructure years Services complete.

R17 Develop pilot 10 years Waste Pilots developed On street recycling campaign implementation Ongoing projects for plus Management delayed due to Covid 19 - provisional launch now recycling Services mid Oct 2020. R18 Engage with In the EMWR SME sign up and Modos programme in place to promote circular Ongoing relevant next 5 roll out training economy measures in business. stakeholders and years programme deliver an energy efficiency, circular economy and sustainability training programme targeting micro and small enterprises R19 Investigate In the Waste Composting Leaf composting programme introduced and Ongoing introducing a next 5 Management programme ongoing for all street sweeping operations. leaf composting years Services introduced, In excess of 800 tonnes of leaves diverted to programme across # tonnage of compost in 2019. Compost now being made the City leaves diverted to available to community groups by waste composting management services. R20 Support and 10 years Waste # of participants Due to COVID 19 restrictions, city neighbourhoods Ongoing promote Tidy plus Management yearly awards are being carried out locally thorugh Towns/ Green Services the area structure. 42 schools awarded green Schools/ City flags this year to date. Work is ongoing on Neighbourhoods ways to deliver planned workshops for schools initiatives and remotely. CEAF- 81 projects supported under local Agenda 21 current scheme, some have been delayed due to initiatives Covid-19, others such as school workshops will now be delivered remotely where possible.

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 42 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

TIME- TARGET(S) NO ACTION FRAME LEAD(S) INDICATORS IMPACTED PROGRESS REPORT 2020 STATUS R21 Develop In the Waste Guidance Guidance to be developed based on lessons Ongoing sustainability next 5 Management produced, # learned from pilot projects currently underway. guidelines years Services of events with Policy to eliminate single use plastics is being and terms and sustainability developed in sampling and merchandising conditions for any terms and permit applications by working with applicants events supported, conditions to develop alternatives. facilitated or organised by DCC

R22 Review terms and In the Waste Guidance Completed Complete conditions for all next 5 Management produced on events approved by years Services terms and DCC to incorporate conditions possible sustainability conditions R23 Any events 10 years Waste # of events Restrictions are in place to ensure balloon and Ongoing supported, plus Management chinese lanterns are not in use. facilitated or Services organised by DCC will not permit balloon or Chinese lantern releases R24 DCC to consult with In the Waste Consultation All applications to distribute merchandise Ongoing the events industry next 5 Management undertaken and in the city are now forwarded to the Litter on alternatives to years Services submissions Management Office in the first instance. Due non-compostable received to COVID 19 restrictions, all events in Dublin single use food and City were cancelled. Continue to liaise with beverage containers individual companies to advise them on at DCC events how to reduce their waste and improve their sustainability. R25 DCC to select an In the Waste Event selected All events were cancelled due to COVID 19 Ongoing appropriate event next 5 Management and trial restrictions. Contact will be made with event as a pilot to trial years Services undertaken organisers when events resume. alternatives to non-compostable single use food and beverage containers R26 Phase out the use In the Waste No single use Completed Complete of single use plastic next 5 Management plastic cups in cups from all DCC years Services use in all Dublin canteens and City Council replace with the use canteens of ceramic cups and personal reusable cups R27 Identify pilot In the Water Sites identified Two locations have been identified on the south Ongoing locations for water next 5 Framework side, one more is available and a location is to access points years Directive be identified

R28 Host and select sites 10 years Waste # of sites Ongoing discussions are underway on how we Ongoing for the Composting plus Management can deliver master composter training to local Demonstration Services communities during the Covid 19 period. using Master Composter EPA Stop Food Waste Programme or similar programme to assist sustainable gardening and management of landscaping waste

43 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 ACTION AREA: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 44 S U STAT Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Not started Not started Not started Not started Not started t 2020 Energy Energy Efficiency GHG Reduction Resilience Public Awareness gress Repor al Progress an – Annu PROGRESS REPORT 2020 REPORT PROGRESS Your Dublin, Your Voice survey has been survey Voice Dublin, Your Your being analysed. are and the results completed Not started Not started Not started Not started On street recycling campaign campaign recycling On street Covid due to delayed implementation Oct 2020. mid launch now 19 - provisional with Hubbub liaise to continuing We are the to taken approaches succesful examining recycling. of on street introduction 19 COVID suspended due to Projects restrictions. COVID by Impacted Not started

Pl te Change Action

TARGET(S) TARGET(S) IMPACTED DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Clima COUNCIL DUBLIN CITY eport produced INDICATORS % of agents replaced R in % reduction consumed water Feasibility Feasibility assessed Education programme established developed Policy and implemented completed Trial study Feasibility completed on Report business supports roll-out

aste aste aste aste ater LEAD(S) Waste Waste Management Services Facilities Facilities Management W Management Services W Management Services W Framework Directive Housing / City Architects City Architects City Architects Local Local Enterprise Office

TIME- FRAME In the next 5 years In the 5 next years 10 years 10 years plus In the 5 next years In the next 5 years In the next 5 years In the next 5 years In the 5 next years In the next 5 years AWAITING BUDGET AWAITING

ACTION Investigate the Investigate of green introduction cleaning; street use biodegradable cleaning agents Implement water Implement water conservation in civic campaign buildings Continue to investigate investigate Continue to in street best practice facilities recycling

xplore collaboration collaboration Explore such with stakeholders reduce to as single use items Develop and implement an programme education issues climate tackle to the water to related sector sustainable Develop waste construction policy flush of low Trial in Council toilets and headquarters social housing of feasibility Research harvesting in rainwater Council buildings and social housing The Economic and Development Office Enterprise out further will carry engage to research to with stakeholders and develop promote business supports to reduction encourage of emissions and other actions, driven climate targets develop and to be measured that could being on progress achieved







R30 R32 R34 R35 R36 R37 Conclusions and future implementation

This first report on DCC’s progress on the actions set Beyond this, now that a climate action team has out in the Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 shows been established, partnerships will be fostered with that significant progress has been made, however, more academia, private sector and other local authorities needs to be done. The challenge ahead will be facilitating to insure that Dublin achieves resilience to climate not only collaboration across departments to achieve change. DCC's Climate Team will continue to work an interdisciplinary approach to climate action but with Codema and CARO to drive the implementation with stakeholders outside of DCC. The recent working of the CCAP and investigate opportunities for regional paper produced by the Climate Change Advisory Council collaboration with other Local Authorities. Perhaps highlights the importance of a systems approach to climate more pressing, is an understanding what will be action: needed for a just transition, to a low carbon future, in the urban context, is a key focus of the community Adaptation and mitigation responses in our cities and their engagement strategy that has commenced with hinterland need to be coordinated to maximise synergies internal stakeholders and will continue for the lifespan and achieve inherent co-benefits. In particular, there is an of this plan. opportunity for cities to address key issues such as energy poverty, ‘transport deserts’ (when a community lacks Finally, it is important to acknowledge, that as the city necessary public transport options to live without driving) emerges from COVID 19 there will not be a return to and ‘food deserts’ (areas with limited access to affordable normal. However, there is an opportunity to bounce and nutritious food), while responding to climate change forward and improve the quality of life in the city. COVID (Foster et al., 2019). Cities have the capacity to embed equity has provided lessons that are being applied, a critical in responses to climate change, in other words implement one is the importance of public spaces in supporting policies that enable a Just Transition through spatial health and well-being and access to these spaces. The planning, for example (Castán Broto, Oballa and Junior, 2013; work that has been done by DCC with academia shows Bulkeley, Edwards and Fuller, 2014)20 that access and allocation of space is not equitable across the city. There is an opportunity now to co- Going forward into 2021, there is an opportunity to create and collaborate with citizens in developing high achieve this through the forthcoming development plan. quality spaces that not only support health and well- The Planning Department is actively engaging various being but adapt the city to climate change. This will be departments to develop issues papers that will inform challenging, but the costs of not doing so as is being the development plan. The issue papers are focused on learned from COVID will be higher. responses to climate change that are in the CCAP, namely, nature-based solutions, energy, transport, and flooding.

45 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 APPENDIX I: REFERENCES A PP E NDIC ES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. tions-in-ireland.pdf 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 29July2020_Final.pdf 18. pdf 19. 20. ies%20Working%20Paper.pdf

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 46 Appendix II: Local Authority Climate Action Charter


For Local Authorities and Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment on behalf of Government.

(1) The signatories share the common understanding that:

(a) the evidence of global warming is unequivocal and the effects of climate change are clearly evident; (b) it is important to take action and to work together to share best practices, to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and address the impacts of climate change (c) reducing GHG emissions and preparing for climate change impacts will generate environmental, social, economic and health benefits for individuals, families, and communities (d) It is important to take action to adapt to the now inevitable consequences of climate change and to work collectively to ensure that the local authority sector is positioned to build resilience against negative impacts and avail of the positive effects that may occur.

(2) The signatories acknowledge that a whole of government approach is essential in addressing climate change and recognise that:

(a) Central Government has a lead role to play in developing policy and ensuring resources are made available to realise Ire- land’s commitment to achieving a net zero carbon energy system objective for Irish society and in the process, create a climate resilient, vibrant and sustainable country

(b) Local Authorities are ideally placed to provide robust leadership in advancing this objective at the local and regional level. Support and resources will continue to be provided through the National Development Plan allocations, in addition to their own resources, which will aid them in developing and implementing relevant activities under this charter

(c) Central and Local Government need to work in partnership and collaboration to ensure an effective response to the chal- lenges presented by climate change

(3) This Charter acknowledges that local authorities will, with the support of Central Government:

(a) be advocates for Climate Action in our own policies and practices, and in our many various dealings with citizens and to underpin this role through the corporate planning process.

(b) adhere to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 13 Climate Action;

(c) aim to measure the carbon impact of our various activities as accurately as possible and report as required so as to inform relevant local, regional and national policies,

(d) implement, in so far as is practicable, measures which reduce our carbon emissions in line with national objectives, and develop a method for planning and reporting on these actions

(e) deliver a 50% improvement in energy efficiency by 2030(on the 2009 baseline)

(f) ensure that policies and practices at local government level lead us towards low carbon pathways and put in place a process for carbon proofing major decisions, programmes and projects on a systematic basis, including investments in transport and energy infrastructure moving over time to a near zero carbon investment strategy

(g) Ask suppliers as part of the procurement process to provide information on their carbon footprint and on the sustainability practices and steps they plan to reduce its impact

47 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 A PP E NDIC ES (h) implement green public procurement strategy and procedures across all business areas

(i) support our employees to undertake changes in their lifestyles both at work and at home, to reduce carbon impact and encourage work-based employee-led groups to identify and implement ideas for improvement

(j) put in place, and resource, a long term training strategy (technical and behavioural) for LA staff to provide appropriate capacity for the sector to deliver on climate action

(k) encourage clients/customers/service users to undertake lifestyle changes to reduce their carbon impact, with a particular emphasis on supporting those clients/customers/service users who may face difficulties in funding such measures

(l) cultivate and actively participate in partnerships with enterprise, community and voluntary groups so as to, improve the use of resources and reduced climate impact

(m) play a key role in helping to build and implement a sustained localised citizen engagement model in supporting the various initiatives under the National Dialogue on Climate Action

(n) exercise our planning and regulatory roles to help improve climate outcomes in the wider community and beyond the public sector, by developing and implementing robust evidenced based policy and standards on climate action, through appropriate and relevant adaptation and mitigation measures (o) continue to identify and develop specific actions to be taken to reduce the risks associated with negative climate change impacts and build resilience to these impacts through effective implementation of climate adaptation strategies/ Climate Change Action Plans

(p) support elected officials in ensuring all council led activities are climate proofed in terms of achieving effective low car- bon and climate resilient outcomes

(q) Explore opportunities to partner or collaborate on climate action initiatives across the public, private and education sectors.

(r) Support Enterprise through LEO/LCDC offices to exploit opportunities which will arise from meeting the challenges of Climate Change

(s) work with relevant stakeholders to source funding for implementing climate action projects;

(t) liaise with 3rd level institutions & the research community both nationally and internationally with a view to developing centres of excellence where appropriate

(u) develop links with young citizens to give voice to their understanding and concerns on climate change and to enhance their awareness and the actions that they can take.

(v) continue to develop and strengthen links with both central government (relevant departments and agencies) and re- gional bodies to help ensure a coordinated and coherent approach to the delivery of the national climate action agenda

(w) Monitor, evaluate and report annually on the implementation of activities under this charter

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020 48 Appendix III: List of Acronyms

BER Building Energy Rating CARO Climate Action Regional Office CCAC Climate Change Advisory Committee CCAP Climate Change Action Plan CCMA County & City Management Association CFRAMs Catchment Flood Risk Assessment & Management CSO Central Statistics Office DAFM Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine DCC Dublin City Council DECC Department of the Environment, Climate & Communications DHPLG Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government DLAs Dublin Local Authorities DTTAS Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport EMWR Eastern & Midlands Waste Region EnPi Energy Performance Indicator EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC Energy Performance Contract ESRI Economic & Social Research Institute EV Electric Vehicle GHG Greenhouse Gases LEADER Liaisons entre actions de development de Léconomie Rurale LGMA Local Government Management Agency NAF National Adaptation Framework NBS Nature-Based Solutions NZEB Nearly Zero Energy Building NTA National Transport Authority NPWS National Parks & Wildlife Services OPW Office of Public Works RD&D Research, Development & Demonstration RMCEI Recommended Minimum Criteria for Environmental Inspections SDZ Strategic Development Zone SEAI Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland SEC Sustainable Energy Community SECAP Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan SPC Strategic Policy Committee SuDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems TPER Total Primary Energy Requirement

49 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL Climate Change Action Plan – Annual Progress Report 2020