Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Report on Health Reform Implementation Business Associations, Conservative Networks, and the Ongoing Republican War over Medicaid Expansion Alexander Hertel-Fernandez Theda Skocpol Daniel Lynch Harvard University Editor’s Note: JHPPL has started an ACA Scholar-Practitioner Network (ASPN). The ASPN assembles people of different backgrounds (prac- titioners, stakeholders, and researchers) involved in state-level health reform implementation across the United States. The newly developed ASPN website documents ACA implementation research projects to assist policy makers, researchers, and journalists in identifying and integrating scholarly work on state-level implementation of the ACA. If you would like your work included on the ASPN website, please contact web coordi- nator Phillip Singer at
[email protected]. You can visit the site at JHPPL seeks to bring this important and timely work to the fore in Report on Health Reform Implementation, a recurring special section. The journal will publish essays in this section based on findings that emerge from network participants. Thanks to funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, all essays in the section are published open access. —Colleen M. Grogan Abstract A major component of the Affordable Care Act involves the expansion of state Medicaid programs to cover the uninsured poor. In the wake of the 2012 Supreme Court decision upholding and modifying reform legislation, states can decide whether to expand Medicaid—and twenty states are still not proceeding as of August 2015. What explains state choices about participation in expansion, including governors’ decisions to endorse expansion or not as well as final state decisions? We tackle this For comments, inspiration, and information helpful to our research, we especially thank Katherine Swartz, Jacob Steinberg-Otter, and Christopher Howard and his associates in Virginia.