7Adio Rogs 1490 KBLA 640 KFI

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7Adio Rogs 1490 KBLA 640 KFI 790 KABC 1170 KCBQ KFMB 980 FWB 1430 KALI 1580 KDAY 1280 KFOX 1360 KGB 740 KBIG 1330 KFAC 600 KFSD 1390 KGER 7adio rogs 1490 KBLA 640 KFI KPOL-Cavalcade of Music. 7:45-KABC-Edu. Spec. Report. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 KWKW-Teddy Fregoso. KGFJ-Salvation Army. KXLA-Helen Louise. *-Indicates Newscast. KGFJ-Music Festival. TBA-To Be Announced. *KPOP, KXLA-News KABC-Long Bill. 7:55*KNX-News. 4KFI-Polka Party (till 7 p.m.) KABC-Hank Simms. 11:05-KNX-Amos 'n Andy. KNX-Ford Road Show. KABC-Stereo-Music. KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. 8KHJ-Record Hits. 11:15-KXLA-Charlie Williams. 8KFI-Joe Maphis Show. *KNX-News. * KFWB, KLAC-News. KHJ-Marian Theater. KALI-Latin Hit Parade. 11:30-KFI-Red Foley Show. KGER-Maurice Johnson. KFAC-Evening Concert. *KBIG-Catalina Bandstand and *1(111-News. KGFJ-Musical Moments. * KFWB, KLAC-News. News (All Day). KNX-City Hospital. KMPC-Johnny Grant. KGFJ-World Bible Society. *KDAY-News. KALI-Salvador Hernandez. *KPOP-News. KNX-Gil's Guest Book. KFAC-Your Soloist. KDAY-Mark Ford. 4:05-KNX-Sportscene. KPOL-Music for the Master. * KFOX-News. KFAC-To France with Music. KLAC-Earl McDaniel. KWKW-Hungarian Music. *KFWB-News; Pat McGuiness. KPOL-Merchants' Quiz. KPOL-Commuter's Carousel. KXLA-Church in the Barn. KPOP-Violet Schram. KGFJ-World Bible Society. 4:15*KHJ-News. 8:05-KFWB-Bill Ballance. * KLAC-News. 11:35-KW-Frank Carroll. *KXLA-News. KLAC-Gene Norman (to 12). *KMPC-Hugh Brundage-News. 11:45*KGFJ-Business News. 4:20-KXLA-Western Music. KPOL-Melody in Hi Fidelity. 11:55* KF I-News. 8:15-KGFJ-Film News. KPOP-Hesperia. 4:25-KBLA-Valley Varieties. KRKD-Hillbilly, Country Music *KFAC-News. 8:30-KFI-Grand Ole Opry. (all day). 4:30-KHJ-Jack Wagner. KNX-World Tonight. A KFI-Farm Reporter. KGER-Lee Shelley. KWKW-Ernesto Cervera. 1 KPOL-Pop Concert. *KXLA-News 2*KNX-News. KPOP-Recorded Music. KGFJ-College of Div. Science. KALI-Club Del Hogar. KPOL-String Shift. 8:05-KNX-Robert Q. Lewis KFAC-Lucheon Concert. 4:55* KABC-News. KWKW-Waltz Time (to 10 p.m. KFWB-Larry Finley KGER-Church World News. 8:45*KGFJ-News. KLAC-Dick Haines (to 9:30). KGFJ-Moods ín Music. 8:55-KNX-Vignette. KBLA-Voice of China. *KMPC-News; Bill Stewart. KABC-Long Bill. 8:15*KHJ-News. *KPOL-News, Lew Irwin. 5KFAC-Sunset Serenade. KABC-Lawrence Welk. KFI-Memos in Music. *KPOP-News & Views. KGER-Aubrey Lee. KFAC-Sports Report. KXLA-Cal Worthington. KGFJ-Musical Reveries. 9KFI-Hollywood Palladium. KGFJ-National Guard. KWKW-Martin Becerra. *KMPC-News; Johnny Grant. *KHJ-News. KMPC-Business News. KXLA-Col Worthington. *KPOL-News-Lew Irwin. *KNX-News. KXLA-Sacred Records. *KFWB-News-Mike Henry. 8:20-KFAC-Freeway Hi -Fi. 12:15-KFI-Bob Kerr-Music. *KWKW-News. KNX-Farm Report. KGFJ-Harlem House Party. 8:25-KMPC-Sports. 5:05-KPOL-Commuter's Carousel. KGER-Dr. Orr Jubilee. 8:30-1CHJ, KGB-Haven of Rest. KGER-Family Worship. *KDAY-News. KPOL-Cloud Nine. 5:15-KNX-Today in Los Angeles. 9:05-KFWB-B. Mitch Reed. KGER-Voice of China. KWIZ-Top Teen Tunes. KFWB-Cleve Hermann, Sports. 9:15-KW-Across Blue Pacific. KGFJ-College of Div. Science. 12:30-KNX-Philip Norman. KWKW-Ernesto Cervera. KXLA-Cort Johnson. KLAC-Sam Baiter. KBLA-The World Tomorrow. 9:25*KABC-News. KMPC-Dick Whittinghill. KFWB-B. Mitch Reed (to 3). 5:30*KHJ-Five Star News. 9:30-KABC-Bel Canto Stereo Hour. KPOP-National Travelers. KGER-Dr. Orr Bible Study. KNX, KFMB-Tom Harmon. KFI-America's Pop Music. KPOP-Hesperia. KBLA-Motor Classics. KHJ-Monica Whalen. 8:4.5-KFAC-Unity Viewpoint. KFAC-Caucasian Memories. *KGFJ, KPOP-News. KNX-Frost Warnings. 12:55*KPOL-Lew Irwin. KFWB-Ballance 'n Records. KMPC-Dance Time. KXLA-Gospel Book Store. KPOL-Musical Comedy Theater. 8:55* KABC-News. *KFI-News. KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon. *KPOL-News-Lew Irwin. 1KW-Jack Wagner. *KNX-News. 5:45-KNX, KFMB-Frank Goss. KABC-Hank Simms S'w.`o *KBLA-Dick Winans, News. * KGFJ-News. 9KFI-Fine & Dandy. KFAC-Serenade. KLAC-Sam Bolter, Sports. LUCKY LAGER *KHJ-News. KGFJ-Rendezvous with Music. *KNX-News. *KLAC-News, Peter Potter. 5:55*KABC-News. KPOP-Catalina. *KNX-Local News. DANCE TIME KALI-Salvador Hernandez. KFWB-Cleve Hermann, Sports. KFAC-Morning Concert. 1:05-KFI-Monitor. '*KPOL-News. *KFWB-News; Pot McGuiness. KNX-Sportscene. KGER-Bethany Prayer Chapel. KALI-Salvador Hernandez. KGFJ-Time for Music. KBLA-Bing Sings. MPC * KMPC-News, Whittinghill. KDAY-Pete Smith (til 4:45 p.m.) KABC-Sports. EVERY NIGHT- 910 te 12 P YI KPOL-Melody in High Fidelity. 6KHJ-Hawcii Calls. KPOP-Recorded Music. KBIG-Catalina Bandstand. KPOP-Recorded Music. KNX-Duke Snider, Sports. 9:05-KHJ-Changing Times. *KXLA-News. *KFWB, KLAC, KFAC-News. KPOL-String Shift. KDAY-Mark Ford. KGER-Frieda Neuhaus. KXLA-Cliffie Stone. KNX-Bob Crane, 1:30-KFI-Monitor. KGFJ-Hollywood Houseparty. 9:35-KNX-Gil Henry. KFOX-Saturday Swing. *KHJ-Five Star News. KMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports. 9:45-KW-Music. KFWB-Larry Finley KBLA-Music (till 4). KPOL-Musical Comedy. 9:15-KXLA-Charlie Williams. *KPOP-News KHJ-Pan. Am. Panorama. KXLA-Western Music. 6:05-KABC-Long Bill. 9:20-KHJ-Music. KFAC-Hi Fi Hour. 1 O*KNX-TenO'Clock Wire. 1:35-KHJ-Jack Wagner. KFWB-Bill Ballance. KBLA-Nick Thomas. 9:30-KFI-Doye O'Dell. KFAC-Crossroads of Music. KW-Bob Barker. *KFI-News. 6:15-KNX-Sports Resume. *KFWB-News. KNX, KFMB-Gunsmoke. 2KFAC-Saturday Matinee. KGFJ-Sports Roundup. KGER-Evangelical Center. KALI-Elena Salinas. *KMPC-World News. *KDAY-News. KALI-Latin Holiday. 10:15-KNX-Carroll Alcott. KGER-Let's Travel. 6:30-KABC-To Be Announced. KFWB-Al Jarvis (to 12:30 p.m.) KGFJ-Musical Matinee. KW-Sports News. 10:30-KABC-Lawrence Welk. KFAC-Concert Grand. KPOP-Hunter Hancock. KNX-Phil Rizzuto, Sports. KW-Music Beyond Stars. KLAC-Jack Smith (to 1 p.m.) KXLA-Frank Simon. KBLA-Phil Goodman. KNX-Philip Norman. 2:05-KFI-D. Sinclair Favorites. KGER-Rev. Faye Spencer. 9:55*KABC-News. KFAC-Ballet Time. KGFJ-Rhythm & Blues. KNX-Jack Leonard Show. KMPC-Johnny Grant. KGFJ-Christian Chapel. KWKW-Mario Pechini. *KFAC-News. 2:15-KGER-Church World News. KMPC-Bill Stewart. KXLA-Charlie Aldrich. *KPOL-Lew Irwin. 2:30-KW-Sports News. *KPOL-News-Lew Irwin. KGER-Peter Slack. KXLA-Polka Dance Music. KWKW-Fine Marin. 1 -KABC-Child and You. Simms. 2:35-KW-Jack Wagner. 6:35-KNX-FBI in Peace and War. KFI-For You-Fred Shields. 1 O-KABC-Hank*KHJ-News. 2:40-KABC-Bill Ewing. KHJ-Wheel of Chance. KW-Newswheel. *KNX, KFMB-News. 2:45-KGFJ-News *KNX-News. KBLA-Wayne Burke. 2:55-KNX-Ford Road Show. 6:45*KGFJ-News. KGFJ-Rhythm and Blues. KDAY-Mark Ford. *KPOL-Lew Irwin. KPOL-Music A La Carte. KWKW-Music. KFAC-Concert Stage. KGFJ-Musical Portraits. 11:15-KABC-Let's Go To Town. KMPC-Ira Cook (till 12). KABC-Bill Ewing. KFI-Farm & Home Hour. KNX-Les Brown. 3*KFI-News. 7KHJ-Word of Life Hour. 10:05-KNX-Galen Drake. KNX-Sportscene 11:30-KABC-Lawrence Welk. 10:10-KW-Sports News. *KNX-News. KNX-Music Til Dawn. *KFWB-News; Mike Henry. *KBLA-News & Sports. KMPC-Dance Time. 10:15-KW-Record Hits. KGER-Sacred Music Library. KFAC-Concerto. 10:30-KFI-Fine & Dandy. KGFJ-Music in the Air. KGFJ-Fiesta Latina. KW-Record Merry -Go -Round. KPOL-Listen to Lindy. *KXLA-News. sh-KABC-Rourke in Hollywood. KFAC-Pacific Holiday. * KXLA-News 12 KFI-George Dvorak (5 hrs.) KFOX-Top Twenty Tunes. 7:05-KNX-Johnny Dollar. KPOL-Big Show (5 hours). 3:05-KFI-Melody Time. KBLA-Hal Derwin. KGER-Sunshine Mission. KFWB-Bill Ballance (to 5:15). KBLA-Symphony Sid. KPOP-Art Laboe. 7:15-KXLA-Accent on Youth. KFAC-Music of Night (till 6 a.n.) KWKW-Teddy Fregoso. 3:15-KALI-Voice of S. America. * KMPC-News, John McShane. KGER-Family Worship. 7:25-KFI-Topic For Today. KWKW-Alejandro Prods' 10:35-KABC-Sports & News. *KPOP-News. KXLA-lack Morris (to 6 a.m.) * KPOL-News. KXLA-Western Music. 7:30-KFI-Tes Ritter Show. 12:05-KLAC-570 Club (to 6 a.m.). Opera: 3:20-KPOP-Hunter Hancock. KNX-New Orleans Jazz. KFWB-Daniels Den (to 6 a.m 1 1-KABC-Met KGFJ-Request Performance. KMPC-John McShane. "Don Giovanni" 3:30-KFI-Monitor. KPOL-Listen To Lindy. KW-Frank Carroll. *KHJ-Five Star News. KWKW-Teddy Fregoso. *KNX-News. KFAC-Music Holiday. 1 -KGFJ-Night Club (to 6 a.m.) KFAC-Music Hall. KGER-Free Church. 7:35-KW-Music Beyond Stars. PAGE 40 TV -RADIO LIFE.

—— Preview end. ——

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