PETREAN NEWS AUTUMN 2007 By Ann Munro, Development Officer

Welcome to the Autumn 2007 edition of Petrean News. Another Summer is almost over – courtesy of our ‘great’ British weather, one I’m sure we’ll remember for a long time. I think we were destined for poor weather when this year’s Peterhouse Society Gathering took place in a constant drizzle, although this certainly didn’t appear to dampen your spirits, and once again the Gathering was well-attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Pictured below, sheltering from the rain, are Mr Roger Cohen (matric. 1970), pictured with his wife Lauren Cohen-Harvey and daughter Jessica. The Cohen-Harveys have been to almost every Gathering, since 2001. More on the Gathering follows later.

Ann Munro

Sadly, Alison Holroyd left the Development Office this Summer to take up a post at Homerton College, but we are pleased to welcome Angela Reeves, formerly of King’s College, who started with us in mid-July. Angela has very quickly taken to her new role, and she is already beginning to prove a real asset to the Office. If you have any change of address or personal details which you wish to pass on, please let Angela know at [email protected]: or if you’re just passing and would like to say hello, please call in and see us in L1 Gisborne Court.

Angela has flagged up that our database lacks information on careers, and we’d be grateful if you could up-date us with this information. You can either email Angela with this information, or alternatively fill in your on-line register details. Similarly, if you’d like to add your name to a panel of careers advisors whom Junior Members are welcome to contact by e-mail or telephone, then please be in touch with Angela with your details.


‘London Drinks’ Evening: 25th April 2007

The seventh annual ‘London drinks’ evening was again held at Corney and Barrow Wine Bar, Broadgate Circle, in the City, on Wednesday 25th April 2007. This event proved immensely popular once again, with a bigger turn-out than we have ever had before. The success of the event has prompted the Peterhouse Society Committee to experiment with a second such annual occasion, this time in the West End of London, in October: look out for details by e-mail.

Urn and Plinth in memory of Lady Thomas: 19th May 2007

On Saturday, 19th May 2007, family, friends and College guests attended a special ceremony to inaugurate an urn and plinth presented to Peterhouse by Sir John Meurig Thomas, Master 1993 – 2002 (pictured below, left, with Professor David Watkin, senior Fellow), in memory of his late wife Margaret (1938 – 2002). The urn and plinth is to be found at the far (southernmost) end of the Deer Park, very close to the wall with the Fitzwilliam Museum. Some of you may have noticed the urn and plinth at this year’s Gathering. Many have commented that it looks as though it has been in place forever, surely the best tribute to its appropriateness and location.

Jet Photographic

May Bumps 2007: 13th – Saturday 16th June 2007

Members and guests at this year’s were delighted to have the opportunity of watching the Bumps from dry, comfortable surroundings, courtesy of a tent provided by the Peterhouse Boat Club Sponsors, CTM: a picture appears below.

Neil Herbert, CTM

2 Sky French, matric. 2004, Boat Club Development Officer, writes: ‘Peterhouse Boat Club entered three men’s crews and one women’s crew into this year’s May Bumps. The First Women repeated their blade-winning performance to pick up a second set of blades by going up four and then over as sandwich boat on the final day. They bumped the First Eights of Darwin, CCAT, Selwyn and Magdalene, to earn a place sitting comfortably above all but one second women’s eight and plenty of women’s first boats. They are now top of the Second Division in both the Lent and May Bumps. The First Men weren’t so fortunate and disappointingly dropped two places overall, to finish sixth in the Men’s Second Division. The Second Men ended down three, but avoided wooden spoons by producing a good row-over on the last day to hold off St Catherine’s III. They will start next year’s races at the top of Men’s Division Four. Starting in Division Five and sandwiched between Jesus VI and St Edmund’s II, the Third Men (Gentleman’s VIII/Beer Boat) finished a solid three up, bumping St Edmund’s II, Jesus V and finally Fitzwilliam III. This left the Club up four for the Women and down two for the Men overall. The picture below is of the 1st Women's VIII, carrying the flag shortly after winning their blades.

Jacqui Jeffery

The Club is now starting to look ahead to Michaelmas Term when both new members and seniors will train for the Fairbairns Races (the major Michaelmas Term races in ), competing in a selection of other events along the way. Novice Fairbairns will be held on November 29th and Senior Fairbairns on November 30th, and support offered from the bank is always appreciated. The Fairbairns Dinner will be held on the evening of Friday 30th November, and as ever we are always pleased to extend the invitation to attend to all Boat Club members, past and present. Recent dinners have seen many long-standing and recent alumni return. If you would like more information about the Fairbairns Dinner or wish to subscribe to our low-volume alumni e-mail list, to stay informed about the Boat Club’s activities, please do not hesitate to get in touch via e-mail ([email protected]).’

Fellows vs Students Cricket Match: 19th June 2007

Dr James Carleton Paget, Fellow in Theology, writes: ‘The annual Fellows vs Students cricket match took place on Tuesday, 19th June 2007, at the Bentley Road cricket ground. Despite some fine bowling by the Chaplain, Dr Ward, who performed with a skill and subtlety which would have impressed even the most tortuous of Trinitarian theologians, and which at one stage had reduced the students to the paltry score of 100 for 7, the latter still succeeded in reaching a score of over 200 runs in their allotted 40 overs. The Fellows' reply was a little beleaguered. Wickets fell at a regular rate, and those expected to succeed (Dr Midgeley, Dr Ross Russell) all fell cheaply to a solid, if unspectacular, bowling attack. Faced with much more indifferent bowling (the students' Captain, James Probert, had taken sympathy on the Fellows by the time the 5th wicket had fallen for less than 40), Dr Carleton Paget hit a brisk 49 not out, and the Fellows managed to scramble their way to a three figure sum. Defeat again for the Fellows, but a good time appeared to be had by all.’


Medics Golf Match: 20th June 2007

Dr Robert Ross Russell, Fellow in Medicine, writes: ‘following last year's crushing victory, two of the Medical Fellows (Professor Adrian Dixon and Dr Robert Ross Russell) again took on the Medical Students, represented by Ruraidh Stewart (matric. 2005) and Richard Bevan-Jones (matric. 2004) (pictured below) in the annual medics golf match at the Gog Magog Golf Club on June 20th.

Supplied by Dr Robert Ross Russell

On a glorious summer's evening, the match turned into a closely-fought battle. Despite the students refusing to concede more than 6 shots of the 9 that were due, the game remained close throughout. Several very long putts were sunk by both teams at critical moments, and even when Robert Ross Russell failed to move the ball at all with one (attempted) chip, his partner rescued the team by chipping the next ball dead. The match was halved on the 18th green – a very fair result, leaving the Fellows holding the (notional) cup until next year.’

Bench in memory of the late Mark Cooke: 27th June 2007

A number of friends, family and staff attended the inauguration, on Wednesday 27th June 2007, of a special bench in memory of the late Mark Cooke, Head Combination Room Butler. The bench, provided by members of the Cooke family, has been placed in a newly-formed courtyard behind the kitchens, just as you pass through the wooden doors of the Screens passage. Appropriately enough, the garden is conceived as a place for smokers suffering the effects of the national ban. The bench is surrounded by potted plants, including the aptly-named Benson & Hedges rose. The photo below shows Mark’s father Alan cutting the ribbon on the bench, with the Master and fellow- guests looking on.

Jet Photographic 4 Peterhouse Society annual Gathering: 29th June – 1st July 2007

Two new events in particular stood out at this year’s annual Gathering. The first was a talk given by Mr John Griffiths (matric. 1954) based on his recently published booked, ‘Tea: A Very British Drink’. The book is available for sale through Carlton Books, priced £16.99 (ISBN: 9780 2330 02125).

Carlton Books Ltd

The second was a concert première of Peterhouse Chapel Windows Suite, written and performed by former Organ Scholar, Mr Barry Ferguson (matric. 1960). Individual pieces from the Suite were also performed by five other Petrean Organ Scholars, all pictured below in front of the Chapel. Left to right: Mr Andrew McIntyre (matric. 1974), Professor David Lee (matric. 1953), Mr Mark Rowland (matric. 1999), Mr Barry Ferguson, Mr Mark Hammond (matric. 1983), and Mr Tim Hone (matric. 1976).

Sandi Ferguson

Copies of the Windows Suite music score are available to buy, priced £10 each, from the Peterhouse Society Office. Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to purchase a copy. Proceeds to go to the Peterhouse Development Fund.

Ann Munro

5 This Gathering also marked the 50th Anniversary of matriculation of the 1957 matriculands, and a special celebratory anniversary attendance was organised by Dr John Screen, Mr Anthony Steele, Mr John Thackray and Mr Adrian Williams. John Screen writes: 'A special effort was made to attract to the Gathering this year those who had matriculated in 1957. The nostalgia of a fiftieth anniversary resulted in the enjoyable assembly of thirteen men, a number gratifyingly well above the annual average attendance'.

Also marking the 25th Anniversary of matriculation were the 1987 matriculands, organised by Mr Philip Cacouris, who writes as follows: ‘Some members of the 1987 class agreed to meet at the Gathering - some just for the lunch on Saturday and others for the Annual Dinner and the Sunday lunch. It was wonderful to be back in College, and to see familiar faces (both fellow- students and members of College staff). Even those living in Cambridge said this is the kind of thing they don't do any more, and we all wallowed in nostalgia and swapped news about ourselves and other Petreans we are still in touch with. It was also fun to meet both older and younger members of the College; one old Petrean told me it becomes easier to find time for these Gatherings after retirement, but I do plan to be back for another Gathering before then!’ The photograph below shows Philip Cacouris on the left, with Gerwyn Samuel (guest) in the middle and Gareth Davies (matric. 1987) on the right.

Ann Munro


Publication announcement: Heresies and How to Avoid Them

Heresies and How to Avoid Them, co-edited by The Revd Dr Ben Quash (matric. 1987, Dean 1999-2007) and The Revd Dr Michael Ward (matric. 1999, Chaplain 2004-07), based on a series of sermons given in the College Chapel, is published by SPCK. The book also includes the text of a sermon by Professor Denys Turner (Emeritus Fellow). Further details can be found at: Avoid-Them-Quash/dp/0281058431


Petreans in the USA

Further to the visit made Sir Christopher Meyer (matric. 1962, Honorary Fellow and member of the Advisory Board for the Development Campaign) to Washington, D.C., New York, and Harvard University in early December 2006, enthusiasm has grown to form a closer association with and between US-based Petreans. We hope soon to launch interactive web-pages for US members to allow the College to keep in touch with you, and you with each other. 6

Our Admissions Office has recently produced a guide to applications for admission from the US school system, which explains in detail how to apply to Cambridge. The guide is specifically aimed at 17 year-olds thinking of coming to Cambridge for an undergraduate degree. If you know someone who might like to see a copy, please contact me at [email protected].

The Peterhouse Punt

After a long absence, the Peterhouse Punt has recently been restored by Mr Ed Emery (matric. 1966). The punt had been out of action for over 10 years, and was last used in 1996. The newly-restored punt was carried from Peterhouse by a working party of undergraduates and non-resident Petreans, and launched at Coe Fen, opposite Darwin College, on 12th July 2007, where it is now moored. Our pictures show (left) Peterhouse Junior Members carrying the punt, and (right) Mr Emery performing the launch.

Supplied by Ed Emery Supplied by Ed Emery

Peterhouse Medics

Catriona Macdougall (matric. 2004) recently completed an exchange with MIT in Boston. Catriona has done exceptionally well in the US, and has achieved an average grade of 4.8 (out of a possible 5) in her results. Only three medical students a year from Cambridge are offered an exchange place, so we are delighted that not only has Catriona just completed her year there, but that Frances Richardson (matric. 2005) has been offered a place for next year.

You may also be interested to know that you can now keep in touch with other Peterhouse medics via ‘Facebook’, which has a Peterhouse Medical Society Group.

Peterhouse Engineers

Thomas Grunauer (matric. 2003), who graduated this summer (MEng) is one of three students shortlisted for the Airbus Award for the Best Aeronautical Engineering Student at the 2007 SET (Science, Engineering & Technology) Student of the Year Awards. The SET Awards are Britain's and Ireland's most important awards for science and engineering undergraduates.

The Awards are presented at a magnificent ceremony before an audience of hundreds of technology students, academics, senior industry executives, and senior figures from government, scientific and technical institutions and the media.

The 2007 Science, Engineering and Technology Student of the Year Awards Gala Dinner and Presentation Ceremony takes place on the evening of Thursday, 20th September at Alexandra Palace, London. We wish Thomas the very best of luck!

7 Peterhouse Livings

On Monday 16th April 2007 Peterhouse held a ‘Livings Day’. Representatives of all twelve of the College Livings came to Peterhouse for a service of Holy Communion in Chapel, lunch in Upper Hall, a tour of the College, a talk in the Lubbock Room by The Revd Dr Tim Jenkins, Dean of Jesus College, on 'The Dawkins Delusion', and tea with the Master and Lady Wilson. It was the first time in at least a decade that this has taken place.

‘College Livings’ are incumbencies in the Church of England to which the Peterhouse Governing Body has the power of appointment. Of our twelve historic livings we now have sole right of appointment to only two; we have joint patronage in two cases, and shared patronage in four others, and in the remaining four cases our patronage is now vested either in the Bishop of the relevant Diocese or in the central Church of England Patronage Board.

Graham Hunter

Back row (left to right): Mr Robert Oakley, Churchwarden at Freckenham; Mr Alan Taylor, Lay Reader at Norton; Mr Graham Brook, Lay Reader at Newton; Mrs Sarah Woodruff, Churchwarden at Ellington; Mr Roger Picton, Sacristan at Cherry Hinton; Mrs Gemma Burnett- Chetwynd, Lay Pastoral Assistant at Little St Mary’s, Cambridge; The Revd Dr Michael Ward, Chaplain of Peterhouse. Front row (left to right): The Revd Robin Stapleford, Vicar of Stathern; The Revd Sam Cowley, Priest-in-Charge, Witnesham; Mr Jack Earl, Lay Reader at Knapton; The Master, Lord Wilson of Tillyorn; The Revd Keith Powell, Priest-in-Charge, Exford; The Revd Christopher Strong, Rector of Thriplow; The Revd Jane Baxter, Priest-in-Charge, Glaston.

The Cross Keys Cricket Club (article by Dr Jamie Muir Wood, matric. 1998, Secretary)

In the summer of 2001, immediately after graduating, Adam Harper led the first of four (so far!) cricket tours to St Aulaye in the South of France. He planned thereafter to set up an old boys cricket club for Petreans in London, but his employer whisked him to Hong Kong and the opportunity was lost.

The idea was rekindled late in 2006 and a squad list of forty-odd London-based Petreans was put together. Eight fixtures were organised, shirts were ordered from Stitches in Time off Mill Road (providers of tour shirts in previous years), subscriptions were collected and the Cross Keys Cricket Club sprang into existence with Adam Harper (matric. 1998) as Honorary President, Andrew Branchflower (matric. 1999) as Treasurer, and myself as Secretary.

This has not been the best summer for cricket and, to date, we have managed one and a half fixtures. Our intention had been to play an internal fixture as part of the Gathering weekend at Peterhouse in late June, but an early morning ‘phone call from the groundsman, describing ducks swimming on the wicket, kyboshed that idea.

8 The next fixture on the calendar was a return to The Hatfield Oval at The Rock in Herefordshire. Ray Godson (matric. 1962) kindly hosted a small Petrean contingent, providing great hospitality and a competitive wicket for the possibility of revenge after last year’s one-off defeat. The Cross Keys batted first, putting on 155 runs either side of lunch, with particularly good knocks from John Dalton, Ben Butler and Andrew Branchflower. John Dalton and Paul Lomax then got stuck into bowling, taking a few wickets, and things were looking fairly positive. Victory was denied, however, as torrential rain left the wicket (and outfield) underwater and the match was abandoned – this was perhaps lucky in itself as the new batsman had smacked a couple of enormous sixes as the drizzle turned gradually into rain…

Several subsequent fixtures (organised through Jaimal Kothari (matric. 1995) and others) were cancelled as waterlogged pitches prevented play, until The Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) invited us to play an evening twenty:20 fixture after work at their City ground. The HAC batted first and set a fairly intimidating total – the benefit of more regular fixtures on their part, accompanied by some slightly wayward bowling (everybody had to bowl two overs). As the storm clouds gathered and dusk fell, we went out to bat to be greeted by a white ball and white sightscreens. We battled honourably, but victory was never really a possibility – John Dalton was denied his fifty (and lost a few pints of blood) after a wayward Will Ford slog, and a short collapse later the game was over.

Another cancellation yesterday (organised through Faisal Sethi (matric. 1992)) leaves us with three remaining fixtures – Glynde and Beddingham Cricket Club, a trip to the ‘other place’ to face turncoat Duncan Wagstaff’s (matric. 1997) Green College XI, and our final fixture against Falkland Cricket Club in Newbury at the end of September, courtesy of Wilson Carlisle (matric. 1966).

Any Petrean in the London area who might be interested in playing for the Club next year (or in offering potential fixtures!) is invited to contact the Club Secretary by e-mail [email protected] or by telephone 07967 135273.

Supplied by Jamie Muir-Wood

Pictured above are: Back row (left to right): Rhys Houghton-Jones (matric. 2001), Ally Dawber (matric. 1999), Jamie Muir Wood, Ed Simpson (matric. 2004) and Tim Decamp (matric. 2002). Front row (left to right): Richard Tonkin (matric. 2001), Kenelm Richardson (matric. 2002), Marcus Nelson (matric. 2001) and James Rene (matric. 2001).



• Peterhouse Music Society

o Friday 12th October 2007, Fresher's Concert, Master's Lodge.

o Saturday 17th November 2007, Peterhouse Chamber Orchestra, David Isaacs (piano), Friends of Peterhouse Theatre. Works by Rossini, Mozart and Bizet.

o 9th October, 23rd October, 6th November and 23rd November 2007, Regular lunchtime coffee concerts, at 1.00 pm in the Lubbock Room.

• History Society

o 9th October 2007, Professor Michael Bentley (University of St. Andrews): The Peterhouse School of History.

o 25th October 2007, The Chaplain, The Revd Dr Michael Ward (Peterhouse): C.S. Lewis as a literary historian.

o 6th November 2007, Regius Professor of History, Quentin Skinner (): Justifying the English Republic.

All meetings take place at at 8.45 p.m. in the Parlour.

• Politics Society

o 6th November 2007, Nigel Farage, MEP, leader of the UK Independence Party. Title to be confirmed. 8.45 p.m., Parlour.

• The Perne Club

o Thursday 11th October 2007, Mr Peter Carl (Gonville and Caius College): Pasolini, Lynch and Evil in Architecture.

o Thursday 1st November, Dr Wendy Pullan (Clare College): title to be confirmed.

o Thursday 22nd November, The Revd Dr Michael Ward (Peterhouse): Imagining God.

All meetings take place at 8.15 for 8.30 p.m. in E1, Old Court.

• Subject-related events

o English Dinner, Friday 28th September 2007

Numbers for this dinner are surprisingly low. If you wish to attend please let me know immediately.

• ‘Petrean Dinner’

o 1966-1970, Saturday 22nd September 2007

Petreans who matriculated between the years 1966 and 1970 have been invited to attend the ‘Petrean Dinner’ on Saturday, 22nd September. We still have places available, but would be grateful for your immediate confirmation if you plan to attend.



Mr Barry Ferguson (matric. 1960)

After the performance of the Peterhouse Windows’ Suite at this year’s annual Gathering (see above), Barry Ferguson gave his first Scottish performance the following weekend at St Peter’s Church, Peebles. Also present at the Scottish première were two other Petrean Organ Scholars, Mr Philip Sawyer (matric. 1968) and Robert Parsons (matric. 1962). Another Peterhouse (mini) reunion! Our photograph shows, left to right, Mr Parsons, Mr Fergusson, and Mr Sawyer.

Hugh Peebles

Dr Jeremy Isenberg (matric. 1962)

We have been notified by the Honors and Awards Department of the American Society of Civil Engineers that Dr Jeremy Isenberg has recently been elected to ASCE Honorary Membership in recognition of ‘his technical contributions to the fields of computational mechanics applied to protective construction and lifeline earthquake engineering, and for his leadership within the Society and the profession in the area of risk management.’ The ASCE Honors and Awards home page can be seen at

Ms Justine Lovatt (matric. 1992)

Justine Lovatt and her husband, Phillippe, would like to announce the birth of their second child, Nicholas, on 5th January 2007, a brother to Sophie (born 18th October 2005).

Dr (Ray) Wijewardene (matric. 1945)

I recently received an email from Dr Wijewardene, now resident in Sri Lanka, who wrote of the latest edition of Petrean News, as follows: ‘Thank you so much for a most exciting revisit to Peterhouse and its news. It all downloaded excellently and the rowing news was super (that was my 'sport' while 'up', that and gliding). I just loved the news and pictures of the Peterhouse gardens. They brought back such very happy memories which were enjoyed by my wife too as she remembers walking round them when I brought her up (we were then 'courting') for the Peterhouse Ball in 1946 and 1947. At 83, now, we are taking life in an appropriately 'retired' manner, but wish to advise Petreans (old and new) to be sure to communicate with us and visit if ever they are scheduled towards Sri Lanka. We live in the heart of the city of Colombo so are very easily contacted by email ([email protected]) or telephone (094-011-2421881) . I am currently the Chancellor of the University of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka's foremost technical university). Undoubtedly our most distinguished citizen and guest is Sir Arthur C. Clarke who has chosen to reside for these past several decades in Sri Lanka, just across the central park from where I live too. Sir Arthur and I also share two of the highest national (Presidential) honours in Sri Lanka, the Deshamanya and the Vidya-Jyothi.


QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HONOURS LIST 2007 – Petreans honoured

Stephen Leach (matric. 1969), Director, Criminal Justice, Northern Ireland Office: CB.

Professor Mark Bailey (matric.1971), Director, Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland: MBE, for services to astronomy.


Cambridge Arts Theatre:

• I am Shakespeare, 17th September to 22nd September. Mark Rylance stars as Frank Charlton, a disgraced academic who dared to question the authorship of Shakespeare's plays and now broadcasts a subversive internet show from the comfort of his garage. • English Touring Opera, 23rd October to 27th October. Following their triumphant Baroque Festival in Autumn 2006 and an acclaimed Spring tour, English Touring Opera return to Cambridge with two 18th Century jewels, alongside an exhilarating new jazz opera that marks the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade. • Floating, 21st November to 22nd November. Since its first sell-out performance in 2005, Hoipolloi's Floating has thrilled audiences across the UK and beyond, enjoying hugely successful runs in New York and at the Edinburgh Fringe where it won a Total Theatre Award. • Cinderella, 7th December – 20th January. Cambridge’s only traditional family pantomime.

For a full programme and information visit; box office: 01223 503333.

Cambridge Corn Exchange:

• Grumpy Old Women Live, 27th September. Ninety minutes of theatrical HRT based on the BBC2 series and book, staring Britt Ekland, Dillie Keane and Denise Black. • Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio, 3rd October. Part of the Cambridge International Concert Series, 2007-08. • Rufus Wainwright, 21st October. Critically acclaimed singer/songwriter from the hugely talented Wainwright family. • Jools Holland and His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra, 3rd November. Including Lulu, Ruby Turner and Louise Marshall. • Academy of Ancient Music, 11th December. Part of the Cambridge International Concert Series 2007-8. • Peter Pan on Ice, 19th December to 5th January. The Cambridge Corn Exchange Christmas Show 2007.

For a full programme and information visit; box office: 01223 357851.

West Road Concert Hall:

• Cambridge Camerata, 9th September. Elgar: Cello Concerto, Bruckner: Symphony No. 5. • IMS Prussia Cove, 4th October. Works by Weber, Roussel, Bartok and Schubert. • Cambridge University Chamber Orchestra, 27th October. Works by Ravel, Beethoven and Coates. • Cantate Senior and Youth Choirs, 11th November. An evening of Baroque music.

For a full programme and information visit; tel: 01223 335184.

ADC Theatre:

• The Winter’s Tale, 2nd to 6th October. Production of one of Shakespeare’s great late plays, coming straight from a tour of the USA.

12 • The Memory of Water, 17th to 20th October. Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club. • Fame – The Musical, 6th to 10th November. Cambridge University Musical Theatre Society. • Once Upon A Time… The Panto, 20th November to 1st December. CUADC and Cambridge Footlights. • David Copperfield, 11th to 15th December. Bawds and Combined Actors present this new adaptation of Dickens’ classic tale.

Further Information available at; box office: 01223 300085 (3pm – 7pm).

Fitzwilliam Museum:

• The Gentle Art: Friends and Strangers in Whistler’s Prints, 4th September to 13th January 2008. • From Reason to Revolution: Art and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain, 23rd October to 27th January 2007.

Information at; telephone: 01223 332900.

Kettle’s Yard: Henrik Håkansson at Kettle’s Yard, 29th September to 19th November. First solo show in a public gallery by this Swedish artist.

Information at; telephone: 01223 352154.

Scott Polar Research Institute: Antarctica: ice and light, until 6th October. An exhibition of paintings by Scottish painter Malize McBride.

Information at; telephone 01223 336540.

Cambridge Alumni Weekend, 21st to 23rd September. Cambridge University.

Information at; tel. 01223 332288.

Why not combine a visit to one of the above events with a stay at the College? Details of guest rooms can be obtained through the Conference Co-ordinator, Ms Anne Gifford, telephone 01223 338205 ([email protected]).

I do hope that you have enjoyed this fifth edition of Petrean News. As always we would appreciate your comments and feedback. I know a great many of you enjoy being kept up-to- date with news from the College, but we would like to receive more of your news, so please contact me at [email protected] with anything you’d like to share relating to your own lives and interests.